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Instead of dieting, try these 3 things

Posted: May 29, 2012 at 1:16 pm

Ive written about one of the most common mistakes people make when theyre trying to lose fat, by doing slow and long-distance cardio. I discussed the most effective type of cardio that burns more fat. Another common mistake I see people make involves nutrition.

That biggest mistake is dieting! Thats rightdieting is a big mistake.

People have tried one, two, or more diets in their attempt to lose weight. If diets work, why do people have to try more than one?

Diets dont work because psychologically, you start off with a negative action. When you think dieting, you start thinking about the food you have to give up, eating what you really dont like, etc. It doesnt sound motivating at all.

Diets can be too restrictive or difficult to follow. Depending on the diet, some foods are forbidden, and the ones that are not might be foods you dont like.

Diets dictate the exact amount of food you should eat, how many calories, what time you should eat, the percentage of calories coming from carbs, protein and fat, etc.

Diets are generally not practical for everyday life. Imagine having to weigh, measure and calculate everything you put in your mouth. If you are a professional athlete who needs your body to be at optimal levels, then yes, you should be that detailed. However, being fastidious is not practical if you dont rely on your body to earn a living.

The number one thing that will help you in your nutrition goals is to focus on adopting one healthy eating habit at a time. Far too often, people try to change too many habits at one time, which is a recipe for failure because behavioral changes take time to occur. Adopt one habit and be consistent in observing it. Once you become consistent, add another to work on, and so on.

Here are three simple healthy eating habits to get you on the right track for maximum fat loss.

1. Take a multivitamin and a fish oil supplement.

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Instead of dieting, try these 3 things

‘Warrior’ diet and exercise program uses language of combat to show how to get fit

Posted: May 29, 2012 at 1:15 pm

Warrior Cardio by Martin Rooney

Martin Rooneys 12-week diet and exercise program uses the language of combat and models that look like ultimate fighters to show you how to get that fierce, toned-up look, or at least a trimmer you. According to Rooney, the most effective way to burn fat and build muscle is interval training: sprints, free-weight circuits and exercises using your own body weight, such as push-ups interspersed with claps. His program also includes a nutritional plan focused on a healthful balance of protein, vegetables, fruit and whole grains, complete with recipes. If you are intrigued by the science behind his plan, Rooney offers a primer on aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise and adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, a molecule central to metabolism. For those more interested in just working out, there are lots of pictures. Each exercise from the mini plyo hop (small, quick hops performed in a pattern similar to hopscotch) to the Zercher lunge (performed with a barbell in the crooks of your elbows) is broken down and demonstrated by some very buff guys. The program is geared toward men, but that doesnt mean women cant unearth their inner warriors just as well.

Whitney Fetterhoff

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‘Warrior’ diet and exercise program uses language of combat to show how to get fit

HCG: weight-loss boon or a risk to health?

Posted: May 29, 2012 at 1:15 pm

The black, bold headline blared: "LOSE WEIGHT, BUILD MUSCLE."

The advertisement, illustrated with a photo of a sexy, slim woman holding a football, goes on to claim that by placing a few drops of their product under your tongue, you can achieve rapid weight loss in all the right places.

The national ad ran in newspapers across the country, including in The Herald earlier this year.

However, this "new advanced" weight-loss formula is making fraudulent claims and is, in fact, illegal to sell for weight loss.

That's the warning the Food and Drug Administration issued in January on "homeopathic" or over-the-counter forms of hCG, after a resurgence of the hormone started to gain popularity as the latest quick fix for Americans eager to drop pounds.

It's interesting that hCG has become popular again after it first appeared on the diet scene more than 55 years ago. HCG was controversial then and still is today.

What's hCG?

HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced by the placenta and found in the urine of pregnant women.

HCG has been approved for use to treat infertility in women, but off-label hCG has also been used as a weight-loss method.

HCG is basically taken two different ways. First, it can be bought over the counter or online in the form of lozenges, oral drops, sprays or pills.

HCG: weight-loss boon or a risk to health?

Weight loss vs fat loss: Don't confuse the two!

Posted: May 29, 2012 at 1:15 pm

They're not quite the same thing and you need to figure out which takes priority.

People seem to use the terms weight loss and fat loss interchangeably, not understanding the difference between them. It is important, however, that you do understand -- there is a big difference between losing weight and losing fat.

What's the difference? Let's start by defining weight loss and fat loss.

Weight loss is the loss in your body weight -- the sum weight of your bones, muscles, organs, body fat and water in the body.

Fat loss is the loss in your body fat -- the amount of fat your body carries. Healthy goals are 12-20 percent body fat for men and 18-25 percent for women.

Weight is good, not bad; you do not want to lose weight, and more importantly for your health, you do not want to lose muscle. Our weight is made up of tissue, muscle, bone, blood, fat, water, and the rest of our physical bodies.

