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Mediterranean dieters kept weight off for six years

Posted: October 6, 2012 at 6:25 am

Moderately obese people who ate the Mediterranean diet lost more weight than groups of people who followed either a low-fat or a low-carbohydrate diet, researchers reported.

The Mediterranean group weighed almost seven pounds less than they weighed six years earlier. In the low-carb group, the total was 3.7 pounds, and the low-fat group was 1.3 pounds. The Mediterranean diet is one based on the eating habits of people who live in that part of the world -- high in produce, and including olive oil and fish.

The researchers, in a letter published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, collected data from a two-year work-based program called the Dietary Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial. They randomly assigned 322 moderately obese people, most of them men, to the three diet categories. The participants were given education assistance about the diets.

After two years, the average weight loss was 6.4 pounds in the low-fat group, almost 10 pounds in the Mediterranean group and 10.3 in the low-carb group. At that point, 259 people remained in the study.

After six years, 67% had continued with their original diet, 11% had switched to another diet, and 22% were not dieting.

The researchers, led by Dr. Dan Schwartzfuchs of the Nuclear Research Center Negev in Israel, concluded that the workplace intervention had long-lasting, favorable postintervention effects, particularly among participants receiving the Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets, despite a partial regain of weight.

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Mediterranean dieters kept weight off for six years

More evidence commercial weight loss plans can work

Posted: October 6, 2012 at 6:25 am

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who take part in a commercial weight-loss program may indeed shed some pounds - especially if they substantially cut calories, a new study from Sweden finds.

Worldwide, around 1.5 billion adults are overweight and another half billion are obese. In the U.S., two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese. That's a huge market for commercial weight-loss programs, but few studies have looked at whether they really work.

The popular Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig programs are among the few that have been tested in clinical trials, with promising results: People in the programs lost more weight over two years than people assigned to "usual care" - generally advice from a doctor or dietitian. (See Reuters stories of September 8, 2011 and November 4, 2011).

The newest study followed over 9,000 adults who enrolled themselves in Itrim, a popular chain of weight-loss and exercise centers in Sweden. The company just recently expanded to the U.S., opening a center in San Francisco .

Over a year, program clients lost an average of 11 to 25 pounds, depending on how strict they were willing to get with calories.

On the other hand, up to one-quarter dropped out, according to results published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The Itrim program is different from its better-known competitors, according to Erik Hemmingsson, a researcher at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm who led the study.

Weight Watchers promotes eating "normal food" and trimming calories, while Jenny Craig typically provides prepackaged lower-calorie meals, then has people gradually go back to regular meals.

People in the Itrim program choose an eating plan, with the help of a "health coach," and take up an exercise regimen. The strictest diet plan involves downing liquid meals of just 500 calories a day for six to 10 weeks, then gradually reintroducing normal food.

If that sounds too daunting, people can combine liquid meals and lower-calorie regular meals for a total of 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day, or stick with normal food but trim calories to 1,500 to 1,800 per day.

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More evidence commercial weight loss plans can work

Stop shortchanging your health

Posted: October 5, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Women have come a long way in the past century, from winning the right to vote to gaining ground in the workplace. But "having it all" can sometimes feel like "having to take care of it all," which is why busy women often take unhealthy shortcuts that can lead to serious health problems.

The idea that women can have a career and raise two or three children and look fantastic while doing it, and have a clean home to boot, is unrealistic, says Dr. Annie Nedrow, associate director at Duke Integrative Medicine. Many families have moved away from the typical gender roles, so men and women share household responsibilities. But women still shoulder a lot of tasks, and to save time, they take shortcuts that shortchange their health over the long haul.

What begins as cutting a few corners in your 20s, can become a downward spiral that winds up causing health problems down the road when women are in their 30s or 40s, Nedrow says. "It's a snowball effect that I see all of the time."

Here are the top five ways women cut corners and how it affects their health.

1 Not getting enough sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults sleep, on average, seven to nine hours per night, but 37 percent of adults in the U.S. report regularly sleeping fewer than seven hours a night, and women are more likely to report difficulties during the day from sleep loss. Lack of sleep has been tied to health problems such as increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack and stroke, according to a 2009 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the effects of sleep loss.

2 Eating junk food. It's easy to fall into the convenience of buying fast food for lunch and dinner or to raid the vending machines at work for a quick snack. Not only are fast foods typically high in calories and low in nutrients, but research is uncovering evidence that junk food is truly addictive and can lead to inflammation in the body that puts people at higher risk for obesity, heart attack, diabetes and cancer.

