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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans Now Carrying Miracle Noodles, Fat Free and Calorie Free Weight …

Posted: October 17, 2012 at 11:15 am

Why should dieting have to be so bland and boring? Miracle Noodles offer a new, guilt free and fun solution to boring diets with zero calorie, zero fat Asian and Italian style noodles certain to produce fast weight loss when coupled with a Diet Doc hCG diet.

Orlando, FL (PRWEB) October 17, 2012

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss now offers Miracle Noodles in many varieties as a weight loss compliment a prescription hCG diet, allowing clients to eat tasty pasta dishes without cheating on their weight loss diet. Diet Doc offers the nation's most affordable hCG diet, and by becoming a Miracle Noodle authorized retailer, is now able to couple this revolutionary fast weight loss product with a proven hCG diet for fast weight loss. While on an hCG diet from Diet Doc, clients will have access to all the weight loss tools available with the hCG diet, along with healthy diet foods like Miracle Noodles that offer easy meal planning with little effort, just the right thing to keep a weary dieter on the right path to fast weight loss. Diet Doc offers Miracle Noodles in a variety of styles and flavors like fettuccini, garlic herb, angel hair, spinach, black shirataki, and standard Asian rice noodles. Miracle Noodles from Diet Doc are made of a natural healthy fiber that is water soluble, so dieters can prepare great tasting meals, quickly and without the guilt that accompanies calorie packed rice noodle dishes. These Miracle Noodles constitute only a small portion of the support that Diet Doc Weight Loss offers clients. Diet Doc's physicians and nutritionists can custom tailor an hCG weight loss diet for every client, taking in certain factors like age, health, and weight loss goals before determining the best weight loss for each client. This usually consists of low-carb, low fat foods like Miracle Noodles, making this product a perfect complement to the Diet Doc stable of weight loss diets.

If interested in discovering the miracle behind Miracle Noodles, more information can be found on Diet Doc's website here. Simply click the link and discover how eating healthy and losing weight does not have to be arduous, complicated, or slow. hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Weight Loss Plans offers a proven weight loss solution called the hCG diet, which consists of prescription hCG treatments, a physician created, carefully monitored nutrition diet, and constant support via checkups and consultations.

Julie Wright hCGTreatments / Diet Doc 888-934-4451 Email Information

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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans Now Carrying Miracle Noodles, Fat Free and Calorie Free Weight ...

New triggers: Researchers focus on air pollution, sleep deprivation as weight gain causes

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 3:12 pm

As obesity rates soar worldwide, the antidote may seem obvious: Eat less! Move more! But the common-sense approach hasnt been terribly effective, prompting some scientists to question the simplicity of the formula.

Although personal decisions and self-control certainly play a large role in weight gain, a burgeoning area of research suggests that other factors, from air pollution to sleep deprivation, might be subtly helping humans pack on the pounds.

Obesity, it turns out, is a complex condition that involves multiple genes and pathways. Scientists are finding that certain exposures or conditions can change the bodys metabolism, disrupt the trillions of microbes working in the gut and alter hormonal levels in ways that affect a persons weight.

Studies have identified nearly a dozen factors besides overeating and inactivity that can help make people fat, including chemicals in the environment. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that children and teens with higher levels of the chemical bisphenol A in their urine were more likely to be overweight or obese than others. Its next to impossible to avoid BPA, which is used to make shatterproof plastics and resins and is found in some food packaging, toys, cash register receipts and thousands of other products.

Its an epidemic of 1,000 paper cuts, said Andrew Rundle, a professor of epidemiology at Columbia Universitys Mailman School of Public Health, whose research explores environmental triggers of obesity. For some people, appeals to personal responsibility will work. For others, we have to think about all the systemic things going on. I dont discount personal choice and responsibility. Its just way more complicated than that.

Current public health initiatives on obesity tend to aim at just two targets: Americans lack of physical activity and the marketing practices of the food industry. That somewhat obsessive focus has come at a cost, said David Allison, director of the Nutrition Obesity Research Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Though the big two play a role, taking a myopic view has led to the neglect of other plausible mechanisms and (to) well-intentioned but ill-founded proposals for reducing obesity rates, Allison wrote in a 2006 study published in the International Journal of Obesity, one of the first to offer creative explanations for weight gain.

