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Wilmington resident talks weight loss on TV

Posted: May 8, 2012 at 11:10 am

Diva Taunia of Wilmington got the call from ABC on a Friday, and on Monday morning, she was on an Acela train bound to Penn Station in New York City. As a four-year post-operative weight loss surgery success story, she was scheduled to appear on The Revolution with Tim Gunn to talk about weight loss surgery and the need for shaping and compression garments after massive amounts of weight loss. She was there as the before and after model, but also was able to give some insight on how each type of shaper helped women with various issues.

Everyone knows that with weight loss surgery, the weight comes off quickly and can often times leave excess skin. Taunia said. Many of us are unable to have reconstructive surgeries because our insurance companies consider those procedures cosmetic and elective. In my case, all of my excess weight resides in my abdomen, and shaping and compression garments not only smooth out the troubled areas, but give me a sense of pride and confidence in my body that I wouldnt otherwise have.

When I first arrived, I was stopped in the hall by Tim Gunn, who said, Hello Taunia. Were going to have lots of fun today. He was immediately friendly and welcoming, and hes just as charming as he is on TV. I was thrilled to be able to do such a lengthy segment with him on a topic that is really important in my weight loss surgery community.

Taunia considers herself an advocate and activist for weight related issues, and she also speaks openly and honestly about her own weight loss surgery journey.

It has hands-down been the best decision that I ever made for myself. I mean, look. Im on TV with Tim Gunn talking fashion for women like me. Everything that happens these days is a direct extension of that amazing choice I made on March 25, 2008. Ill always be proud of myself for taking charge of my health and recreating an entirely new and crazy life for myself.

You can see Wilmington resident Diva Taunia on ABCs The Revolution on Monday, May 21. For more information, visit her websites at and

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Wilmington resident talks weight loss on TV

Medifast Coupons Save Slimmers Big Bucks On Their Dieting Expenses

Posted: May 8, 2012 at 11:10 am

Houston, TX (PRWEB) May 08, 2012

Medifast coupons are now available through, saving slimmers big bucks on their weight-loss program. Now the incentive to drop those excess pounds is even stronger with a range of discount coupons that can be used to get great deals on Medifasts nutritious products. Go to now and get in shape with Medifast coupon codes.

"Using Medifast coupon codes is the first step towards getting back that youthful waistline," says owner and founder, Justin Bowen. "Here at CouponBuzz, anyone who's looking to slim down for summer can choose any one of a series of promotional codes and start losing weight now!"

Medifast has a diet plan for everyone. Its clinically proven weight loss programs have been carefully selected to guarantee the best results using only the finest ingredients. Each plan is geared towards the individuals personal lifestyle, and Medifast members can also benefit from great deals on shipping their dietary products straight to the door!

Simply by picking up a Medifast coupon code at CouponBuzz, participants can take advantage of a selection of monthly meal plans for a fixed fee. Each plan is designed to help the body burn off fat reserves quickly and effectively. Most people lose weight fast - as much as 20 pounds a month, significantly faster than other weight loss regimes. is working with Medifast to help customers get the body they want. Visitors to CouponBuzz can start their slimming regime instantly by using Medifast coupons. There are a number of great offers out there already, and the deals on meals are set to continue.

To make the most of this Medifast promotion and others could not be simpler. CouponBuzzs user-friendly website allows visitors to choose the deal thats best for them and redeem it immediately. Customers can choose from Medifast diet plans for anyone including vegetarians, the elderly and those with certain illnesses. To take advantage of any Medifast offer go to

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Medifast Coupons Save Slimmers Big Bucks On Their Dieting Expenses

Lose Weight All Day Long

Posted: May 8, 2012 at 11:10 am

It's not just what you eat or how much you exercise that matters; it's the timing of each component that is the true secret to weight loss success. Research shows that our bodies' inner eat-and-sleep clocks have been thrown completely out of whack, thanks to all-day food cues and too much nighttime artificial light. The result: You're caught in a "fat cycle": a constant flow of hunger hormones that makes you prone to cravings. By tuning in to your body's natural eat/sleep schedule, you can finally say good-bye to your belly. Follow this hour-by-hour slim-down schedule to control hunger hormones, banish cravings, and get a trim and toned belly--fast!

Foods to Eat for All-Day Energy

6 to 8 AM: Get moving.

Within a half hour of rising and before you eat breakfast, do 20 minutes of cardio. Research has found that exercising before breakfast may help you burn fat more efficiently. If you can get outside, even better. Early morning sunlight helps your body naturally reset itself to a healthier sleep/wake cycle (regular indoor lights don't have the same effect).

6:55 to 8:55 AM: Drink up.

