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Diet Culture Exists to Fight Off the Fear of Death – The Atlantic – The Atlantic

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:42 am

Knowing a thing means you dont need to believe in it. Whatever can be known, or proven by logic or evidence, doesnt need to be taken on faith. Certain details of nutrition and the physiology of eating are known and knowable: the fact that humans require certain nutrients; the fact that our bodies convert food into energy and then into new flesh (and back to energy again when needed). But there are bigger questions that dont have definitive answers, like what is the best diet for all people? For me?

Nutrition is a young science that lies at the intersection of several complex disciplineschemistry, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, psychologyand though we are far from having figured it all out, we still have to eat to survive. When there are no guarantees or easy answers, every act of eating is something like a leap of faith.

Eating is the first magic ritual, an act that transmits life energy from one object to another, according to cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker in his posthumously published book Escape From Evil. All animals must feed on other life to sustain themselves, whether in the form of breastmilk, plants, or the corpses of other animals. The act of incorporation, of taking a once-living thing into your own body, is necessary for all animals existence. It is also disturbing and unsavory to think about, since it draws a direct connection between eating and death.

Human self-awareness means that, from a relatively early age, we are also aware of death. In his Pulitzer prize-winning book, The Denial of Death, Becker hypothesized that the fear of deathand the need to suppress that fearis what drives much of human behavior. This idea went on, in social psychology, to the form the basis of Terror Management Theory.

Ancient humans must have decided, once their bellies were full, that there was more to life than mere survival and staring mortality in the face. They went on to build things in which they could find distraction, comfort, recreation, and meaning. They built cultures in which death became another rite of passage, not the end of everything. They made structures to live in, wrote songs to sing to each other, and added spices to their food, which they cooked in different styles. Humans are supported by a self-created system of meanings, symbols, rituals, and etiquette. Food and eating are part of this.

The act of ingestion is embroidered with so much cultural meaning that, for most people, its roots in spare, brutal survival are entirely hidden. Even for people in extreme poverty, for whom survival is a more immediate concern, the cultural meanings of food remain critical. Wealthy or poor, we eat to celebrate, we eat to mourn, we eat because its mealtime, we eat as a way to bond with others, we eat for entertainment and pleasure. It is not a coincidence that the survival function of food is buried beneath all of thiswho wants to think about staving off death each time they tuck into a bowl of cereal? Forgetting about death is the entire point of food culture.

When it comes to food, Becker said that humans quickly saw beyond mere physical nourishment, and that the desire for more lifenot just delaying death today, but clearing the bar of mortality entirelygrew into an obsession with transforming the self into a perfected object that might achieve a sort of immorality. Diet culture and its variations, such as clean eating, are cultural structures we have built to attempt to transcend our animality.

By creating and following diets, humans not only eat to stay alive, but they fit themselves into a cultural edifice that is larger, and more permanent, than their bodies. It is a sort of immortality ritual, and rituals must be performed socially. Clean eating rarely, if ever, occurs in secret. If you havent evangelized about it, joined a movement around it, or been praised publicly for it, have you truly cleansed?

As humans, we are possibly the most promiscuous omnivores ever to wander the earth. We dine on animals, insects, plants, marine life, and occasionally non-food: dirt, clay, chalk, even once, famously, bicycles and airplanes.

We are not pandas, chastely satisfied with munching through a square mile of bamboo. We seek variety and novelty, and at the same time, we carry an innate fear of food. This is described by the famous omnivores paradox, which (Michael Pollan notwithstanding) is not mere confusion about choosing what to eat in a cluttered food marketplace. The omnivores paradox was originally defined by psychological researcher Paul Rozin as the anxiety that arises from our desire to try new foods (neophilia) paired with our inherited fear of unknown foods (neophobia) that could turn out to be toxic. All omnivores feel these twin pressures, but none more acutely than humans. If it werent for the small chance of death lurking behind every food choice and every dietary ideology, choosing what to eat from a crowded marketplace wouldnt be considered a dilemma. Instead, we would call it the omnivores fun time at the supermarket, and people wouldnt repost so many Facebook memes about the necessity of drinking a gallon of water daily, or the magical properties of apple cider vinegar and coconut oil. Everyone would be just a little bit calmer about food.

