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Denby Fawcett: The Donald Trump Diet Is One Way Of Coping – Honolulu Civil Beat

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:43 am

Iam treating theDonald Trump era like Lenta long secular Lent, not just 40 days but four years a time of personal abstinence to focus on the battle ahead to lessen the damage done by a crazy man.

My own sacrifice is to give up booze. Ive decided to abstain from wine and gin gimlets and all forms of alcohol to stay sharp for Trumps term in order to push back against him, issue by issue.

All the money I save from drinking water instead of wine will be given to non-profits dedicated to enhancing the personal freedoms Trump is trying to crush.

People who are upset about President Donald Trump need to regaincontrol of their lives by finding their own rational ways of resisting.

Courtesy: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Civil Beat photographer Cory Lum told me hes going the opposite direction. He says he plans to drink more beer to blot out Trump. But then he reconsidered and said that he needs to go on a Trump diet, too, less sushi, better food, a full breakfast, more exercise, to get stronger, as he puts it, to weather the storm.

We both feel the need to do something physically dramatic to experience each day the loss of something we love even if its only a piece of sushi or a simple glass of wine at sunset as a reminder to keep resisting.

When I told my friend Sydney Iaukea about my plan to give up drinking for as long as Trump is president, she said, Thats huge. Or as Trump might say, UGE.

But then Trump would never consider it huge because he doesnt drink alcohol. To him, it would be a meaningless gesture and more importantly, as a narcissist, he is unable to feel compassion for anyone who sacrifices, especially not a gin-deprived member of the media he both fears and hates.

Reporters are not supposed to be activists. My plan is to push back with words: to call out Trump with nouns and verbs when the orange man talks trash about the powerless or makes scary decisions like hes been doing every day now his failed immigration ban, his confrontational phone calls to friendly world leaders, his executive orders to toss out critical environmental protections.

The New Yorkers latest cover is call to arms for Trump resisters: a revamped Rosie the Riveter painting by artist Abigail Gray Swartz.

The New Yorker

The time for hand-wringing and feeling helpless is over.

Iaukea is an author and a professor. She has more than a hundred students in her political science classes at Leeward Community College

Iaukea says she plans to do the same thing: push back against Trump with information, getting facts out to her students, many of whom she says lack basic information about constitutional rights, and the U.S. system of checks and balances against executive overreach.

With Trump, her deep concern is Who will guard the guards? The question asked about unchecked power nearly 2,000 years ago by the Roman satirist Juvenal.

Iaukea told me she was not surprised when Trump won because of her students widespread affection for the New York real estate developer. Now its time to make them realize the consequences of their votes.

Judd Apatow, the executive producer of the television series, Geeks and Freaks, was interviewed by Maureen Dowd in the New York Times recently for her column, Freaking Out Over Donald Trump.

Apatow says hes worried about gaining 30 pounds by binge eating during the Trump regime.

Apatow said, There are so many things that are hard to hear every day that you do want to have some Oreos. Like people say, What do you invest in during the Trump era? I feel like, Hostess Cakes. Most of us are just scared and eating ice cream.

Apatow is another who believes the best way to resist Trump is to concentrate on his actions rather than the presidents bizarre persona.

He says, I dont think it serves a purpose to be against him. It only serves a purpose to fight issue by issue.

My neighbor Wendy Wyckoff emailed me a list of 12 strategies for pushing back against Trump.

One of my favorites is, Focus on his policies, not his orangeness and mental state.

Most of the strategies are reasonable, like Keep your message positive; they want the country to be angry and fearful because this is the soil from which their darkest policies will grow.

Or very practical, like, Do not argue with those who support him. It doesnt work.

Kerrie Urosevich, one of the planners of the Womens March on Oahu, has a more down-to-earth way of resisting Trump. Shes fighting back with her mobile phone.

Every morning after she wakes up, Urosevich says it is her new habit to pick up her phone to call Republican congressional members who are wary of Trump and urge them to vote against the Presidents initiatives and his most egregious cabinet nominees.

Urosevich is an early childhood coordinator and co-founder with former President Barack Obamas sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, of a non-profit called Ceeds of Peace.

She says shes getting her three children involved by sparking family discussions every time Trump makes a racist or mean-spirited statement.

It is an opportunity for parents to have conversations with our children. So much of what Trump does is counter to the values that we as parents want out children to embrace.

