IMAGINE THAT YOU COULD solve most of your health problems AND lose up 10 pounds in just 7 days.
Thats an amazing claim but it IS possible.
For those of you who have been reading my blogs and books, you already know this is possible.
I have seen miracles occur so many times in my own patients, and from all the people who have visited my website, posted their stories, and completed this diet challenge.
My true goal is to help people feel better. Period.
I know what it is like to wake up every morning feeling like you cant go on. I know what its like to have seemingly endless minor complaints that lower the capacity to enjoy life. You see, I once was seriously ill with chronic fatigue syndrome. But I changed my life and got better and you can, too.
Of course, with more serious illnesses like this, it may take more than one week to find the cause and the cure. But dont give up.
Using the tools functional medicine provides, it is possible for people with chronic illness to get better over time.
In fact, I now believe that most people walk around just accepting feeling mediocre Once you know what its like to feel truly healthy, youll never go back.
How to Heal from Chronic Illness and Lose Weight
We now know that the ONLY way to truly address and heal weight problems and disease is to get to the ROOT of the problem. You need to find the cause and then get rid of it and help the body heal.
In previous blogs, I told you about two major root causes of illness toxicity and inflammation.
But can you address these root causes in just 7 days?
You bet!
The secret is to very quickly stop consuming the things that make you toxic and inflamed like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, junk food, and processed foods. Then you want to do things that help you detoxify and cool off inflammation like eating whole, real foods, eliminating all potential food allergens, cleaning out your bowels, and relaxing deeply. Thats when miracles can occur.
The scientific research supporting the role of inflammation and toxins in illness is overwhelming, but most doctors dont know how to help their patients deal with it. I used to be one of those doctors.
I was trained in conventional medicine, practiced it for 10 years, and helped many people using the tools I was trained to use namely, medications and surgery. While I worked in the emergency room, those tools worked amazingly well, bringing people back from the brink of death and relieving suffering.
But then I realized that I wasnt helping the some 125 million Americans who suffer from some type of chronic illness, or the millions more who just dont feel well.
In fact, I now believe that most people walk around just accepting feeling mediocre with symptoms like fatigue, aches, brain fog, memory problems, depression, headaches, congestion, allergies, digestive problems, joint pains, PMS, and skin problems. These people may not have an actual disease, but they certainly have problems that rob them from feeling great.
How many people do you know who can say that they feel fully alive, full of energy, and able to greet the day with joy and enthusiasm?
How many of us can really do that?
Well, I know that this is possible for most people.
But the sad thing is that most people dont know why they feel less than fully alive and healthy, and dont connect it to their behavior or habits. Ive said it before and Ill say it again. The key to creating health isnt taking another medication! It is figuring out the cause of the problem, and then providing the right conditions for the body and soul to thrive.
Im here to show you how to do just that.
Over the last20 years of practicing at Canyon Ranch, founding The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, Massachusetts, and working with dozens of other leaders in the emerging field of functional and systems medicine, I have learned the few simple things that make the most difference for the most people.
That is why I write the books I write.
When I wrote UltraMetabolism, my true goal wasnt to help people lose weight, but to deal with the causes of obesity and disease as a whole. And it has been remarkably effective.
Ive been pleasantly surprised with the feedback Ive received because I know I can help people one on one, but I didnt know just following my recommendations in a book would truly help people.
I have been overwhelmed by how peoples lives have changed. Here is an email someone sent to me after trying UltraMetabolism.
Through reading and following the eating plan in your book I have discovered I am gluten intolerant. Six weeks after starting your plan I had not only lost 13 pounds, but also the all-over bloated feeling, excess gas, stomach discomfort and thickening around the middle that I was experiencing. The puffiness and dark circles under my eyes are gone and I am no longer depressed.
I feel terrific, which is my motivation for staying with the plan (including 45 to 60 minutes a day of strength training and yoga). I have read the comments of others and like many of them, I no longer enjoy foods that are bad for me and crave the foods that are good for me.
Unfortunately, feeling terrific is not enough motivation for some people. And I am amazed and even saddened that there are so many other people out there with a defeatist attitude. Many of my friends told me the discomforts I was experiencing were a normal part of aging and that I needed to learn to accept it.
Wow, were they ever wrong!! Your book has shown me caring for my physical self is essential, especially as I age. I am 48 and thanks to your book I am not getting older, Im getting better, and growing old gracefully is not an option but a cop-out.
PS: The only thing I am missing now is conversing with someone I can relate to.
Wow is right!
UltraMetabolism is a complete, comprehensive system dealing with ALL the causes of obesity (and most illnesses and aging).
But after I wrote it, I kept getting requests for something easy and simple to get started with.
I resisted because I dont believe in quick-fix diets, even though my readers and publisher were pushing me to do it.
Then I realized something.
I realized that I could share the same program I have been giving to my patients to help them feel great very quickly and lose weight immediately. I could share it without compromising my true goal of helping people get to the root of their health and weight problems.
And it occurred to me that what I do for nearly every patient who comes to see me is to give them a chance to see just how sick they have been and how powerful making a few simple changes can be in just one week.
Once they realize how their food choices and their behaviors make them feel sick and they experience a taste of UltraWellness they are empowered to make changes that can help them feel great and lose weight for the long term.
The most important things to address at the outset for weight loss and creating UltraWellness are inflammation and toxicity. These are among the two biggest causes of chronic disease and obesity.
So I created a simple, small, inexpensive paperback book called The UltraSimple Diet.
This book gives you all the tricks and tools I have used successfully with thousands of patients for so many years. In one short week, I teach you how to detoxify and to cool off chronic inflammation.
After I published the book, I realized we could take the experience to a whole other level using online tools and a support community. Thats when I developed The UltraSimple Diet Challenge. 500 people participated and the results were amazing. People tracked their medical symptoms things like headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, congestion, joint pain, depression, and more.
The results were dramatic. In just a week, they had an average of 51.15% reduction in their symptoms. And they lost an average of 5.53 pounds (many lost over 10 lbs) and lost an average of 1.37 inches from their waists and 0.94 inches from their hips! To me the weight loss is nice and happens automatically but it isnt the main objective.
The real benefit is the possibility of people experiencing UltraWellness a state of deep and true health and vitality. And it happens so quickly. You dont need to believe me just try it yourself foronly one week.
And tell your friends. Pass this along.
I believe that if enough people really get to experience the difference in their health in one week of The UltraSimple Diet, it will change them forever.
And if enough people have this positive change, this will create a cultural shift that may be able to counteract the powerful food and pharmaceutical industries that harm our health.
I have been shocked by how powerful this one-week program can be and hope to hear back from you on what your experience is like. In addition to the book, I have also created The Ultrasimple Diet Companion Guide which you can download for free here.
To your good health,
MarkHyman, MD
Read more here:
The UltraSimple Diet: Kick-Start Your Metabolism and ...