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Here’s the Simple Protein Shake Chris Hemsworth Drank While Training for ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ –

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:55 am

It's no secret that Chris Hemsworth's physique has been looking even mightier than usual lately, with the actor packing on an enormous amount of muscle to portray Hulk Hogan in an upcoming biopic, as well as reprising the role of Thor in the MCU sequel Thor: Love and Thunder. He's kept fans apprised of his transformation via regular gym updates on Instagram, flexing those superheroic biceps and showcasing some of the exhausting workouts that he's been using to stay in godly shape.

He has been doing so with the help of his friend and personal trainer Luke Zocchi, who creates Thor-approved workouts and diet plans on the actor's health and wellness app, Centr, and who programmed Hemsworth's Love and Thunder fitness and nutrition regime.

In a recent interview with HYPEBEAST, Zocchi dropped some details about the routine Hemsworth has been following while on setincluding eating up to 10 meals every single day to maintain those massive gains.

"Hes got a really good work ethic and pushes himself pretty hard," he said. "And with all those Thor roles, part of the work is also backing it up with the food. Hes eating so much that he gets sick of it. He eats every two hours because hes naturally a taller, skinnier guy, so for him to put on that muscle he needs a lot of calories... On this film Im not joking he was eating up to eight to 10 times a day. As soon as he went into hair and makeup on set at six oclock hed have his first meal, and then 460 calories every two hours."

God of Thunder or not, that amount of food borders on untenable, and so Zocchi has learned to switch things up, and devised a simple shake recipe that would help Hemsworth hit his macronutrient targets: "Every third meal hed just be so over food so Id bring him a protein shake with a double scoop of protein, banana, almond butter, two dates, and a bit of salt just to give him a break from eating," he said, before adding: "But then wed start again later."

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Here's the Simple Protein Shake Chris Hemsworth Drank While Training for 'Thor: Love and Thunder' -

Eating Fermented Foods Both Fights Inflammation and Boosts Immunity, According To a New Study – Well+Good

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:55 am

Packed with live probiotics (aka good gut bacteria), fermented foods have long been the darlings of dietitians thanks to their many microbiome-balancing benefits. Studies have shown that eating the probiotic strains that thrive in these naturally tangy foods (such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi) can boost your overall intestinal and respiratory health and even slash your risk for chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

But until now, there was limited research to show exactly how. Thanks to a new study conducted by researchers at Stanford University, were now learning that the benefits of fermented foods may be tied to their ability to combat signs of chronic inflammation in the body.

To analyze the relationship between fermented foods and inflammation, the researchers randomly assigned 36 healthy adults a ten-week meal regimen that was either rich in fermented foods (including yogurt, kefir, kimchi, vegetable brine, and kombucha)or rich in fibrous foods, like vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Because both food groups have been shown to support gut health and immunity in the past, they were curious whether the benefits of fermented foods or those of fibrous foods alone would reign supreme.

In order to help participants implement these dietary changes in a lasting, sustainable way, the dietitians gave them a guide to each type of food and then allowed them to eat whatever foods within that category that they liked and could find at their grocery store, just directing them to eat six servings total each day, says Hannah Wastyk, lead author on the study and a PhD student at Stanford in the bioengineering department.

Throughout and after the ten week period, the researchers tracked a whole slate of over 230 different markers of inflammation, and found a striking difference: Across the board, those people who ate the fermented foods showed a decrease in 19 different inflammatory proteins circulating in their blood, while those who ate the fiber-rich diet didnt show that downward trend at all.

People who ate the fermented foods showed a decrease in 19 different inflammatory proteins circulating in their blood, while those who ate the fiber-rich diet didnt show that downward trend at all.

Whats more, the researchers also investigated the activity of various immune cells and found that four of them showed less activation among the fermented-food eaters (signaling a less-stressed immune system), in comparison to the same cells in the fibrous-food eaters.

The reason why we looked at so many different metrics is because we wanted to see that broader inflammatory and immunity trend, and whether it was going up or down, says Wastyk, because we know that higher levels of chronic inflammation are present with chronic diseasesso, on the flip side, less overall inflammation reflects a better immunity profile.

Interestingly, the dip in inflammation did show up in a few metrics for certain people within the fiber-eating groupbut only those individuals who already had a higher level of microbiome diversity (aka a gut filled with different types of bacteria) when the study began. Those people likely already had more of the fiber-digesting bacteria flourishing within their microbiomes, so that may be why they experienced a drop in inflammation from eating the fiber diet alone, explains Wastyk.

