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Investigating the role of an amino acid in cancer – Medical News Today

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

When one cell in an animal divides or proliferates uncontrollably, the result is cancer.

Multicellular organisms, such as humans, have evolved multiple checks and balances that usually prevent this from happening.

For example, cells may only divide a certain number of times before they lose the ability, or they may undergo apoptosis or programmed cell death to prevent uncontrolled growth.

Some genes that can potentially cause cancer appear to have a built-in safety mechanism, which means that they promote not only cell proliferation but also cell death.

One of these cancer genes, or oncogenes, is called SRC.

Scientists have developed several drugs that block the downstream effects of the gene, but they have proved unsuccessful in chemotherapy trials.

The reason may be that the drugs shut down both the cancer-promoting and cancer-inhibiting pathways that the gene governs.

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research in Kobe, Japan, led an international team that has now shed light on how this single gene can have diametrically opposite effects on cells.

By studying the role of the gene in fruit flies, they have discovered how it simultaneously regulates two distinct molecular pathways: one that promotes growth and one that promotes cell death.

Crucially, they have also uncovered a possible way to block the cancer-promoting pathway without also shutting down the growth-inhibiting pathway.

They found that restricting the amount of an amino acid called methionine in the flies food had the desired effect.

We were excited to find that manipulating the amount of dietary methionine can affect cell proliferation but not cell death, says Dr. Sa Kan Yoo, Ph.D., who led the research.

The research features in the journal eLife.

Amino acids are the molecular building blocks of protein.

Methionine, which is abundant in meat and eggs, is known as an essential amino acid because the body cannot make its own.

A wealth of evidence suggests that most cancers are dependent on methionine in the diet. For example, Medical News Today previously reported on a study that showed that mice that ate a diet low in methionine responded better to cancer treatments.

Other studies have found that cancer cells may, in general, be dependent on dietary methionine for their growth and survival.

Dr. Yoo and his colleagues reached their conclusions about methionine by studying the Src gene in the fruit fly Drosophila.

To identify which other genes are involved in the effects of Src on cell proliferation and death, the researchers used a technique called RNA interference to shut down gene candidates one at a time.

By process of elimination, this revealed for the first time that Src exerts its effects on cell proliferation and death via a lynchpin gene called Slpr and the SLPR protein for which it codes.

This protein simultaneously activates two other proteins: P38 and JNK.

The researchers found that the latter protein controls the pathway that leads to cell death, whereas the former controls the pathway leading to cell proliferation.

When they reviewed the scientific literature on P38 and the pathways it plays a role in, the scientists realized that its activity is strongly dependent on nutrients in the diet.

In a further series of experiments, the researchers tried to determine which single nutrient had the strongest influence on the P38 pathway.

By eliminating one essential amino acid at a time from the diet of fly larvae, they discovered that depriving the larvae of methionine shut down the P38 pathway.

This prevented the uncontrolled cell proliferation that led to cancer without affecting the fail-safe pathway to cell death.

However, the current study involved basic research in flies. Only clinical trials can determine whether the strategy would work in people.

Currently, we dont know whether our finding in flies will translate to cases of human cancer, says Dr. Yoo.

But we speculate that it will in particular cases because some human cancers also activate the SRC gene, he adds.

In the course of their experiments, Dr. Yoo and his colleagues discovered that SLPR is the starting point for pathways that other oncogenes, in addition to Src, control.

Finding out how this happens is our next goal, Dr. Yoo says.

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Investigating the role of an amino acid in cancer - Medical News Today

Fasting may help you lose weight, reduce inflammation, and boost cognition – here’s how to do it safely – Business Insider Australia

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

While many people all over the world fast for religious and cultural reasons, there are also proven health benefits of this practice, as long as you do it safely.

Heres what you need to know about the health benefits of fasting and the potential safety risks.

Fasting is when you do not eat for a certain period of time.

You can fast in several different ways. According to Andrew Wang, MD, PhD, a professor of immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine, the main types are:

Inflammation is your bodys natural response to infection. However, repeated exposure to pollution, sunlight, or even our bodys own metabolic processes can cause a state of chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation can damage healthy cells, tissues, and organs, and is associated with many diseases, including heart attacks and strokes.

There are a few ways fasting may reduce inflammation in the body:

When we age, our organs are prone to chronic inflammation called inflammaging, Wang says. Chronic inflammation can contribute to cognitive decline and dementia potentially due to plaque buildup in the brain. Fasting helps to counter this by reducing inflammation, Wang says.

Research suggests fasting can prevent the development of Alzheimers in animals. While the research has not yet been conducted in humans, a 2019 study found that intermittent fasting can slow cognitive decline and improve the symptoms of Alzheimers disease in mice.

However, the cognitive benefits of fasting are not restricted to the elderly. A small 2016 study tested amateur weightlifters after a 48 hour fast and found that fasting improved mental flexibility, which was defined as their ability to quickly and efficiently switch between tasks.

Fasting may also regulate blood sugar levels. Maintaining normal blood sugar is important to protect against diseases like type 2 diabetes.

Related Article Module: 6 ways to lower your blood sugar naturallyBlood sugar increases when you eat, so it naturally falls when you fast, Wang says. However, your body will prevent your blood sugar from dipping too much by making glucose itself. This keeps your blood sugar at a healthy level, which is considered above 70 mg/dL.

In fact, a small 2019 study of men at risk for type 2 diabetes found eating in a nine-hour window aka intermittent fasting helped improve glucose tolerance.

While research on this topic is limited, Wang says it is reasonable to assume that fasting boosts heart health by reducing inflammation and protecting against diabetes which are both risk factors for heart attacks and strokes.

A small 2012 study tested Muslims with a history of heart disease who fasted intermittently for Ramadan. After their fast ended, there was an improvement in their 10-year coronary heart disease risk score and a reduction in other heart risk factors like lipids profile, systolic blood pressure, and weight.

Fasting helps you lose weight by restricting the number of calories you eat. Intermittent fasting eating your meals in an eight-hour window earlier in the day helps with weight loss by keeping blood sugar levels lower in the evening when you are less active.

However, there is mixed evidence regarding if fasting for weight loss is more effective than a calorie-restricted diet. A 2015 review found intermittent fasting tends to lead to weight loss, with participants typically losing around seven to 11 pounds in 10 weeks. However, other studies found that intermittent fasting and calorie restriction were equally effective in helping people lose weight.

If youre looking to lose weight, talk to your doctor about the best method for you.

