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Fido vs. Fireworks: Keeping your pets safe this 4th of July – WEAR

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:51 pm


Fireworks are a Fourth of July staple for many of us. The loud noises and colorful explosions are fun and exciting, but for our pets it can be terrifying.

According to the American Humane Association, July 5 is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters across the country. It is not uncommon for spooked pets to run away - oftentimes getting lost, injured or killed. However, there are a few things you can do to keep your pet safe.

First, bring all pets inside. If they have to be outside, try crating them and if you can't do that, make sure your yard is properly secured.

If your pet does get lost, Jennifer Bitner from the Pensacola Humane Society said identification is key.

"Always consider microchipping your pets. That's one of the best ways to ensure that if they do get loose, that they get returned to you safely," said Jennifer. "It's just a little injection underneath the skin that puts the little microchip in, so then a wand is waved over it, and all of your information pulls up in a little computer."

Microchips don't work however, if they're not registered or your information isn't up to date.

No microchip? Make sure your four-legged friend has a collar, complete with identification and contact information.

It is important to know not all pets fear fireworks. Some are curious and want to get as close as possible, which can lead to burns and other injuries.

Once the fireworks are finished, you're not out of the woods yet. Check your yard for debris. Detonated fireworks can contain toxic chemicals which could poison or kill your pet.

It's not just the Fourth of July that poses health risks to your pet. Jennifer said keep safety in mind all summer long.

"Make sure that you're not over exposing your pets to the elements outside, they will suffer heat stroke just like a human can," said Jennifer. "Always be conscious of their food, no table foods. We all love to give puppy a little treat of something, but don't feed them something that is not their normal diet. Always stay away from putting sunscreen and insect repellant, those types of things on your pets. Though they're perfectly safe for humans, they're not meant to be for your pets."

Lastly, don't forget water. Pets can't sweat like we do, so in this Florida heat they can become dehydrated extremely quickly.

If you find a lost pet, take it to your nearest shelter or vet clinic. They'll be able to check for a microchip. If one isn't found, they'll then be able to recommend the next best step to find the pet's rightful owners.

Go here to see the original:
Fido vs. Fireworks: Keeping your pets safe this 4th of July - WEAR

Vegetarian diet just as healthy – New Straits Times Online

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:51 pm

Dear Doctor, MY wife is a vegetarian and insists on a vegetarian diet for our two children aged two and four. This has led to much conflict between us. I believe growing children need protein from fish, chicken and eggs and my wife is depriving them of these nutritious food. Am I right to feel this way? Please advise.

Anxious Dad, Kota Damansara

ANSWER: A VEGETARIAN diet can be a healthy choice for all children, as they take in less cholesterol, saturated fat/total fat, eat more fruits, vegetables and fibre.

But parents may wonder if children can safely follow a vegetarian diet and still get all the necessary nutrients.

The principles of planning a vegetarian diet are the same as planning any healthy diet provide a variety of foods and include foods from all of the different food groups.

A balanced diet will provide the right combination to meet nutritional needs.

Depending on the type of vegetarian diet chosen, children may miss out on some of the important nutrients if the diet isn't monitored by parents.

The less restrictive the vegetarian diet, the easier it will be for your child to get enough of the necessary nutrients. In some cases, fortified foods or supplements can help meet nutritional needs as well.

Iron is the most common nutrient deficiency among vegetarians, especially those who don't eat any animal products.

Vitamin B-12 is found naturally only in animal products. Vegans may also be at risk of insufficient intake of vitamin D, calcium, zinc and riboflavin.

Compensating for possible nutritional deficiencies could be as simple as looking for plant sources of vitamins and minerals that are missing.

For example, instead of eating meat to get protein and iron, try soybeans.

To get enough riboflavin, vegans can opt for asparagus or broccoli. It is important to serve fortified cereals and nutrient-dense foods too.

Vitamin supplementation is recommended for young children whose diets may not provide adequate nutrients.

A vegetarian diet can be a healthy choice for children.