If your gut microbiome isnt in a well-balanced, diverse place already, the results of this study suggest that eating a fiber-rich diet alone may not be enough to see that drop in inflammation that the researchers found with the fermented-food eaters. Your best bet? Working both beneficial food groups into your diet. (If you dont consume much of either food group as-is, just ease in and apply moderation to avoid any stomach or digestive issues.)

Luckily, there are many fermented foods that already contain plenty of fiber, too. Try kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, and any other form of pickled fruit or vegetable. You can also toss your next salad or roasted veggie platter in a miso-based dressing, or make a smoothie from a combination of fruit and kefir for a healthy dish or drink that checks both boxes. We're particularly partial to Lifeway Kefir, which packs 12 probiotic strains, 11 grams of protein, and 30 percent of your daily calcium needs per serving, and comes in a variety of delicious flavors.

Bottom line: If you eat fermented foods in order to increase your microbial diversity and also eat fiber to fuel all those different microbes, you could have a synergistic benefit thats even larger than what we found in the study, says Wastyk. Consider the two groups partners in their gut-healthy, inflammation-reducing effortswith fermented foods perhaps leading the charge.

To learn more about how fermented foods impact gut health, watch this video:

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Eating Fermented Foods Both Fights Inflammation and Boosts Immunity, According To a New Study - Well+Good

How Adults Can Face the Challenges of Aging for a Better Quality of Life – Cleveland Scene

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:55 am

If youve just crossed the Golden Year, know that the best years of your life are yet to come. Seniors approaching old age should prepare for the time in their lives when their psychological, physical, and mental faculties will start to diminish. But, knowing what to expect can help you have a better quality of life and ensure that you age gracefully.

According to statistics gathered by the WHO, the number of people aged 60 years and above is likely to increase from 12% to 22% from 2012 to 2050. Countries worldwide are readying their social and health infrastructures to deal with the expected shift in population demographics. So, youll probably look forward to a better geriatric lifestyle than the previous generations. Do your research on the most common erroneous beliefs about aging, and you can maintain good health, mental well-being, social connections, and most importantly, your independence.

The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that around 85% of seniors develop at least one chronic disease as they age, while 60% will likely have at least two chronic health issues. The most common among them are hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and cancer. Additional problems include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), stroke, kidney disease, Alzheimers, heart disease, and arthritis. While getting such ailments are not entirely avoidable, you can lower their intensity and manage them efficiently with regular exercise and diet control. Leading a sedentary lifestyle and stress are two of the biggest causes, both of which can be avoided.

The most critical factor to remember about aging is that you wont necessarily find it challenging to move or that you will be confined to the bed, wheelchair, or walker. Every individual physical structure is unique. You could be healthier and fitter than most people your age by making changes, such as incorporating more physical activity. As you age, aching muscles, stiffening joints, and fatigue can make it harder to keep moving. However, regular movement is essential to ensure that your body remains flexible and you maintain the range of motion. You could consider using organic products like the Uncle Bud's roll-on pain reliever that are highly effective for better pain management.

Adding natural anti-inflammatory agents to your diet like ginger, garlic, turmeric, and red chili peppers is an excellent way to stay healthy and active. Studies show that foods like cherries, salmon, cloves, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, and hemp oil supplements can do wonders for overall wellness. Hemp oil contains the compound cannabinoid that reacts with the receptors in the body to improve your mood and lower pain without giving you the high normally associated with marijuana. In addition to topical application products like lotions and oils, you could consume hemp oil in pill or drops form with your doctors advice.

Even if youve held a desk job for most of your life, now is a great time to start exercising and reap the benefits. Start with walking 10 to 15 minutes every day and raise the time as your body adapts. Any form of exercise can boost your blood circulation and intake of oxygen. Like your doctor will explain, youll keep away obesity and maintain a healthy weight. Thats the first step to dealing with diabetes and hypertension while strengthening your immunity and improving digestion. Muscle toning, denser bones, and prevention of osteoporosis are only some of the additional benefits, as are enhanced immunity from diseases.

Adequate physical activity can do wonders for your mental and psychological health also. When you exercise, the increased blood flow strengthens your cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory systems while boosting blood flow to the brain. Youll trigger the activation of new brain cells or neurons that control memory, muscle function, and the ability to learn. Most importantly, even a moderate workout session facilitates the release of feel-good hormones like endorphins. Youll keep away depression, anxiety, and stress which are some of the primary challenges seniors face in their retirement years.

One of the scariest risks of aging is the possibility of getting bedridden because of slips, falls, and fractures. The most effective way to stay agile and strong is to exercise regularly. Not only will you avoid arthritis, but youll also maintain flexibility, posture, proper balance, and muscle coordination. All of these factors can help you stay steady on your feet. Fractures and injuries are debilitating and may involve expensive surgery and long-term rehabilitation, not to mention life-long mobility issues. Take care to get lots of sun exposure for natural vitamin D and take calcium supplements to prevent fragile bones and osteoporosis.

