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Choosing veganism isnt just about moving to a plant-based diet, but learning how to cook all over again. – Monterey County Weekly

Posted: May 20, 2022 at 1:48 am

There are various reasons people choose to go vegan. It might be for health reasons as a way to lower their blood pressure, cholesterol or address concerns about heart disease or because of moral values and respect for the well-being of all animals. The choice might have its roots in environmental activism (about 15 percent of global greenhouse emissions come from livestock), or it might start out of pure curiosity.

If the dietary changes are health-linked they often need to happen overnight. But if they arent, the journey generally starts slower: excluding red meat then poultry; then moving into a pescatarian diet followed by fully vegetarian, then removing dairy and finally into a vegan or plant-based diet.

This was the process Salinas chef Maria Gonzalez started on seven years ago. Gonzalez is co-owner of High Vibes Juice Co. and chef of Cali Dawg vegan hot dogs. She never thought she would quit eating meat her interest in veggies grew out of curiosity and her willingness to try something different. I started to want to know how it felt, what it was like [to have a plant-based diet], Gonzalez says.

Maggie Evans, a registered dietitian, nutritionist and certified diabetes educator at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, says a good way to start this transition is by eating less meat for example by replacing half of the ground meat in a spaghetti dish with beans, or by adding more vegetables to your meals.

If people are changing their diets because of health concerns, substituting a veggie burger, for example, wont necessarily be beneficial. These are still highly processed items, Evans says. Not all vegan or vegetarian alternatives are automatically healthier, she adds some have more sodium or saturated fat. Evans also cautions that plant-based and vegetarian eaters can miss certain nutrients if they are not watching their diets and making sure their meals are balanced. She says B-12 is a vitamin non-meat-eaters could lack and its important they consume supplements that include nutrients we get from animal products Vitamins B-12 and D3 and iron, for example.

If people are unsure where to start, Evans encourages consulting a dietitian or nutritionist to help during the transition.

Evans also believes labels shouldnt be set in stone. You can have a mainly vegan diet but once in a while enjoy a favorite food like fried chicken or barbecue ribs.

Change can be hard, Evans notes. We already have so much stress in our lives, she says. The last thing we should be stressing about is our nutrition.

Gonzalez says that for her, the lifestyle change has been positive. She has more energy now than when she was an omnivore something she appreciates during her 15-hour workdays. The change has also meant getting creative while cooking traditional dishes. I had to learn how to cook all over again, Gonzalez says. While she always used vegetables in her cooking in some way, she has learned to see them in a different light: as the main ingredient.

She says a good way to start when cooking your favorite recipes while transitioning is to think about what veggies you can use to substitute in for meat.

Gonzales also introduced her family to vegan recipes and has made vegan versions of traditional Mexican dishes like pozole. Instead of using pork, she uses shredded jackfruit and mushrooms. When she shares her pozole with others, some dont believe that its 100-percent plant-based: Its funny, they swear to me that [jackfruit] is a meat.

Gonzalezs current favorite vegetable is the versatile cauliflower, which she uses cooked or raw in a vegan ceviche.

She also contributes to vegan pop-ups hosted by Urban Arts Collaborative, a local socially conscious arts and community organization. Their next event is scheduled for Saturday, June 11 from 2-7pm at the UAC gallery located at 21 Soledad St., Suite C, in Salinas.

Cauliflower Ceviche

Recipe By: Chef Maria Gonzalez & El Antojo Veganx


1 large cauliflower head

2 medium tomato, small diced

1 white onion, small diced

1/2 cup chopped cilantro

1 small carrot, peeled and chopped finely

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2 celery stick, chopped finely

1 jalapeno, finely chopped (optional)

2-3 yellow lemons juiced

1 teaspoon dry oregano

Salt to taste


Tostadas, corn chips or saltine crackers

lettuce leaves

hot sauce


Equipment List

1 table, 1 cutting board, 1 chef knife, 1 food processor, measuring spoons, measuring cups, 2 bowls, a wooden spoon and small containers to separate cut items (paper bowls or cups work)

Additional items if you are making the cooked version

8-quart Stock Pot with Lid, 3 propane cooking pods with 6 burners each, 1 bowl with icy water and mesh strainer

Raw version

1. Grab your cauliflower head and cut into big pieces. Pulse into food processor until small or cauliflower can be chopped by hand.

2. Combine the white onion and lemon juice together. Add Cauliflower to mixture.

3. Combine rest of veggies together and add salt to your taste. Mix up and enjoy topped with your favorite hot sauce, avocado etc. Can even be enjoyed on a bed of greens, on a cracker, tostada or lettuce wrap.

Cooked version

1. Put a medium pot of water to a boil. Grab your cauliflower head and cut into big pieces. Boil for about 3 minutes and take cauliflower out and submerge in an ice water bath.

2. Combine the white onion and lemon juice together. When Cauliflower is completely cooled chop into small pieces either by hand or pulsed in food processor then add to onion mixture.

3. Combine all veggies together and add salt to your taste. Mix up and enjoy topped with some pickled jalapeos, pickled onions, favorite hot sauce, avocado etc. Can even be enjoyed on a bed of greens, on a cracker, tostada or lettuce wrap.

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Choosing veganism isnt just about moving to a plant-based diet, but learning how to cook all over again. - Monterey County Weekly

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How to Tell Real Nutrition Advice from Fad Diets – Healthline

Posted: May 20, 2022 at 1:48 am

Nutrition has become a hot topic of discussion across virtually all social media platforms.

In fact, these days it seems nearly impossible to open any social media app without seeing sponsored content from influencers touting a new supplement, diet program, or workout regimen that often sounds too good to be true.

Though it can definitely be tricky to distinguish between the facts and the fake news out there, knowing what to look for can make it much easier.

This article will take a closer look at the risks and dangers of some common social media fads and a few steps you can take to weed out the bad advice.

In recent years, diet and nutrition seem to have taken center stage on many social media platforms.

From new supplements and diets to cleanses, recipes, workout routines, and what I eat in a day videos, theres more focus on food, health, and nutrition than ever before.

However, much of this content seems to come from individuals who may not be completely qualified to dole out nutrition advice, including celebrities and online influencers.

One study analyzed about 1.2 million tweets over a 16-month period and found that discourse on diet and nutrition was largely dominated by non-health professionals (1).

Another study presented at the European Congress on Obesity found that only one of the nine most popular weight loss influencers in the United Kingdom provided trustworthy, credible nutrition advice (2).

Though this may seem alarming, keep in mind that not all information on the internet is harmful and that a variety of reputable resources can provide accurate, evidence-based advice to help you learn more about your health.

However, determining which sources are trustworthy and reliable can be challenging, especially if youre not sure what to look for and what to avoid.

Though some stories, posts, or videos may seem innocent enough, many of the fad diets and supplements popping up on social media can have serious consequences.

For example, officials from the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) recently urged Instagram to crack down on accounts promoting and selling Apetamin, an appetite stimulant often touted by influencers for its ability to enhance curves (3, 4).

According to the NHS, no action was taken against the dozens of social media accounts that were illegally selling the drug, which is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration and has been linked to many severe side effects, including liver toxicity (3, 4).

Online influencers also often promote detox teas, which they claim can help boost metabolism, enhance fat-burning, or remove harmful toxins from your body.

In 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed a complaint with a popular detox tea marketer, stating that the company made various health claims that were not backed by evidence, such as that their detox pack could help fight cancer or unclog arteries (5).

Furthermore, the FTC sent out warning letters to 10 influencers who didnt adequately disclose that they were being paid for promoting the product (6).

Besides making unrealistic health claims, these types of products can have serious side effects and may even be dangerous.

For instance, one case report detailed the treatment of a 51-year-old woman who experienced severe hyponatremia low levels of sodium in the blood after using an over-the-counter detox tea product (7).

Similarly, a 60-year-old woman experienced acute liver failure plus a range of symptoms like jaundice, weakness, and worsening mental status after drinking a detox tea three times daily for 2 weeks (8).

In addition to supplements, restrictive fad diets and cleanses have been heavily promoted on social media.

Not only can these programs increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies and other health problems, but they may also negatively affect mental health while fostering an unhealthy relationship with food (9, 10, 11).

In fact, content from many popular creators tends to glamorize eating disorders, dangerous diets, and other unhealthy habits such as extended fasting, taking questionable supplements, or adopting extreme workout regimens in order to lose weight quickly for an event.

For example, Kim Kardashian recently made headlines after saying that she lost a concerning amount of weight in a short time to fit into a dress originally worn by Marilyn Monroe for the Met Gala, sending a dangerous message to millions of people (12).

Kardashians alleged rate of weight loss was much faster than the rate recommended by most professionals: 1/2 pound to 2 pounds per week (13).

Plus, losing weight for a specific event is symbolic of diet culture and the pressure to prioritize aesthetic thinness over whole body health.

In the past, celebrities such as Kardashian have also been called out for editing their pictures on social media, fostering unrealistic standards of beauty.

Furthermore, many social media trends such as the what I eat in a day videos all over TikTok can set unrealistic expectations, promote diet culture, and perpetuate an unhealthy obsession with clean eating, especially in young people.

Not all nutrition information on the internet is trustworthy and reliable. Here are a few things to keep in mind to help you distinguish between good and bad advice online.

Instead of trusting social media influencers who promote supplements or weight loss products, its best to get your nutrition advice straight from professionals with education, experience, and training.

For example, registered dietitians must earn a bachelors degree from an accredited institution, complete a dietetic internship or coordinated program with supervised nutrition practice, and pass a written exam (14).

On the other hand, formal training is not required for nutritionists in many states, meaning that anyone can use this title, regardless of their experience or education (15).

Besides registered dietitians, physicians are also a valuable source for credible health advice, while certified personal trainers can provide more detailed information on fitness and exercise.

Social media nutrition advice may seem appealing because its free. However, working with a qualified professional doesnt need to be pricey.

Many health professionals, including registered dietitians, accept health insurance and Medicare or can adjust fees based on a sliding scale as needed to help make their services more affordable.

According to the FTC, social media influencers are required to disclose any financial or personal relationships with a brand when endorsing products (16).

This requirement can make it much easier to determine when someone is making a genuine recommendation about a product, diet, or supplement that they actually use, as opposed to being paid for their endorsement.

Generally, its best to exercise caution when sponsored content pops up in your feed.

If youre interested in trying or learning more about a product that someone is endorsing, be sure to look at reviews from real customers or healthcare professionals to try and find out whether the product is credible and safe.

Many diet products and supplements are backed by claims that may sound too good to be true and thats often because they are.

Diets, pills, or other products that claim to help you lose large amounts of weight quickly should be avoided at all costs.

In fact, weight loss supplements and crash diets have both been linked to a long list of harmful effects on health and are unlikely to result in long-term, sustainable weight loss (17, 18).

Look for terms like cure, quick fix, or instant results and be wary of health claims that sound unrealistic, unsustainable, or unhealthy.

Many popular diet programs are highly restrictive and often eliminate nutritious ingredients or entire food groups.

Some companies peddle these fad diets in an attempt to profit off consumers who are looking for an easy way to lose weight or improve their health.

However, in addition to being ineffective in the long run, crash diets can have some serious consequences for health and may increase the risk of disordered eating behaviors (10, 18).

Avoiding overly restrictive diets and enjoying your favorite foods in moderation as part of a nutritious, well-rounded eating pattern is a much better approach to promote weight loss and overall health.

