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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans Announces New Line of Prescription-Only Diet Pills to Compliment …

Posted: October 8, 2012 at 7:14 pm

hGCTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans offers the only prescription Raspberry ketone supplements in the country. Other, over-the-counter Raspberry ketone pills do not have enough of the active ingredient to be truly effective; this is why a prescription is needed for Diet Doc's proprietary Raspberry ketone pills.

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) October 08, 2012

hGCTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans offers the only prescription Raspberry ketone supplements in the country. Other, over-the-counter Raspberry ketone pills do not have enough of the active ingredient to be truly effective; this is why a prescription is needed for Diet Doc's proprietary Raspberry ketone pills.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans have developed a great new line of prescription Raspberry ketone diet pills that are effective at helping patients lose weight fast. For those wondering how to lose weight, these new prescription Raspberry Ketone diet pills are specifically designed to burn fat, suppress appetite, and prevent or improve obesity. Under Diet Doc's medical supervision, these new prescription Raspberry ketone diet pills can be used unaided to teach clients how to lose weight or to ease into weight loss, or in conjunction with a prescription hCG diet from Diet Doc, which enhances weight loss exponentially. When used in conjunction with the prescription hCG diet from Diet Doc, clients report an average weight loss of 30 pounds in 30 days, or 1 pound-per-day of stubborn fat in trouble areas.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans has the only prescription Raspberry ketone pills on the market. Developed by Diet Doc's team of medical professionals, their Raspberry ketone pills work to increase the secretion of a hormone called adiponectin from the body's fat cells. Adiponectin is understood to regulate how the body processes sugars and fats in the bloodstream, thus boosting the breakup of fat cells and leaving the patient with less of an appetite as a side effect. Non-prescription Raspberry ketone supplements have become hard to find in stores, but Diet Doc currently is the only provider of prescription Raspberry ketone diet pills. Diet Doc has found that while adhering to a prescription hCG diet, the introduction of their prescription Raspberry Ketone pills has improved overall weight loss

performance by further promoting the metabolic state of ketosis in the body, a state at which the body is burning fat optimally. Diet Doc's Raspberry ketone pills contain 100mg of the active ingredient, Raspberry ketone, per capsule along with other essential supplements believed to foster fast weight loss. Each capsule also contains 1000mcg of vitamin B12 to increase fat metabolism and 100mg of L-Carnitine which helps the body transport fat out of the fat cell more efficiently.

Many companies offer diet pills and specifically Raspberry ketone supplements, but hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Weight Loss Plans is the only company to pharmaceutically manufacture their own proprietary, prescription Raspberry ketone diet pills, adding to an already impressive collection of weight loss products. What we learned while developing these prescription grade diet pills is that other diet pill companies are not including enough active ingredients to make their diet pills effective, reports Julie Wright, CEO and Founder of hCGTreatments / Diet Doc. It's not enough to say that there is Raspberry ketone inside a diet pill, the diet pill must contain enough of each active ingredient to actually produce results" Adds Wright. Most Americans are willing, but simply do not know how to lose weight fast. The professionals at Diet Doc truly know how to lose weight fast.

The physicians at Diet Doc assess every patents weight loss needs and wants before prescribing any medication. In conjunction with an individually tailored prescription hCG diet from Diet Doc, the results cannot be ignored. Patients lose an average of 1 pound per day of the most stubborn fat, and with the help of Diet Doc, continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle going forward. Diet Doc provides weight loss services to Americans nationwide with the Telehealth system, an internet conferencing method that allows anyone struggling with excess weight, weight related health problems, or just wondering how to lose weight fast to get the help that they need to begin living a healthier lifestyle.

Julie Wright hCGTreatments / Diet Doc 888-934-4451 Email Information

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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans Announces New Line of Prescription-Only Diet Pills to Compliment ...

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Diet Plans Announces Their Saffron Extract Formulated Prescription …

Posted: October 8, 2012 at 7:13 pm

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Weight Loss Diet Plans announced their saffron extract formulated prescription weight loss pills that trigger fast weight loss and address the problem of emotional eating.

Jackson, MS (PRWEB) October 08, 2012

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans announced their saffron extract formulated prescription weight loss pills that trigger fast weight loss and address the problem of emotional eating.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans announced their saffron extract formulated prescription weight loss pills whose active ingredient is in prescription form. Pure saffron acts on the same category of chemical transmitters in the brain that trigger food cravings and cause people to overeat. Saffron stops the cravings and makes people feel fuller by working with the bodys natural chemistry to and brings about a natural modulation of this response.

