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DNA metabarcoding suggests dietary niche partitioning in the Adriatic European hake | Scientific Reports –

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 2:01 am

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DNA metabarcoding suggests dietary niche partitioning in the Adriatic European hake | Scientific Reports -

5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight Fast Enough – Guardian

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:59 am

By Oreoritse Tariemi

26 January 2022 | 12:56 pm

Losing weight takes some consistency. However, for some people, the results might take longer than expected, and contrary to popular beliefs, it might not be that you're not exercising enough. The truth is that exercising alone might not deliver the full results you want without changing your diet and lifestyle. How do you fix this?

Losing weight takes some consistency.

However, for some people, the results might take longer than expected, and contrary to popular beliefs, it might not be that youre not exercising enough. The truth is that exercising alone might not deliver the full results you want without changing your diet and lifestyle.

How do you fix this? The first step is to start by identifying the difficult factors that might be hindering your weight loss journey before you can begin resolving them.

Here are 5 reasons youre probably not losing weight fast enough:

Stress acts as a fitness restraint in many cases, but seeing as it is a biological thing, its one you can easily control. Start by identifying what is causing you stress.

Once youre done with that, you can now move on to introducing calm practices like mindfulness, meditation, yoga and deep breathing exercises into your routine.

These practices reduce the bodys production of the cortisol hormone (responsible for stress) to normal levels. Cortisol is not only the bodys natural-built alarm system, but it also causes fat to be stored centrally, preventing the body from burning fat.

No matter how good your diet is, eating whenever you feel hungry will throw it off balance.

To fix this, add an 8-hour eating window to your routine set a time to start eating and a time after which you no longer eat. You can start eating at 10 am and end at 6 pm, whatever you choose.

Now, to get into this routine, try it out three days a week before moving to five or six days when you feel comfortable. If you feel hungry after your end time, grab some fruit juice or a coffee during the fasting window. Doing this allows for faster weight loss and reduced risks of chronic diseases.

While consistency is important in every weight loss journey, youll need to switch things out every once in a while.

Try to change your routine; we advise performing an interval workout three days per week, and on alternate days, perform low-intensity workouts, like Pilates, yoga or walking.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) increases the bodys metabolism for up to 24 hours (excess post oxygen consumption). HIIT training also allows for a more efficient cellular makeup.

Doing interval workouts also trigger a metabolic process known as mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) which provides our body and brain with sufficient energy to perform all tasks.

Regular (excessive) alcohol consumption can put your weight loss journey at a standstill as alcohol limits the bodys ability to burn fat.

While you might not want to cut alcohol out of your diet completely, you can limit it to one glass of wine a week. Or by opting for clean cocktails made from fresh fruits.

Three vital ingredients to a health loss journey is proper rest, a good diet and enough rest. So, when you dont sleep enough, youre not giving your body enough time to recuperate.

So, set two different alarms, one to go to sleep and the other to wake up; this helps create a proper sleeping schedule.

Remember that the bodys muscle recovery is hindered without enough sleep, reducing its efficiency in burning fat.

Like with every positive change, your weight loss journey would take a lot from you, physically and maybe even mentally. Whatever you do, remember your goal and ensure to only achieve this goal in the healthiest way possible.

View original post here:
5 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight Fast Enough - Guardian

Fast forward – The New Indian Express

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:59 am

Express News Service

BENGALURU: It was in February 2021 when Spoorthy MN, 49, weighed nearly 200 kg and had intense obesity. In about nine months, his weight dropped down to 137 kg and if you thought he achieved that by going to the gym or trying some other fitness activity, you guessed wrong. Architect Spoorthys weight-loss regime included long-interval fasting with only liquids and gradually moved on to one meal a day, or popularly known as OMAD.

While the pandemic has seen some people binge eat and gain weight, there were others who decided to lose weight by eating less. Going beyond gyms, people are now adopting the OMAD model to lose weight. While the eating time per day is just one hour, the remaining hours are spent by drinking black coffee or green tea. However, health experts warn it can causeserious health consequences in the long-run leading to acidity, hunger pangs and behavioural changes.

Dr Ramana Krishnan, founder of The Fasting Studio, aBengaluru-based studio that addresses health disorders through fasting, mentions that at least eight out of 10 people who signed up during the pandemic have adopted theOMAD strategy.

