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Diabetes and Heat: How to Stay Safe in Hot, Humid Weather – Healthline

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am

Summertime can bring extra challenges for people with diabetes. Research suggests that hot weather can lead to health issues for people with diabetes, making you more sensitive to high temperatures and humidity.

You may find it harder to keep your blood sugar levels under control, and you may be at increased risk for developing heat exhaustion.

So, when the weather heats up, its important to closely monitor your blood sugar levels and watch for possible symptoms that your body is not handling the heat very well. That way, you can take action before the situation becomes serious.

Its not just that the hot weather can make you feel tired and sluggish. It can have some negative effects on how your diabetes affects your body. For example, people with diabetes tend to get dehydrated more quickly than people without diabetes. Signs of mild to moderate dehydration can include:

When dehydration becomes more severe, you may develop:

Some people even notice their sweat production drops off.

Dehydration can make your blood glucose levels rise. Then, you may develop a more frequent need to urinate, which compounds the problem.

Youre also more vulnerable to heat exhaustion because diabetes can damage your blood vessels and nerves, including the nerves in your sweat glands, so you may not be able to cool your body as efficiently as it needs.

Additionally, high temps can alter how your body uses insulin. Typically, if youre exercising, it reduces your need for insulin. But hot weather can throw a wrench into that, and you may be at risk for both high and low blood glucose levels.

Thats a good incentive for discussing with a medical professional how to adjust your insulin, if need be, to account for your activity level and the weather.

In some places, its not just hot. Its hot and humid at the same time. The extra moisture in the air can make the heat feel worse.

And heres the challenge for people with diabetes: When its humid, your sweat doesnt evaporate as well as it would under drier conditions. That makes it harder to stay cool, and that can make it harder for you to keep your blood glucose levels under control.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests monitoring the heat index in your area, since that takes both temperature and humidity into account.

Managing your diabetes carefully is the best way to stay on top of the situation. Here are a few tips to help you do that and stay safe in the heat this summer:

If you have diabetes, youll want to monitor yourself for the possible development of symptoms of heat exhaustion, as well as hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Sometimes the symptoms can be similar, so you may want to keep an eye out for a range of symptoms, and when in doubt, seek medical care.

Your body can overheat in response to hot weather and develop a condition known as heat exhaustion. Symptoms tend to include:

While not as serious as heat stroke, heat exhaustion can pave the way for it, so dont ignore these symptoms.

Hypoglycemia occurs when your blood sugar drops to abnormally low levels. Officially, it occurs when your blood glucose levels fall below 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

Your risk for hypoglycemia increases in the summer because your metabolism tends to run higher in hot, humid weather, and youre more likely to absorb more insulin.

When hypoglycemia develops, you may start feeling confused or develop blurred vision. Other symptoms include:

In extreme cases, you may lose consciousness. Be sure to keep glucose tablets or another source of fast-acting carbohydrates on hand so you can take them right away if your blood sugar levels start to drop.

Hyperglycemia occurs when your blood glucose levels are too high. Your body either doesnt have enough insulin or it cant use the insulin it has effectively.

You have hyperglycemia if your blood sugar levels exceed 180 mg/dL after meals or hover above 130 mg/dL before you eat.

Feeling really thirsty or fatigued? Do you need to pee frequently? Those are common signs of hyperglycemia. Of course, excessive thirst and fatigue can also develop as a result of dehydration. But either way, you dont want to brush them off. Check your blood sugar levels and make sure youre also drinking enough fluids.

If you start developing signs that you are becoming dehydrated or having heat exhaustion, stop what youre doing. Head indoors to a cool spot, drink some fluids to help you rehydrate, and check your blood sugar levels.

If your blood sugar levels have dropped below 70 mg/dL, remember the 15-15 rule, suggests the American Diabetes Association. That is, consume 15 grams of carbs to raise your blood sugar levels and wait 15 minutes to test your levels again.

If your blood sugar levels are too high, quick-acting insulin can help counteract high blood sugar levels in many cases.

However, if your blood sugar levels are dangerously high, dont wait. Have someone take you to the hospital. If you have low insulin levels, and very high blood sugar levels, you could go into diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a medical emergency.

Summer can be a marvelous time, but the heat and humidity can take their toll on people with diabetes.

Its important to watch out for signs of dehydration and heat exhaustion, and keep close tabs on your blood glucose levels. Keep an ample supply of fluids, medications, and other supplies close by. That way you can reach for your medication, fast-acting carbohydrates, or other supplies as soon you need them.

Read this article:
Diabetes and Heat: How to Stay Safe in Hot, Humid Weather - Healthline

Helpful Tips For a Safe Fourth of July Road Trip – NBC Southern California

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am

For many, Thursday kicked off the Fourth of July holiday weekend, and it is also the national week dedicated to tire safety, the perfect time to take certain measures that could save the lives of you and your family.

This weekend is considered one of the most dangerous on the roads and many people will travel by road, but not everyone takes the necessary measures to be safe.