Lauren Brush, of Chicago, is one of many who have tried following the conventional advice with little success. Though she says she sticks to a strict 1,200-calorie diet and exercises regularly with a heart-rate monitor, the 24-year-old is still heavier than shed like to be.

I always thought of weight loss as a simple format calories in and calories out, said Brush, who is 5-foot-4 and weighs 160 pounds. Ive found thats not the case whatsoever.

Brush has been fighting to lose weight since childhood. In college, she worked with nutritionists on portion size and making smart food choices. She has been tested for food allergies and tried gluten- and dairy-free diets. She has counted calories and, when that didnt work, ignored them. Doctors have ruled out thyroid issues and problems with her metabolism, she said.

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New triggers: Researchers focus on air pollution, sleep deprivation as weight gain causes

hCG Diet Plan by Diet Doc is the Best Diet According to Recent Survey of 30,000 Patients, The Diet Doc hCG Diet is …

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Diet Doc hCG Diet is the best diet plan according to a new survey of 30,000 Diet Doc weight loss patients. Diet Doc is known for as the best diet plan as the doctor designed and managed hCG diet incorporates prescription hCG, prescription weight loss pills, diet foods along with incorporating the best parts of the Paleo diet, Atkins diet and Gluten free diets into a powerful, doctor designed and managed diet plan.

Houston, TX (PRWEB) October 15, 2012

The Diet Doc hCG Diet is a sophisticated doctor designed and managed weight loss program that personalizes a diet plan for each person based on health history, age, gender and lifestyle. This modern day hCG diet also incorporates the best attributes of other diets clinically shown to help provide weight loss, such as: Paleo diet, Atkins diet, Gluten free diet, Protein diet, healthy diet and more.

Diet Doc hCG Diet also incorporates diet foods and prescription weight loss pills that when combined with prescription weight loss drugs and a personalized diet plan, all result in fast weight loss that is long term.

Diet Doc is a medical, weight loss program that utilizes the best diet plans into a powerful, effective diet. Diet Doc provides medical weight loss nationwide.

Julie Wright Diet Doc Weight Loss 888-934-4451 Email Information

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hCG Diet Plan by Diet Doc is the Best Diet According to Recent Survey of 30,000 Patients, The Diet Doc hCG Diet is ...

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans Announces a Personalized Diet Plan to Target Post-Pregnancy …

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Many women look for a silver bullet to remove unwanted belly fat after pregnancy. hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans can create a custom tailored hCG diet to help shed unwanted belly fat and produce fast weight loss with little to no side effects.

Orlando, FL (PRWEB) October 16, 2012

Diet Doc Weight Loss consultants have reported an increase of new mothers seeking help in minimizing stubborn post-pregnancy belly fat. Medical Director for Diet Doc Dr. Nishant Rao says, this hard-to-target area can be the toughest to lose the excess belly fat partly because of its location but mainly due to the type of fat that surrounds the area. The type of fat that surrounds the abdominal region comes in two different forms: subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat is the fatty tissue located just beneath the skin and is actually functional, acting as a shock absorber, cushioning the skin for trauma and also storing energy, which the body will use as reserves when needed. Visceral fat, located deep inside the abdomen, is unhealthy and should be minimized. An excess of visceral fat is known as central obesity, or "belly fat", causing the abdomen to protrude markedly. The correlation between central obesity and cardiovascular disease is strong. Excess visceral fat is also linked to type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, inflammatory diseases, and other obesity-related diseases. Visceral fat is located around the organs and is the type of fat that is stubborn and hard to lose once it is gained. Women begin pregnancy overweight are more likely to develop higher amounts of visceral fat, in addition to simple subcutaneous fat.

Diet Docs modernized hCG diet has been known to effectively target both types of abdominal fat. A combination of prescription hCG drops fortified with energizing vitamin B12 and a personalized ketogenic diet allowing up to 1250 calories daily is used to burn unwanted belly fat. Dieters also have the option of hCG injections, which is found to be most effective, or hCG sublingual tablets. Dr. Rao adds that, each element of our hCG weight loss program was well thought out to target the problem areas, such as the abdominal region. Weve helped hundreds of new mothers get their pre-pregnancy body back within the first month of the program.

