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High blood pressure diet: The 1 ‘effective’ fruit juice to avoid hypertension symptoms – Daily Express

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:48 am

High blood pressure affects about a third of all adults in the UK - but not everybody is aware that they're at risk. If you've been diagnosed with the condition, which is also known as hypertension, you might want to consider adding more cherry juice to your diet, it's been claimed.

High blood pressure is a serious medical condition that raises the risk of deadly heart disease or strokes.

Having hypertension puts extra stress on your heart and blood vessels.

If you have high blood pressure, making just small adjustments to your diet can have a major impact on your overall health.

One of the easiest ways to lower your blood pressure is to regularly drink cherry juice, it's been claimed.

READ MORE:High blood pressure: The hot drink shown to slash risk of hypertension

"Cherry juice is one of the most effective natural remedies for high blood pressure," she wrote on her website,

"Juice from tart Montmorency cherries are as effective at lowering blood pressure as some hypertensive drugs.

"Eat fresh cherries as a snack the darker, sourer ones offer the greatest benefits and add them to yoghurt, muesli and fruit salads. Theyre also great when added to fruit juices and smoothies.

"For an on-going medicinal effect, drink Montmorency cherry juice, too. Just 60ml diluted with water, or added to other juices and smoothies is a great way to take your medicine.

There are several different types of fruit that help to protect against high blood pressure, she added.

Avocados could help some hypertension patients, as they're rich in magnesium and vitamin E.

They also contain soluble fibre, which helps to reduce blood clots.

If you'd rather not add more avocado to your diet, you could simply start using avocado oil for frying or baking your foods.

See the rest here:
High blood pressure diet: The 1 'effective' fruit juice to avoid hypertension symptoms - Daily Express

What Is Good Nutrition and a Healthy Diet? – MedicineNet

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:48 am

Good nutrition means eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to fuel your body with what it needs

Good nutrition means eating a balanced and healthy diet. Its important to make sure you are getting the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs to function properly.

Plan your meals so that they are nutrient-dense and low in calories:

What should a healthy diet consist of?

Typically, a balanced diet should consist of the following:

Each person has a different set of nutritional requirements depending on their age, gender, level of physical activity, overall health, and lifestyle. Work with a dietician to determine nutrients you will benefit from in higher amounts. You may be eating plenty of healthy foods, but your body may not be getting the right amounts of certain nutrients.

Why is good nutrition so important?

Most people know that good nutrition and physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight. However, the benefits of good nutrition go beyond weight. Good nutrition can help:

When and how much should you eat for good nutrition?

Its important to try to eat at the same time every day. Follow this general schedule for your meals:

When serving yourself a meal, fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables and split the other half between whole grains and lean protein.

If youre trying to lose weight, your daily calorie burn must be higher than your daily calorie intake, so determine how many calories you should get per day and stick to that budget. Balance a high-calorie food or meal with a low-calorie food for the next meal or next day.

Also, make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day as part of your nutritional diet. Water is a major nutritional component that regulates body temperature, lubricates your joints, and protects your major organs and tissues. It also aids in transporting oxygen throughout your body. is a government-owned site that can help you with your personalized diet planning as per your age and food preferences.

What is an example of a nutritious diet?

The Mediterranean diet is considered good because benefits include:

The Mediterranean diet consists of:

Latest Nutrition, Food & Recipes News

Medically Reviewed on 7/9/2021


Good nutrition:

Mediterranean Diet Repeats as Best Overall of 2020:

Nutrition Basics:

Read more here:
What Is Good Nutrition and a Healthy Diet? - MedicineNet

Weight loss story: "I had oats roti and did stair workout to lose weight" | The Times of India – Times of India

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:47 am

My breakfast: Poha/ 2 egg whites with 1 toast/ Bread poha/ Oats cheela/ besan cheela any 1 option with 1 cup milk (without sugar)

My lunch: 1 chapati (50%oats flour+50% normal atta), 1 bowl vegetable + 1 bowl salad + 1 bowl raita (cucumber or pomegranate)

My dinner: Same as lunch, but without raita

Pre-workout meal: None as such

Post- workout meal: Just have lots of water and no specific meals.

I indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): I was desperately trying to keep off sugar but used to have moderated quantities of my favourite items, once in a while. But I tried my best to stay off of them.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Sugar free Parfait with chia seeds. Kills your sugar cravings.

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Weight loss story: "I had oats roti and did stair workout to lose weight" | The Times of India - Times of India

Weight loss: A summer body five years in the making | Perez – Chicago Sun-Times

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:47 am

I used to weigh 320 pounds.

Thats a statement I am proud to make. Especially this week when I stood on a scale and realized I am now below 200 pounds. No matter what part of the room I move my scale, it told me I am at a welcomed 199.6 pounds.

How did I do it? The easy answer would be, I drink a lot of water. The deeper and most honest truth is that I lost 120 pounds the same way I gained the weight in the first place through a lifestyle change that was triggered by my mental health.

My weight journey didnt start at the gym or with a strict diet plan. It started in 2013, when I auditioned for my universitys church choir.

My classically trained voice caught the eyes and ears of a thankful choir director. I also caught the attention of a cute and devoted Catholic guy in the choir who held my hand every time we prayed. And Catholics pray a lot.

Yes, I was delusional falling for a God-loving man at a Catholic church, but it was fun.

There were the late-night hangouts that made me sigh for weeks and the cute text message screenshots that made my best friend gasp in excitement for me.

My life was like a song Selenas Amor Prohibido (Forbidden love). In the song, Selena says who cares what society thinks when we have each other. Its beautiful. However, listening to it again, I realized the song like my situation doesnt actually have a happy ending.

People began to stare, and he suddenly became booked with church events. I stopped going to church because it felt like I had a giant scarlet letter on me. A huge rainbow-colored G.

The staring was harsh and the message clear: I wasnt welcome.

I rarely saw him over the next year, and when there were opportunities to see him, I didnt want him to see me.

When I first met him, I was a good-standing double major student who was 2nd chair in the universitys prestigious top band. I performed in the orchestra, playing the french horn, and was even voted the most valuable player for the marching band.

After the heartbreak, I failed a music class three times and embarrassed myself when I performed a failing senior music recital in front of my peers and music professors.

My graduation was pushed back. I started losing my hair when I was 23. And by 2016, I had gained almost 100 pounds.

Those facts are hard to admit. But now they make me proud, too.

Just like losing the weight, fighting those demons that tore me down and turned me into the worst version of myself was no easy feat. How do you tell yourself you love yourself when you know this version of yourself is the worst youve ever been?

At the lowest point of my young life, a defeated me told myself, I will survive. I decided to turn my life into a song again (the Selena disco medley version), and this time one that had a happy ending.

When people ask, How did you do it? I say, It just happened.

The best way I can explain it is through bicycling. I never look straight ahead, my eyes are always locked three meters in front of me. And before I know it, I have traveled a good 4 miles. The same goes for these past five years I spent working on myself. I stayed focused on bettering myself, and it just happened.

Its funny. I walked into that church five years ago and definitely went on a spiritual journey.

Here I am now. A bald and beautiful man who knows that if a certain pant size can be a goal, a state of mind can be one, too.

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Ismael Prez is a member of the Sun-Times Editorial Board.

Read more from the original source:
Weight loss: A summer body five years in the making | Perez - Chicago Sun-Times

Weight-loss Surgery Restores Lifestyle for Busy Medical Professional and Mom – Bariatrics/Weight Loss, Health Topics, Locations, Raritan Bay Medical…

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:47 am

July 14, 2021

Luz DeJesus, of Sayreville, New Jersey, gained 60 pounds with her first pregnancy in 2004, and it stuck. With my second pregnancy in 2014, I was very careful and only gained nine pounds, she says.

