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Personal Trainer Singapore Launches Training Services

Posted: March 1, 2012 at 10:35 am

Top Company Fitness Connexion Launches Personal Trainer Singapore to Connect Trainers with Men and Women

Singapore (PRWEB) March 01, 2012

It is no secret that personal trainers have long been used by celebrities with proven results. A personal trainer may have years of experience with fitness, weight loss and body building and may even have received a formal education in physical education, athletics, biology or kinetics. Aside from their expertise, personal trainers offer the support and motivation that most people need to stick to their training programs. Without the additional motivation provided by a personal trainer, even the best intentions can quickly dissolve. Through a variety of programs, Personal Trainer Singapore is striving to bring the benefits of a personal trainer to the public. They believe that personal training services should not be restricted to celebrities and that they should be both accessible and affordable.

Personal Trainer Singapore is run by Fitness Connexion, the top provider of personal training services in the country. Since they opened their doors, they have been working with customers to create customized training programs that suit their needs and help them reach their goals. Weight loss programs help clients reach their ideal size, shape, appearance and body mass index. With the help of a personal trainer, clients will start becoming healthier and more confident in only a few workouts. Clients who are more interested in building muscle, increasing endurance and honing athletic prowess, will also find plenty of options with Personal Trainer Singapore. Cardio training, weight and strength training, flexibility training and stretching are valuable components of both a weight loss and a body building workout. Working with a personal trainer, clients receive the instruction and the motivation they need to achieve their fitness goals.

Personal Trainer Singapore helps clients achieve their goals using a number of methods. At the beginning of a session, trainers discuss possible goals and strategies with their client. Short-term and long-term workout routines are built around these goals and the appropriate exercises are introduced and explained. More than simply being a teacher, however, a personal trainer is a motivator. Customers are held accountable to their trainer, are expected to show up at set times and are expected to stick to their goals. While the exercises themselves may be easy to do, most people find that they are far more willing to do them with the encouragement of their personal trainer. "A personal trainer can help to dramatically increase motivation levels" is a phrase often repeated at Personal Trainer Singapore.


Fitness Connexion is the leading provider of personal trainers in Singapore. They help their clients find suitable trainers for all their fitness needs. They work with highly experienced personal trainers and all trainers are professionally certified in their area of expertise. For more information contact (65) 98216150 or visit the company's websites at


Anupama Dhir (65) 98216150 Email Information

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Personal Trainer Singapore Launches Training Services

Want to lose weight? Join our webchat

Posted: March 1, 2012 at 10:35 am

Weight loss expert Helene Panzarino will be answering your questions and offering top advice on how you can get to your goal weight without stress, fear of failure or DIETING.

Helene, 50, lost EIGHT STONE following the programme she has developed - and she is confident that Sun readers can shed the bulk just as she did.

You can send your questions for Helene by adding a comment at the bottom of the article, or click the button below on Friday at 1.00pm to open the live webchat.

She says: "I had a misdiagnosed thyroid problem and went from a marathon-running size 6 to a size 22 very quickly.

"I ended up 18st and bedridden for most of the day. But then my father died and I took the decision to change my life - and fit back into the clothes I loved."

Helene took up Zumba classes and developed her four-step 'mind and body transformation' programme that helps punters lose weight by getting to the bottom of why they overeat in the first place.

She focuses on why stress or boredom triggers a reach for the biscuit tin - and how there is a form of exercise for everyone, you just have to find the one that's right for you.

Helene adds: "Because I've been obese too, I know all the pitfalls of trying to lose weight ... and that all those cruel-to-be-kind techniques simply don't work.

"I'm not here to bully or to judge. I'm not trying to change people either. I want you to be you ... but healthier and happier."

Want to lose weight? Join our webchat

Morning radio host Ted Long opens up about massive weight loss

Posted: March 1, 2012 at 10:35 am

Readmore: Local, News, Health, Ted Long, Ted and Amy, 93 Q, Weight Loss Surgery

SYRACUSE -- For the first time since the surgery that changed his life, morning radio host Ted Long is opening up to CBS 5s Michael Benny in a live, extended interview. Long will appear Wednesday evening during CBS 5 at 5:30 to share his story of losing more than one hundred pounds thanks to weight loss surgery.

For years, you have listened and laughed with Long, who is one half of themorning duo Ted & Amyon radiostation 93-Q in Syracuse. In September 2011, Long took what would be the final step in his years long battle with obesity. He had tried dieting, gym memberships and suffered with the lasting symptoms of being far too heavy: sleep apnea and high cholesterol. At this point he has lost 110 pounds and says hes feeling great. "I've never felt better," said Long, adding that he's off his cholesterol and blood pressure medications for the first time in years.