Humans do not have a single, definitive rulebook to direct our eating, despite the many attempts nutrition scientists, dietitians, chefs, and celebrities have made to write one. Each of us has to negotiate the desire for food and fear of the unknown when we are still too young to read, calculate calories, or understand abstract ideas about nutrition. Almost all children go through a phase of pickiness with eating. It seems to be an evolved survival mechanism that prevents usonce we are mobile enough to put things in our mouths, but not experienced enough to know the difference between safe and dangerous foodsfrom eating something toxic. We have all been children trying to shove the world in our mouths, even while we spit out our strained peas.

Our omnivorousness gives us an exhilarating and terrifying amount of freedom. As social creatures, we seek safety from that freedom in our culture, and in a certain amount of conformity. We prefer to follow leaders weve invested with authority to blaze a path to safety.

The heroes of contemporary diet culture are wellness gurus who claim to have cured themselves of fatness, disease, and meaninglessness through the unimpeachable purity of cold-pressed vegetable juice. Many traditional heroes earn their status by confronting and defeating death, like Hercules, who was granted immortality after a lifetime of capturing or killing a menagerie of dangerous beasts, including the three-headed dog of Hades himself. Wellness gurus are the glamorously clean eaters whose triumph over sad, dirty animality is evidenced by fresh, thoughtfully-lit photographs of green smoothies in wholesome Mason jars, and by their own bodies, beautifully rendered.

There are no such heroes to be found in a peer-reviewed paper with a large, anonymous sample, and small effect sizes, written in impenetrable statistician-ese, and hedged with disclosures about limitations. But the image of a person you can relate to on a human level, smiling out at you from the screen, standing in a before-and-after, shoulder-to-shoulder with their former, lesser, processed-food-eating self, is something else altogether. Their creation myth and redemptionhow they were lost but now are foundis undeniably compelling.

There are twin motives underlying human behavior, according to Beckerthe urge for heroism and the desire for atonement. At a fundamental level, people may feel a twinge of guilty for having a body, taking up space, and having appetites that devour the living things around us. They may crave expiation of this guilt, and culture provides not only the means to achieve plentiful material comfort, but also ways to sacrifice part of that comfort to achieve redemption. It is not enough for wellness gurus to simply amass the riches of health, beauty, and statusthey must also deny themselves sugar, grains, and flesh. They must pay.

Only those with status and resources to spare can afford the most impressive gestures of renunciation. Look at all they have! The steel-and-granite kitchen! The Le Creuset collection! The Vitamix! The otherworldly glow! They could afford to eat cake, should the bread run out, but they quit sugar. Theyre only eating twigs and moss now. What more glamorous way to triumph over dirt and animality and death? And you can, too. That is, if you have the time and money to spend juicing all that moss and boiling the twigs until theyre soft enough to eat.

This is how the omnivores paradox breeds diet culture: Overwhelmed by choice, by the dim threat of mortality that lurks beneath any wrong choice, people crave rules from outside themselves, and successful heroes to guide them to safety. People willingly, happily, hand over their freedom in exchange for the bondage of a diet that forbids their most cherished foods, that forces them to rely on the unfamiliar, unpalatable, or inaccessible, all for the promise of relief from choice and the attendant responsibility. If you are free to choose, you can be blamed for anything that happens to you: weight gain, illness, agingin short, your share in the human condition, including the random whims of luck and your own inescapable mortality.

Humans are the only animals aware of our mortality, and we all want to be the person whose death comes as a surprise rather than a pathetic inevitability. We want to be the one of whom people say, But she did everything right. If we cannot escape death, maybe we can find a way to be declared innocent and undeserving of it.

