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Ratio of appetite-regulating hormones marker of successful dieters

Posted: June 25, 2012 at 10:10 pm

ScienceDaily (June 25, 2012) A pre-diet measurement of two hormones related to weight regulation can help predict which dieters will be more likely to maintain their weight loss and who will not, according to a new study. The results were presented June 24 at The Endocrine Society's 94th Annual Meeting in Houston.

With obesity rates in many countries steadily climbing, more people are turning to diets to lose weight. But, for many people, maintaining the weight loss can be extremely difficult, leading to a frustrating cycle of weight loss and gain.

"The current study shows for the first time a clinically useful marker to identify, at an early time, patients who have difficulties in maintaining their body weight," said study author Ana B. Crujeiras , Ph.D., doctor at University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela (CHUS) and Biomedical Network Research Center in Physiopathology of obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn) in Santiago de Compestela, Spain. "This difficulty is one of the most significant obstacles for obesity therapy, and currently there are no biological markers that effectively demonstrate clinical usefulness in predicting weight-loss regain."

To address this problem, investigators analyzed the role of two hormones related to appetite regulation. Leptin is made by the cells found in fat tissue, and ghrelin is mainly manufactured by cells in the stomach. Previous research by Crujeiras and co-investigators showed that patients who later regained weight had higher leptin and lower ghrelin levels before starting a restricted-calorie diet.

In the current study, investigators found the pre-diet leptin/ghrelin ratio to be two times higher among study participants who later regained weight than among those who did not. Additionally, they identified cut-off points, which predicted more than 60 percent of patients who would later regain 10 percent or more of the weight they initially lost.

"Calculating the leptin/ghrelin ratio prior to the participation in a weight-reduction program might provide the opportunity to individualize weight-loss therapeutic programs according to patients' needs, counteracting the weight-regain rate, and, as a consequence, achieving successful management of obesity," Crujeiras said.

Among women, the leptin/ghrelin ratio identified 70 percent of participants who later regained weight. Among men, the rate was even higher at 95 percent. Women, however, were less likely than men to be incorrectly identified as future weight gainers.

Eighty-eight overweight or obese patients, with a body mass index greater than 25, enrolled in the eight-week study. They were 44 percent female, their average age was 35 years, and all were white.

After an initial fast, participants' blood levels of leptin and ghrelin were measured. They then followed a reduced calorie diet for eight weeks. At the six-month follow-up, 40 dieters had regained the weight they had lost, while the remaining 48 had not. The Biomedical Network Research Centre in Physiopathology of obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn), Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; Galician Research, Development and Technological Innovation plan (INCITE), Galician Ministry for Innovation and Industry; and Special Research about Nutrition, Obesity and Health, University of Navarra funded the study.

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Ratio of appetite-regulating hormones marker of successful dieters

Weight Loss Supplements Featuring Green Coffee Bean Extract Get Media Exposure by Nation's Most Recognized TV Doctor

Posted: June 25, 2012 at 10:10 pm

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) June 25, 2012

As seen on Dr Oz TV, Green Coffee Bean Extract sparked the onset of one of the biggest weight loss discussions and supplement debates of the year.

As summer sets in and those looking to lose excess weight faster with quick fixes or extra boosts,choosing a weight loss supplement containing pure green coffee bean extract may be the best choice, and heres why.

The "latest and greatest miracle way to lose weight fast and easy" exploded into the supplement industry with sufficient science, literature, and belief like no other product has done before.

But what is all the fuss about? Lets walk down the path of setting the record straight about green coffee extract for weight loss as it all starts with the science involved.

What is it? Its the pure extract of raw green coffee beans which contain a beneficial nutrient compound known as chlorogenic acid.

While the initial research is impressive, the green coffee bean extract science was fueled by a study examining the health effects of pure chlorogenic acid as an isolated ingredient in a recent double blind, placebo controlled atmosphere (the gold-standard of clinical studies) involving individuals of all weight sizes.

After nearly 3 months of completed evaluation, the University controlled clinical study was lead to believe green coffee bean extract can boost the bodys natural ability to burn fat faster and regulate blood-sugar levels while supplying the body with extra healing antioxidants.

These were only the highlights of the green coffee extract health benefits discovered in this small, but promising pilot study.

The scientific information was later leaked and shared at the American Chemical Societys 243rd annual meeting, indicating the pure green coffee bean extract is set to take on a much longer and larger study involving more participants for further evaluation and summation.