Fasting times can range significantly. While intermittent fasting usually involves fasting for about 16 hours a day, longer fasts can range from 24 to 72 hours.

Theres no magic amount of time you should fast for, Wang says. The best thing to do is to listen to your body and determine what type of fast works for you.

However, you should not fast if you are:

In addition, you should consult with your doctor before fasting if you are:

Fasting may offer health benefits, like reduced inflammation, better heart health, and improved cognitive functioning.

However, fasting is not advisable for certain people, and going too long without food can be harmful. If you are interested in fasting, it is important to listen to your body and ask your doctor if its safe to fast.

How to follow an intermittent fasting schedule with 6 different methodsThe different types of intermittent fasting and which may be more beneficial to your healthDoes intermittent fasting work? Research doesnt have a definite answer for its long-term effectsWhat to eat when intermittent fasting for health and hunger pains

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Fasting may help you lose weight, reduce inflammation, and boost cognition - here's how to do it safely - Business Insider Australia

20 Best Healthy Clubs to Join on Clubhouse – Parade

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

Clubhouse is the new, fast-growing, invite-only social networking app that allows people to voice chat about a variety of topics. Health is one of the fastest-growing areas of discussion. In fact, at any time, day or night, you can find conversations about health, wellness and wellbeing on Clubhouse.

A warning: Clubs are led by a variety of licensed professionals, as well as enthusiasts. When you listen and participate in these discussions, its wise to heed the disclaimer offered by many clubsthat information shared is for the purpose of education or entertainment, and is not a substitute for therapy or medical advice.

That said, are you ready to jump into Clubhouse to get physically and mentally healthier? Here are 20 well-known clubs, as well as some hidden gems, to up your healthy game:

5,700 members, 31,100 followers

This club shares and learns evidence-based information on everything related to COVID-19, including vaccines, policy, masks and symptoms. MDs and PhDs are actively involved in discussions.

Popular room: Join the weekly Q&A with scientists and expert clinicians who answer questions about COVID-19 at 12 pm PST on Thursdays.

Related: What Exactly is Clubhouse?

3,300 members, 6,500 followers

This club provides discussions from experts and Q&A about all things related to menstruation, fertility, menopause and more.

Says one member, Women in the rooms are asking everything from basic to complicated questions that are not getting answered from their own OB-GYNs. Dr. Cindy has assembled supportive experts that give answers to those questions, and give them actionable steps to go back to their own providers with.

Recent room topics: Determining possible hormonal imbalances, requesting specific lab tests, learning more about pelvic floor physical therapy and steps that can be taken for heavy periods.

553 members, 48,000 followers

This club offers weekly conversations around ways to increase physical, social, and mental wellbeing.

1 member, 49 followers

Take a deep dive into brain health, with discussions about sleep, depression, brain networks and more. One fan says the weekly conversations on Fridays at 1 pm PST with David Perlmutter, MD, are amazing.

794 members, 109 followers

This club offers sharing, learning and growth on topics about Eastern Medicine, including Tibetan and Chinese medicine, and Ayurveda.

Recent room topics: The Science of Sustainable Weight Loss, Self Care Q&A, and The Science of Healthy Sleep.

516 members, 497 followers

Lea Jacobson, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, leads discussions about the everyday uses of essential oils and how to use them safely, regardless of what brand you use.

Related: Got a Headache? Skip Over the Counter Drugs and Give These 6 Essential Oils a Try

1,100 members; 131,000 followers

The largest food, plant-based and vegan community in Clubhouse offers multiple discussions each day with talks from founders, funders and foodies in the nutrition and plant space.

Recent room topics: Plant-Based Eating for Athletic Performance, Yoga Is Vegan! Healing Through Yoga and Veganism and Plant-Powered Physicians The Kitchen Clinic, as well as conversations around recipes, products and services.

4,300 members, 34,100 followers

This group is moderated by Registered Dieticians and opens a space for discussions about health, nutrition and food research. Weekly discussions share knowledge and evidence-based information.

736 members, 402 followers

This club offers a safe place to talk about losing weight, diets, workout plans, and emotional struggles. Its open to those considering a weight loss journey, people who want to get motivated, and anyone who wants to share a success story.

107 members, 65 followers

This club is the first Low FODMAP community on Clubhouse, and discusses and educates on gastrointestinal issues, gut health, IBS and FODMAPs. Anyone from those interested in a Low FODMAP diet to those who follow it are welcome.

Says one member, This club is level 10 for anyone thats been struggling with GI issues. The thing about gut problems is that you feel alone. Being in a space with people that get it helps you to feel less alone. The best thing is that you get to connect with those that are struggling and create solutions and a sense of belonging.

5,800 members, 7,300 followers

Learn everything you need to know about the ketogenic diet and eating low carb, in this popular club. Daily discussions include Ask a Keto Coach, Keto Support and Motivation and keto cooking tips.

Related: The Ultimate Keto Guide for Beginners, Including Exactly How to Get Started

25,500 members, 461,000 followers

Consistently ranked in the top 10 most followed clubs on Clubhouse, discussions center on the ways in which lifestyle changes, tech interventions and pioneering thinkers in the mental health field can come together to improve mental health.

Popular room: Behavioural Health AMA with Psychiatrists: Sunday nights from 6:55 to 9 pm EST. Discussions include education on common mental health concerns like depression, bipolar disorder and ADHD, as well as specialized talks on OCD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and more.

9,200 members, 5,500 followers

This clubs goal is to change the conversation about mental health.

Being able to listen to providers/patients/family members of patients/even random folks speak about mental health is an outlet that does not exist in real life for most people, says one member. It has become my home base for all things mental health. And Ive been pleasantly surprised to even learn about groundbreaking treatments that Ive never heard about anywhere else, such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

The member recommends the PsychCrunch Disrupt room on Sundays at 2 pm EST, as well as The Future of Mental Health that is hosted on Mondays at 7:30 pm EST as great starting points for those new to Clubhouse and interested in mental health.

25 members, 198 followers

This club offers a safe space to have conversations about ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions, including autism and dyslexia.

Says one member, I love to hear from real people about how ADHD is affecting their lives. I always learn something new about myself or about my clients. Either way, I realize that I am not alone with ADHD and Dani Donovan is a terrific room leader and ADHD ambassador.

Related: 30 of the Best Mental Health Apps, Because We All Deserve to Feel a Little Better Right Now

21,200 members, 12,400 followers

Lisa Abramson, called an inspiration by Oprah, leads daily, brief, powerful meditation sessions.

