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Weight Loss Journey Exposed – Video

Posted: February 7, 2013 at 6:50 pm

Weight Loss Journey Exposed
Learn absolutely everything you need to know about your weight loss journey at

By: Michele Mikkiney

See the article here:
Weight Loss Journey Exposed - Video

Weight loss Wednesday week 5 recap with weightwatchers – Video

Posted: February 7, 2013 at 6:50 pm

Weight loss Wednesday week 5 recap with weightwatchers
Weight loss Wednesday, a recap of week 5 in 2013 on Weight Watchers. This weeks weight is 14st 11lbs = 207lbs =93.9kg I lost 1lbs this week 🙂 My goal is to be a healthy BMI by my 30th birthday in June, wish me luck 🙂 Please subscribe, like my page and follow me 🙂 Thank you My Facebook page is: And my twitter account is: I post photos of my meals on my Instagram: and my blog is at:

By: amejane1406

See the rest here:
Weight loss Wednesday week 5 recap with weightwatchers - Video

Day 07 – Weight Loss Vlog – Video

Posted: February 7, 2013 at 6:50 pm

Day 07 - Weight Loss Vlog
Weight loss vlog - End of Week 1! Weigh in coming soon, eeeeek!

By: BeautyfortheObese

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Day 07 - Weight Loss Vlog - Video

Baptist Hospital, Nashville, TN – Weight Loss Surgery – Video

Posted: February 7, 2013 at 6:50 pm

Baptist Hospital, Nashville, TN - Weight Loss Surgery

By: DennisonTombras

The rest is here:
Baptist Hospital, Nashville, TN - Weight Loss Surgery - Video

Balance Weight Loss Program – Video

Posted: February 7, 2013 at 6:50 pm

Balance Weight Loss Program
Here are the tips for week 1 of the program.

By: Edwina Griffin

Follow this link:
Balance Weight Loss Program - Video

Ditch The Diet BS | Scams

Posted: February 6, 2013 at 5:45 pm

Ditch The Diet BS | Scams Responsibility
DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY HERE - Ditch The Diet BS: Your diet free guide to a leaner healthier future Today we look at the dieting scams that have filled you full of false promises while looking at your own responsibility in achieving your goals.

By: Ben Gray

Read the original here:
Ditch The Diet BS | Scams

Best Fruits To Get You Through The Winter on a Raw Vegan Diet – Video

Posted: February 6, 2013 at 5:45 pm

Best Fruits To Get You Through The Winter on a Raw Vegan Diet
John from shares the best fruits to help you get through the winter on a raw plant based diet. In this episode, John will bring you inside his palace of fresh fruit for a tour of what he is eating in the middle of winter. After watching this episode you will learn what John does during the winter to eat enough and the best fruits that you may want to include in your diet. Finally you will discover how to select, store and ripen many of the fruits you can now enjoy during the winter.

By: okraw

Read more here:
Best Fruits To Get You Through The Winter on a Raw Vegan Diet - Video

hCG Diet VLCD 11 – Video

Posted: February 6, 2013 at 5:45 pm

hCG Diet VLCD 11
Up -0.8

By: Yola-hCg yolanda gonzalez

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hCG Diet VLCD 11 - Video

Diet Mixers Will Make You More Intoxicated Than Using Regular Soft Drinks

Posted: February 6, 2013 at 5:45 pm

Lawrence LeBlond for Your Universe Online

When it comes to cocktails and other mixed drinks, a new study has found that using diet soft drinks as mixers can be making people more drunk than using regular sugary beverages. In one of the first-of-its-kind studies, researchers tested the effects that mixing sweet and non-sweetened soft drinks with alcohol has on breath-alcohol concentration (BrAC).

The study suggests that women are most at risk of getting more drunk (by as much as 20 percent), because they tend to be the ones who go for the diet soda most often when mixing drinks. This behavior is most likely associated with women who are keener on watching their waistlines.

While the study, to be published in the April 2013 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, only included a small set of individualseight men and eight womenthe results were pretty impressive.

A team of researchers, led by Cecile Marczinski of Northern Kentucky University (NKU), asked participants to come to the research lab on two separate days to test the effects of mixing sweet and non-sweetened beverages with alcohol.

During the first visit, the researchers gave the participants a vodka drink with a diet mixer and observed as they became intoxicated. On the next visit, the researchers offered the same drink, only this time mixed with a sugary beverage. During both visits, the mixed drinks had the potency of about four mixed drinks, ensuring the dose would produce favorable results for the team, as it has been shown in past studies that this amount is enough to raise the blood-alcohol level to the legal driving limit.

The researchers discovered that when drinking the sugar-free concoction, the participants became more intoxicated more quickly than when drinking the sugary mixed drink. And not only did they become drunk faster, but the sugar-free concoction sent them over the legal driving limit, whereas the sugary drink did not.

Surprisingly, the participants reported that they did not feel any more inebriated on the sugar-free version than they did on the sugary drink, and were just as likely to think they were sober enough to get behind the wheel.

What you choose to mix your alcohol with could possibly be the difference between breaking or not breaking the law, said Marczinski, assistant professor in the Department of Psychological Science at NKU.

The team used breath tests to monitor the BrAC levels in the participants. They also had them complete computer tasks to test their reaction times, mimicking what they might face while driving. Those drinking the diet concoction were slower to respond. The team said they would have had to add at least one more sugary drink mix to get participants to the same level they were at on the diet concoction.

Original post:
Diet Mixers Will Make You More Intoxicated Than Using Regular Soft Drinks

Diet Drinks As Mixers May Make for More Potent Cocktails

Posted: February 6, 2013 at 5:45 pm

Serena Gordon HealthDay Reporter Posted: Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 10:57 AM

TUESDAY, Feb. 5 (HealthDay News) -- Calorie counters, beware: Drinking diet "mixers" with alcohol intensifies the effects of the booze, according to the findings of breathalyzer tests.

Preliminary research on the use of different mixers, such as juice, soda or diet soda, suggests that diet soda might increase breath alcohol content more than higher calorie sugary beverages.

"The key thing is to be aware of this phenomenon," said study author Cecile Marczinski, an assistant professor in the department of psychological science at Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights.

"People tend to think that cutting calories is important, but when you're drinking alcohol, calories help slow down the release of alcohol to your liver and brain," Marczinski said.

Breath alcohol concentration, which is what police measure to determine if someone has consumed more than the legal limit of alcohol, is affected by different factors. Food in the stomach can lower breath alcohol concentration by up to 57 percent compared to drinking on an empty stomach, according to background information in the study.

Because many people are concerned about their weight, particularly young women, the researchers wanted to see how a drink mixer might affect breath alcohol levels.

For the study, released Feb. 5 online in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, the researchers recruited eight males and eight females, average age 23, to attend three study sessions. At one session, they drank vodka mixed with regular Squirt, a soda. At another, they drank vodka mixed with diet Squirt, which is artificially sweetened with aspartame. At the final session, a placebo session, they drank regular soda with a small amount of alcohol on the top of the drink to create the smell of booze.

At each session, the study volunteers drank the equivalent of three to four bar drinks in a short period of time, said Marczinski. Breath alcohol content was measured eight times in the three hours following the drinks' consumption.

Breath alcohol levels peaked 40 minutes after the study volunteers had their drinks. When the alcohol was mixed with regular soda containing sugar, the peak breath alcohol level was just under the legal limit at 0.077. But for diet soda drinkers, the peak was at 0.091, which is above the legal limit for driving a car.

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Diet Drinks As Mixers May Make for More Potent Cocktails

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