A study published in June in the Public Library of Science One journal analyzed the inflammatory responses of rodents fed control diets, a lard-based diet or a "junk-food" diet that consisted of things like cookies and chips. "The diet that consisted of human junk food caused the most inflammation and dramatic metabolic changes," says Liza Makowski, assistant professor of nutrition at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and the study's senior researcher. "These animals (on the junk food diet) ate more, gained more weight, and showed more signs of inflammation and more signs of stress in their tissues," Makowski says. In fact, the rats, like people, could not stop eating the junk food.

A 2010 study published in Neuro-science by scientists from The Scripps Research Institute showed for the first time that the same brain chemistry behind drug addiction fuels the compulsion to overeat.

And if that's not enough bad news about junk food, studies also show it can affect your mood. When people regularly eat commercial baked goods like doughnuts or fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers and hot dogs, they are at a greater risk for depression, according to a recent study reported in the journal Public Health Nutrition.

3 Not exercising. The benefits of exercise have been widely acknowledged. Exercise benefits both mind and body and can actually increase productivity by relieving stress and boosting blood flow to the brain. The "2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans" by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports strong evidence that exercise lowers the risk of early death, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and colon and breast cancer, along with preventing obesity. Physical activity may also improve sleep and reduce depression. In 2011, less than half of women ages 18 and older met the physical activity guidelines for aerobic exercise.

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Stop shortchanging your health

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Posted: October 5, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Pitched against two hugely inspiring finalists, Craig Grant had some stiff competition. It is his forensic approach to every aspect of his poultry business, combined with a willingness to work with others to build knowledge and expertise, that marks him out as the winner.

Throw any question at him about his costs of production and he either knows the answer immediately - down to three decimal places in some instances - or can work it out in seconds.

He knows that when you are dealing with 40,000 free-range birds and supplying a major retailer that attention to detail and meticulous record keeping is what keeps you ahead of the game.

In just five years Craig has established a profitable poultry business on the 290ha arable and pig farm run by his father and uncle near Fraserburgh in Aberdeenshire.

He runs the family's two 12,000-bird houses on a self-employed basis and also operates his own 16,000 Big Dutchman multi-tier unit which he built in his own right after securing grant funding in 2010. All the houses utilise grain grown on the main farm. Eggs are sold to Morrisons through its local packing station, Farmlay Eggs.

After 10 years travelling the world as an engineer in the oil industry Craig has seen what life is like away from farming and it is evident that it shapes his whole approach.

He says it gave him confidence in working with different people from different cultures and an understanding of how business in general operates.

It means he places a strong emphasis on the need for good communication with his buyer and is constantly looking for opportunities to tweak his system so he can increase efficiency, drive down costs or improve bird welfare.

He is not someone who is afraid to try out new techniques - for example modifying the speed of his egg belts to cut collection times and working with contacts in the feed industry to trial new diets.

"Attention to small details make all the difference with regard to profit at the end of the day," he says. The results are there to be seen - Craig's birds are all laying eight to 10 eggs over target, which translates to extra profit.

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Diet Chef comments on the news that junk food diets dramatically increase stroke risk

Posted: October 5, 2012 at 3:19 pm

Diet Chef is reminding people of the importance of a healthy diet following new research that has shown eating junk food diet could increase the risk of stroke or death at a younger age.

(PRWEB UK) 5 October 2012

A study conducted by the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery in Canada suggested people who eat so called cafeteria diets, which are high in calories, sugar, fat and salt, are more likely to suffer a stroke or even die at a younger age.

To conduct the research, rats were given unlimited access to both nutritional food pellets and junk food items like cookies and sausages. They could also choose between water and a 30 per cent sucrose solution, similar to soft drinks.

It was discovered that the majority of rats preferred the junk food and, as a result, they suffered from high levels of cholesterol, blood sugar, obesity and blood pressure after just two months. They presented a combination of these symptoms, often referred to as metabolic syndrome, which is thought to increase the risk of suffering from a stroke.

Dr Dale Corbett, scientific director of the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery, said: I think we'll soon start to see people in their 30s or 40s having strokes, having dementia, because of this junk food diet. Young people will have major, major problems much earlier in life."