This new saffron extract formulated weight loss pill from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans eliminates the problem of emotional overeating that throws all weight loss programs off course and prevents people from achieving their weight loss goals.

As an exciting new appetite suppressing formula from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans to help maximize potential weight loss, the effectiveness of using highly-concentrated saffron extract in the form of this weight loss pill has been demonstrated by a number of recent clinical studies. These include eliminating most food cravings and promoting weight loss without resorting to crash dieting or other prescription weight loss pills. This proprietary extract of saffron is clinically shown to create satiety and helps prevent snacking, which supports reduction of both weight and inches with diet and exercise. Its unique mechanism helps improve and maintain levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which increases the satiety state while decreasing appetite.

Snacking primarily affects the female population and is frequently associated with stress. This uncontrolled eating behavior, predisposing weight gain and obesity can reduce snacking and enhance satiety through its suggested mood-improving effect, and thus contribute to weight loss. Healthy, mildly overweight women who participated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study that evaluated the efficacy of Saffron Extract supplementation on body weight changes over an 8-week period experienced a 100% reduction in the desire to snack, 50% fewer instances of between meal snacking, reduction in weight and inches, and improved mood and energy. No subject withdrawal attributable to a product effect was reported throughout the trial, suggesting a good tolerability to Saffron Extract and participants taking 88.25 milligrams twice daily of a standardized saffron extract lost body weight even though they were allowed to eat whatever they wanted and the majority of users reported success in the form of reduced cravings and weight loss, without side effects.

Twice a day, enrolled subjects consumed 1 capsule of Saffron Extract and the study suggests that a combination of an adequate diet with Saffron Extract supplementation might help subjects engaged in a weight loss program in achieving their objective. The results of this clinical study also spurred Dr Oz announcing Saffron Extract as a miracle appetite suppressor and serotonin mood booster. hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans is the only weight loss organization that uses the purest and a highly concentrated saffron extract called Saffron Extract in their prescription weight loss pills. Users also reported a mood improvement, which influences their food choices and promoted eating after they tried this new weight loss pill. Anything that is over-the-counter is a fraction of what dieters should be taking to enjoy the maximum benefits that these saffron extract Saffron Extract formulated prescription weight loss pills offer that includes suppressing appetite, curbing hunger, and improving the mood.

Julie Wright hCGTreatments / Diet Doc 888-934-4451 Email Information

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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Diet Plans Announces Their Saffron Extract Formulated Prescription ...

Rise in allergies is not due to humans being 'too clean,' scientists say

Posted: October 7, 2012 at 10:14 pm

Scientists are debunking the myth that the rise in allergies is due to a modern preoccupation with cleanliness, suggesting rather that we've lost touch with microbial "old friends."

A report from the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene released this week challenges the claim that the epidemic rise in allergies is due to overzealous housecleaning and a fondness for bleach cleaners.

Co-author of the report and honorary professor at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Sally Bloomfield says: "The underlying idea that microbial exposure is crucial to regulating the immune system is right. But the idea that children who have fewer infections, because of more hygienic homes, are then more likely to develop asthma and other allergies does not hold up."

Rather than being "too clean," humans have undergone radical lifestyle changes in the past century, including to their diets and work and home environments, as well as in environmental stress factors, such as physical inactivity in the workplace, which can hinder immunity, noted the scientists. Additionally, they note that even the cleanest houses in modern times are teeming with bacteria, dust mites, viruses, and fungi.

Still, while there is no shortage of microbes in our lives, we are in touch with a smaller diversity of "friendly" microbes than we have been through the course of human history, noted the scientists.

"The rise in allergies and inflammatory diseases seems at least partly due to gradually losing contact with the range of microbes our immune systems evolved with, way back in the Stone Age," writes co-author Dr. Graham Rook. "Only now are we seeing the consequences of this, doubtless also driven by genetic predisposition and a range of factors in our modern lifestyle -- from different diets and pollution to stress and inactivity. It seems that some people now have inadequately regulated immune systems that are less able to cope with these other factors."

Bloomfield hopes this approach will lead to a solution: "One important thing we can do is to stop talking about being too clean' and get people thinking about how we can safely reconnect with the right kind of dirt."

