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Does Eating White Rice Raise Your Risk of Diabetes?

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 5:23 pm

Martin Hospach / Getty Images

When it comes to your risk of diabetes, a new study by Harvard researchers suggests that eating less white rice could make a difference.

Each additional daily serving of white rice, a staple of Asian diets, may increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 10%, according to the study, which analyzed the results of four previous studies involving 352,384 participants from four countries: China, Japan, U.S. and Australia. Those who ate the highest amounts of white rice had a 27% higher risk of diabetes than those who ate the least, and the risk was most pronounced in Asian people.

The studies followed people for anywhere from 4 to 22 years, tracking their food intake. All the participants were diabetes-free at the beginning of the study.

MORE:Five Ways to Avoid Diabetes Without Medications

Why white rice may impact diabetes risk isnt clear, but it may have to do with the foods high score on the glycemic index (GI) a measurement of how foods affect blood sugar levels meaning that it can cause spikes in blood sugar. High GI ranking foods have previously been associated with increased risk of diabetes.

White rice also lacks nutrients like fiber and magnesium, says study author Qi Sun, a professor of medicine at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. People with high white rice consumption lack these beneficial nutrients and Asian populations consume a lot of white rice. If you consume brown rice instead, you will get these nutrients. There are alternatives.

But before you swear off white rice for good, the study authors and other nutrition experts caution that its not the only culprit in diabetes risk. Rather, a general decrease in physical activity and increase in food consumption may be responsible for the rise in obesity and insulin resistance in Asian countries.

White rice has long been a part of Asian diets in which diabetes risk was very low, Dr. David Katz, associate professor of public health at Yale University, told ABC News. It is white riceplusaspects of modern living including less physical work that conspire to elevate the incidence of Type 2 diabetes.

The authors agree, noting:

See the original post:
Does Eating White Rice Raise Your Risk of Diabetes?

Zuzana Light – Chocolate Brownie for Weight Loss 3-5-2012 – Video

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 5:23 pm

05-03-2012 19:05 Hi WarriorZ! I have a great recipe for a brownie that you don't have to bake. It's also made out of superfoods and it's a great snack that will boost your metabolism. I will post the exact amount of each ingredient on my facebook page so check it out. Best, Zuzka Light.

Read this article:
Zuzana Light - Chocolate Brownie for Weight Loss 3-5-2012 - Video

Easy Weight Loss Guide Can Now Be Downloaded at Health Hound Ltd.

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 5:23 pm

Houston, TX (PRWEB) March 17, 2012

Easy weight loss diets and exercise tips make up the main content that has gone into the new easy weight loss guide from Health hound Ltd. The new guide is available to download on the site right now.

Sam Kenny, one of the Directors on the site said that this Easy weight loss guide is mainly geared towards people who want to lose weight with the minimum of fuss and effort. The weight loss tips inside the guide are designed to be easy to follow and to stick to long term and the easy weight loss diets contain meals that are easy to prepare and that one can stick to long term. We have put a lot of time and effort into this guide and we really hope that people will use it to improve their lives and their health.

There is a special forum that is attached to the health hound site that is mainly concerned with looking at different ways to lose weight easily and this new guide has become a central topic for discussion on this new forum. Many of the people discussing the easy weight loss diets and weight loss tips inside the guide have been very positive about what the team on the site has achieved. Many of the commentators are saying that they are looking forward to seeing more reports like this come out in the future.

The team at Health hound Ltd. have come up with something else week in addition to the new guide that will interest people who want to lose weight.

For a limited time only the team on the site are giving away some free information on quick and easy ways to lose weight.

The information is available from free download right now at

View post:
Easy Weight Loss Guide Can Now Be Downloaded at Health Hound Ltd.

Does it Work? Mr Energy 8 Hour Energy Weight Loss Pills – Video

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 5:22 pm

08-07-2011 19:01 Learn how to lose weight fast... with the #1 energy pill and weight loss pills on the market. Now you too can have the energy to do all the things you want to do in your life... with Mr Energy 8 Hour Energy PILLS! http

Continued here:
Does it Work? Mr Energy 8 Hour Energy Weight Loss Pills - Video

Fertilizer May Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 11:57 am

Ingesting higher levels of cadmium, a metal found in fertilizers, may be linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, a new study from Sweden suggests.

The results showed that postmenopausal women with a relatively high daily dietary cadmium intake had a 21 percent increased risk of breast cancer.

The major sources of cadmium in the diets of women in the study were foods that are generally healthy whole grains and vegetables. These accounted for about 40 percent of the cadmium consumed.

The reason for the link may be that cadmium can cause the same effects in the body as the female hormone estrogen, the researchers said. Estrogen fuels the development of some breast cancers.

Whole grains and vegetables generally protect against cancer, and people should not avoid these foods because of this study, said study researcher Agneta kesson, associate professor at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.

The study showed an association, not a cause-and-effect link, in one population of women, and further work is needed to confirm the findings.

"Though no single observational study can be considered conclusive, this very large, prospective study of [cadmium] exposure and post-menopausal breast cancer makes an important contribution to what is a fairly sparse literature considering this very important topic," said Michael Bloom, a professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Albany, who was not involved in the study.

