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Hope Is What Sustains Us – Coach Gig’s Daily Locker Room – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

Hope Is What Sustains Us - Coach Gig #39;s Daily Locker Room Man does not live on bread alone. A balanced life diet includes hope. See a real world example in today #39;s video and live your very best life. httpFrom:thedailylockerroomViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:58More inHowto Style

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Hope Is What Sustains Us - Coach Gig's Daily Locker Room - Video

Eating Well for Healthy Skin with Hope Solo and Simple – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

Eating Well for Healthy Skin with Hope Solo and Simple
Hope Solo knows all too well - a healthy diet leads to healthy looking skin. Catch up with her in sunny LA as she shares a healthy lunch with Simple winner, Retasha. Hope even dishes a few of her favorite tips on caring for skin from the inside-out. For more skincare tips from Hope Solo on living a healthy, balanced lifestyle, visit 0ratingsTime:02:01More inHowto Style

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Eating Well for Healthy Skin with Hope Solo and Simple - Video

17 Year Old Natural Bodybuilder Young Fitness model – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

17 Year Old Natural Bodybuilder Young Fitness model
6% bodyfat 68kg 1,70 cm tall.. 17 years old . no suppluments 1 month work out lean muscle diet 🙂 check some poses :)))From:Manuel GrinViews:6 1ratingsTime:02:00More inSports

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17 Year Old Natural Bodybuilder Young Fitness model - Video

Doing Good – Kevin Koser – Liberation Wellness Hour – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

Doing Good - Kevin Koser - Liberation Wellness Hour
Making America Healthy, One Person at a Time! Myo-Fascial and Cranial-Sacral Therapist Kevin Koser speaks with host Kevin Brown about his holistic therapies and the overall concept of Doing Good. Kevin Kosner info can be found at Kevin Brown is President of Liberation Wellness and co-author of the Liberation Diet. He serves as a Fellow on the National Board of Fitness Examiners, and is president of Visionary Trainers. Kevin and his wife Tracy are Chapter leaders for the Weston A. Price foundation, a non-profit organization that is helping restore real food to its rightful place in the American diet.From:LiberationWellnessViews:0 0ratingsTime:40:05More inNonprofits Activism

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Doing Good - Kevin Koser - Liberation Wellness Hour - Video

Best Way To Gain Muscle – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

Best Way To Gain Muscle Click on the link Best way to gain muscle Advice That Will Help You Increase Your Muscle If you are working to gain the muscle mass that eliminates your body fat, you must remember that there is more to accomplishing this feat than just lifting weights. Diet, rest and consistency are going to play important roles in your success. Read the article that follows to learn more. Find a training partner that you can rely on. If you can find a buddy that is as interested in building muscle as you are, you are sure to have more fun and stay dedicated for a longer period of time. You may even feed off of each other by competing. Discover 3 Muscle Building Mistakes Are You Making One Of These Big Mistakes? Learn More. Or Click On The Link Below To maximize your muscle development, avoid heavy amounts of cardiovascular training while you are lifting large amounts of weights. If you are trying to build great muscle mass, cardio workouts can get in the way of that. Blending weights and cardio is ok, but if you are doing one or the other to an extreme degree, you have to cut down on the other in order to get the results you want. It is a good idea to work out in the presence of others in order for you to push yourself to your limit. Many people slack off a bit when they are lifting weights if they know that no one is there to notice that they are not working as hard as they could be. If you really want to start gaining ...From:QLMlocal QLMdealsViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:31More inHowto Style

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Best Way To Gain Muscle - Video

Paleo and Paleo Pregnancy Questions Answered – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

Paleo and Paleo Pregnancy Questions Answered
A Paleo diet involves eating meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, little starch, some fruit and no sugar. It means no grains, legumes, dairy or alcohol. It means staying away from all processed foods. You don #39;t have to be strict 100% paleo to reep the benefits of this diet/lifestyle! There is plenty of research indicating that milk is not an optimal food. Milk has some good qualities, but it is high in sugar and lactose. Lactose digestion is difficult for many, and some are allergic to casein, the protein in milk. We do not drink cow #39;s milk, but we use heavy cream, and other dairy products such as cheese, sour cream, etc. Something I forgot to mention, we only use coconut oil and olive oil. We no longer use Soy, Corn, Canola, or other vegetable oils. These are all highly processed. In general, combine good fats with protein and vegetables, and enjoy fruit and nuts in limited quantities. Afraid of fat? I was too, until I read this book: It changed the way I thought about medical research concerning diet, heart disease, diabetes, and saturated fat intake. Robb Wolf #39;s Website: Mark Sission #39;s Website: Paleo Dinner links: hollywouldifshecould.netFrom:Jlk6532Views:1 0ratingsTime:15:18More inPeople Blogs

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Paleo and Paleo Pregnancy Questions Answered - Video

Indian Diet for Diabetes

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

In a country where it has been estimated that around 40 million people are affected with one or the other form of diabetes, Indians have a lot to worry about.