According to Krishnan, it is fairly convenient for an individual to reduce eating a number of times than to reduce the quantity of eating.

OMAD is mostly about calorie restriction. It is one of the faster ways of losing weight but it is advised to take it up only after 21 years of age. The larger idea here is eating less number of times can increase the longevity of your life, prevent metabolic disorders and also help you control your blood sugar levels, says Krishnan.

Bhawna Nand, a member of The Fasting Studio, has been following this model for 10 months. I was suffering from arthritis and I had to lose weight. Since going to the gym did not work for me, I decided to take up OMAD. I now have my meal between 4 pm and 5 pm, says the 47-year-old, who also runs and practises boxing in the mornings.

Suchithra Deepkiran, 31-year-old working professional, adopted OMAD in August 2021. After my pregnancy, I weighed over 100 kg. I suffered from PCOD and fatty liver issues. I tried allopathic medicine which didnt work. Hence, I decided to adopt a natural process of fasting and took up OMAD, she says.

I eat rice or chapati between 7 and 8 pm and for the rest of the day, I drink green tea or black coffee, adds Deepkiran.

Meanwhile, Spoorthy has survived on liquids for over three months. I took up long interval fasting for 110 days, post which I adopted the OMAD strategy where I eat only after it goes dark. Being a non-vegetarian, I also stopped eating meat now, he says.

It might have resulted in a positive way for these folks, but nutritionists arent fully convinced. They believe that OMAD cannot be a lifelong habit because when a person quits the OMAD model and goesback to normal eating habits, the body will not be ready to adapt easily, therefore causing health problems.

Laxmi Pandrala, sports and wellness nutritionist, founder CEO of, says, I dont find the science behind eating one meal a day or intermittent fasting valid. It is advised to stay physically fit with exercises and reduce calories rather than adopting the OMAD strategy forever. Using supplements to suppress your hunger levels is a worry. OMAD in the long run can cause gut issues, irritability and also increases your fasting sugar levels.

The OMAD Model



See the original post:
Fast forward - The New Indian Express

The One Drink Experts Say You Could Be Having At Bedtime To Speed Up Fat Burn – SheFinds

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:59 am

Sleep is crucial for the betterment of all parts of your body, so if youre trying to lose weight, its super important to catch enough zs. We spoke with health experts about one drink that could help speed up the burning of fat while you sleep. If consumed while winding down and preparing for bedtime, this drink can benefit your body in many ways. Read on for tips and reasons why its worth a try plus itll warm you up this winter, too!

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If youre already fond of drinking tea at night, youll be glad to learn that doing so can help you lose weight in the long run. Nutritionist and creator of The Candida Diet, Lisa Richards explains that detox teas can be great beverages to consume before bedtime to speed up metabolism and fat burning.

Some of the more popular and effective detox teas are those with a high antioxidant content, says Richards. These include green tea, cinnamon tea, turmeric tea, clove, cinnamon, dandelion, and ginger.

One specific herbal tea, however, can not only help you fall asleep faster, according to experts, but also burn fat while you sleep. This two-in-one beneficial drink is recommended by registered dietitian Harland Adkins, founder and general manager at Fast Food Menu Prices.

Chamomile tea is a great bedtime drink to help speed up fat burn, and for a myriad of health benefits that tag along, says Adkinds. Chamomile tea stimulates the gastric juices which aids the digestion process. Adkins adds that since it is loaded with calcium and potassium, chamomile tea flushes out toxins and excess water.

Furthemore, chamomile tea reduces hunger, Adkins says, which is helpful if you are trying to cut down some weight. It also improves immunity and improves sleep quality, and as you know, a good night's sleep is very important for weight management.

Overall, there are plenty of great teas to choose before your head hits the pillow, but chamomile is an especially great choice. Due to its antioxidant known as apigenin, it can induce muscle relaxation and sleep. As for weight loss benefits, chamomile tea can greatly reduce bloating and cleanse the body of toxins, so its hard to think of a negative effect of trying it this week!