Statistics indicate that close to 80% of all slip and fall incidents occur in the bathroom. Vertebral injuries and hip fractures are the most common risks and typically need extended recovery times. Most seniors may not recover mobility entirely. Check around your home and eliminate anything that can hamper movement, especially in the path leading up to the bathroom. Seniors with urinary incontinence typically hurry to avoid the possibility of an accident. So, remove any rugs or loose carpeting. You would also want to get the floorboards affixed firmly and replace ceramic tiling with flooring that has better traction.

While on the subject of bathrooms, stepping in and out of bathtubs is risky, with a high chance of falling. Replace conventional bathtubs with shower stalls complete with grab bars and perhaps, a stool for sitting and showering. Alternatively, you could go with walk-in bathtubs that come fitted with a seat and waterproof door for soaking safely. This option is excellent for seniors who like to take therapeutic baths with essential oils and healing salts to relieve rheumatoid arthritis pain. Since the tub drains out entirely before opening the door, you need not worry about slick and wet floors that could be a hazard.

Several challenges get in the way of eating a nutritious diet, which is indispensable for well-being. To begin with, dental issues like broken and worn down teeth and diseased gums could make it hard for a senior to chew their food properly. It is not uncommon for seniors to gradually switch to a soft or semi-soft diet that may not provide adequate nutrition, vitamins, and minerals.

A weakened digestive system may also make it harder to digest the foods they usually like to eat. As a result, they often resort to lighter meals that need the support of antacids. The simplest way to work around the problem is to consult a nutritionist who can provide a detailed diet chart to guide you on the foods you can safest eat and digest. If your medical practitioner has recommended that you take supplements, set reminders to remember to eat them.

Making drastic changes in your diet will ensure that you get the ideal nutrients to fuel your body. Add lots of vegetables and fruits that are easy to digest and provide valuable vitamins and minerals for healthy muscles, tissues, and bones. Choose more nutritious sources of proteins and switch to cooking techniques like stir-frying, grilling, and broiling instead of deep frying in oil. You would also want to swap out red and processed meats for organic options.

Take the time to research brands and read labels for options with a minimum of preservatives, fructose syrup, corn syrup, saturated fats. Also, look out for excessive salts that add dangerous levels of sodium to your diet. Following the advice of your nutritionist will also help you manage your blood sugar and blood pressure levels. If you cant cook meals at home, look for programs that deliver ready meals to your doorstep.

Scheduling appointments with the dentist becomes all the more critical as you age. Healthy teeth are not just crucial for nourishing your body, but your oral health also has a significant impact on overall health and wellness. If youve been smoking or using tobacco products, know that nicotine reduces blood flow to your mouth, raising the risk of gum disease. If you use removable dentures or have bridges and crowns, check with the dentist for proper fit. Make sure to regularly brush and floss thoroughly to avoid the risk of gum disease and bad teeth.

Seniors often face challenges like decreased saliva flow in their mouth, leading to bad breath and dental infections. Certain medications and ailments like diabetes also have side effects like dry mouth, so talk to your doctor about the risks. Do keep in mind that dental infections, if left untreated, can lead to organ failure when the bacteria enter the patients bloodstream.

Geriatric psychiatric ailments are a significant challenge that can affect your quality of life as you age. Some of the most common problems include Alzheimers, dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. While some issues are genetic, with the proper diet, exercise, and mental stimulation, patients can slow the progression and continue to live independent lives.

You should make an effort to spend more time with friends and interact with loved ones to keep away stress and anxiety. Playing mind games like puzzles, crosswords, and problem-solving activities will stimulate new brain cells and neurons. Learn new skills or adopt a pet that will push you to keep moving to take care of them. Take an active part in your local community or seniors center to connect with people in your age group. Helping others will keep your mind alert and lift your mood. You could also offer to volunteer your expertise to help people needing advice like, for instance, accounting or legal guidance.

While you may have retired from your regular job, you need not give up your professional life entirely. The skills and experiences youve gained over decades are invaluable and should be imparted to younger generations. Consider writing a book or taking up part-time consultancy services. Earning extra income on the side can supplement your pension and help you lead a more comfortable lifestyle. Financial insecurity is another of the biggest challenges that the elderly face. And, a side hustle could be just what you need. Working is sure to keep away boredom and the depression resulting from having too many free hours on your hands.