Caron Leckie, Diet Chef nutritionist, comments: The junk food style cafeteria diet is one more example of excess; high calories, high sugar, high fat and high salt. With growing public health concerns such as stroke and metabolic syndrome it is important now more than ever to encourage moderation and balance in our food choices

Diet Chef is a specially designed, delivered meal plan that helps people to lose weight, while ensuring they get all the vitamins and nutrients they need to stay fit and healthy. All meals are prepared by an expert chef, meaning they are calorie and portion controlled, allowing individuals to shed the pounds the healthy way.

Diet Chef carefully counts the calories of all meals so dieters on the plan will be averaging less than 1,200 calories per day. The daily menu allows you to get delicious home delivered food, as well as offering a tasty and varied, healthy balanced plan encouraging dieters to lose weight at a healthy pace.

Those on the diet looking to check their own progress can do so using the weight loss calculator as well as sharing their weight loss success stories via the website or Diet Chef social media channels.

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Diet Chef comments on the news that junk food diets dramatically increase stroke risk

The James Bond diet

Posted: October 5, 2012 at 3:19 pm

5 October 2012 Last updated at 09:48 By Michelle Warwicker BBC Food

In 50 years of James Bond films we are left with no doubt about the hero's love of vodka martinis. In Ian Fleming's books Bond's passion for good food was also apparent. But could 007's diet really sustain his high-action lifestyle?

Bond is a true action man, with a high-energy job, and he needs to fuel the furnace.

Those fit and active on a similar level include royal marines, who get through up to 6,000 calories a day.

But does Bond eat enough of "the right stuff"?

It is 50 years since the first Bond film Dr No was released, and in the recent film Casino Royale, Bond's taste for caviar emphasises the character's world of luxury and fine dining.

But his passion for good food, described in sumptuous detail in Ian Fleming's novels, has never been fully translated in the movies.

So what does he eat in the books?

"He's a great red meat eater," says Edward Biddulph, author of Licence to Cook, a book of recipes inspired by the Bond book series.

"Lamb especially, and beef."

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The James Bond diet

Mediterranean Diet Tops List of 'Livable' Diets

Posted: October 5, 2012 at 3:19 pm

By Denise Mann WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Oct. 3, 2012 -- "Drop 30 pounds in two months!"

We've all seen ads for miracle diets that promise to help us shed weight in days, weeks, or months.

But what happens next?

Do people stay the course and maintain the loss, or regain the weight with a vengeance?

A team of Israeli researchers followed participants for four years after an initial two-year workplace-based study to try and answer these questions. Participants followed one of three weight loss plans: a low-fat, low-calorie diet; a Mediterranean-style, low-calorie diet; or a low-carb eating plan without calorie restrictions.

Overall, the Mediterranean diet led to the most dramatic changes, but people on the other diets also did pretty well. A Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, legumes, healthy fats like olive oil, and moderate amounts of alcohol. It is also low in sweets, meats, and saturated fats like butter.

Eighty-six percent of the participants were men, and most were considered moderately obese when the study began. Researchers also educated their spouses about the diet so changes could be made at home, too.

At two years, 85% of the participants were still following their diet programs. Participants on the Mediterranean diet and low-carb diet lost more weight than those on the low-fat diet.

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Mediterranean Diet Tops List of 'Livable' Diets

Trimcare™ Weight Loss and Anti-Aging, in association with Safe Laser Centers, Launches Innovative Body Makeover Contest

Posted: October 5, 2012 at 3:19 pm

The contest is being run to celebrate the new partnership between Trimcare and the growing new Las Vegas weight loss and spa services company Safe Laser Centers.

Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) October 04, 2012

The "WinShare" contest is called that way because it is based upon an innovative system that rewards social sharing in a way that allows participants to continuously increase their odds of winning during the course of the contest. What happens is that after entering the contest, a very simple one click process, participants are taken to special sharing page form which they can easily share the contest on social media and via email. At this point, for every person who enters the contest through this shared link, the sharer will automatically be awarded 10 additional entries that will be added to their total. Since there are no limits on extra entries or on the sharing timeframe (as long as the contest hasn't finished), prolific sharers can easily amass hundreds of entries to tilt the odds in their favor by having more tickets in the virtual raffle box.

