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The surfer’s diet: a healthy nutrition and hydration plan – SurferToday

Posted: May 23, 2021 at 1:50 am

Water sports enthusiasts, in general, need lots of stamina to keep up, and it's important to know what your body needs.

Being an athlete requires good nutrition to keep your energy levels optimal - especially when training and performing in a competition.

The following guide features healthy food recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and ideas and tips to keep surfing all day and healthy all week.

Drinking water is a crucial aspect of physical fitness, and no section on nutrition would be complete without an honorable mention.

When you're dehydrated, you don't perform well - you get tired faster, and the risk of heat stroke increases.

So how much fluid is enough?


Here's a basic water intake guideline. It varies from surfer to surfer:

4 hours before training: drink 300-500 ml of water; 2 hours before training: drink 150-350 ml of water; 20 mins while training: drink 130-250 ml of water; If you train again within 12 hours: drink at least 1.5 liters of water;

Adding sodium to foods or fluids can help you retain fluid and maintain plasma electrolyte balance.

That's not hard, right? As you can see, it doesn't take much.

So how do you know if you have had enough? Here's a simple way of monitoring your hydration levels - check your urine:

If your pee is light-colored, you're well-hydrated; If you can only squeeze out a little, and it's darkish color - drink up;

Are you surfing in the heat? This probably applies to 80 percent of surfers, but you will dehydrate faster if you're not used to it.

If you are going to a competition in a temperature you're not used to, acclimatize yourself before competing:

Train in a similar environment before competing; Go to the site at least a week before game day and practice;

Easy access to water will also increase consumption:

Keep fluids close and accessible; Keep water chilled; Add a little flavor; Sodium can enhance taste and encourage the desire to drink;

Are you tired of drinking water? Make your own sports drink. You can quickly make a fluid replacement drink by mixing:

500 ml of unsweetened orange juice; 500 ml of water; 1.25-1.75 ml of salt;


Smoothies are probably the best way to get all the nutrients your body needs before and after physical exercise or training.

The benefits include:

Quickly and easily digestible, meaning fast energy and quick recovery; Do not have to be broken down, like solid foods; Hydration; Simple and convenient; Easily consumable even if you're not hungry; One smoothie can contain all the essential nutrients your body needs for training, before and/or after;

The best smoothies will be fluid blends that are:

High in carbs; Moderate in protein; Low in fat and fiber; Have just a dash of electrolytes (sodium and potassium);

Here's a super easy smoothie recipe:

One 355 ml can of frozen orange juice (not thawed); Two 355 ml cans of 1 percent milk or skim milk (use empty juice can for measuring); One pinch of salt;

Blend everything in a blender, and it'll make four servings.


The effects of caffeine are still not completely understood. However, consensus says that the benefits of caffeine are:

Stimulation of the central nervous system; Reduces perceived effort of exercise; Enhances muscle fiber contraction;

If taken an hour before exercise, just a small amount of caffeine (70-150 mg) can enhance reaction time, concentration, and alertness and improve performance for both endurance and short, high-intensity actions.

Several beverages containing caffeine. Drip coffee, brewed coffee, instant coffee, espresso, brewed tea, cola, etc., are examples.

Other good and natural sources of caffeine are:

Guarana seeds; Kola nut; Yerba mate;

The possible adverse side effects of caffeine are as follows:

Insomnia; Headache; Nervousness; Anxiety; Inability to focus; Arrhythmia; Tachycardia; Hypertension; Lightheadedness; Irritability; Nausea; Gastrointestinal distress;

You are always the best judge of your body and your comfort intake levels.

Caffeine takes time to work through your system. Take it sparingly and in small doses. Give it about 30 to 60 for effects before having more.

Know which to food to ingest before, during, and after surfing.


Contrary to popular belief, carbs are good for you, and you will need them when training and performing.

Carbohydrates are stored in your muscles - where you need the energy - so you can go harder, longer.

People often get confused about carbohydrates.

Some are not so good, such as simple carbs found in lots of processed foods, and then there are the good ones, the ones you need, found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and yogurt.

The other misconception is how many carbs to consume, which varieties, and when.

Because surfing is such an endurance watersport, loading up on carbs while riding waves for long periods of time will significantly increase your performance.

It's great to load up while training.

Come competition day, though, and it is better to decrease the percentage of carbohydrates from fiber and stick to lighter, easily absorbed ones like fruits and veggies.

Due to the nature of competitions, with all the stop-and-go activities, if you load up with too much protein and fiber, you may find yourself feeling bloated and heavy.

Too many carbs, like anything, of course, is not good. It's best to load up 1-4 days while training before a competition.

Otherwise, you'll just be putting on extra weight that's not going anywhere if you're not training.

Here are a few examples of sources of good carbohydrates:

1 large bagel = 60 g1 small banana = 15 g1 cup/250 ml cooked pasta = 30 g cup/175 ml cooked oatmeal = 15 g1 cup/250 ml flaky unsweetened cereal = 30 g1 cup/250 ml cooked rice = 45 g1 medium potato = 30 g1 cup/250 ml milk = 15 g1 cup/250 ml cooked corn = 30 g1 cup/250 ml fruit yogurt = 30-40 g2 cups/500 ml sport drink = 30 g

Now, memorize the following tips:

Your body needs carbs to burn for energy, or you'll get tired fast; Load up 1-4 days while training before a competition, so you have lots stored; Come game day, stick to lighter foods, so you don't feel heavy or bloated; Don't load up on carbs when you're not training - you need to burn off those consumed carbs, or you'll put on extra weight;


Chances are, if you're eating enough quantity from a wide variety of food sources, you are getting enough minerals.

Minerals are also uber important for sports nutrition and energy.

So if you're not sure if you're getting enough or if you're feeling tired or exhausted, here's a list of excellent mineral sources:

Iron: green leafy vegetables, beans, tofu, cabbage, millet; Calcium: almonds, soya milk, broccoli, spinach, watercress; Zinc: lentils, whole grains, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds; Iodine: asparagus, kelp; Magnesium: soya beans, avocado, bananas, apples, nuts; Selenium, phosphorous and potassium: strawberries, tomatoes, chickpeas, and yeast extract;

Are you entering a surf contest? Prior to competing, generally allow:

3-4 hours to partially digest a big meal; 2-3 hours for a moderate-sized meal; Less than 2 hours for a pre-event snack;

Where it comes to hydration, remember the following:

Drink 500 ml of fluid 2 hours before your event; Drink 250-500 ml 45 to 30 minutes before your event; Drink 150-350 ml every 15 to 20 minutes during your event;

Less than 90 minutes between events or heats, choose mostly carbohydrates with ample fluids.

For example, water, sports drinks, sports nutrition bars, fruit, unsweetened juices, bagels, low-fat muffins, cereal bars, granola bars, trail mix, fruit leather, or nuts.