Read more from the original source:
The One Drink Experts Say You Could Be Having At Bedtime To Speed Up Fat Burn - SheFinds

Martin Clunes weight loss: Actor on losing 3st with ‘easy’ diet – ‘keeps the weight off’ – Express

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:59 am

Martin Clunes, 60, will present Martin Clunes: Islands of the Pacific tonight at 9pm on ITV. While watching the new show, which follows Martin as he explores the islands of the largest ocean in the world, viewers will be reminded of the actors recent weight loss transformation.

In a recent interview, Martin unveiled he managed to lose a whopping three stone in just months.

This was thanks to the 5:2 diet.

The actor told Mail Online: I was fat and while I was getting heavy, I had tired knees and stuff.

So, I thought Id try that diet and the weight came off.

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Unlike many other diets, dieters do not need to eat or avoid certain foods the 5:2 diet is about when you eat, rather than what you eat.

However, when speaking to Mail Online, Martin added that he now follows another diet to maintain the ideal weight he reached when on the 5:2 diet.

He said: Now I do 6:1 and that seems to work fine.

I eat anything I want on the other days.


Its easy and seems to keep the weight off me.

The 6:1 diet is the same as the 5:2 but there is just one day of fasting.

The experts behind the health and fitness app Lifesum have recommended which foods slimmers should eat while following this diet.

On normal days, these foods include grains, legumes, vegetables, root vegetables, berries, oils, seeds, dairy products, eggs, and fish.

Meanwhile, on fasting days, it is recommended that slimmers eat green vegetables, eggs, white fish, and low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat yoghurt.

As well as focusing more on his diet, Martin credited doing regular exercise on his farm for his weight loss.

The 60-year-old said: I have a couple of big horses and ride them.

Im very healthy. This is a difficult age, obviously, but Im doing fine Im not on any medication.

He added: The only bad thing about being a farmer is that I stink.

Martin Clunes weight loss: Actor on losing 3st with 'easy' diet - 'keeps the weight off' - Express

Hair Loss After Weight Loss: Causes, Risks, and Prevention

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:58 am

In some cases, weight loss can lead to side effects, including hair loss.

Your body is sensitive to nutrient deficiencies, stress, and hormonal changes all of which can happen as a result of rapid weight loss, restrictive diets, or weight loss surgery.

This article explains why some people experience hair loss after weight loss and discusses ways to treat and prevent the issue.

Hair loss during weight loss is commonly caused by nutrient deficiencies as well as other effects sudden and rapid weight loss can have on your body.

For example, sudden weight loss and restrictive diets have been linked to a condition known as acute telogen effluvium (TE), one of the most common causes of widespread hair loss on the scalp (1, 2).

Typically, TE occurs around 3 months after a triggering event like rapid weight loss and lasts about 6 months.

Weight loss and nutrient deficiencies associated with restrictive diets are also linked to other types of hair loss. These include chronic TE, which lasts longer than 6 months, and androgenic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness (3).

Here are some causes of hair loss related to diet and weight loss.

The link between crash dieting and hair loss has been documented in research as far back as the 1970s (4).

Your hair needs adequate calories and nutrients to grow properly. So, when your body doesnt receive what it needs, side effects like hair loss can occur.

Many studies have linked hair loss to rapid weight loss, calorie restriction, nutrient deficiencies, and psychological stress all commonly in people who are following crash diets.

For example, a 2015 study in 180 women with diffuse hair loss found that the most common causes of hair loss were iron deficiency and psychological stress. In eight of the cases, crash diets were the cause (5).

Poorly planned diets, such as crash diets, can lead to deficiencies in essential fatty acids, zinc, protein, and overall calories, all of which can lead to hair loss (1).

Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, are essential for hair growth. Thats because amino acids are necessary for the production of keratin, the main structural protein of hair.

Protein malnutrition when your body doesnt get enough protein can result in hair loss. Thus, if youre following a low calorie weight loss diet that doesnt contain enough protein, you may experience hair loss as a result (1).

When your protein needs arent met, your body prioritizes important protein-dependent functions like tissue repair, digestion, pH and water balance regulation, and hormone production. Because hair growth isnt essential to keep you alive, hair loss may occur (6).

Additionally, deficiencies in specific amino acids, such as histidine, leucine, valine, and cysteine, are common in people with hair loss.

In a study in 100 people with hair loss, researchers observed histidine and leucine deficiencies in large percentages of participants across several types of alopecia, including androgenic alopecia and TE (7).