Learn more about why fad diets like these dont work and how they can cause harm in this article.

With more and more buzz building up in the health, wellness, and nutrition spheres, its important to start being more selective about where you get your information.

Though it may seem harmless and easy to scroll past them, many of the products and fads promoted on social media platforms can have serious effects on health.

Be sure to get your information from credible sources, steer clear of sponsored content, and avoid any restrictive diets or products that seem too good to be true.

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How to Tell Real Nutrition Advice from Fad Diets - Healthline

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Top Weight Loss Programs of 2022: The 12 Best Diet Programs That Work – Renton Reporter

Posted: May 20, 2022 at 1:45 am

Anyone thats ever been struggling to lose weight knows exactly how tiring and exhausting the whole thing is. Fortunately, promising weight loss programs can be a game-changer in this situation.

A good weight loss program will tell you exactly what to eat, when to exercise, how many calories to eat during the day, and everything else to achieve maximum weight loss results. All weight-loss programs claim that they can help you lose the weight you want, but not all of them deliver what they promote.

Together with our experts, we analyzed, tested, and evaluated the best weight loss programs to help you make an educated choice. Continue reading to see our selection of weight loss programs deemed the top-best weight loss programs for 2022.

We spent hours researching the best weight loss programs with our experts. Here is what our team of experienced editors separated as the best weight loss and diet programs for 2022:

Beachbody is the best weight loss program that also comes with its exercise videos. This program provides a complete set of weight loss guides, tools, and videos designed to fulfill the needs of all people looking to lose weight.

Beachbody is the most popular weight loss program, with exercises you may do every day to increase fat burning and efficiently reduce weight. Beachbody provides 1,500 workouts, including well-known choices such as 21 Day Fix, Muscle Burns Fat, and Insanity Max: 30.

Beachbody offers a large selection of workouts. Instead of boasting only lightweight training and easy cardio, this weight loss program provides demanding strength-training programs that you can do at home.

Theres nothing left for you to do other than follow the instructions and let yourself feel the results. Beachbody is a great weight loss program for those who want to lose weight but are not fans of gyms.

LA Weight Loss is a weight loss program that will assist anyone in losing weight and revitalizing their body. LA Weight Loss can provide science-backed weight loss that works with fan-favorite weight-loss add-ons like LA Life QuickStart, LA Life Essential, and LA Life Max.

When you follow the LA Life program, your body burns calories continually throughout the day, improving your energy and helping you control your hunger. The idea behind the program is for it to work in symbiosis with your body.

Keeping up with the trends, LA Weight Loss launched a mobile app to ensure its users are always on top of their game. Plus, there are also many supplements courtesy of the LA SlimMetrics brand. Supported by many satisfied users, the LA Weight Loss program is the right option for those who want to become healthier, acquire new healthy habits, and lose the desired weight.

Beyond Body is a weight loss program that promotes itself as a revolutionary way to achieve well-being. With the help of a personalized wellness book, you can achieve your goal and lose as much weight as you want. Beyond Body offers customized weight loss recommendations based on your physiology.

With Beyond Body, you will take a quiz of several questions that will help design a customized workout plan just for you.

This weight loss program comes with recipes, meal plans, grocery lists, and customized weight loss tips to make it much easier to lose the weight you want.

Another perk of using Beyond Body, besides being the best on the market, is that it comes with your digital copy of your book, containing all the tips and tricks to a successful weight loss. So, this weight loss program could be the right solution for those who want a weight loss guide created just for them.

Nutrisystem is a weight loss program that is one of the most popular weight loss programs globally. With millions of satisfied users, this program is excellent for men and women and as a workout technique for couples. Nutrisystem is specially designed to help you lose weight without feeling hardship or hunger.

The Nutrisystem program can help you practice a healthy diet by following the guidelines. Nutrisystem does have a choice of price and subscription options ranging from $9.99 to $13.21 per day. It also offers a unique opportunity to create a diet according to your weight, height, and gender.

Nutrisystem continues to be one of the best weight loss programs globally and offers 150+ menu choices and many recipes for dishes that are easy to prepare.

If youre after a weight loss program that will guide you to losing weight every step of the way, Nutrisystem may be the best choice for you.

Raw Generation is a selection of juices designed to help you lose as much weight as possible.

You can make sure youre never short on your favorite healthy juice by creating a list of your preferred beverages to be delivered each month. One Raw Generation pack contains twelve juices and can last for two days.

The Raw Generation juices serve different purposes some are intended to cleanse the body, and others are formulated to help you shed pounds. On the other hand, all juices are 100% raw and plant-based, with no added ingredients; the juice is dairy, gluten, and soy-free.

When it first hit the healthy lifestyle market, it wasnt long before the Noom weight loss program gathered the attention of many looking to shed some pounds and start living a healthier life. Supported by many satisfied users, Noom is one of the best ranked on our list.

Noom works by asking you several questions about your appearance, workout history, and weight loss goals. Noom then creates a customized profile based on your responses.

Nooms custom-tailored plans can help you get the answers you need, whether trying to lose weight or simply improve your eating habits. All you need to do is dedicate some of your time to Noom and let it detect your eating habits so that it can deliver a personalized program just for you.

What makes the Noom weight loss program one of a kind is that it is based on actual psychology. The rest of the weight loss programs concentrate on the natural part of losing weight, such as decreasing calorie intake.

To achieve long-term weight loss results, Noom will rewire your brain and make it perceive food differently. Due to its uniqueness, the Noom weight loss program could be an excellent choice for those who want to get rid of excess weight forever.

Diet Direct is a weight loss program that delivers delicious, high-protein meals to your door day after day. With the Diet Direct program, you can choose between snacks and full-sized meals, customizing your weight loss plan to your specific tastes.

Diet Direct is one of the most affordable alternatives on our list, with rates starting at just $1.64 per meal and including benefits that other programs do not offer. Menu plans such as meal replacement shakes, weight loss tips, and many healthy, easy-to-prepare recipes are included in this program.

Diet Direct is ideal for those who want someone else to finish their meal planning, so they dont have to cook at home while losing as much weight as possible.

Custom Keto Diet is another fan-favorite pound-shedding program that delivers its plans for ketogenic diets based on your physiology. While other weight loss programs are designed with the same menu and the same way everyone can lose weight (regardless of gender, weight, etc.), the Custom Keto Diet is the complete opposite of these weight loss programs.

The Custom Keto Diet has the task of flipping the conventional diet by creating your plan for a ketogenic diet according to your needs. This program includes a keto diet that is high in fat, low in carbohydrates, and vitamins that are tailored to your needs.

The Custom Keto Diet comes with a full warranty and refund for up to 60 days. This weight loss program claims that you can try your meal plan without risk, but you can ask for a refund if you do not like it.

The Custom Keto Diet includes a short online quiz to help you determine which diet is best for you. To reap the benefits of this weight-loss program, you should provide honest answers to a few questions; afterward, youll find your own 8-week keto diet plan based on your answers.

You buy a program, start following it, and just watch how easily you get rid of extra pounds. The Custom Keto Diet program is an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight according to their needs without any physical strain or risks.

Factor 75 is the best weight loss program, with 27 dietitian-designed weekly menus updated regularly. The gourmet chefs at the company prepare and cook the meals, so all thats left for you is to heat the food and enjoy it.

The Factor 75 weight loss program also allows you to create meals depending on your tastes keto, low-carb, low-calorie, and plant-based meals are available at Factor 75. Like other done-for-you weight loss programs, this plan saves you from prepping and cooking your meals.

Factor 75 is an excellent option for those who live a busy lifestyle and are simply not keen on preparing different meals. Instead of bothering yourself with what to eat the next day, you can get fresh, nutritious, and pleasantly delicious meals ready to heat up and enjoy eating.

Weight Watchers is a large and well-known weight loss program, also known as the weight loss program giant. Weight Watchers has been developed to help you personalize your weight loss program to your specific needs and goals. You begin this program with an online quiz that includes a few questions that will be used to create a custom-tailored program for you. After answering the questions, you will receive specific instructions and meal recommendations to help you lose weight faster.

Weight Watchers provides various plans and combos based on your needs. You can plan your daily meals using the Weight Watchers PersonalPoints Engine, including a Points Budget and a list of ZeroPoint foods. You are also welcome to use the app as a recipe book.

Weight Watchers is a fantastic option for anyone looking for a practical yet low-cost weight loss program.

Hello Fresh is a trending service for meal delivery that saves you from preparing your meals. Hello Fresh is pretty flexible when it comes to designing your meals. Plus, if you have no idea what to try next, there are 25 new recipes available weekly. If you are after losing weight, you might eat differently than if you want to gain muscle mass.

Hello Fresh delivers a box of chef-designed ingredients in certain portions every week, all of them coming straight to your home, from farm to table. Youll find simple recipes for anything from handmade burgers to kid-friendly dinners to desserts.

Hello Fresh is the most popular food delivery service in the United States. If you appreciate fresh ingredients and delicious dishes every day to help shed some pounds, then Hello Fresh may just be what youre looking for.

Golo is one of the best weight loss programs that, among other things, helps you go lose weight, look amazing, and go love life. Golo is intended for everyone with different weight loss goals. Still, it is specifically aimed at those who have previously struggled to lose weight, such as those with insulin resistance, stress, and other factors that limit weight loss.

Golo is the manufacturer of Release, an entirely natural dietary supplement beneficial to those with insulin resistance. Golo Release, a plant and mineral blend, is shown to burn excess fat, boost immunity, reduce hunger, and help you lose weight by balancing your hormones.

With the Golo weight loss program, you do not have to follow a brutal workout regimen, a strict, pleasure-depriving meal plan, or pay an expensive subscription. This product, a fan favorite, is the availability of a large set of weight loss resources, such as the Golo Metabolic Solution, myGolo online platform, and the Overcoming Diet Obstacles guide. So, the Golo weight loss program can be a fantastic choice for anyone looking for safe weight loss.

Every weight-loss program has one thing in common: they claim to get you rid of excess weight. But, not all weight loss programs fulfill their promises. As a result, we used a variety of factors to distinguish between real and fake weight loss programs.

Todays best weight loss and healthy-eating programs serve various diets, requirements, and preferences. For instance, you can find vegan weight loss programs, low-calorie timetables, or Kosher weight loss plans.

Not everyone eats all types of fruits or vegetables. As a result, a good weight loss program allows you to easily adjust your diet plan to accommodate whatever preferences you enjoy and maximize your pleasure in the weight loss process.

Many people who wish to buy a weight loss program ask if the program is easy to follow, and its a legit question. Complicated meal plans can take a toll on you and frustrate you beyond limits. If the weight loss program is more than challenging, not everyone may stick with it until the end. As a result, we offer a range of more straightforward and uncomplicated weight loss programs.

Some weight loss program dishes are microwave-safe. You have to microwave the plate and then enjoy your meal. There are weight loss programs that include meals that you must prepare and cook yourself, and there are such pound-shedding plans that include meals that require more than 30 minutes to prepare. We made sure to incorporate weight loss programs that include meals that you can make quickly and efficiently while still satisfying your daily calorie intake.

The best weight loss and diet programs have a diverse menu selection, making diet mixing easier and providing you with various healthy dishes. If you eat the same foods every day, you may become dissatisfied with the diet and give up on it. We have chosen all weight loss programs that provide a wide variety of mixed foods for everyones taste.