Ifyou've got more than 90 minutes between events or heats, have a mini-mealwith ample fluids like water, juice, or milk.

For instance, a half-to-full sandwich, peanut butter and crackers, or low-fat muffin and cheese.

Spend energy to get energy - very true.

But you need to re-pay that spent energy back to your body, and the body isn't a very patient loan shark.

The sooner you replenish with the right nutrients, the better your body will respond and recover.

Exercise is hard on the body, and within just two hours, you may have used up all stored carbohydrate energy, start breaking down various muscle and red blood cells and lost over two liters of water (sweat).

The body's cells are most receptive to re-nourishment in the first 30 minutes after intense activity - this is stage 1. Within 1-2 hours after, it is considered stage 2.

There are four main nutrients necessary for these critical recovery stages:

Carbohydrates; Protein; Fluid/Sodium; Antioxidants (especially vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene);

So, what's a good example of a post-exercise, sports nutrition recovery meal plan?

Stage 1

For stage 1, within 30 minutes after exercise, your body will need:

Banana, yogurt, or juice; Peanut butter sandwich, strawberries, milk, or juice; Flavored milk, granola bar, apple, and water; Sports drink, cheese strings, grapes, juice, or water; Low-fat muffin or bagel, homemade smoothie (blend milk, yogurt, fruit, juice, and ice); Protein bar, orange, pretzels, and juice or water; Meal replacement drink, carbohydrate sports bar, apple, or water;

Stage 2

For stage 2, 1-2 hours after exercise, your body should get:

Meat or cheese sandwich loaded with veggies and milk or juice; Chicken and vegetable stir-fry with brown rice, and milk, juice, or water; Whole wheat pasta with meatballs, vegetable salad, and milk, juice, or water; Grilled salmon, quinoa or whole wheat couscous, raw veggies with light dip, and milk, juice, or water; Bowl of cereal with yogurt or milk, fresh fruit, and water or juice; Scrambled eggs with cheese and diced peppers, whole wheat bagel, and milk, juice, or water; Lentil soup, whole wheat bun, Greek yogurt/regular yogurt, fruit salad, and water, soy beverage, or milk; Pasta salad tossed with chopped vegetables, canned tuna or chicken breast, and milk, juice, or water; Cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, fruit salad, low-fat muffin, and milk, juice, or water;

While you're out of the water, it's also essential to have healthy eat and drink habits.

Fruits and Veggies

We've all been told to eat our veggies and that they're good for us.

But in case you need more examples, here are three extra good reasons fruits and veggies are great for sports nutrition:

Fruit and veggies help maintain a stronger immune system; Fruit and veggies prevent cell damage; Fruit and veggies provide lasting energy;

Remember that it is especially important to get enough fruit, including superfruits, and veggie nutrients when training, competing or traveling because of the extra stress put on your body.

The Reds

Contain nutrients such as vitamins A and C.

Vegetables like tomatoes also contain lycopene, which is one of the phytonutrients responsible for the color red.

Vitamins A and C are essential for building strong bones.

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The surfer's diet: a healthy nutrition and hydration plan - SurferToday

Time to ‘break free’ of diet culture The Daily Evergreen – The Daily Evergreen

Posted: May 23, 2021 at 1:49 am

People should look beyond the physical appearance; everyone should enjoy lifes experiences


Pettit advises people to eat healthy meals and avoid the scale. She also practices Zen, mindfulness and meditation for her mental health.

The weather is nicer, and the heat has started to come around its that time of year again! Summer! I, for one, always love the warmth of summer and all of the enjoyable memories that come with it whether thats swimming, going for nice walks, camping, theres always so much to do.

However, with the warm weather comes the need to change our wardrobe into comfortable clothing. With the constant quarantining because of COVID-19, many have found that they have gained weight or are no longer the same body size as before.

We have changed, which is a very normal reaction. Coming to this conclusion can create some discomfort and fear for many women, especially while we wear clothing that may show curves more than others.

I would love to remind all readers of the simple rule that we learn as early as preschool: if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all. Let us be aware and mindful of making a comfortable and safe environment wherever we go by not commenting on things such as peoples weight if they look too big for something, stretch marks, scars or anything else.

Find the positive in people and look further than the shallow views that have been conditioned into our mindset from before entering double digits. That body belongs to a person, a person with a lovely radiant smile, or a person that has so much joy, or simply a person that is going through many hidden issues at the moment. Be a light in the world and share your positive not harmful words.

In reality, someones weight or appearance is nobodys business besides their own. Plus-sized people are just as entitled as everyone else to enjoy their summer without worrying about a bikini body (which isnt real, any body is a bikini body!) or being so caught up trying to lose weight that they forget to enjoy whats around them.

As a plus-sized woman, hearing about others bragging or talking about diet culture is very uncomfortable for me, as for many others as well. It is something that should be avoided, simply because there is so much more to value in life than appearances and weight! Breaking free of the obsessive thought process in diet culture is difficult, but once you start the path to recovery, everything is so much more enjoyable.

We can spend more time enjoying a nice swim on a hot day without worrying about not eating first so we do not look too fat in a bathing suit. We can enjoy warm smores without obsessing over the calories to be found in them. We truly get the time to stop and enjoy the flowers without a harmful discouraging voice consuming our thoughts. We can be fully present and practice mindfulness in whatever activity it is without having the nagging pressure from societys voice in the back of our heads.

The way that I practice my health is through eating healthy complete meals and not stepping on the scale. I practice Zen, mindfulness and meditation for my mental health, which has completely changed my outlook on myself and the world we live in. I have learned to be more loving and less judgmental.

This is an invitation to you, the reader, to free yourself of societys voices and pressures to look into a self-compassionate way of healing. To stop criticizing yourself or others based on shallow views. There is so much more to life than how others perceive you! Health is more than just a boring size or weight.

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Time to 'break free' of diet culture The Daily Evergreen - The Daily Evergreen

Celebrity chef Geoffrey Zakarian shares 7 of his best tips for following the Mediterranean diet – Insider

Posted: May 23, 2021 at 1:49 am

Known for his roles on "The Kitchen," "Chopped," and "Iron Chef," celebrity chef Geoffrey Zakarian has been a proponent of the Mediterranean diet long before it was trendy.

Tuna packed in oil was a childhood staple of Zakarian's, and his meals still often revolve around fish, in-season fruits and vegetables, and wholesome pantry staples.

His preferred way of eating has led to his partnership with Genova Premium Tuna, which is celebrating Mediterranean Diet Month by offering a complimentary meal kit that features a recipe by the celebrity chef.

This flexible diet relies on fish, healthy fats, whole grains, and fresh produce, and Zakarian shared some of his top tips for incorporating the popular way of eating into your lifestyle.