When it comes to a condition like diabetes, theres plenty of information available and that is a cause of worry too. The question remains, what suits you best? To know that, it is important to first analyze the type of diabetes you are suffering from.

There are only two well-known types of diabetes, one is non insulin dependent (NIDDM) or Type-II Diabetes, and the other is insulin-dependent (IDDM) or Type-I Diabetes. One of the factors that differentiate the two types is the diet a person would need to essentially follow. Indian food habits being such crucial aspects of a lifestyle, it becomes imperative to determine the perfect diet to be followed by individuals suffering from respective types of diabetes. What to Watch out for

While determining the diet for a diabetic, it is important to consider complications like high blood pressure or cholesterol that they may be prone to. As the doctor would advise, a simple and balanced diet, in adherence to the persons calorie requirement, works best.

High fibre foods like dalia, green vegetables, fruits such as apple, peach and guava are very good for diabetes. Food items low on fibre content but high on carbohydrate have to be removed and fatty foods are a complete no-no.

An ideal diet

Planning an entire day is another important part of a diabetics diet and that can be done with the help of the following chart, which takes care of the diabetes type.

Diet Chart for Type-I Diabetic

Breakfast: Boiled egg, corn flakes, brown bread toast, tea or coffee (no sugar) Brunch: Fruits, juice (without sugar) Lunch: Two chapattis, curry, veggies (seasonal and green), bitter gourd (karela), salad, raita Evening Tea: Sandwich, toast, or baked snacks Dinner: Two chapattis, dal, veggies (cabbage, capsicum), salad, sugar-free dessert Diet Chart for Type-II diabetic

Breakfast: Toast, tea or coffee (without sugar), fruit, salted dalia Lunch: Two chapattis, veggies (beans and other greens), dal (yellow, moong), raita and salad (People can skip Brunch when they are Type-II diabetics) Evening Tea: Snacks preferably salted, veg. or non-veg. soup Dinner: Two chapattis made of mixed flour (wheat, gram and soya), veggies, cottage cheese (paneer), salad

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Indian Diet for Diabetes

Starchy, high carbohydrate diet associated with recurrence of colon cancer

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

ScienceDaily (Nov. 7, 2012) Colon cancer survivors whose diet is heavy in complex sugars and carbohydrate-rich foods are far more likely to have a recurrence of the disease than are patients who eat a better balance of foods, a new study by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers indicates.

The connection is especially strong in patients who are overweight or obese, the authors write. More than 1,000 patients with advanced (stage III) colon cancer participated in the study, one of the first to examine how diet can affect the chances that the disease will recur.

The findings are being published online by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and will appear later in the journal's print edition.

Although the results point to a potential hazard, for colon cancer patients, of a high-carbohydrate diet, the take-home message is not a conclusive "Eat less sugar," said lead author Jeffrey Meyerhardt, MD, MPH. "Our study certainly supports the idea that diet can impact the progression of colon cancer, and that patients and their doctors should consider this when making post-treatment plans. But further research is needed to confirm our findings."

Recent studies have shown that colorectal cancer survivors whose diet and activity patterns lead to excess amounts of insulin in the blood have a higher risk of cancer recurrence and death from the disease. High insulin levels can be produced by eating too many starchy and sugar-laden foods. In a previous study of advanced-stage colon cancer patients, Meyerhardt and his colleagues found that those with a typical "Western" diet -- marked by high intakes of meat, fat, refined grains, and sugar desserts -- were three times more likely to have a cancer recurrence than those whose diets were least Western. The new study was conducted to explore which component of the Western diet is most responsible for the increased risk of recurrence.

The study involved 1,011 stage III colon cancer patients who had undergone surgery and participated in a National Cancer Institute-sponsored Cancer and Leukemia Group B clinical trial of follow-up chemotherapy for their disease. Participants reported their dietary intake during and six months after the trial.

Researchers tracked the patients' total carbohydrates, as well as their glycemic index (a measure of how quickly blood sugar levels rise after eating a particular food), and glycemic load (which takes into account the amount of a carbohydrate actually consumed), and looked for a statistical connection between these measures and the recurrence of colon cancer.

They found that participants with the highest dietary levels of glycemic load and carbohydrate intake had an 80 percent increased risk of colon cancer recurrence or death compared with those who had the lowest levels. Among patients who were overweight or obese (had a body mass index above 25 kg/m2), the increase was even greater.

"In light of our and other's research, we theorize that factors including a high glycemic load may stimulate the body's production of insulin," Meyerhardt said. "That, in turn, may increase the proliferation of cells and prevent the natural cell-death process in cancer cells that have metastasized from their original site."

Meyerhardt added that while the study doesn't prove that diets high in glycemic load and carbohydrate intake cause recurrence of colon cancer, the results strongly suggest that such dietary factors play a role. "Our findings may offer useful guidance for patients and physicians in ways of improving patient survival after treatment."

