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5 Diet and Lifestyle Measures to Ward Off Heartburn – The New York Times

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:47 am

Dont smoke.

Dr. Lagergrens team found that tobacco can extend the time it takes for acidic foods to leave the esophagus. In an analysis of 30 studies, GERD affected about 20 percent of smokers, compared with about 16 percent of nonsmokers.

Those who engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day were less likely to develop symptoms of GERD, the Harvard team reported.

The risk of GERD was reduced among those who consumed no more than two cups of coffee, tea or soda each day.

Those who followed a Mediterranean-style diet, for example, featuring fruits and vegetables, legumes, fish, poultry and whole grains, but little or no red meat and other sources of saturated fats, were less likely to develop acid reflux.

Genetics can also affect ones risk of developing acid reflux, so people with a family history of the problem would do best to avoid the risks highlighted above. Doing so will also help protect against leading killers like heart disease, diabetes and many forms of cancer.

If you already have acid reflux, theres much you can do to minimize symptoms and perhaps avoid them entirely. Instead of consuming large meals, eat smaller ones more often. Minimize fatty foods and skip fried and fast foods entirely. A friend uses an air fryer to achieve a crispy skin on chicken, but I prefer grilled chicken and skip the skin. Choose lean meats (if you eat meat) and low-fat or nonfat dairy products, and avoid eating within three hours of bedtime. Also, try sleeping as if on a recliner, with the head of the bed propped higher than the foot.

Foods that many people with GERD find most irritating include tomatoes and citrus (like oranges and grapefruit) and their juices, coffee (even decaf for some people), alcoholic and carbonated beverages, spicy foods, garlic, chocolate and peppermint. I long ago switched to low-acid orange juice, consuming only a few ounces a day to dissolve a fiber supplement. Ive also found instant coffee to be less irritating than brewed, and drink the latter only with food to help protect my digestive tract.

Read more from the original source:
5 Diet and Lifestyle Measures to Ward Off Heartburn - The New York Times

13 health benefits of a vegan diet you may not have considered – Vegan Food and Living

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:47 am

8. You might smell better

Research suggests that when you remove meat from your diet, your body odour may improve.

One study found that when smelling clothing samples from vegetarian versus red meat-eating men, women found the vegetarian samples less intense, more pleasant and more attractive!

This is likely due to the changes in substances emitted from sweat glands as well as the bacteria feeding on these substances as a result of dietary changes9.

There is a misconception that eating a vegan diet is more expensive.

Of course it is always fun to try out the latest vegan alternative on the market, but this may not be so good for your wallet (or your health!).

Stocking up on whole plant food staples like potatoes, beans, rice, bananas and oats, as well as frozen fruits and vegetables is a great way to save the pennies.

In fact, it could even reduce your food bill by 40% compared to an omnivorous diet10.

If you are used to a diet that is high in fat, a few weeks of no dairy, eggs, butter and meat has been shown to increase your taste sensitivity to fat. This can result in a change in your taste preferences11.

This is also true for salt.

This suggests that the longer you are on a healthy vegan diet, the better it will taste. An unexpected benefit of a vegan diet!

If you are switching to a plant predominant diet, you are very likely to be increasing your fibre intake and reducing your saturated fat.

This is great news for many aspects of our health, but research has found that this could also be key in supporting a deeper and restorative nights sleep12.

Over 800 million people go to bed on an empty stomach, yet we produce corn purely for animal feed on 90 million acres of land.

Choosing to go vegan supports our global requirement to reduce animal agriculture, and instead use land to grow crops for starving populations13.

13 health benefits of a vegan diet you may not have considered - Vegan Food and Living

Taste of Life: Vegetarian messengers and the no three Fs diet plan – Hindustan Times

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:47 am

I am sitting inside the semi-circular hall of the bright red, old building of the Connemara Public Library in Chennai one February morning, wishing that it was a bit cooler inside. The library staff has taken my reference receipts inside to get the books for me. In the meantime, I have been craning my neck to get an eyeful of the intricate designs on the roof of the main hall. That part of the old building is not accessible to visitors.

I am there that day to read the issues of The Dietetic Reformer and Vegetarian Messenger. The magazine was started in 1861 by the Vegetarian Society which had its headquarters in Manchester. Established in 1847, the objects of the Society were to induce habits of abstinence from the Flesh of Animals as Food, by the dissemination of information upon the subject, by means of tracts, essays, and lectures, proving the many advantages of a physical, intellectual, and moral character, resulting from Vegetarian habits of Diet.

The Society had a branch in Calcutta which was run by Baboo Keshub Chandra Sen, one of the most influential and prominent social reformers in 19th century Bengal. According to the September 1885 issue of The Dietetic reformer, a branch was opened in Bombay that year of which Mr Byramjee Panday was the chairman.

The magazine makes an interesting read. Almost all the articles preach the virtues of a vegetarian diet and urge the readers to abstain from three Fs Fish, Flesh, and Fowl. Most of the articles are argumentative, yet eloquent.

