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Next Top Model winner fired for 'big hips'

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:19 pm

Ananda Marchildon was told lose weight and get her waist down to 90cm. Picture: AP Source: AP

A FORMER winner of the television show Holland's Next Top Model has won a lawsuit against Elite Model Management after she was dropped for having hips the agency considered too large.

The Amsterdam District Court ruled that Ananda Marchildon, now 25, was entitled to the main prize she won in the 2008 production of the show, a three-year contract worth 75,000 euros ($93,500).

Marchildon argued she was dismissed after only 10,000 euros worth of work because she didn't lose enough weight to please the agency.

According to the written ruling, though Marchildon had gained weight since getting the contract, she had a hip measurement of 92 centimetres when she won, and Elite could not demand that she go down to 90 centimetres. That is far smaller than the average woman's hips but not unusual in the modelling world.

"I was right, after all," she said on Wednesday in a reaction published by Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad. "I hope that makers and participants reconsider the structure of this kind of program."

Marchildon's lawyer said she would comment further after she finishes the day's shift at her new job - as a carpenter.

Marchildon was hired by underwear company Sloggi for a one-time shoot on Monday to show that she is still fit for modelling work. Picture: AP

Source: AP

The fashion industry has often faced criticism for creating unrealistic expectations about women's bodies and forcing models to undergo harmful diets.

See more here:
Next Top Model winner fired for 'big hips'

MyNetDiary’s Food and Exercise Tracker Works with Any Diet

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:18 pm

Popular calorie counter service makes the most of any popular diet plan.

Cherry Hill, NJ (PRWEB) March 08, 2012

The power of MyNetDiarys detailed food and exercise tracking service is its ability to document precisely what we eat, how many calories we burn and even when we eat, explains Katherine Isacks, Registered Dietitian with MyNetDiary, and people can track calories on-the-go with MyNetDiarys mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, Android and BlackBerry.

As the U.S. News recently released its top 25 diets, based on being relatively easy to follow, nutritious, safe and effective for weight loss and against diabetes and heart diseases, MyNetDiary serves as a tool that can effectively assist anyone on these diets to make them extremely effective.

For instance, the top-ranking diet, according to U.S. News, is the DASH Diet. Originally developed to fight high blood pressure, it emphasizes eating foods high in potassium, calcium, protein and fiber, while cutting back on sodium. MyNetDiary members can track all these nutrients easily by logging meals and snacks. MyNetDiary allows for tracking over 40 different macro and micro-nutrients.

Other diets, especially ones that use point system, benefit from using MyNetDiary in conjunction because it can translate the simplistic point systems into actual nutritional values people can understand. Over time, dieters will see a correlation between points, calories and particular macro-nutrients, which will equip them to make better food choices without the need to count points at all.

MyNetDiary teaches people to be able to look over a Nutrition Facts label on any food package and determine if its a healthy choice, says Isacks. While points will help people make choices based upon calories, they are not as helpful when youre standing in the grocery aisle trying to choose between two types of breakfast cereals. However, knowing how to decipher calories, fat, carbs and other nutrients on the spot can help you make the right choice. But for those who do like the simplicity of points, MyNetDiary offers a Food Score, which provides an easy to read numerical +/- score for determining a foods healthfulness.

Food journaling adds accountability to dieting, and for many people trying to lose weight, especially through diets that are unfamiliar, the act of keeping track of calories consumed and calories burned keeps them engaged with the process, which may help them succeed.

For more information about how the MyNetDiary calorie counter works with each of the U.S. News Top 25 diets, or to arrange an interview with Registered Dietitian, Katherine Isacks, contact MyNetDiary at (800) 385-7461 ext. 1015 or visit

About MyNetDiary

MyNetDiary’s Food and Exercise Tracker Works with Any Diet

From champagne to soda: Gaultier labeled Diet Coke creative director

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:18 pm

While more accustomed to designing high-end collaborations like champagne packaging for Piper-Heidsieck, Jean Paul Gaultier is going for more mass market appeal by becoming the latest designer to collaborate with Diet Coke.

The French creator has been named the beverage's European creative director and is appearing in a series of short films for the brand.

As well as signing on to design bottles and cans, Gaultier will also have input on online content and retail concepts for 2012.

Plus, he's the star of three light-hearted short films for Diet Coke's YouTube channel, portraying a therapist, a journalist and a private detective solving a puppet's wardrobe dilemmas. See the first in the series at

His first limited-edition designs will be unveiled across Europe starting next month. Bottle designing isn't completely new to the creator though, as he has teamed up with Piper-Heidsieck in the past -- last year dressing a bottle of vintage champagne in black lurex, fishnet and Swarovski crystals. For the Diet Coke collab, Gaultier has hinted at a characterful creation.

