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Posted: May 25, 2012 at 9:11 am

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More Valley men opting for weight-loss procedures

Posted: May 25, 2012 at 9:11 am


As the dog days of summer are fast approaching, and people are preparing for swimsuit season, anew weight-lossprocedure is focusing a good portion of its marketing toward men.

"Tried different diets and mixed things up a little bit and thought why not?" Jamal Ross said.

Ross couldn't help but notice new ads focused in on guys for "cool sculpting."

He said it seemed like a better option for him than liposuction.

"I wasn't quite at that point, so this just seemed like something that was pretty non-invasive and just a good entry point to see what the results would be like," Ross said.

A vacuum is placed over the fat that supplies a blast of cold to the area freezing the fat and eventually your body just gets rid of it. The procedure claims to be virtually pain-free.

"You feel a little bit of cool and other than that I've been kind of enjoying just hanging out," Ross said.

"The more the word gets out, the more that the patients come in and they realize there's more to the practice, more men are inquiring about it," Dr. Charles Evans said.

Evans, whoruns the Men's Vitality Center, said more and more men are coming in wanting to look better and feel better about their image.

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More Valley men opting for weight-loss procedures

Posted: May 25, 2012 at 9:11 am

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Posted: May 25, 2012 at 9:11 am

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Diets du jour

Posted: May 21, 2012 at 11:27 am

By Deni Rose M. Afinidad, Staff Writer


he past century had been a celebration of cures. Now, the mantra prevention is better than cure has become so strong, this century has been rated PG (Prevention Generation).

If it is true that the digestive system is the culprit behind top Filipino killers heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and diarrhea, then prevention should start with what the old adage says makes you who you are: what you eat.

Now that summer break is almost over, it is now time to give a holiday to one of the busiest parts of the body your stomach. The recently held 4th HSBC Coffee Talk: Hot Summer, Hot Diets was a platform for people to meet eye to eye with the eye of todays wellness storm: diets.

Art Mendoza from The Biggest Loser; Rescina Bhagwani who lost 65 pounds on the Cohen diet; JL Martinez who lost 120 pounds on the HCG diet; Lala Agregado who credits her newly toned physique to CrossFit; and Kat Azanza, co-owner of Juju Cleanse, shared pound-per-pound pieces of advice for those thinking of tipping off the scale to get todays most sought-after Bora body.

Natural diet and CrossFit

In her childhood, Agregado used to be overweight. Her mother has a seemingly eternal hourglass figure, while every celebrity she watched on TV seemed to be always slim. These pressured her to try the extremes.

I have tried all the crazy diets and weight loss methods out there, she said. Bangkok pills, Xenical... you name it. You may lose a lot of weight in a short period of time but trust me, you will balloon back with a vengeance.

She, however, found the solution she had been looking for ever since she signed up for CrossFit.

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Diets du jour

Is the Dukan diet right for you?

Posted: May 21, 2012 at 11:27 am

By Erin Gulden Content provided by

When news hit that a certain Duchess may have turned to the Dukan Diet to help her slim down before her very public wedding in April 2011, the blogs were abuzz. Then came reports that both model Gisele Bundchen and singer Jennifer Lopez used the diet to lose their baby weight. The blogs went wild. Was this the magic method dieters had been waiting for?

Dr. Pierre Dukan had been prescribing his high-protein, phase-based diet to his own patients for decades, but only in the last 10 years has he put his plan down in writing. It made a splash in France before spreading through European nations and dozens of other countries before being published in the United States in April 2011, the same month as the Royal Wedding. Though Carole Middleton is reportedly a fan and turned her now-famous daughters on to the diet, Dukan's method has plenty of detractors.

A survey by the French magazine Journal des Femmes Sant asked 5,000 people who completed the Dukan Diet how it worked in the long run. More than 80 percent of responders reported losing weight rapidly, but putting it all back on within four years. In December 2011, the British Dietetic Association went a step further, calling the diet one of the five worst celebrity diets of 2011.

