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Weight Loss Tips – Healthy Weight loss tips – Video

Posted: February 21, 2012 at 1:27 am

20-02-2012 08:29 Get more weight loss tips and Lose Weight Fast? Get FREE Weight Loss Coaching Videos + Bonuses (Valued At $97) http Weight loss tips, eating a healthy diet sometimes is not easy to follow. Many people have failed staying on track with there weight loss goals. But having a healthy diet have to take out your daily enjoyment in life with this video you will understand the basic concept of weight loss and a array of foods which you can eat without feeling bad and start to lose weight and enjoy life. Get more weight loss tips and Lose Weight Fast? Get FREE Weight Loss Coaching Videos + Bonuses (Valued At $97)

Originally posted here:
Weight Loss Tips - Healthy Weight loss tips - Video

Pricey pet food could save you surgery cost

Posted: February 19, 2012 at 10:54 pm

Dear Dr. John,

Our 5-year-old white terrier mix dog has had a problem with chronic oxalate bladder stones and now our 12-year-old cat has hyperthyroidism!

We are writing to see if you have thoughts on diets for our animals. Our dog has been eating a prescription food from Royal Canin and our cat takes medication daily. Now the vet tells us there is a new diet for hyperthyroidism. Do these diets really work? Because the cost seems to get a little crazy.

Though we love our animals a lot, we wonder if you can suggest alternatives? What will happen if we don’t feed our pets these diets?

— A.R.

Dear A.R.,

You have a twofer on your hands. Canine oxalate stones are difficult to manage due to an inborn error of metabolism that creates these bladder stones. My guess is that your dog has been on Royal Canin Urinary SO for the prevention of stones from recurring. Did the dog have surgery initially and is your dog male? These stones are almost always found in male dogs and usually need to be surgically removed.

Other problems that lead to high calcium can also lead to the formation of these stones. Hill’s Pet Nutrition u/d is also a diet made for prevention of these stones. Dogs with this problem need to be on strict diets to prevent recurrence. I once treated a patient who had four or five surgeries in about six to seven years to remove these recurring stones, despite a special diet.

That was years ago and I would trust the diets today because so much research and development has gone into them. You can also look online at homemade diets that may work — but those may be labor-intensive to make, and unproven. Not feeding your dog a special diet will most likely lead to expensive surgeries that cost more than the prescription food. Make sure your dog drinks plenty of water, too.

As for your cat, hyperthyroidism is usually treated with daily methimazole or a costly single treatment of radioiodine. The new diet is Hill’s y/d and I am told that a strict diet (six to eight weeks) for cats with this condition eliminates the disease. There are not as many homemade diets for this condition.

Bottom line — I would take a veterinarian’s advice and use the prescription diets. There are many different prescription diets for many different disease conditions and they have made for longer and healthier lives.

John de Jong, D.V.M., is owner/operator of Boston Mobile Veterinary Clinic and partner/chief of staff at Neponset Animal Hospital.

Visit link:
Pricey pet food could save you surgery cost

Tips for Healthy Weight Loss for Women

Posted: February 19, 2012 at 10:53 pm

If you?re looking for fast weight loss tips for women, forget it! Let's face facts ladies. To have permanent healthy weight loss, you need permanent healthy eating and lifestyle changes.

So here are my top 10 + 1 healthy weight loss tips for women to tip the scales your way:

1. Create a new self-image. Do you see yourself as fit or fat? If "fat" is all you see, reaching and maintaining your ideal weight will be a futile struggle. Learn to imagine yourself as slender and energetic. Once the ?fit? image dominates your thoughts, it can become a reality.

2. Eat healthy whole foods. Permanently changing your diet to eat for great health is the best way to reach and maintain your optimum weight. Choose fresh produce, low fat protein, 100% whole grains and good quality nutritional health supplements.

3. Focus on vegetables. Most veggies are healthy low fat, low calorie, high fiber foods that help fill you up. So choose more vegetables for snacks and meals. Add low fat, high protein foods, whole grains and a small amount of olive oil for complete nutrition.