During the Fourth of July weekend last year, 481 people died in traffic accidents, according to figures from the National Security Council, and this year about 2.8 million people are expected to travel by car, an increase of 46% compared to 2020, so the danger could be even greater.

If you are going to travel by land, Here are some safety tips. First of all:

Now, enjoy the ride, and happy Fourth of July!

Local news from across Southern California

It does not hurt to take your car for a complete mechanical overhaul before traveling, especially if you have not used it as much during the last year due to the pandemic.

Remember, when it comes to keeping your family safe, that's a worthwhile investment.

This story first appeared on NBCLA's sister station, Telemundo 52. Haz clic aqu para leer esta historia en espaol.

Excerpt from:
Helpful Tips For a Safe Fourth of July Road Trip - NBC Southern California

Nutrition Tips – the relationship between caffeine & sleep – United States Army

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am

TRIPLER ARMY MEDICAL CENTER, Honolulu The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot in our society, including how we work. For several individuals, this may mean working longer hours than usual, working unusual hours such as nightshifts, staying up to provide more care to our loved ones, and having less time to sleep and recharge.

Under regular circumstances, adults need 79 hours of sleep each night for optimal health and well-being. A third of U.S. adults report that they usually get less than the recommended amount of sleep. Inadequate sleep is linked with many chronic diseases and conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression as well as increased motor vehicle accidents and work-related injury.

Many individuals who do not get enough sleep rely on caffeinated beverages as a way to increase alertness and ability to function during the work day. Its true that when used wisely, caffeines function as a stimulant can help increase alertness. However, excessive and poorly timed caffeine intake can also negatively impact sleep. Because of this, its important to portion size and time our doses of caffeine appropriately to maximize both alertness, sleep quantity and sleep quality.

Problems associated with excessive caffeine intake

Aside from making it difficult to sleep at night, consuming too much caffeine can cause disturbances to the heart, kidneys, and nervous system. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, emergency department visits increased almost 14 times between 2005 and 2011 for problems related to caffeine-containing energy drinks. Caffeine can increase urination, which can lead to dehydration. The FDA estimates that with rapid consumption of around 1200 mg of caffeine, toxic effects such as seizures can be observed.

Dietary sources of caffeine

In the U.S., most intake of caffeine comes from coffee, tea, and soda. Other dietary sources include energy drinks, chocolate, pre-workout and other supplements. For healthy, non-pregnant adults, the FDA cites 400 milligrams daily caffeine intake as an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects. Some individuals may be more sensitive at lower doses, so if you are bothered by headaches, restlessness, nausea, upset stomach, jitters, or anxiety, you may want to re-evaluate how much caffeine youre consuming.

Current FDA regulations require beverage companies to list caffeine in the ingredients list on product labels, however, there is no requirement to list the precise milligram amount of caffeine present in a product. Some companies will voluntarily add this to their product labels. See below for typical products and their caffeine contents.


Caffeine takes about 30 minutes to take effect, and has a half-life of 5-6 hours. This means that it would take about 5-6 hours for half of the dose to leave the body. So a cup of coffee at lunch or afterward may keep you awake at bedtime. If you are having issues staying asleep, consider limiting the amount and/or consuming your caffeine earlier in the day.

Reducing caffeine intake safely

It is recommended to decrease your dose of caffeine gradually. Sudden drops in caffeine consumption can cause withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, nervousness, drowsiness, and depression.

Improving sleep

Try to recognize the stressors in your environment and that you may need more sleep or time to recover. Please see below for some tips to improve sleep, in addition to adjusting caffeine intake:

Use fans or air-conditioning as sleep quality improves with cooler temperatures.

Limit light flow through windows and doors with blackout shades.

Limit screen time before and around your bed.

Have a bedtime routine set aside time to train your body to relax in time for sleep. Try meditating, relaxation breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation.

Follow a healthful diet and stay physically active.

Avoid alcohol, heavy meals, and nicotine for at least 2-3 hours before bed.

Take naps when youre able to. Both short (15-30 minute) and long (1.5-hour) naps can increase alertness. However, know that naps are a temporary help to improve alertness, not a replacement for getting regular, adequate sleep at night.

Get help with your goals

Meeting with a dietitian can help you meet your health and nutrition goals. Tripler Army Medical Centers Outpatient Nutrition Clinic offers one-on-one virtual or face-to-face appointments and group classes. Ask your doctor for a nutrition consult or call Triplers Nutrition Clinic at 808-433-4950 to learn more.


U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S.Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition. December 2020. Available at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

American Heart Association

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

See original here:
Nutrition Tips - the relationship between caffeine & sleep - United States Army

Digestive wellness now a top trend in nutrition and health for patients – Chiropractic Economics

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am

Christina DeBusk July 2, 2021

When patients want better health, the two areas they typically attack are diet and physical activity. They start eating more fruits and veggies and make exercise a part of their daily routine. Self-care becomes a priority in an effort to fend off disease and achieve a higher level of wellness. Another area within the nutrition and health space that is beginning to garner more attention is digestive wellness and health.

