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Reverse dieting: How it can cure an unhealthy food relationship –

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

With little else to distract us, the past years lockdowns have led many of us to pay more attention to our food, exercise and bodies than we usually would. One method that many young women are using to take back control of their health is "reverse dieting", a concept thats become ubiquitous among the fitness community posts tagged #reversedieting (266k) or #reversediet (172k) are ballooning on Instagram.

But what actually is a reverse diet? For many people with a restrictive or otherwise problematic history with food, reverse dieting can encourage a new, healthier outlook towards nutrition and result in a better functioning body and mind.

In basic terms, "reverse dieting" means gradually increasing the number of calories you consume (over weeks or months) to get out of a restrictive diet, without putting on a large amount of weight (as you might if you drastically increased your calorie intake overnight). The term originated from bodybuilders and physique athletes, who needed a healthy way to get back to a more sustainable diet (that would allow them to maintain their weight rather than lose it), after long periods of restriction.

While reverse dieting isnt well researched because of its niche origins, its often used to help people (not just bodybuilders) to gradually break out of crash diets or long periods of restricted eating, which may be causing damage to their metabolism, mental health and more. Reverse dieters may lose weight, maintain their weight or gain weight during the process it depends on the individual but regardless of their weight, they frequently report feeling more energised, stronger in the gym, less fixated on food and generally happier.


Dijana Kumurdian, 32, from Melbourne, Australia, began reverse dieting for the first time in July when the city went into lockdown. Despite lifting weights and knowing that her restricted diet was unhealthy and not a long-term strategy, she hadnt been fuelling her body properly since she was teenager. First, it was calorie counting, then intermittent fasting, then no sugar, then keto, and probably some others that I cant remember.

Dijana sought help from her PT to change her perspective of food and break out of unhealthy patterns. Id always eat a bit too much bad food and feel guilty, then restrict later. It was exhausting, so I decided to try the bodybuilding method instead. Slowly and gradually, shes increased her calorie intake monthly without putting on weight.

The goal was to learn to treat food as fuel and remove guilt and negative associations with it altogether, Dijana says. Crucially, shes come to appreciate that food isnt offset by exercise, it fuels her weight training, and that macronutrients (carbs, fat and protein) are all required for us to thrive, both inside and outside the gym. Ive got over my fear of carbs and sugar. My favourite pre-workout meal is toast with honey, bananas and a pinch of salt. Carbs are the best fuel for training, protein is what grows your muscles, and fat is important for hormonal functioning and its what makes food taste good.

Reverse dieting is about focusing on the positives of wholesome, nutritious food and how it can help you feel better, rather than denying yourself and feeling hungry to cut calories and achieve short-term weight loss, says registered dietitian Dr Sarah Schenker. It can help people break down negative feelings about what they eat. It can also result in a better understanding of what your body needs and thus a greater sense of wellbeing.

"I've come to appreciate that food isnt offset by exercise, it fuels it"

People have more time to spend on eating well, cooking meals from scratch and considering their food choices, Dr Schenker says, explaining why it seems particularly popular right now.

By encouraging you to consistently eat a healthy number of calories throughout the week, reverse dieting can also help those with a history of binge-eating. 27-year-old Francesca Evans, from Staffordshire, aka @plantpoweredvegan_, began reverse dieting in October after a years-long terrible relationship with food. Knowing, now, that its possible to break from a low-calorie diet and binge/restrict life, she says her its the best thing Ive done. Im so much happier and healthier now.

Lockdown made me realise how unhealthy my relationship was with food. Id previously put down my lack of eating to being too busy to make something, she says, adding that she also felt the need to over exercise. Working with a PT, Francescas calorie intake is now increasing weekly until she hits her maintenance calories (the number her body needs to sustain itself without losing or gaining weight).


Francesca no longer binge eats, experiences intense hunger or cravings, and doesnt restrict any foods. Im not as obsessed with food anymore and have less food anxiety. I used to always think about my next meal because I was so hungry panic if friends asked me to go out for lunch and would worry about having to get lunch on the go.