Before every meal, drink two 8-ounce glasses of water. Research shows that people who drank this amount lost 5 pounds more than nonguzzlers.

7 to 9 AM: Eat breakfast.

The alarm clock also wakes up ghrelin, the "feed me" hormone made in your stomach. Ignore ghrelin and your body will produce even more, eventually making you ravenous. To suppress ghrelin's effect, eat a mix of complex carbs and protein, such as eggs and whole grain toast, within an hour of waking.

10 to 11 AM: Munch midmorning.

Ghrelin begins to rise again a couple of hours before lunch. It turns off when you chow down, particularly on carbs and protein, so have a small combo snack, like blueberries and Greek-style yogurt.

Original post:
Lose Weight All Day Long

High fat diets and depression: a look in mice

Posted: May 3, 2012 at 10:14 pm

Only a few weeks ago I looked at a study on fast food consumption and depression, and only a few days ago I talked about a brand new study looking at high fat diets and protection from heart attack damage. And today, weve got another study on high fat diet, this time in mice, and depressive-like behavior. What is the effect of a high fat diet? Well, it appears to be getting more complicated with each new study.

But it this study, at least, it looks like diet-induced obesity might produce depressive-like effects in mice. But how the diet is doing that is not so well defined.

Sharma and Fulton. Diet-induced obesity promotes depressive-like behaviour that is associated with neural adaptations in brain reward circuitry International Journal of Obesity, 2012.


Several studies in humans have found a correlation between obesity and the development of depression. But its important to keep in mind that correlation is not causation. Many people who become obese also have other things going on (socioeconomic status, family history, comorbid disorders) which can influence the development of depression. In order to determine if obesity itself is causing depression, you first have to deliberately cause obesity in a controlled population.

And this is where mice come in. Using a specialty high fat and high sugar diet, Sharma and Fulton fed up a set of mice for 12 weeks, until they were significantly fatter than control mice. They then looked at behavioral tests for anxiety and depression.

(Click to embiggen)

What you can see above are different behavioral tests. The top two panels represent the elevated plus maze, a plus shaped design with two open arms and two closed arms. Mice prefer to stay in the closed arms of the maze, because they prefer darkness and small spaces. The more anxious a mouse is, the more time he will spend in the closed arms. In this case, the mice fed on a high-fat diet spent more time in the closed arms of the maze.

In the second set of bars, the open field, the findings were similar. The mouse is placed in a large open field. He will usually stay out of the center, preferring the more protected edges and corners. The more anxious a mouse is, the more he will stay to the edges of the field. Again, the high-fat diet mice stayed on the edges more than normal mice suggesting that high-fat diets make mice more anxious.

However, anxiety tests are not depression. For their main depression measure (the bottom set of bars), the authors used the forced swim test, where a mouse is placed in a bucket of water and swims for a few minutes. After a while it will realize it cant get out and begin to float, a sign of behavioral despair. Mice given antidepressants will swim more and float less, and mice showing depressive-like behavior will float more. In this case, the high fat diet mice floated more than control mice, which the authors suggest is depressive like behavior.

See the rest here:
High fat diets and depression: a look in mice

Want To Zap Cellulite? New Treatment Claims To Melt It Away

Posted: May 3, 2012 at 10:14 pm


There is a brand-new treatment for cellulite, and a Columbus doctor is performing the fat-zapping procedure.

First, let's review the cottage cheese culprit.

Cellulite ... the word alone will bring a scowl to many a face. Even those who hit the gym and walk the line in their diets can be haunted by it.

It's the fatty deposit that causes an uneven, dimpled appearance in the skin, usually around the hips and thighs.

For generations, even centuries, we've tried to get rid of it, smooth it, suck it out, melt it off and even sweat it out.

Women, especially, are plagued by cellulite.

"I've always had heavier legs. In high school, I used to wear trash bags around my legs to try to sweat them off ... I've always been self-conscious of my legs," said Pam Meige, a 52-year-old mother of two boys who is thin and works out.

Most women understand exactly what Meige is talking about. Cellulite can creep up on our legs, bottom, tummy and arms, and no one is really immune.

"I do exercise. I ride my bike. I walk, and that's one area of our body -- cellulite -- that you can't exercise off," said Meige.

Originally posted here:
Want To Zap Cellulite? New Treatment Claims To Melt It Away

Volumetrics Eating Plan: Why This Dense-Food Diet Will Work For You [VIDEO]

Posted: May 3, 2012 at 10:14 pm

The Volumetrics Eating Plan, a new weight-loss trend sweeping the nation, is winning people over with its "eat more" agenda.