Diet Doc suggests that new mothers start the hCG diet plan at least six weeks after giving birth to allow the body to transition into its normal state, both physically and metobolically. Diet Doc will then give a complete health assessment to determine the best diet plan and proper dosage of hCG treatments. After the customized program is approved by a weight loss physician, it will be administered by a weight loss specialist and monitored weekly. Clients are given access to Diet Doc's team of weight loss experts 6 days a week.

Diet Doc is the leader in hCG weight loss systems because they tailor every diet plan to each individual and provide constant support for clients. Along with their personalized hCG diet plans, Diet Doc / hCGTreatments offers national consultation with leading weight loss professionals via telephone or Skype.

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Julie Wright Diet Doc Weight Loss 888-934-4451 Email Information

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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans Announces a Personalized Diet Plan to Target Post-Pregnancy ...

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans Announces Medical Weight Loss Program to Lower Blood Pressure

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Diet Doc creates customized weight loss programs using a modernized hCG diet plan that is found to have many health benefits according to sources.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 15, 2012

Diet Docs hCG diet plan is created and managed by a team of doctors, nutritionists and weight loss coaches. Following a personalized ketogenic diet, the hCG diet plan consists of four progressive stages with each re-introducing essential food groups. Dr. Rao Medical Director for Diet Doc says the goal of our weight loss diet plan is to have the body produce ketones which are compounds that the body can use to produce energy, a contrast to the average body that uses glucose from simple carbohydrates like breads and pastas for energy. A state of ketosis in the body is present with the lack of glucose in the bloodstream, the body draws on fat deposits for fuel, creating energizing ketones in the blood. Switching the body from being a carb-burning machine to a fat-burning one causes one to lose weight and even lower blood pressure.

Diet Doc also uses pharmaceutical-grade hCG fortified with energizing vitamin b12 as an integral part of their medical weight loss program. Offering the hCG treatments in three forms: injections, pills and drops, each patient has the freedom to choose how they would like to administer the hormone. hCG is a hormone that is naturally produced in pregnant women. It is known that this hormone works as a natural appetite suppressant as well as triggers the body to use fat as a source of energy.

Diet Doc shows their passion for helping people get on a healthy track by making their medical weight loss program affordable for almost anyone. Offering a promising solution to prevent the many health conditions that come with weight gain and obesity, Julie Wright Founder and CEO for Diet Doc says our mission is more just than getting people to lose weight and lower blood pressure, we truly work to make a life-long changes in people so they can live a long and healthy life.

Julie Wright Diet Doc Weight Loss 888-934-4451 Email Information

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans Announces Medical Weight Loss Program to Lower Blood Pressure

Weight Loss Surgery Boosts Risk For Substance Abuse

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Editor's Choice Main Category: Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness Also Included In: Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs Article Date: 16 Oct 2012 - 0:00 PDT

Current ratings for: Weight Loss Surgery Boosts Risk For Substance Abuse

This report, published in Archives of Surgery, describes previous studies that relates bariatric weight loss surgery candidates to individuals addicted to other substances such as nicotine and alcohol. These candidates suffer from binge-eating disorder and display addictive personalities, therefore after their weight loss surgery (WLS), they may replace overeating with a different substance. Patients have been advised to explore these effects before undergoing surgery

Alexis Conason, Psy.D., of New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center, and colleagues, examined survey responses from 155 patients (132 women) who underwent weight loss surgery, and signed up after an informative session at a bariatric surgery center.

The participants underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (100) or laparoscopic gastric band surgery (55). All patients answered questionnaires to evaluate eating behaviors and substance use before their operation, and at one, three, six, twelve, and 24 months following surgery.

Patients documented noteworthy increases in the amount of substance use (a combination of drug use, alcohol use, and cigarette smoking) 24 months after surgery. Specifically, the authors saw that participants reported a meaningful increase in the prevalence of substance use from the time of the surgery to 24 months after surgery. Also seen was significant increases from one, three, and six months to 24 months following their operation.