Answers provided by Dr Lim Kok Chong consultant paediatrician, Columbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau.

CHILD FRIENDLY Do you have a question on parenting or concerns about your childs health and wellness? Write to us at and our experienced paediatricians will respond to your queries. All questions must be accompanied by the senders full name and contact details.

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Vegetarian diet just as healthy - New Straits Times Online

Diet Doc Examines the Drawbacks of the ‘Coffee Diet’ – EconoTimes

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:51 pm

Tuesday, July 4, 2017 5:00 AM UTC

Jackson, MS, July 04, 2017 -- The Coffee Diet has been circulating around as a way to get slim. The premise, caffeine burns fat, suppresses appetite and speeds up the metabolism if an individual drinks several cups each day. According to the diet, one needs to drink hot, black coffee right after each meal, before bathing and just before exercising. The diuretic effects of coffee are a plus for the its supporters since diuretics reduce water retention and bloat. Caffeine is in fact used in many diet aids and weight loss stimulants, but Diet Doc warns that too much coffee consumption can have negative impacts on the body as well.

Too much caffeine can impede the absorption of iron in the bloodstream. For women especially, this can make one susceptible to anemia. Furthermore, caffeine can elevate the heart rate and result in instances of jitteriness, shaking, nervousness and anxiety. Restlessness and trouble sleeping are also common symptoms of caffeine overload. Lack of quality sleep actually inhibits weight loss, producing the opposite effect. Caffeine addiction is also a cause for concern since it can become easy to rely on it for energy. If one plans to be on the diet temporarily, caffeine withdrawal can result in headaches, fatigue, low-energy, sleep disturbances and irritability.

Aside from a cup of coffee for a morning jolt, or perhaps a cup before exercising, most researchers advise no more that 3-4 cups per day. Since proponents of the diet recommend that it be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise anyway, Diet Doc suggests that your weight loss plan should focus on a balanced diet, not any one food or drink. Diet Doc helps patients lose weight with customized diet planning and support, rather than going the one-size-fits-all route, like the coffee diet. Each person has their own weight loss needs, and only certified doctors and nutritionists can gather individual data and come up with fast weight loss solutions that work accordingly.

Diet Doc patients are safely losing up to 20 pounds within just one month. New Diet Doc patients can call or easily and effortlessly visit to complete an initial comprehensive, yet simple, health questionnaire and schedule an immediate personal, no-cost consultation. Diet Doc Physicians all received specialized training in nutritional science and fast weight loss. Diet Doc reviews each patients health history to create a personalized diet plan geared for fast weight loss, or that addresses life-long issues causing weight loss to slow down or stop. Nutritionists work personally with each patient and use their own algorithm to craft meal and snack plans that are compatible with each patients age, gender, activity level, food preferences, nutritional needs and medical conditions. They combine these state of the art diet plans with pure, prescription diet products that enable their patients to resist the temptation to reach for sugary snacks, eliminate fatigue and curb the appetite. Over 97% of Diet Doc patients report incredible weight loss results with the majority losing 20 or more pounds per month.

At Diet Doc, all patients gain unlimited access to the best minds in the business. Their staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches are available 6 days per week to answer questions, offer suggestions, address concerns and lend their professional guidance and support. Because of this, more and more people are turning to Diet Doc for their weight management needs. Diet plans are tailored to be specific to the needs of those of any age, gender, shape or size and for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. Call today to request a private, confidential, no-cost online consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long-term weight loss.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

Providing care across the USA


San Diego, CA

(800) 581-5038

Diet Doc





A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

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Diet Doc Examines the Drawbacks of the 'Coffee Diet' - EconoTimes

Testosterone Replacement Therapy – SteroidAbuse .com

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:50 pm

Testosterone Replacement Therapy these words have become more common with every passing year but many still have no clue as to what testosterone replacement therapy really is. Youve seen the commercials for Low-T and if you ask most men they sound great but many still have no clue Low-T is nothing more than testosterone replacement therapy and this therapy unknown to even more is nothing more than a legal prescription for anabolic steroids. Thats right, anabolic steroids; testosterone replacement therapy refers to a treatment in-which low levels of the naturally occurring hormone testosterone are brought back into an adequate range. To perform this function the anabolic steroid testosterone, a synthetic version of the hormone our body produces must be administered.