Unlike diets that revolve around depriving their followers, the Volumetrics eating plan doesn't hold you back when craving a certain type of food.

Its creator, nutritionist Barbara Rolls, PhD, argues that limiting your diet too severely won't work in the long run. You'll just wind up hungry and unhappy and go back to your old ways, according to WebMD.

It's all a matter of calorie intake, says the doctor.

"By choosing foods that have fewer calories per bite, your portion size grows, but your overall calorie count decreases," Rolls, author of the new book "The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet," told CNN. "So you end up with a satisfying amount of food."

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Rolls, a professor of nutritional sciences at the Pennsylvania State University, has spent the last 20 years studying the science of satiety -- that feeling of fullness at the end of a meal - and the affects that it has on hunger and obesity.

According to the Rolls's research, the amount of food that we take in has a greater effect on how full we feel than the number of calories in the food.

So when speaking in terms of the Volumetrics eating plan, the trick of it is to fill up on foods that aren't full of calories.

A guideline that makes the Volumetrics eating plan so popular with the general public is that that it doesn't ban food types, as many other diet plans do.

View original post here:
Volumetrics Eating Plan: Why This Dense-Food Diet Will Work For You [VIDEO]

The eat more to weigh less diet

Posted: May 3, 2012 at 10:14 pm

A volumetrics plan helps control hunger by filling you up, but they also do it on fewer calories.


( -- You're no diet dummy -- your "unrealistic" detector is on high alert. Cut out carbs? Fast on herbal juice blends? Please.

So what a relief to rediscover Volumetrics, a way of eating that just plain makes sense. By pumping up your diet's volume in easy ways (more of that to come), you will not only enjoy yummy foods, but also eat a lot of them and still lose weight.

It all comes down to calories per bite. "By choosing foods that have fewer calories per bite, your portion size grows, but your overall calorie count decreases," explains Barbara Rolls, PhD, the creator of Volumetrics and author of the new book "The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet". "So you end up with a satisfying amount of food."

Key word: satisfying. Rolls, a professor of nutritional sciences at the Pennsylvania State University, has spent 20 years studying the science of satiety -- that feeling of fullness at the end of a meal -- and how it affects hunger and obesity.

Research shows that the amount of food we eat has a greater effect on how full we feel than the number of calories in the food. If you're sated after eating, you're likelier to stick with a diet. Eat (yes, eat!) to lose weight

The staples of the Volumetrics plan -- water-rich foods like brothy soups, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, lean meat, and fish -- not only help control hunger by filling you up, but they also do it on fewer calories.

Foods that are high in fat and/or sugar are just the opposite: They're less filling, plus they have more calories per bite.

Originally posted here:
The eat more to weigh less diet

Losing Weight May Help Lower Cancer Risk

Posted: May 3, 2012 at 10:14 pm

Weight Loss Linked to Reduced Inflammation in Postmenopausal Women

By Matt McMillen WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD

May 1, 2012 -- For postmenopausal women who are overweight or obese, new research offers more incentive to start shedding pounds.

According to a study published in the journal Cancer Research, losing even a small proportion of your overall body weight significantly reduces inflammation in your body and potentially lowers your risk of developing several different types of cancer, including breast cancer.

"I think the main issue is body fat," researcher Anne McTiernan, MD, PhD, director of the Prevention Center at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, writes in an email to WebMD. "The more fat one has, the more inflammation-producing cells there are, and therefore the more inflammation ... produced and sent into the bloodstream."

For the year-long study, McTiernan and her colleagues recruited 439 women throughout the greater Seattle area who were between the ages of 50 and 75. All of them had a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher, which meant that they were all considered overweight or obese. They were otherwise considered healthy, with no history of breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or other serious illness. None of them were smokers or heavy drinkers.

The women were split into four groups. The first group dieted, eating between 1,200 and 2,000 calories a day, of which less than 30% were fat calories. The second group exercised 225 minutes per week, both at home and under supervision at a gym. The third group both dieted and exercised. The fourth, the comparison group, did not change either their diet or exercise habits.

After a year, the first and third groups had lost an average of 8.5% and 10.8% of their body weight, respectively. Their reductions in inflammation were even more dramatic.

For example, C-reactive protein levels -- elevated levels of which have been associated with lung and colon cancer -- dropped by an average of 36.1% for the diet group and 41.7% for the diet and exercise group. Other inflammatory indicators dropped as well.

The rest is here:
Losing Weight May Help Lower Cancer Risk

Weight Watchers 1Q misses on increased costs

Posted: May 3, 2012 at 10:14 pm

NEW YORK (AP) -- Weight Watchers International Inc.'s first-quarter profit missed expectations as the weight loss company increased its marketing spending. The news sent its shares plunging in after-hours trading Wednesday.