Furthermore, those who had laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (LRYGB) reported a meaningful jump in the frequency of alcohol use from the period before surgery to 24 months afterwards.

The authors concluded:

Written by Kelly Fitzgerald Copyright: Medical News Today Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today


Originally posted here:
Weight Loss Surgery Boosts Risk For Substance Abuse

Weight loss surgery tied to increase in drinking: study

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 3:11 pm

REUTERS - People who had weight loss surgery reported greater alcohol use two years after their procedures, according to a U.S. study.

The researchers, whose findings appeared in the Archives of Surgery, said it's possible that some patients may turn to drinking if the surgery successfully stops their ability to overeat without addressing underlying issues.

In addition, the effect of certain stomach-shrinking procedures on alcohol tolerance may play a part.

"This is perhaps a risk," said Alexis Conason, who worked on the study at the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center.

"I don't think it should deter people from having surgery, but you should be cautious to monitor (alcohol use) after surgery," Conason told Reuters Health.

The study didn't show whether people were drinking in a dangerous way, and there was no clear increase in drug use or smoking after surgery.

Her team's study involved 155 people getting gastric bypass or gastric banding surgery, mostly women. Participants started the study with an average body mass index, or BMI, of 46 - equivalent of a 168 cm (five foot six inch) person weighing 129 kilograms (285 pounds).

Surgery is typically recommended for people with a BMI of at least 40, or at least 35 if they also have health problems such as diabetes or severe sleep apnea.

Alcohol use dropped immediately after surgery, from 61 percent of people who initially reported drinking to 20 percent at one month post-surgery. But by three months, drinking rates had started to creep back up.

And at two years out, people were drinking significantly more often than before their procedures.

See more here:
Weight loss surgery tied to increase in drinking: study

Weight loss surgery may be associated with increased substance use following surgery

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 3:11 pm

ScienceDaily (Oct. 15, 2012) Patients who undergo bariatric weight loss surgery may be at increased risk for substance use (drug use, alcohol use and cigarette smoking) following surgery, particularly among patients who undergo laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery who appear to be at increased risk for alcohol use following surgery, according to a report published Online First by Archives of Surgery, a JAMA Network publication.

"Studies have shown that drugs, alcohol, and food trigger similar responses in the brain and that bariatric surgery candidates whose condition has been diagnosed as binge-eating disorder (BED) display addictive personalities similar to individuals addicted to substances," the authors write as background in the study. "Therefore, alcohol and drugs (including nicotine) are likely to substitute for overeating following WLS [weight loss surgery.]"

Alexis Conason, Psy.D., of New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center, and colleagues, assessed questionnaire responses from 155 patients (132 women) who underwent weight loss surgery (WLS) and were recruited from an information session at a bariatric surgery center. Patients underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (n=100) or laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery (n=55). Each patient completed questionnaires to assess eating behaviors and substance use prior to the operation and at one, three, six, 12 and 24 months after surgery.

Overall, the authors found that patients reported an immediate decrease in frequency of substance use following WLS, but these improvements were not maintained by 3-month follow-up, and there was a significant increase in the frequency of substance use from the time of surgery to the 24-month follow-up.

Participants reported significant increases in the frequency of substance use (a composite of drug use, alcohol use, and cigarette smoking) 24 months following surgery. In particular, the authors found that patients reported a significant increase in the frequency of substance use from the time of surgery to 24 months after surgery, as well as significant increases from one, three, and six months to 24 months after surgery.

Additionally, patients who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (LRYGB) reported a significant increase in the frequency of alcohol use from the time before surgery to 24 months after surgery.

"Based on the present study, undergoing RYGB surgery appears to increase the risk for alcohol use following WLS," the authors conclude. "Risks and benefits should be weighted when recommending LRYGB surgery to patients who may be at increased risk of developing problems with alcohol after WLS, such as those with a personal or family history of alcohol abuse or dependence."

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Weight loss surgery may be associated with increased substance use following surgery

Weight loss surgery tied to increase in drinking

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 3:11 pm

People who had weight loss surgery reported greater alcohol use two years after their procedures than in the weeks beforehand, in a new study.