A quick look at the numbers reveals that tending to the gut is a growing priority for many, fueled by new research, sending it on an upward trend.

The digestive health products market is expected to reach $57.54 billion globally by 2025 according to Grand View Research. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3%. For comparison purposes, the projected CAGR for the nutrition market as a whole is only 6.6% for this same time frame, highlighting the importance that consumers are now placing on this one aspect of health.

Products in the digestive health category include prebiotics, probiotics, and food enzymes. It also encompasses food items designed to promote better digestive health such as dairy products, cereals, and some beverages as well as dietary supplements.

Grand View goes on to explain that some of the driving factors for this projected growth include increasing demand for additives that increase a foods nutritional value and a growing geriatric population. However, it is also due to more consumers seeking the potential benefits of digestive health products that new research shows impacts a patients mood, energy levels and brain function.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDKD) reports that digestive diseases are a major issue in the United States, affecting between 60-70 million Americans. They are also responsible for 36.6 million doctors visits annually, 7.9 million trips to the emergency room, and 3.8 million outpatient appointments.

Some of the most common digestive issues and conditions include:

A 2018 study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology adds that, out of 71,812 people surveyed, 61% indicated that they had at least one gastrointestinal symptom during the prior week. Heartburn/reflux was cited most often (30.9%), followed by abdominal pain (24.8%), bloating (20.6%), diarrhea (20.2%), and constipation (19.7%).

Through research, we are beginning to learn more about the gut and how it can impact overall health. For instance, a 2016 study ties digestive health with total body health via the enteric nervous system. The enteric nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system, yet functions outside of central nervous system input.

This study indicates that there are multiple disorders that impact a person both gastrointestinally and neurologically. Autism spectrum disorders, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are a few mentioned. This underscores the connection between the gut-brain axis and how it can potentially lead to greater health or greater disease.

Other pieces of research attempt to take a more in-depth look at the connection between digestion and health. One example is a 2020 study in the International Journal of Tryptophan Research which shares how tryptophan, an essential amino acid, interacts with three major metabolic pathways in the gut. It aids in gut function during both healthy and disease states, making it an important part of the health and wellness discussion.

If consumers are becoming increasingly focused on digestive wellness, it is likely that this will become a topic of discussion with at least a few of your chiropractic patients. They may share their concerns about their digestive health or ask your advice about how to create a more positive gut-brain interaction.

A 2019 review states that, when it comes to probiotics, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are two that are generally recognized as safe (GRAS). This review also suggests that good probiotics include those that:

The Cleveland Clinic offers additional guidance for those interested in taking products. Specifically, it recommends not taking them if the immune system is compromised and being willing to try a new probiotic if the current one doesnt appear to be providing any benefit within a few weeks.

Its also important to recognize that no probiotics currently have the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to help prevent or treat specific diseases according to the American Gastroenterological Association. Thats why this organization suggests using digestive health products made by well-established companies and paying attention to the labels and packaging to better understand what is in them and also how to store and use them properly for the best (and safest) effects.

Follow this link:
Digestive wellness now a top trend in nutrition and health for patients - Chiropractic Economics

Nearly Half The Worlds Population Lacked Safely Managed Sanitation In 2020: Report – Swachh India NDTV

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am


Geneva: Around one in four people lacked safely managed drinking water in their homes in 2020 and nearly half the worlds population lacked safely managed sanitation, said a joint report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) on Thursday (July 1). COVID-19 has highlighted the urgent need to ensure everyone can access good hand hygiene. At the onset of the pandemic, 3 in 10 people worldwide could not wash their hands with soap and water within their homes, the report added.

Handwashing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, yet millions of people across the world lack access to a reliable, safe supply of water, said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Also Read:WHO Expert Answers Questions About The Link Between Clean Hands And Health

UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore added that even before the pandemic, millions of children and families were suffering without clean water, safe sanitation, and a place to wash their hands. According to the report, between 2016 and 2020, the global population with safely managed drinking water at home rose from 70 per cent to 74 per cent; safely managed sanitation services grew from 47 per cent to 54 per cent; and handwashing facilities with soap and water increased from 67 per cent to 71 per cent. It is not enough despite the progress, said the report, noting that Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing the slowest rate of progress in the world.Highlighting an urgent need for investment, the report warned that billions of people across the world will be unable to access safely managed household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services in 2030 unless the rate of progress quadruples.

Investment in water, sanitation and hygiene must be a global priority if we are to end this pandemic and build more resilient health systems, said the WHO chief.