Long had hissurgery at Crouse Hospitaland when he announced his decision to his listeners on the Ted & Amy blog he knew he would take some criticism because gastric bypass is a controversial procedure.

Ted wrote on the blog: I've weighed all the consequences, had several meetings with doctors and folks who've had the surgery and, yes, I realize my life will change and all the dangers there are and blah, blah, blah! I'm ready and this is how I've decided to do it. And not only that, but my wife is having the surgery, as well.

His wife Bobbie has recovered from her surgery as well, and has lost 50 pounds.

Gastric bypasssurgery makes the stomach smaller and causes food to bypass part of the small intestine. Patients who have the procedure feel full more quickly than when their stomach was its original size. Ted Long says he is back to eating regular food, just less of it than ever before.

Have you had weight loss surgery? Would you ever consider it? What questions do you have for Ted? Leave your thoughts below.

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Morning radio host Ted Long opens up about massive weight loss

What the Diet, Drug Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About Weight Loss

Posted: March 1, 2012 at 10:35 am

What the Diet, Drug Industry Doesnt Want You to Know About Weight Loss

Best Way to Lose Weight is to Flip Your Biological Switch, Expert Says

Obesity has become such an epidemic in the United States, the FDA is considering approving a new prescription weight-loss drug despite safety concerns about it.

It seems the health effects of being overweight override officials concerns about Qnexa, a drug the FDA rejected two years ago.

That shocks weight-loss expert Don Ochs, who says neither diets nor drugs are effective, long-lasting solutions.

When you understand the biology behind burning off fat versus packing it on, the whole notion of starving yourself on a low-calorie diet is absurd, says Ochs, developer of the physician-recommended Mobanu Integrated Weight Loss Solution ( And certainly taking a drug that can damage your heart is out of the question.

Heres what people should know about biology and weight loss, Ochs says.

Your body was designed to temporarily store fat because food was not consistently available to our ancestors. They relied on that stored fat to get them through famines, winters and dry seasons. That worked very well until we made huge advances in agriculture and food supplies became abundant and consistently available.

When food is plentiful, your body will quickly burn fat deposits those bulges you want to get rid of for energy. When food is scarce, it burns fat more slowly, to help ensure your survival. Thats why simply eating less is not the best way to lose weight. A low-calorie diet actually tells your body to store fat because food is in short supply.

You can control whether or not your body stores fat for survival or dumps it for an upcoming time of plenty by sending it the right signals. The types of food you eat, and how much you eat of them, send biologically ingrained messages to your body about whether to store fat or burn it just like flipping a switch.

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What the Diet, Drug Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About Weight Loss

Yoga For Relaxing – Video

Posted: February 28, 2012 at 11:24 pm

20-02-2012 09:21 SpaFinder Wellness Week: March 19-25: Leave a comment below to enter our Giveaway telling us how you like to reward yourself! We will select a winner on February 29th, 2012. Looking for a few relaxing yoga poses to reduce stress and massage the spine? Try this relaxing yoga sequence with Erica and Sarah either right before bed or during the day to combat a stressful situation. Visit Today for healthy recipes! Be a Fan on Facebook - Follow us on Twitter - Check out's Sample Meal Plans and Exercise Plans: Sarah's YouTube channel - Visit For More Videos!

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Yoga For Relaxing - Video

Diet changes helping more couples conceive

Posted: February 28, 2012 at 11:24 pm

AURORA, Colo. — One in six couples has a hard time getting pregnant, some with no real explanation as to why.

Now some are looking at their diet, because doctors say what you eat can affect your chances of having a baby.

The Wootens are believers.  The Aurora couple went through three rounds of in vitro fertilization before they got pregnant, and they think their diet may have been what finally did the trick.

“I think it played a huge factor,” said Kelly Wooten.  “She bought a book called “The Fertility Diet” by Sarah Dobbyn, and she followed the advice of her doctors at the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine.

Dr. William Schoolcraft, the director of the clinic, says diet can affect fertility in both good and bad ways.  He says first make sure you avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine, and stay away from saturated fats.

He says do not go on a high protein-low carb diet if you’re trying to get pregnant.   “We’ve done a study showing that impairs fertility,” he said.