If you possess any understanding of the performance enhancing world, on its surface the idea of testosterone replacement therapy may bring you a sigh of relief but more than likely it probably irritates you at the same time. After all, for years weve been told anabolic steroids are brewed in the bowels of hell but if you receive testosterone replacement therapy this same hormone from which all anabolic steroids are derived from, now its a welcomed beacon of hope. Yes, you are correct; episodes of the Twilight Zone make far more sense than this confusing conundrum.

Lets from this point on be clear and precise; these advertisements for Low-T treatment and things of this nature are nothing more than advertisements and promotions for anabolic steroids. When you inquire about testosterone replacement therapy understand youre inquiring regarding anabolic steroids; lets call a spade a spade. We are still a long way off from anabolic steroids being generally accepted by the whole of society but it is within testosterone replacement therapy this acceptance holds its most promising form. ,/p>

If you are still unfamiliar with testosterone replacement therapy the idea is very simple. Testosterone replacement therapy is simply providing the body the testosterone it needs in-which it no longer produces naturally. Further, this same therapy is many times provided to increase testosterone levels in men who may not have a decline per say but who naturally do not make enough testosterone. This is where things find themselves a little murky; there isnt a set level of testosterone production that is considered Natural, for the amounts produced vary from person to person. Even so, the idea is sound and very well received by most all men who receive it.

There are those who desire to see testosterone replacement therapy thrown into the trash pile of life; why? We dont have a good specific answer for you because they have yet to give one themselves. Men who receive testosterone replacement therapy enjoy a higher quality of life, they feel better, and they become sick far less often and are generally happier individuals. Why on earth anyone would ever want to legislate testosterone replacement therapy into the ground is beyond reason and comprehension.

Here is the original post:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy - SteroidAbuse .com

Testosterone Replacement Therapy – rmmcenter

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:50 pm

Testosterone:is used to increase and optimize hormone levels.

HCG is used to prevent testicular shrinkage and maintain natural production of male hormone within the testes.

Estrogen Blockeris used to control the levels ofestrogen within a mans body.

Our doctors have designed a safe and proven program for our patients to maximize many benefits which include but are not limited to:

Increased muscle mass

Increased libido

Reduced fat

Improved sexual performance

Helps with cholesterol

Strengthens bones

Helps with diabetes

Sharpens mind

Improves mood

Improves skin tone and elasticity

increases energy and stamina

These benefits are seen when low hormone levels are treated in hypogonadal and andropausal men.

Following the Dr.s protocol is critical in achieving maximum results.

*Patients using Testosterone should seek medical attention immediately if symptoms of a heart attack or stroke are present, such as:

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy - rmmcenter

Testim VS Androgel – Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:50 pm

The two major testosterone gel brands are Testim and Androgel. They are very similar and generally prescribed interchangeably, but sometimes insurance wont cover one or the other. Often, I hear that they wont cover Testim and people want to know if Androgel is just as good. So here is a general guide to choosing if you are lucky enough to have the choice which one is right for you.

Testim Vs Androgel I would try whichever your insurance covers first. If your insurance covers both medications, try whichever one has coupons or kickbacks. Ive heard people say they didnt pay any/much for Testim for the first year because the company (Auxilium) that markets the drug has a financial assistance program available for the first year.

Now that price and availability are out of the way, lets deal with smell: Testim smells. Some people think it smells good, and some cant stand it. Personally, I like it and my wife likes it. Ive found that women ask me what cologne Im wearing, and mention that they like it too. Still, if you or your wife dont like the smell of something you have to put on every day, that would be a deal-breaker. So try out a tube and see what you and, if applicable, your partner thinks about the Testim scent. Androgel doesnt have much of a smell at all.