"The brand asked me to explore its fun personality and to style the bottle. I want to show people the codes and signatures I love. The bottles have the shape of a woman's body, so it was great fun to 'dress' them," the French creator explained in a release.

"The Diet Coke motif is so beautiful I had to design around this. The finishing touch was to apply my logo to the bottle, like applying a fragile stamp -- making it something special you want to touch."

Gaultier follows in the footsteps of leading designers including Karl Lagerfeld, Roberto Cavalli and Nathalie Rykiel by teaming up with the soft drinks brand, while over in the US Diane von Furstenberg last month unveiled a limited-edition collection of bottles adorned with her signature prints in red and black.

Read more:
From champagne to soda: Gaultier labeled Diet Coke creative director

How diet affects bone status during catch-up growth

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:18 pm

Washington, Mar 8 (ANI): Researchers have shed light on the effects of catch up growth (CUG) with different diets on bone status and the role of resveratrol in CUG models.

Although many current studies focused on catch up growth (CUG) have described its high susceptibility to insulin resistance-related diseases very few have focused on the effect of CUG on bone metabolism, especially in adulthood.

As diet is a controllable factor, the influence of re-feeding with different dietary patterns on bone parameters is important to study.

Resveratrol has been attributed a number of beneficial effects in mammals including osteotrophic properties. Wang and colleagues have described the first study to describe the effects of CUG, with various diets and resveratrol intervention on bone status.

CUG can lead to insulin resistance and low-grade systemic inflammation occurs in insulin resistance syndrome.

Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a is an important inflammatory cytokine, and Lange and Seriolo et al. indicated that anti-TNF alpha therapy may exert beneficial effects on bone metabolism, prevent structural bone damage and increase bone mineral density.

"Our results showed that food restriction induced a significant decrease in bone parameters. Eight-week CUG by normal chow demonstrated a greater degree of improvement in mineral density than a high-fat diet, and even returned to normal level," Dr. Wang said.

"In contrast, Mika C found that re-feeding for two years normalized bone formation activity in adolescent anorexia nervosa patients, but bone mineral density was still significantly lower than that of controls."

"Compared with neural anorexia, we found in this study the degree of impairment by four-week diet restriction on bone metabolism was relatively weaker, so that bone mineral density returned to normal level after re-feeding."

To better distinguish the effects of CUG by high-fat diet on bone status, these investigators set up a high-fat diet group.

Read more:
How diet affects bone status during catch-up growth

NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH: Matthew Vettese Offers Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:18 pm

NEW YORK, March 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --Weight loss issues cannot be solved overnight. It takes a longer period of discipline and focus to enact the necessary dietary changes. That is precisely why the Academy of Nutrition and dietetics has declared March as National Nutrition Month, encouraging doctors and nutritionists around the country to provide patients with a greater understanding of what it means to eat right. The Huffington Post reports that this year's nutrition theme is "Get Your Plate in Shape," a theme that resonates with nutrition consultant Matthew Vettese.

"This year's nutrition theme is great because it reminds lay people of just how simple and pragmatic it is to exercise proper eating habits," notes Matthew Vettese, a Florida-based nutrition expert. "It's all about reducing caloric intake while increasing nutrient consumption, meaning that anyone can improve their dietary habits just by paying attention to what they put on their plate for each given meal."

In fact, Matthew Vettese advises that one of the easiest ways to guard against improper eating habits is for individuals to literally examine their plates. "Investing in smaller, colorful plates is a great, practical way to reduce serving sizes," he notes. "When you've cleaned your plate, you'll feel like you're full, and like you've eaten more than you really have."

Of course, the right balance of foods is also important. Matthew Vettese encourages filling half the plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with protein, and a quarter with whole-grain carbs.

For those seeking to lose weight and get fit, Matthew Vettese offers another, simple solution: A person shouldn't eat if he or she is not full. "It's remarkable how many of us are conditioned to keep eating long after we're full, just in the interest of cleaning our plate," notes the nutrition expert. "It's always a better to put leftovers in the fridge as opposed to eating and eating until everything is gone."

Finally, Matthew Vettese notes that National Nutrition Month can be observed without total deprivation of the sweeter things. "It's not a bad idea to treat yourself, in moderation, every now and then," he notes. "This is a good way of ensuring that you don't just break down and splurge one day because you miss your favorite sweets and treats."


Matthew Vettese is a nutrition expert and dietary consultant whose passion is for helping his client find safe and natural ways to lose weight and stay trim. He is also a strong proponent of organic gardening, and offers his clients home gardening tips.