Maintaining a house can be increasingly difficult, especially when you have front and backyards that need mowing. Technology has various gadgets you can adopt to help you. A good example is robot vacuums that can be programmed to mow your grass. Some of these lawnmower models are now available with advanced models that return to their docking station when their battery is running low or detecting rain. They have additional safety features making them suitable for households with pets and kids.

Other handy gadgets include an automated pill dispenser to remind you to take your meds on schedule and a socket with a timer that shuts off after a pre-determined interval. If you often forget to turn off the phone charger or any other appliances around the house, this nifty gadget is helpful.

While you dont need to worry about aging and the inevitable lifestyle changes accompanying the process, staying prepared is always advisable. Get more physical and mental exercise, eat healthily, and stay happy. Build new social connections and connect with friends to avoid stress and anxiety. Look forward to your golden years as an opportunity to do the things you always wanted to do, and you will have an excellent quality of life.

Read more here:
How Adults Can Face the Challenges of Aging for a Better Quality of Life - Cleveland Scene

Weight Loss Tips: 5 Effortless Food Swaps That Can Help You Lose Weight – NDTV

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:54 am

Weight loss tips: Choose fibre rich foods to stay full for longer

Weight loss is one of the most discussed topics of all time. Many often fall for fad diets in order to achieve quick results. But for sustainable weight loss, you need to combine a healthy diet with exercise that suits you. Making a few small changes in your daily foods choices can also enhance the outcome of your weight loss journey. You can simply make some clever changes in your diet that can reduce your overall calorie intake. Certain foods are loaded with hidden calories and sugar that can further affect your weight loss goals. In one of the Instagram posts, nutritionist Lovneet Batra sheds light on the same. She shares some food swaps that can help in weight loss. Let's take a look at these below.

"Wouldn't it be great if substituting healthier, lower-calorie foods or eating a smarter portion size can do the trick?" her post reads.

Sodas are loaded with added sugar and empty calories. According to Batra, "Artificially sweetened drinks interfere with weight regulation mechanisms, disturb gut bacteria balance, and alter blood sugar regulation." While a cool glass of aam panna helps in electrolyte deficiency and keeps heat stroke at bay. You can prepare aam panna with some simple ingredients at home.

Weight loss: Sodas are loaded with added sugar that can make you gain weightPhoto Credit: iStock

Pastries are high in refined flours, sugar and trans fat. So, to beat those cravings for something sweet, grab a bowl of kheer. Bottle gourd is rich in dietary fibre, both soluble and insoluble. The nutritionist adds that lauki, when combined with milk provides protein, making it a low glycemic index food for diabetics. Add some nuts on the top and dig in!

Also read:Trying To Lose Weight? Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Shares Tips To Sharpen Hunger And Satiety Signals

Sauces are a hidden source of salt or sugar, and sometimes unhealthy fats as well. Therefore, it is time to make some delicious chutney with all-natural ingredients. Homemade chutneys are full of micronutrients that are good for gut health and can help in digestion. As a result, you will notice better metabolism.

Also read:3 Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know From Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar

When running late, instant oats might be your first choice. But are these really healthy? Instant oats contain added sugar or salt and some chemicals as well. On the other hand, steel-cut oats are full of soluble fibre, which help keep you fuller for longer. High fibre foods keep hunger pangs at bay and make you lose weight.

You can have oats as an snack to beat hunger pangsPhoto Credit: iStock

Till now you might be aware of the importance of healthy fats. "Market made butter contains trans fats and is high in sodium content while homemade butter contains healthy fats, which help in mobilising stubborn body fat. Still, it should be consumed in moderate quantities," Batra adds.

Also read:Intense Fat-Burning Workout: Try This HIIT Routine With Dumbbells For Effective Results

Try these small changes to see effective results. Along with these, make healthier choices in your overall diet and stay active for effective results.

(Lovneet Batra is a Delhi-based Nutritionist)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Weight Loss Tips: 5 Effortless Food Swaps That Can Help You Lose Weight - NDTV

Patients Report Long-Term Favorable Effects of Weight Loss Surgery in Their Daily Lives – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:54 am

A new analysis from the STAMPEDE trial shows that over the course of five years, patients who had bariatric and metabolic surgery to treat uncontrolled type 2 diabetes reported greater physical health, more energy, less body pain, and less negative effects of diabetes in their daily lives, compared with patients who had medical therapy alone for their diabetes.

Long-term changes in psychosocial and emotional quality of life measures were not significantly different between the surgical and medical groups. The research was published in the Annals of Surgery.

Chronic diseases, such as severe obesity and diabetes, can negatively affect quality of life, said Ali Aminian, M.D., director of Cleveland Clinics Bariatric & Metabolic Institute and lead author of the study. It is important to study the effects of different treatments on the well-being of patients in their daily lives.