The New York-based company earned $54.6 million, or 74 cents per share, for the quarter that ended March 31. That's down from $73.6 million, or $1 per share, in the same quarter last year. Its total revenue was essentially flat at $503.5 million.

Analysts polled by FactSet were expecting Weight Watchers to earn 78 cents per share on revenue of $505.8 million.

Weight Watchers said it spent 36 percent more on marketing in this year's quarter than last to help build its Weight Watchers online business with men in the U.S. and European consumers. The company's online business has thrived, while its in-person meetings have struggled.

Weight Watchers updated its full-year guidance to reflect a recent tender offer and share buyback, as well changes in business trends. It now expects to earn $4.60 to $4.80 per share for the year, which is up from its prior forecast of $4.20 to $4.60 per share. This includes a 50 to 55 cent per-share impact from the offer and buyback.

Analysts were expecting the company would earn $4.10 per share; analyst expectations typically exclude one-time adjustments.

Shares of Weight Watchers rose 33 cents to close at $76.01 Wednesday. But its shares fell $12.02, or nearly 16 percent, in after-hours trading to $63.99. Its stock has traded between $51.28 and $86.97 in the past 52 weeks.

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Weight Watchers 1Q misses on increased costs

Withings and BodyMedia Partner to Promote Weight Loss

Posted: May 3, 2012 at 10:14 pm

ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX, France, May 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Withings, developer of the world's first WiFi-connected personal weight scale, today announced a strategic partnership with wearable body monitor pioneer BodyMedia, Inc. to aid consumers in weight loss efforts. Under the partnership, weight data can be automatically imported into the BodyMedia FIT Armband System simply by stepping on the Withings WiFi Body Scale, eliminating the need to enter the information into the BodyMedia FIT Activity Manager manually.

The Withings WiFi Scale measures a user's body weight, lean and fat mass, and calculates body mass index (BMI) and automatically transmits the data to a secure personal webpage using the built in WiFi. The data can be accessed from any Internet connected device or the free Withings smartphone application. The scale can track eight users and, if desired, automatically tweet or update the user's Facebook status with the details of the latest weigh-in to generate support for the user's weight loss efforts from Twitter followers or Facebook friends. By using the WiFi Scale, users can see a graphical representation of users' journeys in attaining their health goals.

BodyMedia FIT armbands collect physiological data from the human body using four unique sensors that capture over 5,000 data readings every minute. This raw data includes measurements of heat flux, skin temperature, motion and galvanic skin response. BodyMedia's proprietary algorithms convert these readings to accurately capture key areas that directly affect people's health and wellness: calorie burn, physical activity duration, steps taken, and sleep duration and efficiency. The data is then stored on each user's online Activity Manager, where it is available at any time via a computer or smartphone to help manage and track fitness and weight loss progress.

"Partnering with Withings will make it easier for BodyMedia armband users to log their weight information in our software,"said Christine Robins, CEO of BodyMedia. "Being able to track your weight over time is a true motivator and indicator of when you're heading in the right or wrong direction for your goals, and now Withings makes this step simple."

"Weighing yourself is obviously a vital component of weight control, but BodyMedia's body monitoring armband system takes it a step further by measuring vital statistics like calorie burn that help consumers see exactly why they are or are not losing weight," said Cedric Hutchings, Withings General Manager. "Through this partnership, we have simplified the process of documenting weight data in the BodyMedia FIT Activity Manager, helping to provide ongoing support and motivation that is critical to weight loss success."

The Withings WiFi Body Scale is currently available on http://www.withings.comfor $159.00 USD. The BodyMedia FIT system is sold online at and select retailers. To request additional information or images, contact PR representative Jessica Darrican at (305) 374-4404 ext.116 or

About Withings:

Withings is a French start-up established by three executives from the technology and telecom industry. With a focus on the innovation and design for everyday products, Withings introduced in September 2009 its first-of-its-kind WiFi Body Scale in the United States. For more information on Withings, visit

About BodyMedia:

When your body talks, BodyMedia listens. BodyMedia has been unlocking and deciphering secrets of the body since 1999. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, BodyMedia is the pioneer in developing and marketing wearable body monitors that equip consumers with information they can use to make sweeping changes to their own health and wellness beginning with weight management and soon to include management of other conditions affected by lifestyle choices. The BodyMedia platform is the only system of its kind that is registered with the FDA as a Class II medical device and that has been clinically proven to enhance users' weight loss by up to three times (data on file). For more information, visit

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Withings and BodyMedia Partner to Promote Weight Loss

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