Also Read:72% Of Toilets Surveyed By CAG In Government Schools Dont Have A Running Water Facility, 11% Are Non-existent Or Partially Constructed

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

NDTV DettolBanega Swasth Indiacampaign is an extension of the five-year-old BanegaSwachh India initiative helmed by Campaign AmbassadorAmitabh Bachchan. Itaims to spread awareness about critical health issues facing the country.In wake of the currentCOVID-19 pandemic, the need for WASH (Water,SanitationandHygiene) is reaffirmed as handwashing is one of the ways to prevent Coronavirus infection and other diseases.The campaign highlights the importance of nutrition and healthcare for women and children to preventmaternal and child mortality,fightmalnutrition, stunting, wasting, anaemia and disease prevention throughvaccines. Importance of programmes likePublic Distribution System (PDS), Mid-day Meal Scheme, POSHAN Abhiyanand the role ofAganwadis and ASHA workersare also covered. Only a Swachh or clean India wheretoiletsare used andopen defecation free (ODF)status achieved as part of theSwachh Bharat Abhiyanlaunched byPrime Minister Narendra Modiin 2014, can eradicate diseases like diahorrea and become a Swasth or healthy India. The campaign will continue to cover issues likeair pollution,waste management,plastic ban,manual scavengingand sanitation workersandmenstrual hygiene.





Coronavirus has spread to 194 countries. The total confirmed cases worldwide are 18,30,78,286 and 39,63,889 have died; 5,88,21,306 are active cases and 12,02,93,091 have recovered as on July 3, 2021 at 3:55 am.

3,05,02,362 44,111Cases


2,96,05,779 57,477Recovered

4,01,050 738Deaths

In India, there are 3,05,02,362 confirmed cases including 4,01,050 deaths. The number of active cases is 4,95,533 and 2,96,05,779 have recovered as on July 3, 2021 at 2:30 am.

60,79,352 8,753

1,20,079 212

58,36,920 8,385

1,22,353 156

29,49,128 12,095

1,04,229 1,706

28,31,394 10,243

13,505 146

28,49,997 2,984

53,894 11,441

27,60,881 14,337

35,222 88

24,88,407 4,230

36,707 819

24,18,882 4,952

32,818 97

18,96,818 3,464

37,323 855

18,46,716 4,284

12,779 35

17,06,384 116

2,560 127

16,81,208 228

22,616 15

15,02,706 1,422

19,729 441

14,65,219 1,840

17,758 23

14,34,374 93

1,041 316

14,08,350 407

24,983 2

9,95,195 305

5,620 167

9,76,125 467

13,450 5

9,52,573 76

1,312 90

9,42,331 159

8,930 7

9,16,109 3,222

27,738 89

8,84,262 3,265

4,109 46

8,23,687 80

2,644 150

8,10,979 228

10,064 2

7,89,887 43

514 19

7,80,384 54

8,989 8

7,68,800 76

1,293 87

7,58,046 148

9,461 15

7,22,282 181

1,693 23

7,10,995 202

9,594 2

6,25,237 858

12,726 326

6,08,833 1,175

3,678 9

5,96,094 195

2,752 209

5,77,256 390

16,086 14

5,13,606 2,453

25,261 476

4,83,741 2,902

4,604 27

3,45,794 88

831 23

3,39,850 111


3,40,488 109

1,864 102

3,31,297 208

7,327 3

3,16,291 331

Read the rest here:
Nearly Half The Worlds Population Lacked Safely Managed Sanitation In 2020: Report - Swachh India NDTV

Avoid the uh oh, and have a safe July 4 – WellSpan Health

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am

The Fourth of July is a day to laze in the sun, picnic in the backyard, and watch fireworks.

Stay healthy and avoid some common summertime ailments by following these easy tips. WellSpan is here for you 24/7 if you need us, but we want you to spend the day enjoying time with family and friends, not tending to injuries or illnesses.

The food

Summertime picnics can be a dicey time for foodborne illnesses. Food must be prepared correctly (no undercooked chicken or burgers!) and stored correctly (cold foods must be kept cold!).

July is a great time for healthy eating, with widely available fresh produce, said Frances Hadley, WellSpan clinical dietitian. But be careful when preparing foods and storing them correctly.

Tips: Hadley recommends following four simple steps: clean (wash your hands and use clean food prep utensils), separate (keep raw meat and eggs separate from other ingredients), cook (make sure the internal temperature of meats and other foods reaches the proper level) and chill (never leave perishable food out for more than two hours, or one hour if its hotter than 90 degrees outside).

Uh oh: Symptoms of foodborne illness include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps or diarrhea. Older adults, young children, people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women are most at risk.

When to seek help: Seek medical attention if you have bloody diarrhea, diarrhea that lasts more than three days, a fever over 102 degrees, frequent vomiting that prevents you from keeping liquids down, or signs of dehydration such as little or no urination or dizziness.

The sun

The weather looks like it will be in the upper 70s to low 80s on July 4, with the possibility of rain. But South Central Pennsylvania has had some significant heat waves so far this summer. Know how to manage the hot weather when it comes.

I love spending time outdoors on a summer day, gardening or hiking with my family and dogs. But I try to take precautions and make sure I dont overdo it, said Dr. Ryan Crim, WellSpan family physician.

Tips: Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing, take advantage of the cooler morning and early evening for strenuous activity and find some shade, Crim recommends. Also, pace yourself, wear sunscreen that is SPF 15 or higher and broad spectrum or offers UVA/UVB protection, and drink plenty of fluids (dont wait until you are thirsty!). Keep pets in the shade and offer them lots of water, too, the physician adds.