Read the rest here:
Rise in allergies is not due to humans being 'too clean,' scientists say

Sucking out fat

Posted: October 7, 2012 at 10:14 pm

Removing unseemly fat from the body should be strictly carried out under the expert hands of doctors.

WHILE definitely not a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise, modern-day liposuction surgery (sometimes referred to as liposculpturing) can safely address those hard-to-lose fatty deposits that simply dont respond to diet and exercise, creating big improvements in body contour and shape.

For some of us, certain areas of the body are immune to the effects of exercise. No matter how many miles we run, sit-ups we do, weights we lift, or laps we swim, the fat remains, unless it is removed with liposuction.

Liposuction is appropriate for large, disproportionate hips, buttocks, thighs, the abdomen and love handles, as well as fat deposits on arms, back, knees, sides, and under the chin.

Very often, many different areas can be treated during a single operation.

Is liposuction safe?

Liposuction is a relatively safe surgery when performed within safety limits. Even large volume liposuctions have been performed safely without complications.

Liposuction should be safely performed in a hospital setting by an experienced plastic surgeon.

Surgery begins with a tiny incision inconspicuously located in a natural skin fold or crease in an area to be treated.

Next, a salt water/anaesthetic solution is injected through a micro-cannula.

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Sucking out fat

Great White Shark Diet Is More Than Seals

Posted: October 7, 2012 at 10:14 pm

Late last year, while on a tour of CaliforniasAo Neuvo State Park, I saw a shark attack victim lying on the beach. She was a Northern elephant seal, and looked quite placid despite the gaping, crescent-shaped hole in her neck. She bore the traumatic hallmark of the great white shark.

Years of watching Discoverys Shark Week taught me that seals and sea lions are the preferred prey of Carcharodon carcharias. Nothing like blubber to fuel the body of a constantly-swimming predator with a physiology that runs hotter than that of the average shark. I remember one researcher likened baby elephant seals, in particular, to hot dogs the bread of the snack corresponds to the fat content of the young pinnipeds, making the weener seals easy-to-catch and energy-rich mouthfuls for the sharks.

When the sensational documentaries werent showing awful re-enactments of great white shark attacks on humans, they brought their cameras in close to seal kills. The programs took a philosophy similar to the fictional marine biologist Matt Hooper in JAWS all great white sharks do is swim and eat. (Yes, yes, and make little baby sharks, but I have yet to see that on basic cable.) If they arent chomping people, then they strip the fat from seals. We think of them in the typological way that we approach many species. Great white sharks eat seals and sea lions. Thats all that there is to it.

But great white sharks dont live on a strict diet of marine mammals. Study sites situated near pinniped colonies, as well as nature films, have restricted our view of what great white sharks feed on. In actuality, great white sharks consume different prey based upon age, size, and location. When they are just pups, for example, the leviathans-to-be seek out a wide variety of smaller fare before graduating to more difficult menu options. And, as a new paper indicates, many sharks retain their cosmopolitan tastes as they age.

In a PLoS One study published this week, University of Wyoming researcher Sora Kim and colleagues used chemical clues in great white shark vertebrae to track feeding preferences among fifteen individuals collected between 1957 and 2000. The logic behind their technique is simple, and has been used on a variety of other creatures living and extinct to outline diet. As an animal feeds, chemical tracers in the form of carbon and nitrogen isotopes become incorporated into their teeth and bones. There is a correspondence between certain carbon isotope ratios and particular food sources. Match the chemical signature in the consumer in with the isotopic profile of whats being consumed, and you can reconstruct an animals diet.

Even better, shark vertebrae contain long-running records of these isotopes. As great white sharks grow, their vertebrae accrete new rings on a yearly schedule. Each ring, therefore, holds a chemical snapshot from a year in the sharks life. By comparing the isotope ratios in different vertebral bands, Kim and collaborators were able to follow how the diets of individual sharks shifted during their lives.

Contrary to assertions that pinnipeds are a great white shark staple, the fish sampled in the study were highly variable. Both age and individual variation were at play in their diets. For example, five sharks in the sample showed the expected shift from a diet of fish and small prey to marine mammals and other more substantial fare at about age four. But this wasnt true of all sharks. Five other sharks in the same sample showed no difference between juvenile and adult diet. These sharks may have scavenged pinniped carcasses or fed on large squid while young, giving them an adult feeding profile at a young age. There are some possible confounding factors with this hypothesis such as young sharks inheriting an adult isotope signal from their mothers but the researchers appear to favor the idea that some sharks were more precocious in their prey choices than others of their kind. Not all great white sharks follow the same life history.