Zakarian suggested completely revamping your pantry before diving into the Mediterranean style of eating.

"If you don't have the ingredients on hand, you're going to mess up," he told Insider. "Every three or four months, you want to take stock of what you have in your pantry and make sure that when you open your pantry up, you go in there, everything surrounding you is going to be good for you, right? Or 90% of it, at least."

You can start by stocking up on canned fish, beans, and legumes as well as ready-to-make whole grains.

Whether you're shopping to restock your pantry or fill the fridge with fresh produce, high-quality ingredients, like real extra-virgin olive oil, are key.

"Spend the extra money, buy the best stuff, because it's gonna have the most nutrition," Zakarian said. "It's going to be the least preservative-laden."

Zakarian added that you need to properly store your ingredients to make the most of every penny spent.

"Make sure that you keep your olive oil in small quantities and keep it cool," he told Insider. "A big mistake people make is they put it outside near the oven or near the stove, and it just goes rancid very quickly."

Although red meat is a welcome part of the Mediterranean diet in moderation, you can also shift your meals to focus on other protein sources.

"If you want red meat, you just add that once or twice a week, so you can eat it, but that is not the staple," Zakarian said.

Zakarian suggested opting for protein sources like nuts, legumes, eggs, some poultry, and fresh and canned fish, like Genova Premium Tuna.

He said Genova Premium Tuna is a good choice because it only has three ingredients.

"It's albacore, or it's a Yellowfin tuna, olive oil and salt, that's it," he explained. "That's why it's so pure. There's no preservatives. There's nothing else in there."

The favorable climate of the Mediterranean yields plenty of delicious fruits and vegetables, so you should incorporate these foods into your diet to embrace this way of eating.

Once your pantry is fully stocked with nuts, beans, legumes, canned fish, and whole grains, you can focus your weekly grocery hauls on fresh fruits and vegetables to build filling and nutritious meals without much thought.

"We just add protein and fresh vegetables, and we've got great food every day of the week," Zakarian told Insider.

Breakfast is a common afterthought since many people don't have the time to make an elaborate dish before work, but Zakarian said the morning meal is important for reaping all of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

"Breakfast is where you bring in all those gorgeous vegetables," Zakarian told Insider. "... We can do a beautiful yogurt bowl with gorgeous dried fruit and all the fresh fruit that the Mediterranean yields."

He also suggested using feta cheese and tomatoes in your breakfast dishes to make eggs in purgatory, a popular dish of eggs poached in spicy tomato sauce.

The chef also suggested adding dried papaya, dried figs, dried dates, and granola to yogurt bowls for a "supercharged" and "vitamin-centric" breakfast that "won't leave you hungry."

"We can do a beautiful yogurt bowl with gorgeous dried fruit and all the fresh fruit that the Mediterranean yields," he told Insider.

The Mediterranean diet includes lots of flavorful dips and sauces that can help to keep your taste buds from getting bored.

Zakarian suggested using Mediterranean staples like nuts, canned or fresh chickpeas, vegetables, and yogurt to make spreads like pesto, hummus, and baba ghanoush (an eggplant-based dip).

"And it's endless, endless just what you can do with tzatziki and yogurt and hummus and beet hummus and all kinds of great charred-vegetable dips," he said.

The Mediterranean diet sports naturally flavorful foods like olives, fish, eggplants, grapes, and tomatoes, so the secret to making delicious meals is to let these ingredients shine.

Plus, these go-to foods pack your meals with flavor and nuance while offering needed nutrition.

"People have always asked me what's the last thing on Earth you'd have to eat if it was only one cuisine," Zakarian said. "I'd say the Mediterranean cuisine because that cuisine provides everything on the planet that's good for you."

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Celebrity chef Geoffrey Zakarian shares 7 of his best tips for following the Mediterranean diet - Insider

‘Twilight’ Star Peter Facinelli Reveals the Exact Diet Plan That Helped Him Lose 30 Pounds – Eat This, Not That

Posted: May 23, 2021 at 1:49 am

Twilight star Peter Facinelli has undergone a major transformation in recent monthsand we're not talking human to vampire. The actor has shed a staggering 30 pounds over the course of the pandemic, opening up about the changes he made to lose weight and get healthier in a new interview.

Read on to discover the star's exact plan for shaping up. And for more celebrity transformations, check out 'Shameless' Star Cameron Monaghan Just Shared His Exact Move for Six-Pack Abs.

After gaining 30 pounds amid the pandemic, Facinelli retrained his food habits by practicing mindful eating.

"You have a subconscious pattern of just grabbing a snack, and you can be halfway through it before you even consciously realize that you are eating bad food. Being more mindful of this helps, so hypnotherapy techniques can make you more aware of what you are doing," he told Muscle & Fitness.

For more celebrity slimdowns, check out James Corden Says Doing This One Thing Helped Him Shed 23 Pounds.

To avoid reaching for junk food as a form of comfort during times of stress, Facinelli began practicing other stress-relieving techniques on a regular basis.

"You can calm your nervous system down very easily just by breathing in for five seconds, and breathing out for five," Facinelli explained. "And then you get less anxious."

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Rather than simply willing himself to eat a healthier diet, Facinelli made the conscious choice to replace his less than stellar eating habits with more health-conscious ones.

"You can be in the habit of being healthy, or you can be in the habit of being unhealthy," he explained.

Facinelli told Muscle & Fitness that visualizing himself as a fitter, healthier person was a major component in actually transforming his body.

"If you dress for a certain job, the rest of the world will believe that you are that person," he explained. "When I lost that weight, I had an image in my mind, I printed pictures of people with physiques that I admire, and I would look at those for inspiration."

For more celebrity weight loss wins, check out 'It's Always Sunny' Star Rob McElhenney Reveals How He Lost 70 Pounds

Read more here:
'Twilight' Star Peter Facinelli Reveals the Exact Diet Plan That Helped Him Lose 30 Pounds - Eat This, Not That

EXCLUSIVE: THIS is the diet Deepika Padukone follows for the Cannes Film Festival – PINKVILLA

Posted: May 23, 2021 at 1:49 am

Celebrity dietician, Shweta Shah, gives an insight into Deepika Padukones diet for the Cannes Film Festival to look that jaw-droppingly beautiful on the red carpet. Find out more.

The Cannes Film Festival earlier called the International Film Festival is an annual event that reviews films from various genres and countries. The event is held in Cannes, France and hence the name. Last year, the event had to be called off because of the pandemic.

Beauty icon and talented actress in the industry, Deepika Padukone is a champion for mental health. She is as concerned about inner beauty as she is about appearances, says Celebrity Dietician Shweta Shah who also Deepikas dietician and nutritionist. We requested Shweta Shah to share tips on how she helps Deepika maintain the glow, energy, and verve that is the hallmark of the Bollywood diva.