Testim is sticky. Androgel goes on much like that hand-sanitizer stuff, while Testim seems to remain stickier longer. Some say this is why Testim seems to work better for them: Because it stays on the skin and soaks in better. These personal statements of efficacy cant be relied on as empirical data, however. But the fact that you can feel it on your skin longer, does bring up a question about Testim gel Vs Androgel: Does it take longer to soak in and, if so, does that increase the exposure time I have to worry about when it comes to my wife and children? The short answer is: NO. In-fact, according to US National Library of Medicines website, the wait-time for AndrogGel is much longer:

You should not shower, bathe, swim, or wash the place where you applied the medication for at least 2 hours after you apply Testim gel or at least 5-6 hours after you apply AndroGel .

Waste Testim comes in little single-use tubes so you go through more of them and it generates more waste. If you are eco-minded this may factor into your decision. Androgel comes in a dispenser with a little pump on it (like soap) so there is less waste.

But the real question when considering AndroGel Vs Testim is: Which works better? Which is the best? Which testosterone topical gel is going to get my testosterone levels on track fast, keep my levels steady, and keep me there for the long term since Ill be taking this stuff for many years to come? As you might guess, both brands have their fans. Personally, I like Testim. And here is a study to back up my personal preference:

Efficacy of changing testosterone gel preparations (Androgel or Testim) among suboptimally responsive hypogonadal men. Grober ED, Khera M, Soni SD, Espinoza MG, Lipshultz LI. Division of Urology, Mount Sinai Hospital and Womens College Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. Summary of the study:

A change in testosterone gel preparation among initially unresponsive hypogonadal men is justified prior to abandoning or considering more invasive TRT. Changing from Androgel to Testim offers hypogonadal men the potential for improved clinical and biochemical responsiveness. Changing from Testim to Androgel is indicated to eliminate or minimize unwanted side effects.

Note: This study was done to find out if switching brands would help men who were unresponsive to one brand or the other.

More important to me than such a study is to find out from others who have been on TRT for more than a year, preferably several years or more, and hear about their experiences with both or either drug. Please comment below with your own experiences.

I am inclined toward a weekly injection over a daily application, but what does ones rear-end feel like after being used as a pin-cushion for decades? I dunno any bodybuilders out there want to elaborate on that?

Excerpt from:

Testim VS Androgel - Testosterone Replacement Therapy

New study suggests acupuncture could aid weight loss – Yahoo Health

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:48 pm

New research has found that acupuncture could be effective as a tool to aid weight loss.

Carried out by the School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) of Hong Kong Baptist University in cooperation with the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, the study looked at 72 participants, 13 males and 59 females, aged between 18 and 68.

All participants had a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or above, and had not used any other weight control measures or any medication in the three months before the trial.

The team randomly assigned the participants to two groups for the controlled trial -- either the "real acupuncture group" or the "sham acupuncture group."

All participants completed a total of 16 sessions of acupuncture treatment over an eight-week period.

The treatment included certain acupoints in the body -- the areas where needles are inserted and manipulated -- including areas on the abdomen and the lower limbs.

The participants also received auricular acupressure in the ears targeting the auricular points of Hunger, Shen men, Spleen and Stomach. According to Chinese medicine, these acupoints can restore and harmonize the flow of energy in the intestines as well as transform body fluid and expel phlegm.

After undergoing the acupuncture treatment, the team found that the "real acupuncture group" showed a 2.47 kg decrease in average weight and a decrease of 1.56 kg/m2 in average BMI.

The most successful result recorded was a participant who lost 7.2 kg with a drop of 3.2 kg/m2 in BMI.

On the other hand, the "sham acupuncture group" had an average weight loss of just 0.54 kg with an average lowering of 0.19 kg/m2 in BMI.

Dr Zhong Lidan, who worked on the study, suggested that the weight loss may be due to acupuncture having a stimulating effect on serotonin and beta endorphin, which suppresses appetite and increases lipolysis activity -- the breakdown of lipids -- resulting in weight loss.

She added that the trial could be used as the basis of future larger studies, paving the way to integrating acupuncture in a weight-loss or weight control program.