While I am a little overwhelmed by the huge stack of magazines on my desk, in one of the issues I find some handwritten pamphlets and notes. All of them are signed as JM Lane, Poona. Some have dates on them, many dont.

The first pamphlet bears the date 23/8/1885. It says During the past twelve months four entirely Vegetarian restaurants have been opened in London, and at least three other dining rooms have undertaken to provide Vegetarian meals. Manchester has seen the establishment of two new restaurants, and one has opened in Leeds. I urge the members to start a Vegetarian restaurant each in Bombay, Poona and Mahabaleshwar.

This pamphlet seems to be meant for private circulation of an organisation, because it is clearly addressed to members, perhaps of the Vegetarian Society.

Another interesting pamphlet was probably written to convey a decision taken collectively in a meeting, or by Mr Lane himself - A Vegetarian badge, for which many friends have been so anxiously waiting, has been decided upon in the form of a narrow silk ribbon, with a red center, narrow gold lines on either side and blue margins. This badge may be worn by all Vegetarians, its signification being simply that the wearer is an abstainer from fish, flesh, and fowl. By the general use of this badge, especially at festivals and meetings, Vegetarian friends will be able to recognise each other, while it will frequently afford an excellent opportunity for introducing the subject to the notice of others. It is neither dated nor addressed to anyone in particular.

The other pamphlets have appeals to come up with innovative vegetarian recipes, to preach vegetarianism during the Sunday mass, to meet medical practitioners and sell them on the idea of giving up meat, to visit hospitals and explain to the patients the benefits of a plant-based diet. Then there are a couple of notes which request the presence of members at the residence of JM Lane in Civil Lines, Wanowrie on certain Wednesday evenings from 1891 to 1893.

The Dietetic Reformer mentions in August 1885 that Lane published a useful pamphlet in Poona. There are no other mentions of him or the city again in the magazine. This means that Lane was affiliated with the Vegetarian Society from Manchester. But, did he start a branch in Poona, or was he associated with the one in Bombay? In what capacity did he convene meetings at his residence in Poona?

I dig a little in the hope that I find answers and come across a report published in The Bombay Gazette on September 10, 1891. On September 6, Sunday, a meeting was held in Church Gate Street, Bombay. One Mr Gostling took the chair. In his opening address, he mentioned that he had personal experience of the advantages of natural living, which had cured him of the chronic dyspepsia from which he had suffered for over twelve years. Dr Daji then moved the resolution referring to the formation of a Vegetarian Society. He said that the Vegetarian Society at Manchester had repeatedly requested their friends in Bombay to form a similar organisation in Bombay that would find work to do in educating the native vegetarians in the land in the physiology of digestion and the chemistry of food.

The chairman then declared that the society would be called The Natural Living Vegetarian Society, so as to guard against the misconception that vegetarians had to live upon vegetables alone.

The report ends with a quote from Gostling The admirers of British rule were not right in attributing the success of the British Army to their eating beef since the poor Irishmen and Scotch men who form the bulk of the army were brought up from childhood on potatoes and oatmeal respectively.

This report suggests that the branch of the Vegetarian Society opened in 1885 in Bombay was short-lived and that another was started in 1891.

What interests me is the revelation that the last quote by Gostling is replicated verbatim in one of the notes written in Lanes handwriting. This means that he was either present at the meeting in Bombay, or he copied it from the newspaper to use it later.

Lane and his pamphlets have remained a mystery to me after I first saw them three years ago. How the pamphlets ended up in the Chennai library, is another question. He probably shifted there from Poona. Or the pamphlets were brought there by another member of the Vegetarian Society. I have found no mention of Lane in the newspapers or magazines published from London, Manchester, Bombay, Poona, and Madras. Yet his pamphlets tell us that he kept championing the cause of vegetarianism till 1893 at least.

I hope to find out more about JM Lane someday.

Original post:
Taste of Life: Vegetarian messengers and the no three Fs diet plan - Hindustan Times

Ancient Roman vacationers consumed gobs of olive oil and fish, volcano victims reveal – Science Magazine

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:47 am

Herculaneum was covered by Mount Vesuviuss eruption in 79 C.E., but unlike Pompeii, many human remains there were well preserved.

By Andrew CurryAug. 25, 2021 , 2:00 PM

Almost 2000 years ago, a volcanic eruption buried the seaside Roman town of Herculaneum in the same rush of hot ash and gas that decimated Pompeii. The catastrophe didnt just preserve buildings and bonesit saved clues to the Roman diet. A new analysis of the bones of 17 victims reveals what these ancient villagers were eating, and in what proportions. Residents scarfed a lot of seafood and olive oil, confirming historians estimates that average Romans consumed 20 liters (more than 5 gallons) of the oil each year.

Previous studies have only given broad outlines, not the nitty-gritty details, of the ancient Roman diet, says Erica Rowan, an archaeobotanist at the Royal Holloway University of London who was not involved with the new work. Here they do a good job of filling in those details.