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Weight Loss Supplements Featuring Green Coffee Bean Extract Get Media Exposure by Nation's Most Recognized TV Doctor

Brentwood Chiropractor Helps Patients With Successful Summer Weight Loss

Posted: June 24, 2012 at 4:17 pm

BRENTWOOD, Tenn., June 24, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chiropractor Dr. Quinn W. Uzelman is encouraging patients to opt for long-term lifestyle changes rather than temporarily fad diets to lose weight. According to Dr. Uzelman, fad diets can ultimately lead to weight gain and may even exacerbate health problems. Dr. Uzelman recommends a combination of nutritional counseling and natural dietary supplements to help jump-start the metabolism, increase energy levels, and manage the appetite. Dr. Uzelman's practice also provides nutritional counseling to support patient's unique dietary needs as they recover from injuries or manage chronic pain.

Premier Family Chiropractic in Brentwood, TN is helping patients get in shape for summer and provide weight loss and nutritional counseling services that are designed to help patients get healthy for life.

"We recommend that our patients avoid 'lose weight quick' diets, which often backfire and lead to weight gain. Instead, our nutritional counseling and weight management program supports long-term sustained weight loss," said Dr. Uzelman.

According to Dr. Uzelman, diets that promise quick results can starve the body of vital nutrients, shutting down the metabolism. When individuals return to their normal eating habits, they quickly gain back any weight that was lost.

"Rather than starving the body, we recommend long-term, sustainable changes to dietary habits," said Dr. Uzelman. "These include nutritional supplements that are designed to safely increase energy and suppress appetite. In combination with the right balance of vitamins and nutrients, our supplements help kick-start the successful weight loss process."

The practice recommends the NanoGreens, NanoPro and NanoOmega supplements. According to the chiropractor, these supplements are specially formulated to help increase their intake of vegetables, fruits, protein and omega fatty acids. Studies show that these nutrients protect the body against cancer, relieve chronic pain and achy joints, and improve memory and bone health.

"In combination with regular activity and dietary changes, these supplements have helped our patients successfully lose weight," said Dr. Uzelman.

Dr. Uzelman also offers nutritional counseling and weight management services for patients recovering from injuries and back pain. Dietary changes, including an increase in antioxidants, can naturally reduce inflammation and chronic back pain.

He also implements ISAGENIX, a whole body nutritional cleansing program, which provides the body with over 70 vitamins and trace minerals lost due to increased use of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals that decrease the nutrient value in foods.

Dr. Uzelman says that losing weight and increasing daily activity can also help relieve pressure on the joints and strengthen the spine. In addition to weight management and nutritional counseling, Dr. Uzelman provides chiropractic care, massage therapy, and holistic treatments for allergies.

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Brentwood Chiropractor Helps Patients With Successful Summer Weight Loss

High-fat, High-calorie Diet Speeds Pancreatic Cancer Development

Posted: June 24, 2012 at 6:11 am

Diet high in fat and calories can hasten the development of pancreatic cancer in humans.

Our results showed that in mice, a diet high in fat and calories led to obesity and metabolic disturbances such as insulin resistance that are seen in obese humans. It also greatly enhanced pancreatic inflammation and pancreatic cancer development, said Guido Eibl, M.D., an associate professor in the department of surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles and a researcher at UCLAs Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Human epidemiological studies have linked high fat intake and obesity to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer, but the mechanism driving this association has not been understood.

To understand the link, Eibl and his colleagues first tested the hypothesis that diet is linked to cancer. They fed a corn oil-based diet that had a high content of fat and calories to mice with a genetic mutation that caused them to develop pancreatic precancer. The same gene, KRAS, is mutated in the majority of human pancreatic cancers.

The results showed that 90 percent of the mice fed the special diet became obese, and all of these mice developed insulin resistance and inflammation in the pancreas. Both of these conditions can stimulate the growth of precancerous cells and cancer. These mice also developed significantly more advanced precancerous lesions than did mice fed a normal diet.

This suggests that the high-fat, high-calorie diet accelerated pancreatic cancer development, said Eibl. A KRAS mutation in the pancreas might not be sufficient to cause an individual to develop pancreatic cancer. It likely needs something in addition a secondary hit. Our study showed that a high-fat, high-calorie diet could provide an environmental secondary hit and trigger cancer development.