Uh oh: Symptoms of heat-related illness include heavy sweating, clammy skin, fast pulse, nausea, cramps, dizziness, headache. Infants and young children, older adults, overweight people and people with underlying conditions are most at risk.

When to seek help: Your symptoms last more than an hour or worsen, you are vomiting, your temperature is 103 or higher or you pass out. Seek medical help immediately if that occurs, Crim said.

The fireworks

The boom, sizzle and color of fireworks are one of the best and most traditional parts of the Fourth of July. But leave the big ones to the pros.

Its common sense to be careful around fireworks but sometimes people get caught up in the excitement of the day, said Abbey LeCompte, a certified registered nurse practitioner with WellSpan Urgent Care . Be very cautious around any type of firework. Your vision and your limbs can be at risk. Even sparklers need special supervision when used by children.

Tips: Never allow young children to handle fireworks, never use fireworks while impaired by drugs or alcohol and wear protective eyewear or earplugs while using fireworks, LeCompte recommends. Also, never hold lighted fireworks in your hands and keep a bucket of water nearby and soak spent unused fireworks in water for a few hours before discarding.

Uh oh: Sometimes fireworks malfunction and dont go off as planned. NEVER re-light them, LeCompte said. Instead, discard the malfunctioning fireworks into a bucket of water.

When to seek help: You have burns on your skin that are red, blistered or swollen, you have ringing or buzzing in your ears, your vision seems impaired or you feel like you have something in your eye. Dont wait to get help for burns or other fireworks injuries that seem serious.

Need medical help on a holiday or after-hours? Call 911 if you experience a severe injury or illness. For more minor issues, WellSpan Urgent Care is here for you. We also offer 24/7 virtual appointments.

See more here:
Avoid the uh oh, and have a safe July 4 - WellSpan Health

How Long Is Cooked Chicken Good for in the Fridge? A Rundown – Greatist

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am

One of the awesome things about chickens is that cooking a whole one can make several meals worth of finger-lickin protein. However, whether fried, boiled, baked, or grilled, cooked chicken has a definite safe to eat window.

Youve heard of salmonella? Well, it doesnt only come from salmons. If thats news to you, then for the love of all things holy, read on before whacking that week-old KFC in the microwave.

As Vanilla Ice proved, nothing stays fresh forever. But the definition of fresh varies from person to person.

If, to you, fresh means safe to eat, the answer is 3 to 4 days. However, if you associate freshness with flavor and texture, Day 1 Fridge KFC probably tastes a lot fresher than Day 4 Fridge KFC. Both are safe by FDA standards, though.

If youre the kind of person that cant keep to such a tight schedule and needs to plan their reheated KFC and RuPaul nights well in advance, you can freeze that half-full bucket of the Colonels wings for a whole 6 months.

You can extend that to 6 months if you order a dozen pots of gravy to freeze them in.

Luckily for you, its super easy to tell if eating the chicken in your fridge is a one-way ticket to Diarrhea Town.

Even when sticking to the 1 to 4 days rule, chicken can sometimes go bad early for a whole bunch of reasons. If your cooked but cold poultry from Fridays BBQ is showing any of the following signs, its best to avoid chowing down on that sandwich you made for Mondays lunch:

We shouldnt have to say this, but we live in the age of the Tide Pod challenge:

Yes lol.

Chicken is a high-risk food for bacteria growth. Campylobacter, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens They all love hiding in chicken so they can f*ck up your week with food poisoning.

Note the word poisoning. Normally, diseases like salmonella arent fatal, but theyre not never fatal. The fire youre playing with if you choose to eat risky chicken could burn you more than spending 1 or 2 nights with your head over the toilet bowl.

Again, for the people who somehow still havent grasped that week-old nuggets make you poop liquid:

Obviously, sometimes you can accidentally eat bad chicken. As we already pointed out, chicken (as with all foods) sometimes can go bad within the usual safe to eat window. We also lied when we said it was super easy to tell when chicken is bad (sorry). It usually is, but not always. Sometimes you dont find out until youre throwing it back up.

If youre feeling any of the below after eating some cooked chicken from the fridge, theres a high chance youve got food poisoning:

The food poisoning risks with chicken may be high. But theyre worth it, because chicken is f*cking delicious.

While its never possible to totally eliminate the risk of food poisoning, theres a whole bunch of stuff you can do to keep it pretty low. Theres a reason human beings havent gone extinct from chicken-borne diseases. Yeah, its easy to contract them, but its equally easy to make sure you probably wont.

Still unsure about the leftover popcorn chicken thats been eyeing you from the top shelf of the fridge for the past few days? Heres a last minute rundown of everything weve learned.

Cooked chicken can be kept in the fridge for up to 4 days and still be safe to eat. Raw chicken for half this time. If you want to keep your cooked chicken longer, it can be frozen for 4 to 6 months (depending on whether its in sauce).