But diet culture is constantly shifting. Todays token foods of health may seem tainted or pass tomorrow, and within diet culture, there are contradictory ideologies: what is safe and clean to one is filth and decadence to another. Legumes and grains are wholesome, life-giving staples to many vegan eaters, while they represent the corrupting influences of agriculture on the state of nature to those who prefer a meat-heavy, grain-free Paleo diet.

Nutrition science itself is a self-correcting series of refutations. There is no certain path to purity and blamelessness through food. The only common thread between competing dietary ideologies is the belief that by adhering to them, one can escape the human condition, and become a purer, less animal, kind of being.

This is why arguments about diet get so vicious, so quickly. You are not merely disputing facts, you are pitting your wild gamble to avoid death against someone elses. You are poking at their life raft. But if their diet proves to be the One True Diet, yours must not be. If they are right, you are wrong. This is why diet culture seems so religious. People adhere to a dietary faith in the hope they will be saved. That if theyre good enough, pure enough in their eating, they can keep illness and mortality at bay. And the pursuit of life everlasting always requires a leap of faith.

To eat without restriction, on the other hand, is to risk being unclean, and to beat your own uncertain path. It is admitting your mortality, your limitations and messiness as a biological creature, while accepting the freedoms and pleasures of eating, and taking responsibility for choosing them.

Unclean, agnostic eating means taking your best stab in the dark, accepting that there is much we dont know. But we do know that there is no One True Diet. There may be as many right ways to eat as there are peoplenone of whom can live forever, all of whom must make of eating and their lives some personal, temporary meaning.

Diet Culture Exists to Fight Off the Fear of Death - The Atlantic - The Atlantic

Mediterranean Diet Tied to Fewer ADHD Diagnoses –

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:42 am

Children who consume a Mediterranean diet are less likely to be diagnosed with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a new study led by researchers at the University of Barcelona.

The Mediterranean diet includes large amounts of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, beans, and cereal grains such as wheat and rice, moderate amounts of fish, dairy, and wine, and limited red meat and poultry.

The team also found a higher prevalence of ADHD among children who consumed high levels of candy and sugary drinks and low levels of fatty fish.

The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, is the first to investigate the link between the Mediterranean diet and ADHD in children and adolescents. The findings suggest that unhealthy eating habits could play a role in the development of the disorder.

However, the authors say that more research is necessary to firmly establish causality between nutrient-poor eating habits and ADHD.

The study involved 120 children and adolescents (60 diagnosed with ADHD and 60 controls) between the ages of six and 16. The childrens dietary patterns were assessed using food frequency questionnaires. The findings show that children with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet were more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD compared to those with high adherence.

Furthermore, the team identified a higher prevalence of ADHD among children who consumed high amounts of candy and sugary drinks, but low amounts of fatty fish.

The exact mechanisms linking a low-quality diet and ADHD are still unknown. Previous scientific studies have associated some dietary patterns (diets with processed food and low in fruit and vegetables) with ADHD. It is also known that an unbalanced dietary pattern can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients (iron, zinc, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, etc.) that appear to play an essential role in the etiology of ADHD.

While the new research doesnt establish a direct cause-effect relationship between dietary patterns and ADHD, it can help determine specific dietary strategies to help improve the quality of life for both the affected patients and their families, say the researchers.

Furthermore, the link between an unhealthy diet and ADHD could be an example of reverse causation. For example, said Dr. Jos ngel Alda, a psychiatrist at Sant Joan de Du University Hospital, its unclear whether kids develop ADHD because of an unhealthy diet or perhaps the disorder itself causes them to eat an excess of fat and sugar to balance their impulsiveness or emotional distress.

We believe this is a vicious circle, said Alda, meaning that the impulsiveness of children with ADHD could make them eat unhealthily, and therefore they dont eat the nutrients they need and it all worsens their symptoms.