Not since the 1960s of my youth has there been such a strong call to rebellion. Some are reacting by strengthening their bodies. Others are heeding the call spiritually. Hear ye: It is time stop reacting to Trumps nutty tweets and instead make a plan to push back against him with mind, body and soul.

Read the rest here:
Denby Fawcett: The Donald Trump Diet Is One Way Of Coping - Honolulu Civil Beat

Drew Barrymore Wants to Hear Your Theories About Santa Clarita Diet – Vulture

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:43 am

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Drew Barrymore Wants to Hear Your Theories About Santa Clarita Diet - Vulture

Researchers find link between a high fat diet, obesity and cardiovascular disease risk – Medical Xpress

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:43 am

February 13, 2017 Credit: Queen Mary, University of London

Obesity and a diet high in fat could lead to a harmful activation of the immune system, increasing a person's risk of heart disease, according to a study led by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

Previous research has shown that obesity increases blood pressure and cholesterol both risk factors for heart disease. Now researchers funded by the British Heart Foundation believe obesity could also trigger an immune response, increasing a person's risk of a heart attack. The findings could lead to new treatments that target this inflammation to reduce a person's risk of heart disease.

The study, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, involved taking blood samples from 1,172 lean, overweight or obese people. They found that a certain type of white blood cell, or T-cell, was present in higher levels in obese people.

When the team measured the fat distribution of these same people they also found that those carrying more fat around the middle had higher levels of these cells than those carrying fat on their thighs and bottom.

T-cells are essential for the immune response as they protect the body from infections. However, they also cause inflammation which can make a number of cardiovascular diseases worse. For example, they can contribute to the build-up of fatty plaques in arteries in atherosclerosis, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Higher levels of these T-cells were also present in mice fed a high fat diet, leading the researchers to conclude that a high fat diet, which leads to obesity, is a cause of this harmful inflammation.

Professor Federica Marelli-Berg from QMUL's William Harvey Research Institute said: "With this research we've found a direct link between the food we eat, our weight and dangerous inflammation which can cause heart disease.

"Drugs which target the molecule responsible for this inflammation are already being tested in clinical trials aimed at treating cancer. As such, it might be possible to re-purpose these drugs for the treatment of heart disease."

Dr Claudio Mauro added: "Our next step is to find out how long these harmful T-cells remain in our blood at high levels. As yet we don't know whether dieting will bring the levels of these T-cells down and reduce the risk of heart disease or whether once raised these T-cell levels remain high for life."

Professor Metin Avkiran, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation, said: "Every three minutes someone goes to hospital with a heart attack in the UK. We already know that being overweight can increase your blood pressure and result in high cholesterol levels, both of which are bad news for our heart.

"This study shows that what we eat may also have an effect on our cardiovascular health via our immune system. The good news is that by knowing exactly how this harmful inflammatory process works we are one step closer to finding a way to prevent it. We now need more research to see if drugs that are already available could be a means for tackling this inflammation and lowering a person's risk of heart disease, over and above the benefits of maintaining a healthy diet."

Explore further: Too many Americans have high blood pressure, doctors warn

More information: Claudio Mauro et al. Obesity-Induced Metabolic Stress Leads to Biased Effector Memory CD4+ T Cell Differentiation via PI3K p110-Akt-Mediated Signals, Cell Metabolism (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2017.01.008

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This is just one more paid for researcher trying to kill you with faulty and biased propaganda ! It is the simple high glycemic index carbs that cause uncontrollable hunger and cravings. This is due to the wild swings in blood sugar that they create. The human body was designed to live on fats and proteins. It is the low fat diets of today that are causing the sharp increase in diabetes in the US.

I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes and put on Metformin on June 26th, 2016. I started the ADA diet and followed it 100% for a few weeks and could not get my blood sugar to go below 140. Finally i began to panic and called my doctor, he told me to get used to it. He said I would be on metformin my whole life and eventually insulin. At that point i knew something wasn't right and began to do a lot of research. On August 13th I found Lisa's diabetes story (google " HOW EVER I FREED MYSELF FROM THE DIABETES " ) I read that article from end to end because everything the writer was saying made absolute sense. I started the diet that day and the next morning my blood sugar was down to 100 and now i have a fasting blood sugar between Mid 70's and the 80's. My doctor took me off the metformin after just three week of being on this lifestyle change. I have lost over 30 pounds and 6+ inches around my waist in a month. The truth is we can get off the drugs and help myself by trying natural me

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See the article here:
Researchers find link between a high fat diet, obesity and cardiovascular disease risk - Medical Xpress

A diet that works – The Register-Guard

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:43 am

When Eugene officials proposed putting the busy commercial section of South Willamette Street between 24th and 30th avenues on a road diet, many in the area particularly business owners were dubious.