6,400 members, 42,100 followers

The goal of this club is to elevate mental health conversations that lead to social change. Discussions are led by industry experts and real people who have experienced mental health issues.

19,400 members, 97,500 followers

The largest fitness club on Clubhouse offers a variety of scheduled weekly discussions, on everything from womens wellness to gratitude and self-love, to conversations for Peloton fans.

Popular room: The Clip Out podcast show post discussion takes place Sundays at 2 pm PST. Says one member, The ClipOut keeps me informed on whats going on with my favorite instructors. Clubhouse has added an additional social element that I had been missing during the pandemica place to hear other voices, all of us chatting live about our common interest in fitness and Peloton.

Another popular room: The daily 10-minute workout at 12 pm-12:10 pm PST, M-F. Each session includes 10-15 bodyweight exercises. The rooms motto: Come for the workout, stay for the throwback jams.

Related: Get Ready to Clip Into Your Peloton, Because We Just Found the Most Popular 30-Minute Rides of All Time

41 members, 39 followers

Host Carolyn Cohen created this club as a complement to her popular podcast of the same name. Clubhouse provides the opportunity for more interaction. Discussion topics include gratitude, sustainability, the 10,000 steps goal, and more. Participants are encouraged to walk or move in some other way during the conversation, even doing laundry or cleaning the house.

Popular room: The weekly Clubhouse walk and discussion on Wednesdays at noon EST.

26 members, 4,500 followers

This club is for those interested in Crossfit or already participating in Crossfit. Discussion topics include sharing lifestyle tips, favorite equipment, working out safely during COVID-19 and more.

4,600 members, 16,500 followers

This club is a place for Peloton lovers to come together and share best practices, favorite classes and instructors, and successes.

Popular room: Weekly discussion on Wednesdays at 8:30 pm EST

Up next: Does sugar cause Iiflammation?

The rest is here:
20 Best Healthy Clubs to Join on Clubhouse - Parade

Mealworms are a safe source of protein, says the EU – World Economic Forum

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

Worms are now firmly on the menu in Europe.

The European Union (EU) has ruled that the larval stage of the Tenebrio molitor beetle, the mealworm, is safe for people to eat and it will shortly be on the market as a novel food.

EU researchers said that the worms, eaten whole or in powder form, are protein-rich, while the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said that edible insects contain high-quality protein, vitamins and amino acids for humans.

As well as being a nutritious food source, insects consume fewer resources than traditional livestock. There are, of course, many parts of the world where insects are already part of everyday diets. Industrializing their production and consumption could open up new routes to feeding the worlds growing population and alleviating some of the environmental pressures caused by conventional agriculture.

Ensuring access to safe, healthy sources of food is a key part of the UNs Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) drive. From zero hunger to climate action, from ending poverty to ensuring responsible use of resources, many of the 17 SDGs relate to the food people eat, how it is grown and how it is distributed.

According to the World Economic Forums Meat: The Future report, keeping up with the demand for animal-derived protein could put meeting the SDGs and Paris Climate Agreement targets in jeopardy.

Livestock around the world is responsible for around 14.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions relating to human activity. The need for land whether for grazing animals or growing crops to feed animals is the single greatest driver of deforestation, with major consequences for biodiversity loss, the paper says.

Another approach to closing the protein gap is growing artificial meat and other protein alternatives. Lab-grown meat requires animal stem cells, which are cultured in nutrient-rich material. Protein alternatives, like mycoprotein (which is derived from fungi), are used to create meat-free meals.

Meat production has boomed in the past 50-plus years. According to Our World in Data, in the early 1960s, Europe and North America were the largest meat producing areas, but this has now changed. Asia accounts for around 40-45% of global meat production, while Europe and North Americas share had fallen to 19% and 15%, respectively.

Meat is a growing business. Can insect-derived protein change peoples eating habits?

Image: Our World in Data

That change reflects broader shifts around eating habits; by 2050, the demand for meat-based protein is expected to double, according to Meat: The Future. Currently, animal-based protein provides 40% of the worlds protein supply though meat, fish and dairy products such as eggs and milk, the papers authors write.

However, as meat-based protein (for instance, beef, lamb, pork and chicken) is tasty, protein-rich and energy-dense, it is the preferred or aspirational way for a significant part of the global population to consume protein. Consequently, as the population grows and the world becomes richer and more urbanized, demand for meat-based protein is growing fast.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.

Continue reading here:
Mealworms are a safe source of protein, says the EU - World Economic Forum

Governor Larry Hogan Proclaims Friday, May 7 as School And Community Nutrition Hero Day –

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

Governor Larry Hogan Proclaims Friday, May 7 as School And Community Nutrition Hero DayMay 7, 2021

Contact: Lora Rakowski,

BALTIMORE (May 7, 2021) Today, Governor Larry Hogan proclaimed Friday, May 7, 2021 as Maryland School and Community Nutrition Hero Day. The designation is a tribute to the dedication and continuous efforts of Marylands child nutrition programs staff, who have been on the frontlines since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. School nutrition staff and volunteers have served more than 81 million meals throughout the State during the pandemic. As students return to in-person learning, school nutrition staff are providing both emergency and in-school meals.

Serving millions of meals on the frontlines since the pandemic began, our school nutrition program staff are truly heroes. They are making school meals safe for in-person learning, and continue to serve emergency meals as well, said Governor Larry Hogan. As part of National School Lunch Hero Day, we are proud to recognize our school nutrition teams unwavering commitment to nourishing our States children.

The Maryland State Department of Educations Office of School and Community Nutrition Programs provides Marylanders with a variety of nutrition program options for infants, preschoolers, school-aged children and certain adult groups as well. School nutrition staff, prepare and serve meals help nurture our children. In some cases, that meal is the only or most nutrient-rich meal of that students day.

Our incredible school nutrition employees have been a critical part of ensuring that our students are fueled for success during these unprecedented times, said State Schools Superintendent Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D. Our gratitude extends on School Lunch Hero Day and every day.