The excess weight on her petite 52 frame was a burden on most aspects of her life. I had no energy, I was mentally drained, and I couldnt do certain physical activities with the kids, Luz says. I felt off-balance, which made me fall a lot and sprain my ankles.

Luz really wanted to lose weight, so she tried technique after technique: She joined gyms, took exercise classes, tried diets and took medication. None of it worked. In her work as a medical assistant in the Behavioral Health Department of Raritan Bay Medical Center in Old Bridge, she saw patients being evaluated for bariatric surgery and those receiving follow-up counseling. She noticed happy, successful patient after patient of Ayontunde Adeyeri, M.D.

Knowing she needed help losing weight, she made an appointment with Dr. Adeyeri. She also quit smoking to reduce surgery risk and show her doctor that she was committed to achieving better health.

Dr. Adeyeri immediately put her at ease and carefully explained her surgical options. Because she was in generally good health, she was an excellent candidate for the vertical sleeve gastrectomy. In this surgery, which is done laparoscopically, he removes 8085 percent of the stomach. The remaining stomach looks like a sleeve.

We reduce the size of the stomach so the patient will eat less, which is a physiological consequence of the new anatomy, Dr. Adeyeri explains. Most people lose about 59 percent of their excess weight within one year of this surgery.

Fifty years ago, we doctors didnt think obesity was a disease, Dr. Adeyeri says. We assumed that the person ate too much or didnt exercise. Since then, we have discovered a hormone called ghrelin. It is created in the tissue of the stomach, and one of its purposes tells you that you are hungry. Ghrelin can lead to obesity when a person has a genetic predisposition to produce more of the hormone than they need.

In a vertical sleeve gastrectomy, a large part of the stomach is removed, and ghrelin production drops immediately and dramatically, reducing the patients feeling of hunger.

Obesity is more than a weight problem. It can also lead to a host of weight-related chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea and even cancer. Successful, significant weight loss can offset these conditions relatively quickly, when bariatric surgery is utilized for safe and rapid weight loss.

Once Dr. Adeyeri and his patient decide that bariatric surgery is the best treatment, he educates them about the different types of surgery available. Before surgery can be performed, the patient will undergo evaluations with their primary physician, a psychotherapist and a nutritionist, as well as any specialists indicated by the patients medical history.

Before her surgery, Luz and her husband, Michael, took a tour of the hospital so they knew where she would be having her surgery and where her family would wait, which she says greatly reduced their stress. She also shed 10 pounds with the help of her nutritionist.

On her 37th birthday, Luz left work for a six-week break. The next day, February 25, 2020, she had her vertical sleeve gastrectomy. After being observed to ensure there were no postoperative issues, she went home the next day.

My weight came off quickly and steadily, Luz recalls. She weighed 241 pounds when she began her weight loss journey with Dr. Adeyeri. Today, she weighs 160 pounds, only 10 pounds from her goal weight.

She continues her commitment to following the diet she was prescribed. In fact, within the guidelines of her diet, she can dine out at restaurants with family and friends. Shes careful to order a meal that satisfies her nutrition plan and brings any leftovers home for another meal. And when it comes to celebration foods like birthday cake? I indulge in happy moments, and I am careful to manage my portion sizes, she says.

Luz can now easily participate in activities she only dreamed about when she weighed 240 pounds, including active play with her kids and establishing a regular running schedule. In fact, she signed up to run in a 5K race with her husband, son and other family members this summer.

Weight loss surgery transformed my life from top to bottom, Luz says. When you are healthy and feel good about yourself, you can do anything.

Next Steps & Resources:

The material provided through Health Hub is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.

View original post here:
Weight-loss Surgery Restores Lifestyle for Busy Medical Professional and Mom - Bariatrics/Weight Loss, Health Topics, Locations, Raritan Bay Medical...