The citys plan to reduce travel lanes for cars from four to two one in each direction meant that bike lanes could be added on both sides of the street, along with a center turn lane, without having to widen much of the street.

While some residents thought it was a good idea one that would make South Willamette safer, more conducive to cycling and walking, and more attractive to shoppers others strongly disagreed. They said that eliminating a lane in each direction would cause congestion and lead to motorists avoiding the area, hurting businesses. They said the proposal was inherently dangerous because bikes and motor vehicles dont belong together in tight spaces.

The city offered a sensible compromise to these warring points of view: Conduct a one-year pilot project along this stretch of South Willamette, which is due to be repaved in 2018, and see how it works.

The early results of the test, which began last June, are encouraging. Feedback received by the city and The Register-Guard from residents and business owners along that section of South Willamette generally has been positive. The neighborhood association said it has received no complaints.

The unending traffic jams and frequent vehicle/bicycle altercations that some feared would materialize havent. This doesnt mean the experiment has been totally problem-free city employees have received some reports of backups in northbound traffic in the mornings, sometimes going back to 32nd Avenue. Some street users have suggested relocating a bus stop, and some cyclists would like improvements in the bike lanes. But overall, the city staff hasnt identified any major problems or deal-breakers so far.

Assuming these results hold up when the final report on the pilot project is done and that the city has facts and figures to back them up, there are several take-aways from this project.

First, the pilot project began after public hearings and outreach that allowed people affected by the proposed changes to be heard.

Second, there are a number of other streets in the same situation as South Willamette, dealing with development and growth that far surpass what they originally were built to handle. While the road diet on South Willamette might not be applicable to all of these, its worth considering whether it, or something similar, might be.

Finally, rather than leaping headlong into long-lasting and initially controversial changes, the city chose to do a pilot project, at much lower cost, helped in part by securing federal grant money.

City officials should consider when and how this approach might be adapted to other situations and challenges facing the city, particularly those dealing with controversial issues or proposals.

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A diet that works - The Register-Guard

The Science Is In! This Diet Lets You Eat Your Way to a Younger, Healthier Brain – Reader’s Digest

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:43 am


Add improved brain power in your golden years to the laundry list of health benefits associated with eating like a Greek.

Tons of research has already shown that a traditional Mediterranean dietloaded with fresh fruits and veggies, healthy fats like olive oil, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and fish, with moderate amounts of red wine and limited red meatmay reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, certain cancers, diabetes, and Parkinsons disease. For these reasons, the U.S. News & World Report recently named the Mediterranean diet the second best diet out there, up from fourth place last year.

The latest study, which appears online in the journal Neurology, showed that older people who closely followed a Mediterranean-style diet retained more brain volume during a three-year period than those who didnt follow the diet quite as closely. Our brains are known to shrink with advancing age, and this loss of volume and brain cells has been linked to memory and cognitive deficits. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet might slow down brain loss that normally occurs with age, says lead study author Michelle Luciano, PhD, a psychologist at of the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

To arrive at their findings, researchers gathered dietary information from close to 1,000 Scottish people around age 70 who did not have dementia. Of these, 562 had an MRI brain scan around age 73 to measure overall brain volume, gray matter volume, and thickness of the cortex (the outer layer of the brain). Four hundred and one other participants returned for a second MRI at age 76. These measurements were compared to how closely participants followed the tenets of the Mediterranean diet.

Specifically, people who didnt follow the diet faithfully were more likely to have a higher loss of total brain volume over the three-year period than people who were more vigilant. The difference in diet explained 0.5 percent of the variation in total brain volume, which sound trivial, but it amounts to half the size of the variation thats due to normal aging, the researchers note. The results held when researchers adjusted for other factors that could affect brain volume, including age, education, and history of diabetes or high blood pressure.