Every weight loss program available today comes at a different price. Some programs cost $5 per day, $20 per day, and even $50 per day. Several people prefer low-cost weight loss programs with basic discounted meals, while some wont hold back on splurging for superb weight loss results. If you are prepared to pay a premium, you should get nothing but quality ingredients. However, even if youre opting for a lower price, you should still get good food. When choosing the best weight loss programs, we looked at their prices and offered you a selection of weight loss programs from companies that provide good value and quality.

Paired with a healthy workout plan, the majority of the weight loss programs claim to help you lose one to two pounds per week. This is an average amount of weight that everyone should be able to lose during the weight loss process to sustain their good health. We were cautious when analyzing and choosing the best weight loss programs because some claim to be able to help you lose up to 30 pounds per month. However, if a weight loss program needs to make absurd weight-loss claims to attract you, it is not a simple weight loss program.

Some of the cheaper weight loss programs are made up of meals similar to frozen microwaveable meals, while some of the other weight loss programs are high-quality gourmet meals specially designed by a chef. The best and most sustainable weight loss comes from high-quality ingredients that will not cause side effects or bounce the pounds back. For example, quality-made meals would include a variety of fruits, vegetables, balanced foods, specially planned and prepared dishes, etc.

Everyone loses weight in their unique way. If a weight loss program hits the goal with one person, it wont necessarily do the same with the next one that tries it. In our ranking, we chose programs that make the weight loss process easier by allowing you to personalize your weight loss as much as you want. Instead of giving you the exact weight loss instructions as everyone else, some weight loss programs create a plan based on how many pounds you want to lose, blood type, gender, age, physiology, health issues, and other factors.

The best weight loss programs are specifically designed by registered dietitians or doctors and have proven to be the most effective weight loss programs. We also considered each companys track record in preparing meals in our rating.

The track record of some of the most renowned weight loss programs is proof of their quality. There are countless reviews for these programs, including testimonials from delighted consumers who have lost many pounds. We have not only tested the structure of each weight loss program in detail, but we have also reviewed all the legitimate results and recommendations coming from people.

The best weight loss programs are particularly formulated to reduce your calorie intake without leaving you to starve. For example, some of the best weight loss programs allow you to eat six smaller meals a day. On the other hand, there are such pound-shedding programs that will enable you to eat whatever you want, up to 1000-1200 calories a day; some give you specific instructions on when and how much to eat; some are rich in protein, fiber, and fat that can reduce your appetite; etc. We have ranked your weight loss programs that can be proven to control your appetite while giving you the desired results.

Those looking for a good weight loss program may worry about whether the dishes tasted nice. Still, when dealing with a meal regimen to reduce weight, it can be overwhelming to find just the right proportion of flavor and quality; however, the most renowned companies would know how to achieve tasteful quality.

Many weight loss programs have one main disadvantage: it is impossible to enjoy long-term weight loss when someone else cooks your meals. As a result, many weight loss programs concentrate on long-term and effective weight loss results. These programs are meant to teach you how to prepare healthy meals or provide you with the resources you need. Because no one wants to regain weight, we included weight loss programs that offer long-term advantages.

Todays best weight loss programs vouch for their products with a money-back guarantee or a reimbursement. Some programs offer 30-or 60-day risk-free product trials, while others provide one-week free trials at no cost. However, when any company stands behind its products with a guarantee, it is crystal clear that that product can help you achieve your goals.

All the weight loss programs that claim to help you lose a certain amount of weight are made up of the tools you would need to achieve your weight goals. Still, those tools vary from one weight loss program to another.

Weight loss programs are most commonly comprised of the following:

The main goal of any weight loss program is to help you lose weight in an easy but effective way. Some people prefer it when the program is already done (this means that the meals are already ready), while others want to make their meals with the help of weight loss tips and tools without causing side effects. Some weight loss programs are only available to subscribers, while others are free.

Although healthy adults practice many weight loss programs, there is still the possibility of side effects. Weight loss programs can cause adverse effects on some users because each body reduces excess weight differently.

These are the most commonly occurred side effects of weight loss programs:

You may experience these symptoms as your body gets rid of excess fat. An example of this is when people get keto breath, which signifies that their ketone levels are high and their body burns more fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. Any weight loss program will warn you about these symptoms, but they are a normal part of the process.

Hundreds of theories and methods revolve around the weight loss process, but only a handful will work healthily and effectively.

According to the National Health Service and some other health experts and doctors, here are the ten best, most effective, and scientifically proven ways to lose weight:

The first and most crucial way is never to skip a meal, especially breakfast. Many health and fitness professionals distinguish breakfast as the most critical meal regarding energy and strength. To many people, skipping a meal seems like a reasonable weight loss plan, and they think they will lose weight much faster that way unfortunately, thats farthest from the truth. By skipping a meal, you are not getting the essential nutrients you need to be active throughout the day. Also, some studies have shown that if you do not eat breakfast, you will eat more during the day, and you will be prone to overeating.

One of the most important ways to lose weight successfully is physical activity. Being physically active during the day can help you burn far more calories and excess fat than practicing any diet. If you are not a fan of gyms, running, or similar workouts, 20 to 30 minutes of walking is enough to achieve your goals and lose weight.

Consuming natural fiber is the biggest secret to losing weight since fiber is powerful enough to have you feeling full for longer, thanks to its water-absorbing properties. Fiber is also beneficial for speeding up your metabolism, eliminating unnecessary substances from your digestive tract faster. By consuming natural fiber, youre doing your body a favor by helping it cleanse itself of toxins and unnecessary substances and detoxify. You can get fiber by eating oats, bread, fruit, brown rice, lentils, peas, vegetables, pasta, or beans.

One of the proven ways to lose weight is to eat regularly. Eating on a schedule can help you burn calories more quickly and boost your metabolism. It will also reduce the desire for unhealthy snacks and binge eating.

The way you program your brain seems to be one of the most important ways to lose the weight you want. When you use smaller plates and give more volume to your food, you trick your brain into thinking you have eaten a lot of food. Interestingly, it has been proven that if the plate is red, you will eat less than you should. If you use larger plates, your portions will be more significant, increasing your chances of overeating.

Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet is the least you can do for your health while doing the essential part of the weight loss process. Unfortunately, more and more people rush through life and forget about eating healthy. It has been proven that 80% of Americans do not intake the advised daily dose of greens, fruits, or veggies. Fruits and vegetables are fiber-rich foods packed with minerals, natural sugars, and vitamins that help weight loss. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but they can keep you full for a long time due to their natural fiber and natural sugars. One of the most important ways to effectively lose weight and improve mental health is to consume the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables.

There is no such thing as bad food. Sometimes we all want to taste something sweet or have a quick bite of a burger. Restricting specific foods can make it difficult to enjoy the weight loss process. Even if you follow a weight loss program, you can still enjoy such guilty pleasures. Eating some foods in moderation will not prevent you from losing weight; sometimes, it can even help. The more you restrict yourself from eating food that you think is bad, the more you will be prone to overeating.

Another well-known psychological advice for weight loss is mindful eating. Eating mindfully is a process that can help you manage your hunger levels, portion sizes, what you consume, etc. Most importantly, mindful eating can prevent you from eating when nervous or experiencing anxiety spells. When you eat fast, you disrupt the natural signs of satiety and hunger in your body. As a result, mindful eating can assist you in chewing more carefully, allowing you to experience the taste of food and eating more slowly.

Another well-known fact is that muscle burns considerably more calories than fat. As a result, muscle growth is one of the best ways to lose weight and burn many calories. Incorporating strength training into your workout routine if you want to lose weight quickly and develop a healthy habit.

If you are serious about losing excess fat from your body, you will want to plan your meals. By scheduling your meals, i.e., by making a weekly menu in advance, you can successfully avoid the temptation to buy fast food, snack, eat lots of sugar, or eat junk meals that are quick to prepare. By making your meals exactly the way you want, you will help yourself to enjoy losing a lot more weight without overthinking it. Although planning requires devotion and time, it is still really effective and can make your weight loss process a lot easier on you.

Many of the most popular weight loss programs in the world are backed by objective scientific evidence proving that, to put it plainly, what you see is what you get.

Before hitting the market, all renowned weight loss program creators go through several studies to prove their effectiveness. Such is the case with the Weight Watchers weight loss program, which has completed several studies that confirm its effectiveness. Below, you can find some scientific evidence and studies that support weight loss programs.

In a 2015 study, researchers analogized the effectiveness of a few weight loss programs. Researchers reviewed several randomized controlled trials ranging from twelve weeks to twelve months. After a detailed analysis of 39 studies, the researchers concluded that Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers offer much better weight loss results than other rival weight loss programs.

The Nutrisystem weight loss program has also been found to present promising evidence. However, more research was needed to substantiate these results.

Losing weight means more than just eating the right foods and exercising regularly it also means going through a significant change in your behavior and acquiring new healthy habits.

To achieve the desired results and lose weight, you may need to change the old habits that do not help you and acquire new ones and stick to them for the rest of your life.

According to researchers, numerous people are more likely to gain weight if they avoid the behavioral therapy described in this book. The participants were able to finally forget about the yo-yo effect of their diet and accomplish long-term weight loss results by adjusting behavioral and lifestyle factors.

According to a study published in Healthcare in 2018, dozens of trials were scrutinized to specify the best-fitting program for losing weight.

Research has revealed the following characteristics that any good weight loss program should deliver:

If a weight loss program checks all five of these criteria, it should be an effective way to lose the desired weight.

A CDC study has shown that losing a small weight can significantly benefit. It has been proven that losing as little as only 5% to 10% of weight can work in your favor and turn your life around for the better.

Losing weight can deliver some of the following benefits:

For example, someone weighing 200 pounds and losing 5%, or 10 pounds, can significantly narrow the odds of developing obesity-related health issues. For a long time, obesity has been linked to numerous chronic severe conditions. Every pound you lose helps to lower those health risks.

Anyone looking to start a weight loss program to lose weight has a lot of questions about these programs, and being curious about the matter is only natural.

To make things more straightforward for you, we have shortlisted the most frequently asked questions related to weight loss programs.

A: It is advisable to talk to your doctor before starting any weight loss program because not every plan can help you lose as much weight as possible. However, we have suggested all the safety programs for healthy adults when followed to the T.

A: Saturated fats are bad for weight loss, but monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are ok, and it is recommended to intake only small doses. During weight loss, you need to get healthy fats, i.e., olive oil, tofu, avocado, nuts, etc., to speed up the weight loss process in a healthy way.

A: Plain and simple yes. Caffeine stimulates your metabolism to work faster, which will speed up your weight loss process. Certain studies have shone a light on the fact that caffeine can turn into your loyal companion while losing weight.

A: Keeping a diary can come in handy if you want to keep track of your weight loss results. Some research has shown that keeping a journal can even double the results of your weight loss process. Many weight loss programs also include a diary or recommend a regular food diary to make it easier to track how much you eat and what types of foods you consume.

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Top Weight Loss Programs of 2022: The 12 Best Diet Programs That Work - Renton Reporter

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What’s the Definition of Vegan? Is It a Diet or a Lifestyle? – VegNews

Posted: May 8, 2022 at 1:42 am

How many vegans, according to the joke, does it take to change a lightbulb? Two: one to change it and one to check for animal ingredients. Its funny because it contains a kernel of truth. Everyone evidently knows that vegans seem obsessed with reading ingredient labels. But less well known is the definition of vegan in its entirety and whether it constitutes a lifestyle or merely a diet.