"It has been known for some time that cadmium is toxic and, in certain forms, carcinogenic," said study researcher Bettina Julin, of the Karolinska Institute of Environmental Medicine.

In the study, the researchers collected data from more than 55,000 women in Sweden for 12 years. The women kept a daily log of everything they ate. The researchers estimated how much cadmium the women's consumed based on the country's data on the amount of cadmium in foods, and divided the women into three equally-sized groups based on their intake.

Over the course of the study, there were 2,112 breast cancer cases among the women: 677 in the women in the lowest cadmium intake group, and 744 in the women in the highest cadmium intake group. Because women's risk of breast cancer rises with age, the researchers took the women's ages into account when calculated the increased risk seen in the high intake group.

Originally posted here:
Fertilizer May Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

Study links white rice to diabetes

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 11:57 am

PARIS, France (AFP) Health researchers said on Thursday they had found a troubling link between higher consumption of rice and Type 2 diabetes, a disease that in some countries is becoming an epidemic.

Further work is need to probe the apparent association and diets that are notoriously high in sugar and fats should remain on the no-go list, they cautioned.

"What we've found is white rice is likely to increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes, especially at high consumption levels such as in Asian populations," Qi Sun of the Harvard School of Public Health told AFP.

"But at the same time people should pay close attention to the other things they eat.

"It's very important to address not just a single food but the whole pattern of consumption."

In the British Medical Journal (BMJ), Sun's team said the link emerged from an analysis of four previously published studies, carried out in China, Japan, Australia and the United States.

These studies followed 350,000 people over a timescale from four to 22 years. More than 13,000 people developed Type 2 diabetes.

In the studies carried out in China and Japan, those who ate most rice were 55 per cent likelier to develop the disease than those who ate least. In the United States and Australia, where consumption of rice is far lower, the difference was 12 per cent.

Participants in the two Asian countries ate three or four servings of rice a day on average, compared to just one or two servings a week in the Western countries.

White rice is the dominant form of rice eaten in the world. Machines produce its polished look by hulling and milling, leaving a grain that is predominantly starch.

Read this article:
Study links white rice to diabetes

Christina Applegate talks mommyhood, diet and surviving breast cancer

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 11:57 am

I should have known Christina Applegate would have a cozy living room. It's a "take your shoes off" kind of place in Los Angeles, and Christina, 40, is barefoot on her couch. She's wearing cargo pants and a sweater wrap, with a gold "Sadie" necklace. As for her 14-month-old daughter, Sadie? She's napping upstairs, but Christina is on high alert for the baby monitor.

"I love wake-ups," she says, smiling.

It's a rare break for the star of Up All Night, who likes to spend her downtime with Sadie and fianc Martyn LeNoble. With her dog huddled at her feet, Christina talks about what she thinks now of the breast cancer she battled four years ago and the hopeful future she sees for herself and other women, too.

Is it true that Up All Night pulls from your own life as a mom? Silly things. The birth episode had a lot of things that happened during my birth, having to have a headband and having my competition with myself pushing.

What are your favorite ways to stay fit? Um, I'm not fit anymoreI had a baby! I haven't been working out because of the show. But when I was, I loved running. I'm looking forward to the show filming to be over so that I can get back to my schedule, which was five days a week, working my butt off. I miss moving my body.

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How do you eat healthy? Do you have go-to snacks? I don't really snack so much. I meal it. I know there's the whole "You should eat five times a day," but I say eat when you're hungry. Because [that's when] your body's asking you to eat. I've been trying to keep a macrobiotic diet, but I do go off it when I feel like it during the week. Sometimes it's nice to have something that is enjoyable!

When did you start with the macrobiotic diet? That all started when I found out I had cancer in 2008. I always ate really well anyway, so it wasn't an incredible change in my diet. But there's a certain way in which it's prepared and a certain way that you're eating that's geared toward healing.

Go here to see the original:
Christina Applegate talks mommyhood, diet and surviving breast cancer

Let’s Play – Amnesia – Deep …Murky…Water | 004 – Video

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 6:35 am

02-03-2012 17:16 If you want to see this series continue please rate! 1000 Ratings and i'll continue this series.

Originally posted here:
Let's Play - Amnesia - Deep ...Murky...Water | 004 - Video

Book Review: Weight-Loss Apocalypse: Emotional Eating Rehab Through the hCG Protocol by Robin Phipps Woodall

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 6:35 am

Weight-Loss Apocalypse: Emotional Eating Rehab Through the hCG Protocol presents an intriguing, yet complex, solution to obesity. Author Robin Phipps Woodall has spent years studying the work of the late Dr. Albert T. W. Simeons, who pioneered the use of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to trigger extreme weight loss. The hormone is found in the urine of pregnant women. Dr. Simeons, who died in 1970, wrote a book called Pounds and Inches which detailed his theories regarding the injection of hCG to treat obesity. To work successfully, the injections must be accompanied by a very low calorie diet.