Its so much nicer having more energy and better gym sessions. My periods have returned and my nails have stopped breaking, Francesca adds.

Lauren*, 35, from Washington state, U.S, reverse dieted for the first time from March to September last year. She had previously been eating very little and exercising every day, but her desired weight loss had plateaued, so her PT put her on a reverse diet. To Laurens amazement, by increasing her calories every fortnight until she was eating double her initial intake, prioritising protein and even reducing her training frequency, Lauren gained barely any weight. She says shes never been happier and describes the reverse diet as the best thing [shes] ever done.

Previously, Lauren was scared of food, especially carbs and would binge eat every two weeks. I was always hungry and irritable and my world revolved around food. Nowadays, she says: Theres so much less noise in my head about food and I can use that energy to focus on more important things.

If you want to reverse diet yourself and have the means to do so, its worth working with a professional. Lauren says: After years of depriving myself, having a coach to talk to about how I was feeling and to hold me accountable was worth the money. Ive developed habits that will stick with me for life. While she doesnt believe her food fears are completely cured, the reverse diet transformed Laurens relationship with food.

Theres so much less noise in my head about food and I can use that energy to focus on more important things

I have so much food freedom now. Im at a happy calorie goal, I track [calories] maybe four days a week, but I mostly eat intuitively and still prioritise my protein. I don't have the food fear I used to have. Ive learned food is there to fuel my body so I can get out into the world and function, Lauren concludes.

However, reverse dieting is by no means a silver bullet for disordered eating, nor is it suitable for everyone. It goes without saying that anyone with a current eating disorder should seek help from their GP. For those with a history of restrictive and/or disordered eating, the processes involved in reverse dieting calorie counting, tracking macros (foods carb, fat and protein content) and regular weigh-ins can be triggering and/or lead to obsession, rather than empowering and educational tools.


Dijana, who has a history of disordered eating and body dysmorphia, recommends treating reverse dieting with caution if you have an eating disorder and/or perfectionistic tendencies. While it works for her right now, tracking every gram of food you eat and weighing yourself constantly can quickly become obsessive, she says.

Dietitian and eating disorder specialist Priya Tew instead recommends such people try eating intuitively and tuning into what their body needs to repair their relationship with food. In her view, diets are not a sustainable approach, if you move towards listening to your body and work with a dietitian or registered nutritionist who specialises in a non diet-approach, you can find a way that works for life that means you don't have to count or track your food intake all of the time."

*Surname withheld for privacy

Beat is the UK's leading charity dedicated to helping people with eating disorders. If you or someone you know is struggling and want to seek help, call their helpline on 0808 801 0677 or visit their website for more details.

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Reverse dieting: How it can cure an unhealthy food relationship -

Eating disorders affecting men in the fitness community – The Signal – The Signal

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

In the Recreation Centers basement, gym bros are found in the free weight room, profusely sweating and grunting loudly with every heavy lift. These guys biceps are barely contained by their sweat-stained GSU Football Gildan T-shirts. These men can also be intimidating, especially to someone who doesnt frequent the gym.

Some people go to the gym in hopes of coming out looking like a member of Georgia States powerlifting club. To be lean, cut and muscular is to be in shape, confident and healthy. But sometimes, its not.

Beauty standards for men and women are the inverse of each other. For women, beautiful means thin and toned, but not too muscular. And for men, attractive means shredded and muscular but not too skinny. Oversaturation of unattainable beauty standards for women results in over half of teenage girls engaging in unhealthy weight loss methods like skipping meals, using laxatives or fasting.

Professionals are more likely to diagnose women with an eating disorder before their health declines detrimentally, as the signs and symptoms are easier to spot than they are in men. But men suffer from eating disorders just as much as women, but some men suffer differently.

The term bigorexia, or muscle dysmorphia, is a condition that primarily affects male bodybuilders. People with this condition obsess over being more muscular and typically see themselves as not muscular enough. Someone with muscle dysmorphia may spend an excessive amount of time working out, overspend on fitness supplements and engage in abnormal eating habits.