Ali Aminian, M.D.

The Cleveland Clinic-led STAMPEDE study (Surgical Therapy and Medications Potentially Eradicate Diabetes Efficiently) was the first randomized controlled clinical trial that compared head-to-head bariatric surgery with intensive medical therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in patients with poorly controlled diabetes and obesity.

The trial initially involved 150 participants, who were divided into three groups: 1) Fifty patients received intensive medical therapy only, including counseling and medications; 2) Fifty patients underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and received medical therapy; 3) Fifty patients underwent sleeve gastrectomy and received medical therapy. Effectiveness was gauged by the percentage of patients who achieved blood sugar control, defined in this study as HbA1c level of less than or equal to 6.0 percent a more aggressive target than the American Diabetes Associations guidelines. HbA1c is a standard laboratory test that reflects average blood sugar over three months.

The studys initial results showed that metabolic surgery is superior to medical therapy alone for achieving weight loss and diabetes control with less reliance on anti-diabetic medications. The five-year results showed that the benefits of metabolic surgery persist over time.

This current study looked at 104 STAMPEDE trial participants: 1) Twenty-six patients who received intensive medical therapy only; 2) Forty-one patients who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and received medical therapy; 3) Thirty-seven patients who underwent sleeve gastrectomy and received medical therapy.

The 104 patients were asked to answer two generic health-related quality of life questionnaires (the RAND 36-Item Health Survey and European QoL 5-Dimensions) and a diabetes-specific questionnaire at the beginning of the trial, and then on an annual basis following enrollment. Those three questionnaires were chosen to assess how surgical or medical treatment of obesity and diabetes may affect key elements of quality of life.

The results show that over the course of five years, the 78 patients in the surgical groups had significantly better scores on physical functioning, more energy, less body pain, and improved general heath scores compared with the 26 patients in the medical therapy group. The diabetes questionnaire looked at 12 various aspects of life in patients who have type 2 diabetes, such as maintaining a diet, going on vacation, planning meals or eating out with others, and family life. Over five years, data show that diabetes has less negative impact on quality of life in the metabolic surgery groups compared with the medical therapy group.

Sangeeta Kashyap, M.D.

Patients with long duration of diabetes tend to have poor quality of life, especially when they develop microvascular complications like eye and kidney diseases, said Sangeeta Kashyap, M.D., co-investigator involved with the trial and an endocrinologist at Cleveland ClinicsEndocrinology & Metabolism Institute. When diabetes is coupled with obesity, the impact on lower quality of life can be related to the mechanical effects of obesity as well, which leads topoor mobility and bodily pain. Significant weight loss and insulin independence following metabolic surgery drive the improvement in general health measures and quality of life for patients with type 2 diabetes, said Dr. Kashyap.

Our findings suggest that psychological wellbeing needs may require more attention in metabolic surgical patients, said Dr. Aminian. As part of our multidisciplinary approach to weight management at Cleveland Clinic, our patients have appointments with psychologists before and after surgery. The study results highlight that we may need greater emphasis on that aspect of the treatment, such as identification of psychosocial and emotional factors before surgery that can predict outcomes of surgery, as well as continuous psychosocial support after surgery.

More long-term research is needed to continue to gather feedback directly from patients on the effects of metabolic surgery on their quality of life.

The STAMPEDE trial was financially supported by Ethicon, with additional support from LifeScan, Cleveland Clinic, and the National Institutes of Health. The sponsors had no role in the accrual or analysis of the data or in the preparation of this manuscript.

Read the original here:
Patients Report Long-Term Favorable Effects of Weight Loss Surgery in Their Daily Lives - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

This Oatmeal Is the Best for Weight Loss, Dietitian Says | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:54 am

Oatmeal has so many crazy health benefits but if you've ever been a student in the school of carb-cutting, oatmeal might seem like one of those foods you totally wish you could eat, except it would probably destroy your weight-loss goals. That's not necessarily the case, says one dietitian who's offering a healthy serving of tips to make your bowl of oatmeal actually "promote weight loss," she explains. You don't have to shy awayyou can eat oatmeal and still get in shape!

Katey Davidson, MScFN, RD, CPT (via Healthline) says: "[S]ome versions of oatmeal are healthier than others . . . No matter your weight goals, you can make small changes to your oatmeal to help you either gain or lose weight."

If weight losswhile embracing oatmeal!is one of your goals, here are Davidson's tips. (Need more convincing about the health benefits of good carbs? Then One Major Effect of Eating Whole Grains, New Study Says is a must-read.)