In 79 C.E., in a desperate attempt to escape the impact of the Mount Vesuvius eruption, the people of Herculaneum huddled in boathouses along the towns waterfront, situated on the west coast of central Italy. But a sudden blast of 250C ash and gas killed them instantly, cooking their flesh while preserving their bones almost perfectly.

In previous work, scientists analyzed the collagen in those bones to conclude that men at Herculaneum had a more diverse diet than women. In the new study, researchers isolated specific amino acidsthe building blocks of proteinsfrom the collagen, and determined the ratios of varieties, or isotopes, of nitrogen and carbon atoms. Those isotopes can be traced to specific foods.

Thanks to the remains of plants and animals found at the site, archaeologists know the people of Herculaneum ate grains such as wheat and millet. They also consumed lentils, beans, cherries, peaches, and olives, plus 70 kinds of fish and shellfish from the Bay of Naples. But the proportions remained a mystery.

Using the new method, We can tell where their calories were coming from, says study co-author Oliver Craig, an archaeologist at the University of York. We were able to see foodstuffs were usually not able to see because theyre not proteins.

The analysis held some shocks: People at Herculaneum ate a lot of seafood, especially compared with humans in the Mediterranean region today. Approximately one-quarter of their protein was netted from the nearby sea, nearly triple the amount in the modern Mediterranean diet, the team reports today in Science Advances. We havent been able to see that before in regular isotopic analysis, Rowan says.

Olive oil was also a big hit. It made up at least 12% of calories consumed at Herculaneum, and perhaps much more. The find supports historical sources indicating the average Roman consumed 20 liters of oil each year, and that the oil was one of the most significant fat sources in the Roman diet. Olives were grown widely all across the Roman Empire, providing ample supplies. Oil wasnt a condiment, it was a proper ingredient, says co-author Silvia Soncin, an archaeologist at Sapienza University of Rome. They got a lot of energy out of it.

The women of Herculaneum also ate fewer grains and cereals than did the men. Herculaneums men, meanwhile, seemed to down more fish and shellfish. Soncin and Craig suggest mens varied diets might be a sign that they spent more time outside of the house.

The scientists acknowledge that the Herculaneum diet may not be representative of ancient Rome as a whole. Its possible the people of the townsituated on the rich Bay of Naples, surrounded by fertile volcanic soil, and near a major port importing goods from across the Mediterraneanhad an especially diverse diet.

Still, Rowan says, the approach could shed light on other ancient diets across the globe. If they could use the same methods at different sites, it would be really interesting.

See original here:
Ancient Roman vacationers consumed gobs of olive oil and fish, volcano victims reveal - Science Magazine

The 7 Biggest Myths About Calories – Everyday Health

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:47 am

You may think you know all about calories. Many people have been counting them, cutting them, and adding them up for most of their lives. But when it comes to weight loss, theres actually still a lot of confusion out there about calorie counting. It turns out that many of the most common beliefs on the subject are really just myths. Here are seven of the most persistent calorie counting myths plus the facts, straight from experts.

Plenty of people believe that as long as they stick to a certain number of calories per day, theyre eating healthy. This myth can get in the way of eating a balanced, nutritious diet. You cannot compare 100 calories of salmon to 100 calories of soda, says Samantha Cassetty, RD, former nutrition director of Good Housekeeping, who is based in New York City.

She points out that salmon is loaded with beneficial nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and protein one reason the American Heart Association recommends eating it twice a week that work really hard to nourish your body. With soda, its the opposite those calories are working against you, she says. Not only are they lacking in nutrition, but they are also full of sugar, and drinking them has been associated with an increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes, past research shows. Its a total mistake to think all calories are the same, Cassetty says.

With only about 9 calories a stalk, per the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), its obvious how this myth got started. Its easy to imagine that the act of chewing celery erases enough of those calories to take the food into negative calorie territory. Its an idea leftover from another era, says Cassetty.

Cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, and other water-rich vegetables are also sometimes said to be negative-calorie foods, but just like with celery, its nothing more than a myth. There are no negative calorie foods, says Cassetty.

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What you see is not necessarily what you get when it comes to calorie information on nutrition labels. There is leeway for manufacturers, says Cassetty. In fact, by law, food manufacturers can be up to 20 percent off the mark with this number, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That means a product youre eating that you believe has 200 calories might actually have up to 240 calories. A study published in the journal Obesity investigated the accuracy of nutrition labels andfound that prepackaged convenience meals had 8 percent more calories on average than their labels claimed. That can add up.

This is a gross oversimplification of the science of calories, and hardly the way weight loss works in real life, according to Cassetty. Overall body size, genetics, sleep, and stress can all complicate this general rule, she says. As a body loses weight, the amount of calories it needs to maintain that weight goes down.

The 3,500 calories-equals-one-pound math simply doesnt account for this. Nor does it take into consideration other factors including gender, changing diet and exercise habits, and poor compliance, according to an article in Todays Dietitian. Carson C. Chow, PhD, a senior investigator in the mathematical biology section of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is quoted in the article explaining: Every 10 calories per day decrease in calorie intake leads to an eventual one-pound loss, but it can take three years to get there." (You can check out the National Institutes of Healths Body Weight Planner tool to try this new math out for yourself.) This rule of thumb isnt quite as appealing to dieters as the 3,500 calorie rule, but its more accurate.