The study also found that valine and cysteine deficiencies were common among the participants (7).

Weight loss surgery is associated with rapid weight loss and commonly causes deficiencies in protein, vitamins, and/or minerals, which in turn can spark hair loss (8, 9, 10).

For example, a 2018 study that included 50 people who underwent sleeve gastrectomy, a surgical procedure that removes a large portion of the stomach, observed hair loss in 56% of the participants. Hair loss was more common in women (9).

Notably, the participants with hair loss had much lower levels of zinc and vitamin B12 both before and after surgery (9).

In a 2020 study in 112 women who had undergone sleeve gastrectomy, 72% of participants experienced hair loss after surgery. In 79% of those who reported hair loss, the loss started 34 months after surgery and lasted an average of 5.5 months (11).

In addition to reducing stomach capacity, some types of weight loss surgery allow food to bypass part of the intestines, leading to malabsorption of nutrients and increasing the risk for deficiencies (12).

Just like crash diets, restrictive diets that cut out entire food groups can cause hair loss as a result of nutrient deficiency or stress.

Deficiencies in iron, zinc, protein, selenium, and essential fatty acids have all been linked to hair loss (13, 1).

Very low calorie diets have been shown to cause hair loss as well (6, 14).

Major stress, which sometimes comes along with restrictive dieting, has also been linked to hair loss (15).

Hair loss during or after weight loss can be caused by nutrient deficiencies, rapid weight loss, and stress.

Hair loss itself isnt dangerous, but the underlying causes of hair loss after weight loss can be.

For example, nutrient deficiencies and extreme calorie restriction can lead to serious health consequences like iron deficiency anemia, muscle loss, and more.

Besides potentially causing hair loss, iron deficiency anemia can lead to impaired brain function, infertility, heart conditions, depression, and altered immune system function (16).

Calorie and protein restriction can also cause dangerous side effects, including decreased muscle function, heart problems, intestinal issues, decreased immune function, and increased risk of depression (17).

Other medical conditions, such as autoimmune conditions, can also cause hair loss. Therefore, its important to talk to a healthcare provider if youre experiencing hair loss, because it might not be related to weight loss.

Although hair loss itself is not dangerous, the underlying causes can be. If youre experiencing hair loss, its important to consult your healthcare provider to rule out an underlying medical condition.

As mentioned, hair loss during weight loss can be caused by nutrient deficiencies or rapid weight loss. As such, its important that you aim to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable manner.

In addition to potentially leading to hair loss, crash and restrictive diets can be harmful to mental health and are associated with weight regain (18, 19, 20, 21).

Instead of a fad diet, choose a balanced diet that provides your body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally. Saying no to restrictive diets that promise rapid weight loss is essential for protecting your physical and mental health and reducing the risk of side effects like hair loss.

Additionally, if you follow a dietary pattern that restricts many foods such as a vegetarian or vegan diet, which may be low in hair loss-associated nutrients like iron and zinc make sure to include nutrient-dense foods and supplement with nutrients your diet lacks (22, 23, 24).

If undergoing weight loss surgery, ensure that your levels of nutrients like zinc, iron, and vitamin B12 are optimal before the procedure, and supplement with nutrients recommended by your doctor or dietitian afterward. This can help prevent surgery-related hair loss (8, 9).

If youre experiencing hair loss, its critical that you identify the cause before you try to treat it.

Remember, hair loss can have many causes, not just rapid weight loss or nutrient deficiencies.

If the hair loss is caused by a deficiency in one or more nutrients like zinc or iron, correcting the deficiency or deficiencies may stop the loss and lead to hair regrowth (1).

If a restrictive or crash diet thats not giving your body enough calories or nutrients is to blame, its essential to stop the diet immediately and begin fueling your body correctly with a balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods.

If you have a nutrient deficiency, food alone may not be enough to replenish your nutrient stores and a supplement may be necessary. However, research suggests that if you dont have a nutrient deficiency, supplements might not benefit hair loss (1).

A healthcare provider can identify the cause of your hair loss and help you come up with a plan to get your hair growing again.

To prevent hair loss, avoid crash and restrictive diets, fuel your body properly, and supplement before and after weight loss surgery. Work with a qualified healthcare provider to identify the cause of hair loss and to find a plan to facilitate hair regrowth.