Deepika has a tendency to heat, says Shweta. Days before her flight to Cannes 2019, I put Deepika on a cooling diet with plenty of detox agents. On probing further, she revealed that some people have a natural tendency for stomach acids, heat, and digestive disorders. This is usually the fallout of a fast-paced lifestyle with erratic schedules, irregular meals, and heavy reliance on quick fixes.

The answer to this is a balance of the three main body energies wind, fire, and earth. Since Deepikas fire element was dominant, it has to be balanced out with cooling agents. The first order of business, therefore, was a pacifying decoction made from fennel seeds, rose petals, and fresh coriander. An alkaline diet including a good deal of ash gourd juice, a single grain diet, each meal comprising of only a single grain that is rice or wheat. It helps stem the natural heat generated by the body. Shweta advocates light dinners like stir-fried veggies, soup, and salads to prevent heat build-up during sleep. Pumpkin, bottle gourd, and ash gourd are frequent in the actresss diet peppered with gut cooling foods like cucumber, mint, celery, and coriander to help flush out the toxins.

Deepika religiously adheres to her diet and during the three days preceding Cannes 2019, she gets more particular, keeping a sack of pumpkin and sunflower seeds with her to munch on regularly. Detoxification and flushing are important to maintain the softness and glow of the skin and the quality of her hair.

Portion control, regular naps, paced workouts, and a little tweaking in her favourite cuisine South Indian by replacing key ingredients is what keeps the actress going. For instance, I replaced the polished Kolam rice with the Kolam Sonamussorie unpolished variety. Another important component of Deepikas diet is Kokam Sherbet and infused water. Taken between meals, these drinks help keep her hydrated and fresh. A lemon and black pepper decoction after lunch help balance out the heavily alkaline diet that is necessary to balance the heat.

Also Read:EXCLUSIVE: Dr Rohini Patil reveals the health benefits of cooking in brass, copper and silver vessels

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EXCLUSIVE: THIS is the diet Deepika Padukone follows for the Cannes Film Festival - PINKVILLA

What Happens to Your Body When You Only Eat Once a Day | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: May 23, 2021 at 1:49 am

Let's get this out of the way first, shall we? It's not healthy to restrict yourself. Yes, it's good for weight loss to find a healthy balance of calories to eat and calories to burn, but it's also healthy to eat a consistent amount of nutritious meals throughout the day. Food provides our bodies with all of the nutrients it needs to survive, and by only eating once a day, you're not allowing your body the chance to get all of those nutrients it needs.

Nevertheless, many "experts" that promote toxic diet culture will try to promote disordered ways of eating in order to help people lose weight quickly, and one of those suggestions is to only eat once a day. Yes, this will restrict your calorie intake, and eating fewer calories can help with weight loss. But there's so much more that happens to your body when you only eat once a day, and most of it is negative. Plus, restricting your body to only one meal will actually make weight loss even harder.

In order to show you why only eating once a day is bad for your body, we spoke with a few registered dietitians and certified medical experts who properly broke down what your body will experience with such serious calorie restriction. Here's why none of them advise you to eat once a day, and if you're looking for healthy meals to add to your diet, we highly suggest these 100 Easiest Recipes You Can Make.

If the term "calories" is actually a measurement of energy, then by not giving your body a sufficient amount of calories, you are quite literally cutting the energy you are giving to your body.

Many dietitians agree that if you're only eating once a day, you are likely going to overeat during that one meal because, at that point, your body is ravenous and in need of quick energy.

"Eating once a day sets you up for deprivation and then overeatingone of the worst things you can do if you are trying to lose weight," says Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim. "Once you do eat your 'one meal,' you often keep eating because you were deprived of food all day. Plus it can be a lot for your body to handle at once."

So even if your intention is to restrict calories, it can still be easy to consume a lot of calories in one sittingespecially if you're going for non-nutritious items like fatty foods and processed snacks.

Learn more about the Emotions That Lead to Overeating and Weight Gain.

"If you go long periods of time without eating, your metabolism actually slows down to hold on to energy," Brenda Braslow, RD, MS with MyNetDiary. "It can defeat your efforts to cut back on calorie intake."

Without a high-functioning metabolism, losing weight becomes a lot harder. Instead, focus on these31 Healthy Meals That Boost Your Metabolism for Weight Loss.

Your metabolism is there to burn calories, making it easier to lose weight. But if you only eat once a day, it will slow down in order to hold that "energy" for later use.

"Our body starts to go through a process of metabolic adaptation where your metabolism slows down significantly to match what you are intaking, many times also described as 'starvation mode,'" says Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN at A Taste of Health and Expert at "Instead of using what your body needs when you eat and getting rid of the extra, it is going to store what you intake as fat to ensure it has fuel that it can use while you are not fueling your body."

Along with slowing metabolism and increased hunger, your body will also start to see a whirlwind of negative side effects if you're not giving it the nutrients it needs.

"The other negative effects can include having your blood sugar drop so you feel weak and shaky, nutrient deficiencies, exhaustion, binge eating at the one time you do eat, weight gain, or if you do keep your calories low at your one meal, heart problems, hair loss, cold intolerance, and more," says Hotz.

"One primary reason I discourage dieters from eating just one meal a day is the lack of nutrient density they are likely consuming," says Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD from Balance One Supplements. "When eating just one meal a day it is more likely that consumers will turn to high calorie, low nutrient foods like pasta and high-fat animal proteins. This is because their glucose has dropped to such a low point that they begin craving carbohydrates and often turn to quick processed options."

Plus, Best points out that if you're filling up on those quick carbohydrates in order to feel full, you aren't giving your body the nutrients it needs.

So what's the solution? It will obviously depend on your body, but many dietitians recommend eating every three or four hours (or at least eating three meals), and following the proper nutrition guidelines to set up a healthy meal. If you're not sure what the proper caloric intake your body needs, here's a calculatoror even talk to a medical professional to find out the right diet for your specific body.

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What Happens to Your Body When You Only Eat Once a Day | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

Should You Be Taking Chlorophyll? An RD Explains the Risks – The Beet

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:54 am

If youve spent any time on TikToklately, you already know that people aredowning chlorophyll drops like crazy, to help boost energylevels, clear up their skin, promote quick weight loss, and even reduce body odor.The tempting promise is thatjust by adding 15 drops of liquid chlorophyll to your water voila! the benefits arrive. But is this actually true? And with these touted benefits could there be a downside to chlorophyll? Here's the unvarnished truth about nature's green juice.

The green pigments you see in plants and algae are actually chlorophyll. It helps plants convertenergyfrom the sun and soil, to grow. Chlorophyll works by absorbing the sun's rays as the plant goes through photosynthesis. It contains vitamins, antioxidants, and other therapeutic properties that may be beneficial to our health.