What Really Inspired Raven-Symon’s Weight-Loss Journey – Mashed

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:47 am

Per Eat This, Not That!, one of the first thingsRaven-Symon decided to do was switch to an eating style that was low in carbs and high in fat. She said that this trick helped her stay full for longer periods of time. Along with "lots of fasting," Symon also started exercising on a regular basis and learned to let go of stress. As Symon told Australia's "Today Show," "As soon as I stopped hating things around me and my cortisol went down, I was able to not rely on carbs as much and take away all of those things that were really pushing my insulin levels to the point of no return, creating an insulin resistance in me that is very dangerous for future health."

Symon also said that therapy, her fulfilling relationship, and approaching things differently really helped bring down her stress levels. She also did not rely on a "particular weight goal" and gauged her fitness levels in other ways. She gave an example: "What I look at is: Am I able to walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing?"

For her, being healthy and prioritizing her well-being is the ultimate goal. She explained,"I'm not trying to hit a goal number, I'm just trying to stay healthy." What an inspiring mindset, huh?

Follow this link:
What Really Inspired Raven-Symon's Weight-Loss Journey - Mashed

The Boiled Egg Diet Is The Latest Weight-Loss Fad To Know About – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:47 am

Search "boiled egg diet" and you might be shocked to learn that, yes, there is a weight-loss trend out there that circles around eating hard-boiled eggs. Since you probably have *a lot* of questions right now, we'll clear it up for ya.

To start, the boiled egg diet doesn't involve eating only eggs (whew). The boiled egg diet is based on the idea that eating at least two or three hard-boiled eggs per day can help you lose weight.

But are boiled eggs really the food that's going to be the X factor to weight-loss success? Spoiler: probably not. But there's a lot to this, so we chatted with experts about the boiled egg diet, the results that it brings, and how it can impact your body.

Yes, there are boiled eggs involved. Although there are some varieties of this plan, it typically involves eating two eggs with fruit at breakfast and eggs or another lean protein at lunch and dinner, along with only non-starchy vegetables, explains New York City-based dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, RDN.

Though it may sound relatively healthy, the boiled egg diet is a fad diet. This is a version of a low-calorie, low carb diet that will promote weight loss, but will not be sustainable long-term and does not provide your body with balanced nutrition, she says. You may lose weight temporarily, but the results won't necessarily last.

There are different versions of the diet, but the most common consists of three meals per day, and no snacks or desserts, says Keri Gans, a registered dietitian nutritionist in New York City.

Throughout the day you need to make sure youre eating three eggs, or two eggs at the very minimum. Youre also free to consume lean proteins, non-starchy veggies, specific fruits, and a little bit of fat, Gans notes. More specifically, some samples of allowed foods, according to Gans, are the following:

Skinless chicken

Skinless turkey

Skinless duck


Pork tenderloin

Pork sirloin

Story continues




Bell peppers











Coconut oil



That said, while there are some common foods that youre able to eat on the boiled egg diet, theres also a significant list of foods that you are not supposed to eat while following this limited plan. Other than eggs, non-starchy vegetables, and a small bit of fruit, other food groups such as grains, dairy, and fats are all off limits, Palinski-Wade says.

Specifically, the diet suggests avoiding all processed foods, and even other veggies like potatoes, corn, peas, and legumes, Gans says. Youre also asked to avoid some fruits: bananas, pineapple, mango, dried fruits, and sweetened beverages, Gans explains.

So, if youre aiming for a balanced diet that includes grains, dairy, various fruits, and fats (which is totally understandable), its important for you to note these limitations before diving into a hard-boiled-egg-focused plan.

Not quite. The recommended foods on the diet do have health benefits, but because there are also so many other foods to avoid, the diet is considered highly restrictive, Gans explains.

You should also know there are long-term concerns. This is a restrictive, unbalanced way to eat that could result in nutritional deficiencies long-term and is not sustainable, Palinski-Wade adds.

Best to chat with a health care provider before trying it.

If weight loss is important to you, know that you'll probably lose weight on this diet, Palinski-Wade explains, since its low in calories and carbs. The initial weight loss will include water losses, resulting in exciting results, but not much actual loss of body fat.