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Theres a difference between the number of calories a given food contains and how many calories your specific body absorbs from that food. The number of calories you may assimilate can vary based on the makeup of your gut microbiome, according to research, among other things. In anotherprevious study, researchers from Harvard even discovered that calorie counts can vary between raw and cooked foods. And then theres the fiber effect. Because your body doesnt absorb fiber (its the indigestible part of plants), the amount a food contains can also affect the calories you actually get. One small study of 18 people, which was published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that almonds contain more calories than they contribute to a persons diet. Almonds, in particular, are a source of prebiotic fiber, which we do not absorb, according to previous research.

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Many calorie counters live and die by the calories burned readouts on their exercise equipment and fitness trackers. Its very common for people to decide to eat an extra snack or have dessert based on a number supplied by their device, says Cassetty. But a study from Stanford Universitypublished in May 2017 in the Journal of Personalized Medicinefound that wearable fitness trackers are generally off by 27 percent. Thats a substantial amount. If youre overestimating your calories burned by that much, it can not only make it impossible to lose weight, it can result in weight gain, she says.

People dont realize when they exercise, theyll unconsciously decrease other energy spent throughout the day, says Cassetty. Previous research supports the notion that after exercise people may fidget less, stand less, or take the stairs less often. The body is always compensating, making small adjustments to maintain energy balance below the level of your awareness. Its not necessarily something you can control, says Cassetty.

People do a really bad job of estimating the number of calories they eat, then they get an inflated idea about how many calories they burned thanks to these devices, says Cassetty. You can really end up on the wrong side of that equation.

Can calorie counting be a helpful guide for weight loss? Sure. But theres no need to feel like youll never shed excess pounds if you cant commit to tracking every calorie especially when research suggests otherwise. A study published in September 2017 in Perspectives on Psychological Science concluded that reducing calorie intake may not be the golden ticket to weight loss that people assume it will be.

And a study published in February 2018 in JAMA found that other dietary changes, for instance eliminating processed foods, can be just as effective for weight loss. Notably, the study was designed to determine whether a low-carb or low-fat diet was better for weight loss. Neither group counted calories, but they were given nutrition advice. Both groups lost around the same amount of weight, and what they had in common was a diet of natural whole foods, not processed food. So count, or dont count, but know that the best approach is the one that works for you.

Go here to see the original:
The 7 Biggest Myths About Calories - Everyday Health

Diabetes diet: 5 of the worst foods to eat for high blood sugar symptoms – Express

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:47 am

Almost five million people in the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes, while a further 13.6 million are considered to be at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. If you have diabetes, or might be at risk, it can help to make some changes to your diet. You can start by avoiding these five foods that cause high blood sugar symptoms.

Diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to regulate blood sugar. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2.

Those with type 1 diabetes will need to inject insulin to manage their diabetes, and their condition is not a result of their lifestyle. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by lifestyle choices and can be managed by adopting healthier ones.

Type 2 diabetes is far more common than type 1 in the UK, with around 90 percent of diabetics having type 2.

But what are the worst foods for diabetes patients to eat?

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These fruity yoghurts can often be packed full of sugar.

Make sure you check the label carefully to see how much sugar is in your choice of yoghurt.

For a diabetes-friendly swap, try eating plain yoghurt instead.

Cereals with a high sugar content are not the best way to start the day if you have diabetes.

Some cereals contain a high sugar and carbohydrate content, as well as providing you with very little protein.

Swap sugary cereals for a protein-based low-carb breakfast, like an omelette, to keep you fuller for longer.

There are loads of health benefits that come from eating fruit, but unfortunately for diabetics when fruit is dried, its sugar content becomes more concentrated.

Raisins, for example, can contain four times more carbohydrates than grapes.

Diabetics dont have to give up on fruit altogether though. Sticking to lower-sugar fruits like fresh berries or a small apple is a much better alternative.

Theyre delicious, but unfortunately not a good choice for diabetics.

Potatoes are pretty high in carbohydrates already, but deep frying them in vegetable oil makes them even more unhealthy.

All the oil can also cause inflammation and other health problems.

Why not instead opt for a small portion of sweet potato?

Read the original here:
Diabetes diet: 5 of the worst foods to eat for high blood sugar symptoms - Express

Regen Keto Pills Reviews : Is This Weight Loss Supplement The Best? – Santa Clarita Valley Signal

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:46 am

Do you need a mechanism to burn your body fat? The keto supplement from Regen is the right solution to do so.

Consuming a keto pill can help reduce weight faster than ever by enhancing the weight loss regime. The keto supplement from Regen does, trimming the excess fat and making the users feel better than other supplements.

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However, users in theUnited Statesandother parts of the world wonder if this kept product will help make them slimmer and trim their excess fat.

So, this article is the perfect post to help people guide aboutRegen Keto,its benefits, uses, and all that a user must know.