The liquid chlorophyll in those chlorophyll drops that many people are using to create their green water arent fully chlorophyll. Instead,the drops are a combination of chlorophyll with sodium and copper salts that forms chlorophyllina version of chlorophyll thats believed to be more absorbable by the body. The FDA states that adults and children over the age of 12 can safely consume 100 to 200 milligrams of chlorophyllin daily,but should not exceed 300 milligrams.

Theres a surprising amount of research that showcases the potential benefits chlorophyll (and chlorophyllin) can bring to our body, but not all have been done on humans or consist of using liquid chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll may potentially give you the clear skin of your dreams, but only when used in topical form. A small 2015 study found that individuals dealing with acne and enlarged pores noticed an improvement in their skin when using a topical chlorophyllin gel afterthree weeks. Anotherstudy found similar benefits using topical chlorophyllin, but this time participants saw an improvement in sun-damaged skin aftereight weeks of use.

There are many products and supplements that claim they help detoxify your body, and is chlorophyll water any different? First things first, your body naturally detoxifies itself through both your kidneys and your liver. Regardless of whetheryou've used alcohol, taken a drug, or ingested another foreign substancesuch as pesticides in your fruit or vegetables, the liver's job is to filter out those unwelcome toxic chemicals and release them throughyour urine. What chlorophyll water could potentially do is support both the liver and kidneys by keeping them strong and pumping along at optimal levels in order to function properly.

A 2019 animal study published in the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research found that chlorophyll was helpful in reducing oxidative stress in the liver. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals (bad) and antioxidants (good). When this occurs, it impacts the liver's ability to detoxify these bad guys. This can lead to cell and tissue damage.

When it comes to human research,the science is very limited: A very small study from 2009 consisted of four volunteers. The results found that taking chlorophyll may limit ingested aflatoxin, which is a compound that has been linked with cancer.

There is very limited research on whether or not sipping chlorophyll water can help with weight loss. A small study from way back in 2014 consisting of just 38 females who took a chlorophyll-containing green plant membrane supplement every day before breakfast for 12 weeks showed some benefit: The results found that those taking the supplement had greater weight loss than those who were consuming the placebo. The supplement group also saw improvements in cholesterol levels and had decreased cravings for sweets.

Although the science behind chlorophyll looks promising, there needs to be larger human studies (and review of populations taking it for longer periods of time) to confirm these preliminary results. Much of the current research also doesnt solely focus on chlorophyll. There may be other factors that are playing a role in these benefits, since chlorophyll is solely found in healthy, nutrient-dense green vegetables. So it could be that greater benefits come from eating leafy greens and high-fiber vegetables.

You dont have to hop on Amazon or make a dash to your nearest health food store to get liquid chlorophyllto reap the benefits of this natural green liquid. Chlorophyll can easily be incorporated into your diet just by choosing fresh green veggies. Someof the best include:

The green veggies arethe onesthat contain chlorophyll, but the amounts may vary. For example, spinach contains more chlorophyll than broccoli because of its intense green pigment. Although broccoli is quite green on the outside, when you cut into it, the color lightens into a whitish color, which indicates it has a smaller amount of chlorophyll. You could even make your own chlorophyll water by taking a handful of parsley and blending it up with water.

Incorporating these foods into your dietalso comes with many short-term and long-term health benefits, and not just because of their chlorophyll content.Leafy green vegetableslike spinach and kale are chock full of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, iron, and fiber.

Before you hop on the liquid chlorophyll train, have a conversation with your doctor to ensure its safe for you to have this green beverage regularly. You should avoid taking chlorophyll supplements if youre currently pregnant or breastfeeding, as the effects of itare unknown. If youre given the okay, start slow. High doses of chlorophyll may bring side effects including gastrointestinal cramping, diarrhea, or dark green stools.When choosing a supplement keep in mind that the FDA does not regulate these since, they are considered food, not drugs, and food products do not need approval before being released to the public to buy. Check for supplements that contain a GMP stamp of approval. This means Good Manufacturing Practices, which are regulations that the FDA has in place for those that manufacture, package, or hold dietary supplements. This ensures the identity, purity, quality, strength, and composition of the supplement youre receiving.

Bottom Line: There is no major downside to chlorophyll unless you consume too much of it, which is over100 to 200 milligrams of chlorophyllin daily, but the best way to get your greens is by eating them.

Read more from the original source:
Should You Be Taking Chlorophyll? An RD Explains the Risks - The Beet

Destination Health: The Fast Track to Weight Loss – NBC2 News

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:54 am

Editors note:Destination Health is produced in a partnership with Millennium Physician Group. The views expressed here and in all Destination Health articles are those of the author/MPG and do not necessarily reflect the views of Waterman Broadcasting or NBC2.

Intermittent fasting has become a popular option in helping drop those pandemic pounds. Cardiologist Dr. Brian Taschner says the benefits may go far beyond just shedding a little extra weight. The one thats actually most common now, is what they call time-restricted feeding, says Dr. Taschner. And this is where people leave a fasting interval.

A popular fasting interval is 16 hours: that means eight hours of eating and 16 hours of fasting, but Dr. Taschner says shorter intervals may be easier for some people. There are benefits that come even with 12 hours, 14 hours. Sixteen hours may be a little bit more beneficial if youre trying to lose weight. Probably because in part, were just consuming less calories.

Whatever the fasting interval, researchers have found proven benefits to time-restricted eating. Reduced cholesterol, making diabetes better so people become less insulin resistant, reduced markers of inflammation, there are anti-aging properties, says Dr. Taschner.

Research also shows that when you fast may be more important than how long you fast. Part of time-restricted feeding means that we shouldnt eat late at night, explains Dr. Taschner. We should stop eating three to four hours before we go to bed.

Dr. Taschner also says people who consume more of their calories earlier in the day tend to lose more weight and can lower their inflammation and insulin resistance.

Read the original here:
Destination Health: The Fast Track to Weight Loss - NBC2 News

Best Fat Burners 2021: Top Rated Fat Burners For Rapid Fat Loss –

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:54 am

Fat burners are among the most popular fitness supplements in the world. While fat burners began as specialist bodybuilding supplements, today they are used by a huge variety of people, from bodybuilders and powerlifters to MMA fighters and endurance athletes.

A growing number of fat burners are now also being made for your average person who struggles to lose body fat, especially stubborn fat like belly fat. Gone are the days when fat burning supplements were highly specialized products designed for experienced, high performance athletes!

Of course, this has led to an explosion in the number of fat burners on the market. Right now there are hundreds, potentially thousands of fat burning supplements on sale. All of them claim to help you lose weight fast, boost your metabolism, help get rid of stubborn stored fat, and retain muscle mass.

Obviously, just about every fat burner on the market today claims to be the best fat burner in the world. They all claim to offer superior ingredients, the best value for money, and no side effects at all.