The Bigger, the Better

Senior Hunter Meech worked at Georgia States Student Recreation Center and is passionate about fitness. He explained his struggle with dieting and the medias effect on his self-image, as well as his experience of seeing his friends exhibit unhealthy habits.

Bigorexia is a term Im far too familiar with, and sadly, many men who lift weights struggle [with it] whether they know it or not, he said. Social media provides us with images that get ingrained into so many young mens brains as the ideal physique, and it makes many envious to be that muscular.

Men in fitness tend to follow a strict diet, with some examples being ketogenic diets, If It Fits Your Macros dieting and intermittent fasting. Meech followed the If It Fits Your-Macros diet and found himself engaging in disordered eating habits.

You basically eat the calculated amount of proteins, carbs and fats your body needs for your goals, he said. This resulted in me becoming incredibly anxious about going over and eating too much. I [was] extremely lean but to a point where I looked emaciated, and it only continued to hinder my body image issues even more.

Senior Freddie Ross, a former employee of the Recreation Center and a personal trainer, agrees that unrealistic body images in the fitness world contribute to peoples warped perception of their bodies.

In my opinion, eliminate ads that push the narrative of men needing to be 270 pounds of ripped, lean muscle to be adequate as a human, Ross said. [We should] have open, honest conversations about people and their relationship with food and exercise.

Gotta Get Those Gains (the Right Way)

Intermittent fasting is one of the few diets that does not limit what someone eats, but when they eat. The most popular intermittent fasting method is the 16/8 method, where one eats for eight hours of the day and fasts for the other 16. During fasting periods,only consume water and zero-calorie drinks.

However, studies suggest that restrictive diets like these can increase someones chances of developing binge eating disorder.

Ive known guys who have starved themselves for 16-20 hours and then tried to gorge themselves and eat an entire days worth of calories in less than eight hours, Meech said. Of course, this leads to even more eating disorders such as binge eating where guys will try to eat as much as they can in hopes of putting on as much muscle in a short period of time.

Dan Benardot, a professor of nutrition at Georgia State, compares intermittent fasting to driving a car from Atlanta to Los Angeles: if a person is a car, then the calories consumed are the gas. He explained that you couldnt overfill the tank before you leave Atlanta to satisfy the trips total fuel needs, nor can you let the tank go to empty and provide fuel once you get to Los Angeles to give the car what is needed for the trip. The car wont make it.

What happens with a lot of people who are physically active is they tend to backload their intake. They have a little breakfast, exercise, exercise, exercise. Then, they dont eat very much. At the end of the day, they have a huge dinner to consume the fuel they actually needed earlier while they were exercising, compromising their goal of losing fat and gaining muscle, he said.

Maxing Out the Cycle

Like any other mental illness, the most effective way to overcome eating disorders is to seek help. But for some, thats not an option, whether it be limited access to resources or not knowing they have a problem. But there are ways to slow the process.

Ross asks open-ended questions to his clients interested in losing weight to ensure they are setting fitness goals for the right reasons.

When I train people, and they tell me their goals, I always ask them, Why? he said.

According to Benardot, the best and correct way to diet is to never overfill the tank. Consider researching factual, scientific journals about dieting and avoid baseless diet fads found on the internet. Benardot also mentioned that using weight to determine the validity of a diet is misleading.

Part of the problem is that they think that the diet is successful because they say, Oh look, my weight [has] gone down, he said. Weight is the worst imaginable metric that you could think of because its misleading. What you really want to know is, Is my fat going down? And am I keeping my muscle?

Creating a healthy relationship with food helped Meech conquer his struggles with eating.

I find that the best thing thats worked for me is to focus on eating healthy meals without focusing on the [number] of calories and the ratio of carbs and proteins, Meech said. Understand that unhealthy food isnt evil and will not ruin your physique if you practice moderation and stay active.