So how does it work? The plan consists of four phases. The first tends to be the most satisfying, due to the rapid weight loss. It's called the Attack Phase, and consists of eating unlimited amounts of lean meats and nonfat dairy products and small amounts of oat bran. This phase lasts for two to seven days, depending on how much weight the dieter wants to lose. The second phase is the Cruise phase, where dieters rotate days of pure protein with days of pure protein and vegetables until they hit their desired weight. The third phase reintroduces whole grains and cheeses in fixed amounts, and the last phase allows the dieter to eat whatever they like, as long as they eat only pure protein one day each week.

Karen Ansel, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association), finds immediate fault with the diet's restrictive regimen. "When you're on a diet that restricts entire food groups it can be really difficult to get the nutrients you need," Ansel says. "To feel your best you really want to find a diet that lets you eat from all the food groups."

She says the high-protein approach may lead to rapid weight loss, but cautions that since protein acts as a diuretic, most of those initial pounds may be lost water weight, not fat.

And she says there are other side effects to high-protein diets, including constipation, fatigue, dry mouth, bad breath and even depression. "Our bodies need carbohydrates to synthesize the brain chemical serotonin, which is linked to feelings of happiness and relaxation," Ansel says.

So the Dukan Diet may work in the short term, and high-protein diets may be able to help you slim down a few days before an event, but for long-term weight loss success, Ansel suggests skipping Dukan.

"The best formula for weight loss is a plan that allows you to eat smaller portions from all food groups," Ansel says. "Not only is it healthier, you're more likely to stick with it."

Is the Dukan diet right for you?

Nutritional Counseling for Weight Loss Available at Seminole Chiropractic Wellness Center

Posted: May 21, 2012 at 11:27 am

SEMINOLE, Fla., May 20, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Obese patients and others suffering from a variety of related health concerns in the St. Petersburg area of Florida can now benefit from qualified nutritional counseling in addition to chiropractic care at Seminole Chiropractic Wellness Center. Chiropractor Dr. Randal Butch stated his concern for patients struggling with weight loss when he said, "We help our patients lose excess pounds and achieve successful long-term weight loss by offering them customized detox plans as part of our nutritional counseling program. Our chiropractic care also provides relief for weight-related discomfort and injuries."

Patients can benefit from Dr. Butch's counseling services on the topics of proper diet and nutrition. Any excess weight causes stress and strain on the body's internal organs, as well as its muscles and skeletal structure. In order to lose weight and acquire better health, it is important to lose those excess pounds and keep them off.

Seminole Chiropractic Wellness Center patients can expect a comprehensive discussion about medical history and lifestyle, followed by an exam upon their first consultation with Dr. Butch. He factors in different personal health information to develop the most relevant, personalized plan to meet patient's weight loss goals and to improve diet habits. A customized wellness plan helps the patient focus on making better and healthier choices in his or her diet. The plan also addresses other important components for success, such as the best nutritional supplements to take, ways to avoid or relieve stress, and strategies to lose weight and keep it under control.

Dr. Butch takes a strong stand against fad diets or behaviors that actually contribute to poor health and failed efforts to lose weight and keep it off. He's said, "Slimmer does not always means healthier. It is not wise for patients to starve themselves by following these 'fad' or 'crash' diets that do more harm than good."

In some cases, Dr. Butch will recommend that an obese patient follows a healthy detox plan, which will help flush out toxins from the body, preparing it for a new and healthier caloric intake. Along with this plan will be information about portion control and nutritious food choices, as well as foods to definitely avoid. Dr. Butch also includes in the plan recommendations for exercises and lifestyle coaching.

Dr. Butch has been a licensed chiropractor since 1987. In addition to his counseling services focused on diet and nutrition, he primarily uses the Palmer technique of chiropractic methods, which includes hands-on procedures such as adjustments and spinal manipulations, massage therapy, and physical therapy or physiotherapy.