Source: University of Barcelona

APA Reference Pedersen, T. (2017). Mediterranean Diet Tied to Fewer ADHD Diagnoses. Psych Central. Retrieved on February 8, 2017, from

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The Trump Diet: Fried Chicken, Diet Coke And Big Macs Served On A Silver Platter – Benzinga

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:42 am

Less than a month into Donald Trumps term in office, there are already countless distinctions between the Trump administration and the Obama administration. Americans are passionately debating the implications of the policy distinctions Trump is drawing on a daily basis.

However, Axios recently focused on a slightly less critical, although certainly potentially important, difference between Trump and Obama.

President Obama and his wife Michelle made fitness, diet and health priorities while in office, but Trumps diet seems more appropriate for a college dorm room than the White House. His eating habits even provided some excellent free product placement for top brands from time to time.

Aides report that Trump was constantly guzzling The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE: KO)'s Diet Coke on the campaign trail.

One aide referred to Dominos Pizza, Inc. (NYSE: DPZ), McDonalds Corporation (NYSE: MCD) and Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM)'s KFC as the three staples of the Trump campaign trail diet. Trump apparently has a special place in his heart (and his stomach) for the Big Mac.

While some Trump critics rolled their eyes at pictures of Trump eating Big Macs and fries on his private jet, aides say these occasions weren't simply photo ops to make Trump seem more relatable to voters; He frequently had Big Macs served to him on a silver platter, according to the Axios report.

In addition to fast food, Trump frequently snacks on PepsiCo, Inc. (NYSE: PEP)'s Lays potato chips and Kellogg Company (NYSE: K)'s Keebler Vienna Fingers.

Why should this unhealthy lifestyle concern Americans? At age 70, Trump is the oldest president ever elected. In addition to his poor eating habits, aides also report that Trump doesnt exercise, other than playing an occasional round of golf.

Trump hasnt had any major health issues up to this point, and aides report his diet has improved somewhat since the campaign ended. Trump also enjoys steaks (well done), potatoes, fish, seafood and vegetables. He doesnt smoke and doesnt drink alcohol at all.

For better or worse, Trump is certainly following through with his campaign promises when it comes to policy. As noted by Axios, aides report he's also a man of his word when it comes to Oreo cookies as well. Trump apparently used to love snacking on Oreos, but he gave them up entirely after Mondelez International Inc (NASDAQ: MDLZ) moved an Oreo plant from the U.S. to Mexico.

Posted-In: Axios Big Mac Diet Coke Donald TrumpPolitics Restaurants Media General Best of Benzinga

2017 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

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The Trump Diet: Fried Chicken, Diet Coke And Big Macs Served On A Silver Platter - Benzinga

Weight Loss Tied to Lower Risk of Uterine Cancer – WebMD

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:41 am

By Robert Preidt

HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Feb. 2, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Weight loss may lower older women's risk of cancer of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, a new study suggests.

"Many older adults think it's too late to benefit from weight loss, or think that because they are overweight or obese, the damage has already been done. But our findings show that's not true," study author Juhua Luo said a news release from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

"It's never too late, and even moderate weight loss can make a big difference when it comes to cancer risk," Luo added. She's an associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Indiana University Bloomington's School of Public Health.

Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecologic cancer and the fourth most common cancer among women in the United States, the researchers said. More than 75 percent of endometrial cancers occur in women aged 55 and older.

The researchers reviewed data from more than 35,000 American women between the ages of 50 and 79. The study included an average of more than 10 years of follow-up.

Though the study didn't prove cause and effect, losing weight was associated with a significantly lower risk of endometrial cancer, and that benefit was greatest in obese women, the researchers said.

Women over 50 who lost 5 percent or more of their body weight had a 29 percent lower risk of endometrial cancer, regardless of their age or how much weight they lost, according to the researchers.

Obese women who lost 5 percent or more of their body weight had a 56 percent reduction in their risk. Overweight or obese women who achieved a normal body mass index (BMI -- an estimate of body fat based on weight and height) had the same risk as women who maintained a normal BMI, the study authors said.