Over time, the calorie deficit will lead to losses in body fat, but the chances of maintaining these results are low based on how restrictive it is, Palinski-Wade notes.

It's true that eggs are a versatile, nutrient-rich food, packed with vitamins and minerals, and "are a great addition to any eating plan," Gans says. "But one should never simply focus on one food or nutrient in order to lose weight." So if youre going to try out the boiled egg diet, be sure to diversify your protein sources and eat a variety of foods so that youre not getting all your nutrients from the same meals each day.

Another reason why results are hard to maintain? Because the diet is highly restrictive, you're not actually learning anything about how to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet for long-term success, but rather how to deprive yourself of eating foods you may enjoy, Gans says. If you have a history of disordered eating or feel that you might be susceptible to an eating disorder, reconsider the boiled egg diet, Palinski-Wade says.

Most likely, you'll end up regaining weight you lose, and possibly more, since you may wind up overeating following such a restrictive plan, Palinski-Wade says. Proceed with caution. (But if you like hard boiled eggs, eat them in moderation!)

The bottom line: The lack of variety in the boiled egg diet diet creates an unsustainable and possibly nutrient-deficient diet if done long-term.

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The Boiled Egg Diet Is The Latest Weight-Loss Fad To Know About - Yahoo Lifestyle

Revitaa Pro Reviews [Updated]: Is Revitaa Pro An Effective or Fake Weight Loss Supplement? My Shocking Experience! – Riverfront Times

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:47 am

Revitaa Pro Reviews - Does Revitaa Pro Weight Loss Support Formula Really Work or Scam? Is it an all-natural supplement to eliminate your stress? Useful Facts You Ought to Know! Revitaa Pro Reviews - Users Real Result

Official Website: Click Here

Revitaa Pro, a natural dietary formula, is formulated to help you shed excess pounds of fats and rejuvenate your body on a cellular level. As a lot of people have trouble losing weight, a group of scientists have joined hands to source a very rare formula at a budget-friendly price.

Revitaa Pro formula is crafted in capsule form so it becomes very easy for you to consume it and it is easy for your body to absorb the nutrients as well.

As Revitaa Pro is made from only one ingredient, there are no speculations or questions on its quality.

The researchers have spent years finding out the best quality of Resveratrol- which is the only ingredient in this formula.

They source it from the ancient Japanese Knotweed which is grown in the Japanese alps in pure air without any additives or preservatives.

They then manufacture the capsules in the USA to ensure the Revitaa Pro formula is absolutely natural, pure, potent and non-GMO. Revitaa Pro formula aims at reducing stress levels by means of destroying and eradicating cortisol completely.

As cortisol has become one of the most common problems in the modern world, they have aimed to reduce the cortisol levels naturally by giving you the purest form of Resveratrol which will help you lose weight, cut down on stress and boost healing.

Click to Order Revitaa Pro Supplement For an Exclusive Discounted Price

Revitaa Pro Reviews: The uniqueness of Revitaa Pro

While most all-natural supplements claim to have resveratrol, source it from impure means and places.

That just makes the entire supplement faulty and useless. Also, many people end up adding a lot of preservatives and toxins to form tasty capsules and flavoured formulas.

Revitaa Pro supplement does nothing that harms you in any way. It only gets the natural ingredient that has no side effects.

The best thing about Revitaa Pro is that it is so natural that it does not require you to get a prescription from your doctor.

It can be consumed by you even if youre in your 30s or 80s. Revitaa Pro will always work on a cellular level to help you resolve most of your health issues. Thats what makes Revitaa Pro very unique.

(HUGE DISCOUNT AVAILABLE) Click Here To Get Revitaa Pro Supplement From Its Official Website

Revitaa Pro Reviews: Resveratrol in Revitaa Pro Supplement

Revitaa Pro supplement contains the purest form of Resveratrol that has proven to be very effective in many ways.

This ingredient has proven to reduce fats, boost metabolism, protect the brain, heart and bones all at once.