The United State Department of Agriculture funded child nutrition programs provide a critical safety net for millions of people in our State, in addition to meeting rigorous nutrition guidelines and standards. Participation in the nutrition programs support good health, development of life long healthy behaviors, promotion of academic achievement, nutrition education and promotion, and addresses food insecurity. For more information, please visit

National School Lunch Hero day was designated by The School Nutrition Association and Jarrett Krosoczka, author of the Lunch Lady graphic novel series. School Lunch Hero Day provides an opportunity for parents, students, school staff and communities to honor those who provide healthy meals to nearly 30 million of Americas students each school day. Learn more about School Lunch Hero Day at

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School Lunch Hero Day 2021 5 7 21

School & Community Nutrition Hero Day May 7, 2021 Proclamation

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Governor Larry Hogan Proclaims Friday, May 7 as School And Community Nutrition Hero Day -

7 Food Scraps That Arent Safe To Eat – Well+Good

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

The zero-waste food movement is gaining momentum, and it couldnt happen soon enough. After all, approximately 30 to 40 percent of the food supply is wasted in the U.S., according to the FDA estimations, meaning its thrown away, spoils, or otherwise fails to make its way into mouths and bellies. And given that recent findings suggest that more than one-third of man-made greenhouse gas emissions come from food systems, cutting down on food waste could go a long way in saving the planet.

With news this disconcerting, its little wonder that chefs like Ryan Moore of Sababa in Washington, D.C. are making it their mission to reduce their footprint when it comes to food waste. From our waste oil from fryers being recycled into biofuel to repurposing scraps into menu items, we find a way to turn the most basic parts of an ingredient into something our customers will eat, he explains. For example, Moores team turns lemon peels into lemon charcoal, which is then cooked with honey to create a marmalade. Broccoli stems are incorporated into a charred tahini sauce; whereas fruit scraps like strawberry tops, mango pits, and citrus peels get made into vinegar.

That said, your good intentions to reduce food waste shouldnt turn into bad side effects. As you attempt to eat the entirety of an ingredient, you may want to keep a weather eye on which parts of your favorite fruits and vegetables are safe for human consumptionand which youre better off composting. As it turns out, there are some food items that should not make it into your diet (at least, not on a regular basis).

This is the only food scrap Chef Moore doesnt use in his kitchen. We go through around 90 pounds of Chinese eggplant a week, and we cut off the top part of the stem because eggplant and other nightshades contain solanine, which may lead to inflammation and exacerbate conditions like arthritis, he explains.

Dried, fresh, or flash frozen mango is enjoyed so many ways, but be sure to peel them before you eat them. The skins of these tropical fruits contain a chemical called urushiol, which is the same chemical that triggers an allergic reaction in some folks when they come in contact with poison ivy, poison oak, or sumac.

An apples core and seeds may not be the safest to eat due to a compound within that may turn into cyanide, says Keri Gans, a registered nurse dietician. However, its the dose that makes the poison and you would have to eat a rather large amount (say, 15 cores) to have a reaction.

Those odd growths on your potatoes are more than an eyesore; when potatoes sprout (or turn green), they contain higher concentrations of a glycoalkaloid poison known as solanine. Symptoms of solanine poisoning include a range of not-so-pleasant side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, throat burning, nightmares, headache, dizziness, itching, eczema, and pain in the joints. That said, if you cut out the sprouts or green parts of your potato, you should be a-okay.

While rhubarb stalks make a great pie filling, the leaves are less inviting. Rhubarb leaves are known to contain oxalic acid, and when eaten, it may lead to kidney stones, says Gans.

Its probably worth de-pitting your cherries when making your desserts or reductionsnot only will the end result be a lot more attractive, but itll also remove the possibility of introducing the cyanide compound they contain into your system. And while swallowing a couple pits wont do you any harm, you probably shouldnt make a habit of eating cherries whole.

Controlling the storage of your food scrapsregardless of what they areis key to ensuring their edibility, says Krista Linares, registered dietitian nutritionist. The biggest food safety concern with leftovers or food scraps would be related to time-temperature control, she notes. Foods that have been left at room temperature for longer than four hours should be avoided due to the potential for food-born illness.

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See the original post here:
7 Food Scraps That Arent Safe To Eat - Well+Good

Letters to the editor | Letters | – Kingsport Times News

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

I am completely aggravated with the significant portion of the population who are refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The two prevailing reasons for this refusal are: (1) I do not trust that the vaccine is safe and (2) I do not want any level of government to interfere with my right to choose what I do or do not do for myself.

The first reason is completely bogus because there is no such thing as a perfectly safe vaccine, or for that matter, a perfectly safe drug of any kind. A small percentage of people have a bad reaction to penicillin, to aspirin, to ibuprofen, to acetaminophen, and to every other drug that has ever been given to patients, yet millions of people take prescribed or over-the-counter drugs every day without worrying that any individual will be the one in a million who has the bad reaction.

The second reason is ridiculous because we, as a society, comply with many rules that have been imposed by government for the safety of ourselves and others. These rules include wearing seat belts, not using a cellphone in a car, having flotation devices on boats, having a drivers license, and requiring children be vaccinated before attending school.

For those of us who are old enough to remember it, in the mid-1950s, without any prior announcement, when we arrived at school one day every student was lined up and given a Salk polio vaccine.

Its too bad that some of todays adults are so self-centered that they do not care about the harm they may cause to themselves or others. Every person should be required to be vaccinated against COVID and unless they comply they cannot renew a drivers license or get a passport or buy an airline ticket or attend any sporting event.

Kerry A. Musick


School nutrition staff deserve our thanks

It has been over a year since the COVID pandemic hit and the schools in our state had to instantly pivot from in-person to virtual learning.

Thousands of children across Tennessee were in danger of losing access to the nutrition they rely on from school meals. Our school nutrition staff immediately stepped up, working day and night to figure out new systems of getting meals to students by meal drive-thru, pickup or drop-off, they made it happen.

Due to the crisis, even more families in our community are facing financial strain. In 2021, an alarming 1 in 6 kids could face hunger because of the pandemic. Yet, our school nutrition staff have been there, working tirelessly through the summer, through weekends, through holidays, to make sure kids in our state get the nutrition they need.

May 7 was School Lunch Hero Day, but every day we should say thank you to all the school nutrition staff across our state. You help guarantee kids are healthy and ready to learn and provide a constant in these challenging times. Your love and dedication for what you do and those you serve are noteworthy and extraordinary. Our gratitude cannot be overstated!

Marissa Spady

No Kid Hungry Tennessee

Concern for Patrick Henry tailwaters

Once known for the excellent fishing for big rainbow trout and brown trout, the Patrick Henry tailwaters are apparently in decline. What is the cause? Water quality, overharvest, lack of regulations (slot size limits). Other tailwaters in our region generate tremendous income opportunities from local and tourist anglers. Why not Patrick Henry?