4. Eliminate high glycemic foods. Processed grains, sugar and other simple carbohydrates are your biggest saboteurs. The resulting insulin release causes you to store fat and crave sweets. For best results follow a healthy low glycemic diet.

5. Drink plenty of liquids. Water is the perfect calorie-free drink and increasing your water intake helps keep you feeling full. If you want to sweeten it up, add the natural herb Stevia to lemon water or herbal teas.

6. Move your body and build muscle. Daily exercise and weight training keeps your metabolism working optimally and helps you build muscle to lose fat. It also benefits your bones, your heart, your whole body and your disposition.

7. Increase fiber, decrease calories. To lose weight you need to eat fewer calories. High fiber foods keep you feeling full longer, protect against cancer, heart disease, diabetes and help to relieve constipation. A daily fiber drink of unsweetened psyllium or mixed nutritional fibers adds more fiber with fewer calories.

8. Replace bad fats with good fats. Trans-fatty acids, processed vegetable oils and excess saturated fats add empty calories and are bad for your health. Choose whole raw seeds and nuts, 100% whole grains and fatty fish or quality fish oil supplements for omega 3 fish oil benefits. Also use small amounts of virgin olive oil for cooking and salads.

9. Do it your way. Studies show most people successful with weight loss find their own way. If a good diet recommends 5 meals a day, but 4 or 6 suits you better, then do what's best for you.

10. Have a simple organized plan. When you learn what works for you, work your plan. Find recipes you like. Have healthy foods available at all times. When you go to restaurants, take along your favorite salad dressing and fruit for dessert. Stay on top of your program.

11. Forgive yourself and move on. Guilt, self-pity and irritation have no useful purpose. When you fall off the wagon, don?t waste time with regret. Talk yourself into feeling positive about your situation instead of negative. Then get right back on track.

And, if you add diligence along with patient persistence, these 11 tips for healthy weight loss for women will help you to achieve all your weight loss goals and end up healthier than ever.

But if you still want to lose weight fast, just make sure you learn how to lose weight fast and safe and you know the healthy answer to, ?How many calories should I eat a day to lose weight??

Be sure to sign up for my free Natural Health Newsletter.

Click here for the Site Map.

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Why is Drinking Water Important?
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To subscribe to the Natural Health Newsletter, just enter your email address in the subscribe box at the bottom of this page.

? Copyright by Moss Greene. All Rights Reserved.

Note: The information contained on this website is not intended to be prescriptive. Any attempt to diagnose or treat an illness should come under the direction of a physician who is familiar with nutritional therapy.

Go here to see the original:
Tips for Healthy Weight Loss for Women

Sunnyside Ave. project placed on hold

Posted: February 19, 2012 at 1:43 am

SALT LAKE CITY — A controversial lane-reduction test planned for Sunnyside Avenue has been put on hold while city leaders debate its necessity and merits.

Last week, four members of the Salt Lake City Council sent a letter to Mayor Ralph Becker requesting that the city abandon plans for a six-week "road diet" between Guardsman Way and Foothill Drive, saying the test was creating "unnecessary controversy."

On Tuesday, Becker agreed to delay the test "pending further council consideration and additional discussion." But he also noted that the council members' request represents "a significant departure from the city's current approach to redesigning streets using the Complete Streets philosophy."

City transportation officials planned to temporarily reduce the number of travel lanes on the stretch of Sunnyside Avenue from five — two lanes in each direction and a median/turn lane — to four by converting one westbound lane into a bike lane.

The project has been seen as an opportunity to advance the city's Complete Streets initiative to design and operate streets safely for all users — pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities.

City officials planned to use a resurfacing project already scheduled for this summer to determine whether reducing lanes for motorists would work on Sunnyside Avenue. That resurfacing project also has been delayed, pending further discussion, Becker said.

I don't view this as all or nothing. I think there are other ways we can accomplish the same objectives without unnecessarily hindering traffic flow.