Food poisoning is no joke, and chicken is a big food poisoning risk food (raw or cooked). If your cooked chicken is a weird color, slimy, smells bad, or has a weird texture, dont eat it.

Its also important to prep and cook your chicken thoroughly. Undercooked chicken is a surefire way to give yourself a hella queasy tummy, no matter how well you refrigerate it.

You can store chicken in an airtight and leak-proof container to keep it fresh. This also reduces the risk of cross-contamination by keeping juices away from other food.

How Long Is Cooked Chicken Good for in the Fridge? A Rundown - Greatist

Family’s heartbreak after boy, 7, dies after eating plate of spaghetti on holiday in Italy – Manchester Evening News

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am

The family of a British schoolboy who died after suffering an allergic reaction from eating a plate of spaghetti described his tragic death as the worst day of their lives.

Cameron Wahid, seven, suffered a severe anaphylactic shock from eating pasta made with milk at a restaurant in the town of Ravello on the Amalfi Coast, where he was spending half-term with his family.

Restaurant staff were warned about their sons severe allergies, saying he could not have any cheese or dairy products, but the waitress did not understand their request and assured them it was safe.

READ MORE: Crack-smoking thug made girlfriend 'wish she wasn't alive' during 10 months of abuse and violence

He collapsed after eating the pasta dish containing dairy products in front of his mother Cassandra, 43, father Rizwan, 43, and little brother, Aidan.

A few minutes after getting back on their tour bus with other British tourists, Cameron went into shock before suffering a cardiac arrest in the main square.

Mrs Wahid, a nurse, managed to give her son an EpiPen, but it was too late, and the schoolboy died three days later on October 30, 2015, in a hospital in Naples.

Cameron always had a severe allergy to dairy, but his family said they were very careful about what he ate and we assured by waiting staff the food was safe.

They believe that his death was avoidable and they are still struggling to come to terms with his tragic passing.

Now, Cameron's parents are calling for lessons to be learned from his death and want to raise awareness of the seriousness of allergies.

Mr Wahid has started working as an ambassador with Allergy UK, the UKs leading charity providing support to people with allergies.

He said this week: Camerons allergy had always been severe, but we were so careful with him and scrupulous with what he ate.

Prior to his allergic reaction, we were assured by the waiting staff that the food was safe for him.

To see him going into anaphylactic shock and suffering like that was undoubtedly the worst experience of our lives.

He was such a lovely little boy, and always brightened up our days.

We feel his death was avoidable and we are still struggling to come to terms with him not being here anymore.

We know nothing will bring him back, but we want to help stop others from suffering the pain we continue to feel."

After Cameron's death, the family went on to fight a long legal battle against the La Margherita Villa Giuseppina restaurant.

Ester Di Lascio, a waitress at the eatery, was found guilty of culpable manslaughter by an Italian court in Salerno in September 2019.

Di Lascio was given a two-year suspended jail sentence.

She did not properly highlight the possible allergic reactions caused by ingredients in dishes on the restaurants menu, the court found.

The pasta Cameron ate was served with a tomato sauce that had been prepared with milk. The chef was later cleared of any wrongdoing.

The family, from East Grinstead in West Sussex, were awarded 288,000 (325,000) compensation by the court.

People need to know how serious allergies can be, and we will continue to work in raising much-needed awareness," added Mr Wahid.

We are grateful that the case is now at an end, and want to thank everyone for all the support we have had.

For us, everything has been about using the criminal trial process in Italy to ensure that justice was obtained for Cameron, which we have done, as well as to establish facts and ensure lessons are learned so that others dont have to suffer like we have.

Daniel Matchett, the specialist international serious injury lawyer at Irwin Mitchell representing the family, added: The past few years have been incredibly difficult for Camerons family, after having to see him die from an allergic reaction which could and should have been prevented.

Cassandra and Riz were always very careful with controlling Camerons allergies, and losing him has had such a devastating impact on them.

While they cannot turn back the clock and change what happened, Cassandra and Riz want to make people aware that allergies are potentially life-threatening to help ensure that no others go through what they have.

Read the rest here:
Family's heartbreak after boy, 7, dies after eating plate of spaghetti on holiday in Italy - Manchester Evening News

Parents of British schoolboy watched him die from allergy after eating spaghetti prepared with milk in Ravello, Italy –

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am

The family of a British schoolboy who died after suffering an allergic reaction from eating a plate of spaghetti while on holiday in Italy has described his tragic death as the worst day of their lives.

Cameron Wahid, seven, suffered a severe anaphylactic shock from eating pasta made with milk at a restaurant in the town of Ravello on the Amalfi Coast, where he was spending half-term with his family.

Restaurant staff were warned about their sons severe allergies, saying he could not have any cheese or dairy products, but the waitress did not understand their request and assured them it was safe.

He collapsed after eating the pasta dish containing dairy products in front of his mother Cassandra, 43, father Rizwan, 43, and little brother Aidan.

