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Study examines diet, exercise, obesity in prisons worldwide

Posted: April 22, 2012 at 3:10 am

In a new study examining diet, physical activity and obesity in prison populations, researchers at the University of Oxford in England have found that in most cases, male prisoners are less likely to be obese than men in the general population. Female prisoners, on the other hand, were more likely to be obese than other women at least, in the U.S. and Australia.

The findings, which were published Thursday in the journal Lancet (subscription required), reflect broader health disparities between advantaged and disadvantaged people, the researchers wrote.

They noted that in 2008, 36 million out of 57 million deaths worldwide resulted from non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and respiratory disease. Vulnerable populations, including prisoners, are often hit hardest, they added.

Most of the 9.8 million people imprisoned worldwide are from the poorest and most marginalised sections of society and are therefore likely to be at greater risk for non-communicable diseases, the team wrote.

The Oxford researchers reviewed 31 studies that looked at more than 60,000 prisoners. The studies originated in Australia, Bangladesh, Cameroon, east Africa, Germany, the Ivory Coast, Japan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, the U.S. and west Africa.

It wasnt easy to get a uniform dataset, but trends emerged.

The team found, for example, a possible reason why the female prisoners were more likely than women in the general population to be obese. While male prisoners in high-income countries ate diets that provide appropriate calorie intake, female prisoners diets provided too many calories.

The evidence suggests that female prisoners are simply supplied with a diet designed for males, the authors wrote. This finding is in accordance with current concerns that prisons are institutions designed by men for men with little concern for the needs of women who form a minority of the global prison population.

Sodium intake was more than twice the recommended level in diets for both men and women in all nine studies where it was analyzed.

Results on physical activity (which were available only for Australia and the U.K.) were a mixed bag: prisoners in the U.K. were less likely to get the recommended amount of exercise than other people in the population; Australian prisoners exercised more than the general public.

Originally posted here:
Study examines diet, exercise, obesity in prisons worldwide

Diet Doc Offers Customized hCG Weight Loss Plans That Support April’s National Stress Month

Posted: April 22, 2012 at 3:10 am

Diet Diet focuses on stress awareness month by offering weight loss programs that also aid in hormonal balance though proper diet, nutrition and exercise.

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) April 20, 2012

April is National Awareness Month and Diet Doc offers personalized hCG diet plans that support healthy hormone levels. Their diet uses the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, enhanced with vitamin B12 combined with a supervised ketogenic diet. The elements of this program, combined with proper exercise, are designed to support healthy hormone levels in the body. New theories have suggested that hCG encourages the bodys master hormone glad, the hypothalamus, to reset the endocrine system, the bodys entire hormone system.

Cortisol, also known as the primary stress hormone, is a steroid hormone that not only increases blood sugar and suppresses the immune system but it also plays a key role in aiding in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Higher and prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream, known as high stress, are found to have many negative effects on the body such as high blood pressure, suppressed thyroid function, weakened immune system and obesity to name a few.

Diet Docs weight loss program mainly supports hormonal balance through their supervised diet plan. Their plan, inspired by the ketogenic diet, puts an emphasis on nutrient-rich vegetables and protein, essential supplements and uses a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil as their source of fat. They claim that this diet plan in combination with regular intake of hCG will provide healthy, lasting weight loss. In fact, a recent study done by Dr. Sherri Emma, has shown that the hCG diet has lasting weight loss effects through the use of burning fat instead of muscle.

HCG Diet Research Study. The Dr. Oz Show. 15 March 2012,,

Diet Doc are known to be the leader and expert in the hCG diet world. The do not follow the original hCG protocol, created by Dr. Simeons in the 1950s, which limits the daily caloric intake to 500 calories. Instead, Diet Doc modernized the plan by increasing the calorie intake and even added key supplements to their plan, which was prohibited on the Simeons protocol. The company continues to expand their brand and now offer pre- packaged meals, meal replacement shakes and bars and supplements to support their diet plan.

For the original version on PRWeb visit:

Continued here:
Diet Doc Offers Customized hCG Weight Loss Plans That Support April’s National Stress Month

Judith J. Wurtman, PhD: The New 'Magic' Surgery for Weight Loss

Posted: April 22, 2012 at 3:10 am

"I think if I gain another five pounds, " said a friend, who was about 15 pounds overweight told a group of us over dinner, "I will be eligible for the new weight-loss surgery." She was helping herself to a piece of luscious chocolate cake that the rest of us were trying to avoid eating.

"Don't you have to be at least l00 pounds overweight before you can have bariatric surgery?" I asked.