Unfortunately, theres no one magic food or nutrient in the Mediterranean diet that researchers can say makes all the difference. We do not know what components of the diet might be beneficial for brain health, Dr. Luciano says. The study did test whether the specific intake of meat (red meat and poultry) and fish were associated with less brain loss over time, but neither was. It might be that the diet as a wholeis important for brain health rather than any individual component, she says, adding, Future research is needed to pinpoint which factors are important and how they affect brain volume.

Next the team wants to test whether the Mediterranean diet is linked to thinking skills, such as memory or information processing speed. Even without this additional evidence, the Alzheimers Association endorses the Mediterranean diet for preserving brain health. Traditional diets like the Mediterranean diet get us away from the harmful elements of the modern-day diet, says Cate Shanahan, MD, a family physician in Morrison, Colorado, author of several books including Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Modern diets have too many processed carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, she says.

The Mediterranean diet, by contrast, leans heavily on fresh fruits and vegetablesall of which contain antioxidants known to protect the brain as well as the heart, she adds. Its also a lifestyle. When people take the time to cook their own food and dont stop for fast food on a regular basis, they often prioritize health, so they will likely also go for regular walks and get more sleep, Dr. Shanahan says. Its a package deal. Heres how to make your daily diet more Mediterranean.

The Science Is In! This Diet Lets You Eat Your Way to a Younger, Healthier Brain - Reader's Digest

8 Tips for Making a Healthier Sandwich for Weight Loss – SELF

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:43 am

A healthy sandwich is a lunchtime favorite for a few good reasons: It's easily packable, cheap to make, and the perfect vehicle for complex carbohydrates, good-for-you fats , fiber-packed veggies, and lean protein. It can totally be the afternoon meal you need to get through the rest of your day. And, despite what grilled cheeses and BLTs would have you think, sandwiches can absolutely help you work toward your weight loss goals .

These eight simple tricks make it easy to cut calories and add nutrients to all your go-to sandwich recipes without sacrificing the flavors you love. If youre interested in using these ideas to help you lose weight, its important to note that weight loss looks different for everyone. Counting calories can be a helpful tactic for some people, but not for others. If you have a history of disordered eating, you should always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

And remember, weight loss isnt just about what you eat. Stress levels, sleep habits , and health issues that may be out of your control can all affect how you gain and lose weight. Thats why its important to take the time to find a plan that will help you reach your goals in a way thats healthiest for you.

If you do want to use healthy sandwich ideas to help you lose weight, try out these easy tricks the next time you pack your lunch.

An easy way to cut the calorie count of literally any sandwich? Take off the top piece of bread. This is a trick that Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D., owner of Amy Gorin Nutrition , swears by. She tells SELF that by removing that extra bread, not only are you nixing about 70 to 80 calories, but youre also making enough room to pile your meal high with extra protein and veggies.

Each piece of whole-wheat bread has about 80 calories, whereas a small whole-wheat pita (2 to 4 inches wide) only has about 70 calories, says Gorin. Thats not a huge difference, but it might be worth trying if youre looking for small, simple ways to eat fewer calories.

If youre looking to cut calories, opt for a lettuce-wrapped sandwich, Dianna Sinni, R.D., L.D., wellness dietitian and blogger at Chard in Charge , tells SELF. This can reduce the calorie count by 120 to 200 calories, depending on the type of bread you normally use.

Still want some healthy carbs on your plate? Use a single whole-wheat or multigrain tortilla instead of two slices of bread. Just make sure that the tortilla youre reaching for is actually lower in calories, says Gorin, because some can contain even more than those two slices of bread.

Gorin likes to top her sammies with a fried or hard-boiled egg . This is a great way to add 6 grams of extra protein, plus some healthy fats , to make your lunch more satisfying and keep you fuller for longer. Plus, who doesnt love sopping up that runny yolk with bread?

Gorin explains that even though theyre a super low-maintenance protein source, deli meats often contain a lot of sodium. Thats why she prefers to fill her sandwiches with whole cooked chicken breasts or salmon fillets. Dont feel like laboring over your meat that long? Canned chicken, salmon, or tuna with no added sodium will work just fine.

With a lot of condiments, were just looking for ways to add moisture to our sandwiches, Gorin explains. Her go-to condiments include mustard, hummus, and a homemade garlicky-Greek yogurt spread, all of which add moisture in a healthier way. And dont forget to be wary of sugarsome condiments, like ketchup, pack way more than youd think .