Veganspeople who do not consume anything that comes from an animalhave been around for thousands of years. The Therapeutae, for instance, were an ancient Jewish sect that abstained from all animal foods, and the philosopher and poet Ab al-Al al-Maarr (9731057) avoided animal products and wrote do not desire as food the flesh of slaughtered animals / Or the white milk of mothers who intended its pure draught / for their young, not noble ladies.

But the word vegan was not created until 1944, when six members of The Vegan Society gathered in England and coined it from the first and last letters of vegetarian. According to The Vegan Society, The group felt a new word was required to describe them; something more concise than non-dairy vegetarians. Rejected words included dairyban, vitan, and benevore.

The Vegan Societys definition of a vegan describes it as a philosophy and way of living which seeks to excludeas far as is possible and practicableall forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms, it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.

As that definition implies, veganism is not just a diet; indeed, for ethical vegans, it means not supporting any product or enterprise that exploits animals, from drugs that are tested on animals to zoos and aquariums that keep them in captivity. With such an ethic in mind, many vegans regard it as their obligation to speak out for animals by sharing with friends, family, and the public information regarding how animals suffer for food, fashion, experiments, entertainment, and more.

With the increasing popularity of veganism, however, has come an even more holistic and compassionate approach to defining what a vegan is. There is a growing movement that believes that the unity of suffering connects species, races, genders, classes, and religions in a very tangible waythat the exploitation of animals is intrinsically linked to the oppression of humans in its many forms (such as racism, sexism, ableism, and sizeism). For those within this movement, being vegan means advocating for and amplifying the voices of marginalized people as well as animals.

The main difference between vegan and vegetarian is that vegetarians do not eat meat and vegans do not eat anything that comes from an animal: meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. Vegans also do not wear or use other animal products, including leather, wool, silk, feathers and down, and beeswax, and they avoid products tested on animals, such as cosmetics and drugs (although the consensus is youre still vegan if you take necessary medications, whether theyre vegan or not, including the COVID vaccines).

Some vegetarians consume animal products: lacto-vegetarians exclude all meat and eggs in their diet but include dairy products, ovo-vegetarians exclude all meat and dairy but include eggs, and lacto-ovo vegetarians exclude all meat but include dairy and eggs.

Clearly, veganism is a stricter lifestyle choice than vegetarianism, and the vegan movement has given rise to several subsets that go beyond the baseline of avoiding animal products.

More and more, plant-based is being used as a synonym for vegan, especially in food marketing. Are they really the same? No. A plant-based diet consists primarily of plant foods, but a vegan diet completely excludes anything that comes from an animal. So, while plant-based might include ingredients like eggs, dairy, honey, or even a little meat, vegan means the food is entirely free of animal products. Moreover, veganism is a lifestyle, and vegans are likely to extend this to other aspects of their lives, including not wearing anything that comes from an animal or using products tested on them.

Many people today say they went vegan for their health. Indeed, both the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the British Dietetic Association acknowledge that a well-planned vegan diet is suitable for every age and stage of life. More specifically, a vegan diet rich in whole foods provides the following benefits.

According to research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, diets that focus on nutritionally rich plant foods can give young adults a healthier heart, lowering their risk of cardiovascular disease by 52 percent. The 32-year study found that even participants who shifted to a plant-based diet as they aged gained heart-protective benefits, regardless of the quality of their original diet. The nutrients found in plant foods have been shown to reduce oxidation, lower inflammation, decrease low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and improve other health outcomes associated with lower heart disease risk.

A study by researchers at Oxford University showed that vegans have a much lower risk of getting some forms of the disease. The 15-year-long study followed 61,647 British adults, of which 18,298 were vegetarian and 2,246 were vegan. They found that overall cancer incidencecompared to meat-eaterswas 11-percent lower in vegetarians and 19-percent lower in vegans. These findings correspond with numerous other studies looking at how diet affects cancer risk, including another one from Oxford University that analyzed data on more than 470,000 Britons and found that people who dont eat meat have a 14-percent lower cancer risk.

It seems that every day new research touts some health benefit of eating vegan. Among the latest good news is that a healthy, whole foods, plant-based diet is linked to a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, which currently affects 450 million people worldwide. The study, carried out by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, involved 10,684 participants and sought to identify the benefits of different plant-based diets and explore possible connections between this and the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease. Lead author of the study Professor Frank Hu said that consumption of polyphenol-rich plant foods like fruits, vegetables, coffee, and legumes are all closely linked to a healthy plant-based diet and lower risk of diabetes.

A recent review of studies on the link between diet and hypertension found that compared to people who eat meat, a vegetarian diet lowered the systolic blood pressure by an average of 2.66 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.69 mmHg. Those eating a vegan diet showed an even greater reduction of 3.12 mmHg systolic and 1.92 mmHg diastolic blood pressure. (Interestingly, subjects eating a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet, which allows dairy products and eggs, showed no changes in diastolic blood pressure reduction.)

Studies show that following a diet rich in plant-based foods during midlife is associated with a significantly lower risk of cognitive impairmentincluding Alzheimers diseaselater in life. Research on plant-derived antioxidants, for instance, finds they reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress to central nervous system integrity, thereby protecting cognitive ability. Meanwhile, the phytochemicals present in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and other plants have been found to reduce the neuroinflammation that can contribute to dementia.

A low-fat vegan diet improves joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, according to a study conducted by researchers at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common autoimmune and inflammatory disease that causes joint pain, swelling, and eventually permanent joint damage. Certain foods, such as red meat and dairy, cause inflammation, which may make arthritis symptoms worse. A diet based on plants, however, can reduce or even eliminate arthritis pain.

Going vegan is not only good for the animals and your healthits good for the planet. A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use, and water use, says Joseph Poore of the University of Oxford and lead researcher on a 2018 report on food production. It is far bigger than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric car, he said, because these only cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

A growing list of experts agree that adopting a plant-based diet is crucial in the fight against climate change. According to a report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a global shift toward plant-based diets rich in pulses, nuts, fruits, and vegetables could lead to a substantial reduction of GHG emissions as compared to current dietary patterns in most industrialized countries. Another report found that 57 percent of global GHG emissions from food production come from meat and dairy productstwice those of plant foods.

Clearly, switching to a vegan diet may be the most important step humanity can take to ensure the future of our planet.

For additional resources, check out all of VegNews recipes and our guides to vegan beer, milk, cheese, and much more.

For more about veganism, read:How to Get Iron on a Vegan Diet10 High-Protein Vegan RecipesThe 7 Health Benefits of Not Eating Meat

Get FREE vegan recipes delivered to your inbox by signing up for our award-winning VegNews Recipe Club.

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What's the Definition of Vegan? Is It a Diet or a Lifestyle? - VegNews

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The Top 12 Best Weight Loss Diet Programs That Work in 2022 – Homer News

Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:54 am

Weight loss can be challenging if you have no ideal weight management program. It improves your metabolism, lowers your blood pressure, and boosts your cardiovascular health. Undertaking a suitable weight loss program can transform your life.

Weight gain can cause severe health implications and heart-related complications. However, you can balance calories and energy expenditure in your body by finding a suitable weight management program. Maintaining a proper diet and a periodic schedule in physical fitness controls your weight and optimal hormonal balance.

An ideal weight loss program enlightens you on your dietary lifestyle and suitable exercises for optimal weight loss outcomes. However, not all weight-loss programs are eligible for you. Some programs may turn out unsuccessful. Here are some of the best weight loss programs analyzed and tested by experts in 2022.

After hours of deliberation, the editorial team enlisted the best diet and weight loss program. Heres an overview of the best diet systems and weight loss programs in 2022:

Beyond Body is a revolutionary approach to health and wellness. Using a tailored wellness book, you may accomplish your healthy weight target and improve your well-being by following the Beyond Body program.

The website customizes a personalized book based on your responses when you complete Beyond Bodys official website questionnaire. Meal plans, shopping lists, recipes, and customized weight reduction counseling are all included in this book to make losing weight as simple as possible.

Why would you want to follow someone elses diet plan? Everyone is unique, and people lose weight in a variety of ways. Beyond Body provides personalized weight loss recommendations based on your physiology. In addition, beyond Body provides immediate advice as you receive a digital copy of your personalized book, making it easy to access. Its price amounts to $39.99.

If you require a weight loss program that provides healthy options daily and optimizes your weight loss, Nutrisystem is ideal. Nutrisystem is a globally embraced weight loss program. The program enables you to lose weight and live healthy by ensuring you find balanced nutrition.

The program offers multiple pricing and subscription tiers that range from $9.99 to $13.21 daily. Its a hassle-free program that guides you on the proper diet to eat by providing you with over 160 menu choices. In addition, you find a wide selection of dishes that are easy to make through the program. The entire programs cost ranges from $9.99 to $ 13.32 a day.

Diet Direct is a suitable program that provides you with nutritional information. Each day, Diet Direct delivers tasty, high-protein food to your door. In addition, you can customize your weight loss strategy by selecting from various snack foods or full-course meals.

The strategy is one of the most budget-friendly alternatives, with pricing starting at $1.64 each meal compared to $7.99 for Hello Fresh. In addition, menu plans, meal replacement shakes, and success guidelines are among vital provisions available with your Diet Direct subscription, unlike in other programs.

Diet Direct may be ideal if you want someone to handle the entire meal plan process and dont want to cook much at home while still losing weight. The prices per meal range from $1.64 to $1.85.

The program involves the use of juices made to enhance your weight loss. Raw Generation is an efficient and effective weight loss program if you enjoy cooking at home and entrust that you already have decent eating habits.

You can create your own Raw Generation juice box to get the exact juices you desire every month without running out. For example, one box containing 12 juices can serve you for two days when doing a full juice detox.

Some Raw Generation juices are helpful in detoxification, while others are meant to help you lose weight. On the other hand, all juices are 100 percent raw, plant-based, and include no artificial ingredients. Theyre also free of dairy, gluten, and soy. The Raw Generation program can cost you $ 8.33 per juice provided.

Factor 75 provides you with 27 weekly menus created by dietitians, adding new menus weekly. The companys gourmet chefs make the meals, and all you have to do is heat them and enjoy them.

Like other done-for-you weight loss methods, the program eliminates the hassle of cooking and preparing meals. As a result, you can have fresh, wholesome, and unexpectedly sweet meals ready to cook and consume instead of stressing about what to eat.

Factor 75 also allows you to personalize meals according to your preferences. For example, Keto, low-carb, low-calorie, and plant-based meals are provided.

Factor 75 also feels like youre eating at a decent restaurant from the comfort of your own home, with dishes including brisket ropa vieja, spicy turkey poblano, stuffed pork tenderloin, and more. The cost per meal is $11.50.

It is a well-known program that fosters your wellness and health. You can begin your program with $1 monthly during the first three months. After that, the program is more preferred over other programs due to its initial pricing strategy.

Like other great weight loss programs, Weight Watchers tailors your program to your specific needs. To get started, you must first take an online quiz. Then, to assist you in your weight loss journey, you can receive tailored coaching and meal choices.

Weight Watchers provides you with multiple packages and plans based on your preferences. You can opt for Weight Watchers PersonalPoints Engine that formulates your daily meals, including the Points Budget and ZeroPoint foods list. You can also choose an app that provides you with doctor-based advice. The program is pocket friendly and can be ideal for your weight loss needs.