Ronald Davidson

Colonial Heights

Read more from the original source:
Letters to the editor | Letters | - Kingsport Times News

The Disgusting Reason One Customer Just Brought a Lawsuit Against McDonald’s | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

Yikes. Fast food giants like McDonald's have found themselves among the establishments least hit by the pandemic but a new report suggests that even in a time when safe food handling is under the microscope more than ever, it sounds like gross back-of-house behavior is still happening in some restaurant kitchens. Here's the truly sickening reason one New Jersey family has filed a serious lawsuit against their local McDonald's.

RELATED: 7 New Fast-Food Chicken Sandwiches Everyone Is Talking About reported Thursday that a woman has filed a lawsuit against a McDonald's restaurant in Millville, New Jersey. She alleges that on January 13, she and her young daughter ordered at McDonald's and took their meal home to discoverwell, we'll let our source explain what happened next:

"After eating some fries from the McDonald's bag, the (child) reached in the bag and took out the burger (and) noticed a brown substance all over the wrapper," the suit states.

At the same [time], [the mother] "noticed and smelled a horrible stench from the substance on the burger," the suit states.

"To their disbelief and shock, plaintiffs realized what they had just ingested was human feces, which was touching their French fries in the same bag and that was all over (the child's) hand and the wrapper of the burger," the lawsuit claims.

The report states that the woman's daughter immediately reacted by vomiting. When the mom phoned that McDonald's location, the woman got no answer. At that point, she contacted the local police, who apparently found sufficient reason for the responding officer to pursue the matter.

The report states that he went to the McDonald's and spoke to two managers, and two days later county health department officials arrived for an inspection. According to the report, the McDonald's was cited for multiple hand-washing violations.

The woman's suit states that she and her daughter sought medical treatment after the event. As a result of the incident, she is reportedly seeking damages against the franchise location owner and 10 employees for "physical and psychological damages to include emotional distress, loss of appetite, heightened anxiety and stomach pain."

The owner of that McDonald's location denies any wrongdoing and has been quoted as having commented: "Serving safe, high-quality food is always our top priority We've taken appropriate steps to investigate this and have been unable to substantiate this claim."

Fast food may be an easy go-to when life gets busy but this kinda makes you want to eat at home this week, doesn't it? Catch Genius Meal-Prep Tricks for Easier Weekdays.

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See the original post:
The Disgusting Reason One Customer Just Brought a Lawsuit Against McDonald's | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

2019 was a safe year to give birth: Then the pandemic hit – Santa Fe New Mexican

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

For women around the world, 2019 was the safest year in history to give birth. Before COVID-19, pregnancy-related deaths had been declining steadily throughout much the world. Even in the United States, where maternal mortality rates are about double that of other high-resource nations, there was unprecedented momentum for legislation targeting the racial and ethnic disparities putting mothers of color at the greatest risk.

Seventeen months later, global death rates for mothers and newborns are soaring to levels not seen in decades, stillbirths have risen sharply, and more pregnant and postpartum women are experiencing serious medical complications. According to new research in Lancet Global Health, the chances of a woman dying while pregnant or during childbirth in Mexico and India has jumped by more than one-third since the pandemics start. The United Nations estimates maternal mortality could nearly double in many Latin American countries.

Governments around the world especially the United States must step up to address this crisis. U.S. lawmakers can do their part by providing funding to expand access to care in low- and middle-income countries. And they must lead the way to save the lives of mothers and babies by addressing maternal health inequities, both at home and abroad.

Pregnant women with COVID-19 face greater health risks, but the pandemics crippling impact on health care systems is largely to blame for the spike in negative outcomes. Disruptions to health and nutrition services combined with fears about contracting the virus at medical facilities have deprived millions of expectant mothers of access to vital prenatal services. In many countries, the pandemic has shut down public transportation, community health centers and food programs, leaving pregnant women without adequate nutrition and medical care.

Women must also weigh the risks of going to a hospital, where they might be exposed to the coronavirus, versus giving birth at home without a skilled attendant. In places with high infection rates, hospital care might not be an option, as already scarce medical resources, such as hospital beds and midwives, are diverted to cope with COVID-19 patients, limiting access to basic and emergency obstetric care. In India, the worsening health crisis has pushed the system into chaos, leaving cities such as New Delhi, with a population of more than 17 million, with fewer than a dozen intensive care beds for pregnant women with COVID-19.

Meanwhile, reduced access to contraception is leading to more unintended pregnancies, putting more women at risk. The United Nations Population Fund estimates that 12 million women, primarily in low- and middle-income countries, lost access to family planning services because of pandemic-related disruptions. Those risks will worsen as the British government slashes funding for contraception in lower-income countries by 85 percent, which the U.N. Population Fund says could lead to an additional 14 million unintended pregnancies.

Even when services are restored, there will be lasting consequences as women, who may already face cultural or economic barriers in seeking prenatal and maternity care, lose confidence in health systems. Researchers at the U.N. Population Fund say lower usage of health services by women in 14 Asia-Pacific countries may have resulted in as many as 68,000 additional preventable deaths in 2020 alone.

Its encouraging that within days of taking office, President Joe Biden reaffirmed the United States support for global maternal health, restoring funds for lifesaving U.N. programs. The new White House Gender Policy Council must have enough clout within the administration to be able to deliver on promises to improve maternal health and health equity in the United States.

Meanwhile, Congress can help moms by passing the bipartisan Reach Every Mother and Child Act, which would require the creation of a coordinated strategy for ending preventable maternal deaths globally and help regain ground lost to COVID-19. Closer to home, the Mommies Act and the Black Maternal Health Momnibus would help address racial and ethnic disparities.

But reversing the trajectory of maternal mortality requires action on a global scale, and COVID-19 is at the top of the agenda at next months Group of Seven summit. Vaccines are vitally important, but so are the lives of vulnerable women and children. G-7 leaders should collaborate on immediate strategies to restore prenatal and postnatal care, safeguard access to contraception and alleviate the global midwife shortage. The Biden administration can further cement U.S. leadership by gaining commitments from G-7 nations to take part in a global convening in 2022, the 10th anniversary of the Acting on the Call Summit, which set out country-specific plans that have helped reduce maternal and child deaths in 24 countries.

By taking decisive action now, theres a good chance that in 2030, we will once again be able to say that women around the world are living in the safest year in history to give birth.

Christy Turlington Burns is the founder of Every Mother Counts. Elizabeth A. Howell is chairwoman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Pennsylvania Health System and Perelman School of Medicine. This was originally published by the Washington Post.