The researchers also found that women who gained more than 10 pounds had a 26 percent increased risk of endometrial cancer.

The study was published online Feb. 6 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

"There have been more than a thousand studies linking obesity to an increased risk of endometrial and other cancers, but almost none that look at the relationship between weight loss and cancer risk," said Dr. Jennifer Ligibel, an ASCO expert in cancer prevention.

"This study tells us that weight loss, even later in life, is linked to a lower risk of endometrial cancer. The findings also support the development of weight loss programs as part of a cancer prevention strategy in overweight and obese adults," she said.

WebMD News from HealthDay

SOURCE: Journal of Clinical Oncology, news release, Feb. 6, 2017

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Weight Loss Tied to Lower Risk of Uterine Cancer - WebMD

Lena Dunham Details Her Donald Trump Diet & It Isn’t Pretty – Refinery29

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:41 am

Not everyone is Tomi Lahren-level thrilled by Donald Trump's presidency. In fact, it's making some people pretty damn stressed out. Lena Dunham is one such person. The Girls creator is so disturbed by the new POTUS' decisions which include his recent immigration ban and pick for Education Secretary that it's apparently affecting her eating habits. The actress told Howard Stern on his SiriusXM radio show that her "soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness" following the election is causing her loss of appetite. Now, she has shared exactly what this so-called "Trump diet" entails, and it's...well, a bummer.

Stress and weight loss can sometimes go hand-in-hand, and it's sad that Dunham feels so unhappy that it's causing her to involuntarily alter how she eats. In an effort to seemingly add a little bit of humor to her "hopelessness," she shared how she's been eating while on the "Trump diet."

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Lena Dunham Details Her Donald Trump Diet & It Isn't Pretty - Refinery29

Trying To Lose Weight? A Calorie Is A Calorie Is A Calorie…Probably – Forbes

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:41 am

Trying To Lose Weight? A Calorie Is A Calorie Is A Calorie...Probably
Recent research has shown that exercise is in fact not the key to weight loss, and in some cases, may even lead to weight gain. Although exercise is certainly beneficial to health by reducing the risk of a range of diseases such as coronary heart ...
Staying On Track Towards Your Weight Loss GoalWVXU
Diet Doc Recommends Nutritional Counseling Program For Rapid Weight Loss With FODMAP DietEIN News (press release)

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Trying To Lose Weight? A Calorie Is A Calorie Is A Calorie...Probably - Forbes

Exercise May Not Be Completely Linked To Weight Loss, Study Finds – CBS Local

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:41 am

February 7, 2017 9:14 AM

CBS Local Its possible that weight loss isnt directly pushed by exercising, according to a study conducted by Loyola University of Chicago.

Working out promotes good health across the board but not necessarily weight loss. Losing weight includes burning calories, but when the body burns more calories, the hungrier it gets leading those lost calories being replaced. Studies have also confirmed that notion as well as burning calories through exercise doesnt make up the majority of your bodys calorie burning.

Our study results indicate that physical activity may not protect you from gaining weight, said Lara Dugas,lead author an assistant professor of public health at theLoyola.

The study examined 2,000 people fromfive countries over three years. They were measured by weigh ins and activity monitors.

Researchers did not find any significant relationships between sedentary time at the initial visit and subsequent weight gain or weight loss, a press release from the University stated. The only factors that were significantly associated with weight gain were weight at the initial visit, age and gender.

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Exercise May Not Be Completely Linked To Weight Loss, Study Finds - CBS Local

Exercise for Weight Loss Isn’t as Effective As Thought | Shape … – Shape Magazine

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:41 am

Exercise is fantastic for you, body and soul. It improves your mood better than antidepressants, makes you a more creative thinker, strengthens your bones, protects your heart, alleviates PMS, banishes insomnia, heats up your sex life, and helps you live longer. One benefit that might be overhyped, though? Weight loss. Yep, you read that right.

