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I LOST 30 pounds FAT forEVER . . .The MOST Effective way To Lose Weight QUICKLY

Posted: February 22, 2012 at 7:21 am

09-10-2010 23:41 . . . FREE INFO - If you want to Lose Fat -- STOP the CONFUSION Right Now ! Isabel De Los Rios. is one of the most knowledgeable nutrition experts I've come across over the years and I was extremely impressed with her information and her program, "The Diet Solution". If you really want "The TRUTH" when it comes to losing fads, no pills, no starvation...this information is definitely for you. Here are some of the great topics that Isabel demystifies regarding your diet: *How to determine the exact types of foods that are most appropriate for your specific body and metabolism type. After all, we are all different, so 1 specific diet is NEVER right for everyone. *The dangers of eating certain types of soy products... which types are ok in moderation, and which types shouldn't be eaten at all, unless you WANT more belly fat! *What you need to know about dairy before ever buying another dairy product again *Why "whole grains" are not always as healthy as the label claims, but there is an "other type" of grain that is a contender for the superfood lists *Is organic food worth the price? *The honest truth about carbohydrates and how much you really need *The major misconceptions about dietary fat that you need to know about *Ideal protein-carb-fat ratios based on your specific metabolism and body type *Everything you need to know about salt, sweeteners, alcohol, and more In my opinion, this info is a MUST-SEE for everyone that cares ...

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I LOST 30 pounds FAT forEVER . . .The MOST Effective way To Lose Weight QUICKLY

Researchers give less weight to established slimming tricks

Posted: February 22, 2012 at 7:21 am

The Irish Times - Tuesday, February 21, 2012

DICK AHLSTROM, Science Editor in Vancouver

THE OLD models of how much weight you can lose by reducing calories are seriously off the mark. It is a lot more difficult to lose weight than these models suggest, according to the authors of a mathematical approach to weight loss and obesity.

Dr Kevin Hall and Dr Carson Chow from the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases improved on the old linear model that suggested a 250 kilocalorie (usually just referred to as calorie) cut in food intake would deliver a 25lb loss over a year.

This ignored the reality of human metabolism, however, they told a session at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual meeting in Vancouver.

Weight loss when dieting comes quickly when you start but soon diminishes over time until finally hitting a plateau, as habitual dieters can attest. For this reason assumptions about energy intake and expenditure based on each pound of fat representing 3,500 calories was not useful for calculating energy balance, they said.

Dr Hall pointed to a US study that indicated 67 per cent of people there were overweight or obese. It suggested that if the government introduced a heavy tax on sugar-sweetened beverages this would quickly drop to 50 per cent on the basis of the older models. The researchers ran a “dynamic simulation model” on the data and found that in fact the tax would only reduce obesity to 62 per cent because of the plateau effect.

The two decided to build a new, more accurate model of energy balance and weight loss. It took into account metabolic factors including the weight to lean ratio, sex, physical activity and other factors. They also built a simpler online version so people could log on and set up a weight loss programme. (

This was very different from the older calculators that suggested reducing calorie intake by 500 a day would deliver a 1lb loss per week. Their calculator allows you to set goals – how much weight you want to lose over what period of time – and then does the calculations for changes to calorie intake and exercise.

A person should reduce food intake by 10 calories a day for each pound of weight change required. At that rate about half the weight change would be reached in about a year and about 95 per cent of the loss reached in about three years, the researchers calculate.

They also used their model to look at the US adult obesity epidemic. They showed that reaching the average population-based weight gain only required seven extra calories a day.

The calculations were much more sophisticated, however, and also took into account the energy demands required by an individual to carry around the extra average weight. The average person needed to burn up an extra 215 calories a day to haul around the weight. Changing the energy balance will deliver weight loss, Dr Chow said. Eating one fewer biscuit a day could deliver a 15lb weight loss over a year.

“The surprise is such a little change can deliver such a large result,” he said.