If you're trying to shed pounds, Davidson recommends opting for rolled or steel cut oats, which she says "are less processed, higher in fiber, and lower in sugar" than other kinds of oatmeal, like instant brands.

RELATED: Sign up for the Eat This, Not That! newsletter for nutrition news you need each day.

Especially in the morning when your tummy might be roaring, it's tempting to drop a heaping scoop of oats into that pot or bowl. However, remember that a standard serving size of oats is a half-cup dry.

Davidson says a half-cup of rolled oats will deliver 150 calories (minus your liquid, if you're cooking with any kind of milk), 5 grams of protein, and 4 grams of fiber.

Yes, the flavored packet of maple and brown sugar or peaches and cream oatmeal might transport you blissfully back to childhood but even if you buy what some brands market as "better-for-you" flavored oatmeal with added protein or lower sugar, it's super important to keep an eye on the sugar content if you're trying to drop pounds. That's partly because, as Davidson explains, added sugar can impact your blood sugar and cause hunger and low energy not long after you eat.

RELATED: One Major Side Effect of Eating Too Much Added Sugar, Says New Study

If you're craving some flavor in your oatmeal (who can blame you?), Davidson says you could get creative with pantry staples, such as a sprinkle of cinnamon or a small drop of vanilla. And, to add more nutrition, consider adding fresh or frozen fruit (yeah, bananas, mangoes, and berries!) or a scoop of good protein powder (here's how to find the right one).

Also, consider trying a great plant-based milk with no added sugars. We're currently loving Tche pistachio milk, Mooala organic banana milk, and Malibu Mylk's unsweetened vanilla organic flax milk, among others!

Ready to give your slimmed-down oatmeal game a go? Keep reading:

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This Oatmeal Is the Best for Weight Loss, Dietitian Says | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

New weight loss treatment helps doctors treat people in the tri-state area – News 12 Bronx

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:54 am

News 12 Staff

Jul 25, 2021, 6:19pm

Updated on: Jul 25, 2021, 9:16pm

Doctors in the tri-state are are using a new treatment to help patients loseweight.

The self-inject pen is called Wegovy and doctors say itsgetting patients weight under control and helping with other issues that goalong with it.

Endocrinologist at Stamford Healths Cardio Metabolic Clinic Dr. Maria Asnissays it helps with weight-related medical problems including high bloodpressure, cardiac disease, liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction and sugardysfunction.

She says it also makes them feel fullfaster.

Dr. Asnis says the medication boosts production ofa hormone produced naturally in the small intestine.

It improves how the bodys processing of carbs by improving insulinsensitivity, Asnis says.

Asnis says the drug makes people feelfull faster, but comes with several side effects, including acid reflux andnausea.

The doctor says payment will have to be negotiated with major carriers - Medicare and Medicaid.

A lower dose version of the treatment,Ozempic, is typically covered as a diabetes treatment.

Research shows that patients on Wegovy, along with strategic eating andexercise planning, lose nearly 15% of their body weight in a little over ayear.

Dr. Asnis saysthe patients are grateful when they get help with their struggle.

Some of the things they say are this has changed my life, I feel like me again,Im proud to go out, Asnis says. I feel healthier, I feel good, I have somuch energy.

Read more from the original source:
New weight loss treatment helps doctors treat people in the tri-state area - News 12 Bronx

Can eating fruits help in weight loss? Here’s what Ayurveda says – Yahoo India News

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:54 am

While researching Ayurvedic medicine and consuming fresh fruits for weight loss, you may have discovered a grain of truth about the ancient therapeutic system. Fruits are often regarded as one of the world's most nutritious superfoods.

Individuals, however, may reap the full benefits of these foods only if they are consumed at the appropriate time and in the proper manner. That is also because Ayurveda has a wealth of weight loss benefits. This will aid in weight loss and help reverse some of the symptoms of ageing.


Ayurveda has devised a set of guidelines for the use of fresh fruits. Here are a few of the essential factors worth noting before ingesting these nutritious foods.

How can fruits be beneficial for weight loss?

Whenever it pertains to the consumption of fresh fruits, Ayurveda has established specific guidelines for their consumption. Here are some of the pros and cons when it comes to consuming these nutritious fruits as meals.


According to Ayurveda, except for citric ones, most fruits are easily ingested on an empty stomach. Apples, bananas, pears, and peaches are excellent examples, as they are high in pectin, which helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

It's also advised to consume fresh fruits before main meals since fruits get digested more quickly.



Ayurveda says never mix raw and cooked foods. As fresh fruits usually are consumed uncooked, and both the vegetables and fruits have an individual pace, they must not be ingested jointly.