Trimcare has been a pioneer in medically supervised weight loss treatment programs in Las Vegas for over 20 years. Founded by Dr. Ivan L. Goldsmith (triple board certified in the areas of Internal Medicine, Obesity, and Anti-aging),Trimcare is a leader in providing medically supervised weight loss programs. Trimcare has successfully treated over 20,000 patients in the past dozen years with novel obesity regimens designed to curb hunger, promote food avoidance, and extinguish binge or nighttime eating. Its program has successfully incorporated a proprietary brand of supplements, skin care products, food, weight loss programs, and hormone replacement therapies. As a leader in the integrated disciplines of weight loss and anti-aging therapies, Trimcare has been at the forefront of expanding awareness of the nation's Obesity Epidemic.

Safe Laser Centers sees the association with Dr. Goldsmith as a great opportunity to bring new weight programs to the people of Las Vegas. Spearheaded by Kristine Castro, a newcomer to the area who brings to the table expertise with the i-Lipo system and her extensive experience as a massage therapist. "I-Lipo works by delivering low level laser therapy to induce a chemical signal in fat cells that causes them to break down stored triglycerides or fats into free fatty acids and glycerol, which are released through the cell membranes," explains Castro. "Fat content is then released into the blood and transported around the body to tissues where it will be burned off during a period of post-treatment."

By targeting different areas in the body, patients can decide their own priorities such as choosing, for example, to focus on treating their love handles and/or saddle-bag regions. The low level lasers used in the i-Lipo treatment induce the target area to release fat even before exercise is begun. Designed to be used in tandem, the novel medical regimens used at Trimcare, consisting of Phentermine and Topamax, enable patients to make the lifestyle modifications needed to not only promote weight loss, but aid in the difficulties associated with weight maintenance. According to Dr. Goldsmith, Our patients notice the effects almost immediately. The combined therapies successfully cause a decreasing waist circumference, declines in % body fat, and lost pounds. When thus combined, it is not unusual for Trimcare patients to achieve a greater-than-10% weight loss in 90 days which far exceeds what is seen with diet and exercise alone.

Goldsmith and Castro envision expanding the association into other medical facilities and also stand alone clinics both within and outside Las Vegas and hope that this "WinShare" contest will help them show off the amazing non-invasive weight loss and body makeover capabilities of the partnership. The two businesses are passionate about their philosophy of promoting lifestyle style changes, including diet and exercise, as the cornerstone of any successful weight-loss attempt along with the notion of truly minimally invasive therapies or treatment; avoiding procedures like bariatric and plastic surgeries where the attendant risks are much greater for post-op complications and problems. The two companies also seek to facilitate access, offering financing though

Both companies stress that weight loss needs to be tailored to individual patient needs. According to Kristine Castro, "i-Lipo combined with the Trimcare weight loss regimen allows most patients to take advantage of this treatment with minimum difficulties and provides safe, long term reproducible results as well as immediate effects that achieve a dramatic reshaping of body and reduction of cellulite." Significant results from Trimcare combined with i-Lipo commonly become apparent in as little as 30 days and the system is far less costly than liposuction while involving no pain, needles or downtime. "This is truly remarkable in its simplicity and we can't wait for more people to experience it for themselves," adds Castro. The "WinShare" contest runs from October 1st through October 31st .

Kristine Castro Safe Laser Center (702) 994-8814 Email Information

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Trimcare™ Weight Loss and Anti-Aging, in association with Safe Laser Centers, Launches Innovative Body Makeover Contest

Weight Loss Experts at Diet Doc Create a New Diet Plan That Helps Dieters with Type 2 Diabetes Lose Weight and Develop …

Posted: October 5, 2012 at 3:19 pm

Diet Doc Weight Loss creates a new diet plan for people with diabetes 2. Diet Doc Weight Loss experts shows patients with type 2 diabetes how to achieve healthy weight loss with a medically-supervised hCG diet plan.

Miami, FL (PRWEB) October 05, 2012

Diet Doc Weight Loss creates a new diet plan for people with diabetes 2. Diet Doc Weight Loss experts shows patients with type 2 diabetes how to achieve healthy weight loss with a medically-supervised hCG diet plan.

Diet Doc has helped thousands of people from all walks of life achieve healthy weight loss, but over the last few years have seen a rise in patients with type 2 diabetes who are looking to lose weight. The Center for Disease and Control reported that in 2011 over 25 million people were diagnosed with the disease naming poor diet and lifestyle as the main culprits. Diet Docs Medical Director Dr. Rao says for the most part it (type 2 diabetes) can definitely be prevented with a healthy diet and active lifestyle. But with a seemingly ever-increasing number of obese Americans comes the increase in the disease as well.