A few minutes after getting back on their tour bus with other British tourists, Cameron went into shock before suffering a cardiac arrest in the main square.

Mrs Wahid, who worked as a nurse at the time, managed to give her son an EpiPen, but it was too late, and the schoolboy died three days later on October 30, 2015, in a hospital around 35 miles away in Naples.

After his tragic death, the family went on to fight a long legal battle against the La Margherita Villa Giuseppina restaurant.

Ester Di Lascio, a waitress at the eatery, was found guilty of culpable manslaughter by an Italian court in Salerno in September 2019. Di Lascio was given a two-year suspended jail sentence.

She did not properly highlight the possible allergic reactions caused by ingredients in dishes on the restaurants menu, the court found.

The pasta Cameron ate was served with a tomato sauce that had been prepared with milk by chef Luigi Cioffi, who was later cleared of any wrongdoing.

The family from East Grinstead in West Sussex were initially awarded a sum of around 288,000 (AU$531,000) compensation by the court.

Cameron always had a severe allergy to dairy, but his family said they were very careful about what he ate and we assured by waiting staff the food was safe.

They added that his death was avoidable and they are still struggling to come to terms with his tragic passing.

Now, Camerons parents are calling for lessons to be learned from his death and want to raise awareness of the seriousness of allergies.

Mr Wahid has started working as an ambassador with Allergy UK, the UKs leading charity providing support to people with allergies.

He said this week: Camerons allergy had always been severe, but we were so careful with him and scrupulous with what he ate.

Prior to his allergic reaction, we were assured by the waiting staff that the food was safe for him.

To see him going into anaphylactic shock and suffering like that was undoubtedly the worst experience of our lives.

He was such a lovely little boy, and always brightened up our days.

We know nothing will bring him back

We feel his death was avoidable and we are still struggling to come to terms with him not being here anymore.

We know nothing will bring him back, but we want to help stop others from suffering the pain we continue to feel.

People need to know how serious allergies can be, and we will continue to work in raising much-needed awareness.

We are grateful that the case is now at an end, and want to thank everyone for all the support we have had.

For us, everything has been about using the criminal trial process in Italy to ensure that justice was obtained for Cameron, which we have done, as well as to establish facts and ensure lessons are learned so that others dont have to suffer like we have.

This comes after the family received an undisclosed sum of money to help access specialist support and overcome their ordeal.

Daniel Matchett, the specialist international serious injury lawyer at Irwin Mitchell representing the family, said: The past few years have been incredibly difficult for Camerons family, after having to see him die from an allergic reaction which could and should have been prevented.

Cassandra and Riz were always very careful with controlling Camerons allergies, and losing him has had such a devastating impact on them.

While they cannot turn back the clock and change what happened, Cassandra and Riz want to make people aware that allergies are potentially life-threatening to help ensure that no others go through what they have.

Read more:
Parents of British schoolboy watched him die from allergy after eating spaghetti prepared with milk in Ravello, Italy -

The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic July 2 Medical News Today – Medical News Today

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:48 am

The coronavirus pandemic has dominated the headlines and our daily lives for more than a year. Medical News Today has covered this fast-moving, complex story with live updates on the latest news, interviews with experts, and an ongoing investigation into the deep racial disparities that COVID-19 has helped unmask.

However, this has not stopped us from publishing hundreds of fascinating stories on a myriad of other topics.

In this final edition of the Recovery Room, we begin with the third edition in our series of articles that seeks to find out whats exciting cancer researchers. Together, these articles provide an essential insight into emerging treatments and diagnostic techniques. Youll find links to all three below.

We also look at food addiction, one of the most controversial topics in nutrition. Some people claim to be addicted to coffee, but, as another of our recent articles shows, this may not be a bad thing, as drinking any type of coffee reduces the risk of a range of liver diseases.

This weeks selected articles also include news of the discovery of an ancient strain of the bacteria that went on to cause the Black Death in medieval Europe, evidence of the physiological damage that homophobia causes, and MNTs evidence-backed guide to the healthiest herbs and spices.

We highlight this research below, along with several other recent stories that you may have missed amid all the COVID-19 fervor.

We begin with the second part ofMNTs report from the front lines of cancer research. Inpart one and part two, we spoke with scientists working on immunotherapies, magnetically responsive bacteria, personalized medicine, and more.

This week, we learn about the latest advances in chimeric antigen receptor technology T-cell (CAR-T) therapy, how artificial intelligence may make cancer surgery more precise, and how swimming microrobots may revolutionize targeted drug delivery.

The final article in the series is every bit as fascinating as parts one and two. If you enjoyed them, you might also find our recent feature on whats exciting dementia researchers interesting.

Learn more about the latest cancer research.

This week, Honest Nutrition tackled one of the most controversial topics in nutrition: Is it really possible to become addicted to food?

In it, we first look at the definition of food addiction and how it compares with addiction to other substances, such as illicit drugs. Then, we take a deep dive into the science of compulsive overeating, including its roots in the brains reward system, the foods most likely to stimulate it, and its underlying psychology.