Heres what Revitaa Pros Resveratrol can do for you:

Revitaa Pro Reviews: The Science-backed functions of Revitaa Pro

Nearly 160,000 people have benefited from Revitaa Pros Resveratrol supplement.

It certainly traces the root cause of your health issues that begin with inflammation, cortisol levels and toxins.

Once the stress and toxins are eliminated from your body, you will no longer have the urge to eat excessive amounts of food, your body will be able to digest all meals very well and your metabolism will function well as well.

Revitaa Pro supplement has the best kind of resveratrol which reduces cortisol levels so your stress and oxidative stress levels are reduced.

The perfect science behind Revitaa Pro supplement is to reduce inflammation too! As inflammation has become the mother of all diseases and ageing, it aims at controlling and slowing it down.

However, it does not mean it tampers with your immunity or health inflammatory responses.

By controlling your hunger pangs, cravings and inflammation, Revitaa Pro supplement naturally frees you from obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, joint pain and bone diseases.

Revitaa Pro is also a great source of immunity if you have a weaker immune system and are often prone to diseases, this is the best supplement for you.

Get Revitaa Pro Supplement for The Lowest Discounted Price Right Now!

Revitaa Pro Reviews: Dosage & Recommendations of Revitaa Pro Supplement

Revitaa Pro consists of 60 capsules for a months supply. It is made in an FDA-inspected, state of the art facility.

It is one of the most natural supplements ever for your health to treat obesity and other health issues. Revitaa Pro should be taken every day.

Take two pills from your pack of Revitaa Pro every day for the first 30 days and see the results, I am sure you will be awed. However, you should not stop the consumption here.

Revitaa Pro is best for anyone from the age of 22 to 80. It is not meant to be taken by anyone below the age of 18.

Revitaa Pro should also be avoided by pregnant and nursing mothers, children and adults with a chronic medical history.

They must consult their doctors before starting this supplement. If you dont have an existing health condition, Revitaa Pro supplement is safe for you.

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Revitaa Pro Reviews: Benefits of taking Revitaa Pro

Revitaa Pro has the following health benefits for you. The longer you take this supplement the better the results are.

Revitaa Pro User Reviews:

Revitaa Pro is such a naturally formed supplement, however, it is priced in a budget-friendly manner so more and more people can benefit from it.

You can buy Revitaa Pro from its official website only and the discount offers are for a limited time only.

Here are the three packages for you to choose from:

You even get a 100% money-back guarantee that remains valid for 60 days from the date of purchasing Revitaa Pro. So if anything goes wrong, you can claim a full refund within 60 days.

Click to Order Revitaa Pro From The Official Website & Get Lowest Price Online

Revitaa Pro Reviews: Conclusion

Of all the natural supplements you would have tried, there would have been nothing like Revitaa Pro as it is made using only one natural ingredient called Resveratrol that comes from fresh and pure Japanese alps.

Theres nothing like Revitaa Pros resveratrol as it can do so much at once. If you have always wanted to lose weight, you should definitely try out this supplement for at least 3-6 months for the best results.

Also, Revitaa Pro supplement comes with a huge discount for a limited period only with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee.

So ask yourself, Don't you want to get rid of obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, stress and chronic inflammation? If you are ready to overcome these health issues at once, I urge you to try out Revitaa Pro!

Click to Order Revitaa Pro For The Lowest Price Right Now From Official Site

Visit link:
Revitaa Pro Reviews [Updated]: Is Revitaa Pro An Effective or Fake Weight Loss Supplement? My Shocking Experience! - Riverfront Times

The Connection Between Stress And Weight Loss – South Florida Reporter

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:47 am

Lets face it: we all have experienced stress at some point in our lifetime. Multiple factors such as finances, work, relationships, or even life changes can put extra amounts of stress on our bodies. With that, not only our behaviors and mannerisms are affected, but also our bodily processes.

People respond to stress differently. Some rely on stress-eating when they are under pressure, which may cause them to gain weight. On the other hand, some people undergo the opposite and lose weight during these circumstances.