What exactly is Regens keto supplement?

The novel keto supplement is claimed to assist users in reducing weight faster, getting the users into the ketosis state quicker to initiate utilizing fat instead of glucose.

By utilizing Regens keto supplement, users get a ketone boost and initiate reducing weight quicker. People do not require to wait for a longer period as they do while restricting their diet or trying to reduce weight through exercise.


It wont happen with this keto pill from Regen as its outcomes are quicker than other methods of reducing weight.

Specifications of the Regens keto:

[Text Wrapping Break]

What is the mechanism of Regens keto supplement?

The keto supplement from Regen is discovered to kickstart ketosis. People usually believe in getting into a ketosis state by exercising, eating a low-carb diet, starving, or fasting.

But,these keto supplements are committed to boosting the weight loss plan without getting into challenging methods.

Regen Ketofulfills this aim by letting the ketones enter into the users body, with the potential to boost confidence, enhance mental focus, faster weight loss, gain energy through fat, and reach ketosis level.

How does this keto product fromRegenbenefitthe users?

[Text Wrapping Break]

How to use Regens keto pills for reducing weight?

Users consuming the keto pills must exercise regularly along with the keto diet to get effective results. However, using Regens keto supplement will enhance your weight-loss plan and trim the body fat.

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Users need to follow the below-mentioned tips to help reduce weight faster while consuming Regens pills:

Which ingredients are used in Regens keto pills?

The primary ingredient in Regens keto pills is BHB or Beta-hydroxybutyrate ketones that are crucial to transform your body to utilize fat for power and energy.

When people consume theseRegen Ketopills with regular exercise and a keto diet, they will experience positive outcomes.

The ingredients used in these keto pills will eliminate harmful effects and give desired outcomes shortly and effectively.

While using these pills, the BHB ketones help initiate burning fat, giving you a slimmer and perfect body shape.

Are there any side effects of Regens keto pills?

These keto pills are stated to have no side or harmful effects. However, the experience and outcomes usually depend on the users body weight, age, and other factors.

So, consuming this product to reduce weight would be safer and quicker due to its natural, safe, and effective formulation.

Hence, users may order these keto diet pills through Regen Ketos official online platform and reduce weight quickly and effectively.

Where to order Regens keto supplement??

It is not challenging to get Regens keto pills or to break the budget. Instead, ordering Regens Keto pills is easier and simpler.

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This keto supplement is available on the official Regens website at a reasonable price. So, people can stop worrying about breaking their banks or worries of side effects.

This keto diet product is safe, secured, and made with natural ingredients, giving the users effectively and required outcomes.

Moreover, you will get 180 days to guarantee to return the product if you are not satisfied with Regens keto product.

What do people say about Regens keto product?

Several individuals tried Regens keto pills and experienced positive outcomes, making them satisfied and positive for the product.

Many people consumed Regens keto product and could shed many pounds faster than using other supplements.

Besides, many of them could notice their abs building up again due to the force of consuming fat through this kRegen Ketosupplement.


Where to get Regens Keto product?

Regens keto product is available on its official website with 180 days money-back guarantee.

What is the primary ingredient of this keto diet product?

BHB or the Beta-Hydroxybutyrate is the primary ingredient of this product.

Are there any side effects of Regens Keto product?

This keto diet product has no adverse effects, making it safe, effective, and chemical-free for the users.

Final Verdict:

Several keto products are available in the market, claiming to give desired outcomes, but no claims prove right.

However, the claims of theRegen Ketosupplement proved right as many users achieved the required outcomes as they consumed this keto diet pill regularly.

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Many users found the Regens product incredible when they could reduce weight through this product and cherished the rapid weight loss and leveling their belly fat.

Please leave your views about our article on the keto diet pills in the comment section provided at the end.

Read this article:
Regen Keto Pills Reviews : Is This Weight Loss Supplement The Best? - Santa Clarita Valley Signal

Eat These 8 High-Protein Foods to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle – The Beet

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:46 am

Adopting a plant-based diet often comes with thatage-old question: Where do you get your protein? You quickly learn that plants have plenty of protein, especially legumes, soy, and foods like tofu that are derived from plants. There are many sources of proteinasidefrom animal products. As simple as itmay seem, when you eat plant-based, you are getting your protein from the samesource as animals do: Plants. You're just cutting out the middle man.

A typical plant-based mealoffers up to 10 grams of protein per serving, which is between 15 and 20 percent of your daily protein requirement depending on your gender, size, age, and training goals.The average womanneeds 45 to 50 grams of protein per day while a man requires about 10 grams more, or anywhere from 55 to 70 grams depending on whether they are training for an event or trying to build muscle mass.

Assuming youeat three meals a day as well as healthy plant-based snacks such as nuts, seeds, nut butter, or a healthy serving of edamameor hummus, it's actuallyeasy to reachyour daily protein goal on a plant-based diet.