See the original post:
2019 was a safe year to give birth: Then the pandemic hit - Santa Fe New Mexican

50 female runners share their stories of catcalling, harassment and abuse – Runner’s World (UK)

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:52 am

As a female runner, harassment is something Ive come to expect from the car that sounds its horn when I choose to run in a sports bra and shorts, the white van that follows me on a quiet residential road and the delivery driver who purposely swerves to splash me with a puddle. Like getting a blister from a new pair of running shoes, harassment is something I go out of my way to avoid, but have learnt to accept.

In the wake of the murder of Sarah Everard, I, like many other female runners, took a long, deep breath. Weve already got the apps on our phones, we already choose well-lit paths, we already know to keep our keys close to hand should we need to use them as a weapon. And we know that, sometimes, this just isnt enough.

In partnership with Womens Health, we at Runners World have launched the Reclaim Your Run campaign, with the aim of raising awareness of, and reducing, the harassment and endangerment women experience while running. Together, we asked over 2,000 runners to tell us about their experience of harassment and from being masturbated at, to catcalled, to physically assaulted, the responses speak for themselves: a large number of female runners do not feel safe on the streets. Worryingly, 60 per cent of the women surveyed said they have been harassed when running, 25 per cent reported being regularly subjected to sexist comments or unwanted sexual advances and 6 per cent said they had felt threatened to such an extent by harassment while running that they feared for their lives.

Here, we share the responses of 50 women, who tell their stories of harassment while running:

Karen: I have been fat-shamed on more than one occasion and Im not the person who can shout back or take it on the chin. It really upsets me. I dont want to show people that this is the case, so I keep on going, crying as I go or when I get back.

Anon: Im on edge when Im running. I assess the environment for escape routes or hiding places. I use location tracking on WhatsApp. I feel more relaxed in the morning, but after the commute rush. Even in summer, I dont like to run after 5pm even if its light, it just feels uncomfortable. I wear extra-long shorts in summer, as I dont want to draw attention to myself. I also bought baggy T-shirts.

Chloe: As a woman who runs, I find unsolicited attention very stressful, even if it isnt overtly sexual, aggressive or abusive. There is a constant feeling of being observed, critiqued and being on the receiving end of unhelpful and unsolicited advice from people.

Jo: Nowhere is safe. Not even the gym. If youre female and moving, youre a target and if youre female and not moving, youre a target.

Molly: Whenever I run outside, I put my phone and my drivers license in a pocket. My phone so that if something happens, I could still call someone. My licence, so that if something bad happens, they could identify my body and let my family know.

Caitlin: I constantly fear for my safety as a female runner. I have changed my scenic routes for more well-trodden routes to keep myself safe.

Dee: I never run with music because I was followed once over 10 years ago now and ever since, Im nervous about anyone behind me. Id rather run in silence and be aware if someone is nearby.

Cat: Every run, I wear my hair up so it cant be grabbed and I hold my keys between my fingers for defence. Misogyny and street harassment needs to be criminalised. It stops so many women from feeling safe in their local areas. Ive been told by many women that its knocked their confidence to run and by some new runners that it made them question whether to start at all.

This is something that has been completely overlooked by the government in lockdown being forced to run alone or not being able to travel very far to run in a safe space is elitist, not everyone has somewhere safe they can run from their doorstep. Lockdown highlighted this issue for me and has made it so much worse.

Ive started a blog talking and writing interviews about womens experiences on it. It seems that weve all been brought up to avoid the danger, but never is the stress placed on not becoming the danger. There needs to be serious reform in how we treat women and girls as they experience a disproportionate amount of public sexual harassment. It IS a gendered issue. Perpetrators need to be dissuaded from seeing this as casual behaviour or banter. France, for example, has criminalised gender-based harassment. It may not be easy to police, but government recognition is the first step to changing public outlook on the topic.

I want my nieces to be able to grow up feeling safe to run outside whenever they want, not put it off for years, as I did.

Holly: Ive been spat on and had rubbish thrown at me while running.

Rachel: I was hit over the head by two youths on bikes. It was dark, but I was running on a busy, well-lit road. I was so shocked. I yelled back at them, might have told them to f*** off. I'm not sure where it came from, I was just so surprised and angry. I thought about calling the police, but I didnt in the end. I just never ran on that road again.

Alice: I feel anger. Anger that men think its OK to harass women. Sometimes I shout back through anger, sometimes I run quicker through anger. I try not to let it affect my choice of run route, but I have changed roads before to avoid certain cars. I will never let them stop me from running or wearing shorts.

Anna: When I tell people about these issues the general response is that I should change my habits. I dont think its right that women should have to change their actions because men are harassing them. It makes me feel like its my fault.

Gemma: I would usually just ignore car horns and catcalls, but on one particular occasion I was waiting to cross a busy road when a man in a white van slowed right down, wound his window down and shouted, You fat c**t. I was just gobsmacked.

Yasmin: The whole reason I run is for my mental health. I am a survivor of sexual assault and I started running after my attack. When I feel in danger or intimidated on a run, it takes the meaning of the run away from me because Im back to feeling scared.

Chloe: Women are entitled to take up space in this world and we should be able to exercise without fear and without experiencing lewd comments meant to intimidate us! It's infuriating and scary.

Coren: A man grabbed my arm. I screamed because I was scared about what he might do. Luckily, it was outside a busy station at rush hour, so another man intervened and told the offender to back off.

Ellie: Safe spaces for women to exercise have been taken away during the lockdown. Most of my female friends dont feel comfortable running alone in the dark, so we run together, but theres limited daylight in the winter and it makes it really hard to stay active and feel safe.

Emily: Im extremely conscious running late at night and am in a constant state of vigilance analysing men around me, listening for people following or watching for shadows behind me. I feel very vulnerable running in the evenings but its my favourite time to run

Anon: Once, a man stopped and crawled along in traffic to mime moving breasts at me. There was a man running towards me who didnt notice or receive any attention from the driver. The driver only moved when other cars started to beep at him.

Helen: I was being followed by a car. I didn't know where the nearest police station was, so I ran into a shop and waited there until I was sure they had gone; then I walked home. I checked the position of the local police stations when I got home. I stopped running for a while after that incident, and when I started again, I ran with my partner until I felt comfortable running alone again.