While Kim and colleagues point out that some sharks followed the expected dietary switch, the change was not the dominant signal in their results. Many of the Pacific great white sharks they sampled were generalists who took different prey in varying locations. Some sharks were nearshore marine mammal specialists, but others had more flexible foraging approaches. And even though the isotopic data are not refined enough to tell us exactly what species the sharks were eating, the cataloged chemical traces are enough to detect distinct dietary patterns.

The study raises new questions about great white shark biology. For one thing, why did the sharks have such individualistic diets? Competition may be the key, Kim and co-authors hypothesize. Imagine if all adult great white sharks were seal specialists who congregated at the same beaches. There may not be enough food for all, and swimming in the same waters as bigger, more experienced sharks would be risky for smaller novices who could wind up as meals themselves. By being flexible able to tackle elephant seals as well as squid, tuna, and other food sources great white sharks may lessen competition with their own kind.

As the researchers behind the new study state, further isotopic studies and satellite tracking programs may help marine biologists better understand the ecology of their prodigious fish. For now, though, one thing is clear. The sharks werent all cruising near shore, looking up for seal silhouettes. Great white sharks have much more varied tastes than blood-spattered basic cable shows would have you believe.

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Great White Shark Diet Is More Than Seals

Health Research News Announces New Weight Loss Promotion After Paula Deen Debuts Slimmer Figure

Posted: October 7, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Health investigation company, Health Research News announced a new free report offer on healthy weight loss, after celebrity chef Paula Deen debuted a much slimmer figure on the cover of People Magazine.

Ft. Worth, TX. (PRWEB) October 07, 2012

Paula Deen, who is known for her high-fat Southern cooking style, shed her weight naturally in hopes to be healthier and show others that weight loss can be achieved without scam diet pill offers. Health Research News announced their free offer in hopes that the many inspired by Deens story would also take a safe and healthy approach to loosing weight.

The website offers reviews and information to the public about different health and weight loss scams that are on the internet today. Their new free report offer not only details scams on the internet but includes simple steps that individuals can take to lose weight in the same healthy manner that Paula Deen did. The company announced the new program aimed specifically at weight loss supplements, after Deens announcement. The health investigation site hopes that together with Paula Deens story, more individuals from around the country will avoid scam weight loss products that cannot only cost them money but potentially cause health care problems as well.

The investigation site has launched the current promotion on their website and is offering the insider information to anyone looking to get facts on healthy weight loss approaches that dont feature dangerous supplements.

The companys latest endeavor now includes now includes product reviews and information on supplements that could harm users. To find out more about the Health Research News offer and their product reviews, visit:

Matt Lewis 866-503-7537 Email Information

Excerpt from:
Health Research News Announces New Weight Loss Promotion After Paula Deen Debuts Slimmer Figure

Health Research News Announces New Promotion After FDA Approves First Weight Loss Supplement

Posted: October 7, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Ft. Worth, TX. (PRWEB) October 07, 2012

After the FDA announced it would be approving the first new weight-loss pill in more than a decade, to help interested parties find a healthy weight loss supplement, Health Research News announced a new promotion aimed at helping people avoid weight loss supplement scams. The website offers reviews and information to the public about different health care scams that are on the internet. After the FDA finally approved a weight loss supplement, the company launched a new offer to help individuals interested in the pill spot the many scam or replica pills that could be dangerous to their health.

The company announced the new program aimed specifically at weight loss supplements, after the FDA announcement. The health investigation site hopes that together with FDA announcement, more individuals from around the country will avoid scam weight loss products that cannot only waste their money but potentially cause health care problems in users. Health Research News hopes that with their reviews, more individuals looking for weight loss supplements will make better choices.

The new promotion, which features numerous insider review has launched on the company website and will feature information on the benefits of using all FDA approved weight loss supplements instead of the many unhealthy supplements found on the internet today. The investigation site has launched the current promotion on their website and is offering the insider information to anyone looking to get facts on healthy weight loss supplements.

