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Diabetes: Weight loss' effect is thrown into question

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:41 pm

People with type 2 diabetes often are encouraged to lose weight to improve their health, but a puzzling new study may have some questioning that advice.

A recent study showed that obese people with diabetes who lost a modest amount of weight didn't lower their risk of having a heart attack or stroke, but the weight loss did help improve many other health factors.

"While we did not show a benefit of modest weight loss for cardiovascular events, we did show the benefits of weight loss for improving depression, quality of life, sleep apnea, incontinence, fitness, physical function and blood sugar control," says Rena Wing, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University and chairman of the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) study. The research was financed by the National Institutes of Health.

In diabetes ?? a disease spotlighted in November during American Diabetes Month ?? the body does not make enough of the hormone insulin, or it doesn't use it properly. Insulin helps glucose (sugar) get into cells, where it is used for energy. If there's an insulin problem, sugar builds up in the blood, damaging nerves and blood vessels. There are two major forms: type 1 and type 2, which accounts for 90% to 95% of diabetes.

Diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, foot and leg amputations and blindness. Almost 26 million children and adults (8.3% of the population) in the United States have diabetes.

For the study, researchers at 16 centers around the country worked with 5,145 obese people with type 2 diabetes. Their average starting weight was about 200 pounds. The study was designed to see whether weight loss reduced the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Half of the participants were assigned to an intensive diet and exercise program. They attended individual and group meetings where they were taught strategies for weight loss by cutting calories and increasing physical activity. They used some meal replacements during the weight-loss and maintenance phases of the program.

The other half received a general program of diabetes education several times a year. All participants continued to follow the medical advice of their physician.

Findings: Those in the diet group lost about 8% of their starting weight (about 16 pounds) in the first year and maintained nearly 5% (about 10 pounds) of that loss. Participants in the diabetes education group lost about 1% (2 pounds) of their starting weight and kept it off. Everyone was tracked for up to 11 years.

After four years, the findings showed that those in the diet-and-exercise group improved their hemoglobin A1C readings (which looks at a person's average blood sugar levels for the past three months), fitness, systolic (top number) blood pressure and HDL (good) cholesterol more than those in the diabetes education group. The diet-and-exercise group also required less medication to control the diabetes, Wing says.

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Diabetes: Weight loss' effect is thrown into question

How to loss weight-vs. – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 9:40 pm

How to loss weight-vs.
How to loss weight fastFrom:tylercoeyViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:17More inPeople Blogs

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How to loss weight-vs. - Video

Best Fwends – Diet Coke Head – Video

Posted: November 6, 2012 at 12:42 am

Best Fwends - Diet Coke Head
"music used by permission of the artist" "Indie Radio" , Direct Link : ustre.amFrom:created1983Views:2 0ratingsTime:01:41More inMusic

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Best Fwends - Diet Coke Head - Video

diet interview one – Video

Posted: November 6, 2012 at 12:42 am

diet interview one
diet interview oneFrom:ARose85ableViews:0 0ratingsTime:10:01More inEducation

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diet interview one - Video

diet interview two – Video

Posted: November 6, 2012 at 12:42 am

diet interview two
diet interview twoFrom:ARose85ableViews:0 0ratingsTime:10:01More inEducation

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diet interview two - Video

diet interview three – Video

Posted: November 6, 2012 at 12:42 am

diet interview three
diet interview threeFrom:ARose85ableViews:1 0ratingsTime:05:31More inEducation

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diet interview three - Video

Diet Coke Video Project – Video

Posted: November 6, 2012 at 12:42 am

Diet Coke Video Project
Video Editing Assignment Journalism 304 Ian Cummings Lab Lily SandersFrom:Lily SandersViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:17More inPeople Blogs

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Diet Coke Video Project - Video