For more information about the Chiropractic Wellness Center, nutritional and weight loss counseling service patients may visit

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Nutritional Counseling for Weight Loss Available at Seminole Chiropractic Wellness Center

Best Weight Loss Supplements to Lose Weight Quick

Posted: May 21, 2012 at 11:27 am

Best Weight Loss Supplements Chia Seeds or Meal - are rich in anti-oxidants and a great source of omega 3 fatty acids and fiber as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, niacin, and zinc. The main benefits of taking chia seeds are they boost digestion, optimize fat and carb metabolism, plus they keep you full and hydrated which reduces appetite and cravings. One 16 oz container provides about a months supply and is only $10. Green Superfoods Drink Powder - is packed with alkaline green plant food, powerful raw food antioxidants, probiotics and digestive enzymes. It works as a natural detoxifier and boosts digestion as well as nutrient absorption. It also balances your pH levels and is very filling. The main benefit of this supplement is that it optimizes metabolism and creates a fat burning environment in the body. The best part is you can use this supplement as a meal. One 8 oz container has 30 servings and is about $20. Wellness Formula Capsules - is an amazing blend of herbs, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that optimize your immune system as well your health. According to many holistic health experts like Dr. Weil, Paul Chek and Dr. Mercola an optimized immune system is key to higher energy levels, better metabolic function, as well as increased fat burning which all means easier and faster weight loss. One 120 capsules bottle is good for 40 days and is about $20.

Healthy Eating and Exercise Plan Below is a simple healthy eating and exercise plan that you can follow while taking supplements to lose weight quick and easy. The key things that make this plan so effective is the small portions of organic food that are both healthy and very filling plus the combination of supplements and quick workouts that boost metabolism 24/7. You can stay on this plan for up to 6 weeks and can lose up to 15 pounds in 30 days or less just from eating and exercising this way. *Always consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan. meal 1 - 7:30 20 oz water with green superfoods and orange emergen-C, 1-2 cups of green tea or coffee w/lowfat milk meal 2 - 11:30 1/2 cup organic yogurt w/ 1/2 scoop organic protein powder and 1/2 organic apple or berries, 20 oz glass chia water or 1-2 free range eggs, handful organic spinach, 2 tbsp feta cheese omelet, 1 piece of organic fruit, 20 oz glass chia water meal 3 - 3:30 1/2 cup raw organic veggies w/1 tbsp all natural hummus or salsa, 20 oz water or 1/2 cup organic yogurt w/ 1 organic apple or berries, 20 oz water workout 1 - 20 min. weight loss workout and 10 min. stretching (can also be done before first or second meal) meal 4 - 7:30 3-4 oz hormone free fish, chicken, or beef, 1/2 cup whole grain rice, quinoa, or organic black beans, 1-2 cups steamed organic veggies, 1/2 cup organic dark leafy greens (raw or steamed), 3 Wellness Formula capsules, 20 oz water workout 2 - walk at a moderate pace for 20-30 min. then stretch for 10 min. and have another 20 oz water

Remember that the key to losing weight quickly and easily is taking a simple holistic approach that boosts health, optimizes fat burning and reduces stress and toxins. Lose weight fast and easy with with Chia Seed, Green SuperFood and/or Wellness Formula

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Best Weight Loss Supplements to Lose Weight Quick

