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Mike Nelson Introduces A New Fitness Program For 2012 That Delivers Maximum Results With Less Effort In Record Time

Posted: February 16, 2012 at 5:13 am

Mike T Nelson teaches people to get Maximum Results from any weight loss program by understanding how and when to exercise.

White Bear Lake, MN (PRWEB) February 15, 2012

Mike Nelson Introduces A New Fitness Program For 2012 That Delivers Maximum Results With Less Effort In Record Time.

Really want to drop weight but can't seem to get fast enough results?

A leader in the fitness industry for fifteen years and a researcher for nearly 20, Mike T Nelson teaches people to get Maximum Results from any weight loss program by understanding how and when to exercise.

For example - Fat loss requires that the majority of cardio gets done before you start your workout. Muscle strength, on the other hand, requires that just ten minutes of a warm up is done before, and then more cardio after free weight training is completed.

Mike consults for major athletes, scientific journals and government departments like DARPA.

Mike's new fitness program is free in video form at

An excerpt from this new program is here...

Never, ever skip cardio, even if the only goal is to build muscle mass, because the amount of cardio done is going to determine, to a large extent, how much blood volume a person's muscles have and how fast that blood can feed those muscles. So, cardio is a vital part of getting Maximum Results from any fat loss or muscle density program. But it’s also vital for building ultimate size and strength.

Next, proper form is essential to getting Maximum Results.

People who exercise two, three, four, five times a week but never seem to look different, are never going to get results until proper form is focused on.

If a person has sloppy exercise form, sloppy results or no results follow.

That equals wasted energy and wasted time - with no results to show for it. It’s sort of like going to a restaurant and ordering a really big, luscious meal and then getting the bill without ever getting the food.

Getting Maximum Results requires excellent use of time.

So, if a person invests a certain number of hours each week exercising, then each and every week should improve the look of their body.

Mike tells a story of when he was in college "I used to work out in a gym that had a sign on the front door that said, 'Leave your ego at the door.' meaning that if a person has a goal to lift as much weight as possible, then that really wasn’t the right gym to be at. He only wanted people who could forget about the amount of weight they were lifting and focus on proper form, because he knew that proper form was the key to building a powerful body. And the key to proper form is to maintain the best angle of use when lifting any weight."

An example is...

When doing a regular biceps curl, picture a straight line going down the side of a person's head, all the way down the body to the side of the foot, one straight line – vertical – up and down.

The upper arm has to be locked into that angle at all times to get the most out of every rep. So, the upper arm should never move when doing a biceps curl. It’s just the forearm and the hand that moves.

Most people go into their workout with an almost random approach, and they just begin doing a few exercises for legs, one or two for arms, and so on. But the first concept to understand about getting Maximum Results from any weight loss or muscle program is that nothing about a workout should ever be random.

That’s not to say that variety isn’t absolutely necessary, but having a properly structured workout is a vital part of Maximum Results with the least effort in record time.

Go to to get free videos that show you how to immediately begin getting faster fat loss, faster muscle gain, and faster strength gains.


Mike Nelson
Mike T Nelson, Free Exercise Videos For Maximum Results
800 538 3446
Email Information

Mike Nelson Introduces A New Fitness Program For 2012 That Delivers Maximum Results With Less Effort In Record Time

Star Jones on her weight loss: 'I wasn't plus-size. I was morbidly obese'

Posted: February 16, 2012 at 5:13 am

By Linda Carroll

Nine years after a gastric bypass surgery that may have saved her life, Star Jones tried to explain to her fans why she kept the weight-loss surgery so private for so long.

“It really ticked them off,” Jones told TODAY’s Matt Lauer. “Because I was so public with all other aspects of my life I think the audience felt betrayed in some way. And I completely understand that. The reason I say I don’t regret that, Matt, is it really worked for me. It allowed me to get emotionally safe and secure.”

In her own words: Star Jones on her weight loss, heart disease

Jones said she couldn’t go through the process publicly because she feared she would fail.

“I’m not sure I thought I would be successful at it, to be honest with you,” she told Lauer. “I thought I’d gain the weight back. I had never been successful at losing weight before. I needed to forgive myself for being such a smart girl and so stupid when it came to something like my health.”

More weight-loss inspiration: Read a month of Joy Bauer's bite-sized diet tips

Jones decided to talk to her fans about the surgery because she wants women to understand the toll that extra pounds can take on the heart.