Hair loss during or after weight loss can be caused by a number of factors, including nutrient deficiencies.

However, hair loss can also be caused by underlying health issues, so its important not to self-diagnose your hair loss as weight loss-related.

Work with a qualified healthcare provider such as a doctor or registered dietitian to identify the cause of your hair loss and to come up with a treatment plan to facilitate hair regrowth.

Read the original:
Hair Loss After Weight Loss: Causes, Risks, and Prevention

Michael Mosley: Stop eating by certain time and other tips to lose weight fast – Daily Express

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:58 am

Dr Michael Mosley often shares his weight loss tips with slimmers online as well as on television. He is the creator of The Fast 800 a diet plan that helps people lose weight quickly.

Dr Mosley has previously shared one of the most common myths when it comes to dieting: that losing weight fast means a dieter will then put it on again faster.

The doctor explained: In a recent review article titled Myths, Presumptions and Facts about Obesity in the prestigious medical journal, The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers put this claim firmly into the myths category.

After looking at numerous studies which have compared rapid with slow and steady weight loss, they concluded that you would do better to lose it quickly rather than slowly.

So, what are Dr Mosleys best tips to lose weight quickly?

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One tip is to eat earlier, according to Dr Mosley.

He said: Broadly, I encourage people to try and have their evening meal earlier, say 7pm to 7.30pm.

Try and stop eating by 8pm, and then not eat anything with calories after that.

This is because the fat and sugar you eat later at night, just hangs around in your system for much, much longer because your body is just closed down for night.


The doctor added: Your digestive process will be closing down, and it really will not appreciate that late night snack.

However, the main thing is to try and restrict alcohol and caffeine late at night, according to Dr Mosley, as both of these are likely to keep you up at night.

The nutrition expert said: People do use alcohol as way of getting to sleep, but the reality is it will lead to fragmented sleep and you'll wake up a lot more during the night, which is very clear.

A nice cup of camomile tea or possibly a cup of ginger tea is probably a best bet at night time.

As well as making sure they get a good nights sleep, Dr Mosley recommended that slimmers pile their plate with protein to lose weight.

He said: Its really important to have a decent amount of protein, which is 50 to 70 grams a day.

You can mainly get protein from meat or from fish, and you can also get it from legumes, but you have to eat rather more, which is why following The Fast 800 on a vegetarian diet is more challenging.

We do have meal replacement shakes which are very rich in protein, and were also aiming to produce protein boosters, to help people who might otherwise struggle with it.

Dr Mosley added: The reason for protein is you need it for your muscle.

You need it for all sorts of essential metabolic processes.

And also because when you consume it, it's digested slower by your body so you don't get the same sort of peaks.

Another easy tip Dr Mosley recommended slimmers follow is to keep a healthy snack on the side.

He continued: The best way to prevent hunger when youre intermittent fasting is to use something like a meal replacement shake.

Follow The Fast 800 programme because it has been very carefully calibrated to ensure it gives you the maximum nutrients and the maximum amount of fibre and protein.

The reason people get hungry is because they've eaten something that's very high in sugar or carbs, so they get a massive rise in the blood sugar levels and then they crash and then they get hungry.

Dr Mosley advised eating something with plenty of fibre in it as this will curb your appetite.

Personally, the doctor said he would go for a small handful of nuts or something like that if he was going to have a snack.

And that really takes the edge away, he added.

View original post here:
Michael Mosley: Stop eating by certain time and other tips to lose weight fast - Daily Express

Volumetrics Diet: A Guide of Pros, Cons, and What You Should Eat – AskMen

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:58 am

Meet the Volumetrics Diet, A Simple Yet Effective Weight-Loss Plan

The cardinal rule of weight loss is pretty simple: take in fewer calories than you burn. And focusing on foods that are naturally low in calories can make that a lot easier to achieve. That's precisely the philosophy behind the Volumetrics Diet, a plan that has youconsuming foods that are nutrient-dense but low in calories to keepyour hunger under control while also creating a calorie deficit.

The Volumetrics Diet isnt for everyone, of course, but according to Harland Adkins, registered dietitian and founder of Fast Food Menu Prices, its a generally balanced and sustainable approach because it doesnt exclude any food groups.