Muscle, like every other component of our physical make-up, is most important.

And fat is also a necessary, vital part of our physical make-up. Excess fat, however, is bad news and that is what you should focus on -- fat loss.

LifeMojo is one of the most trusted sources of information about good health and wellness. To those who want to manage their health themselves, LifeMojo provides necessary information, tips, tracking tools and support to help them stay informed and motivated.

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Weight loss vs fat loss: Don't confuse the two!

Smartphone app can help you lose weight

Posted: May 29, 2012 at 1:15 pm

Smartphone app can help you lose weight

By Tim Johnson

May 28th, 2012 @ 8:22pm

SALT LAKE CITY Being in the graphics business, the subject of weight loss was an easy one for me. Who needs gastric bypass when you've got Photoshop? It worked like a charm for the Christmas cards. Still, it was a little less impressive in person.

I used to be a lot bigger. Diving board were pushed to the limit when I jumped off them, and I was often mistaken for one for the performing orca whales while at Sea World. So how did I lose 40 pounds? I used my phone.

Using a calorie counting app on a smart phone with a database of 30,000 foods, you can find just about anything. There are hundreds of apps to choose one, and the can help you record not only calorie intake, but also exercise and more.

I started exercising and keeping track of what I was eating. Whatever I ate, I recorded. It was a pain at first, but you are able to quickly learn where the calories are coming from.

Instead of using a two-for-one coupon for the big double jumbo burger - 1400 calories - I did a little research and found out that you can get a 12-inch sub sandwich, minus the mayo and cheese, for only 620 calories.

Now, it's not just about the calories. You have to take into account the total nutritional value. A bag of M&Ms contains 350 calories, which is roughly the same as an icy protein shake with fresh strawberries and kiwi. Obviously one is better for you, and you have to keep that in mind. The results of all this extra math were that I dropped about 40 pounds.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the occasional candy bar, and the world (probably) won't end if you eat that Big Mac. The main thing is whatever you eat, to write it down. Overall, it's not as hard as it sounds. Change may come slow, but it does come. You just need to look at things differently. Be smart about it.

See more here:
Smartphone app can help you lose weight

Fish oil may reduce weight loss during chemotherapy

Posted: May 28, 2012 at 4:15 pm

Article updated: 5/28/2012 6:42 AM

Last week, I gave a lecture for the American Lung Association and the topic was alternative therapies for treating lung cancer.

In preparing for the lecture, I explored the research on the use of fish oils to minimize the loss of muscle mass during chemotherapy. Although there are a number of studies suggesting that it can prevent the weight loss often associated with chemotherapy, most studies do not show a definitive benefit. However, one recent study did find a strong, positive relationship with fish oil and the prevention of weight loss in lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Fish oil contains two important omega-3 oils, docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentanic acid. DHA is an important fat because it comprises 40 percent of all the polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain and, by weight, is 50 percent of nerve membrane. EPA is essential because it is a precursor molecule for many anti-inflammatory compounds as well as a precursor for DHA. Humans cannot synthesize either EPA or DHA very efficiently and these oils must be obtained through diet either eating fish or taking fish oil supplements.

Weight loss is a common side effect of chemotherapy in patients with progressive cancer. This weight loss can negatively impact the patient's ability to continue with chemotherapy and may decrease survival. In a number of studies, incorporating fish oil containing DHA and EPA into the diet have suggested an increase in survival probably through reduced weight loss and protein wasting. However, three large clinical trials failed to demonstrate a clear benefit of fish oil preserving body weight in cancer patients. Confounding factors in these studies included uncertain compliance and that fish oil supplementation was started late in therapy, after the patients were already debilitated.

One recent study published in the medical journal Cancer introduced EPA at the beginning of chemotherapy. In this study, 104 participants either took EPA or a placebo before starting chemotherapy. Chemotherapy and the study lasted about 10 weeks. The authors also followed weight, muscle mass and blood levels of omega-3 fats to see if higher blood levels correlated with better muscle preservation. This is something that the other studies had not done. What they found was that those participants who took fish oil did not lose as much muscle as those participants not taking fish oil. Indeed, there was a strong, inverse relationship between the amount of omega-3 fats in the blood and muscle wasting. Essentially, more fish oil meant less weight loss.

There are few side effects to fish oil supplementation, mostly related to the stomach. There is some concern about fish oil supplements containing mercury and pesticides. Good fish oils undergo a purification process called molecular distillation, essentially removing contaminants. These manufacturers will label their fish oil as molecularly distilled. There is also some concern about fish oil and an increased risk of bleeding. This may not be a real concern unless taking more than 5,000 milligrams of fish oil per day.