Back in 2003, Jones decided she had to take control of her weight. She’d been heavy all her life, but by then her weight had climbed to over 300 pounds.

“I wasn’t full-figured,” she said. “I wasn’t plus-size. I was morbidly obese. I never thought I would be in front of a camera and say those words. I was morbidly obese.”

As the pounds kept piling on Jones began to fear for her health – and her life.

“I couldn’t walk the stairs,” she said. “I couldn’t walk the airport length without having to stop and catch my breath. My greatest fear was that I would die in my apartment alone from a stroke or a heart attack – too big to get to the phone. And I made up my mind that whatever it took, I was gonna lose that weight.”

As a last ditch effort, Jones went in for the bypass operation even though she was frightened she might not survive. “I don’t think people realize that back in 2003 gastric bypass was still a pretty dangerous procedure,” she said.

The operation was traumatic in some ways she hadn’t anticipated.

“I do remember having to be weighed that day,” she said. “The scale they used was one of those industrial ones. And I swore I would never get on one of those again.”

But the surgery was successful and Jones’s weight loss was dramatic – and that led to speculation in the media over how she managed to drop so many pounds so fast.

“Emotionally I made the decision not to discuss it publicly,” she said. “I was depressed and confused and not really ready. And I don’t apologize for it. I know people really want me to say that I wish I would have told everybody. I did it the way I needed to do it.”

Jones dropped from a size 26 to a size 6. She improved her diet and started to exercise regularly. And it all seemed to pay off. She felt good. She seemed healthy.

But then in 2010, she started to experience odd symptoms.

“Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, lightheadedness – I thought it was residual effects of the gastric bypass,” she told Lauer. “Dumb me. Those are the early signs of heart disease for women.”

Jones was diagnosed with heart disease in January of 2010 and doctors recommended she have surgery to repair a malfunctioning aortic valve and to drain fluid that had been building up around her heart.

The surgery was a success. But Jones felt she had a duty to warn women about the disease that almost killed her. She’s teamed up with the American Heart Association to try to spread the word. “Heart disease is the number one killer of women,” she told Lauer. “It beats all the next four causes of death combined. It’s why I volunteer with the American Heart Association. I’m alive today because I decided to lose weight and take control of my health.”

Jones’s message is simple: “Eat less and move more. It’s what saved my life.”

Linda Carroll is a regular contributor to and She is co-author of the new book "The Concussion Crisis: Anatomy of a Silent Epidemic.”


Visit link:
Star Jones on her weight loss: 'I wasn't plus-size. I was morbidly obese'

Can Hoodoba® Hoodia Help Consumers Lose Weight by Spring Break?

Posted: February 16, 2012 at 5:13 am

Hoodia gordonii's effectiveness as an appetite suppressant spans thousands of years, but can it promote weight loss in less than a month? With spring break fast approaching, the last few days have brought an influx of emails from consumers wondering if Hoodoba® brand Hoodia products can stimulate weight loss by the middle of March. In response to this pressing concern, Hoodoba® explains how one can lose weight with Hoodia diet pills and liquid Hoodia extracts by spring break.

(PRWEB) February 15, 2012

As winter comes to a close and flowers begin to blossom, many people suddenly become concerned about the appearance of their figures. Along with the spring season comes hotter weather, skin bearing garments and sometimes even swimsuits. With spring break just around the corner, Hoodoba® has received a vast number of emails over the past few days from individuals questioning if Hoodia can help them lose weight by spring break. Hoodoba® explains that by taking Hoodia to suppress the appetite, one can decrease their caloric intake by as many as 1,000 calories a day – this means weight loss with Hoodia can be possible in only a few weeks.

"Every year as the weather starts to warm up we receive a large number of emails from consumers wondering if Hoodoba® Pure Hoodia Diet Pills and Hoodoba® Maximum Strength Liquid Hoodia Extract can help them lose weight quickly," says Larry Anderson, Hoodoba® CEO. "Taking Hoodia can drastically reduce appetite and prevent hunger cravings – this means people eat less and lose weight. Hoodia is a great choice for anyone hoping to lose weight by spring break."

Hoodoba® Pure Hoodia Diet Pills and Hoodoba® Maximum Strength Liquid Hoodia Extract are made with 100% pure wild-crafted Hoodia gordonii from South Africa. This is the same Hoodia that the San natives have consumed for thousands of years to eliminate both food and water cravings during long hunting trips where food and water were likely to be scarce. By taking this wild-crafted Hoodia, individuals trying to lose weight typically shed between three and five pounds per week.