Go here to read the rest:
Researchers give less weight to established slimming tricks

The new weight-loss math

Posted: February 22, 2012 at 7:21 am

If you’ve ever followed a weight-loss diet, you might be familiar with the 3,500-calorie rule.

It’s pretty simple: Since there are 3,500 calories in a pound of body fat, eating 500 fewer calories each day – or burning them off exercising – will lead to a slow and steady weight loss of a pound a week. (The math: 500 x 7 days = 3,500)

More related to this story

According to U.S. researches, this ubiquitous weight-loss rule is overly simple and overly optimistic. And it can lead to unrealistic expectations about how quickly you can achieve a weight-loss goal.

The rule contends that cutting 200 calories a day from your diet would lead to a loss of 20 pounds over the course of a year and the weight loss should keep on going. But in reality that doesn’t happen. Weight loss slows and eventually comes to halt despite the drop in calorie intake.

This past weekend, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual meeting in Vancouver, an international team of researchers unveiled a new formula to better predict how people will lose weight on a diet.

The 3,500-calorie assumption doesn’t account for how metabolism changes during weight loss.

Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories, and it’s largely determined by how much muscle you have, since muscle burns more calories at rest than body fat. Ultimately, it’s your metabolism that dictates how easily you will lose or gain weight.

As the body slims down, metabolism slows, causing it to burn fewer calories at rest. A smaller body also burns fewer calories during exercise. The net result: a sluggish rate of weight loss that can frustrate dieters and cause them to abandon their plan.

Now health-care professionals and researchers have a tool to more accurately predict a dieter’s expected weight loss over time, based on changes to metabolism. Having a more realistic sense of what to expect can help people stay motivated over the long term.

The new formula and accompanying web-based model were developed by researchers from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization, Columbia University and Harvard School of Public Health,

The online tool – called the Body Weight Simulator – requires people to input their age, gender, body weight, height, activity level and weight goal (

It then simulates what diet and exercise changes are required to reach the goal weight and what changes are necessary to maintain it over time.

Using this model, the researchers found that people’s bodies adapt slowly to dietary changes.

For example, the average overweight person needs to cut 100 calories from their current intake per day to lose 10 pounds over three years.

Half of the weight will be lost in one year and then you’ll reach a plateau, slowly losing the remainder by three years.

In contrast, for the same calorie reduction, the 3,500-calorie formula predicts you’ll lose 10 pounds in one year – and 30 pounds by three years.

The Body Weight Simulator isn’t aimed at consumers. It’s intended to be used as a tool for doctors, dietitians and researchers to re-evaluate client goals and identify necessary diet and exercise changes to achieve a weight loss goal at a realistic pace.

The online tool also highlights a salient point: Even though weight loss slows down over time, you will continue to lose weight if you stick to your plan. That’s a positive message for anyone trying to lose weight.

It also emphasizes the need to abandon our quick-fix mentality. Permanent weight loss takes time and requires persistence, consistency and patience. Not easy, I know.

There are other reasons weight loss slows down that have nothing to do with metabolism. They’re related to human nature and they’re within your control.

If you’re experiencing a slowdown, the following strategies can help you pick up the pace.

Don’t let lapses accumulate.

You’re bound to fall off plan occasionally. Losing weight is not an all-or-nothing endeavour.

If you slip, don’t tell yourself “I’ll start again on Monday.” Instead, get back on track, the sooner the better. One small lapse won’t make a difference to the scale.

Rein in portion sizes.

It happens gradually. Instead of one cup of rice, you’re serving yourself 1.5 cups and an extra 100 calories. The chicken breast that not long ago was a precise four ounces, now weighs in at six ounces.

A few extra calories here and there add up and can make the difference between losing and holding steady. If this sounds familiar, measure and weigh your foods again.

Be mindful of extras.

An extra dessert, a few tastes while making dinner, a bite or two off your kid’s plate. Those extra calories can – and will – stall weight loss.

Twenty pounds ago you could get away with eating something extra here and there and still lose weight each week. But not any more. Keep in mind that smaller bodies burn fewer calories, so you have less leeway than before.