Apparently not. She described a suddenly popular new surgical technique that shrinks the stomach by folding the stomach lining and stitching it in place. Patients who want to lose as little as 25 pounds are going through the procedure because although it requires general anesthetic, there is no cutting of skin or muscle. As some of us gagged, our friend told us that the procedure called POSE, or Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal, uses an endoscopy tube that passes through the mouth and esophagus to reach the stomach and then makes tummy tucks.

POSE is so new that it has not gone through rigorous clinical testing to see whether it is more successful than other surgical techniques in producing permanent weight loss; nor has it received FDA approval. Nevertheless, people who want to be thin are using this procedure to get rid of weight that does not respond (so they say) to conventional diets and exercise. Our friend said that she had considered liposuction to get rid of some of the fat she could not seem to diet of,f but the stomach-shrinking technique seemed a better option. "This way I will never be able to eat very much, so losing weight and keeping it off will be easy."

Is POSE the so-called magical weight loss option every overweight person has been seeking? Is its relatively quick and non-surgical procedure the answer to a permanent way of keeping off weight? It is much too early to tell. Other surgical procedures to reduce the amount of food that can be swallowed and contained in the stomach have been effective in producing massive amounts of weight loss in the first year or so after the procedure. Yet long-term outcomes are inconsistent. Patients have found that if they consume high-calorie liquids food like melted ice cream, or gradually introduce large amounts of food into their stomachs, they can enlarge its size. Eventually, they are able to eat enough to regain the weight lost during the first year after the operation.

The question I would have liked to ask my friend who is considering the POSE procedure was this: Why couldn't she lose 20 or 25 pounds the conventional way? I didn't, of course. There are some things one cannot discuss, even with close friends. But I think I know the answer. She, like so many others, is consistently inconsistent in her weight-loss efforts. Weeks of a stringent diet and exercise will be followed by an equally long periods of paying little attention to calories and avoiding the gym. Not surprisingly, at the end of every diet year, her weight has not changed by more than a few pounds. She did lose some weight for her daughter's wedding, but put it on a year or so later when her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and her father had a stroke. Like it is for so many of us, food became her source of comfort.

She claimed that diets simply never worked well enough to get her to lose 25 pounds. But we all know that under the right circumstances, we all can lose weight. I am sure that if she were shipwrecked and forced to live on raw fish and coconuts, she would be a size 0. She had been on diet programs so many times, she could recite the list of foods that should be eaten every day and could demonstrate how to use the exercise equipment at the gym. But time and again, she abandoned these positive habits, ate whatever she wanted and never went to the gym. How can an operation on her stomach have any effect on making her choose healthy foods and engage in regular physical activity?

What was also worrisome was that she automatically turns to food when she is stressed, eating large amounts of carbohydrates, like potato chips and cookies, that are packed with fat. Will the surgical procedure stop her emotional eating? Can any surgical procedure to reduce stomach size accomplish this?

Our brains are behind our overeating when winter darkness makes us depressed, when PMS causes major mood swings, when we are exhausted from too much work or too little sleep, or stressed to our limits because of financial, family, or health problems. How can a smaller stomach make these stresses less painful and upsetting?

We have learned, perhaps unconsciously, that when our brains respond to our consumption of carbohydrate by making new serotonin, the edge is taken off the stress. We are able to cope and become calmer, more focused and able to handle or endure whatever has upset us. The amount of fat-free or low-fat carbohydrate that has to be eaten to increase serotonin contributes less than 200 calories to our daily food intake. Moreover, the increase in serotonin also has the added benefit of making us feel less hungry.

Read the original:
Judith J. Wurtman, PhD: The New 'Magic' Surgery for Weight Loss

Weight Loss Surgery: Drop Hundreds Of Pounds

Posted: April 22, 2012 at 3:10 am


"I honestly thought I was going to die," said 41-year-old Bill Arrundale, who hit a high weight of 603 pounds last year.

Arrundale said he had always been overweight, even as a child, but struggled to take off the pounds, especially after a knee injury kept him off his feet.

"A year ago I couldn't walk 100 feet without crutches and then last month I walked my first 5k," said Arrundale with a big smile on his face after losing 277 pounds.

How did he do it? Arrundale had gastric bypass surgery last year.

"It's not easy. The hardest part is learning the lifestyle. It's not a magic bullet. It's a tool and you have to use that, but you have to be vigilant every single day," said Arrundale who says he eats a high protein, low fat diet of small meals and works out everyday.

He wants to lose more weight, but feels great and his health has improved with lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

"As long as I'm not breaking furniture anymore I'm really OK with whatever weight that is," said Arrundale.

Weight loss surgery isn't for everyone, but doctors say it is now mainstream and the prescription many doctors are writing for obese patients.