Editor's Notes: Hoodoba® is the leading provider of Hoodia gordonii products that suppress the appetite and promote weight loss. Hoodoba® was launched in 2002 and is the first company to introduce pure Hoodia into the United States.


Larry Anderson
Email Information

Go here to see the original:
Can Hoodoba® Hoodia Help Consumers Lose Weight by Spring Break?

Star Jones on weight loss: 'I wasn't plus-size. I was morbidly obese'

Posted: February 16, 2012 at 5:13 am

By Linda Carroll

Nine years after a gastric bypass surgery that may have saved her life, Star Jones tried to explain to her fans why she kept the weight-loss surgery so private for so long.

“It really ticked them off,” Jones told TODAY’s Matt Lauer. “Because I was so public with all other aspects of my life I think the audience felt betrayed in some way. And I completely understand that. The reason I say I don’t regret that, Matt, is it really worked for me. It allowed me to get emotionally safe and secure.”

In her own words: Star Jones on her weight loss, heart disease

Jones said she couldn’t go through the process publicly because she feared she would fail.

“I’m not sure I thought I would be successful at it, to be honest with you,” she told Lauer. “I thought I’d gain the weight back. I had never been successful at losing weight before. I needed to forgive myself for being such a smart girl and so stupid when it came to something like my health.”

More weight-loss inspiration: Read a month of Joy Bauer's bite-sized diet tips

Jones decided to talk to her fans about the surgery because she wants women to understand the toll that extra pounds can take on the heart.

Back in 2003, Jones decided she had to take control of her weight. She’d been heavy all her life, but by then her weight had climbed to over 300 pounds.

“I wasn’t full-figured,” she said. “I wasn’t plus-size. I was morbidly obese. I never thought I would be in front of a camera and say those words. I was morbidly obese.”

As the pounds kept piling on Jones began to fear for her health – and her life.

“I couldn’t walk the stairs,” she said. “I couldn’t walk the airport length without having to stop and catch my breath. My greatest fear was that I would die in my apartment alone from a stroke or a heart attack – too big to get to the phone. And I made up my mind that whatever it took, I was gonna lose that weight.”

As a last ditch effort, Jones went in for the bypass operation even though she was frightened she might not survive. “I don’t think people realize that back in 2003 gastric bypass was still a pretty dangerous procedure,” she said.

The operation was traumatic in some ways she hadn’t anticipated.

“I do remember having to be weighed that day,” she said. “The scale they used was one of those industrial ones. And I swore I would never get on one of those again.”

But the surgery was successful and Jones’s weight loss was dramatic – and that led to speculation in the media over how she managed to drop so many pounds so fast.

“Emotionally I made the decision not to discuss it publicly,” she said. “I was depressed and confused and not really ready. And I don’t apologize for it. I know people really want me to say that I wish I would have told everybody. I did it the way I needed to do it.”

Jones dropped from a size 26 to a size 6. She improved her diet and started to exercise regularly. And it all seemed to pay off. She felt good. She seemed healthy.

But then in 2010, she started to experience odd symptoms.

“Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, lightheadedness – I thought it was residual effects of the gastric bypass,” she told Lauer. “Dumb me. Those are the early signs of heart disease for women.”

Jones was diagnosed with heart disease in January of 2010 and doctors recommended she have surgery to repair a malfunctioning aortic valve and to drain fluid that had been building up around her heart.

The surgery was a success. But Jones felt she had a duty to warn women about the disease that almost killed her. She’s teamed up with the American Heart Association to try to spread the word. “Heart disease is the number one killer of women,” she told Lauer. “It beats all the next four causes of death combined. It’s why I volunteer with the American Heart Association. I’m alive today because I decided to lose weight and take control of my health.”

Jones’s message is simple: “Eat less and move more. It’s what saved my life.”

Linda Carroll is a regular contributor to and She is co-author of the new book "The Concussion Crisis: Anatomy of a Silent Epidemic.”


See the rest here:
Star Jones on weight loss: 'I wasn't plus-size. I was morbidly obese'

Is Weight Loss Contagious?; Motherhood Is 'Detrimental' to Scientific Careers

Posted: February 16, 2012 at 5:13 am

Discovered: Weight loss might be contagious, just thinking about kids ruins women scientists, a new black hole, the Internet does not help failing relationships. 