Woodall explores and expands on Simeons' ideas throughout Weight-Loss Apocalypse. She emphasizes that regardless of diet industry attempts to market the hCG protocol, this isn't a fad diet. Administered in two tightly controlled phases of several weeks each, the protocol must be monitored by a doctor in order to be successful. The hormone must be prescribed, though doctors are generally skittish about granting patients request for this therapy. The FDA isn't in favor of it either, which only makes things more complicated.

Woodall seems to have done her research, breaking down the science behind the hCG protocol in terms the layperson can understand. I'm not even going to try to outline it in detail, but Woodall's writing is clear and easy to follow. In short, the daily injections of hCG stimulate the protein hormone leptin, which regulates appetite. The stimulation of leptin staves off symptoms of starvation, allowing the patient to eat a maximum of 500 calories per day during treatment. Excess body fat is consumed as an energy source, rather than muscle tissue. Woodall outlines what kinds of food and beverages are allowed during the protocol. As one might imagine, it is very limited. Strict followers of the protocol report dramatic weight loss, with dozens of pounds disappearing in a matter of weeks.

To those desperate to lose weight, this all might sound like a miracle. But Woodall doesn't shy away from detailing the extreme self-discipline necessary for the protocol to work. Cheating with disallowed foods, even minor slip-ups, will ruin the results. It's all very interesting, but ultimately most people wil never have the chance to try it. Again, without the go-ahead from a licensed doctor, hCG cannot be legally obtained. Homeopathic hCG was readily available until the FDA ordered its removal from the market. But that's a good thing, as Woodall explains, because the homeopathic products were a scam to begin with - free of anything but trace amounts (if that) of hCG. With hCG so difficult to obtain, the protocol isn't an option for the average person. And for those who do manage to get a prescription, few of them will have the will power to stick with the low calorie diet.

The most applicable aspect of Weight-Loss Apocalypse, for most people anyway, is the way Woodall tackles the issue of emotional eating. Woodall discusses the need for people to change their relationship with food if they expect any weight loss, hCG-induced or otherwise, to be permanent. Her warning that the hCG protocol is not a magic bullet for maintaining lifelong physical fitness applies to all methods of weight reduction. The yo-yo diet effect will occur after following the hCG protocol if a person returns to their previous eating habits. From what Woodall says, patients following the protocol are facing an even more immediate and drastic weight gain if they haven't changed their ways. As an eye-opener to a little-understood weight loss therapy, Weight-Loss Apocalypse: Emotional Eating Rehab Through the hCG Protocol is worth reading. Even if it doesn't send you to your doctor, begging for hCG injections, it may at least provoke some thoughts about changing the way you think about food.

View the original article on

More here:
Book Review: Weight-Loss Apocalypse: Emotional Eating Rehab Through the hCG Protocol by Robin Phipps Woodall

Monica Reinagel, MS, LDN, CNS: How to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

Posted: March 17, 2012 at 6:35 am

As anyone who has ever lost a lot of weight (like 20 pounds or more) will tell you, the first five come off easily and the last five are the toughest! You're still doing all the right things -- eating less and moving more -- but all of a sudden it stops working. The scale won't budge. No matter where you are in the process, hitting a stubborn weight loss plateau is frustrating. But don't let it erode your resolve. Here are three ways to break through the plateau.

Tip#1: Calorie Cycling

In order to lose weight, you need to cut back on your calorie intake. But if you do that for a sustained period of time, your body may play a nasty trick on you: It may start conserving energy by lowering your metabolic rate. The result? You don't burn as many calories and your weight loss slows -- or stops altogether. Although this feels like the worst kind of sabotage, your body is actually trying to look out for you. Your lizard brain has noticed that food supplies seem to have been scarce for an extended period of time. It's trying to increase your chances of survival in case the famine continues. Of course, when you're trying to lose weight, this is not very helpful.

You're stuck between a rock and a hard place: You could try eating even less in order to nudge off more weight, but that just confirms your lizard brain's suspicions about the dwindling food supply. Or, you could eat more in an effort to restore a more robust metabolic rate -- but that's hardly going to help with weight loss. There's a way to outsmart old lizard brain: It's called intermittent fasting, or calorie cycling.

What is Calorie Cycling?

Let's say you've been eating about 1800 calories a day and steadily losing weight. Now suddenly, it's not working anymore. Rather than trying to eat even less every day, try alternating high and low calorie days. For example, you could alternate between 2000-calorie days and 1200-calorie days. Over the course of a week, you'd trim an extra 1400 calories but the higher calorie days should help keep your lizard brain from panicking -- and your willpower from flagging.

See Also: How to Eat Less without Feeling Hungry

What are the Advantages of Calorie Cycling?

First of all, the higher-calorie days keep your metabolism from slowing in response to sustained calorie restriction. Secondly, many people find that intermittent fasting feels easier than constant restriction. Although you may feel hungry on your low-intake day, you'll always have a higher-intake day to look forward to.

In fact, you could even try alternating higher and lower intake days without reducing the total number of calories for the week -- alternating 2000-calorie days with 1600-calorie days, for example. Even without a net reduction in calories, the switch-up might be enough to knock you out of a metabolic slow-down.

The rest is here:
Monica Reinagel, MS, LDN, CNS: How to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

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