–- Charlie Luke, councilman

Charlie Luke, the first-year councilman who spearheaded the effort to stop the test, said he appreciates Becker's willingness to delay the project and allow for additional discussion.

Luke said feedback he's received from residents who would be most impacted by the lane reduction has been "overwhelmingly negative," with many neighbors worried about traffic backing up along Sunnyside and spilling onto neighborhood streets.

"I don't view this as all or nothing," he said. "I think there are other ways we can accomplish the same objectives without unnecessarily hindering traffic flow."

Luke favors an option that would maintain two travel lanes in each direction and still move forward with Complete Streets concepts on Sunnyside Avenue by removing the center turn lane in some locations and replacing it with a narrow, landscaped median.

That plan was suggested by city consultants as an option in the event the road diet doesn't work for Sunnyside Avenue.

The Complete Streets project planned for Sunnyside Avenue stemmed from residents' concerns about speeding, noise levels and safety in the area.

Following what Becker said was a "lengthy public process," the City Council authorized a study of the corridor "that would slow traffic, create a welcoming environment for active transportation modes and lessen the division between the neighborhoods on the north and south sides of the street that result from a wide, high-speed road."

The six-week test was seen as a way to "understand the effects of a road diet on this neighborhood before this option (is) considered for implementation," Becker stated in his response.

"Given this test, planners and engineers would know better how to plan for auto, pedestrian and bicycle experiences on Sunnyside and throughout the neighborhood," he said.

Becker has asked the City Council to reconsider its "apparent change in policy direction" in an upcoming public meeting to clarify what it "intends with its Complete Streets ordinance and policy" and how it applies to Sunnyside Avenue.

Luke said that discussion likely will take place in March.

See more here:
Sunnyside Ave. project placed on hold

Weight Loss Surgery

Posted: February 19, 2012 at 1:43 am

LEWES, Del. - The first day of Spring is just about a month away, which means bathing suit season isn't far behind. Since weight-loss is a hot topic, many have questions about the many options out there to help you lose weight. That can include surgery, but it's not for everyone and it can be costly.

"As I get older I find different things are starting to happen that the diabetes is causing," replied Maryann Opatt who is looking into getting weight loss surgery.
69-year-old Maryann Opatt was diagnosed with diabetes 20 years ago. She believes that weight loss surgery could improve her condition, but on a fixed income, she's concerned about the cost. "If the insurance doesn't take care of it then I have to worry," said Opatt.

Mary Ann brought her concerns to the Beebe Medical Center's Weight Loss Surgery Seminar where Dr. Daniel McCullough addressed sticky issues like medical insurance. "Most insurance companies now will provide a benefit for weight loss surgery," said McCullough.

But Dr. McCullough adds that insurance companies determine eligibility for surgical benefits by the BMI or the body mass index rate. "If your BMI is less than 35, insurance companies will not provide a benefit for weight loss surgery," said McCullough.

Dr. McCullough also discussed the pros and cons of different procedures - gastric by-pass surgery and lap banding are two of the most common surgeries done.

Not all surgical procedures for weight loss are covered by insurance - seminars like this give the patient the information they need to eventually make the right decisions.

Read this article:
Weight Loss Surgery

Can A Diet Clean Out Toxins In The Body?

Posted: February 18, 2012 at 4:14 pm


Experts say specialized diets won't help rid the body of toxins any more than what the liver and kidneys already do every day.

Experts say specialized diets won't help rid the body of toxins any more than what the liver and kidneys already do every day.

Between lingering New Year's resolutions and impending Lenten restraint, it's the season when many people are inspired to get healthy by refusing foods they normally delight in.

And increasingly, we're seeing elimination diets that promise weight loss and a tantalizing bonus: detoxification.

"Cleansing diets" trade on this most alluring idea: By limiting our intake of food to a few superpure items, we can free up the body to get rid of all the gunk accumulated in our cells.