Go here to see the original:
NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH: Matthew Vettese Offers Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

10 rules to eat safely for life

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:18 pm

Everyday you have to navigate a toxic nutritional landscape. You have to hunt and gather in a food desert. You have to survive the American supermarket and dodge the dangers of industrial food. The good news is that if you follow ten simple rules you can eat safely for life.

Think of them as shortcuts or tricks to use when shopping or eating. If you just do these things and nothing else, you will automatically be eating real, fresh food that will prevent, treat and even reverse most of the chronic diseases that drain our energy, stress our families and deplete our economy. You dont even have to understand anything about nutrition. Just follow these goof proof rules for getting healthy, losing weight and feeling great.

1. Ideally have only food without labels in your kitchen or foods that dont come in a box, a package, or a can. There are labeled foods that are great, like sardines, artichoke hearts, or roasted red peppers, but you have to be very smart in reading the labels. There are two things to look for: the ingredient list and the nutrition facts. Check out my special report on How to Read Labels for more information.

Where is the primary ingredient on the list? If the real food is at the end of the list and the sugar or salt is at the beginning, beware. The most abundant ingredient is listed first and the others are listed in descending order by weight. Be conscious, too, of ingredients that may not be on the list; some ingredients may be exempt from labels. This is often true if the food is in a very small package, if it has been prepared in the store, or if it has been made by a small manufacturer. Beware of these foods.

2. If a food has a label it should have fewer than five ingredients. If it has more than five ingredients, throw it out. Also beware of food with health claims on the label. They are usually bad for you think sports beverages. I recently saw a bag of deep-fried potato chips with the health claims gluten-free, organic, no artificial ingredients, no sugar and with fewer than 5 ingredients listed. Sounds great, right? But remember, cola is 100 percent fat-free and that doesnt make it a health food.

3. If sugar (by any name, including organic cane juice, honey, agave, maple syrup, cane syrup, or molasses) is on the label, throw it out. There may be up to 33 teaspoons of sugar in the average bottle of ketchup. Same goes for white rice and white flour, which act just like sugar in the body. If you have diabesity the spectrum of metabolic imbalances starting with just a little belly fat, leading all the way to diabetes you cant easily handle any flour, even whole-grain. Throw it out.

4. Throw out any food with high-fructose corn syrup on the label. It is a super sweet liquid sugar that takes no energy for the body to process. Some high-fructose corn syrup also contains mercury as a by-product of the manufacturing process. Many liquid calories, such as sodas, juices, and sports drinks, contain this metabolic poison. It always signals low quality or processed food.

5. Throw out any food with the word hydrogenated on the label. This is an indicator of trans fats, vegetable oils converted through a chemical process into margarine or shortening. They are good for keeping cookies on the shelf for long periods of time without going stale, but these fats have been proven to cause heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. New York City and most European counties have banned trans fats, and you should, too.

6. Throw out any highly refined cooking oils such as corn, soy, etc. (I will explain which oils to buy in Week 1 of the program in my book The Blood Sugar Solution). Also avoid toxic fats and fried foods.

7. Throw out any food with ingredients you cant recognize, pronounce, or that are in Latin.

See the original post here:
10 rules to eat safely for life

Introducing Online Fitness Solutions, At Home Health and Weight Loss Coaching Tips – Lose Weight and Gain Lean Muscle …

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:30 am is a program designed to help internet users achieve fitness and weight loss goals in the comfort of their own home, at their own pace. Its a very affordable option to get some additional assistance to help them achieve fitness goals, at a fraction of what the Vfit experts would normally cost.

(PRWEB) March 08, 2012

Initially a 12-week course, VFIT expert advice comes from their Registered Dietitian, personal trainers and psychologist. Their personal approach is a key difference in helping everyone get the individualized support they need. Their personal approach includes, Coaching calls from each of their experts every week. Daily motivational calls from the Vfit virtual fitness experts and meetings held monthly. Online individualized support from the experts and much more.

Vfit supplements include key ingredients, making their products superior. Using quality supplements will accelerate fitness results. Vfit Supplements contain NO artificial sweeteners, preservatives, fillers or colors. Low sugar Organic minerals, Colostrum and Local manufacture for better quality control and absorption. Vfit food tracker records calories. A consumed activity tracker records calories burned, and the weight tracker records progress. Healthy Recipes, weekly articles, daily tips and fitness tricks for quick online weight loss solutions. Register with virtual health coaching Today.


Fitness Works Arizona Fitness (480)396-0086 Email Information

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Introducing Online Fitness Solutions, At Home Health and Weight Loss Coaching Tips - Lose Weight and Gain Lean Muscle ...

NTRR Excited by Initial Test Results for Pure Plus Weight Loss Supplement

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:30 am


The initial results of clinical trials on Neutra Corp.s (OTCBB: NTRR.OB - News) new Pure Plus Weight Loss supplement have the company hopeful that it could far exceed expectations.