You get a huge bang for your buck with cured, pickled, and cooked ingredients like sun-dried tomatoes, capers, and olives. All are both extremely potent and relatively low in calories, and you dont need to use a lot to reap the flavor benefits.

As is the case with salads, crunchy, watery, low-cal vegetables are something you can never add too much of to your sandwiches. Gorin likes to throw in tons of everything from alfalfa sprouts to red peppers. And thats just the beginning of the possibilities. Dont be afraid to get creative, because almost everything tastes good in sandwich form.

You may also like: A Healthy Egg and Avocado Sandwich Under 300 Calories

Original post:
8 Tips for Making a Healthier Sandwich for Weight Loss - SELF

Here’s What It Took For Susan to Break Her Meth Addiction and Fight Obesity – POPSUGAR

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:43 am

Here's What It Took For Susan to Break Her Meth Addiction and Fight Obesity
Today, Susan has a PhD in brain and cognitive sciences, is the owner of a successful weight-loss business, has been clean and sober for 20 years, and also went from a size 16 to a size four. If you're thinking "Whoa, what?" then get ready for the ...

Here's What It Took For Susan to Break Her Meth Addiction and Fight Obesity - POPSUGAR

Crane moves ‘heaviest woman’ for weight-loss op – USA TODAY

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:43 am

Jenn Gidman, Newser staff 9:37 a.m. ET Feb. 14, 2017

An image of Egyptian national Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty, who weighs around 1,100 pounds, is displayed at a press conference attended by her Indian bariatric surgeon Muffazal Lakdawala in Mumbai. Abd El Aty, 36, believed to be the world's heaviest woman, will undergo weight reduction surgery in India after an intervention from the country's foreign minister ensured her a visa.(Photo: Indranil Murkerhjee, AFP/Getty Images)

(NEWSER) It took two months of preparation and could take more than four years of treatment, but doctors are determined to help the person believed to bethe world's heaviest womansurvive.

TheTimes of Indiareports that Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty was flown Saturday from her home in Egypt to Mumbai, India, where in March she'll undergo a weight-loss surgery calledsleeve gastrectomy, which reduces the stomach to a fraction of its size. In the interim, medical staff hope to spur Abd El Aty whose family thinks she weighs more than 1,100 pounds and who suffers from a litany of conditions, including Type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, and hypertension to lose more than 100 pounds beforehand by feeding her a protein-heavy diet and giving her meds to help curb water retention.

It wasn't an easy endeavor to transport Abd El Aty, who theHindustan Timessays is 36, to India, a trip that ran around $125,000 and required her to leave her home for the first time in a quarter-century.

TheTimesand theHindudescribe the arduous process, which involved flying her via cargo plane from Alexandria to Mumbai, then transporting her from the airport in a custom-modified truck to Saifee Hospital, into which she was lowered by crane.

After her eventual surgery, Abd El Aty will still follow a years-long regimen, including more operations and specialized diet plans, to continue losing weight while doctors try to figure out what caused her obesity in the first place.

"If it is [a] genetic abnormality, medicines can help," says the bariatric surgeon who's been lobbying to get her treatment.

(The onetimeheaviest man in the world died at age 48.)

This story originally appeared onNewser:

The World's 'Heaviest Woman' Hadn't Left Home in 25 Years. Until Now

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Crane moves 'heaviest woman' for weight-loss op - USA TODAY

Torres column: Patience is a key to success – Glenwood Springs Post Independent

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:42 am

When it comes to results, I am one of the people who want to see them fast. I remember after I got my two knee surgeries, I wanted to walk the next day. It was the same when one of my dogs had a herniated disc: I wanted him to walk normally within a week.

When I read about successful ideas and businesses, I want Custom Body Fitness to be covering all of Colorado. When I implement a new idea at Custom Body Fitness, I want it to be successful right away.

When new members join Custom Body Fitness, I want them to lose weight quickly, just as they do. I want my clients to understand all the concepts of weight loss in the first assessment. I want them to be strong and know all the exercises from the first day.

When I start reading a new book I want to finish it the same week. I want to know everything as soon as possible.

When I save and invest money, I want the money to duplicate in a couple of weeks. I want to be able to help all the dogs I can as soon as possible.

When it comes to patience, I am the most impatient person you will ever meet. However, many of my clients tell me that I am very patient. I have noticed that most human beings are impatient. This is one of the reasons we dont get what we want and we are unhappy. We plant a seed hoping the next day the fruit has already grown. We dont take the time to water it, protect it from pests and remove the weeds.