Beachbody provides you with workout videos. In addition, you will find a complete set of tools and weight loss guides for you depending on your level of expertise. The company offers about 1500 different workout options, including insanity Max:30, Muscle Burns Fat, and 21 Day Fix. You can also undergo home-based workout programs to maximize weight loss and burn your calories.

The program is preferable since it comprises various workout procedures. Instead of providing light cardio training and low-impact workout, Beachbody also offers strenuous home-based training programs. The comprehensive features in the program ensure you are physically fit and you lose weight.

Once you join the program, you enjoy a well-laid plan to lose weight significantly. Beachbody program prices range from $8.25 to $19.95 monthly. In addition, you can undergo a home-based program thats pocket friendly and comfortable.

If youve been struggling to lose weight before, Golo is a suitable strategy. The program is ideal for you if youve had stress, insulin resistance, and other aspects that inhibit weight loss. The program enables you to lose weight, look good, and live a healthy lifestyle. The program is formulated to address your unique health needs and allow you to lose weight again.

Golo developed Release, an all-natural dietary supplement aimed at people suffering from insulin resistance. Golo Release is a supplement that claims to burn fat, manage hunger, boost immunity, and help you lose weight by regulating your hormones, among other things.

To lose weight, you dont need to undergo a challenging workout regimen, pay for a hefty subscription, or stick to a strict diet; instead, you might be able to get equal benefits by taking Golo.

The program is formulated to provide safety for you if you have diabetes. The supplement has over 100 studies backing its constituents safety and performance. According to studies, Golo resulted in 79.9% more weight reduction, 17.6% lower cholesterol, 12.5% lower blood pressure, and 206 percent more inches lost around your waists body mass. Unlike placebo supplements, the Golo supplement has additional benefits.

Additionally, after purchasing the Golo supplement, you can access a complete collection of weight loss resources, including the myGolo online platform, Golo Metabolic Solution, and Overcoming Diet Obstacles guide, among other benefits. The cost of the program is $ 59.95.

LA Life QuickStart, LA Life Max, and LA Life Essential are renowned weight loss programs that can provide you with scientific weight loss outcomes. The LA Weight Loss program enables you to lose weight and rejuvenates your body.

By following the LA life strategy, your body gradually burns calories, controls your appetite, and boosts energy. The program is friendly to your body tissues, and it provides you with desired weight loss results. Theres a mobile app developed for the LA weight loss program, and they are numerous supplements supplied under the program. The LA weight loss program leaves you healthier and satisfied. The cost program runs at $190 monthly. Most of the users who have undergone this program have been happy with the results.

Based on your personalized needs and physiology, a custom keto diet program is ideal for coming up with your ketogenic diet. Unlike other programs formulated based on the shapes, sizes, weights, and experience levels, the program has rigid schedules for everyone.

Custom Keto Diet alters the conventional diet with a custom ketogenic diet, and you can try the foods since they are risk-free. In addition, the program provides you with a refund in 60 days if it doesnt satisfy your needs. The custom keto diet is worth $37.

You can enroll in the program by doing an online quiz, and the output of the 8-week custom keto diet program is developed based on the answers you provide. High-fat, low-carb keto diets can help address your weight loss needs. You can try the program and find exceptional results today.

Hello Fresh incorporates a meal delivery service that makes your mealtime less stressful. If youre having trouble losing weight because its challenging to find and prepare nutritious food, Hello Fresh could be ideal. Every week, Hello Fresh provides you with a box of pre-portioned, chef-designed ingredients fresh from the farm. Further, youll find simple-to-follow recipes for craft burgers to kid-friendly meals and desserts.

Hello Fresh offers flexible options that you may tailor to your own needs, with 25 new recipes added each week. For instance, if you want to lose weight, you might follow a different eating plan than someone who wants to gain muscle.

Hello Fresh is a famous set of meal kits in the United States. If you want fantastic food and fresh ingredients, this is the place to go. The price of the Hello Fresh program is over $60 weekly.

Noom came about and immediately became one of the most popular weight loss programs on the internet. First, the program enquires about your demographics, weight-loss goals, and fitness history. Then, Noom creates a unique profile for you, depending on your responses.

Noom is distinct in that it is based on genuine psychology. Other weight-reduction methods concentrate on the physical element of weight loss, such as consuming fewer calories than you expend. Instead, noom focuses on retraining your brains long-term relationship with food to achieve actual, long-term weight loss.

You can detect thought patterns and form new habits by following Nooms personalized curriculum. Nooms tailored plans can help you achieve your goals, aiming to lose weight or improve your relationship with food. The estimated amount for the program is about $59 per month.

All weight-loss plans claim to make losing weight simple. However, not all programs are viable for your personalized needs. To ensure you achieve your goal of staying healthy in the long run, you need to focus on your lifestyle and dietary habits. A successful weight loss program promotes good health behavior and enables you to lose weight safely. Here are numerous aspects to consider while selecting your weight loss program.

The best weight loss program involves a dietary lifestyle that involves a well-balanced diet and multiple menu choices. Selecting a weight loss program that combines different features is preferable. If you stick to the same routine with the same activity for a long time it becomes monotonous, and a mix-up routine is the best.

A good weight loss program caters to different dietary habits, preferences, and needs. For example, you can locate vegan weight loss programs or Kosher weight loss programs. Perhaps you dislike certain veggies or foods, but a decent weight reduction program makes it simple to tailor your meal plan to your personal preferences. In addition, customized plans ensure you undergo the weight loss program with ease.

Weight loss programs are priced differently, ranging from $5 to $50 per day. Some consumers pay for a daily premium package that allows delivery of restaurant foods to their doorstep. On the other hand, other clients love inexpensive, simple, and basic meals. However, the experts prospect on a diet recommends good value foods for any of your selected weight loss programs. If you opt for premium ingredients, you can pay for your plan and get the diet even at discounted prices.

You are likely not to follow a complicated program that limits achieving your desired goals. The weight loss program should be easy to follow and allows you to follow your routine to completion. Experts would recommend you avoid complex weight loss plans to achieve your desired goal.

You can heat your weight-loss programs dishes in the microwave. Microwave the plate and eat it daily to meet your daily caloric requirements. Other weight-loss strategies need you to prepare a dish using the fundamental and active ingredients and cook it. People like different cuisines and cooking methods, but choosing weight reduction regimens in under 20 minutes may be advisable.

Some of the most effective weight loss techniques have been around for decades. Thousands of evaluations for these regimens may be found online, including testimonials from genuine people who have lost weight. Wherever possible, each weight reduction regimen is scrutinized to check on the actual weight loss results and consumer testimonials when determining the companys rankings.

Some companies might have published falsified information regarding their weight loss programs to attract potent clients. Therefore, you need to be vigilant about such companies but ensure the program youve enrolled in is approved and well-established for ideal outcomes.

If you find a weight loss program needs to make outrageous weight-loss claims to entice you, its probably not good. When combined with a healthy exercise plan, most weight loss methods will allow you to lose 1 to 2 pounds weekly. Its the average amount of weight lost by a healthy adult. Its skeptical of weight-loss programs that help you drop 30 pounds in a month.

Many planned weight loss programs have drawbacks. Its difficult to maintain long-term weight loss when someone else prepares your meals. That is why many weight-loss programs emphasize long-term results. They may educate you on preparing nutritious meals or provide additional resources. Its pointless to pursue a weight-loss program if you gain it back.

All suitable weight reduction programs offer a refund or money-back guarantee on their products. Some companies provide 30- or 60-day risk-free trials, while others offer free 7-day trials. In addition, the weight loss programs provide a guarantee on their products to ensure it suits your specifications and requirements.

When enrolling in a weight loss program, its challenging to find the right balance between quality and flavor. A suitable program enables you to navigate through the options available successfully. The best company provides a diet thats on your level. However, if the diet and program dont match your preferences, you can look for a better program.

Quality ingredients, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and well-designed dishes, are a sustainable choice for your long-term weight loss program. Some low-cost weight-loss plans are no more effective than microwaveable frozen meals. Others are authentic gourmet dishes created by a chef. With low-cost ingredients, you wont be able to reduce weight effectively. Quality and active ingredients are vital in ensuring your body remains proactive and persistent while undergoing the program.

The most effective weight loss strategies reduce your caloric intake without depriving you of food. To avoid starving, some allow you to consume six meals every day. Others are high in proteins, lipids, and fiber, which help curb hunger. The ones that involve intense physical workouts may cause you to take more meals than those with less engaging physical activities. Weight-loss programs that sensibly and effectively control your appetite are more suitable.

An ideal weight loss program enables you to follow a personalized schedule to meet your health needs. Different weight loss programs have different approaches and outcomes. Some compelling reasons youd prefer a specific program over another may involve your gender, age, weight loss goals, or physiology. The right program for you must be customizable to suit your preferences.

An ideal weight loss program is accepted and recommended by registered dietitians and doctors. Health specialists come up with weight management plans. A company with apt experience in weight loss programs has the highest rank.

Weight loss programs provide you with specific tools for you to lose weight. The unique tools vary based on the program that you select. Some of the tools featured in a weight loss program include:

A weight loss program aims to make your weight loss process easy and effective. Based on your preferences, you may decide to make meals on the program or allow for your diet to be prepared. Some programs require you to subscribe, while others are free.

There are no side effects related to weight loss programs, but the loss of weight can lead to harmful side effects, including:

The cause of the above side effects is the excess fat being released by your body. Keto breath, for instance, may occur when the ketone levels have risen, and your body burns fat for energy instead of carbs. Therefore, you should expect to have the above side effects if you have to lose excess weight.

According to the National Health Service and health specialists, there are vital tips that are recommendable for your weight loss, and they include:

It may appear that skipping a meal is a fair way to lose weight. However, you may be missing out on essential nutrients. For example, studies reveal that you will take more snacks within the day if you dont eat a substantial breakfast.

Taking your food at regular times enables you to burn calories quickly. You are capable of minimizing unhealthy snacking habits. Skipping meals could tempt you to eat at irregular intervals and lead to unnecessary weight gain.

Your diet should comprise whole grain, protein, and vitamins-rich foods. In addition, its crucial to eliminate trans fats from your diet and regulate intake of saturated fats that are associated with heart-related complications.

You can eat unsaturated fat-rich foods that are healthy and nutritious, such as fish, legumes, and whole grains. Sugary and processed foods are not healthy and should be avoided. Additionally, processed meat products and baked and fatty foods are not suitable for weight management programs. Weight loss programs are linked to your dietary plans to ensure that the weight loss program is effective.

Undertaking a healthy dietary lifestyle is crucial for your weight management. Your diet should contain fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, natural sugars, and fibers. The ingredients are ideal for weight loss since their calorie level is low.

In addition, fruits and vegetables are all-around weight loss foods and should be consumed regularly. Unfortunately, research indicates that 80% of Americans dont follow the fruit and vegetable routine recommended by health experts.

Getting involved in being physically active is essential for weight loss. More activity can improve your health and enable you to burn more calories than dieting alone. For example, even a moderate 30-minute walk once a day can result in significant weight loss compared to not exercising.

Fiber is a weight-loss secret that isnt well known. After being absorbed into your body, fiber bulks up, absorbing water in your stomach and gut and making you feel full. Fiber also aids in detoxification in your digestive tract. You can increase your fiber intake by eating extra fruits, vegetables, oats, whole grain bread, brown rice and pasta, beans, peas, or lentils. Fiber-rich foods have myriad benefits for your health and should be consumed more regularly.