Resume keeping a food diary to see if extra calories are sneaking into your diet.

Be consistent on the weekend.

Larger meals, alcoholic beverages, and a few extra snacks on the weekend can cause the needle on the scale to jump Monday morning. You play catch-up during the week to lose those few pounds. Then the following weekend, you put a couple more back on. The end result: no progress.

If weekends are your trouble spot, keep a food diary Friday through Sunday.

Leslie Beck, a Toronto-based dietitian at the Medcan Clinic, is on CTV’s Canada AM every Wednesday. Her website is

Read more:
The new weight-loss math

Weight-loss guidelines flawed, say researchers

Posted: February 22, 2012 at 7:21 am

Guardian News and Media/London

UK national guidelines that advise people how to lose weight are seriously flawed and grossly overstate how quickly they will reach their targets, scientists say.
Researchers found people lost only half as much weight as expected in a year if they followed the advice given by the NHS and US health organisations.
The problem came to light when government scientists at the US National Institutes of Health in Maryland realised standard weight loss advice - including its own - failed to account for changes in metabolism as people lost weight.
The rule of thumb used by the NHS and other health services assumes that if a person cuts 500 calories from their daily diet, they will lose about 450g (1lb) each week, regardless of how long they adhered to the regime.
But as people lose weight, their metabolism slows until they reach a new stable bodyweight. Their weight loss is further complicated by how much body fat and muscle they have when they start dieting.
“Dietitians and physicians have used this rule of thumb for a long time, but it turns out to be completely wrong. It doesn’t account for metabolic changes that happen when people change diet,” said Kevin Hall, who led the research.
“If you change calories, your metabolism slows down and eventually you reach a plateau.”
He told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: “If you want to lose 10lb of weight eventually, you need to cut 100 calories a day from your diet. You will get halfway there in a year, but then plateau after three years. The old rule of thumb predicts twice as much weight loss after a year and gets worse after that.”
The glitch has consequences that go far beyond the frustration of obese and overweight people who are trying to shed weight.
Public policies drawn up to tackle the rising obesity epidemic have to be reassessed, Hall said, and in cases where this has been done, their effectiveness looked much less impressive than before.
Hall re-examined a proposal for a “fat tax” that added 20% to the cost of sweet and unhealthy foods. Using the flawed weight loss guidelines, obesity rates in the US could be slashed from 67% to 50% in five years.
But when he did the calculation again, taking metabolism into account, the figures were less rosy. After five years of the tax, obesity might drop to 62%, but crucially fall no further.
Last year, researchers writing in the Lancet called on governments to bring in measures to reverse the rise of obesity, which could affect an extra 11mn people in the UK in the next 20 years.
Almost 50% of British men could be obese by 2030, they wrote.
Based on the work, Hall and his colleagues have created an online tool that people from adolescence to late middle age can use to get more accurate advice on how to lose weight.
The tool, which can be used by GPs and patients, then works out how many calories they need to cut, either through dieting or more exercise, and how they can then maintain the healthier weight.
Rather than demoralising people, Hall hopes more accurate advice would help overweight and obese people have realistic expectations.

Read more here:
Weight-loss guidelines flawed, say researchers

Using genes for the best weight loss results

Posted: February 22, 2012 at 7:21 am

Special Assignment


MILWAUKEE- You work out, you diet -- but you're not getting the results you want.  When it comes to getting fit and looking better, it could be because of what's in your genes.

Now, a new scientific way is helping some people find their perfect way to get fit.

Heavy weights, running, yoga, so many choices!  "I can get it off its keeping it off that's the hardest part," says Judy Manly.  Maybe it's because she's doing the 'wrong' workout?

We're all familiar with people who seem to eat anything they like and stay slim; one scientist says a simple DNA test can now find your body's workout code -- the way you burn fat and how it's different than your friends.

"It turns out our genes have been the wild card all along," says Dr. Ruth Debusk.  Debusk is a Geneticist and a big fan of DNA testing for your specific workout and your diet.