Patrick B. Massey, M.D., Ph.D is medical director for complementary and alternative medicine for the Alexian Brothers Hospital Network. His website is

Fish oil may reduce weight loss during chemotherapy

Casey Anthony Weight Loss 2012 Casey Anthony Diet Programs

Posted: May 28, 2012 at 3:14 am

Casey Anthony Weight Loss 2012 Casey Anthony Diet Programs - Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing. You see it in all the tabloids, this person lost 100 pounds again, this one gained 100 pounds, and then lost 150 pounds. Some are not as dramatic; this one lost 40 pounds and is a television spokesperson, because the previous celebrity diet spokesperson gained the weight back. The fact is they may be starving themselves to lose weight, fasting like they are going through a famine.

Celebrities make dieting look so easy, don't they? One month they're on the cover of US Weekly for gaining too much weight and the next they're headlining the "sexiest beach bods" story. It is true that seriously overweight people can lose large amounts of fat in a quick amount of time, because of the large fat content in their cells. But those that are only a few pounds overweight, losing 40 pounds in a month, is not only starvation, it is malnutrition and can have serious side effects. Our body weight can fluctuate day to day and the best diets take the weight off gradually, the way it came on.

Researches indicate that individuals who indulge in a weight loss program by taking prepared meals end up losing an additional 31% weight as against those who cook their own meals. With help, losing weight is made easier and at times much faster as against doing it on your own.Diet delivery is gaining popularity in a big way as it is fairly affordable by even the common man, roughly around $20 a day with an increasing variety to choose from. A few of which include: Zone-compliant meal, low carbs plan, veggie meals, and gourmet too.

"Click Here to Watch Weird VIDEO About The 7 Foods that KILL Abdominal Fat!"

With the rapidly increasing epidemic of obesity and increasing BMI levels, there is an array of products and diet plan to aid in combating obesity. Celebrity slim diet, the basic idea is to educate people and not to depict food as an enemy. Like a lot of famous diets in Hollywood, if your body thinks you are starving, it is going to hold on to every calorie you take in to keep you from starving to death instead of burning them for energy. When you follow a properly balanced weight loss diet, your metabolism will hardly notice the decrease in calories and continue to burn fat it doesn't need to store. This is a more long-term weight loss strategy.

Celebrities do not have secrets about dieting. They are normal people like the rest of us but, unlike most of us, they have people working for them such as diet advisors and personal trainers. Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. Having these factors in mind will allow you to have safe and easy weight loss that will provide you with short term and long term consistent results.

Originally posted here:
Casey Anthony Weight Loss 2012 Casey Anthony Diet Programs

Arianny Celeste Weight Loss 2012 Arianny Celeste Diet Programs

Posted: May 28, 2012 at 3:14 am

Arianny Celeste Weight Loss 2012 Arianny Celeste Diet Programs - Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing. You see it in all the tabloids, this person lost 100 pounds again, this one gained 100 pounds, and then lost 150 pounds. Some are not as dramatic; this one lost 40 pounds and is a television spokesperson, because the previous celebrity diet spokesperson gained the weight back. The fact is they may be starving themselves to lose weight, fasting like they are going through a famine.

Celebrities make dieting look so easy, don't they? One month they're on the cover of US Weekly for gaining too much weight and the next they're headlining the "sexiest beach bods" story. It is true that seriously overweight people can lose large amounts of fat in a quick amount of time, because of the large fat content in their cells. But those that are only a few pounds overweight, losing 40 pounds in a month, is not only starvation, it is malnutrition and can have serious side effects. Our body weight can fluctuate day to day and the best diets take the weight off gradually, the way it came on.

Researches indicate that individuals who indulge in a weight loss program by taking prepared meals end up losing an additional 31% weight as against those who cook their own meals. With help, losing weight is made easier and at times much faster as against doing it on your own.Diet delivery is gaining popularity in a big way as it is fairly affordable by even the common man, roughly around $20 a day with an increasing variety to choose from. A few of which include: Zone-compliant meal, low carbs plan, veggie meals, and gourmet too.

"Click Here to Watch Weird VIDEO About The 7 Foods that KILL Abdominal Fat!"

With the rapidly increasing epidemic of obesity and increasing BMI levels, there is an array of products and diet plan to aid in combating obesity. Celebrity slim diet, the basic idea is to educate people and not to depict food as an enemy. Like a lot of famous diets in Hollywood, if your body thinks you are starving, it is going to hold on to every calorie you take in to keep you from starving to death instead of burning them for energy. When you follow a properly balanced weight loss diet, your metabolism will hardly notice the decrease in calories and continue to burn fat it doesn't need to store. This is a more long-term weight loss strategy.

Celebrities do not have secrets about dieting. They are normal people like the rest of us but, unlike most of us, they have people working for them such as diet advisors and personal trainers. Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. Having these factors in mind will allow you to have safe and easy weight loss that will provide you with short term and long term consistent results.