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If youre eager to shed pounds but have found other diets too restrictive (looking at you, keto), experts say this plan just may be a good fit. Heres what to know before giving the Volumetrics Dieta try.

The Volumetrics Diet was created by Penn State University nutrition scientist and professor Barbara Rolls. Her book about the diet offers not only the guidelines for the diet, but also recipes and helpful tips on calculating the calorie density of foods. In addition to adjusting your eating habits, Rolls also encourages adopting other healthy habits to support your efforts, and keeping a journal to track your food intake and physical activity. Its important to note that this diet is intended to be a long-term lifestyle change, not a quick fixfor weight loss.

The Volumetrics Diet is all about eating more foods that are foods with a low energy density fruits and vegetables, for example while limiting foods that have a higher energy density.Simply put, calorie density is the measure of how many calories are in a given weight of a particular food.

Low energy density foods have a lot of water and fiber, which means more volume for fewer calories, explains Jennifer Schlette, registered dietitian and founder of KitchenSubstitute.

While the standard meal plan allows for 1,400 calories per day, this can definitely be tweaked to fit your unique needs.

By reducing your calorie intake, the Volumetrics Diet can certainly help with weight loss, says Kristin Gillespie, MS, RD, LD, and advisor for Exercise With Style.

Not only that, but this diet can also help reduce mindless snacking between meals since it focuses on fiber- and water-rich foods that fill you up. A small 2004 study found that people ate 56% more calories when they were served a meal with high-calorie density foods, whereas another small 2018 study found that meals with lower-calorie density led to decreased hunger and cravings.

Because the diet focuses on increased consumption of fruits and vegetables and inherently limits processed, nutrient-lacking foods, it can also help improve the overall nutritional quality of the diet and have a lasting effect on food choices, Gillespie tells AskMen.

Research has shown a link between the consumption of processed foods and a higher risk of heart disease, cancer, and even premature death. So, by mostly eliminating these foods from your diet, this approach may even help you to live a longer life.

Because there is a large focus on whole foods and plants, you might also see improvements in chronic inflammation, mood, and energy, notes Trista Best, a registered dietitian atBalance One Supplements.

One of the greatest advantages of this diet, according to dietitians, is that no foods are entirely off-limits. You can still occasionally enjoy foods with a high-calorie density in small portions nuts, pretzels, chocolate, etc. by making adjustments to your calorie intake at other meals.

A bigdisadvantageof the Volumetrics Diet is that it can be time-consuming to calculate the calorie density of specific foods and find suitable recipes.

You will have to make most of your meals and snacks at home, which can be too restrictive for people with tight schedules, says Adkins.

Its also not an easy diet to adhere to if you like to dine out because restaurants often prepare foods in high-fat butter and oils, meaning even those seemingly healthy vegetable-based dishes could be loaded with calories.

Emphasizing foods with low energy densities also means you may miss out on healthy fats. Adkins notes that nuts, seeds, and avocado are all examples of healthy foods with much to offer in the way of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but theyre excluded from the Volumetrics Diet simply because of their calorie content. These foods also provide omega-3 fatty acids, which your body cannot produce on its own, and are known to improve overall heart health and cholesterol while reducing inflammation, blood pressure, and heart disease risk.

My primary concern with this diet is that its sole focus is on calories, says Gillespie. Most of us know that nutrition is not as simple as just looking at calories, but rather the overall nutrient density of foods. By looking only at calories, we may be missing key nutrients that our bodies need.

According to experts, the best candidate for the Volumetrics Diet is someone overweight with a moderate activity level who has failed to lose weight on other diets. However, Adkins stresses that it is not an advisable approach if youre an athlete who requires a higher energy intake to fuel you through your vigorous physical activities. If youre super active and not taking in enough calories, your body may begin to break down muscle tissue rather than build it.

Additionally, Schlette notes that this diet may be a good fit for people with diabetes.

Eating large quantities of watery fruits and vegetables can be dangerous for people with diabetes because these foods are absorbed very quickly, causing blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, she explains.

Its also worth noting that the Volumetrics Diet isnt suitable for anyone whos struggled with an eating disorder in the past, as it can contribute to a risky restrictive mindset.