See original here:
Eating disorders affecting men in the fitness community - The Signal - The Signal

Rethinking Meat: Why Is It So Hard to Change Someone’s Mind? – The Beet

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that shows meat-free diets are better for your health, the environment, and animal welfare,manyare reluctant to embrace a plant-based diet. Perhaps one of those people was once you. Myths and misperceptions surrounding veganism make changing someones mind about eating meat tougher than a well-done steak. If you're plant-based yourself, you canprobablythink about one or twoloved ones who you would love to see give up meat for their health. Instead of pushing them hard, share with them what it was that prompted you to make the switch. Instead of trying to change their approach, telling them what changed yours canbe a gentler, more effective way to havethem consider another perspective.

When trying to convince someone you care about to do so, its essential to address the misinformation around adopting a plant-based diet. Dont write off veganism as a bunch of salad leaves on a plate until youve explored the growing world of meat alternatives. Before they bite into another burger, offer them a chance to try your favorite alternatives. And offer information about the dangers associated with meat consumption.

Anytime you challenge someones long-held beliefs, youre going to be met with resistance. Rethinking meat is no exception. However, when you tackle the misconceptions and layout the proven benefits, you have a good chance of changing someones mind.

Tell someone you're vegan and they look at you like you're "one of those" people who probably bike everywhere and weave sandals out of hemp. That is both an old and new view of vegans,because the movement has had many iterations dating back to the 70s and before, andsince its inception sustainable fashion, leather-free sneakers, boots, and yes, biking, have all taken on a new-found mainstream cool.

But when it comes to eating for your health, especially to avoid heart disease, diabetes, cancers, and high blood pressure, the urgency of eating healthy has led nearly one-quarter of all Americans to say they are consuming plant-based foods, even if they are not fully vegan or plant-based at the exclusion of all meat or dairy. Coronavirus showed up on our radar inearly 2020 and since then more consumers as eating more fruits and vegetables, taking vitamins C and D, and other supplements in an effort to protect their immune system and build up their response to the virus. Eating plant-based is no longer something you do for your future health and wellbeing, now it's something you do to be healthiertoday, right now.

Still, most die-hard meat eaters will tell you they need meat for protein, or for strength, or to cut down on carbs, and still, theyre reluctant to make the switch to plant-based eating. Consequently, those of us who follow plant-based diets have trouble getting our loved ones to accept their eating choices. Opening someones mind to the benefits of veganism starts with breaking down the myths and misconceptions they believe to be true.

Let's assume that the loved one already knows that a diet high in plant-based foods and low in animal products lowers their risk of death from all causesincluding heart disease, diabetes, and cancerby 24 percent. They may tell you it's inconvenient or more expensive, both not true: You actually save money at the grocery store when you cut out meat, an estimated $1,260 a year. But when you tell them that, some people will still say theyre not willing to sacrifice taste.

What these meat lovers dont realize is that it has never been easier to eat plant-based. In response to an increase in demand from consumers, restaurants, supermarkets, and food manufacturers are preparing, stocking, and developing a variety of affordable and tasty meat alternatives. Furthermore, rethinking meat doesnt mean you have to give it up entirely. You can take steps to adopt a mostly plant-based diet and still reap the benefits of removing meat from your diet.

Many people turn to plant-based diets to reap the health benefits of removing (entirely or partially) meat from their diet. Even if you can't get their attention on the long-term health effects of a plant-based diet, you can tell them that plant-based foods lower the risk of inflammation and infection, and help their digestive health. Want to get really personal? Tell your loved one who spends too much time in the bathroom or suffering from gut health issues that consuming red meat can lead to constipation which puts excessive pressure on veins throughout your body. On the other hand, vegan and plant-based diets are high in fiber which aids digestion and reduces vein stress.