"Eat right and exercise" is the standard advice given to people looking to drop some pounds. But a new study from Loyola University calls this conventional wisdom into question. Researchers followed nearly 2,000 adults, ages 20 to 40, in five countries over two years. They recorded everyone's physical activity via a movement tracker worn daily, along with their weight, body fat percentage, and height. Only 44 percent of American men and 20 percent of American women met the minimum standard for physical activity, about 2.5 hours per week. Researchers found that their physical activity didn't impact their weight. In some cases, even people who were physically active gained a modest amount of weight, about 0.5 pounds per year.

This goes against everything we've been taught about exercise, right? Not necessarily, says lead author Lara R. Dugas, Ph.D., M.P.H., an assistant professor at the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. "In all the discussions of the obesity epidemic, people have become too focused on exercise and not enough on the impact of our obesogenic environment," she explains. "Physical activity won't protect you from the impact that a high-fat, high-sugar diet has on weight."

"As your activity increases, so does your appetite," she says. "This is through no fault of your ownit's your body adjusting to the metabolic demands of the exercise." She adds that it isn't sustainable for most people to exercise long enough while simultaneously dropping enough calories to lose weight. So it isn't that exercise isn't important to your weight at allit's still the best way to keep the pounds off long-term after losing weightbut rather that diet is simply more important for weight loss.

Should you still exercise then? "It's not even up for debate150 percent yes," Dugas says. "Exercise can promote a long and a good life, but if you're only exercising to lose weight, you may be disappointed." Plus, people who diet or exercise just to lose weight quit a lot sooner than people who make healthy changes for other reasons, according to a separate study published in Public Health Nutrition. Start shifting your motives and you might just reach your goals.

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Exercise for Weight Loss Isn't as Effective As Thought | Shape ... - Shape Magazine

Tests show injection leads to weight loss without surgery – Knowridge Science Report

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:41 am

A new procedure shows promise at helping severely obese people safely take weight off and keep it off without major surgery.

The minimally invasive treatment is safe, initiates weight loss, and reduces hunger dramatically by cutting levels of ghrelin, a hormone involved in controlling hunger, preliminary tests show.

Obesity is a highly prevalent, detrimental, and costly disease in the US and abroad, says Clifford Weiss, director of interventional radiology research at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

The interventions currently available to treat this condition are behavioral modifications, diet and exercise, medications, and invasive surgery.

Weiss discussed the procedure, called bariatric arterial embolization, at the Society of Interventional Radiologys 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting.

Were excited about the possibility of adding bariatric arterial embolization as another tool for health care providers to offer patients in the effort to curb this epidemic, Weiss adds.

How the procedure works

The procedure involves injection of microscopic beads through a small catheter inserted into a tiny nick in the skin of the groin or wrist.

The beads go to a portion of the stomach known as the fundus, which produces the vast majority of the bodys ghrelin.

The aim is to decrease blood flow, limiting secretion of ghrelin to minimize hunger and initiate weight loss.

In seven patients, bariatric embolization was safe, producing no major adverse events. All seven lost weight and had dramatic hunger reduction after the procedure. Ghrelin levels also trended down.

Early results

The pilot clinical trial involved weight-loss physicians, physiologists, hormone specialists, gastroenterologists, registered dietitians, psychologists, and surgeons.

The participants (six of them women) were ages 31 to 59 and severely obese, but otherwise healthy. They had body mass indexes from 40 to 50, far above the obesity threshold level of 30.

In addition to having the procedure, each participant was taught to make critical lifestyle and diet changes.

Following bariatric arterial embolization, participants had an average excess weight loss of 5.9 percent, 9.5 percent, and 13.3 percent at one, three, and six months, respectively. (Excess weight loss is the percentage of pounds lost above the patients ideal body weight.)

Participants reported average 81 percent, 59 percent, and 26 percent decreases in their hunger/appetites score at two weeks, one month, and three months after the procedure.