"This is perhaps a risk. I don't think it should deter people from having surgery, but you should be cautious to monitor (alcohol use) after surgery," Alexis Conason, who worked on the study at the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, told Reuters Health.

Researchers said it's possible some patients may turn to drinking if surgery successfully stops their ability to overeat without addressing their underlying issues. Or, the effects of certain types of stomach-shrinking procedures on alcohol tolerance may influence drinking habits.

Still, the new study can't show whether people were drinking in a dangerous way - and there was no clear increase in drug use or smoking after surgery.

"This does not mean that everyone who has gastric bypass surgery has problems with alcohol or becomes an alcoholic," said Conason.

Her team's study involved 155 people getting gastric bypass or gastric banding surgery, mostly women. Participants started the study with an average body mass index, or BMI, of 46 - equivalent to a five-foot, six-inch person who weighs 285 pounds.

Surgery is typically recommended for people with a BMI of at least 40, or at least 35 if they also have health problems such as diabetes or severe sleep apnea.

Alcohol use dropped immediately following surgery, from 61 percent of people who initially reported drinking to 20 percent at one month post-surgery.

But by three months, drinking rates had started to creep back up. And at two years out, people were drinking significantly more often than before their procedures, according to findings published Monday in the Archives of Surgery.

That was primarily the case for those who had gastric bypass surgery, not banding. On a scale from 0 to 10 of drinking frequency, where 0 represented never, 5 was sometimes and 10 always, gastric bypass patients reported an increase from 1.86 before surgery to 3.08 two years later.

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Weight loss surgery tied to increase in drinking

Obesity Control Center Leads Field in Weight Loss Surgeries

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Obesity Control Center is the global leader in proven and safe weight loss surgery for long-lasting results, including gastric band (lap band), gastric sleeve, gastric bypass and gastric plication. Led by Dr. Ariel Ortiz and a team of Board Certified Surgeons, the Obesity Control Center has performed more than 10,000 weight loss surgeries and is recognized as an International Center of Excellence for its superior patient care standards.

Tijuana, Mexico (PRWEB) October 15, 2012

Based just minutes outside of San Diego, California, in Baja California, Mexico, Obesity Control Center is recognized worldwide as both a pioneer in the field of bariatric (weight loss) surgery and the unchallenged leader. Built and designed specifically for weight loss procedures, the Obesity Control Center helps change the lives of patients who struggle with constant weight gain and obesity.

For millions of people around the world, obesity is a debilitating problem that affects nearly every aspect of a person's life. More than just a health issue, severe weight gain can cause barriers and obstacles that lead to additional psychological, social and emotional disabilities. This creates difficult hurdles that stand in the way of people's lives and prevent them from enjoying life to the fullest. Those who face these issues cannot help but feel a complete sense of helplessness, especially after trying various diets unsuccessfully.

It's not uncommon for individuals with obesity to move from one diet to another, only to see their weight yo-yo back and forth and increase even higher, says Dr. Ariel Ortiz, the director of Obesity Control Center and Board Certified medical surgeon. Our center is a state-of-the-art facility that provides safe, effective weight loss solutions to those who feel they have no other options. We specialize in all the leading gastric procedures, and we are recognized for offering the highest levels of patient care and safety in the field.

The Obesity Control Center offers a wide range of the most common weight loss procedures, as well as plastic and cosmetic surgeries to further help patients achieve their desired transformations.

Gastric procedures offered by the Obesity Control Center include:

Gastric Band Surgery (also known as the Lap Band, Realize Band, adjustable gastric banding)

Dr. Ariel Ortiz is recognized as the leading expert on Lap Band surgery, having trained under the original designer of the Lap Band, Dr. Mitiku Belachew. Dr. Ortiz has also trained hundreds of surgeons around the world to perform the procedure safely and effectively. He has been recognized by Newsweek as one of America's top surgeons and was also featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show for his expertise on childhood obesity.

The Obesity Control Center has been recognized as an SRC International Center of Excellence, which is awarded only to hospitals that meet extremely rigorous standards for patient care, safety, competency of staff and advanced equipment. This prestigious distinction is held by only 5% of hospitals in the United States.

Continued here:
Obesity Control Center Leads Field in Weight Loss Surgeries

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