Emily: I was followed by a man in a van while running, in daylight, in a residential area that borders rural land. The van kept coming up close, stopping, driving away, waiting ahead. I felt very threatened. The van then pulled in opposite me and I feared the driver was going to get out. I think he was masturbating. My home was only a few minutes away. When I got home, my husband, who is a police officer, advised that I call the police, partly as it was strange that a van is cruising around slowly. It turns out he was a dangerous man and had threatened others. The police took action, and he was charged with a string of offences. I was very scared to run for a while. I still get frightened when I see men on their own and I feel very vulnerable. It made me realise how easy it would be for someone to harm me when out running. In lockdown (three years later) I ran on a lot of rural routes and felt I was less scared, but I dont think anyone should be complacent; runners really need to trust their gut.

Jennifer: I wear baggier clothing and only run certain routes when alone or when its dark. All this is in the hope of avoiding unsolicited sexual attention/comments, even though, realistically, I should be able to run alone on any street I like, wearing whatever is comfortable, and expect to do so without harassment. I also wear headphones whenever alone so that I can remain oblivious. The onus should be on the harasser to change their behaviours rather than on me to change my own habits.

Maddy: I often get comments about running in shorts, so now I usually wear 3/4 lengths or full tights when I run around my neighbourhood. I dont wear headphones anymore because Im scared that I wont hear someone coming up behind me. I dont run in the park at certain times because I know people drink in the evenings and will make horrible comments. I make sure I have a guy friend to run with me home from training because I run through a dodgy part of town, where Ive been catcalled in the past.

Charlotte: I'm shocked that it's something we have to go through. It's not always the dangerous aspect of being harassed and beeped at, it's the humiliation having to analyse where I jog to avoid a bunch of builders outside, crossing the road when there's a parked car and focusing on how I look while jogging to avoid being laughed at is horrible! If I jog in the daytime, its safer but Im more seen. if I jog at night, I feel very scared something worse will happen. I'll continue to put my music on loud and try and focus solely on running I don't want to ever have to stop running.

Emma: It frustrates me that as a woman I can't just go for a run. With young children, the evening is very often the only time I can go. I want to get out but to have these additional concerns is a genuine irritation to me. It seems that men just don't have to engage in this thought process at all if they want to run, whereas, as a woman, I experience that vulnerability every time I go out alone.

Ashleigh: I once got followed by a car that kept passing and shouting sexist comments. The car kept turning around and doing it again and again. I ran off the street down an alley that was pedestrianised even though it wasnt my route, and I didnt know where it would go. I waited until they had moved on, then I walked home.

Dawn: I run without headphones, so I am always aware of what is going on around me. I tell people where I am going or allow them to track me on Strava. I dont enjoy running alone in the dark because Ive been filmed when running before. This fear has seeped into walking in the dark, too previously, I would walk to and from the station early in the morning and late in the evening, but I am now much more aware of being vulnerable, plus the pandemic means fewer people are around. My sister has had experiences of being filmed, yelled at and harassed on runs, so she no longer goes running. It infuriates me that people think it is acceptable to harass others while they are minding their own business out running.

Jo: If Ive got my male partner with me, it's just men name-calling/telling me Im fat, ugly, need to go on a diet and that hes taking the dog for a walk from their vans or bikes. If Im by myself, its that, plus unwanted sexual advances, groups trying to surround me and just talk to me or if Im in the gym, cornering me on the stairs to tell me Im too fat to be there and I should go away and eat a salad. Its worse when there is more than one man and the anger/deliberately scaring me is far more likely in that situation. Theyre bigger than me, stronger than me and faster than me, whether on foot or in a vehicle.

Francesca: I consider my safety when running, plan where I run and avoid areas that could have potential dangers. I never run with headphones, as I want to be aware of whats going on around me at all times. I run past many women who wear headphones who are alarmed when I pass. Its great that they feel so safe. I dont think they are.

Phoebe: Its exhausting having to constantly be on guard when running. I can never run past a man, building site or van without expecting to be catcalled, whistled or shouted at. It is something to be expected now. Im not scared to shout back, but it should never have to come to that. I know so many women who are put off for fear of having comments about their size, weight or how they look. Running should be something to enjoy, not something to think twice about because the wrong people look at you.

Kate: I usually ignore comments (I get a lot of hellos or comments about my body) or run faster past people who stand in my way, but once I was out running in winter after work when it was dark (but relatively busy), and a man tried to talk to me. When I sidestepped around him to dodge him, he grabbed my arm to stop me because he wanted to talk to me, and I was being rude. I pulled my arm away and threatened to call the police if he ever touched me again. He called me a snobby bitch and a c-word in return, as he was only being friendly. I wish Id requested the CCTV and reported it now, although its unlikely anything would happen. This was nearly three years ago. Nothing as bad has happened since, but I always remember it.

Robyn: I was once on a run that sticks with me. It was only about 6km around a route I took regularly. It was about 7 pm and dark outside. The route was mainly main roads in Islington, London. During the 25-minute run, I had four separate people make comments at me. One was an older man on his own who wolf-whistled. I ignored it. Then two younger guys stood in my way deliberately, like playing chicken, which was intimidating. I told them to f*** off and carried on running, as there were other people around, which made me feel as though I could rely on safety in numbers. And finally, someone shouted something about my legs or appearance at me. I ran home but stopped running at night for a while. I also posted about it on social media and a lot of people suggested wearing baggy clothes or running with headphones to drown it out. Horrible.

Pippa: When I run, I go into my own world. When someone catcalls, it is a real shock it makes me lose my concentration, focus and enjoyment for running. So, if I am catcalled, I've found I've often ended up finishing a run earlier or taking a different route back so I can shorten my run because it sucks the enjoyment out of it.

Mary: I was followed by a guy on a bike. He sped up behind me and pushed me as I ran. I screamed and he carried on going. I continued my run and he looped around the estate, coming behind me once again. This time he pushed me to the ground as I ran. Once again, I screamed and shouted and hit out at him. He sped off once more, I changed my route and headed home as quickly as possible. My run was in the dark on an evening but along a street-lit estate. I dont run alone in the dark anymore. I also once had handfuls of eggs thrown at me from a van as I ran through town alone.

Michelle: Its really sad that women feel they cant run at particular times or places. I would love to be able to go and listen to music while running without looking over my shoulder and having to plan my route point by point. I wish people would realise how serious an issue this is, it shouldnt be about women staying safe, it should be men learning not to harass!

Kat: I only ran in just a sports bra once on a hot day, crossing a busy road, and felt very uncomfortable about white vans honking me. I usually wear a vest, even if it is really warm. When running with my running club with three male runners, a dog walker shouted, Dont worry, you can keep up with them, darling. The runner I was with thought it was really sexist.