When it comes to losing weight, psychology plays a crucial role. Using a smaller bowl to eat tricks your brain into thinking youre eating more than you are. To make smaller servings appear larger, use a smaller vessel. Youre more prone to overeat if you use larger plates and bowls. The psychological aspect is incorporated into your weight loss program to ensure your food intake is regulated.

Limiting yourself from specific treats does not help you lose weight; instead, it makes you crave for more. While on a weight-loss program, you can indulge in snacks because they may help you lose weight faster. However, you need to enjoy your treats in moderation for the best weight loss outcomes.

Making earlier plans on your diet enables you to avoid snacking, unhealthy meals, or fast foods. If you want to find better weight loss results, you need to plan for Breakfast, lunch, and dinner before. Planning for meals can be an uphill task, but its crucial for effective weight loss in the long run.

Your Meal consumption method is another psychological weight-loss approach. Eating consciously enables you to control your hunger and portion sizes while also preventing stress eating. Take more time to chew your food, set your spoon down between bites, and taste and notice the food as you eat it. When you eat hastily, your bodys natural hunger and fullness signs are disrupted.

Engaging in physical exercises is an ideal approach to burning calories. Exercises are therapeutic ways for your physical and mental health. You can maintain the right body mass index and weight loss by engaging your muscles. Your muscles act like a furnace that burns fat within your body, and incorporating workouts ensures your fat levels are reduced.

You can commit to physical wellness through workouts and successfully restore an optimal body mass index. Moderate to intensity activities are helpful for weight loss. In addition, the approach enables you to keep track of calorie balance. However, some health issues may limit you from engaging in physical activities, and its advisable to consult your health expert before engaging in a physical workout program.

Scientific evidence has showcased weight loss programs that are globally known to be effective in achieving weight loss. For instance, the Weight Watchers program has undergone multiple evaluations and studies to validate whether its functional. The findings on the effectiveness of weight loss programs are discussed below.

A 2015 study done by researchers compared the effectiveness of various weight loss programs. In addition, researchers did a review of randomized controlled trials ranging from 12 weeks to a year. Researchers concluded that Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig are some weight loss programs that offered better outcomes than the competing programs in the research. Additionally, the findings indicated that the Nutrisystem program had promising results but needed further scrutiny to verify the results.

Theres a need to modify your lifestyle and behavior to unlock optimal weight loss in the long run. Weight loss is about transforming your behavior, having the proper dietary lifestyle, and undertaking physical exercises. By combining the three aspects, your weight loss program becomes worthwhile. Researchers noted that people were likely to gain or lose weight if they avoided behavioral therapy. Participants in the weight loss program would enjoy their diet and have long-term weight loss results by adjusting their behavioral lifestyle.

A healthcare publication in 2018 analyzed masses of trials in determining the ideal weight loss program. A suitable weight loss program has the following features:

If your weight loss program incorporates the six traits listed above, it is the perfect model for your weight loss.

Unintentional weight gain may occur rapidly, continuously, or periodically due to various reasons. For example, certain medications or medical conditions may lead to increased body mass. Hormonal changes in your system may slow down your metabolism rate, causing weight gain. Additionally, chronic stress and insufficient sleep may cause changes in your body, leading to hunger and abnormal weight gain.

You can evaluate a suitable program for weight loss based on the hormonal changes, physical exercises, and changes in your diet. Weight management has myriad benefits, and weight-loss strategies prevent you from numerous health issues. Some of the benefits associated with optimal weight loss include:

Experts may recommend you have personalized weight management programs that effectively keep your weight at optimal and healthy levels. Its also essential to avoid the intake of certain medications that might alter the effectiveness of your weight loss program. In addition, weight management programs yield positive outcomes, including reduced physical strain and improved physical fitness.

Ultimately, theres a guarantee for improved health once you begin your weight loss program. The weight-loss strategies are many, and your health specialist can help you determine the ideal weight management program for you.

Following an intensive dietary lifestyle and behavior modification, your body will have hormonal and system changes that will lead to body mass loss. However, youll regain ideal body weight and healthy body functionalities after a consistent pattern.

According to the CDC, minimal weight loss has significant benefits for your health. For example, 5% to 10% body weight loss can restore your blood sugar level and lower your blood pressure, among myriad benefits. If you weigh 200lbs and lose 5% of the weight, it can significantly reduce the risk factors linked to obesity. Being obese predisposes you to many chronic diseases, and any slight adjustments to your body mass lower the risk of having a health complication.

There are numerous questions asked regarding how weight loss programs work. Weight loss Professionals have provided some of the responses to frequently asked questions.

A: Saturated fats are detrimental to weight loss. However, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are beneficial. You can optimize weight loss and a healthy dietary constituent by consuming cold-water fish, avocado, tofu, healthy olive oil, and some nuts.

A: To maximize weight reduction, some experts recommend planning each meal. It may seem odd, but its an excellent way to focus, especially if youre a senior. When you dont plan ahead of time, you run the risk of snacking and eating unhealthy meals, which can destroy your dietary value for your weight loss program.

A: Studies show that maintaining a food diary can help you lose twice as much weight. Several weight loss programs recommend having a food journal to record your weight loss program. A diary keeps a record of your dietary lifestyle and your progress in weight loss.

A: Low-carb foods are common for weight loss, but your body requires carbs for energy. Its essential to avoid carbs contained in sugar-sweetened beverages like sodas and junk foods. Carbs obtained from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains help fuel your bodys energy since they have low sugar levels.

A: Following a diet and exercise program as an average person, you can lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Some people can safely shed 3 to 5 pounds per week. The weight loss program youve selected determines the outcomes.

A: According to studies, a three-month weight loss program can help you shed roughly 10% of your entire weight. You should anticipate losing 2% to 5% of your body weight in the fourth month and then approximately 4 pounds every month.

A: Studies have shown that the time of day is not relevant to the overall caloric intake and dietary balance of weight loss. Several experts advocate eating 4 to 6 smaller meals each day for best weight loss.

A: The best weight reduction methods are intended to suppress your urge for food and prevent hunger. Eating the right foods, such as protein- and fiber-rich foods, can help you control your appetite. However, the quantity of food you take doesnt necessarily impact your weight loss as the quality.

A: When implementing the prescribed strategy, all weight loss programs on the list above are safe for you to follow. If you use medication or have a medical condition, you should see your doctor before starting a weight loss program.

Studies reveal that caffeine is one of the finest components to take when trying to lose weight. Its because caffeine increases metabolism, resulting in faster weight reduction.

A: While most weight reduction programs do not recommend the consumption of alcohol while on the program, some do allow modest amounts of alcohol to be consumed as a treat on occasion.

A: The best weight reduction programs today include restaurant-specific dining out recommendations. You might be able to look at the menu on your mobile app to see what you should eat. You should pick a balanced selection from the menu to align with your weight loss program.

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The Top 12 Best Weight Loss Diet Programs That Work in 2022 - Homer News

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Lifesum reveals that eating a Climatarian diet is the equivalent of removing 85 million cars off the roads – Yahoo Finance

Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:52 am

LONDON, April 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- To mark Earth Day, doctors Alona Pulde and Matthew Lederman at Lifesum, the leading nutrition app that helps users to improve their health through better eating, have unveiled that if every Brit ate a Climatarian diet, it would be the equivalent of removing 85 million cars off the roads per year - or all the cars in the UK and Germany combined.

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"Eating a Climatarian diet can improve health and save our planet," says Lifesum's Dr Alona Pulde. "And the good news for meat and dairy-lovers is that it doesn't mean cutting these foods out completely. The main goal is to reduce animal products and eat more plant foods as these have a lower carbon footprint. It's about considering the origins of what you eat and reducing your CO2 impact by choosing eco-friendly options such as locally sourced, seasonal ingredients - and the equivalent of removing 85 million cars off the road would make a huge difference to carbon reduction."

The Climatarian Diet is one of the most popular diets on Lifesum, and, to get you started, Dr Pulde has created a 7-day plan, featuring healthy, nutritious recipes, including chicken and bean patties with potato and broccoli mash, and vegan bolognese and pasta.

From living longer to reducing the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, Dr Pulde has unveiled the top 5 health benefits of eating a Climatarian diet.

Live longer. Shifting to a more plant-based diet could reduce both mortality and greenhouse gas emissions by up to 10% and 70% respectively by 2050.

Reduces high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol. Plant-based diets have been shown to reduce your risk of high blood pressure by 34%, and reduce your LDL or 'bad' cholesterol by up to 30%.

Weight-loss and sustaining a trim weight. Choosing whole plant-based foods high in fibre, water, and nutrients and lower in fat, sugar and salt helps to take and keep weight off. Meat eaters are three times more likely to be obese compared to vegetarians and nine times more likely compared to vegans. And being overweight or obese was shown to increase the risk of heart disease by up to 28%.

Reduce depression and improve mood. An increased risk of depression is associated with diets high in red or processed meat, refined grains, high-fat dairy products and sweets - while a lower risk of depression and improved mood is associated with diets high in fruits and vegetables.

Healthy looking skin. The rich nutrient profile in whole plant based foods, including antioxidants, helps keep skin looking younger and healthier while reducing blemishes and improving acne.

Story continues

Despite the many health benefits, Dr Lederman acknowledges that some people might not feel enthused about eating eco-friendly food if they feel that it does not meet certain needs, for example, pleasure and joy. "Don't force yourself into the Climatarian diet, because doing so rarely leads to long-term results," says Dr Lederman. "Instead, try to address all of your underlying needs, for example, the need for more information, support or reassurance. Those on the Climatarian diet, or any diet, have just addressed the underlying needs that were preventing them from changing their behaviour in the first place."

And whether you are ordering food online or buying the weekly supermarket shop, Dr Pulde has shared the top questions to make better Climatarian choices to reduce carbon emissions.

How can I add plant foods to every meal? Plant foods, in general, are the most health promoting foods and have a lower carbon footprint.

What are the most sustainable fish? Familiarise yourself with reliable sources in your area and look for their labels to help identify the most eco-friendly choices.

Where can I choose chicken and pork, instead of beef and lamb? Meat production, particularly beef, requires more land and water, and has higher carbon emissions. Replacing beef for chicken can decrease your carbon footprint by nearly half.

Is this food seasonal and local? Choosing locally sourced, seasonal fruits and veggies helps to lower CO2 impact.

How can I avoid plastic packaging? The more minimally processed foods you include the healthier you will be and the lower the carbon footprint you leave.

Can I buy bulk instead of packaged? 30-40% of food is dumped in landfills and produces methane - a toxic greenhouse gas. And the situation in Ukraine and Russia is making the need to preserve and reduce food waste even more important. Buying in bulk, planning ahead and buying only what you need can help to decrease food waste, unburden our overflowing landfills, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Where can I fit beans, lentils and peas into my diet? These eco-heroes are delicious and nutritious, and replacing beef with lentils and beans could get us up to 74% closer to meeting our carbon emissions.

Can I try whole instead of refined grains? Choosing brown rice over white and whole wheat or lentil pasta over refined improves not only your health but your carbon footprint. Grains (oats, barley, wheat, rice), in general, use up less water than other crops. And whole grains have the added benefit of eliminating additional energy needed for processing.

