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Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program and Healthy Eating While Traveling – Video

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:12 am

12-04-2012 11:30 ..CLICK THE LINK FOR A FULL REVIEW OF THE DIET SOLUTION PROGRAM - Click The Link For Diets That Work From The Diet Solution Program. Discover Healthy Eating While Traveling. The Diet Solution Program is THE Diet Solution For You If You Want To Lose Weight QUICKLY and SAFELY... Check It Out Now!

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Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program and Healthy Eating While Traveling - Video

Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program and Healthy Dessert Recipes – Video

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:12 am

12-04-2012 11:38 ..CLICK THE LINK FOR A FULL REVIEW OF THE DIET SOLUTION PROGRAM - Click The Link For Diets That Work From The Diet Solution Program and Discover Healthy Dessert Recipes. The Diet Solution Program is THE Diet Solution For You If You Want To Lose Weight QUICKLY and SAFELY... Check It Out Now!

See original here:
Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program and Healthy Dessert Recipes - Video

Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program and Diet Plans To Lose Weight Fast – Video

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:12 am

12-04-2012 11:43 ..CLICK THE LINK FOR A FULL REVIEW OF THE DIET SOLUTION PROGRAM - Click The Link For The Diet Solution Program's Best Foods For Diet And Start Losing Weight Straight Away! The Diet Solution Program is THE Diet Solution For You If You Want To Lose Weight QUICKLY and SAFELY... Check It Out Now!

Go here to see the original:
Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program and Diet Plans To Lose Weight Fast - Video

Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program And Cooking Oils – Video

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:12 am

12-04-2012 11:47 ..CLICK THE LINK FOR A FULL REVIEW OF THE DIET SOLUTION PROGRAM - Click The Link For Diets That Work From The Diet Solution Program And Learn About Cooking Oils. The Diet Solution Program is THE Diet Solution For You If You Want To Lose Weight QUICKLY and SAFELY... Check It Out Now!

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Diets That Work: The Diet Solution Program And Cooking Oils - Video

Advice for Diet Soda Lovers: Skip The Chips

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:11 am


It's not clear if diet soft drinks are the healthiest choice.

It's not clear if diet soft drinks are the healthiest choice.

Got a Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi habit? Lots of Americans do. Consumption of all types of diet soft drinks has been on the rise. And as a nation, we drink an estimated 20 percent more of diet drinks now than we did 15 years ago.

So, is it good for us? A new study finds the answer to that question may depend a lot on, well, what you eat.

Researchers at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill found that diet soda drinkers who ate a so-called "prudent" diet, rich in fruit, fish, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and milk, were significantly less likely to develop metabolic syndrome over 20 years than those who ate a "Western diet" heavy in fried foods, meats and sugars.

Metabolic syndrome is a condition characterized by excess abdominal fat, elevated blood sugar, high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol. About 32 percent of the participants in the "Western diet" cluster developed the condition.

Update at April 13, 2012, 11:05 ET: By contrast, 20 percent of people who drank sodas and had a prudent diet had metabolic syndrome. And 17.8 percent of prudent eaters who drank no soda had that problem.

End update.

Those with the lowest risk of developing metabolic disorder were the participants who followed the "prudent" diet and also drank no diet soda at all.

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Advice for Diet Soda Lovers: Skip The Chips

Obesity Weight Loss Strategies Show Promise

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:11 am

Editor's Choice Main Category: Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness Article Date: 13 Apr 2012 - 10:00 PDT

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Leading researcher, Jacinda M. Nicklas, MD, MPH, MA, a Clinical Research Fellow at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School declares:

The researchers assessed data of 4,000 obese adults who self-reported a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher in the 2001-2006 National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey, which tracks demographic, health, and health behavior information from non-institutionalized U.S. adults. 63% of the respondents reported to have tried losing weight within the last year.

According to the analysis, those who reported to consume less fat, exercise more and used prescription weight loss medications were more likely to report loosing at least 5% of their body weight, whilst those who lost at least 10% of their body weight also tended to have joined a weight loss program.

Dr. Niklas remarks:

Whilst popular diets, liquid diets and nonprescription diet pills were not linked to successfully losing weight, participants who managed to shed over 10% of their body weight reported they were less likely to consume diet foods and products, compared with those who lost less weight. Dr. Nicklas points out:

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Obesity Weight Loss Strategies Show Promise

Tamika Sayles: Much Ado About Weight Loss Among Black Hollywood

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:11 am

More than ever, celebrities are cashing in on weight loss endorsements. And at some point, I'm sure you've all witnessed the countless weight loss advertisements featuring African-American celebrities, with Jennifer Hudson (Weight Watchers), Janet Jackson (NutriSystem), and Mariah Carey (Jenny Craig) being the most recent additions. While, I'm happy at the increase of African-American endorsements and health awareness I'm skeptical as to whether or not these advertisements are giving off the right impression. Are weight loss programs (such as Weight Watcher's, Nutrisystem, and Jenny Craig) enough to obtain a Hollywood figure?