See the rest here:
Arianny Celeste Weight Loss 2012 Arianny Celeste Diet Programs

Lady Gaga Weight Loss 2012 Lady Gaga Diet Programs

Posted: May 28, 2012 at 3:14 am

Lady Gaga Weight Loss 2012 Lady Gaga Diet Programs - Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing. You see it in all the tabloids, this person lost 100 pounds again, this one gained 100 pounds, and then lost 150 pounds. Some are not as dramatic; this one lost 40 pounds and is a television spokesperson, because the previous celebrity diet spokesperson gained the weight back. The fact is they may be starving themselves to lose weight, fasting like they are going through a famine.

Celebrities make dieting look so easy, don't they? One month they're on the cover of US Weekly for gaining too much weight and the next they're headlining the "sexiest beach bods" story. It is true that seriously overweight people can lose large amounts of fat in a quick amount of time, because of the large fat content in their cells. But those that are only a few pounds overweight, losing 40 pounds in a month, is not only starvation, it is malnutrition and can have serious side effects. Our body weight can fluctuate day to day and the best diets take the weight off gradually, the way it came on.

Researches indicate that individuals who indulge in a weight loss program by taking prepared meals end up losing an additional 31% weight as against those who cook their own meals. With help, losing weight is made easier and at times much faster as against doing it on your own.Diet delivery is gaining popularity in a big way as it is fairly affordable by even the common man, roughly around $20 a day with an increasing variety to choose from. A few of which include: Zone-compliant meal, low carbs plan, veggie meals, and gourmet too.

"Click Here to Watch Weird VIDEO About The 7 Foods that KILL Abdominal Fat!"

With the rapidly increasing epidemic of obesity and increasing BMI levels, there is an array of products and diet plan to aid in combating obesity. Celebrity slim diet, the basic idea is to educate people and not to depict food as an enemy. Like a lot of famous diets in Hollywood, if your body thinks you are starving, it is going to hold on to every calorie you take in to keep you from starving to death instead of burning them for energy. When you follow a properly balanced weight loss diet, your metabolism Gaga hardly notice the decrease in calories and continue to burn fat it doesn't need to store. This is a more long-term weight loss strategy.

Celebrities do not have secrets about dieting. They are normal people like the rest of us but, unlike most of us, they have people working for them such as diet advisors and personal trainers. Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. Having these factors in mind Gaga allow you to have safe and easy weight loss that Gaga provide you with short term and long term consistent results.

More here:
Lady Gaga Weight Loss 2012 Lady Gaga Diet Programs

George Will Weight Loss 2012 George Will Diet Programs

Posted: May 28, 2012 at 3:14 am

George Will Weight Loss 2012 George Will Diet Programs - Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing. You see it in all the tabloids, this person lost 100 pounds again, this one gained 100 pounds, and then lost 150 pounds. Some are not as dramatic; this one lost 40 pounds and is a television spokesperson, because the previous celebrity diet spokesperson gained the weight back. The fact is they may be starving themselves to lose weight, fasting like they are going through a famine.

Celebrities make dieting look so easy, don't they? One month they're on the cover of US Weekly for gaining too much weight and the next they're headlining the "sexiest beach bods" story. It is true that seriously overweight people can lose large amounts of fat in a quick amount of time, because of the large fat content in their cells. But those that are only a few pounds overweight, losing 40 pounds in a month, is not only starvation, it is malnutrition and can have serious side effects. Our body weight can fluctuate day to day and the best diets take the weight off gradually, the way it came on.

Researches indicate that individuals who indulge in a weight loss program by taking prepared meals end up losing an additional 31% weight as against those who cook their own meals. With help, losing weight is made easier and at times much faster as against doing it on your own.Diet delivery is gaining popularity in a big way as it is fairly affordable by even the common man, roughly around $20 a day with an increasing variety to choose from. A few of which include: Zone-compliant meal, low carbs plan, veggie meals, and gourmet too.

"Click Here to Watch Weird VIDEO About The 7 Foods that KILL Abdominal Fat!"

With the rapidly increasing epidemic of obesity and increasing BMI levels, there is an array of products and diet plan to aid in combating obesity. Celebrity slim diet, the basic idea is to educate people and not to depict food as an enemy. Like a lot of famous diets in Hollywood, if your body thinks you are starving, it is going to hold on to every calorie you take in to keep you from starving to death instead of burning them for energy. When you follow a properly balanced weight loss diet, your metabolism will hardly notice the decrease in calories and continue to burn fat it doesn't need to store. This is a more long-term weight loss strategy.

Celebrities do not have secrets about dieting. They are normal people like the rest of us but, unlike most of us, they have people working for them such as diet advisors and personal trainers. Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. Having these factors in mind will allow you to have safe and easy weight loss that will provide you with short term and long term consistent results.

Read more:
George Will Weight Loss 2012 George Will Diet Programs

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