RELATED: A Bacon Nose Bleed Remedy; Stem Cell Breakthrough

Is weight loss contagious? The other day science told us that we -- if we were mice -- could catch obesity. Now, it looks like it works the other way around, too. Skinny is contagious! "In our study, weight loss clearly clustered within teams, which suggests that teammates influenced each other, perhaps by providing accountability, setting expectations of weight loss, and providing encouragement and support," explained study author Tricia Leahey. "Being surrounded by others with similar health goals all working to achieve the same thing may have really helped people with their weight loss efforts," she continued. So, if we understand correctly, science wants us to ditch our fat friends for healthy ones. Smells discriminatory to us. [Obesity] Having kids ruins women scientists' careers. Really, don't even think about it. "Motherhood – and the policies that make it incompatible with a tenure-track research career – takes a toll on women that is detrimental to their professional lives," said researchers Wendy Williams and Stephen Ceci. "Even just the plan to have children in the future is associated with women exiting the research fast-track at a rate twice that of men," they continue. Is it really an unborn child's fault? Probably not. "It is time for universities to move past thinking about underrepresentation of women in science solely as a consequence of biased hiring and evaluation, and instead think about it as resulting from outdated policies created at a time when men with stay-at-home wives ruled the academy," adds Williams. [American Scientist] More reasons to play outside. Without Vitamin D humans basically disintegrate. The other month science linked deficiencies of this sun-related vitamin to depression; today we find out that mothers who don't get enough can have children with language impairments. "The logical thought is that maternal Vitamin D insufficiency during pregnancy is affecting the normal course of brain development," said study author Andrew Whitehouse. Add those ailments to heart disease and spinal problems, and we think we've got a pretty compelling case for adult recess. [Reuters] A new black hole. The first intermediate-mass black hole, ever, actually. "For the first time, we have evidence on the environment, and thus the origin, of this middle-weight black hole," said researcher Mathieu Servillat. Besides being the first ever found, always an important accolade, this discovery will help researchers understand the way space works, something that blows our minds, at least. "It's not clear how supermassive black holes (like the four million solar-mass monster at the center of the Milky Way) form in the cores of galaxies," explains the report. This newbie might help them figure it out. [Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics]  Contrary to popular (?) belief, Internet role play does not help marriages. As creatures of the Internet, that the web does not help failing relationships does not surprise us. But here's the science to back that up: "In those gaming couples where the marital satisfaction was low, the same issues existed. For example, if they argued about gaming and bedtime rituals were interrupted, even though they gamed together, they still had lower marital satisfaction scores," explained researcher Neil Lundberg. Listen up from someone who knows all about Internet life: Communicating via these here tubes will not fix "in real" life things. [Journal of Leisure Research]

Image via Shutterstock by lculig

The rest is here:
Is Weight Loss Contagious?; Motherhood Is 'Detrimental' to Scientific Careers

Diet Plans Safety Revealed- Compelling Report – Video

Posted: February 14, 2012 at 10:36 pm

13-02-2012 19:17 In this compelling report we Reveal the safety of various diet plans and how they work and can effect you in your weight loss struggles. We reveal prescription drugs, over the counter diet pills,and herbal supplements. We also review the Saturday Morning Diet and how it compares to other plans. Bill and Joan Loganeski have discovered a meal replacement you can make at home for very little money and when combined with our Saturday Morning Diet plan it will help you lose the weight. The Saturday Morning Diet channel is our educational and information channel to help you use lose weight in a healthy way. weight loss, exercise, free, meals, meal plan, diets, program, easy, healthy, foods, quick, rapid, diet, health, "weight loss"

The rest is here:
Diet Plans Safety Revealed- Compelling Report - Video

Weight loss, like weight gain, is contagious

Posted: February 14, 2012 at 10:35 pm

Is weight loss ?contagious?? According to a new study published online in the journal Obesity, teammates in a team-based weight loss competition significantly influenced each other?s weight loss, suggesting that shedding pounds can have a ripple effect.

Researchers from The Miriam Hospital?s Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center and The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University found that team members not only achieved similar weight loss outcomes, but participants who said their teammates played a large role in their weight loss actually lost the most weight.