Just as obviously, not every fat burner can really be the best. In reality, the majority of fat burners on sale today are of extremely low quality; they are full of untested, useless ingredients, theyre overpriced, and some are downright dangerous.

So how do you choose a fat burner?

In this article, were going to take you through the most effective fat burning supplements in the world today. We will explain what fat burners are, how they work, the side effect risks, and more. We will also give you our recommendation for the best fat burner to use for maximum fat loss and muscle retention.

The best fat burning supplement on sale right now is, hands down, Burn Lab Pro. This is a brand new supplement, but Burn Lab Pro is already listed as one of the best fat burners on many bodybuilding websites, and reviews from users are extremely positive.

Try Burn Lab Pro Here

The reason Burn Lab Pro is such a good fat burner is simple; the ingredients. No other fat burner or weight loss pill in the world right now comes close to offering the same kind of ingredient quality as Burn Lab Pro. Just check out the ingredients list:

Try Burn Lab Pro Here

Each serving of Burn Lab Pro delivers a high-spec, perfectly calibrated blend of proven, effective fat burning ingredients. Each ingredient is in its most potent, branded form, and the doses are right in line with those used in clinical trials. The formula is as pure and as powerful as you can get with a 100% natural, plant-based supplement.

Another thing that impressed us about Burn Lab Pro is that it is a full-spectrum fat burning supplement. The benefits you are likely to get from using Burn Lab Pro include:

This last point muscle retention is very important. Many low quality diet pills out there can help you lose weight. Lots of them can even specifically promote fat loss. But most of them do so by stuffing you full of stimulants, artificially suppressing your appetite and triggering muscle catabolism.

Burn Lab Pro utilizes highly-bioavailable HMB to prevent your body breaking down muscle mass when in a fasted state. This means you will retain the maximum amount of muscle mass while shedding body fat the dream scenario for any athlete!

This fat burner is the cleanest weve ever seen. Vegan-friendly. Gluten, GMO and stimulant-free. Banned substance tested. None irradiated. No synthetic additives at all. You really cant ask for much more from a fat burner. That is why Burn Lab Pro is our top fat burner for 2021, and our number 1 recommended weight loss supplement overall.

Check Out Burn Lab Pro Here

There are lots of different ways that fat burners work. Most fat burners by speeding up metabolism, suppressing appetite, and increasing fat oxidation. A top fat burner will combine multiple ingredients to hit all of these ways of burning fat and more.

Lets look at the main ways in which high quality fat burners work.

Some fat burners work by increasing the rate at which your body burns fat for fuel. There are a number of natural substances that can increase fat oxidation, and they all work in slightly different ways. For example, Forskolin (an extract from Coleus Forskholii) has been found to stimulate the production of lipase, which is the enzyme responsible for breaking down stored fat into fatty acids and making it available for use as fuel.

Numerous clinical trials have shown that Forskolin supplementation boosts fat loss and maximizes muscle retention relative to dieting alone; in one study, people using a high quality Forskolin extract lost an extra 2kg and kept an extra 2% muscle mass than people on placebo. This is an excellent natural fat burner.

Thermogenic fat burners are among the most popular weight loss supplements on the market. All of the top fat burners contain some kind of thermogenic agent. There is a simple reason for this thermogenesis works!

Thermogenesis refers to the process of increasing caloric expenditure by raising your body temperature. In simple terms, you raise your body temperature, which makes your body work harder to stay cool. This means you burn more calories, which therefore puts you into a deeper caloric deficit. So enter a deeper caloric deficit without having to cut out yet more food.

The classic thermogenic fat burner is chili extract. As those of you who like spicy food will know, a substance like cayenne chili extract raises your body temperature very quickly, causing sweating, blood vessel dilation, and an elevated heart rate. All of this means you burn more calories A LOT more.

All of the most effective fat burners on sale today contain some kind of appetite suppressing component. This is important as most people struggle far more with diet control and hunger during a cut than anything else. It isnt unusual for someone to dial in their training and their diet for 8 straight weeks and then undo all their hard work with 3 days of binging.

Low quality fat burners rely on stimulants to suppress your appetite. This is not ideal from a health point of view. The best fat burner will use a natural appetite suppressant such as glucomannan; a substance which makes you feel full after smaller meals by bulking out your stomach with harmless fiber.

This is typically the thing that separates your average fat burner from the best. Typically, only top quality fat burners those designed for bodybuilders, boxers and other athletes include ingredients which help protect and preserve muscle mass during a cut. These ingredients effectively let you drop body weight while keeping your lean muscle mass almost the same (there is always some loss while cutting). This is the holy grail of cutting; something many people actually thought impossible until recently.

A good example of a muscle-retaining substance is HMB, or -Hydroxyl -Methylbutyrate. This compound is naturally occurring in humans. Studies have shown that supplementing with HMB reduces muscle mass loss in athletes undergoing intensive conditioning and weight loss programs. Only the best fat burners will contain substances like HMB to help stop muscle catabolism during a weight loss program.

Finally, we come to energy levels. Generally speaking, we dont recommend using a fat burner which is over reliant on stimulants. Cheap, low quality fat burners are normally stuffed full of stimulants like caffeine. These cause serious side effects and are not sustainable long-term.

A good natural fat burner will support energy levels in a deeper, more effective way. They will increase energy expenditure and metabolic efficiency at the level of your cells, not by pumping you full of stimulants.

The highest quality fat burning supplements on the market right now normally contain substances which help you better regulate your blood glucose levels, promote more efficient nutrient digestion and metabolism, and support healthy cell mitochondria. This is ultimately a more effective approach than taking cheap caffeine pills you can get plenty of caffeine from coffee, and many of you will want to stack a fat burner with pre-workouts anyway!

Lets start looking into how fat burners work in a little more detail. Weve already explained the main ways in which fat burners work; their main mechanisms of action. Now well go through how fat burners do these things.

In other words, were going to go through the main ingredients fat burners use to deliver results.

Forskolin is probably the single most scientifically proven natural ingredient used in fat burners today. Forskolin is an extract taken from Coleus Forskohlii. Studies show that the consumption of forskolin promotes the synthesis of lipase; the enzyme responsible for breaking down stored fat and freeing it up for use as fuel[1].

We all know that caffeine is a potent stimulant. What many people dont realize is that caffeine is also an extremely powerful fat burner in and of itself. Caffeine helps you lose fat in a number of different ways. It increases energy levels and motivation, meaning you can train harder and longer despite running low on calories. It also decreases appetite, preventing food cravings and binge eating. Finally, there is good evidence that caffeine increases your resting metabolic rate.