According to Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD (the author of Nancy Clarks Sports Nutrition Guidebook), protein intake shouldnt vary between genders but is based more on size. Sheexplains thatprotein needs are based on grams perpound of body weight. Aneasy calculator for proteintells you exactly how much you need based on weight, height, age, and activity level, which is one of the main factors in how much protein you should eat to maintain a healthy weight, and build lean muscle.

The role of protein in the body is to build and repair damaged muscle cells. If youare active and work out daily, getting protein isa priority to rebuild cells that get damaged during your fitness session.

Getting fit and building muscle through training happens because, during your workout, you cause micro-tears in the muscle fibers, and when you eat protein afterward, the body responds by repairing the musclefibers and making them larger, which is why strength training builds strong muscles.

As you eat proteinit helps the muscles to rebuilt by replacing the muscle fiber that was broken down. Consuming protein shortly after a workout helps these muscles repair and rebuildlarger andstronger than they were before.

Eating protein also helps in losing weightsince proteins take more time to digest, leaving you feeling fuller for longer. A full stomach will prevent you from snacking. Additionally, when you build muscle mass in the body, it burns more calories at rest than fat does, so just sitting in your chair working will lead to more calorie burn if you build up your muscles at the gym.

Meanwhile plant-based protein is as good, or better, a source as any: Arecent study shows that consuming a high-protein plant-based diet to support muscle strength works similarly to those using an omnivorous diet to build muscles.

Soy products are the richest plants in protein per serving since 36 percent of soybean is made of protein.We eat soy in different forms, however, and this makes the protein amount per serving vary slightly depending on the type of soy you eat.

Since soy comes in various forms, it is easy to use in salads, as meat substitutes, and to add to soup to make it more filling. A 2018 studyfound that using soy protein ishealthier for you than using animal protein if you want to add protein to your smoothies, since not only does it help in building muscles, it does so without raising your blood cholesterol the way saturated fat (found in red meat and full-fat dairy) does.

Seitan is the gluten found in wheat so some people avoid it who are gluten sensitive. It has a meaty textureso it makes a good replacement in meals. Seitan contains 21 grams of protein per cup. It is a source of selenium and has minimum amounts of calcium, iron, and phosphorus. Due to the low amounts of lysine in seitan, it is not a complete protein like beans.

Seitan is low in calories, leaves you feeling full, and can reduce cravings, which in turn helps you in losing weight. Thehighprotein content in seitan is one reason people love to eat it tohelp build muscles, as a perfect meal after working out.

Avoid seitan if you are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease.

Lentils are so versatilethey are a great addition to soups, stews, and salads. A cup of cooked lentils contains 18 grams of protein.

Lentils also are high in dietary fiber,both the soluble and the insoluble types. One cup of lentils provides one cup of cooked lentils provides more than 15 grams of dietary fiber. or nearly half the fiber you need in a day. (Men need at least 30 to 38 grams of fiber each day. Women need at least 20 to 25 grams of fiber each day.) The fiber in lentils also feeds the good bacteria in your body,promoting gut health. Since youll feel fuller after eating lentils due to the high amount of protein and fiber, they help promote weight loss.

The soluble fiber in lentils helps slow down the absorption of food, making you eat less the next meal because youfeel full longer. The high-protein and low-fat content of lentilshelp in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and coronary heart disease, studies show.

Chickpeas and all kinds of beans contain a rich amount of protein per serving. Beans and lentils have 15 grams of protein per cup when cooked. Not only are these legumes rich in protein, but they also contain complex carbs, iron, folate, phosphorus, and manganese.

A randomized trial indicated that the regular consumption of white kidney beans resulted in weight loss and a loss of body fat. This studymeasured one group eating white beans over 35 days,in comparison to the group that didn't, and showed a significant difference.

Studies have also proved that a diet rich in beans and chickpeas lowers blood pressure, controls blood sugar levels, and decreases cholesterol. Most varieties of beans help in building lean muscle, so if you are looking for a post-workout meal or snack, add beans.

All kinds of nuts are an excellent source of protein, but some are higher than others

Nuts are versatile so add nuts or nut butter to smoothies, soups, salads, or justeat them as snacks. Having a handful of mixed nuts every day combined with other protein-rich meals will help increase satiety, reduce cravings, and make you feel fuller for longer.

Nuts have other benefits like protecting you from heart disease and diabetes. A 5-year study also shows that regular intake of nuts leads to decreased risk of being obese or overweight.

Spirulina is a blue-green alga thats so full of nutrition that people often take a shot of spirulina or chlorella, another alga, after working out.Two tablespoons of spirulina provides your body with 8 grams of protein while also providing22 percent of your daily iron and thiamine and 42 percent of your daily copper needs.There are few plant-based foods that can provide all nine of the essential amino acids your body needs, but spirulina and chlorella both contain all nine.

According to research, spirulina helps reduce BMI, waist size, and appetite in people who consume it regularly. It also helps in lowering blood lipids significantly.

Though technically a seed, Quinoa can substitute for whole grains like pasta and rice in meals. Quinoa has 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per cup when cooked. Quinoa is also rich in all nine essential amino acids. You can enjoy Quinoa in place of grains, in salads, or in your smoothies.