Last year, Jennifer Hudson's trainer, Harley Pasternak, revealed her exercise routine to

Much is the same for Janet Jackson. Jackson's personal trainer, Tim Martinez, told Ebony magazine that: "Jackson lost 60 lbs. by following an exercise routine that included a 90-minute workout five to six days a week".

And according to, Mariah Carey's exercise routine consisted mainly of water aerobics.

Although, weight loss advertisements may add some insight into how celebrities lose weight, in reality, it's only half the story. Health Reporter, Kellee Terral, said it best:

Unfortunately, these are luxuries that most of us do not have. But, that doesn't mean it's the end of the road. Although these weight loss advertisements may not paint an accurate overall picture of celebrity weight loss, they can at least, provide Black women with a sense of personal empowerment, relatability, and health awareness.

In reality, there aren't any "quick fixes" when it comes to weight loss. The key to sustaining weight loss lies in permanent lifestyle changes, which involve replacing bad habits with good ones.

One can only hope that in the future, weight loss programs will place less emphasis on image, and more on sustaining healthier lifestyles.

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Tamika Sayles: Much Ado About Weight Loss Among Black Hollywood

Jeff Halevy: My Mission to End Weight Loss

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:11 am

Weight loss must come to an end. You heard that right: this gym owner, public health advocate, and personal trainer wants people to stop losing weight immediately. Weight loss doesn't make us any healthier, and the prospects of any one dieter successfully losing weight are dismal at best.

Shocking, huh? That's because "weight loss" is probably one of the greatest red herrings perpetrated against American health. If it was truly healthy to simply weigh less, why shouldn't we all move to the moon, where we don't have to deal with gravity's harsh revelation every time we step on a scale?

Because nearly everyone reading this knows that, unless you're a weight class dependent competitive athlete, "weight loss" is not our goal. When we say we want to "lose 10 pounds," we really mean we want to be less fat -- right? The weight itself is in fact a distraction, a distraction most of us unfortunately buy into.

I have often asked clients with rigid weight loss goals that if they could have the body of their dreams, but in fact still weigh the same amount when they step on the scale, would they be happy with the result. I have yet to hear someone say no, that the number is that important to them. We care about how we look and how we feel, not about an abstract number thrown at us by a tool used to measure the effects of gravitational theory.

In fact, any time we use weight to measure health, we create an opportunity to create false positives and miss less-easily detected red flags. The recent study on BMI's inaccuracies is a prime example of this, with participants who had normal fat levels, but higher weights, getting miscategorized as obese, and those with high fat levels, but reasonable weights, getting mislabeled normal.

Using weight as the sole barometer for fat loss and health improvement, as the gross majority of us do, is not only inaccurate but can also be downright dangerous -- not only in missed diagnoses for increased risk, as in the case of BMI, but in the process of weight loss itself. An acute focus on weight loss fuels poor choices such as crash diets, detoxes, and cleanses. Usually "cardio" is also thrown in the mix as well, with a net effect of combined loss of water, (way too much) muscle and fat. So, for instance, at the end of a 10-pound loss over one week, I would be surprised if more than two pounds of that loss were fat -- and even more surprised if that loss was sustained for more than a few months, let alone weeks!

So if not weight, then what? Lifestyle. And I'm not quite asking anyone to ditch the scale; as I stated above, it is a great crude tool. But a more refined approach, with a focus on qualitative versus quantitative measurements, in my opinion -- and with plenty of anecdotal evidence that affirms this -- yields not only the best sustainable fat loss results, but more importantly the best sustainable health results.

I'm a big fan of Michael Pollan for many reasons, but the simplicity (and brevity) of his approach, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." has an analogous echo here. I have seen the greatest successes come about from a simple focus on healthy lifestyle, by answering this question, honestly, daily:

"Did I eat well today, and did I move enough?"

I know, I know -- it's an oversimplification... but what if I told you my most obese client to date shed more than half his body weight by simply answering that question honestly (and avoiding the scale altogether, mind you)?

Read the original here:
Jeff Halevy: My Mission to End Weight Loss

Weight Loss Surgeon in Hawaii Discusses Recent Gastric Sleeve Advancements

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:11 am

HONOLULU, HI--(Marketwire -04/12/12)- According to the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), over 68% of Americans are considered overweight or obese, a condition that has been linked to hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and other serious medical complications. While the recent statistics show that more than 5% are considered morbidly obese, the ASMBS also reveals that just 1% (220,000) of the clinically eligible population (15 million) underwent bariatric or weight loss surgery in the past year. Dr. Steve Fowler, a bariatric surgeon in Hawaii at Aloha Surgery, says new advancements in weight loss surgery procedures will hopefully make a difference in influencing more patients to take control of their weight and improve their health. He says the gastric sleeve is one such procedure that has been introduced in the past few years to help patients reduce the risk (and cost) of weight-related complications.