Alternative Health

Posted: November 6, 2012 at 12:42 am

Alternative Health Natural Healing
Alternative Health Natural Healing Must See! I have tried it and it Works! I truly believe in alternative medicine because I have tried it and it does work! Much better than meds and no side effects! Five different guests addressed various alternative health and medical issues. Appearing during the first hour, Dr. Len Horowitz reported on vaccine dangers, citing the recent case of a teenage girl in the UK who died immediately after receiving a vaccine said to protect against the human papilloma virus. Such vaccines have ingredients like mercury and adjuvants that are "hideously toxic," he exclaimed. Len Saputo MD spoke about the importance of using a holistic approach in medicine. People should only consider drugs/surgery for a medical problem after they have exhausted other avenues, such as lifestyle changes, and vitamins/supplements, he advised. Appearing in the second hour, Dr. Anthony Horan detailed how the PSA blood test returns far too many false positives (as high as 70%) in diagnosing prostate cancer. Further, procedures to treat prostate cancer such as radical surgery and radiation may cause more problems than they fix, he noted. A patient with prostate cancer (which is one of slowest acting cancers) would be better off having a "limited freeze" (cryotherapry) of the primary site, which would stall the spread of the disease, he detailed. Horan also recommended a heart healthy/low fat diet to reduce the chances of getting prostate cancer. Dr. Fred Bisci ...From:Angels2TouchYou2Views:0 0ratingsTime:02:35:32More inScience Technology

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Alternative Health

Health-o-meter – Keep Track Of Your Notes, Numbers and Pictures Using Calendar – Video

Posted: November 6, 2012 at 12:42 am

Health-o-meter - Keep Track Of Your Notes, Numbers and Pictures Using Calendar
Health-o-meter - Keep Track Of Your Notes, Numbers and Pictures Using Calendar Health-o-meter is an easy-to-use and powerful app that helps you take notes, record numbers and pictures on a calendar. Improve productivity, keep track of your data and stay organized. Features: #10003; Take pictures and place them on a calendar. #10003; Create notes and plot your data on the calendar. #10003; Enter numbers using no keyboard. #10003; Plot graphs and explore your data. #10003; Display data in a table and calculate statistics. #10003; Save your data in a CSV text based format file. #10003; Sync files to your computer via iTunes. #10003; Email notes and data file for backup and storage. #10003; Store the date in iCloud. #10003; Go offline anytime -- no internet required! Some ways to use Health-o-meter for your personal and professional life: * Keep track and explore your health in pictures and numbers. * Record your fitness achievements using numbers, plots and photos. * Manage and record your medication and diet numbers. * Add recipes and related pictures for each day. * Store and explore product prices with pictures for comparison shopping. * Keep track of your finances: record how much you spend in each category. * Take meeting and class notes and capture ideas. * Research smarter: snap photos of whiteboards and diagrams. * Reduce paper clutter: take snapshots of receipts, restaurant menus etc. Learn more: If you like the app, please write us a good review on iTunes. Your support would greatly help ...From:LifewareSolutionsViews:1 1ratingsTime:01:49More inScience Technology

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Health-o-meter - Keep Track Of Your Notes, Numbers and Pictures Using Calendar - Video

Viva Las Vegas + Hooray for CASH Prizes! New

Posted: November 6, 2012 at 12:42 am

Viva Las Vegas + Hooray for CASH Prizes! New Notable for the week of Nov 5th
Las Vegas 2013: Diet Coke Video Contest: #39;Shoot For Reverse #39; Videomaker Weekly Challenge: Campbell #39;s Go Video Assignment: New and Notable Video Contests - Week of November 5th Biggest cash prize: $8000 and a trip to Las Vegas in the Las Vegas 2013: Diet Coke Video Contest, brought to you by MOFILM. Diet Coke is seeking short films about following your heart and finding your passion, and you can even pitch to get a production grant to make your film (if you apply by Nov 8th!). Final videos due December 10th. Best non-cash prize: Get featured on the front page of the Videomaker website + 3 month subcription to Videomaker Plus in the #39;Shoot For Reverse #39; Videomaker Weekly Challenge. Videomaker magazine has started hosting weekly challenges, so you should keep your eye out for them. They are a great opportunity for you to bone up on filmmaking techniques and gain some exposure in the process. Due November 16th. Best trip: Trips to NYC, Napa and Carmel, CA + $25000 in the Ultimate Host Challenge 2012: Host #39;s Choice Round. This is the final round of a 4-round competition from Sterling Vineyards. Are you the host/ess with the most/ess? Show off your best party planning ideas (make sure you include some Sterling wine!), and you could be off on the foodie trips of a lifetime. Due November 12th. mdash; OVC #39;s Pick of the Week: Overall, our favorite contest this week is the Campbell #39;s Go Video Assignment, brought to you by Poptent. Campbell #39;s is seeking 1-2 minute ...From:OnlineVideoContestsViews:2 0ratingsTime:02:44More inFilm Animation

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Viva Las Vegas + Hooray for CASH Prizes! New

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