It all starts with a kit you can buy yourself -- but it isn't cheap -- $170!  You swab your cheek, pack up your sample, and wait for a detailed report of what's called your diet genotype.

"If I could get under 150 (pounds), I would be happy," said Amy Kastis, who took the test.  She got her 'diet identity' telling her to switch to low carbs; her exercise identity saying walking is not her best choice.

So she changed both! "Once I took the test, I actually improved on that and went down to 138 (pounds)," said Kastis.  Fast results, but a quick search online finds a lot of scientists like Dr. Bruce Buehler, also a Geneticist at the Univ. Nebraska Medical Center, are not convinced.  "The problem with gene testing is unless you are looking for a disease, all you are testing for is possibilities."

He says these at home kits, only check a handful of the more than 30,000 genes in your body. "These genes tend to lead toward this or that, then its environment and then its all the other genes who interact," Buehler added.

"This is information that is not available by any other means," responds Dr. Ken Kornman, who works for the testing company.  He says focusing on a few key genes can tell you plenty about your metabolism.

Amy only knows it worked for her, "And, I did it in less than three and a half months which is amazing to me because the weight just fell off."

So should some runner switch to kickboxing?  Cyclists turn to yoga?  Is it high protein or low fat for you?  Answers some scientists claim they can now answer with a little swab of your cheek.

While this is relatively new science, followers of DNA programs say your genes determine how your body stores fat and how it metabolizes food.  Once you know that you can work to maximize results.


Excerpt from:
Using genes for the best weight loss results

Extreme Weight Loss For Teens

Posted: February 22, 2012 at 7:21 am

Credit: Nationwide Children's Hospital

Megan after her surgery and weight loss.

As Megan Muncy smoothes her sweatshirt over her abdomen, she can feel where rolls of fat once bulged underneath her clothing. 

Now 16, she knows the world through the eyes of an obese child. Megan knows what it's like to be judged by her weight, to sit in silence and embarrassment and to stay home because there she's safe from criticism.

"I didn’t have a lot of energy. I really didn’t want to go out and do anything with my friends," said Megan.

At 14, Megan says she hit her high weight of 350 pounds. 

"I felt horrible about myself -- that I even let myself get to that weight," said Megan who tried endless diets and programs to lose weight over the years.                                       
She had the medical record of someone decades older than her, facing high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and was prediabetic.

Megan made a choice that would forever change her life, the way she eats and the way she sees herself. 

She chose to have gastric bypass surgery, a weight-loss surgery that can lead to extreme weight loss by altering the size of the stomach.

"We limit the size of the stomach to about the size of my fist. We actually bypass about 30 percent of the small intestine, and that is really where you absorb all your calories and nutrients," said Dr. Marc Michalsky, a pediatric surgeon at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus.

Bariatric surgery causes a restriction in the amount of food a patient can eat, so they feel full faster and eat less, losing up to one pound a day. It is a drastic approach to weight loss, once reserved for adults who found no other way to lose weight.

More teenagers are choosing bariatric surgery, hoping to avoid a lifetime of obesity. In the United States, obesity is clearly an epidemic. A third of all American children are either overweight or obese. Many have been on and off diets and are now turning to their doctors for weight-loss surgery. 

"These operations turn out to be very safe. Adolescent bariatric surgery is actually as safe, if not safer, in this age group," said Michalsky. 

In order to even be considered for the surgery, Nationwide Children's Hospital requires patients be a minimium of 100 pounds overweight and be on a medically supervised diet for six months prior to the surgery. 

Michalsky said NCH performs about 30 bariatric surgeries on teenagers a year.  That's a sharp increase since 2005 when she says only about five surgeries were performed each year.

Megan is now 16 and weighs 203 pounds. She says she is happy, healthy and no longer facing a life of obesity and diabetes.

"I can’t really have sugar, and if I do, it has to be a very small amount of it. I can't have high-fat foods, so no fried foods or fast food," said Megan.