?We know that obesity can be socially contagious, but now we know that social networks play a significant role in weight loss as well, particularly team-based weight loss competitions,? said lead author Tricia Leahey, Ph.D., of The Miriam Hospital and Alpert Medical School. ?In our study, weight loss clearly clustered within teams, which suggests that teammates influenced each other, perhaps by providing accountability, setting expectations of weight loss, and providing encouragement and support.?

Obesity remains a common, serious and costly disease in the United States. About one-third of American adults are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and no state has met the nation?s Healthy People 2010 goal to lower obesity prevalence to 15 percent. Obesity and its associated health problems, including heart disease and diabetes, continue to have a significant economic impact on the U.S. health care system, costing the nation hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

To promote cost-effective weight loss initiatives, online team-based weight loss interventions are increasing in popularity as a way to encourage weight loss in large groups of people. The current study is the first to examine the effects of teammates and social influence on individual weight loss during one of these weight loss competitions.

The findings are based on the results of the 2009 Shape Up Rhode Island (SURI) campaign, a 12-week statewide online weight loss competition designed by study co-author Rajiv Kumar, M.D. Participants joined with a team and could compete against other teams in three divisions: weight loss, physical activity and pedometer steps. The weight loss competition included 3,330 overweight or obese individuals (BMI of 31.2 or greater), representing 987 teams averaging between 5 and 11 members each. The majority of these individuals enrolled in all three divisions.

Weight loss outcomes were clearly determined by which team an individual was on. Participants who lost clinically significant amounts of weight (at least 5 percent of their initial body weight) tended to be on the same teams, and being on a team with more teammates in the weight loss division was also associated with a greater weight loss. Individuals who reported higher levels of teammate social influence increased their odds of achieving a clinically significant weight loss by 20 percent. This effect was stronger than any other team characteristic, Leahey said.

?This is the first study to show that in these team-based campaigns, who?s on your team really matters,? she added. ?Being surrounded by others with similar health goals all working to achieve the same thing may have really helped people with their weight loss efforts.?

However, Leahey noted that individual characteristics were also associated with weight outcomes. Obese individuals had a greater percentage of weight loss than overweight participants. Team captains also lost more weight than team members, possibly due to their increased motivation and engagement in the campaign. Leahey says that future weight loss team competitions may consider requiring team members to share the leadership role.

?We?re all influenced by the people around us, so if we can harness this positive peer pressure and these positive social influences, we can create a social environment to help encourage additional weight loss,? she said.

More here:
Weight loss, like weight gain, is contagious

Switching to Water, Diet Drinks Linked to Modest Weight Loss

Posted: February 14, 2012 at 10:35 pm

TUESDAY, Feb. 14 (HealthDay News) -- People who drank water or diet beverages instead of calorie-laden drinks lost 4 to 5 pounds over half a year, according to new research.

The study included 318 overweight or obese people divided into three groups: those who switched to water from high-calorie beverages; those who switched to diet soft drinks; and those who weren't advised to change beverages but were given general information about healthy choices that could help them lose weight (the control group).

Over the six-month study, all three groups had small reductions in weight and waist circumference. But those who switched to calorie-free beverages were twice as likely to lose 5 percent or more of their body weight than those in the control group.

In addition, the investigators found that people who drank mostly water had lower fasting glucose levels and better hydration levels than those in the control group.

Percentage of weight loss and lower blood-sugar levels are important because they're associated with improvements in risk factors for obesity-related chronic diseases, according to study author Deborah Tate, an associate professor of nutrition and of health behavior at the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health and member of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

"Substituting noncaloric beverages -- whether it's water, diet soft drinks or something else -- can be a clear and simple change for people who want to lose or maintain weight," she said in a university news release. "If this were done on a large scale, it could significantly reduce the increasing public health problem of obesity."

The study appears online and in the March print issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Weight loss among the participants in this study was less than that seen in more intensive, clinic-based behavioral lifestyle modification programs, the researchers said. However, they noted that asking people to change just one part of their diet (in this case, beverages) is consistent with previous findings recommending small but potentially more sustainable lifestyle changes to improve health.

"Substituting specific foods or beverages that provide a substantial portion of daily calories may be a useful strategy for modest weight loss or weight gain prevention," Tate said. "Beverages may be ideal targets, but keep in mind, the strategy will only work if the person doesn't make up for the lost calories some other way."

More information

The U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases explains how to choose a safe and successful weight-loss program.