There is also some evidence that caffeine directly stimulates the release of fat from fat storage cells. It is thought that it does this by triggering the release of norepinephrine[2]. However, the evidence for this is relatively thin. Caffeines main benefits for fat loss come from its ability to fight fatigue, boost motivation, increase resting metabolic rate[3], and crush appetite.

Cayenne chili extract is the go-to ingredient for natural thermogenic fat burners. This is the standard thermogenic ingredient; it is used in cheap and high-spec fat burners alike because it is safe, effective, and backed by hard science.

Cayenne chili extract increases your internal body temperature as your body interprets capsaicin (the oil in chili that makes it spicy) as a burning sensation. This causes a heat response: your blood vessels dilate, your heart rate elevates, and you start sweating as your body fights to keep cool. This heat response costs a lot of calories. So by consuming cayenne chili and triggering this heat response, you put yourself into a greater caloric deficit without having to cut more calories.

Glucomannan is probably the fastest-growing natural fat burner in terms of popularity in the world right now. Not only is glucomannan being added to more and more fat burners coming onto the market, but it is increasingly being used in specialist diet foods and other weight loss supplements.

Glucomannan is a root vegetable packed full of water soluble fiber (which we cant digest, making it essentially calorie-free). When consumed in powder form, it quickly forms a thick, dense paste in the stomach. This paste expands, making you feel comfortably full. Consuming glucomannan before or with food will therefore make you feel fuller despite eating less food. Even better, glucomannan keeps you feeling full for a good few hours, meaning you wont be struck with the same food cravings or desires to binge eat!

Green coffee beans (i.e. raw, unroasted coffee bean) contain a substance called chlorogenic acid. You will often see Green coffee bean extract listed as an ingredient on modern fat burners the usual target compound here is chlorogenic acid.

Studies show that chlorogenic acid potentiates insulin in the human body [4]. In simple terms, it seems that chlorogenic acid makes insulin better at doing its job; shuttling nutrients and glucose to your cells and keeping your blood sugar levels fairly constant. Potentiating insulin is a fantastic way to optimize a cut for both performance and muscle mass retention, as well as eliminating energy crashes, blood sugar lows, and food cravings.

Of all the ingredients on this list, HMB is arguably the most effective substance in existence for protecting muscle mass and preventing muscle tissue catabolism.

Several clinical trials have shown that consuming HMB leads to reduced muscle mass loss (compared to placebo) in people subjected to intensive training or calorie-restricted diets. In fact, there is evidence that HMB may be able to deliver the impossible: reduced fat mass with simultaneous increases in lean muscle mass. In one 12-week study, researchers found that subjects given HMB ended up with more muscle mass than they started with, as well as considerably reduced body fat[5].

Chromium is a trace mineral found in small quantities in vegetables such as broccoli and green beans. Chromium is important for numerous bodily functions, not last for the proper functioning of insulin. Put in basic terms, chromium makes insulin better at doing its job. So in practice, chromium helps to stabilize energy levels, optimizes nutrient absorption an utilization, and enhances muscle growth during recovery (as it is largely insulin which triggers tissue growth). Clinical trials show beyond doubt that chromium helps improve insulin resistance[6].

EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is a catechin found in large quantities in green tea (it is often the main component of green tea extract). This catechin has several properties beneficial to human health and performance. Of interest here is its apparent ability to stimulate fat loss.

Studies suggest that supplementing with large quantities of EGCG increases fat loss relative to placebo[7]. What is interesting is that, in many of these studies, participants have been relatively sedentary. It seems then that EGCG can promote fat loss independently of exercise; that is, it seems to directly promote fat loss. Be sure to only use a green tea extract that states the quantity of EGCG per serving. You dont want to waste your money on pure green tea powder, or a green tea extract that is 1% EGCG.

One of the most important things to consider before you use a fat burning supplement is safety.

Are fat burners safe to use?

The answer is it depends; different fat burners have vastly different safety profiles and side effect risks.

Many low quality fat burners are stuffed full of stimulants such as Synephrine, Dynamine and Caffeine. Large doses of caffeine can cause serious side effects, and even small doses of the synthetic stimulants like synephrine can pose significant health risks.

Common side effects people get from stimulant-laden fat burners include:

These side effects are much more common, and much more severe, in fat burners which contain multiple different stimulants. This is because the likes of caffeine, theobromine, methylliberine, and synephrine all interact with on another, making each other more potent.

Other ingredients used in fat burners today are also likely to cause serious side effects.

One ingredient to look out for is Yohimbine. This natural extract from tree bark acts as a powerful fat burner in humans. Yohimbine blocks a receptor that increases sympathetic nervous system output, so you get more norepinephrine and, as a result, increased metabolism.

But as a powerful CNS stimulant and booster of norepinephrine, Yohimbine also comes with serious side effects. Some common side effects of Yohimbine use include sweating, dizziness, nausea, stomach cramps, tremors, insomnia, fainting, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and chest pains.

In fact, Yohimbine is such a potent and potentially dangerous stimulant that it is a banned substance in the UK, Canada and Australia.

If you experience any side effects whatsoever while using any fat burners, stop using the supplement in question and seek medical attention right away.

It is important that you do your own research before using any fat burner. If you have any concerns about a particular ingredient or substance, then you need to talk to your doctor first! This is particularly important if you have pre-existing conditions. In general, we advise staying away from large doses of stimulants, synthetic ingredients, and unproven substances (especially when banned in some countries).

When is the best time to take a fat burner?

Should you take fat burners before a workout? Or are they more effective when taken first thing in the morning/last thing at night?

These are very good questions worth answering in some detail.

When using a top fat burning supplement, it should not matter when you take it; be it first thing in the morning, pre-workout, or post-workout. As the best weight loss supplements are designed to promote fat loss and boost energy levels round-the-clock, when you take it matters less than taking it consistently.

If youre using a fat burner containing caffeine, then it is best to take it 30-45 minutes before your workout. That way youll enjoy reduced fatigue and increased motivation (and potentially greater fat loss) in the gym.

Using supplements is just a small part of your weight loss journey. The pros will all tell you the same thing diet is the key to getting shredded. This has been said by every great bodybuilder in history.

Not training. Not supplements. Not drugs.


Your nutrition needs to be properly planned if youre going to see the kind of weight loss results you really want. That means being intelligent and disciplined with what, and when, you eat. Nobody ever got truly lean and shredded eating pounds of sugar, processed junk food and heaps of fat.

As well as the quality of your nutrition, proper weight management relies on maintaining a calorie deficit. If you struggle with weight management, then what you really struggle with is probably maintaining a calorie deficit.

Fat metabolism doesnt happen if you are eating more calories than youre spending that is a law of physics.

What does this mean in practice?

It means eating a diet relatively high in protein, low in saturated fat, and low in simple, fast-acting carbohydrates, all while maintaining a sensible caloric deficit (200 calories per day is ideal for minimizing muscle mass loss).