Having performed the gastric sleeve, or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, procedure at his Hawaii weight loss surgery practice for the past two years, Dr. Fowler says he utilizes a single incision through the belly button to surgically remove about 80% of the stomach so that patients need less food to make them feel full. As the first surgeon to perform the single incision approach in Hawaii, he says one of the most important factors in achieving successful results is having the knowledge and experience to identify which candidates are right for the procedure. Dr. Fowler says through individual and personalized attention to patients, weight loss goals can become a realistic and manageable journey for most people. "What is important for the patient is to have a safe operation. If the procedure can be done safely through the belly button providing minimal scarring, then patients want this. We have been performing the vertical sleeve gastrectomy for over two years now, and patients have seen substantial results," he says.

With the growing acceptance of the procedure as an effective treatment for obesity, the Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA), Hawaii's largest medical insurer, has also recently announced coverage of gastric sleeve surgery. Using the same standards in place for the LAP-BAND System and gastric bypass, Dr. Fowler says the addition of the gastric sleeve in Hawaii to insurance plans will help more patients take advantage of the benefits available through effective treatment from a board-certified surgeon. He also adds that exposure to a broader range of surgical options has increased patient outcomes and will continue to advance the pursuit of successful and safe procedures. "It's been a long time coming, and I am encouraged with HMSA's decision to cover the vertical sleeve gastrectomy. This will provide an excellent option for patients interested in surgical weight loss," says Dr. Fowler.

Dr. Fowler says he is excited about recent public exposure to the success of the gastric sleeve and is confident in its ability to help patients achieve a fitter, healthier self. However, he strongly recommends patients seek the expertise of a board-certified and experienced bariatric surgeon before undergoing any weight loss surgery treatment. Through the skilled hands of a dedicated surgeon, Dr. Fowler says the gastric sleeve and other bariatric procedures can offer patients relief from the burdens and risks of obesity, and a guiding tool towards a more positive outlook on life.

About Steven Fowler, MD, FACS

Dr. Steve Fowler graduated magna cum laude from the University of Massachusetts and received his medical degree from the Boston University School of Medicine. He completed his surgical residency at the Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. Dr. Fowler is the acting Medical Director for Bariatric Surgery at Castle Medical Center. His practice, Aloha Surgery, as well as Castle Medical Center have been designated by the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, the only practice to receive this distinction in the state of Hawaii.

Located at 928 Nuuanu Avenue #400 in Honolulu, HI, Dr. Fowler's practice can be reached at (808) 521-1300. He can also be contacted online via the website or the Aloha Surgery Facebook page.

Continued here:
Weight Loss Surgeon in Hawaii Discusses Recent Gastric Sleeve Advancements

Diet Doc Weight Loss Unveils New hCG Diet Food, Weight Loss Shakes and a Unique Weight Loss Oil (used to make salad …

Posted: April 14, 2012 at 10:11 am

Diet Doc Diet unveils new hCG diet food, weight loss shakes, and a unique weight loss oil that is clinically proven to burn fat to their overall diet that patients report as the best weight loss program due to rapid weight loss (30 pounds/month) safely.

New York, NY (PRWEB) April 11, 2012

Diet Doc announces newly created hCG diet food, weight loss shakes and a unique weight loss oil, clinically proven to burn fat (flavorless) as part of their medically, supervised, comprehensive weight loss program.

All diet food is not created equal. Many diet foods contain either carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners and flavors or processed food. All of the above will drastically slow down weight loss reports Julie Wright, president of Diet Doc.

Diet Doc also found that most weight loss shakes contain sugar, including a leading weight loss shake known to most dieters reports Wright. Diet Doc physicians were forced to create a unique, diet shake that cannot be substituted due to the number of active, natural ingredients which promote weight loss, block cravings for carbohydrates and reduce blood sugar, known to spike feelings of hunger and reduce weight loss claims Wright.

The diet food was created with one thing in mind, the ability to lose weight, and serve to the entire family if necessary without compromising on taste reports Wright. The diet food entrees include: Thai chicken, chicken gumbo, chili, hot & sour and more.

A 30 day menu plan was created incorporating the diet food, weight loss shakes and weight loss oil along with noodles, rice and pasta which contain zero carbohydrates reports Wright.

Diet Doc provides nationwide medical weight loss to people across the USA. Their proprietary diet is personalized for each individual based on their health history, age, gender and lifestyle preferences. By managing a personalized diet, Diet Doc patients report losing 30 pounds per month and keeping it off.

For the original version on PRWeb visit:

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Diet Doc Weight Loss Unveils New hCG Diet Food, Weight Loss Shakes and a Unique Weight Loss Oil (used to make salad ...

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