There's only one problem with the idea of using food, or a lack thereof, to detox: Medical experts say it's baloney. What's most ironic about the detox myth, they say, is that the body is already quite capable of eliminating toxins – a gift from human evolution.


"The body has its own amazing detoxification systems: the liver and the kidneys," says Ranit Mishori, a faculty member in family medicine at the Georgetown University School of Medicine who has reviewed the medical literature on colon cleanses. "Unless there's a blockage in one of these organs that do it day and night, there's absolutely no need to help the body get rid of toxins."

I happen to know a few people who recently embarked on the Clean Program, a 21-day diet created by Alejandro Junger — who was once called the "detox movement's It Boy." A cardiologist by training, the Uruguayan-born, Los Angeles-based Junger has managed to sell a lot of books (a best-seller titled Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself) and a lot of dietary supplements to people on his program.

One of Junger's fundamental arguments is that our body is full of toxins we've picked up from food and the environment. These toxins slow us down and make us sick. As Junger recently tweeted, a "main cause of dysfunction in the body is the presence of obstacles [toxins] to the normal functioning of things."

However, Junger writes, it is possible to get rid of them by giving our digestive system a break. That system is normally so busy breaking down irritating foods that it rarely has time to do the hard work of detox. In effect, Junger sees the average body on an average American diet akin to a dirty house that needs an occasional deep scrubbing.

His diet bans a laundry list of foods: dairy, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, gluten, nightshade vegetables, soy and peanuts — all foods he calls irritants to good digestion. His website also actively encourages people to spend $425 on the Clean supplement package, which comes in vanilla or chocolate flavor.

After several years of promoting the Clean Program, Junger has hundreds of devotees who chatter on the Clean forum and elsewhere about feeling marvelous, and indeed cleaner after the program — like this writer from Outside. That group of believers includes such celebrities as Donna Karan and Gwyneth Paltrow, who recently launched her own $425 goop cleanse with Junger.

Despite its heavy restrictions, it's not hard to see why Clean is compelling. Who doesn't sometimes feel icky, or bloated, or displeased with his decision to wolf down a few too many cookies or french fries? And surely there's a benefit to eating a lot more fruits and vegetables.

But will that change in diet really push out toxins?

"The body is constantly filtering the toxins in alcohol, food and medicines, not storing them," Boston dietitian Maria Adams tells The Salt. "So they're not going to build up. I think the reason people feel better on a cleanse is probably just they're losing weight and are less bloated."

It's true there are plenty of very real toxins in the environment we could be exposed to: the ultrafine particulate matter we inhale from dirty air, asbestos from old homes, or heavy metals like lead or mercury. Unfortunately, there's really no easy way to get these toxins out. Chelation therapy may work for some metals, but particulates in our lungs are probably there to stay, says Mishori. "A lot of these are irreversible," she says.

So why, despite the science, does the idea of cleansing with food remain so powerful?

"We live in an era where there are daily assaults on our psyche and body, so cleansing may give you a false sense of getting the gunk out," says Mishori. As for psychological gunk? Try a little exercise and nature, she says.

View post:
Can A Diet Clean Out Toxins In The Body? Sets Up A Rapid Weight Loss Department

Posted: February 18, 2012 at 4:14 pm has set up a rapid weight loss department on their site. The new department will be fielding question from people interested in rapid weight loss.

Houston, TX (PRWEB) February 18, 2012 has just set up a rapid weight loss department for their readers. People who are interested in rapid weight loss can check out the site right now for more details on the new department.

Michael Connors, one of the main Directors on the site said that “this new rapid weight loss department is something that we have been working on for some time now. We have hired a number of people with knowledge in the weight loss sector to man this department. The new department will be located on a special page on the site where people will be able to log on and talk to a person through a live chat program about their rapid weight loss goals. The person working for the health hound team will then advise the person accordingly. We hope that our readers will really appreciate the level of customer service that we are providing with this new department”.

The news of the rapid weight loss department has caught the attention of a number of forum members on the site and many of them have been leaving comments about the new department. Many of the commentators are praising the team at the site for setting up a department like this and other commentators are saying that they are looking forward to checking out the new rapid weight loss department.