It also means eating more fiber. Fiber, especially water soluble fiber, helps keep you full and satisfied while dieting. Many people find fiber to be instrumental in getting the best results while dieting.

Diet is far and away the most important variable when getting diced.

But after nutrition comes your training. Just as nobody ever got shredded while eating a poor diet, nobody ever got ripped, lean and muscular without exercise.

How should you exercise to burn fat?

Simply put, the type of exercise you do shouldnt change too much between bulking and cutting. Most bodybuilding routines are ideal for both fat loss and muscle gain; what separates a bulk from a cut is mainly just the quantity of food.

However, during a cut you are almost certainly going to have to train with lighter weight. When you lose weight, your strength will quickly decline, so attempting the same set of 3 on the bench press that you did when you were 20lbs heavier might end up giving you an injury.

For optimal weight loss results and to burn fat as fast as possible, we recommend introducing some high intensity cardio into your training.

High intensity interval training will burn fat much faster than steady state cardio. It will also increase your resting metabolic rate for hours after training, meaning even more weight loss.

Make your workouts as intense and as fast-paced as possible while cutting. You could do this by finishing with hill sprints, or by making your bodybuilding routine more explosive and higher volume. It doesnt matter how you do it, all that matters is that your workouts elevate your heart rate and subject you to intense anaerobic and aerobic work.

Its also important to keep your overall health in mind when cutting. In a deep caloric deficit, and when training intensively, your health can suffer as your immune system becomes suppressed and your strength declines.

The best fat burning supplement on sale right now is Burn Lab Pro. There is simply no weight loss supplement out there that even comes close to offering the same quality of ingredients, value for money, or end results as this product.

Using 100% natural ingredients, Burn Lab Pro directly boosts fat metabolism, increases energy levels, deepens a caloric deficit and stabilizes appetite while protecting muscle mass.

No side effects. No stimulants. No banned substances 100% plant based ingredients proven to burn excess fat and preserve muscle mass.

You can learn more about our top rated fat burner from the merchant site:

No, generally speaking fat burners do not break a fast. High quality fat burners are typically zero-calorie. Even fat burners which use things like glucomannan do not break a fast, as the body doesnt digest those kinds of water soluble fibers.

Some fat burners may cause diarrhea. In particular, fat burners which contain very high doses of caffeine and other stimulants are likely to cause bouts of diarrhea. That is why we recommend using stimulant-free weight loss supplements.

Fat burners do not eat muscle, but a poorly planned cut can destroy muscle mass. During any cut, your body will eventually hit a plateau and fat loss will slow. If youre dropping weight too quickly, on a fat burner or not, you could be losing lean muscle mass.

Most good quality fat burners should not have any effect on fertility whatsoever. Natural fat burners are generally safe and side effect free. They do not work by changing your hormones, so they should not make you less (or more) fertile.

The best fat burner for burning belly fat is the fat burner which most effectively burns fat, period. No fat burner is particularly good at burning belly fat. When you lose fat, your body takes from stores all over your body. You cannot target fat loss in one area. Some places, like the belly, are the bodys preferred fat storage sites, so these are the last fat stores to be exhausted.

Read more:
Best Fat Burners 2021: Top Rated Fat Burners For Rapid Fat Loss -

Nutritional tips to stay fit and healthy during Ramadan – New Food

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:54 am

Bridget Benelam of the British Nutrition Foundation offers some nutritional advice for Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan, and looks at whether fasting is actually good for your body.

On Monday 12 April, Muslims around the world, including myself, began celebrating the holy month of Ramadan. During the month, many Muslims fast throughout daylight hours, only eating one meal (the suhoor or sehri) just before dawn, and another (the iftar) after sunset. While enjoying the celebrations, due to the impact of the fast, it is very important that health stays front of mind; my three main pieces of advice are to hydrate, replenish nutrients, and avoid overindulgence.

At both suhoor and iftar, hydration is key. Unsurprisingly, water is usually the best option. Juices and smoothies which contain natural sugars can provide some energy as well as hydration, however, to avoid excess sugar consumption its best to have these in moderation. Low-fat, water-rich foods, including soup or yoghurt, are also good options for hydrating and fuelling while breaking the fast.

Fresh fruit is a traditional way to break the fast in many South Asian cultures and this is a good, healthy option as fruit provides fibre, natural sugars, fluids and some vitamins and minerals. Dates, which are an integral part of Ramadan, also contain fibre, natural sugars and minerals like potassium, copper and manganese. They are another nutrient-rich, delicious way to start or end the fasting day you could also try other dried fruits like prunes, raisins or apricots.

When we are celebrating, and after fasting for a long period, its natural to want to treat yourself with some delicious foods. But, while enjoying this time with your family is important, you should also remember to keep a sense of balance. During non-fasting hours we need to focus on the quality of our diets, eating a balance of foods to keep our bodies healthy. Once the fast has been broken and you have rehydrated, it is time to prioritise the key foods and nutrients that are going to allow you to lead your life healthily and support your efforts throughout the month.

Wholegrains, fruit and vegetables, dairy foods and protein-rich foods, like lean meat, fish, eggs and beans, should all form a part of the diet. As a meal idea, you could have a range of fish, meat or pulse-based curries including plenty of vegetables, served with rice, chapattis and yogurt. Although meat is typically found in the cuisines of many Muslim countries, dishes with more plant-based sources of protein, like beans and lentils, add extra fibre and are naturally lower in fat.

At the beginning of the day, as well as prioritising hydration, eating starchy foods and those that are high in fibre, such as oats, wholegrain breads and wholegrain breakfast cereals (ideally lower sugar options), will help provide you with energy for the day. Try to avoid anything too salty, like processed meat, olives and pickles, as these could leave you with a long day of feeling thirsty!

This time of year often sparks a conversation around the benefits of fasting generally for health and weight loss. When it comes to Ramadan fasting, there are some studies that suggest it may have benefits in terms of weight loss and metabolic health, although we need more research to confirm these. There have also been studies on intermittent fasting as a weight loss strategy and popular methods include the 5:2 diet, where calories are heavily restricted on two days of the week. Research suggests that this approach can be effective for some people and, although intermittent fasting isnt superior to other kinds of weight loss diet, it may suit certain individuals who dont want to restrict their food intake all the time.

Provided you are generally in good health, Ramadan fasting isnt harmful to health, but it is important that we eat a balance of healthy foods and keep hydrated. It is a time to celebrate with loved ones and, while COVID-19 restrictions mean we cannot enjoy the large celebrations we would in a normal year, we hope everyone has a happy and healthy Ramadan at home or out in your local area.

If you would like more information on eating well during seasonal celebrations like Ramadan, visit the British Nutritional Foundations (BNF) website.

See original here:
Nutritional tips to stay fit and healthy during Ramadan - New Food

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