Dr Schoolcraft says women should eat lots of vegetables, and fruits with antioxidants like blueberries.  He also suggests taking supplements to boost nitric oxide levels and improve blood flow.

“Blood flow to the testicles and ovaries would improve sperm and egg production,” he said.  Lean meats will help boost iron levels, and while some experts suggest giving up dairy, Dr. Schoolcraft suggests two servings a day.

Kelly Wooten ate a lot of nuts, avocados, and sweet potatoes, paying attention to the omega-3 fatty acids.  She also ate a lot of lean organic meats, grains, vegetables and fruit.  Now she has a beautiful baby girl named Ava, and she is glad she made the effort.

“I think you have to take care of your body first, so that your body can take care of a baby,” she said.

Dr. Schoolcraft suggests the following supplements for some women trying to get pregnant:

Myo Inostol


Co Enzyme

Omega-3 fatty acid

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

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Diet changes helping more couples conceive

Soy diet prompts prisoners' lawsuit

Posted: February 28, 2012 at 11:24 pm

Prison grub never had a high culinary reputation, but now some inmates say it’s not just the taste they don’t like.

Illinois convicts have gone to court, claiming that too much soy in their diets has left them with severe health problems, including heart issues and thyroid damage, along with allergic reactions and gastrointestinal distress.

Eddie Martinez, 50, was released in September after 4½ years in the Illinois Department of Corrections, where he says his claims of gastric distress — belching, pain, cramps and constipation — and his fear that they were connected to his soy-rich diet there, were not taken seriously. He continues to see doctors for problems that he says will not go away, though he takes many medications.

“At my age, my health is a concern,” says Mr. Martinez, a native of Puerto Rico who came to the U.S. when he was 8. “I keep reading about cancer risks, and obviously this is upsetting.”

Now, Illinois is the target of a lawsuit filed by attorneys for the D.C.-based Weston A. Price Foundation on behalf of several Illinois inmates.

The foundation argues that inmates in the Illinois Department of Corrections regularly consume about 100 grams of soy protein, when just about 25 grams is recommended as part of a healthy diet. The lawsuit seeks to stop the use of soy in prison recipes, a common tactic that cuts food costs at many correctional facilities around the nation.

Sally Fallon Morell, the foundation’s founder and president, said prison diets in Illinois changed under then-Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich in 2003. While meat patties served to inmates used to be filled with “very nutrient-dense” organ meat, the new burgers changed to 70 percent soy protein and about 30 percent actual meat.

“They started using soy cheese on macaroni and cheese, soy nuggets in spaghetti sauce, soy flour added to all baked goods,” she said. “The first thing that shows up is digestive disorders. Soy is extremely hard to digest, so you get vomiting, chronic constipation and horrible gas. You can imagine the effects in close quarters after eating this.”

In recent years, the $4 billion soy industry has seen its products receive acclaim as part of a healthy diet, helping to lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, relieve symptoms associated with menopause and reduce certain cancer risks.

But scientists acknowledge that many people suffer from soy allergies that can contribute to gastric symptoms similar to those described by Mr. Martinez, including abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea.

Mr. Martinez, who is not involved in the lawsuit but said he would testify gladly, says he hopes someone will acknowledge that inmate-health issues matter.

“This is not financial for me, but about the others who are still there,” he said from his home in Chicago. “I’m just really happy to be heard. It was a nightmare for me. I begged with people in the prison to please diagnose this, to please find the source of this. They are hurting a lot of inmates who are still there.”

He says he visited prison doctors multiple times after his symptoms would not abate. Only after he had taken a bevy of drugs, including Prilosec and Zantac, and he beseeched prison doctors to diagnose his problems, did they finally acknowledged to him quietly that the soy could be an issue, but said they could do nothing to change his diet, encouraging him to buy food at the commissary to avoid the prison kitchens, something he says he could not afford.

“I said ‘How can you do this to a human being?’” he says of multiple complaints to medical staff. “‘We are not animals. We have families — moms, sisters, brothers, kids. This is immoral.’ And they knew it was going on. They knew.

“I wish one person there would come out and say it, but times are hard, the economy is bad and nobody wants to lose their job,” he says with frustration, noting that he is not a part of the lawsuit but upset enough to speak out. “I’m sure if they had whistleblower protection, someone would have stepped up.”

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Soy diet prompts prisoners' lawsuit

Honest Diet Pills Announces New Website Design to Improve User Experience

Posted: February 28, 2012 at 11:24 pm

Founded in 2010 as a diet pills ranking and recommendation site, Honest Diet Pills has since developed a reputation as a trustworthy place for consumers to find the most effective diet pills that work in a number of categories. In order to improve user experience and simplify navigation, Honest Diet Pills has modernized its website design and page layout.