If you are under an extreme amount of stress, chances are, you will experience conditions other than weight loss. Here are other symptoms you should watch out for to know if your weight loss is stress-induced.

If you experience these with your weight loss, stress may be the prime culprit.

Stress can cause changes to your bodys behaviors and patterns. These disruptions may trigger internal reactions within your system, which can then cause weight loss. Here are some of the reasons why weight loss may happen when you are under stress.

This response makes your body act as if you are under a perceived threat. With that, your body releases hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can speed up your metabolism. These hormones may also suppress your appetite.

Moreover, this fight or flight response may cause distress to your gastrointestinal tract. You may experience symptoms of discomfort which may cause you to eat less than usual such as:

Stress causes your body to become hyperstimulated. With that, you may process food differently. You may not be able to digest, absorb, and metabolize your food.

Stress may cause unconscious movements such as fidgeting, finger clicking, and foot tapping. These behaviors burn calories and manage stress at the same time. Moreover, stressed people tend to rely on physical activity as a coping mechanism. Thus, they become more physically active when under extreme stress.

Upon knowing the weight loss potential of stress, one may consider undergoing stressful conditions to lose extra pounds. However, doing so is not advisable! Exposing yourself to stressors for extended periods may result in grave health consequences. Thus, you may want to look for healthier weight loss alternatives.

One of which is losing weight through supplements. One popular supplement has been on our radar lately: PhenGold. According to LA Weekly PhenGold reviews, this is a potential weight loss product. To lose weight, you may consider including this in your fitness plan. It has green coffee, green tea leaf extract, L-theanine, L-tyrosine, Rhodiola, and cayenne pepper.

Here are the pros and cons of PhenGold, according to LA Weekly.



Per the health article, these ingredients may also promote weight loss.

Stress may cause weight loss, but the detrimental effects are bound to outweigh the good. For safer weight loss, consider trying out alternatives that will help you lose weight without the added stress.

Original post:
The Connection Between Stress And Weight Loss - South Florida Reporter

From Weight Loss To Controlling Asthma: 6 Health Benefits Of Brown Sugar – News18

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:47 am

It is generally observed and suggested by doctors to consume more brown food, such as brown rice, brown bread, and brown sugar. This article is all about that last bit. If you are someone who is still consuming white sugar to satisfy your hunger for sweetness, then this article is for you. Consuming white sugar leads to an increase in calorie intake beyond what is required, and you end up gaining weight. But without sweetness, life just doesnt feel right.

Fortunately, there is a solution to it, and that is brown sugar. Brown sugar is much lower in calories as compared to white sugar. In addition, it contains multiple micronutrients such as iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and vitamin B-6, which are essential for a healthy functioning body. Brown sugar is an extract from jaggery and not sugarcane, which makes it a healthier choice.

If this isnt enough to convince you, lets take a look at some more benefits of consuming brown sugar:


Brown sugar helps aid digestive problems. For example, if youre suffering from constipation, a glass of warm water mixed with ginger and a teaspoon of brown sugar is just the thing you need.


Period cramps are sometimes an inevitable evil. Consuming brown sugar might help fight this evil pretty well. It contains potassium that is a remedy for muscle cramps and soothes the pain.


If youre trying to lose weight, then calories are something you should keep a check on. Brown sugar has low calories, and it also makes the metabolism better. Therefore, it helps you lose weight without sacrificing the sweetness in your life.


Micronutrients like Vitamin B-6, niacin, pantothenic acid, and other minerals are found in brown sugar that helps you attain a rich skin and act as an anti-aging component. Brown sugar can also be used as a scrub to do away with dead skin and blocked pores.


Brown sugar contains anti-allergic elements that might help asthmatic patients in the treatment of ill-health.


Brown sugar contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial elements that might help fight bacteria and infection.

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See the original post:
From Weight Loss To Controlling Asthma: 6 Health Benefits Of Brown Sugar - News18

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