Participants also had an average 17.5 percent decrease in ghrelin levels at three months.

These early results demonstrate that bariatric arterial embolization is safe and appears to be effective in helping patients lose a significant amount of weight in the short and intermediate term, Weiss says.

Compared to a surgical gastric bypass procedure, bariatric arterial embolization is significantly less invasive and has a much shorter recovery time.

The research is still in its early stages. Now that theyve demonstrated the safety of the procedure, Weiss says, more clinical trials are needed to evaluate more patients.

They also need more data to explore the potential cost savings of the procedure.

Other researchers involved in this study are from Johns Hopkins, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, and Piedmont Healthcare in Georgia.

The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, Merit Medical, and Siemens Healthcare supported the work.

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News source:Johns Hopkins University. The content is edited for length and style purposes. Figure legend: This image is credited to iStockphoto.

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Tests show injection leads to weight loss without surgery - Knowridge Science Report

Hagerty’s Gym: Solving the carb quandary – Record Advocate (press release) (registration)

Posted: February 8, 2017 at 8:41 am

Editors Note: Hagertys Gym, the column, complements the YouTube comedy series of the same name, in which Jim Hagerty charts his progress to get into bodybuilding shape by training in public places instead of a fitness center.

By Jim HagertyRockford Advocate

If you are confused about carbohydrates, youre not alone. Its a commonquandary. But, there is good news. Once you understand that all complex carbohydrates are not the same, its easy to use them to lose extra weight and enjoy overall health.

All carbohydrates are composed of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. The way their atoms join one another differs. Each carbohydrate contains repeating sequences of simple sugars. The most common is starch.

Starch is a mixture of amylose and amylopectin. These two polymers begin breaking down when they come in contact withyour saliva, which contains an enzyme called amylase. Amylase begins the digestion process before you start swallowing. Have you ever taken a few extra seconds to swallow a spoonful of oatmeal? Take even longer and it will eventually dissolve in your mouth.

Afterstarch is digested, it isstored as glycogen in three major sites: the liver, brain and muscles. It is then converted to glucose, your bodys fuel source. Excess glucose is sent to the fat cells. Herein lies the reason why sugar consumption plays a significant role in body weight fluctuations. It also explains why too much starch can cause blood sugar levels to spike, resulting in serious health problems.

Sugar or fat?

Lets be honest. Cardiovascular exercises can be boring. Even the most conditioned athletes have days when they dread just 30 minutes on a treadmill or stationary bike. Thats not the worst of it. Some exercises can result in undue wear on the body. And its even more frustrating when our scales dont budge despite hours and hours of aerobics. If yourre caught on that hamster wheel, jump off now. Youre not burning excess fat.

Heres an illustration. When a cars fuel tank is full, its engine will run. When the gas gauge reaches E, the vehicle will sputter, chug along on fumes for a few moments and stop. The human body is relatively the same. Theres only one major difference. When we run out of sugar, we turn to natural, alternative fuel sources: fat reserves and muscle tissue. So, if you are only burning sugar from the glycogen in your muscles, liver and brain, your fat stores will remain right where they are.

Maintenance levels

Every person has what is commonly known as a Caloric Maintenance Level. This is the level of calories, including those from carbohydrates, one can safely consume in a day. The easiest way to calculate this level is to record everything you eat for a week until you reach a constant body weight. After a week, you should know how many calories it takes to maintain your current weight.

Now, this is often where people get confused and opt to simply cut their overall calories, expecting to safely drop weight. While this method is often an immediate medical requirement, especially for those who are dangerously overweight, its not always a way to enjoy long-term health. This method is often used by Sumo wrestlers and other large, well-insulated athletes when they retire. They often lose40, 50, 60 or even 100 pounds or more in a few months just by cutting their calories in half. The initial excess comes off very quickly. But, they often still have the same body style. They become a smaller version of their bigger self. True transformation doesnt begin until later.