Quinoa helps in weight loss byhelping to boost metabolism and decrease appetite, research shows and it appears to help your body metabolize fat better. In the lab, rats fed a high fructose diet and then quinoa were healthier than those not fed the quinoa. And, because you eat quinoainplace of other high caloric grains, it can help reduce daily caloric intake. Quinoacontains significant amounts of phytochemicals including flavonoids, phenolic acids, squalene, fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, and it has a low glycemic index.

The fiber in Quinoa will keep you fuller for longer, pushing you to your weight loss goals. It also helps in increasing mass muscle index.

Chia seeds are low in calories and extremelyhigh in proteinand essential amino acids. Chia seeds contain 2 grams of protein per tablespoon.After a workout, add chia seeds to yoursmoothie, salads, ormake a chia seed pudding to have as a snack. Or add flax seeds, which provide 2 grams of protein per tablespoon. Another high-protein seed is hemp. Hemp seeds offer 5 grams of protein per tablespoon. You can use them similarly to chia seeds.

Most plant-based foods high in protein tend to be low in fat and calories and high in fiber. Add plant-based protein foods to your day to aid in weight loss and build muscle, especially when combined with weight training. Plant-based diets are generally low in fat, and research has proved that they contribute to weight loss.

Consumption of proteins keeps the body fuller for longer, preventing you from eating now and then. Proteins are a necessary component too for strength, building muscles, and boosting immunity.

Originally posted here:
Eat These 8 High-Protein Foods to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle - The Beet

Re-Ignite Creator Chris Johnson Creates the only 100% natural blend focused on enhancing mitochondrial health for Weight Loss – Yahoo Finance

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:46 am

Re-Ignite is a supplement specially formulated to boost the performance of mitochondria, which are responsible for converting food into energy.

Dallas, TX , Aug. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The husband of Morgan Johnson was frustrated with her weight gain after numerous other unsuccessful diets. Morgan Johnson lost 74 pounds after using Chris Johnson's Re-ignite weight loss formula.

Using natural weight loss supplements, Re-Ignite claims to transform your body. Using a new discovery, dieters can lose 5, 50, or even 100 pounds in just 30 seconds. Creator Chris Johnson

The world's dieters are seeing incredible weight loss results using an innovative new supplement based on a safe, natural practice used by Himalayan sherpas for centuries.

Re-Ignite Dietary Supplement for Weight Loss

Re-Ignite is a supplement specially formulated to boost the performance of mitochondria, which are responsible for converting food into energy.

Having healthy mitochondria is closely associated with healthy weight loss, according to researchers at Newcastle University in the UK.

The official website has now posted a video. Researchers at Yale University have also found mitochondria to influence our appetites.

By creating waste, mitochondria convert food into energy. As a result, the system may not operate optimally, causing more and more fat to accumulate on the stomach, hips, and thighs.

Dieters can lose weight instead of gaining it by using Re-Ignite to get the mitochondria working optimally.

"Weight gain and weight loss are not really determined by how much or how little food a person consumes," said the creator of Re-Ignite. "They also have nothing to do with how much exercise someone gets, how many carbohydrates they consume, or how much sugar they consume." Creator of Re-Ignite

The founder goes on to state. It is really a cellular energy crisis that develops within us. Re-Ignite corrects this crisis... enabling dieters to get back on track with their metabolism and burn more fat in less time. And with Re-Ignite all it takes is just 30 seconds per day.

Story continues

The beauty of Re-Ignite is that dieters can lose weight without spending extra time at the gym, without meticulously tracking how many calories they consume, and without giving up any of their favorite foods.

Researchers at UCLA recently determined that 95% of diets don't work, as Re-Ignite creators agree.

That's why Re-Ignite developers have developed a weight loss program that doesn't follow traditional methods.

"Low calorie, low fat, low carb ... It's all nonsense and none of it works," he said. "Running on a treadmill for an hour only burns a few hundred calories... and the benefits stop as soon as the person steps off. I am not saying that people should not exercise, but more exercise isn't always the best way to lose weight." Chris Johnson Creator of Re-ignite

Using Re-Ignite, dieters are able to lose weight quickly and keep it off over the long run, regardless of what they eat or how long they exercise.

Morgan Johnson lost 74 pounds with Re-ignite after failing numerous other diets. The loss of weight with Re-Ignite is not unique to her - 22 volunteers recently lost an average of 27 pounds each.

Dieters arent just losing weight with Re-Ignite. They are also reporting:

Better sleep

Better mental acuity

Healthy blood pressure

Increased energy

Those who use Re-Ignite say that nagging aches and pains vanish and they feel better than they have in years. Additionally, they report improved endurance and improved mood.

To learn much more about Re-Ignite and how it is helping men and women of all sizes and ages lose weight, visit the official website


The weight loss supplement Re-Ignite contains only natural ingredients. There are no stimulants, toxins, or habit-forming substances in it. Additionally, Re-Ignite doesn't just promote quick and easy weight loss, it is so much more. Since it works at the cellular level, it is far more powerful than any diet or exercise program alone.