Megan says she would like to lose another 25 pounds and works hard to eat right and exercise.

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Extreme Weight Loss For Teens

HCG Blog Announces that the hCG Weight Loss Diet Does Not Require Counting Calories

Posted: February 22, 2012 at 7:21 am

Based on the large number of emails received by hCG Blog over the past seven days, it appears that many consumers are wary of trying the hCG diet because they fear weight loss programs that require monitoring calorie consumption. In response to this growing concern, hCG Blog would like to announce that the hCG diet does not require counting calories.

(PRWEB) February 21, 2012

As an hCG weight loss authority, hCG Blog consistently receives emails from visitors with questions and concerns regarding the hCG diet. Over the past week, a number of messages have come in demonstrating that many consumers are afraid to try the hCG diet because they dislike the tedious nature of keeping track of caloric intake. The influx of comments regarding this subject over the past seven days has led hCG Blog to announce that one does not have to count calories while on the hCG diet.

"It seems a number of people are under the impression that the 500 calorie hCG weight loss diet requires users to manually count and monitor calorie intake," explains founder Wendy Miles. "The problem is that this is simply not the case. HCG dieters need to eat certain foods in specific portions, but the foods permitted add up to 500 calories on their own."

Losing weight with hCG drops or injections requires users to follow a carefully laid out weight loss plan. Each day, dieters are allowed two proteins, two vegetables, two fruits and two "bread items" off of an hCG diet food item list. These two meals add up to the 500 calories necessary to promote fast weight loss with hCG. These foods are not only low in calories and fat; they provide the nourishment needed to keep the body healthy and full of energy. While the hCG diet is a 500 calorie weight loss diet, these foods aggregate to the recommended 500 calories allowed. HCG Blog explains that the most important factor in the hCG diet is not manually keeping track of the calories consumed, but eating the proper foods in the right portions.

Editor's Notes: was founded to help provide answers and support for both those on the hCG diet and others who are simply interested in learning about weight loss with hCG.


Wendy Miles
hCG Blog
Email Information

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HCG Blog Announces that the hCG Weight Loss Diet Does Not Require Counting Calories

How to decide on the ideal diets that work fast for women – Video

Posted: February 21, 2012 at 1:28 am

17-08-2011 19:24 Intreview of Isabel De Los Rios author of the diet solution program. For more infos please visit: Diets that work fast for women Detox Diets for Weight Loss Good Diets That Work Fast Diet Pills That Work Fast for Women Diets That Work Fast for Women and Free...

See the rest here:
How to decide on the ideal diets that work fast for women - Video


Posted: February 21, 2012 at 1:27 am

08-02-2012 01:24 RAW FOOD WEIGHT LOSS: FREELEE'S BREAKFAST Raw food diet vegan high carb low fat style based on fruit keeps you slim naturally. How to get a flat stomach, how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight with raw to start a raw food diet? all these questions and more answered by Durianrider and Freelee on our channels. Thanks for watching! 🙂 Durianrider on Facebook To Donate to Durianrider: Durianriders 2$ audio mp3 and blog links below. ? Blog ? TAGS durianrider freelee freelea "raw food weight loss" "raw foods for weight loss" "how to start a raw food diet" "80/10/10" "high carb raw vegan" "raw food diet" "raw foods for weight loss" "fruitarian" "fitness" "weight loss" health cooking slim transformation "weight loss" "Raw Foodism" "Physical Fitness" Exercise Workout "Physical Exercise" Training Lose Gym Muscles Healthy Nutrition vegan vegetarian

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What Makes The Challenge Visalus Shakes Different? – Video

Posted: February 21, 2012 at 1:27 am

06-12-2011 15:16 Thanks to Alyse Williams on granting permission to share her video on what makes Visalus Shakes different. She breaks it down on what the shakes can do for you if you are looking to lose weight, burn fat, and increase lean muscle mass all through proper nutrition.

The rest is here:
What Makes The Challenge Visalus Shakes Different? - Video

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