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Lifesum reveals that eating a Climatarian diet is the equivalent of removing 85 million cars off the roads - Yahoo Finance

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13 Eating Habits That Drastically Change Your Weight Loss Efforts, Say Dietitians Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:52 am

When it comes to weight loss, you want to focus on maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle, not just drastically shedding pounds. Weight loss is achievable by many different ways, including exercise and or practicing self-care. Your drinking and eating habits can also affect your weight, and it's important to keep up with your practices.

Sometimes, your weight loss journey may feel like a dead-end, and you want to try and switch your routine in order to keep persevering on your goals. The good news is that there are eating habits that can help you continue your process. The Nutrition Twins, Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT, and Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT, who are also members of our medical expert board, gathered their insight to help create a list of eating happens that can help drastically change your weight loss efforts.

After, if you're looking for more tips, try The Best Eating Habits for Faster Abdominal Fat Loss, Say Experts.

Buying produce and other perishables in bulk may make for a successful grocery shopping trip but it forces you to eat everything before the products expire. That's why The Nutrition Twins recommend that when you come home, immediately divide any food that you find tempting into single portions and place them in the freezer.

"Because frozen food requires defrosting, impulse eating will be prevented and willpower is taken out of the equation," say The Nutrition Twins. "This simply requires a plan! Know that you're only having oneand take one serving out to defrost."

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Seeing your food intake on paper may give you a whole new perspective on what you're eating and how much of it you're eating. Keeping a food diary or journal helps log your food consumption throughout the day.

The Nutrition Twins say that research shows that people who record what they eat lose twice as much weight as those who don't. It will hold you accountable and make you aware of what you've eaten. In the particular study of approximately 17,000 people, those who kept daily food records lost twice as much weight as those who kept no records,

Have you ever accidentally over-poured your oil or dressing into your dishes because it came rushing out of the bottle like it was running in a race? Oils and salad dressings are stored in easy access bottles, and with its liquidy consistency, it's sometimes hard to control how much comes pouring out.

"This is a game-changer," say The Nutrition Twins. "Each tablespoon of oil or dressing is 100 to 120 calories and given that salads are typically heavily dressed and that it's easy to pour several hundred calories in pots and pans when cooking, our clients quickly drop pounds when they make this change."

The slower you eat, the better you'll feel, as The Nutrition Twins suggest that chewing less will actually help lose weight.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

"Part of the beauty here is that this habit also makes you more aware of what you're eating and you'll consciously stop eating before you're overly full," say The Nutrition Twins. "Depending on how heavy the meal is, this can equal 100-plus calories a meal, which equates to 4 to 5 pounds lost per month."

RELATED: This Sneaky Eating Trick Can Help You Lose Weight, Say Experts

You don't need to lose flavor in order to lose weight. Swapping out unhealthy ingredients that give your vegetables taste with healthier options makes for a tasty and nutritious dish. Vegetables are very low in calories. The Nutrition Twins suggest that the lemon and spices, rather than butter or dressing, keep the vegetables that way while adding phytonutrientsa substance which is believed to be beneficial to human health and help prevent various diseases.

These phytonutrients can help to fight inflammation that's linked with weight gain. Plus, they're packed with fiber, so you fill up on them instead of the heavier options.

Do not, we repeat, do not cut out every guilty food pleasure item that you love. You're allowed to give in every now and then, and it's actually encouraged.

"When people feel deprived, that's when they give up on their healthy eating plan and throw in the towel, often going completely overboard," says The Nutrition Twins. "By allowing yourself to occasionally enjoy small portions of your favorite foods, deprivation is taken out of the equation."

RELATED:When It Comes to Dieting, This Is the Most Toxic Belief

The "every-other-day" rule normally calls for restricting the calories you eat several days per week, while eating what you want on your non-fast days. For this situation you would be limiting the alcohol intake that you would normally consume.

The Nutrition Twins suggest that instead of finishing one alcoholic beverage and going to the next, have a non-caloric drink like a seltzer in between.

"You'll save hundreds of calories from the drinks alone and because you won't get drunk as quickly, and you'll make more rational food choices," say The Nutrition Twins. "This is especially important since alcohol increases appetite and lowers inhibitions, making you care less about the choices you make."

The Nutrition Twins say it's easy to mistake thirst for hunger, which is a way to end up consuming excess calories. All that really means is that you just need to hydrate. You can also add lemon to your water for extra flavor.

The Mayo Clinic suggests that, according to The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, an adequate daily fluid intake of water is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men and roughly 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.

There are many delicious salad recipes that contain more nutrients than a simple one that contain only veggies, dressing and not much else.

"Veggies are awesome for weight loss because they fill you with few calories, but if you make a meal of them, you won't get protein for staying power, or a healthy carb to prevent craving more carbs," say The Nutrition Twins.

This could lead to overeating at your next meal, or getting afternoon cravings make you choose unhealthy snacks like a bag of chips or a candy bar.

Protein is an important part of your diet because it helps your body repair cells and make new ones. It also helps regulate hormones.

By eating protein, it will take longer to digest, helping to keep you feeling fuller while stabilizing blood sugar. The Nutrition Twins say this will prevent overeating that comes from hunger and from blood sugar dips.

RELATED: 20 Ways to Get 20 Grams of Protein at Every Meal

Cooked greens can not only be delicious but very nutritious. You can fill up on low-calorie antioxidant-packed, anti-inflammatory greens and turn them into a healthy side dish or an addition to a sandwich, fish, pizza or salad. It's easy and a great way to help you get lean.

Try this easy 10-minute sauted kale (batch cooking) recipe from the Nutrition Twins that you can make in 10 minutes, and you'll be set for the week.

Do you ever eat a meal and say to yourself, "now I need something sweet?" Or, in the middle of the day when lunch wasn't satisfying enough, and now you need an extra savory snack? Well, instead of constantly looking forward to your post-meal sweet treat, or salty snack, try eating them when you're not in the mood to.

"It's challenging enough to indulge in moderate portions of favorite foods, but dive into them when you're ravenous and you'll set yourself up to overeat," says The Nutrition Twins. "Especially since you'd likely even eat foods you didn't like as much when you're hungry."

Ceylon cinnamon, also known as cinnamomum verum or true cinnamon, has a lighted sweet flavor. It contains all of the health-promoting properties of cinnamon with none of the toxic properties, making it a very healthy option as a sweetener.

"You'll avoid the need for sugar and skirt those extra calories and the inflammation it causes that's linked to weight gain," say The Nutrition Twins. "You'll also get some of the blood sugar and weight loss benefits that come with the cinnamon."

Research posted in the American Diabetes Association shows that as little as 1/2 teaspoon a day of cinnamon can lower your blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides, and it seems it may even be beneficial on weight.

The Nutrition Twins suggest adding Ceylon cinnamon to your smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, muffins, baked goods, cereal, popcorn, and more.

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13 Eating Habits That Drastically Change Your Weight Loss Efforts, Say Dietitians Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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13 Healthy "Fried" Chicken Recipes for Weight Loss Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:51 am

Crispy, fried chicken is 100% a comfort food. Whether you dredge buttermilk-marinated chicken in seasoned breadcrumbs, enjoy a chicken finger dipped in honey mustard, or indulge in a plate of wings, there's just nothing like it. However, we are all familiar with the fact that deep-frying is one of the worst ways to cook in terms of health.

That doesn't mean you can't enjoy a crispy piece of chicken if you want to lose weightit just means you need to use healthier means to cook it and to utilize some simple tricks to get the crispiest chicken ever. Here are some easy healthy "fried" chicken recipes that taste like the real thing and can be part of a weight loss diet.

Plus, don't miss our 22 Meals to Melt Belly Fat in 2022.

The trick to getting oven-fried chicken that can stack up to traditional fried chicken is to add a little oil to the seasoned Panko breadcrumbs before coating the chicken. A 12-hour bath in buttermilk and hot sauce helps get flavor into the meat as well.

Get our recipe for The Crispiest Oven-Fried Chicken.

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Another way to get great flavor into oven-fried chicken is to aggressively season the breadcrumbs. In this recipe, Parmesan cheese, onion powder, garlic powder, and paprika add fantastic flavor. Plus, a wire rack helps the chicken crisp up all over.

Get our recipe for Easy, Healthy Crispy Chicken.

This recipe doesn't use fancy, gluten-free breadcrumbs. The secret is finely ground tortilla chips. Again, season the tortilla chip crumbs well for maximum flavor.

Get our recipe for Gluten-Free Oven-Fried Chicken with Baby Spinach Salad.

Egg whites take the place of whole eggs for coating purposes, adding lightness and fewer calories to these oven-baked chicken fingers. The spices are light too just in case you are making these for the kiddos. Feel free to amp them up if you, or your children, have adventurous palates.

Get our recipe for Oven-Baked Chicken Fingers With Chipotle-Honey Mustard.

RELATED:We Tasted 6 Frozen Chicken Tenders & These Are the Best

Buffalo chicken wings typically aren't breaded, but a deep fryer gets that uber crispy skin. The oven will get the skin crispy too, you just have to have patience. And, as mentioned above, invest in a wire rack so that your chicken is sitting above the juices for maximum crispiness.

Get our recipe for Buffalo Chicken So Tasty, You Won't Believe It's Healthy.

If you have an air fryer, then crispy chicken wings are well within your grasp. Rather than 45 minutes in the oven, these wings will crisp up in 16 minutes. You'll still need a good sauce though and this super quick sweet-and-sour one will do the trick.

Get our recipe for Air Fryer Sesame Soy Garlic Chicken Wings.

RELATED:16 Crispiest Comfort Food Recipes to Make in Your Air Fryer Tonight

Perfection takes time, and this recipe proves that. For the best popcorn chicken ever, season the chicken, marinate overnight in buttermilk and make this creative breading that guarantees a crispy crunch. A combination of spelt cereal, almond flour, and almonds ground in a food processor makes these little bites memorable.

Get our recipe for Crunchy Keto Popcorn Chicken with Spicy Chipotle Aioli.

Baked wings take a little more time, but they can get just as crispy as fried, without the mess of all that oil. And, the secret to amazing blue cheese dressing is to use good quality blue cheese but substitute Greek yogurt for the base. The blue cheese flavor takes over and you won't notice the difference.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

Get our recipe for The Best-Ever Buffalo Wings.

If you have an Instant Pot, it can be your secret weapon for crispy on the outside, tender on the inside chicken wings. A brief pressure cook, followed by the broiler can give you bar-quality wings in no time at all.

Get our recipe for Instant Pot Buffalo Chicken Wings.

RELATED:The Best Chicken Wings in Every State

Again, seasoning is what will take your oven-baked chicken to the next level. Lil' Luna uses Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning to make these crispy chicken cutlets memorable.

Get the recipe from Lil' Luna.

To make the absolute best chicken nuggets, the trick is to spray the nuggets with oil on both sides before baking. Plus, give the cooked nuggets a few minutes under the broiler to achieve maximum crunch. You'll never go back to mystery meat fast-food chicken nuggets after you try these.

Get the recipe from Lil' Luna.

Chicken parmesan is delicious, of that, there is no doubt, but it can be swimming in grease. Gimme Some Oven's method results in a flavorful dish with a fraction of the oil. The trick for perfect chicken is to pound it to an even thickness, to maximize the crunchy exterior, and to be sure everything cooks evenly in the oven.

Get the recipe from Gimme Some Oven.