Sophie: Women shouldnt feel the need to wear baggier clothing while running or have to avoid certain run routes. Men need to be educated from a young age that catcalling is immature, threatening and not acceptable. The burden needs to be on men to teach each other, not for women to have to normalise this behaviour and just cope with it.

Charlotte: I run less outside because Im scared.

Athene: I ran faster when a group of men at a bus stop made sexual comments at my appearance. I ran faster when I saw an old man rubbing himself as I stopped at the red light to cross the road on my run. I ran faster and ignored a man when he tried to get my number during a run.

Hannah: I think harassment has increased during the pandemic, I don't know if this is because we are all out in the same (limited) local places more, so there is more opportunity to be harassed, or because people are more anxious and it comes out in strange ways, but it has definitely been much worse.

Caitlin: I think its something women think about a lot more than men, I think it's just something women have to consider when planning a route, when men simply dont. My partner has never told me a route hes going out to run or change the time of day or route due to lighting. Im not so much fearful, just something I always consider.

Katy: I recently felt I had to make a quick decision to shorten and re-route my very early morning run in a poorly lit area of my local town, around a pond/lake. I felt I was being watched and followed by a man in dark clothing who was on a pushbike and wearing a full-face balaclava. He had no lights on his bike and was behaving suspiciously, initially stationary and then cycling towards me, then stopping and watching me pass before turning and slowly following me at a short distance, then turning back and cycling very quickly around the opposite side of the pond, as if to circle around and cut me off. I wear a chest light so I switched it off so that he couldn't track me so easily. I felt very nervous and unsafe and ran very fast to get to the main road and into the well-lit main street before he could reach me. Since then, I always ensure that I tell my husband the route I'm taking and when to expect me back. I've even looked up whether I can carry pepper spray but have learnt that it is not legal to do so. If I need to run in the dark now, I do try to stick to the lit streets of our small town and take my dog with me, but it is limiting and gets a little boring. I have also experienced catcalling from passing men, usually in vans, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

Tessa: The experience I remember the most clearly was when I was running one of my usual routes and a group of lads in a car slowed down and rolled down their window and shouted, Get those knees up you fat f***. Because I was running on the path by the side of the main road through town, I diverted course to go through a more residential area, as I thought the lads were probably cruising and would pass me again. I'm not particularly concerned about my weight, I'm a size 12, but this was still really upsetting. I didn't run that route for a long time afterwards, and I have never worn the top I was wearing since. It's a nice top. Gutting, really, when I think about it.

Stacey: The unwanted attention makes me feel uncomfortable. I dont receive this kind of attention when Im training in the gym, so why is it acceptable when Im running outdoors. We rarely hear of men being catcalled so what makes it acceptable for women? My body shape doesnt necessarily lend itself to running, but Im out there and Im working on me and my confidence to run, but the unwanted attention really knocks me sometimes. My partner doesnt particularly like me running in the area I live in, due to safety concerns, but owing to Covid restrictions, Im unable to travel to nicer areas to feel more comfortable, or even to be able to run with him. Im stuck I either drive myself mad by not leaving the house or chose to follow routes I know there is a lot of traffic and avoid dodgy routes/places where possible.

Sarah: I run to relax, to switch off, to be free. Many places in London seem scary or risky, especially in winter when its dark, which defeats the whole point of running. How in 2021 is this still a thing? We should be able to run freely.

Lauren: I've never confronted the people harassing me, I usually ignore them completely, as if I haven't heard or I will give them a stern look, as if to say That's not acceptable. I now live in Denmark and in the year that I've been living and running here, Ive only been harassed twice. I say that like its OK and I know it's not. When I lived in Croydon, South London, it was incredibly rare to go for a run and not get some form of negative attention. I think on almost every run some builders or van drivers would shout at me or beep their horn. The worst incident was the Croydon Council bin collectors while on duty at 7 am shouting and laughing at me as they drove past.

Jill: There are two times l really felt for my safety; one when a man came up from behind and dropped his trousers; the second time was when a man bolted out of a cafe when Id stopped running and asked me if Id like a lift in his car. He didnt take the rejection well, but soon shot off when he saw my husband come up and asked what the hell he was doing.

Kiera: I was out for a lunchtime run on a weekday, running through a local green space. I passed two men walking two abreast with a dog and felt a slap/elbow/hit on the back of my right shoulder. I turned around, assuming Id failed to see someone I knew, and was faced with a man yelling at me that I needed to be two metres away (I had not touched him, and he could quite easily have also stopped if he felt uncomfortable passing at that point on the path). I was honestly shocked, and I couldnt believe that Id just been physically assaulted, so I reacted out of instinct telling him that I had as much right to be on that path as he did. He continued to viciously yell at me for another 20 seconds or so but I did not hear the content, as I had my headphones in. Despite being shaken, I decided to carry on with my run and hill sprints as planned. I was determined not to let him get the better of me and thought it may help dissipate some of the shock. After, when I got home, I rang some loved ones. I still find it hard to believe that I, as a 30-year-old woman who was clearly visible (wearing an unnecessarily pink florescent top in the middle of the day), got physically and verbally abused in broad daylight. Im sure if I had been male or had a male with me that the situation would have been different.

Rachel: I have noticed as a woman running during the pandemic that men are less likely to move to one side to make space for me on the pavements to ensure social distancing. I have been forced to jump into doorways or go into the road by men who insist on walking or running in the middle of the pavement, without making space for me to pass safely. When I occasionally run with my fianc, we do not face the same issues. Some men have actually stared me down as they refused to move. I have also had at least two instances where I have been harassed for wearing running shorts. In one instance, a man on a tube escalator tried to take a picture up my shorts. My fianc caught him and made him delete the photo.

Natalie: One time I yelled back. This caused my harassers to circle back in their car and further harass me from inside their car. I was heading home, but I didnt want to go inside as theyd know where I lived so I kept going. It wasnt until I took out my phone and took a photo of their license plate that they sped off. I did it because, for one, it scared the hell out of me when they yelled at me going by. It startled me. I was mad. Im sick and tired of feeling like I am asking to be yelled at; Im sick and tired of feeling unsafe when I run. Id rather run in the woods alone in the dark I am less afraid of wild animals than unpredictable male predators.

Read this article:
50 female runners share their stories of catcalling, harassment and abuse - Runner's World (UK)

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