See more here:
Switching to Water, Diet Drinks Linked to Modest Weight Loss

Weight Loss is Easier When Switching Sugary Drinks for Water

Posted: February 14, 2012 at 10:35 pm

Weight loss experts have often advised people looking to shed a few pounds to replace their sugary sodas with water—or at least a diet soda—but hard evidence hasn’t existed to back up their claims .Now new research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill shows that simply changing your drinking habits may be enough to see a difference in weight loss.

According to Fox News, researchers randomly assigned more than 300 overweight adults into one of three groups. The first group replaced sugary drinks with water, the second drank diet sodas and the third was given weight loss advice, and then left to choose their own beverages.

At the end of six months, all three groups had lost an average of four or five pounds. However, the two groups that stopped drinking sugary drinks were more likely to lose at least five percent of their starting weight—20 percent of these two groups lost weigh, while only 11 percent of the comparison group did.

That kind of weight loss is considered “clinically meaningful,” Fox said. Participants experienced a drop in blood pressure and saw other health benefits from their actions.

And according to study leader Deborah Tate, the best part of the group’s findings is that they’re applicable to nearly everyone looking to drop a few pounds and improve their health.

“This is a simple thing you can do consistently each day,” Tate told Fox, adding dieters often find an entire lifestyle change too daunting. “It’s a good first step.”

On average, study participants lost about two percent of their body weight, Fox said.

More here:
Weight Loss is Easier When Switching Sugary Drinks for Water

Oragenics Announces Positive Clinical Results for its Proprietary Weight Loss Agent, LPT3-04

Posted: February 14, 2012 at 10:35 pm


Oragenics, Inc. (OTCBB:ORNI.OB - News) announced that a recently completed randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, human clinical study with 32 enrolled subjects resulted in a statistically and clinically significant reduction in body weight when healthy, overweight and mildly obese adult volunteers were given daily supplementation of Oragenics’ Weight Loss Agent LPT3-04 over a twelve-week period. This study, sponsored by Oragenics, was conducted at the Miami Research Associates (MRA) clinical research facilities in Miami, Florida. MRA investigators also confirmed that there were no safety concerns with daily supplementation of LPT3-04 over the 12-week duration of the trial, and that no reports of serious adverse events, including depression, occurred during this trial. This human study result confirms the extensive results obtained from animal safety and efficacy studies completed to date by Oragenics, and suggests that LPT3-04, a natural occurring dietary substance with an excellent safety and tolerance profile, can support weight loss in overweight men and women.

The World Health Organization estimated that by 2015, there will be more than 1.5 billion overweight consumers. Further, according to a 2012 healthcare market research report published by Markets and Markets, the total global weight loss market is expected to be worth US$586.3 billion by 2014, with a compound annual growth rate of 10.9% from 2009 to 2014. These reports suggest that the opportunities for a scientifically-substantiated weight management product are impressive.

“We are delighted with the results of this well-designed human study. The reported weight loss appears to relate to LPT3-04’s ability to increase programmed cell death (apoptosis) of white fat cells. The Company is currently seeking partners to further develop this technology and commercialize food and beverage products that encourage the weight management of both humans and companion pets,” stated John N. Bonfiglio, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Oragenics.

About Oragenics, Inc.

Oragenics is a leading nutraceutical company focused on oral care probiotics for humans and companion pets. The Company’s proprietary products Evora and ProBiora3® are currently sold in the United States and international markets. In addition, Oragenics has an exciting pipeline of therapeutic products targeting infectious diseases.

About Miami Research Associates

Miami Research Associates (MRA) is a multi-specialty clinical research facility in operation since 1996. Our expert staff consists of more than 16 board-certified physician investigators and more than 38 ACRP certified clinical research coordinators. We are industry leaders at the execution of Phase I-IV clinical trials and pride ourselves on accuracy, integrity and quality data.

Safe Harbor Statement: Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This release includes forward-looking statements that reflect the Company’s current views with respect to future events and financial performance. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s beliefs and assumptions and information currently available. The words “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “estimate,” “project” and similar expressions that do not relate solely to historical matters identify forward-looking statements. Investors should be cautious in relying on forward-looking statements because they are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any such forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to our ability to raise additional capital to sustain our operations beyond March 31, 2012 and those set forth in our most recently filed annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly report on Form 10-Q, and other factors detailed from time to time in filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. We expressly disclaim any responsibility to update forward-looking statements.

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Oragenics Announces Positive Clinical Results for its Proprietary Weight Loss Agent, LPT3-04

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