The management team at the site have come up with something else this week that will help people who are looking to lose weight right now.

For a limited time only there is a free report on the site on quick and easy ways to lose weight.

The team at health hound are hoping that this report will help people to get even further with their weight loss goals.

The report can be downloaded right now at


Jose C. Boyd
Email Information

More: Sets Up A Rapid Weight Loss Department

Your Twitter Diet – Video

Posted: February 18, 2012 at 11:10 am

16-02-2012 22:54 Author Rebecca Regnier of Your Twitter Diet discusses how the diet works.

Read the original post:
Your Twitter Diet - Video

Diet pop tied to heart attack, stroke risks: Study

Posted: February 18, 2012 at 1:46 am

Diet pop may benefit the waistline, but a new study suggests that people who drink it every day have a heightened risk of heart attack and stroke.

The study, which followed almost 2,600 older adults for a decade, found that those who drank diet pop every day were 44 per cent more likely than non-drinkers to suffer a heart attack or stroke.

The findings, reported in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, don't prove that the sugar-free drinks are actually to blame.

There may be other things about diet-pop lovers that explain the connection, researchers say.

"What we saw was an association," said lead researcher Hannah Gardener, of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. "These people may tend to have more unhealthy habits."

She and her colleagues tried to account for that, Gardener told Reuters Health.

Daily diet-pop drinkers did tend to be heavier and more often have heart risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes and unhealthy cholesterol levels.

That all suggests that people who were trying to shed pounds or manage existing health problems often opted for a diet pop over the sugar-laden variety.

But even after the researchers factored in those differences -- along with people's reported diet and exercise habits -- they found that daily diet pop was linked to a 44-per cent higher chance of heart attack or stroke.

Nevertheless, Gardener said, it's impossible for a study to capture all the variables that could be at work.

The findings do build on a few recent studies that also found diet-pop drinkers are more likely to have certain cardiovascular risk factors, like high blood pressure or high blood sugar.

This is the first study, Gardener said, to look at actual "vascular events" -- that is, heart attacks, strokes and deaths from cardiovascular causes.

The findings are based on 2,564 New York City adults who were 69 years old, on average, at the outset. Over the next decade, 591 men and women had a heart attack, stroke or died of cardiovascular causes.

That included 31 per cent of the 163 people who were daily diet-pop drinkers at the study's start. In contrast, 22 per cent of people who rarely or never drank diet pop went on to have a heart attack or stroke.

There was no increased risk linked to less-than-daily consumption. Nor was regular pop tied to heart attacks and strokes.

If diet pop, itself, somehow contributes to health risks, it's not clear how, Gardener said.

There's research in rats suggesting that artificial sweeteners can end up boosting food intake and weight. But whether results in rodents translate to humans is unknown.

"I don't think people should change their behavior based on this study," Gardener said. "And I wouldn't advocate drinking regular pop instead."

Regular pop is high in calories, and for people who need to shed pounds, experts often suggest swapping regular pop for the diet version.

A study out this month found that the advice may be sound. Obese people who were randomly assigned to drink water or diet drinks in place of sugary ones lost about five pounds over six months.

Gardener said that further studies such as hers are still needed to confirm a connection between diet pop and cardiovascular trouble.

Ultimately, she noted, clinical trials are considered the "gold standard" for proving cause-and-effect. That would mean randomly assigning people to drink diet pop or not, and then following them over time to see if there were differences in their rates of heart problems or stroke.

A study like that, Gardener said, would be "difficult and costly" -- since it would have to follow large groups of people over many years, and rely on people to stick with their assigned beverages.

SOURCE: Journal of General Internal Medicine, online January 27, 2012.

© Copyright (c) Reuters

View original post here:
Diet pop tied to heart attack, stroke risks: Study

FDA to Reconsider Diet Drug

Posted: February 18, 2012 at 1:46 am

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See the article here:
FDA to Reconsider Diet Drug

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