Diet Doc creates personalized weight loss programs for dieters using the hCG diet plan. Each person is evaluated by a team of medical weight loss professionals using the latest technology to determine their state of health. If the dieter is found to have any health conditions, Diet Docs nutritionist will design a weight loss diet plan that is suitable. In the case of those with type 2 diabetes, the diet plan used is low-glycemic and low-carbohydrate putting an emphasis on nutrient-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, fibrous fruits and lean protein. The diabetes diet plan weve created is made to be a simple transition into healthy eating by using healthy substitutions for unhealthy foods that people are used to eating everyday. For example, weve replaced high-carb and high-sugar desserts with our own dessert bars that are low-glycemic, high protein with added nutrients., says Julie Wright Diet Docs Founder and CEO.

Diet Doc has recently made their hCG weight loss consultations easily accessible by conducting them face-to-face over the internet or by phone. After a complete evaluation by a medical doctor, the dieter is then made a customized diet plan that compliments the personalized medical hCG treatment plan that is prescribed with a nutritionist and nurse that explains the program step-by-step. A weight loss counselor will then check on each dieters progress weekly. Any questions or concerns along the way can also be addressed at any time with the entire medical staff at Diet Doc available to contact. We at Diet Doc are passionate about the role we play in changing and in some cases saving someones life. We understand the trials and tribulations that one can experience during a lifestyle transformation and we work hard to inspire people to get to a healthy place, says Wright.

Julie Wright hCGTreatments / Diet Doc 888-934-4451 Email Information

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Weight Loss Experts at Diet Doc Create a New Diet Plan That Helps Dieters with Type 2 Diabetes Lose Weight and Develop ...

Retrofit Weight Loss Teams with Fitbit One™ New Wireless Activity + Sleep Tracker Makes Weight Loss Easier

Posted: October 5, 2012 at 3:19 pm

Retrofit Weight Loss is helping clients lose at least 10% of their body weight and keep it off by incorporating the new Fitbit One into its expert-led, data-driven program.

Skokie, IL (PRWEB) October 05, 2012

The aim of the Fitbit One tracker is to empower and encourage Retrofit clients by delivering real-time feedback while encouraging active lifestyles. Unlike old-school pedometers, Fitbit One tracks steps, distance, calories burned, and stairs climbed. And come nightfall, it measures your sleep cycle to help you see how to sleep better, and it can even wake you in the morning without waking your partner. With Fitbit Trackers, your stats upload wirelessly via computer, or select mobile devices (like the iPhone 4S). Powered by your stats, you can set goals, and track progress with charts and graphs.

The Retrofit team of wellness experts (registered dietitians, exercise physiologists and behavior coaches) analyzes the data and then conducts private Skype video sessions with clients, during which they create a plan to reach individualized weight loss and overall wellness goals.

Collecting fitness and sleep information through wireless trackers and smart scales is just the first step to success, says Retrofit CEO Jeff Hyman. As Fitbit makes more technological advances with their devices, Retrofit Weight Loss improves its ability to service our clients with high-tech data analysis.

The Fitbit trackers are very successful with clients because they provide a constant reminder regarding their daily activity levels, says Retrofit Lead Exercise Physiologist Gary Ditsch. When we look at the information over a longer period of time, it allows us to make assessments about a client's lifestyle and activity habits. The new Fitbit One allows our clients with busy schedules to share the information through their smart phones. Our team will have access to the data more consistently.

Were looking forward to working with the new features of the Fitbit One, especially as its the first activity tracker to provide Bluetooth 4.0 syncing to a phone, which is perfect, as our customers are always on the go says Retrofit CTO Doug Donohoe. Retrofit is unique not only in the sheer amount of data we gather about our clients, but in how we assess and evaluate that data. Through these great devices and open API, Fitbit brings us detailed and accurate knowledge of our clients' activities, which we utilize to create a personalized and effective weight loss program.

Retrofit has partnered with Fitbit to provide expert advice so that individuals get a personal touch added to their high-touch devices. The innovative weight loss company is working side-by-side with Fitbit technology to turn fitness and healthy nutrition into a lifestyle.

Retrofit ( has successfully created an innovative program aimed at keeping Americas business professionals healthy.

Flexibility and accountability appeal to on-the-go executives interested in incorporating lifelong wellness into their hectic daily schedules.

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Retrofit Weight Loss Teams with Fitbit One™ New Wireless Activity + Sleep Tracker Makes Weight Loss Easier

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