The results also come just days after a study published in the journalEvidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine appeared to find a reason why acupuncture is an effective treatment for relieving pain.

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New study suggests acupuncture could aid weight loss - Yahoo Health

Shonda Rhimes: ‘People Found Me Valuable’ After Dramatic Weight … –

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:48 pm

*When Shonda Rhimes lost 150 pounds a few years ago she was surprised by how her transformation caused people to react differently, and not necessarily in a good way.

The creator of Greys Anatomy and Scandal wrote in her Shondaland newsletter that she was disturbed by the shift in folks behavior, because for the first time ever, people complimented her and seemed excited to chat with her.

What the hell did they see me as before? How invisible was I to them then? How hard did they work to avoid me? What words did they use to describe me? What value did they put on my presence at a party, a lunch, a discussion? she wrote.

After I lost weight, I discovered that people found me valuable. Worthy of conversation. A person one could look at. A person one could compliment. A person one could admire. A person. You heard me. I discovered that NOW people saw me as a PERSON.

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In her new Shondaland newsletter, the uber-producer also noted that women I barely knew gushed. And I mean GUSHED. Like I was holding-a-new-baby-gushed.

Continuing, Only there was no new baby. It was just me. In a dress. With makeup on and my hair all did, yes. Butstill the same me. In one of my same dresses (cause why am I gonna buy a NEW dress when I can take this to a seamstress and she can just make it smaller? Who am I, The Crown? No, Im from the Midwest, baby, and I come with coupons). Women gushed anyway. And men? They spoke to me. THEY SPOKE TO ME. Like stood still and had long conversations with me about things. It was disconcerting. But even more disconcerting was that all these people suddenly felt completely comfortable talking to me about my body. Telling me I looked pretty or that they were proud of me or that wow, you are so hot now or you look amazing!

Rhimes says, When I was fat, I wasnt a PERSON to these people. Like I had been an Invisible Woman who suddenly materialized in front of them. Poof! There I am. Thin and ready for a chat.

She goes on to say being thinner doesnt make you a different person. It just makes you thinner.

Sign up for the Shondaland newsletterhere.

Read more from the original source:
Shonda Rhimes: 'People Found Me Valuable' After Dramatic Weight ... -

Is Meal Prepping Negating Your Weight Loss Efforts? – Paste Magazine

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:48 pm

A quick google search for those interested in losing weight will quickly reveal the latest buzz-worthy trendmeal prepping. From OCD-approved rows of macronutrient-friendly meals to personal competitions to complete a weeks worth of preparation before a timer runs out, its no surprise there are more than 5 million posts tagged #mealprep on Instagram.

The hype is justified, as studies have shown that people who meal prep are likely to have healthier diets and follow nutritional guidelines more closely. Other positive effects include better portion control,, spending less money on weekly groceries and eating out less.

In theory, there isnt anything wrong with meal prepping. However, if not practiced carefulyl, this method could sabotage your weight loss effortsfor a reason that has very little to do with the actual food you prep. These efforts can go to waste if you are prepping in containers containing the harmful, hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A, or BPA.

This chemical can be found in many places, such as polycarbonate plastic, canned food linings and even on smartphones. Generally, were regularly ingesting BPA and it passes through the body fairly quickly once exposed. The issues arise when people are exposed to high levels of BPAsuch as when every meal of every day is prepped in plastic containers containing the chemical.

An effective diet is not just about healthy eating, managing sugar and carbohydrates, and exercise, said Dr. Aly Cohen, a rheumatologist and integrative medicine and environmental health specialist at the CentraState Medical Center. Reducing chemical exposure is also key because many of these chemicals can disrupt normal hormone function, impede weight loss, and even cause weight gain. Just because chemicals may not have an obvious effect, like causing a rash, doesnt mean they arent tinkering with your body.

Not only has research shown that BPA is an active agent in prompting cells to become fat cells, it has also shown that exposure to the chemical can make it harder to feel full.