"For morbid obesity, the most effective treatment that is available, unquestionably is surgery," said Dr. Pat Choban, a bariatric surgeon at Mount Carmel West Hospital.

Follow this link:
Weight Loss Surgery: Drop Hundreds Of Pounds

10 tips to losing weight for life

Posted: April 22, 2012 at 3:10 am

MANY people feel like their self esteem needs to be at rock bottom before they chose to lose weight. However according to a leading Dietitian at Wesley Weight Management Clinic, this is simply not the case.

"Many people should look at their lifestyle and forecast where they are heading and take the warning signs of an unhealthy future, seriously. Don't leave it until it's too late. Weight loss improves low self esteem as people start feeling better about themselves, they can do things more easily and their weight isn't a barrier anymore," Manager and head dietitian at Wesley Weight Management Clinic Nicola Moore explained.

"People who want to lose weight need to believe they are worth it in order to conquer food cravings, to commit to exercise and to feel confident to make changes for life.

"However, if a person is suffering from a low self esteem, that shouldn't stop them from wanting to lose weight, as the first decision to begin to live healthily, can be all a person needs to make, and the support network at Wesley Weight Management Clinic, surrounds that person and ensures their low self esteem is short lived and encourages them in their weight loss journey," Ms Moore said.

Other tips that will enable weight loss success are:

1) Be in the right frame of mind to make the changes needed for the long term.

2) Committed - understand how important is it to have a team of committed professionals assisting you along the journey

3) Set goals that are realistic - what is it that you want to improve / achieve with weight loss

3) Sustained weight loss means losing weight at the recommended rate and making the appropriate changes to assist weight maintenance. This may take time, patience and perseverance.

4) Find an enjoyable exercise and schedule it into your diary like you would an appointment

Go here to read the rest:
10 tips to losing weight for life

Fast food fan? Healthiest on-the-go eats

Posted: April 22, 2012 at 3:10 am

Eating healthy and on a budget is a challenge -- especially when you're on the go.

So, for fast food fans, how do you know which meals will fill you up without weighing you down?

We took our question to Valley native Chris Powell , host of ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition".

Powell is no stranger to the average person's struggle with healthy eating, and he's letting us in on his fast food favorites that won't break the calorie bank.

One of his top options? Chick-fil-A.

Powell says his best bet at the chain is a char-grilled chicken sandwich meal with a side salad and unsweetened tea.

"It's one of my favorite items, especially if you're on the go."

Powell says there are plenty of low fat, affordable offerings at your top fast food spots that may surprise you.

ABC15's Susan Casper is putting the finishing touches on the list and will have Powell's food picks from each eatery Thursday at 10 p.m. on ABC15 News.

Copyright 2012 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Read the original post:
Fast food fan? Healthiest on-the-go eats

Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program Video Part.2 – Video

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:12 am

12-04-2012 06:15 ..CLICK THE LINK FOR A FULL REVIEW OF THE DIET SOLUTION PROGRAM - Click The Link For The Diet Solution Program's Best Foods For Diet And Start Losing Weight Straight Away! The Diet Solution Program is THE Diet Solution For You If You Want To Lose Weight QUICKLY and SAFELY... Check It Out Now!

Read the original post:
Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program Video Part.2 - Video

Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program Video Part.3 – Video

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:12 am

12-04-2012 10:44 ..CLICK THE LINK FOR A FULL REVIEW OF THE DIET SOLUTION PROGRAM - Click The Link For Diets That Work From The Diet Solution Program Video - Part.3 The Diet Solution Program is THE Diet Solution For You If You Want To Lose Weight QUICKLY and SAFELY... Check It Out Now!

Excerpt from:
Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program Video Part.3 - Video

Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program and Avocados – Video

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:12 am

12-04-2012 11:11 ..CLICK THE LINK FOR A FULL REVIEW OF THE DIET SOLUTION PROGRAM - Click The Link For Diets That Work. Discover The Diet Solution Program and Avocados. The Diet Solution Program is THE Diet Solution For You If You Want To Lose Weight QUICKLY and SAFELY... Check It Out Now!

Continued here:
Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program and Avocados - Video

Diets That Work: Learn How To Find High Fructose Corn Syrup in Your Food – Video

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:12 am

12-04-2012 11:22 ..CLICK THE LINK FOR A FULL REVIEW OF THE DIET SOLUTION PROGRAM - Click The Link For Diets That Work And Learn How To Find High Fructose Corn Syrup in Your Food. The Diet Solution Program is THE Diet Solution For You If You Want To Lose Weight QUICKLY and SAFELY... Check It Out Now!

Read the original:
Diets That Work: Learn How To Find High Fructose Corn Syrup in Your Food - Video

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