Study: “Good Cholesterol” may not be that good for you

Posted: May 19, 2012 at 12:11 am

It's not just what you eat, it's when you eat It's not just what you eat, it's when you eat While most of the research on diet and obesity focuses on what people eat, a new study in mice suggests that more attention should be given to when people eat.More >> While most of the research on diet and obesity focuses on what people eat, a new study in mice suggests that more attention should be given to when people eat.More >> Shape up, safely, for summer Shape up, safely, for summer Being healthy and losing weight are not only about crash diets, clothing sizes and numbers on the scale, experts say.More >> Being healthy and losing weight are not only about crash diets, clothing sizes and numbers on the scale, experts say.More >> The surprising health benefits of beer The surprising health benefits of beer Fortunately, having a few beers now and again is one nice little treat that you don't have to feel bad about.More >> Most health advice has us feeling guilty over our indulgences. Fortunately, having a few beers now and again is one nice little treat that you don't have to feel bad about.More >> 'Email vacations' boost job productivity, lower stress 'Email vacations' boost job productivity, lower stress Email vacations while on the job could benefit people's health, reducing stress levels and contributing to better focus, a new study suggests.More >> Email vacations while on the job could benefit people's health, reducing stress levels and contributing to better focus, a new study suggests.More >> 10 summer health risks to watch out for 10 summer health risks to watch out for When summer arrives, people start spending a lot of time outdoors, basking in the sun's long-awaited rays. But the great outdoors can harbor some health risks.More >> When summer arrives, people start spending a lot of time outdoors, basking in the sun's long-awaited rays. But the great outdoors can harbor some health risks.More >> Zinc pills may shorten colds Zinc pills may shorten colds Those suffering from the common cold will try almost anything to relieve their symptoms, but a cure has yet to be found.More >> Those suffering from the common cold will try almost anything to relieve their symptoms, but a cure has yet to be found.More >> Why you overeat even when you're full Why you overeat even when you're full A group of Italian researchers has uncovered evidence that regardless of how "full" a person may feel, the body is hard-wired to overeat when tempted by yummy foods.More >> A group of Italian researchers has uncovered evidence that regardless of how "full" a person may feel, the body is hard-wired to chemically reward itself by overeating when tempted by yummy foods.More >> 8 creative sick-day activities for kids 8 creative sick-day activities for kids Sick days are rough for a parent, especially if you have to miss work to take care of a sniffling kid.Check out this list ofsimple activities to make the most of your day together.More >> Sick days are rough for a parent, especially if you have to miss work to take care of a sniffling kid.Check out this list ofsimple activities to make the most of your day together.More >> Get ready for shorts: The legs and booty workout! Get ready for shorts: The legs and booty workout! Panicked about bathing suit season? You won't be if you try these easy exercises to tone your rear, hips and thighs.More >> Panicked about bathing suit season? You won't be if you try these easy exercises to tone your rear, hips and thighs.More >> How that glass of red wine might help you live longer How that glass of red wine might help you live longer Researchers have found new evidence showing that resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, may play a role in preventing cell aging.More >> Researchers have found new evidence showing that resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, may play a role in preventing cell aging.More >>

(CNN) - A new study out of Harvard Medical School says higher good cholesterol levels may not lower heart attack risks.

It says genetic tests haven't shown a link between higher HDL and a lower risk.

HDL is the so-called "good" cholesterol.

One of the study's authors tells Web MD that HDL is important tool for figuring out heart attack risk.

But, he says this research raises questions as to whether there are benefits to taking drugs to increase those levels.

Studies have shown that high LDL or bad cholesterol, is linked to an increased risk of heart attacks.

So the takeaway message from doctors, is to definitely lower your LDL.

The study is published in the journal Lancet.

Copyright 2012 CNN. All rights reserved.

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Study: “Good Cholesterol” may not be that good for you

No More Midnight Snacks? Mice That Eat at Odd Hours Get Fat | 80beats

Posted: May 19, 2012 at 12:11 am

FA=high-fat, ab libitum (eat-at-will) diet, FT=high-fat, time-restricted diet, NA=normal ab libitum (eat-at-will)diet, NT=normal diet, time-restricted

Diets tell youwhat you eat, but a new study suggestswhen you eat matters too. Of two groups of mice who were fed the same high-fat diet, themice who could eat around the clock were much heavierthan those who had food restricted to eight hours per day, in a new study published inCell Metabolism.

Researchers in the study gave the mice a special high-fat chow, 61% of whose calories come from fat (compared to just 13% in normal feed). The mice who chowed down all day and night became, unsurprisingly, obese, but the ones who ate the same amount of hi-fat foodin only eight hours per day did not. Their body weight was comparable to mice fed an equivalent amount of calories on normal feed.

This being a study inCell Metabolism, the researchers didnt stop with just weighing the mice; they did a lot of molecular experiments to work out the link between timing and weight gain. Mice on high-fat, eat-whenever diets had the insulin problems associated with obesity-induced diabetes and lower expression of genes linked to breaking down fats in the liver, leading to fat accumulating in the liver. The high-fat, time-restricted diets did not have those problems.

This might make sense in light of ourcircadian rhythms, which are the approximately 24-hour cycles that govern sleep as well as metabolic functions such when the liver secretes bile and the pancreas insulin.Previous researchhas found that sleep-deprivedand jetlagged people, whose circadian rhythms are out of whack, are at risk for weight gain. The current study adds to the link between circadian rhythms and weight, suggesting that eating fat at odd hours disrupts daily metabolic cycles.

Image courtesy of M. Hatori et al / Cell Metabolism

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No More Midnight Snacks? Mice That Eat at Odd Hours Get Fat | 80beats

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