Whether compulsive eating qualifies as a true addiction, which foods cause it, and whether it is a cause or symptom of obesity are all hotly debated, as you will see.

We also offer advice on how to give up unwanted eating behaviors, including where to seek help, and explain why small adjustments to behavior may be more effective than drastic changes.

Learn more about food addiction.

Scientists have discovered a new class of drugs that prevents the repair of damaged DNA. POLQ inhibitors can kill cancerous cells that have a BRCA mutation, but, crucially, they appear to leave healthy cells unharmed. The researchers are, therefore, hopeful that POLQ inhibitors will cause fewer side effects than their predecessors.

However, researchers have only demonstrated this in laboratory-based experiments using animals and miniature organs called organoids. Clinical trials are now necessary to determine whether the potential benefits of the new drugs still apply in humans.

Learn more about the new POLQ inhibitor drugs.

A new study involving nearly 500,000 participants has shown that drinking any kind of coffee including decaffeinated coffee reduces a persons risk of developing liver problems.

Drinking 34 cups per day provided the greatest protection against chronic liver disease, fatty liver disease, liver cancer, and death from chronic liver disease. The greatest reduction in risk occurred with coffee made from ground beans. However, this study does not examine the mechanisms behind how coffee benefits the liver, so researchers need to carry out more trials to find which molecules are responsible.

This article was one of our most popular this week, having had more than 68,000 page views so far.

Learn more about coffee and liver disease.

Do weight loss supplements actually work? According to a new systematic review of randomized controlled trials, there is no high quality evidence that they do. However, despite the study finding that none of the tested products were effective, the worldwide annual sales of weight loss supplements total $30 billion.

To learn more about how the researchers conducted the study, which weight loss supplements they reviewed, and the difference between statistical and clinical significance, click below.

Learn more about the effectiveness of weight loss supplements.

What are the best ways to reduce a persons cholesterol levels, and how long does it take? This was the topic of another popular article this week, which also looks at what cholesterol is, normal and high cholesterol levels, and how this substance affects health.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs can reduce the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad, cholesterol in 68 weeks, though it may sometimes take longer. Our editorial team also looks at which changes to a persons habits may gradually and consistently lower their LDL levels over time, including eating a balanced diet and becoming more active.

Learn more about ways to reduce cholesterol.

Are branded drugs better than cheaper generic drugs? MNT looked at the differences and weighed the evidence this week.

One analysis of reports found that generic drugs may not have the same clinical effect for cardiovascular conditions and associated them with a higher risk of hospital visits. However, this was only a correlation rather than proof that generic drugs played a role in the increased hospital visits. It may be that some of the people taking the generic drug in larger quantities were already predisposed to worse health outcomes.

Although more research is necessary to determine whether branded drugs are better than generic versions for certain conditions, the American College of Physicians says that doctors should prescribe the generic when it is available.

Learn more about the difference between generic and branded drugs.

The bacteria that caused the Black Death, Yersinia pestis, appeared in humans 2,000 years earlier than previously thought, according to new research that MNT reported on this week.

The remains of a 5,000-year-old hunter-gather found in present-day Latvia yielded the oldest strain of Y. pestis that scientists have yet discovered. The circumstances of his burial indicate that this strain was less contagious and deadly than the strain that afflicted Europe in the Middle Ages.

Researchers now hope that studying the genetic differences between this ancient strain of Y. pestis and the strains responsible for more recent outbreaks may help reveal how zoonotic diseases adapt to their hosts over time.

Learn more here.

What is the effect of homophobia on the physical health of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people who experience it? According to a new study involving LGB people, the effects include elevated heart rate and heart rate variability, increased systolic blood pressure, and higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. These effects may explain why LGB individuals suffer disproportionately from a variety of health problems.

The researchers simulated homophobia using an experimental scenario in which a prerecorded, unseen questioner interviewed 134 LGB volunteers. They led one group of the participants all of whom thought that they were watching the interviews live to believe that the interviewer held homophobic attitudes, while the other group believed that the interviewer held positive attitudes toward LGB people and LGB rights.

The first group experienced a more significant and long lasting increase in heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and salivary cortisol levels.

Learn more about the effect of homophobia on physiological health.

Finally, this week, we published a new article looking at the herbs and spices that evidence shows may have health benefits for some people. The evidence that any of these herbs and spices can cure diseases is lacking, but it appears that they may help improve certain symptoms and contribute to a persons overall long-term health.

In the article, MNT weighs the evidence for the benefits of turmeric, ginger, cumin, peppermint, echinacea, cinnamon, chili powder, parsley, oregano, and cardamom. As well as being beneficial for health, these seasonings often make delicious additions to a wide range of recipes. To discover which herbs and spices may deliver which specific benefits, click below.

Learn more about the health benefits of these herbs and spices.

This is the final edition of the Recovery Room for now. We hope we have succeeded in providing a taste of the variety of topics that MNT covered over the past year.

Read more here:
The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic July 2 Medical News Today - Medical News Today

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