As you reach a maintenance level that allows you to approach a safer body weight, you must create a cleaner, more structured eating plan, one with an amount of carbohydrates your body can safely process in relation to other foods in your diet.

So, you guessed it. This is going to take some level of commitment. Just because you have the ability to wolf down an entire pizza by yourself, doesnt mean its the healthy thing to do. Believe me, weve all been theresome of us for a few years at a time.

Simply stated, the secret to losing body fat is to burn more calories than you consume. Sound impossible? Its not. Once you figure out your caloric maintenance level, it will be time to identify foods that are high in starch. Oatmeal, yams, potatoes, rice and kidney beans are prime examples.Processed foods like pizza crust, bagels, flour, bread and pasta contain even more starch. And of course, the amount of sugar (fructose) in candy, pastries, and soft drinks can be off the charts.When we eat more of these foods than our bodies are capable of safely processing,ourblood sugar levels increaseand we produce more and more insulin.

Fibrous carbohydrates

Fibrous carbohydrates are different from their starchy counterparts. Ever chew on a toothpick or matchstick for a long period of time? You will notice your saliva simply gets the wood wet and splinters it, but its makeup does not change. This is because wood is a fibrous carbohydrate, made of cellulose, common in carrots, broccoli, spinach, and asparagus.They are notdigested the way your body digests starch. In fact, fibrous carbs are not really digested at all. They are moved foods through the digestive tract, taking waste from other foods with them.


Fruitcontains a high amount of a sugar called fructose (40-65 percent) which the body can absorb very quickly. Unlike glucose, which starts to process in the stomach and requires insulin to be metabolized, fructose is processed in the liver and doesnt require the use of insulin.

Because fruits contain water, vitamins and antioxidants, they the better alternative to candy and junk food, which also contain fructose butreally have no nutritional value. Most fruit is high in fiber, which helps your body utilize glucose more efficiently, keeping it out of the fat cells. Fruit also prevents insulin spikes. This is what makes it a perfect pre- or post-workout source of energy. It also doesnt come with the sugar crashes youll get from candy.

Note: Never eliminate fruit from your diet in an attempt to cut your simple sugars. Cut out the candy, cookies and pastries.


It is important to eat a proper amount of starchy and fibrous carbohydrates. Eating too much of either can have undesired effects on your metabolism.

Again, too much starch will cause your body to store excess sugar in your fat cells, raising your blood sugar and eventually slowing your metabolism. It can also cause serious health issues.

Too many fibrous carbs will cause foods to pass through the digestive tract too rapidly. Your wont have the time necessary to utilize the nutritional values of your food.

Weight loss and control

A typical balanced dietconsists of 50 percent complex carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 20 percent fat. A more aggressive plan aimed at weight loss will consist of 70 percent protein, 30 percent carbs and 10 percent fat. A plan like this will draw protein from lean beef, fish, poultry and eggs. Each has minimal carbohydrate calories and little fat. Youll want to draw your starch from foods like oatmeal, rice, and shreaded wheat if weight loss is your goal. An occasional bagel is OK, however, youll want to cut way back on the refined carbs or eliminate them altogether.

Fibrous carbs should come from the likes of asparagus, broccoli, green beans and Brussels sprouts. Good sources of fat are cheese, olive oil, almonds and MCT oil.

Note:Eliminating fat to lose weight will often have the reverse effect. Low fat levels will force your body into survival mode. When this happens, nearlyeverything you eat will be stored in your fat cells, forcing your bodyto burnmuscle.When this occurs, weight gain and health problems can occur.

Losing weight involves making safe adjustments to a standard balanced diet. If you reduce calories in any category, you must replace them. For example, if you cut starch youll want to replace some of those calories with protein, fat and fibrous carbohydrates.

Hagertys Gym on YouTube

Read more from the original source:
Hagerty's Gym: Solving the carb quandary - Record Advocate (press release) (registration)

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