Ayurveda advises avoiding the consumption of fruits after main meals. Consuming fruits may directly cause gastrointestinal inflammation, impacting overall gut health. It may also trigger heartburn and bloating.

Ayurveda advises against mixing non-sweet fruits with milk. Fruits with even a trace of acidity must never be consumed with milk since they may ruin it. For example, Banana is nutritious but should not be mixed with milk since it is weighty.

Best time to eat fruits

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Ayurvedic principles dictate that the best time to take fruit is first thing in the morning. Except for citrus fruits, many fruits can be taken without trouble on an empty stomach. Banana, apple, and peach are just a few fruits that fit within this group.

Which fruits help in weight loss?

Fruits are essential for your health and might help you lose unwanted body fat. There are hundreds of fruits available, but just a few will help you lose weight and get in shape. Most fruits lack critical elements for weight loss. So it's vital to find out which fruits help you lose weight.

The finest fruits for weight loss are naturally sweet and antioxidant-rich. These fruits have been shown to boost metabolism. And boosting metabolism increases energy levels, helping you to burn more fat. For this reason, eat fruits rich in natural sugars like blueberries, pears, apples, prunes, strawberries, blackberries to help your body's energy levels.

Thus, as per Ayurveda, there are many advantages to eating fruits for weight reduction. Apart from helping you lose weight and maintain excellent health, the fruit also has anti-ageing, anti-oxidant, and other health-promoting characteristics. Therefore, if you want to go on a diet, ensure that you include fresh fruits in your regular meal.

Read this article:
Can eating fruits help in weight loss? Here's what Ayurveda says - Yahoo India News

The food that could stave off the middle-aged spread and lower blood pressure – study – Express

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:54 am

Eating porridge and other wholegrain in later life helps avoid the middle-aged spread, a new study has found. Researchers found that middle-aged adults who eat wholegrain had smaller waists than those who didnt. The findings also showed people who eat more wholegrain are better able to maintain their blood pressure and blood sugar.

Nicola McKeown, one of the studys authors, said: Our findings suggest that eating wholegrain foods as part of a healthy diet benefits beyond just helping us lose or maintain weight as we age.

In fact, the data suggests that people who eat more wholegrain are better able to maintain their blood sugar and blood pressure over time.

Managing these risk factors as we age may help to protect against heart disease.

Researchers from Tufts University in Boston followed 3,000 people in their mid-50s and found that those who ate three servings of whole grain a day had a waist two inches less than those who didnt consume the same amount.

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They analysed how wholegrain affected five risk factors for heart disease, waist size, high blood pressure, blood sugar levels and the amount of harmful fats called triglycerides.

Caleigh Sawicki, of Tufts University, said: There are several reasons that wholegrain may work to help people maintain waist size and reduce increases in other risk factors.

The presence of dietary fibre in wholegrain can have a satiating effect, and the magnesium, potassium and antioxidants may contribute to lowering blood pressure.

Soluble fibre in particular may have a beneficial effect on post-meal blood sugar spikes.


The middle-aged spread usually refers to an increase in bulk, especially around the waist and buttocks, associated with the onset of middle age and the bodys ability to metabolise calories efficiently.

Many people in their 50s struggle to shift the excess fat, which also increases a persons risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke or heart attack.

Previous studies have also found that having a middle-aged spread raises the risk of dementia by up to a third.

Excess body fat leads to a reduced flow of blood to the brain, which can be harmful to the cerebrovascular system, the vessels that carry blood to and from the brain.

Wholegrain foods feature the entire kernel, including the bran and germ.

Compared with other types of grains, wholegrain is a better source of fibre and other important nutrients, such as iron, folate, selenium, potassium and magnesium.

Wholegrain is healthier than processed grains because the outer layer is packed with fibre, while the inside is rich in nutrients such as B vitamins, antioxidants and healthy fats.

The most common wholegrain foods in the study were brown breads and porridge oats.

Nutritionist Fiona Hunter believes all the foods mentioned in the study are good choices for middle-aged people attempting to lose weight, but she advises to remain weary of calories.

She explained: The rules for middle-aged people who want to slim are exactly the same as for younger - or indeed older - people who want to slim down.

If you want to lose weight, the calories consumed need to be less than the calories burnt, which comes from a combination of your base metabolic rate and any exercise.

The only difference is that once you hit 40 your metabolism starts to slow so your body needs fewer calories. Around this age we also start to slow down physically so we are less active. These two things are often the root cause of what we call middle-aged spread."