I would be comfortable recommending The Volumetrics Diet to people who always seem to feel hungry, says Wendy Lord, a registered dietitian and consultant for Sensible Digs. It is useful for those who feel the need to snack all the time and really battle to control their calorie intake.

Foods are grouped into four categories according to energy density, according to Lord:

Meals on this diet will include mostly foods from the first and second categories, with smaller portions of category three, and rare indulgences in category four.

Heres an example of what one day of eating might look like:

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Read more from the original source:
Volumetrics Diet: A Guide of Pros, Cons, and What You Should Eat - AskMen

The Best Foods on Store Shelves to Shrink Belly Fat, Says Dietitian Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:58 am

Some amount of bloating is normal. You might experience bloating after a salty meal, a change in water intake, high stress levels, or when traveling. Bloating tends to make us feel a little less confident in our skin and may worsen overall body image.

While you can't completely eliminate bloating, we can add certain foods into your diet to help reduce the frequency and severity.

Soluble fiber is one of the easiest ways to help smooth out digestive issues. It's known for its "binding effect" that helps keep digestion regular as well as excrete toxins, cholesterol, and excess waste that needs to be removed from our system.

Initially, increasing high fiber foods may add to some digestive discomfort and even some bloatingespecially if your system isn't used to this amount of roughage from foods. However, over time, a consistent high-fiber diet will decrease bloat and help keep your digestion regular.

Take a look at common foods that are high in soluble fiber, and how to include more of them to beat the bloat! Then, be sure to check out our list of 22 Meals to Melt Belly Fat in 2022.

Oatmeal is well known for its heart-healthy benefits, but soluble fiber is the little-known compound behind oatmeal's health perks. One cup of cooked oats delivers four grams of total fiber and two grams of soluble fiber. That's nearly 15% of the daily recommended fiber goal of 25 grams of fiber per day for women!

Searching for more recipes to incorporate oats and reduce belly bloat? We have you covered with these 51 Overnight Oat Recipes.

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Chia seeds are loaded with soluble fiber. One serving (just two tablespoons) contains nearly 10 grams of total fiber!

Chia seeds have added health benefits that support healthy digestion as chia seeds tend to absorb water within the digestive tract and help keep you regular. They also provide a substantial dose of heart-healthy omega-3's, too!

Pro tip: Because chia seeds absorb fluid, soaking them in water before you eat them can help keep digestion running smoothly.

Three prunes have a whopping four grams of total fiber with more than half from soluble fiber. Prunes make an easy snack when paired with nuts or cheese, and can also provide a quick fiber boost when added into yogurts, smoothies, or on top of cereals.

Whether you like your plums fresh or dried into prunes, you'll love these Secret Effects of Eating Plums in addition to reducing your waistline.

All types of beans and lentils are soluble fiber superstars, but black beans especially take the gold here. A one-cup serving of black beans provides nearly 15 grams of total fiber with a third of it coming from soluble fiber!

Looking to beat the bloat by adding beans into your diet? This One Trick Will Make Your Beans Taste Better.

Barley, a whole grain in the wheat family, provides serious health benefits attributed to its high fiber content. One cup of cooked barley delivers six grams of total fiber in addition to its cholesterol-lowering beta-glucan content.

Barley cooks similarly to brown rice and can be quickly added into soups, stews, salads, or as a quick side dish.

Thinking that carbs like barley won't support your weight loss efforts? Think again! Here are the Most Underrated Carbs for Weight Loss.

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The Best Foods on Store Shelves to Shrink Belly Fat, Says Dietitian Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

Weight gain: 5 seemingly-healthy habits that could be giving you belly fat – Times Now

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:58 am

Eggs are considered one of the most popular breakfast foods.   |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: In a fitness-driven world, many people spend hours obsessing over ways to lose weight quickly. From monitoring minor everyday habits like drinking water while sitting to eliminating macronutrients like carbohydrates from the diet people resort to a plethora of ways to keep belly fat and excess body weight at bay. Yet, we end up making some mistakes that seem like healthy habits, but could instead give you additional bodyweight.

Ranging from diet to the way you sleep and workout, take a look at some of the top bogus tricks that promise weight loss but instead result in weight gain.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter.

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Weight gain: 5 seemingly-healthy habits that could be giving you belly fat - Times Now

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