See the article here:
Starchy, high carbohydrate diet associated with recurrence of colon cancer

New hCG Diet App from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Puts Fast Weight Loss in the Palm of …

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

Technology offers those who take advantage of it a simpler way of life through increased information and advanced science. To aid weight loss, Diet Doc now offers a mobile app for Apple platforms (Iphone and Ipad), packed with features to help users monitor their hCG diet and transition into a healthy lifestyle.

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) November 06, 2012

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans leads the nation in fast weight loss by incorporating technology into their already superior hCG diet. Taking advantage of technology is what sets the Diet Doc hCG Diet apart from their competitors. Diet Doc recently teamed with Apillicious, the makers of the original hCG diet app to release an intuitive mobile app called "Diet Doc", intended to help clients monitor their hCG diets as well as aid healthy lifestyle choices. The Diet Doc App allows users to monitor their hCG diet through all 4 phases, counting calories, proteins, and allowing users to monitor every nuance of their hCG diet. The Diet Doc hCG diet app contains over 30 individual and unique features, including an extensive 5,000+ diet food database to give dieters information about the most common diet friendly foods, daily meal planning and supplement tracking, calculating time remaining until the users goal weight is achieved, and many more intuitive weight loss features.

To view a list of all features available from the Diet Doc Mobile hCG diet App, visit Apple's Itunes' store here: hCG Diet app

The Diet Doc hCG diet App is intended to help Diet Doc's clients reach their weight loss goals quickly, and provide a tangible reference for learning how to maintain healthy habits and long term weight loss. This weight loss solution helps guide your diet by planning your daily food intake from the beginning all the way through to your maintenance/life phase. The Diet Doc Mobile hCG diet app allows clients to plan their meals, adjust portion amounts, and search the food database in order to make healthy eating choices. Since it is important to monitor development, progress photos and journal notes can all be saved in one convenient place, right on the users iPhone or iPad. Users of the Diet Doc Mobile App will have the ability to set up alerts and notifications to remind them when it is time to drink water, eat lunch, and have a healthy snack to aid in the hCG weight loss plan. Perfect for anyone, the Diet Doc hCG diet app allows users to adjust weights or measurements in the tool, and display the results in different formats such as graphs or other easy to read charts. No longer will Diet Docs hCG diet users have to remember every intricacy of fast weight loss, clients using the Diet Doc hCG diet app have boundless information at their fingertips.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans has become the nation's leading hCG diet plan provider because they realize what it takes to lose weight; devotion, attention to detail, and constant access to information. With their new Diet Doc Mobile App for the iPhone and iPad, Diet Doc has placed the technological advancements of dietary nutrition, supplements, and fast weight loss into the palm of their clients' hands. In making so much information available via a mobile hCG diet app, Diet Doc assures users that their hCG diet has never been so easy to follow and understand. It is this overabundance of information that is the catalyst for healthy lifestyle change. Diet Doc is certain that when clients are able to access any and all available information about the hCG diet, safe weight loss, and healthy diet foods, this information will bring clients increasingly closer to making the healthy lifestyle changes necessary for fast weight loss and continual maintenance for a lifetime of good health.

Julie Wright hCGTreatments / Diet Doc 888-934-4451 Email Information

New hCG Diet App from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Puts Fast Weight Loss in the Palm of ...

Early sales of Vivus's diet pill disappoint, shares slide

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:42 pm

(Reuters) - Vivus Inc reported lackluster initial sales of its weight-loss pill Qsymia as a lack of reimbursement coverage prompted concerns about the drug's adoption and dragged down shares of diet-drug makers.

Shares of Vivus were down 24 percent at $11.38 on Tuesday afternoon on the Nasdaq after recovering from an earlier low of $11.00.

Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc's shares were down 6 percent at $7.51, while those of Orexigen Therapeutics Inc were off 5 percent at $4.99.

Arena's diet pill Belviq is set to launch early next year and Orexigen is planning a re-submission of the marketing application for its competing product, Contrave.

Earlier this year, Belviq and Qsymia became the first new diet pills to receive marketing in 13 years as pressure mounts on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to approve obesity treatments for some two-thirds of Americans who are considered overweight or obese.

Vivus recorded $41,000 in Qsymia sales since its launch on September 17 through the end of the month. Analysts on average had expected about $310,000, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

The company's chief commercial officer Mike Miller flagged concerns over the drug's lack of insurance coverage and said "about 30 percent of patients chose not to fill after receiving a (Qsymia) prescription due to cash outlay."

"The average retail price for the patient for 30 days or the recommended dose is approximately $160," Miller said on a post-earnings call.

"Currently, we are seeing one out of five (patients) being covered by third-party insurance with an average co-pay of $62."

Robert Hazlett of Roth Capital Partners, who maintained his "neutral" rating on the stock, said reimbursement was an obstacle, but given that the company is in the very early stages of selling the drug, it can overcome these hurdles over time.

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Early sales of Vivus's diet pill disappoint, shares slide

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