(PRWEB) February 27, 2012

Honest Diet Pills announced today that it has redesigned its website in order to enhance visitor experience and simplify navigation and maneuverability. Honest Diet Pills new layout offers guests easy access to the top 3 diet pills in a convenient sidebar. From here, visitors can either read product reviews or access a product's lowest price. Additionally, Honest Diet Pills has added a diet pills categories tab to its main menu to allow visitors to navigate to the top weight loss guide products in select categories.

"Our new website design will make it simpler for visitors to quickly find exactly what they're looking for. The best diet pills are easily accessible from the right column, whereas a diet pills categories drop down is easy to get to from the top navigation," says Dana Howard, founder and CEO of Honest Diet Pills. "This means that guests looking for appetite suppressants can find the top 2 choices with the click of a mouse. They can easily determine that Hoodoba Pure Hoodia diet pills are the most effective appetite suppressant and quickly place an order."

Along with its new website design, Honest Diet Pills would also like to announce that it is now providing users with a "Worry out the Window" guarantee. This assurance means that any products that do not arrive in perfect condition will immediately be replaced. This incentive combined with a 30-day money-back guarantee ensures that customers feel safe and secure placing an order from Honest Diet Pills.

To view Honest Diet Pills' top selections or to place an order, please visit

Editor's Notes: Honest Diet Pills rates and ranks diet pills based on 6 crucial factors to determine the top diet pills that work in a variety of categories. Honest Diet Pills evaluation system incorporates elements that consumers look for when buying diet pills – weight loss power, weight loss speed, long-term results, product safety and cost-benefit ratio are all examined.

# # #

Dana Howard
Honest Diet Pills
Email Information

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Honest Diet Pills Announces New Website Design to Improve User Experience

The Stars Turn Out for Jimmy Kimmel; Diet Coke Celebrates Movies and Soda

Posted: February 28, 2012 at 11:24 pm

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today: Jimmy Kimmel's post-Oscars special now features more star power than the actual Oscars, a Diet Coke about movies made us tear up, and revisiting Sacha Baron Cohen's red carpet ash-throwing.

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As with the actual Academy Awards, your appreciation for Jimmy Kimmel's annual post-Oscars special depends in large part on how forgiving you are of leisurely paced, star-packed television. Case in point: the centerpiece of last night's show was a 9-minute-long parody trailer for a movie called Movie: The Movie. Nine minutes! But it also had the likes Matt Damon, Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren, Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Jessica Alba, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman, and Gary Oldman showing what good sports they could be. On a night in which a black-and-white silent movie from France won Best Picture, we were willing to swap brevity for an extra dose of star power. [ABC]

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Considering that Sacha Baron Cohen spent a major chunk of last week in character promoting The Dictator and showed up on the red carpet last night carrying an urn, it's remarkable how much being covered in the purported ashes of Kim Jong Il seemed to frazzle Ryan Seacrest. What did he think was going to happen? More pressingly, what did Seacrest think was in the prop urn? If you're going to be talking with Sacha Baron Cohen on live television, these are really questions that are worth asking, especially if you're going to get upset when your suit is covered in soot. [E!]

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Despite swearing never to be moved by a Diet Coke ad, we were moved by the Diet Coke ad that aired during the Oscars last night. It's all about Diet Coke and how much people who make movies like to drink it, but it wormed its way into our heart with a lovely orchestral score and a behind-the-scenes look at how what Martin Scorsese would call a picture is made. [Co.Create]

There was a major event in astronomy over the weekend, when Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and the moon lined up to form a "triple conjunction" that was visible on both Saturday and Sunday night, assuming you live in a place where light pollution isn't too severe. If you live in a place where the view of the night sky is fuzzy at best, Stephen Ramsden of took some of his slides from Saturday's sky and turned them into a jaunty, timelapse video that made us jealous of what we missed. [Stephenramsden]

We mentioned earlier that Monday marks John Steinbeck's 110th birthday. To cleanse the palate -- and keep the awards show theme alive -- here's what the East of Eden author had to say about what literature means to him after he received the Nobel Prize in 1962. [GuyJohn59 via Open Culture]

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The Stars Turn Out for Jimmy Kimmel; Diet Coke Celebrates Movies and Soda


Posted: February 28, 2012 at 11:23 pm


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