The companys latest endeavor now includes now includes product reviews and information on supplements that do not deliver what they promise and that could harm users. To find out more about the company and their product reviews, visit:

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Health Research News Announces New Promotion After FDA Approves First Weight Loss Supplement

Munch ado about nothing: How to snack right

Posted: October 6, 2012 at 11:12 pm

India, Oct. 6 -- Ritu Dalmia, one of India's best known chefs admits that she's the queen of snacking. At midnight. "All through the day I tend to take small bites here and there - I can't avoid it in my job, though I can still control it. But come night, I really snack. I just have to," she says. Dalmia is trying to clamp down on the midnight munchies, but it's hard. Even the dietician's suggestion of going to bed earlier hasn't worked. What has helped, though, is choosing what to snack on. "If earlier it was Camembert with crackers and fig chutney, or worse slivers of fatty ham and sausages, now I dig into sunflower seeds, nuts, or a dip like tzatziki, hummus or baba ghanoush with vegetable sticks. And I am loving it. So is my body," Dalmia says.

The restaurateur clearly is on the right track. The urge to snack strikes us all at some point of our lives (and of most of us, at some point of the day!). But mindless snacking, specially the 11 am, 5 pm and post-midnight tummy rumblings can undo even the strongest of wills and defeat all well meaning diets. Still, snacks aren't the devils they're made out to be. In fact, in-between pockets of nourishment have shown to make you less cranky, keep your weight under control, and provide essential nutrients. So long as you graze on the right stuff.

The local options

"Indians are notorious for their chai nashta and unfortunately almost all Indian snacks are lethal and totally unkind to waistlines," states Dalmia. "Chiwda, laccha, namkeens of all sorts, pakodas, samosas... no one can come close to Indians where snacking is concerned, except for maybe the Spanish." Aditya Bal, a foodie and a popular TV host agrees. "Across India, both in urban and rural areas, all I see people eat is deep-fried food, morning to night, and in between, they nibble on something sweet," he says. He adds that most Indian cultures simply don't have enough healthy alternatives to choose from. They don't, for example, have momos the way the people in the North East do. "I believe that Gujaratis have healthier snacks compared to others. Most of their stuff like dhokla, khandvi, etc is steamed. We can follow their example. But with fast food taking over so completely, coupled with their fabulous marketing, I am sure our next generation is in even deeper trouble compared to us," he explains.

All's not lost. Mumbai chef Vicky Ratnani, the man behind the Mumbai restaurant and lounge Aurus, lists several Indian snacks that won't keep your cardiologist busy. "Everyone can snack healthily, if they so desire,' he says. "Opt for steamed bhutta, which is one of the healthiest foods you can nibble on. I love bhel without sweet chutney, and lots of vegetables and sprouts like black beans, channa and masoor." Bal finds that nothing beats fresh, hot idlis with just a bit of sambar. "Steamed perfection," he says.

The global choices

The good news is: the whole world snacks. "Europeans usually snack as a rule," says Dalmia. "And while the French snack less than other cultures, they have street carts selling flat crusty cakes called galettes, which work as a between-meal snack. In Italy, shops sell pizzas by the slice or small paninis. They munch on olives or cheese with drinks before dinner, which really is snacking, isn't it? You'll also find office goers having an espresso between breakfast and lunch and eating a small piece of something. In Spain, tapas bars serve bite-size foods, and people go to nibble in these snack restaurants all the time. In fact when I was with friends in Barcelona, we were snacking all through the day. It was a way of life for them."

The Japanese, on the other hand, don't snack much. They see meals as almost a ritual. And when they do snack, it is usually on extremely healthy drinks and dairy that has body-boosting ingredients like probiotics. It's something we can learn from them for sure. Or make like the French and savour our snacks slowly to get maximum satisfaction out of them. "From the Spanish we can learn to have small portions," says Ratnani. Or snack smart - like they do in South East Asia. "Take Thailand's famous snack - sticky rice with dried prawns, or even their roadside grills," says Bal, referring to tiny controlled portions through the day. "In Singapore I see people eating round the clock, but everything is so cleverly cooked - steamed vegetables, soupy broths, and poached chicken." For Dalmia, Middle Eastern dips "are the most fabulous things to snack on" - she ensures that there's always some in the fridge to prevent her reaching out for the cheese and marmalade.

Nibbles for thought

Some rules for smart snacking: chuck the guilt: Snacking will not make you fat, but bad eating (whether at a snack or at a meal) will. A 100-to-200-calorie snack two to three hours before a meal can take the edge off your hunger and keep you from overeating. Studies show that people who have an afternoon snack score higher on memory and concentration tests than those who have, perhaps, a diet soda.

