Green Tea Weight Loss! Learn about Green Tea Weight Loss!
Green tea weight loss at If you #39;re looking into green tea weight loss, this video will really help. Get a free report on green tea weight loss. Hi, I #39;m Dr. Dan Giuglianotti and I #39;m glad to see you here for your next tip from The Lean You Weight Loss and Wellness. These tips are meant to be quick and easy ways to help you lose weight, and improve your health. Today I wanted to talk about green tea when it comes to weight loss. Strictly speaking, there is some mid level evidence that show green tea could help you lose weight. Mid level evidence that means there is some good evidence to suggest that green tea helps you lose weight, but these studies do not meet the standards for the best quality evidence. Some newer research shows that adding green tea to exercise may actually help you lose more weight than exercise alone. This way you put in the same effort working out, but can get rid of more abdominal fat, just by drinking green tea. A study from the Journal of Nutrition showed that overweight adults who engaged in an exercise program for 12 weeks lost more stomach fat if they also drank green tea. Not only did they shed more abdominal fat, but they also lost more weight overall. Researchers think that the ingredients in green tea may effect certain enzymes in your body that influence how you burn calories and fat. These ingredients, including catechins and small amount of caffeine may actually boost the body #39;s metabolism. So how much ...
By: TheLeanYou
Green Tea Weight Loss! Learn about Green Tea Weight Loss! - Video