The researchers are now defining the role that inflammation produced by obesity plays in development of the cancer, and if agents such as antidiabetic drugs or fish oil can halt this disease process.

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High-fat, High-calorie Diet Speeds Pancreatic Cancer Development

Jessica Simpson Weight Loss 2012 Jessica Simpson Diet Programs

Posted: June 24, 2012 at 6:11 am

Jessica Simpson Weight Loss 2012 Jessica Simpson Diet Programs - Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing. You see it in all the tabloids, this person lost 100 pounds again, this one gained 100 pounds, and then lost 150 pounds. Some are not as dramatic; this one lost 40 pounds and is a television spokesperson, because the previous celebrity diet spokesperson gained the weight back. The fact is they may be starving themselves to lose weight, fasting like they are going through a famine.

Celebrities make dieting look so easy, don't they? One month they're on the cover of US Weekly for gaining too much weight and the next they're headlining the "sexiest beach bods" story. It is true that seriously overweight people can lose large amounts of fat in a quick amount of time, because of the large fat content in their cells. But those that are only a few pounds overweight, losing 40 pounds in a month, is not only starvation, it is malnutrition and can have serious side effects. Our body weight can fluctuate day to day and the best diets take the weight off gradually, the way it came on.

Researches indicate that individuals who indulge in a weight loss program by taking prepared meals end up losing an additional 31% weight as against those who cook their own meals. With help, losing weight is made easier and at times much faster as against doing it on your own.Diet delivery is gaining popularity in a big way as it is fairly affordable by even the common man, roughly around $20 a day with an increasing variety to choose from. A few of which include: Zone-compliant meal, low carbs plan, veggie meals, and gourmet too.

"Click Here to Watch Weird VIDEO About The 5 Foods that KILL Abdominal Fat!"

With the rapidly increasing epidemic of obesity and increasing BMI levels, there is an array of products and diet plan to aid in combating obesity. Celebrity slim diet, the basic idea is to educate people and not to depict food as an enemy. Like a lot of famous diets in Hollywood, if your body thinks you are starving, it is going to hold on to every calorie you take in to keep you from starving to death instead of burning them for energy. When you follow a properly balanced weight loss diet, your metabolism will hardly notice the decrease in calories and continue to burn fat it doesn't need to store. This is a more long-term weight loss strategy.

Celebrities do not have secrets about dieting. They are normal people like the rest of us but, unlike most of us, they have people working for them such as diet advisors and personal trainers. Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. Having these factors in mind will allow you to have safe and easy weight loss that will provide you with short term and long term consistent results.

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Jessica Simpson Weight Loss 2012 Jessica Simpson Diet Programs

Priority Health: Atkins diet

Posted: June 23, 2012 at 12:10 pm

Desmond writes, What are your thoughts on the Atkins diet? I have heard people have great success but others say it leads to other medical complications?

It must be swimsuit time again! Probably the best time of the year for dieting, and healthier attitudes. It's important to understand how metabolism works, to understand how to lose weight, and become healthier. Unfortunately, many are not looking to be healthier, just skinnier....regardless of the health angle. So, my advice to you all is to think a little deeper, work a little harder, and put your health first, and your bikini/beach body second.

The biggest diet controversy has always been the type of food to eat that will help you lose weight. There have been hundreds of "fads" over the years, but many resurface, or refuse to go away. Any diet that severely restricts your food types and calories will make you lose weight, but will you be able to maintain that weight after stopping the restrictions? I look at diets as a "four letter word". It's not a term you are supposed to use! I would prefer "lifestyle changes" simply because there really is no end to the change. Therefore, any weight you lose will stay off since your goal is not to radically change your behavior for a short period of time (like most diets).

To answer Desmond's question, I did some research on the original Atkins diet, which was introduced in 1972, and revised in 2002. The premise is that a low carb, high protein diet will put the body in ketosis (weight loss by breaking down fat, also known as lipolysis. To do this you have to avoid carbohydrates, to allow the depletion of glucagon, and force the body to break down the fats used as storage in the body. The theory goes that you have to do this in stages to get the maximum benefit.

Stages of Atkins diet:

Induction is where most of the weight is lost, 5-10 pounds a week. During this phase, there are severe restrictions on carbohydrates, but no restriction on total calories taken in by protein or fat. There is a limitation of total fat, with only 20 percent of total calories expected from fat.

Ongoing weight loss, allows the inclusion of carbohydrates while still losing weight. This inclusion of carbs is limited and in stages or "rungs" of a ladder.