BPA is so ubiquitous, that humans are continuously exposed, making BPA pseudo-persistent, Cohen said. Whats interesting in terms of weight is that BPA can turn stem cells into fat cells and make fat cells turn larger. Thats not great news for our waistlines

But there is hope for those dedicated to the life of meal prepping with just a few alterations. Using glass, stainless steel or ceramic containers when possible and using care with plastic containers when necessarysuch as avoiding harsh chemical cleaners and never reheating food in plasticwill help decrease BPA exposure. Further, switching to fresh or frozen produce and avoiding canned, if you can, will help bring these levels down.

Photo: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock, CC-BY

Emma Korstanjeis a freelance journalist based out of Athens, GA.

Continue reading here:
Is Meal Prepping Negating Your Weight Loss Efforts? - Paste Magazine

Lose weight and get your health back – Cyprus Mail

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 5:48 pm

Forty five thousand people in Cyprus have put themselves on the Cambridge weight loss plan in the 11 years it has been available on the island, seeing themselves get slimmer and reverse medical conditions related with excessive weight.

This week the programme launched its new campaign Lose Weight, Win Your Health Back, that aims at reminding people of the connection between excess weight and disease such as high cholesterol, insulin resistance, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes. It stresses that a 10 per cent weight loss can lead to the reversal of symptoms.

Medical Director of Cambridge Weight Plan UK Professor Antony Leeds, on the island for the launch of the campaign, stressed how important weight loss is for good health. Cambridge weight plan is currently involved in a major research programme funded by the EU on diabetes related weight reduction.

Three studies are underway on prediabetes, diabetes and late-diabetes, Leeds told the Cyprus Mail. He added that preliminary results recorded the reversal of diabetes. The full results of these studies are to be announced at the International Diabetes Convention in Abu Dhabi later in the year.

In Denmark we have research on osteoarthritis, people with heart disease, skin problems in all studies the same thing has been said, the very effective weight reduction of about 10 per cent or about 10kg of weight loss actually does give a health benefit, Leeds said.

He added that Cambridge weight loss plan could be a safe, effective, cost-effective intervention that does actually work that could be used by health care providers as its cost is much lower than that of drug interventions.

There are 200 million people in the world who will develop diabetes, he said, while in Cyprus 16 per cent of the population is at risk.

In the meantime, we know that, and lots of people here in Cyprus know that if they do the programme, and if they comply and do it properly they get a very good result, he said.

Helen Zenios (who is also a Nutritional Therapist) along with her husband Peter Zenios, are managing directors for Cambridge Weight Plan in Cyprus,the diet formula developed morethan four decades ago for patients who had to lose weight fast and safe, not only works but also transforms lives.We can actually say that we are the most successful diet in the world, we are permitted to say that because we are the most researched, the most scientific. Everything we say we can prove through scientific research, she said.

Many people with health issues in Cyprus who do the weight loss plan say they lose ten kilos and see their conditions either reversed or improved, she added.

Its about re-educating the people of Cyprus on what is a good diet and what is a bad diet. It doesnt matter if Cambridge is not eating food. Sometimes you have to break the bad relation-ship you have with food. The way to do it is taking everything away from them and start again. And then you break the bad habits, you have your meals and you start introducing to them a better relationship with food, Zenios said.

Cambridge Weight Plan was the brainchild of biochemist Dr Alan Howard then working at the Dunn Nutrition Laboratory in Cambridge who wanted to create the prefect diet for patients, and who got together in the 1970s with Dr Ian McLean-Baird, of the West Middlesex Hospital to do just that. The aim was to create a formula food with excellent weight loss properties but no undesirable side effects. The product proved very successful in obesity clinics in the UK, and in 1984, a commercial version of Cambridge Weight Plan was launched in the UK, and from there, it spread throughout the rest of the world. Cambridge Weight Plan, consisting of shakes and snacks containing all the calories and nutrients needed, is available in 44 countries.

Antony Leeds with Helen and Panicos Zenios

See the rest here:
Lose weight and get your health back - Cyprus Mail

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