Volunteers are testing the new formula by taking a single dose once a day. Though final results are pending, the initial response from test subjects has been most encouraging. The product has been formulated to increase energy with no nervousness or sleep disruption as well as induce a general feeling of well-being.

Once testing and analysis are complete, NTRR will begin plans for the retail launch of Pure Plus. The revolutionary supplement will be the first in a product line of superior, all-natural nutraceuticals that the company is working to offer consumers as quickly as possible. The unique Bio-Energy infusion affects the formulas sub-atomic structure by turbo-charging select ingredients and allowing them to provide the most benefit possible. The company feels this will set their products apart from all competitors by making them more effective.

Neutra Corp. is developing weight-loss and sexual health supplements among other new products to compete in the fast-growing nutraceuticals industry alongside Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF),Vitamin Shoppe (NYSE:VSI), Nutraceutical International Corp. (NASDAQ:NUTR) andSchiff Nutrition International Inc. (NYSE:WNI).

For more information on NTRRs nutraceuticals initiative, please visit

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About Neutra Corp.

Neutra Corp.( is a healthy lifestyle company that specializes in the development and marketing of nutritional supplements, nutrient boosters, herbal remedies and othernatural wellnesssolutions. The company is currently working to produce a full range of products to address every component of a healthy lifestyle, including muscle building, weight loss and general wellness through a daily nutrition regimen. For investing information and performance data, please

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

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NTRR Excited by Initial Test Results for Pure Plus Weight Loss Supplement

Mila Kunis, 'Black Swan' and how extreme diets warp your body

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 10:30 am

Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images

Mila Kunis attends the Christian Dior Ready-To-Wear Fall/Winter 2012 show as part of Paris Fashion Week at Musee Rodin on March 2 in Paris, France.

By Diane Mapes

Losing weight like a star may seem like a dream come true. With a personal trainer, personal chef, personal dietitian and personal assistant at your side, who couldn't shed 20 pounds in a few short weeks?

But a new interview with actress Mila Kunis in Harper's Bazaar indicates that fast weight loss (in this case for a role) can sometimes result in fast weight gain -- in all the wrong places.

Already lean, Kunis dropped 20 pounds in order to play Natalie Portman's ballerina frenemy in "Black Swan." At 95 pounds, Kunis says "I was muscles, like a little brick house, but skin and bones."

Unfortunately, when she gained the weight back, Kunis says it ended up in completely different places.

"All the weight that left my chest went to my side hip, my stomach," she told the magazine.

Andrea N. Giancoli, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says redistributed weight isn't uncommon after drastic weight loss (and weight gain).

"What often happens with extreme weight loss and when you lose weight very quickly is that you lose muscle tissue," she says. "Unfortunately, when we gain the weight back, it comes back as fat."

See original here:
Mila Kunis, 'Black Swan' and how extreme diets warp your body

'Holland's Next Top Model' wins agency lawsuit

Posted: March 7, 2012 at 10:55 pm

AMSTERDAM (AP) A former winner of the television show "Holland's Next Top Model" has won a lawsuit against Elite Model Management after she was dropped for having hips the agency considered too large.

Ananda Marchildon, now 25, is entitled to the prize she won in the 2008 production of the show, a three-year contract worth euro75,000 ($98,500), the Amsterdam District Court ruled Wednesday.

"I'm proud to be able to show that just because a modeling agency wants that, it doesn't mean that if you have a bigger size you're done for," she told the Associated Press in an interview. "You're still a person and you can be as beautiful as you want and it doesn't come down to centimeters, it's how you are and how you portray yourself."

Marchildon argued she was dismissed after only euro10,000 ($13,000) worth of work, because she didn't lose enough weight to please the agency.

According to the written ruling, though she gained weight after winning, she had a hip measurement of 92 centimeters (about 36.2 inches) when she won, and Elite could not demand that she go down to 90 centimeters about 35.4 inches. That is far smaller than the average woman's hips, but not unusual in the modeling world.

The fashion industry has often faced criticism for creating unrealistic expectations about women's bodies and forcing models to undergo harmful diets.

"I'm proud to be a good role model, that's how I see it, for young girls. If you can't be a model for high fashion, you're still beautiful," Marchildon said.

Modeling agencies say that they respond to the demands of advertisers, and ultimately, clothing customers: a model that doesn't have the right look won't get work.

Marchildon said she understood Elite's wishes, though she didn't necessarily agree with them, and the television program should rethink its format.

"They shouldn't have let me win, if they can't be true to their word, it's as simple as that," she said.

Here is the original post:
'Holland's Next Top Model' wins agency lawsuit

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