Sure you could use a boring crust for chicken, but Gimme Some Oven discovered that healthy hemp seeds make an amazing substitute. High in anti-inflammatory omega-3s and full of fiber, turns out these little seeds make stellar gluten-free chicken coating when mixed with some almond flour or ground almonds. Bonus: These are also super high in protein.

Get the recipe from Gimme Some Oven.

Plus, don't miss9 Best Dinner Recipes for Faster Abdominal Fat Loss

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13 Healthy "Fried" Chicken Recipes for Weight Loss Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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Intermittent Fasting: How to Break Your Fast Diet Doctor

Posted: April 11, 2022 at 2:00 am

Are you contemplating adding intermittent fasting to your low-carb, keto routine with the hope of intensifying your weight loss or speeding up your metabolic improvements?

Then you just might be wondering how best to break your fasts. What should you eat first? What gives the best results? What do you need to watch out for?

If you are new to fasting, or have had trouble in the past coming out of a fast, this guide can help you plan and execute the best ways to begin eating again after short or longer-term fasts.

Check out Diet Doctors Coaching Intermittent Fasting course its not just for coaches!

Historically, the word breakfast described the first meal of the day no matter when that meal occurred. It wasnt until the 15th century that the word started being recognized as the meal you consume shortly after waking.

Nowadays, with intermittent fasting gaining popularity, the meaning of the word breakfast is going back to its original roots. Breakfast for the intermittent faster is the meal consumed when you choose to break your fast, be it 6:00 AM or 6:00 PM.

Fasting, especially for religious purposes, has been a common occurrence for centuries. And generally, throughout most of human history, not much concern was given to how to break the fast.

However, in an age of poor dietary advice, when we are told to eat all day long and when hyper-palatable highly processed food abounds it can take a little more planning to resume eating in a way that achieves the most physical comfort and most effective results for your long-term health and weight loss goals.

Every night when we stop eating and then go to bed, we go through a short-term fast until our first meal of the next day. Depending on when you ate dinner and when you consume your first meal after you wake up, you can easily go through a 12 to 16-hour fast with no physiologic change to digestive functions.

Although there is no clear consensus or accepted definition about what the cut off is between a short and a long-term fast, Diet Doctor defines anything less than 24 hours as time-restricted eating, fasts between 24 and 36 hours as a short-term fast, and anything longer than 36 hours a long-term fast.

Time-restricted eating and short-term fasts dont require specific precautions when breaking the fast. Just remember it is a good idea not to binge on highly-processed, sugary, or high-carb foods because you will undo the advantages of the fast. Plan to eat a wholesome, low-carb, high-fat meal, such as any of the meals featured in the Diet Doctor recipes, and you will be just fine.

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Longer-term fasts are different. Resuming eating after a longer fast takes more planning and care.

As we start to incorporate fasting into our routines, our bodies physiologically take a bit of time to adjust to the new regimen, especially if we used to eat constantly. As chronic eaters, our bodies are constantly spending metabolic energy producing digestive enzymes to process the food were consuming. This changes when we first start fasting. The digestive enzymes are not needed or produced.

If youve been fasting long enough for your body to slow down its production of digestive enzymes, then you may experience some gastrointestinal distress when you start to eat again. This often comes in the form of:

Apart from shortening the duration of your fast, the best way to minimize side effects is to plan the best food to eat when you break the fast.

Until your body understands that youre not in a state of stress but rather just eating less often, you might want to avoid eating foods that are tough on your system. Some people know that certain foods bother their digestive tract more than others. If you have problem foods, you should avoid them initially when you resume eating.

In general, weve found that these foods (and drinks) are the most problematic foods for people to consume when breaking their fast, although some tolerate them just fine:

Weve found in our Intensive Dietary Management Program the following protocol works best for those who experience distress while breaking their fasts:

If you follow this protocol and still experience problems, you can consider a tablespoon of psyllium husk in a cup of water. Some find this can help while others may find it increases bloating. If it helps you, the next time you are fasting and are about to resume eating, you may want to try the above protocol but add in a tablespoon of psyllium in water at the start.

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Avoiding alcohol, especially binge drinking, is very important when coming out of a fast of more than 36 hours. Heavy consumption of alcohol could trigger alcoholic ketoacidosis, in which ketones are very high in the blood, but unlike diabetic ketoacidosis, blood glucose is usually dangerously low.

The main symptoms are vomiting and abdominal pain. It is most common in people with alcohol addictions or strong dependence on alcohol who do not eat for a number of days and then drink heavily. However, it has been reported in individuals of all ages who have drunk heavily with little or no food intake.

Refeeding syndrome is a very rare side effect of resuming food consumption after periods of malnutrition or extended times without eating. Its defined as the potentially fatal shifts in fluids and electrolytes that may occur in malnourished patients.

The key clinical markers of this are very low blood phosphorus levels, or hypophosphatemia, as well as low blood serum levels of potassium, calcium and magnesium. These shifts can cause heart rhythm abnormalities, cardiac failure, respiratory problems, convulsions or coma.

Refeeding syndrome was first described among the severely malnourished North Americans who were held as Japanese prisoners of war during World War II. It has also been observed upon the treatment of long-standing anorexia nervosa and alcoholic patients in recovery.

During the refeeding period, insulin and counter regulatory hormones such as cortisol and noradrenaline are suddenly re-activated. This causes the movement of the major intracellular ions like phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium into our cells. However, due to the overall depletion of our body stores, this becomes quite excessive and leaves us with too little of these ions in the blood. This is what causes the major symptoms of refeeding syndrome:

These symptoms typically appear within two to four days of the start of refeeding.

Currently, most of us are over-nourished rather than under-nourished. But that doesnt mean you shouldnt exercise caution. Certain groups of individuals are at a higher risk for developing refeeding syndrome than others:

There are several ways you can reduce your risk of developing refeeding issues when you do break your fast:

When doing short fasts less than 36 hours, you dont need to worry too much about what you eat when you break your fast.

Stick to low-carb, high-fat meals such as any of the recipes on the Diet Doctor site that seem appealing to you. Try not to eat too much. Fasting is never an excuse to gorge yourself when you resume eating.

For longer fasts, plan how you are going to end them. Resume eating with a small meal and eat slowly. Start with a nourishing bone broth or some psyllium husk in water. Eat a small fresh salad of tomato and cucumber and keep your protein on the light side, such as fish or chicken, and small about the size of your palm or a deck of cards.

For more resources on intermittent fasting check out the other Diet Doctor guides and videos below.

/ Megan Ramos

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3 Ways to Safely Detox Sugar from Your Diet, According to …

Posted: April 11, 2022 at 2:00 am

Eating too much sugar may be the most apparent dietary faux pas you can make after all, your body immediately feels the after effects of a sugar rush, and the inevitable dreaded crash that follows. Over time, however, your body may become accustomed to the copious amounts of sugar you consume, maybe without you even realizing it; added sugar has a funny way of sneaking into everyday items that you don't even associate with being sweet. And since items high in added sugar are often lacking nutrients, eating sugary foods can often lead to uncontrolled weight gain over time. Before you know it, you may be unconsciously reaching for sugary sweet treats at the end of every meal (even if you are full!) as a love of sweets turns into an unhealthy sugar habit and extra pounds.

Want to tame your sweet tooth? Join our exclusive GH+ Club to unlock access to Good Housekeeping's 21-day sugar detox plan, which will ease you out of your sugar cravings and help you form a healthy relationship with the sweet stuff.

Stefani Sassos, MS, RD, a registered dietitian within the Good Housekeeping Institute, explains that excessive sugar can spike your blood sugar levels... and then turn into a sudden drop off afterwards. This is why you may feel super fatigued in the moment, or push through a huge mood swing, in any given afternoon. Over the long run, however, eating too much sugar can greatly influence your risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes, chronic dietary inflammation, and severe fatigue, among other physical risks. "There's a ripple effect on your body, as it can get accustomed to lots of sugar," she adds, citing habits like a daily office donut or sugary sweet coffee drink. "Over time, it becomes this difficult thing to decipher: Am I addicted to this, did I train my body to crave this food?"

You may believe that cutting out all sugar entirely from your diet is the best solution. Sassos, however, says this isn't the case for those with years of unhealthy sugar habits under their belt: Simply cutting out sugar or cycling through compensatory behaviors (like "running it off" after eating third helpings of dessert) can lead to even more unhealthy eating patterns down the line. Whether you like to call it a detox or think of it more like a "reset," she argues a long term lifestyle change is the surest way to kick the bad habit.

A sugar detox may help you bring your sugar consumption into moderation, away from the levels that average Americans consume in any given day. While Sassos notes that the American Heart Association recommends less than 25g (about six teaspoons) of sugar daily for women, and 36 grams (about nine teaspoons) for men, the organization notes that the average American consumes 77g; an immediate block on all sources of added sugar would be hard to sustain for most anyone, Sassos points out. You'll need to work on reducing your intake slowly,targeting packaged foods that can be swapped with better-for-you alternatives.

It's important to discuss any long-term changes to your diet with your primary healthcare provider before implementing lifestyle changes.

Below, we're exploring the best ways to effectively "reset" your system in the short term, and encouraging more sustainable ways to wean off a sugar habit for those who need long term change.

Discover the root of your endless sweet tooth by adapting your daily routine first; you may find your body responds immediately (goodbye afternoon sugar crashes!) "You want to prioritize food that can anchor sugar in your diet, so that it's not releasing into your blood stream so fast (hence the crashing)," Sassos explains. "Protein and fiber are two things that can help you avoid a sugar rush and crash in a given day, especially if you know you've overdone it... incorporating those two things in your daily routine can stabilize your blood sugar."

Here are other ways to change your daily habits right now:

Interested in seeing if cutting back on sugar more drastically may improve your day? A good way to get started, especially for those who have never targeted sugar in their diets before, is following a 7-day program. The experts behind Sugar Shock: The Hidden Sugar in Your Food and 100+ Smart Swaps to Cut Back have crafted a day-by-day guide that won't deprive you of all sugar at once.

You'll focus on targeting bad behaviors and examine the items that you routinely reach for in your kitchen. Each day, you'll focus on pairing back added sugar in your beverages, breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, plus a few smart tips for better snacking moments.

Regardless of whether you follow the book or not, you should reevaluate these staples currently in your diet, among others:

A 7-day plan can help you optimize your diet to be closer to the ADA's recommended daily sugar intake, and also to make better choices after you've eaten too much sugar (it happens!). If you find yourself feeling more energized and better, you may think about a longer diet change in the future Sugar Shock also provides a 21-day meal plan and shopping list. That plan could help you grow into good lifelong diet habits with targeted recipes, meal plans, and shopping lists.

Deciding to do a longer detox or adopting a prolonged low-sugar or no-sugar diet (after speaking with your healthcare provider first) could help you improve your health beyond simply targeting sugar. You may realize that you finally need to correct other lifestyle choices that cause fatigue, like poor sleep hygiene, or even take a look at your hormone levels in a screening with your doctor.

Restructuring your daily meals for longer than a week can help you realize that sugar might not be totally to blame for all of your sluggish behavior. Sassos says making a longer diet change can push you to also prioritize getting enough sleep each night, and also work on ensuring you're properly hydrated each and every day. "Getting enough sleep and drinking enough water are often neglected," Sassos says. "No one prioritizes this in their routine, and yet they're the simplest things that you can do for your body for overall health and to wardoff sugar cravings."

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3 Ways to Safely Detox Sugar from Your Diet, According to ...

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