Read more from the original source:
Munch ado about nothing: How to snack right

Health Research News Announces New Weight Loss Promotion After Study Reveals Less Exercise May Deliver More Results

Posted: October 6, 2012 at 11:11 pm

Health investigation company, has announced a free informational weight loss newsletter offer after a new study from the University of Copenhagen found that studying for 30 minutes of exercise may be better for the body than a full hour.

Ft. Worth, TX. (PRWEB) October 06, 2012

The new study revealed the obvious importance that diet has in weight loss goals and showed that although many people may believe they are taking the steps necessary to lose more weight, they may be over-exerting themselves by exercising for a full hour, without receiving any results. The new offer from Health Research News, inspired by this study aims to show people all types of weight loss scams and myths and help them find safe and healthy solutions to reach their weight loss goal.

As part of the new weight loss offer, inspired by the study, Health Research News is offering a free promotional healthy weight loss newsletter filled with safe healthy living suggestions. The new weight loss offer is aimed at helping individuals looking to get healthy and lose weight, find the best way to do so without putting their bodies at risk. The new offer is now available to the public and can be found at the company website.

To find out more about Health Research News and the companys new weight loss newsletter offer visit:

Matt Lewis (281) 891-3826 Email Information

Visit link:
Health Research News Announces New Weight Loss Promotion After Study Reveals Less Exercise May Deliver More Results

New Saffron Extract Prescription Formulated Diet Pills Announced By hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss

Posted: October 6, 2012 at 11:10 pm

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans announced new saffron extract formulated prescription diet pills that not only triggers fast weight loss but also curbs emotional eating.

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) October 06, 2012

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans announced new saffron extract formulated prescription diet pills that not only triggers fast weight loss but also curbs emotional eating.

New prescription saffron extract formulated diet pills was announced by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans.

Used by Indians and Persians for centuries for the wide array of medicinal uses that the stigmas of saffron offer, it takes 75,000 saffron blossoms to produce one pound of saffron; the worlds most expensive spice. The prescription diet pills contain active ingredient saffron extract that has been used to address a number of health problems including asthma, whooping cough, insomnia, hardening of the arteries, depression, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) including menstrual cramps to name a few. Its efficacy in triggering fast weight loss and helping dieters address the issue of emotional overeating has lead to its inclusion in the formulation of new diet pills by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans.

Saffron works on the same category of chemical transmitters in the brain that trigger food cravings and cause people to binge and it brings about a natural modulation of this response by working with the bodys natural chemistry. Apart from making dieters feel fuller and addressing their food cravings, these new weight loss pills that promote fast weight loss are also known to act as mood enhancers that encourage people to make the right food choices and the required changes in their lifestyle while improving their health. Saffron extract has the potential to improve the mood by acting as a neurotransmitter of the feel good hormone serotonin at the cellular and the same mechanism works to dramatically lower emotional eating habits while promoting proportional control.

According to a scientific abstract published in Life Extension Magazine a Crocus sativus L extract, reduces snacking and increases satiety in a randomized placebo-controlled study of mildly overweight, healthy women. A novel extract of saffron stigma, may reduce snacking and enhance satiety through its suggested mood-improving effect, and thus contribute to fast weight loss through oral supplementation. Healthy, mildly overweight women participated in this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study that evaluated the efficacy of supplementation on body weight changes over an 8-week period. At baseline, both groups were homogeneous for age, body weight, and snacking frequency. The study concluded that (a twice daily capsule of Satiereal-176.5 mg extract per day) caused a significantly greater body weight reduction than placebo after 8 weeks (P < .01). The mean snacking frequency was significantly decreased in the group as compared with the placebo group (P < .05). Their results indicate that consumption produces a reduction of snacking and creates a satiating effect that could contribute to body weight loss. The combination of an adequate diet with supplementation might help subjects engaged in a weight loss program in achieving their objective.

Over-the-counter pills contain a fraction of the amount of the highly-concentrated prescription strength saffron extract formulation present in the diet pills announced by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans. As the only weight loss organization offering saffron in prescription form through this new weight loss pill that promotes fast weight loss, they are helping dieters make the most of this rare spice to eliminate most food cravings and suppress appetite without resorting to crash dieting or other diet pills.

Julie Wright hCGTreatments / Diet Doc 888-934-4451 Email Information

Originally posted here:
New Saffron Extract Prescription Formulated Diet Pills Announced By hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss

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