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Priority Health: Atkins diet

Jennifer Lopez, Jordin Sparks and More Celebs Reveal Their Weight-Loss Motivation

Posted: June 23, 2012 at 12:10 pm

Losing weight is not an easy thing to do. And while it's ultimately up to you to drop those unwanted pounds, motivation to do so is often right in front of you. Here are some of Hollywood's biggest beauties who know this struggle all too well. Read on to hear their thoughts on their own weight-loss journey.

PHOTOS: Stars who had to shed weight for a role

Jennifer Lopez

"You get to the point where you're like, 'Where am I? What happened to me?' I got to get myself together for my kids, you know? They need to know what I really look like."

Always proud of her curves, the 42-year-old says it was her twins, Emme and Max, who inspired her to lose the 50 pounds she gained during her pregnancy.

PHOTOS: Jennifer Lopez's sexy wardrobe

Jordin Sparks

"Every time someone sees a slimmed-down picture of me, it's not because I felt the pressure of the girl next to me being size 2. It's just making the choice for myself to be healthier, because I know that I'm less sick when I'm more active; I have more energy when I'm more active."

The Sparkle actress, 22, explains how the motivation behind her 30-pound weight loss was her health and not a desire to fit the Hollywood mold.

Ricki Lake

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Jennifer Lopez, Jordin Sparks and More Celebs Reveal Their Weight-Loss Motivation

Red Raspberry Ketone Supplement Shown In NLM Study To Inhibit Diet Induced Weight Gain

Posted: June 22, 2012 at 11:13 am

(PRWEB) June 22, 2012

With the help of Phare Enterprises Superior Labs has launched the highly popular Raspberry Ketone supplement through the Amazon marketplace. The benefits of raspberry ketone (RK) compounds have been known for years, thanks to a study from the NLM National Institutes of Health. However the recognition of the raspberry ketone supplement for use as a weight loss supplement skyrocketed when popular daytime TV health advisor Dr. Oz recommended it as the the number one miracle in a bottle for helping in the fight against obesity.

Raspberry Ketone compounds work by increasing both lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes according to the NLM study, which showed that in mice, RK compounds prevented elevations in body fat caused by a high-fat diet. There was also found to be increased levels of lipolysis in white adipocytes through the study. In lay terms, RK stimulates the hormone Adiponectin, which essentially tricks your body into thinking its thin, which improves fat metabolism rates in the body. On top of this, the NLM study also showed that RK compounds prevented fat accumulation in key areas in the body and a lower level of triglyceride, which are normally found alongside with high-fat diets.

While the recommendation of RK from Dr. Oz certainly gained the attention of the media and the public, other health care professionals are concerned that the miracle in a bottle will be used in place of a healthy diet and exercise regime. Health professionals want to remind consumers that as a supplement, raspberry ketone can help assist the body to lose weight, but it needs to go hand in hand with diet and lifestyle changes in order to really make a significant impact on body weight and health.

As a supplement to help fight obesity and weight problems, RK has become popular very quickly. It is also inexpensive to produce, making it more accessible for budget-conscious dieters and can be found online and at most health supplement stores.

The rest is here:
Red Raspberry Ketone Supplement Shown In NLM Study To Inhibit Diet Induced Weight Gain

ZELTIQ(R) Aesthetics Promotes Robert Tyson to Vice President of North America Sales

Posted: June 22, 2012 at 11:13 am

PLEASANTON, Calif., June 21, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ZELTIQ(R) Aesthetics, Inc. (ZLTQ), a medical technology company focused on developing and commercializing products utilizing its proprietary controlled-cooling technology platform branded CoolSculpting(R), today announced that Robert Tyson has been promoted from Regional Sales Director for the East Region to Vice President of North America Sales.

Mr. Tyson brings over 20 years of healthcare commercial experience to ZELTIQ, mostly in the aesthetic space. He joined ZELTIQ in September 2008 as Director of Sales for the East Region. In this capacity, he won Top Region in 2010 and worked in a boundary-less way to establish the newly-formed Northeast and Southeast Regions. Prior to ZELTIQ, Mr. Tyson held various positions with increasing responsibility with Ulthera, Reliant Technologies, Thermage and Edwards Life Sciences.

"Bobby is a proven, long-time key contributor to ZELTIQ's success," said Mike Genau, President of the North America Franchise (NAF). "We look forward to his leadership in this new role as we continue to advance our commercial activities and deliver on the promise of growing our CoolSculpting business across North America."

About CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting(R) is a non-surgical, clinically proven procedure designed to selectively reduce fat bulges in problem areas using a patented cooling technology. Physicians report a 95 percent patient satisfaction rate1. It is a procedure cleared by the FDA that gently cools unwanted fat cells in the body to induce a natural, controlled elimination of fat cells. It is designed to reduce fat bulges in treated areas of the body without harming surrounding tissue. CoolSculpting is available through an elite network of CoolSculpting Centers worldwide. Dermatologists, plastic surgeons and leading aesthetic specialists that offer CoolSculpting can be found at


ZELTIQ(R) Aesthetics, Inc. (ZLTQ) is a medical technology company focused on developing and commercializing products utilizing its proprietary controlled-cooling technology platform. ZELTIQ's first commercial product, the CoolSculpting(R) System, is designed to selectively reduce stubborn fat bulges that may not respond to diet or exercise. CoolSculpting is based on the scientific principle that fat cells are more sensitive to cold than the overlying skin and surrounding tissues. CoolSculpting utilizes patented technology of precisely controlled cooling to reduce the temperature of fat cells in the treated area, which is intended to cause fat cell elimination through a natural biological process known as apoptosis. ZELTIQ developed CoolSculpting to safely, noticeably, and measurably reduce the fat layer within a treated fat bulge without requiring the patient to diet or exercise.

1 As reported by physicians; data on file.

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ZELTIQ(R) Aesthetics Promotes Robert Tyson to Vice President of North America Sales

Eye Vitamin Leader Introduces New Product

Posted: June 22, 2012 at 11:13 am

ST. LOUIS, June 21, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- ZeaVision, LLC introduced EyePromise Zeaxanthin + Lutein Macular Pigment Formula to its portfolio of science-based, doctor recommended EyePromise eye vitamins.

EyePromise Zeaxanthin + Lutein Macular Pigment Formula features all-natural ingredients including 10 mg of dietary Zeaxanthin (the highest amount available in any eye vitamin brand) and 10 mg of Lutein. More than 25 million doses of EyePromise have been safely consumed, and the new formula provides an additional high-quality eye vitamin option to support macular health.

Chris Barber, ZeaVision President, explains, "Macular pigment plays an important role in protecting our photo receptors. Dense macular pigment (dietary Zeaxanthin and Lutein) protect like 'internal sunglasses' and block harmful blue light that can damage our eyes."

Several clinical studies demonstrate that dietary Zeaxanthin improves visual function such as ability to see objects against a similar background, read printed material in low light conditions, minimize glare at night, and lessen discomfort on bright sunny days.

Dr. Stuart Richer's recent Zeaxanthin and Visual Function (ZVF) Trial demonstrated several visual function improvements in early AMD patients. Patients that consumed 8 mgs of dietary Zeaxanthin for 12 months experienced improved driving skills, could read 8.5 more letters on an eye chart, blind spots were eliminated in their visual field, and improved ability to discern fine detail.

EyePromise Zeaxanthin + Lutein increases macular pigment density through premium ingredients in an all-natural product made in the USA.

Low macular pigment has also been identified as a risk factor for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Macular pigment can be obtained from the diet, however most Americans consume less than 25 percent of the recommended 5-9 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, so supplementation is often necessary. Zeaxanthin, in particular, is difficult to obtain in the average daily diet. One must consume approximately 20 ears of corn to obtain 10 milligrams of dietary Zeaxanthin, the amount found in one EyePromise Zeaxanthin + Lutein veggie gel.


About ZeaVision

ZeaVision is passionate about preserving healthy vision and fighting vision loss. The company develops nutraceutical and technology products for EyeCare Professionals and patients. ZeaVision scientists have conducted more than 20 years of research and development in nutrition and eye health, and hold patents on Zeaxanthin, a natural antioxidant and photo-protectant. For more information on the EyePromise brand of all natural nutraceuticals, visit The company also offers a state-of-the-art measurement device as part of its Eye-Q Intelligent AMD Risk Management Program. The QuantifEye instrument measures macular pigment optical density and allows EyeCare Professionals to measure, manage, monitor, and maintain healthy macular pigment levels to address an important AMD risk factor. For more information, please visit or call 866-833-2800.

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Eye Vitamin Leader Introduces New Product

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