Many times we choose the fast and easy way to get what we want, paying the consequences of an illusion.

Mother Teresa said that patience is a virtue we develop we arent born with it. I have come to understand this, and I have developed patience. Therefore, when I want all the results of the seed I just planted, I remind myself that patience gives me more than desperation does. Desperation turns off everything. Ask a woman if she will date a desperate guy.

Frustrations, bad decisions, disappointments and negative consequences are some of the effects of not being patient. There is nothing a patient person cant get with action.

Weight loss is the same; we all want to change our bodies in days. But we often forget that it took time for neglect to change our body, and it would take at least the same amount of time to recuperate.

It is very easy to forget that weight loss requires time. So if you are ready to lose weight or you are already in the process, give it some thought and allow yourself a realistic amount of time to avoid disappointment, which could lead to dropping your efforts.

Start by being patient and understanding that weight loss is a process. Practice all the behavior that will lead to weight loss, just like you would take care of a seed that will bear the fruit you want, and soon enough you will be enjoying the results.

So far patience has worked for me. Not only have I achieved many of my goals and I am a good teacher because of it, but it has helped me to enjoy the process. I always remind myself, What is the rush? What I want to do later, Ill have time to do.

Sandro Torres is owner of Custom Body Fitness in Carbondale, author of the book Lose Weight Permanently and a Watch Fit columnist. His column appears on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month in Body & More.

Go here to read the rest:
Torres column: Patience is a key to success - Glenwood Springs Post Independent

Diet Doc Nutritional Experts Help Mediterranean Diet Patients Achieve Long Term Weight Loss Success – Marketwired (press release)

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 9:42 am

MANCHESTER, NH--(Marketwired - February 14, 2017) - Following a healthy diet can be difficult, even with the surplus of weight loss options available in the market. Identifying harmful dietary habits and avoiding certain types of foods is a struggle for most individuals, despite easy accessibility to diet plans. Even though many dieters successfully lose weight in the short-term, the chances of consistent weight loss or weight loss retention for 5 years or more is as low as 5%. Emotional eating and inactive lifestyles make weight loss even more challenging.

The Mediterranean Diet, regularly praised as one of the healthiest diets out there, has helped many individuals lose weight consistently. It involves following a balanced regimen of high amounts of olive oil, legumes, unprocessed cereals, fruits and vegetables; moderate amounts of fish, dairy, and wine; and restricted consumption of non-fish meat or meat products. It offers many benefits such as reducing health issues like heart disease and diabetes and improving brain function.

The Mediterranean Diet promotes healthy weight loss based on balancing protein, carbohydrate and fat consumption. One of the best things about this diet is its flexibility as it can be easily customized to an individual's health and nutritional needs. Nevertheless, it can be confusing to maintain a diet in the long-term, no matter how effective it may be in the short-term. It is, therefore, important to set habits that set dieters up for weight loss success in the long run. This is exactly what Diet Doc, a nationally recognized weight loss center, aims to help patients accomplish.

Diet Doc offers direct nutritional counseling and doctor-supervised diet planning to all patients. Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is made possible by examining individual body composition, dietary needs and specific weight loss goals prior to dieting. At Diet Doc, the primary goal is to optimize fat loss with minimal muscle loss.

Simply pursuing a well-known diet like the Mediterranean Diet does not guarantee weight loss success. Long-term diet planning based on nutritional needs and changing lifestyle choices is crucial. At Diet Doc, a nationally recognized weight loss center, dieters are advised to pursue doctor supervision and nutritional customization instead of pursuing fad diets to "lose weight fast". Ideally, a diet should add currently lacking nutrients and eliminate foods that enhance weight gain. At Diet Doc, patients receive custom-designed weight loss programs and diet consulting. With a safe, doctor-supervised diet plan and guidance for life, Diet Doc patients gain the following benefits within the very first month:

Diet Doc programs and aids have a long history of alleviating issues like heart disease, high blood pressure and hypertension through healthy weight loss. With a team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and motivational coaches, Diet Doc helps patients curb hunger and lose weight fast. In fact, more than 90% of Diet Doc patients lose 20 or more pounds every month.

Patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.

Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.




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Diet Doc Nutritional Experts Help Mediterranean Diet Patients Achieve Long Term Weight Loss Success - Marketwired (press release)

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