Go here to see the original:
The food that could stave off the middle-aged spread and lower blood pressure - study - Express

9 benefits of carrots: How they can boost your immune system, help with weight loss, and more – Insider

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:54 am

Veggies like carrots are loaded with nutrients that provide numerous health benefits like keeping your eyes and heart healthy.

Whether you're snacking on some baby carrots or you're eating some carrot casserole with dinner, carrots are a low-calorie, nutrient-packed food worthy of a healthy diet.

Here are nine important health benefits to get you excited about this versatile veggie.

Carrots are rich in beta carotene, a compound that the body converts into vitamin A, which supports the health of your cornea, the outermost layer of your eye. In fact, 1/2 cup serving of carrots contains 51% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin A.

The vitamin can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration, vision loss, and night blindness, says Natalie Allen, RD, clinical assistant professor of Biomedical Sciences at Missouri State University.

Vitamin A is crucial for immune system support, says Emily Rice, RD at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

This is because vitamin A helps support T-cells, which are white blood cells that help our immune system. A strengthened immune system gives your body a better fighting chance against infection.

A 2012 review found that consuming foods rich in beta carotene can help defend your skin from UV radiation damage.

If you're looking to help your body convert more beta carotene into vitamin A, you should eat carrots with a small amount of fat. This helps because vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it needs to dissolve in fat for the body to absorb it.

Carrots are a high-fiber food, containing 3.58 grams of fiber per one-cup serving of raw carrots. Fiber can help some people maintain healthy and regular bowel movements, says Rice, aiding with your overall gut health.

If you're looking to get the most fiber possible, opt for raw overcooked carrots. "When a food is cooked, the fiber walls get softer and may break down slightly thus reducing some of the fiber in the food, although not by much," says Rice.

High-fiber foods like carrots can be helpful for weight loss , if this is something your doctor has recommended for you.

This is because fiber from carrots adds volume, which fills your stomach, but without adding too many calories.. "This sense of fullness may result in eating fewer calories during the day and potentially lead to weight loss over time," says Rice.

In fact, an interesting 2006 study compared satiety levels from people who essentially ate carrots with and without fiber and found that those who ate the fiber reported greater feelings of fullness and ate fewer calories later on in the day compared to those who didn't get the fiber.

Carrots are low on the glycemic index (GI), which is a scale ranging from one to 70 plus that indicates how much a food can cause your blood sugar to spike.

"Food is considered a low glycemic food if it does not spike your blood sugar quickly, and is considered a high glycemic food if it spikes blood sugars rapidly," says Rice. Typically low glycemic foods have a GI of 49 or lower.

Controlling your blood sugar levels, and preventing spikes by eating low-glycemic foods, is important for everyone, but especially so for people with prediabetes and diabetes because it helps them manage their condition.

Cooked carrots are ranked around 39 on the glycemic index, whereas foods like bread, potatoes, or snacks like crackers have a GI index of 70 or higher. Carrots don't typically cause a rise in blood sugar, making them a great choice for snacks or side dishes.

Raw carrots are even lower on the glycemic index than cooked carrots, Allen says. Also, if you're going to cook your carrots, be mindful of what you add. For example, a balsamic, honey glaze is likely going to up the GI more than adding pecans and a dash of cinnamon.

Non-starchy veggies like carrots are heart-healthy and good for your cholesterol, says Allen. This is in part due to the fact that carrots are so rich in soluble fiber, which can help to naturally lower your cholesterol.

If you are dealing with high cholesterol , it's important to make efforts to lower it, since high cholesterol can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. Dietary changes are one way you can reverse bad cholesterol, along with other healthy lifestyle changes like exercising, losing weight, and quitting smoking.

Carrots are loaded with antioxidants, which are compounds that fight free radicals. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress resulting in health problems like cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Therefore, regularly consuming foods like carrots that are rich in antioxidants can help protect against disease and maintain good health.

While orange carrots are by far the most popular, you can also find red, yellow, purple, and white carrots. Of all the colors, purple carrots contain the most of a compound called anthocyanin.

Anthocyanin is a carotenoid, which is a pigment that functions as an antioxidant. In addition to fighting free radicals, this compound may help reduce inflammation in the body.

Fighting inflammation is crucial, since chronic inflammation contributes to diseases like heart disease , alzheimers, and arthritis.

The nutrients in carrots offer plenty of health benefits that make them well worth eating. In addition to being an important source of vitamin A, carrots are also great for weight loss, digestion, and even the health of your skin.

In order to maintain good overall health, it's important to eat a balanced diet including nutrients from all food groups, and adding carrots into your diet is a great place to start.

Go here to read the rest:
9 benefits of carrots: How they can boost your immune system, help with weight loss, and more - Insider

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