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IMPORTANT SPECIAL HEALTH NOTICE: See website for details. official website

Here is the original post:
Re-Ignite Creator Chris Johnson Creates the only 100% natural blend focused on enhancing mitochondrial health for Weight Loss - Yahoo Finance

The #1 Exercise That’s Best for Reducing Belly Fat, Says Doctor | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:45 am

There's no denying that exercise is crucial for losing weight and leaning out, and while all forms of exercise are helpful in keeping you active and well, there happen to be a few exercises in particular that are most beneficial in targeting the belly region and blasting fat.

Michael Mosley, MD, the inventor of The Fast 800 Diet, knows the importance of regular activity and cardio in particularwhen you're getting your rate up fast and can really break a sweat.

When you're looking to burn belly fat and work your core and abdominal muscles, which happen to be the trickiest area to shed weight in, staying consistent in your regular workouts and leading an active life is key.

While we cannot say that exercise will get rid of belly fat unless there are other measures in place (think: diet, regular sleep and lower stress levels), it can be beneficial in speeding up the weight loss process and preventing weight gain in the future. And it lowers risk of disease later in life, since you're limiting visceral fat, which is the fat found in the belly, according to research.

"While exercise alone will not help you lose the stubborn fat from round your middle, it can be crucial for helping reduce the risk of re-gaining fats as well as lowering blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity," he said over interview with Express. To learn the best exercise for melting fatand to learn some great workouts to tryread on. And for more great exercise advice, don't miss the Secret Side Effects of Lifting Weights for the First Time, Says Science.

The best forms of exercise for melting fat the fastest are those that are high in intensity and can torch calories in the shortest duration of time. Running and cycling are two excellent choices, as well as walking as a means to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and get those steps in; however, the greatest form is high-intensity training, also known as HIIT.

"Research has shown the extraordinary impact that ultra-short bursts of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) can have," said Mosley. Plus, it's the most effective and easiest way to include it in a regular busy schedule (which we all have, right?). You can definitely squeeze a HIIT workout in between social gatherings, mealtimes with the family, work appointments and more.

HIIT requires moves that include jumping work, such as squat jumps and tuck jumps, as well as weighted moves that include cardio, such as manmakers and kettlebell swings, since they will spike your heart rate in seconds but also strengthen muscle and burn fat simultaneously.

So, together it's a full-body workout that can bring major results, especially the belly region, as these moves are activating your core muscles.

You can take it up a notch by adding in specific core moves, like planks or plank jacks for that added cardio or renegade rows with weights, which are also done in a plank position. And for more great exercise tips, don't miss The Secret Tricks for Convincing Yourself to Exercise, Say Experts.

According to a meta-analysis of more than 786 studies published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine, interval training is vastly more effective at reducing body-fat percentage compared to moderate exercises, including walking and jogging. "Interval training and [moderate-intensity continuous training (MOD)] both reduce body fat percentage," conclude the researchers. "But interval training provided 28.5% greater reductions in total absolute fat mass than MOD."

In another meta-analysis published in the journal Sports Medicine, researchers found that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) "significantly reduced total, abdominal, and visceral fat mass, with no differences between the sexes," while also noting that exercise that forced people to exceed "90% peak heart rate" (in other words: it's really intense exercise) was the most effective in losing weight. "HIIT is a time-efficient strategy to decrease fat-mass deposits, including those of abdominal and visceral fat mass," the researchers conclude.

"HIIT is an extremely effective and efficient form of exercise, elevating your heart rate quickly and burning a significant amount of calories in a short amount of time," Tom Holland, MS, CSCS, CISSN, an exercise physiologist and author of The Micro-Workout Plan: Get the Body You Want without the Gym in 15 Minutes or Less a Day, once told us. "In addition to torching major calories in a short time frame, there is an additional 'afterburn effect,' where your body continues to burn calories after your workout as it attempts to return to homeostasis." And for more great healthy living advice, don't miss the Unexpected Side Effects of Working Out in the Morning, Say Experts.

While exercise is important, it is about 20 percent in terms of making a difference in belly fat. Nutrition is that 80 percent. The best advice he has is to cut back on sugar, even found in fruitjust stick to eating fruit in moderate servings to get that natural sweetness but not going overboard, as it's high in sugar and carbs, both of which can prevent weight loss in the belly region.

According to Mosley: "Replace processed carbs like white bread, fries, and pasta with slow-release energy sources, such as brown rice or quinoa. He continued, "Two things will surprise you: the amount of sugar you were consuming unaware, and the speed at which your belly fat will begin to tame itself."

Added sugar is a no-go, so steer clear of sweets and processed junk, like cookies and white bread and go for those natural sources when that sugar craving strikes. Together with exercise, you'll find the best results and enjoy sustainable change.

Want to try your hand at some great HIIT routines? Give one of these a go!

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The #1 Exercise That's Best for Reducing Belly Fat, Says Doctor | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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