While constipation is undoubtedly a negative side effect of too much meat in your diet, an even more serious consequence is the potential for antibiotic resistance. To boost growth rates and prevent infections, livestock farmers include antibiotics in the feed of food animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens. Over time, germs build up a resistance to antibiotics, and when a human catches one of these infections, drugs are ineffective. Why this matters more now: When someone contracts COVID-19 it's the secondary infections that make them sickest, so while the coronavirus is not resolved by antibiotics, the secondary lung infection like pneumonia is.

In recent years, public health investigators have noted that drug-resistant infections from food animals are steadily rising. To avoid building up a resistance to antibiotics, you should reduce your meat intake or cut it out of your diet entirely. Going vegan or embracing a mostly plant-based diet will support beneficial bacterial functions and help to protect you against intestinal diseases.

Despite scientists and health experts spelling out the repercussions of eating too much meat, some people are still hesitant to make potentially lifesaving dietary changes. If youre still on the fence about veganism, you need to explore the world of meat alternatives. Its a lot more varied (and a lot tastier) than many people realize, and it can be a great way to transition from being a meat-love to incorporating more plants onto your plate.

Just because you decide to give up meat doesnt mean youll never bite into a burger again. Companies like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat are hard at work developing plant-based products that look and taste like actual meat. Food manufacturer Lightlife offers a tasty bacon alternative with zero cholesterol. These plant-based products are similarly priced to meat-based products which dash the misconception that a vegan diet is more expensive.

There are meat replacements for virtually any situation. You may have already tried tofu in stir fry, but it works as a replacement for eggs or cheese. Need a stand-in for chicken or beef? You can use seitan in pretty much any recipe that calls for them. Dont forget about mushrooms: A portobello burger has a hearty flavor and surprisingly meaty texture.

Organizing a taste test of a variety of meat alternatives is a fun (and convincing) way to get someone to rethink meat. Changing someones mind is difficult, but with a creative and fact-based approach, its possible.

Each day, more scientific evidence comes to light supporting meat-free diets. Regardless of who you are trying to convince, its important to highlight the benefits of adopting a plant-based diet as well as address the myths and misperceptions surrounding veganism. This year, instead of asking your loved one to go the whole way, try swapping out a vegan version of their favorite meal. Giving up meat is a big leap for many people, but like anything, it's doable when broken down into smaller steps.

Read more:
Rethinking Meat: Why Is It So Hard to Change Someone's Mind? - The Beet

The #1 Best Tea for Fat Loss, According to Nutritionists | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

The best tea for fat loss is any plain unsweetened tea that you choose to drink instead of some other unhealthy beverages like these belly busters: sweet tea, soda, juice, smoothies, beer, etc.). (For more background, here are 7 Ways Tea Can Help You Lose Weight.)

Disappointed with that answer? Don't be. It's the honest truth: If you are looking for a magic bullet for weight loss, you won't find it in a teacup. Drinking tea alone is no more effective than any other fat-loss technique if you don't combine it with other healthy eating practices. In other words, a cuppa plain tea won't cancel out the tea biscuits.

That said, unsweetened tea is second only to water as the weight loss beverage most recommended by nutritionists and other health experts. For good reason: Plain tea contains zero calories and is rich in natural compounds that have many health benefits.

But which is the best type of tea for fat loss? One could argue that green tea is tops simply because green tea has been clinically studied more than any other kind of tea. Many studies have shown that the bounty of antioxidants in green tea may reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Research suggests that special compounds called catechins and the caffeine in green tea stimulate thermogenesis and boost metabolism. Other studies correlate drinking several cups of green tea a day for longer than six weeks with weight loss.

Of course, any calorie-free tea can help with weight loss if it replaces a high-calorie beverage. To get the biggest fat-loss benefit from tea, pick your favorite from these tea types recommended by nutritionists and pair it with one of The 6 Best Diets That Will Make You Live Longer.

"One of the best teas that support fat loss is black tea," says Tiffany Joy Yamut, a registered nurse, certified nutritionist, and co-founder of the keto diet resource Ketogenic Buddies. Black tea is made from leaves of the same plant from which green tea is made:Camellia sinensis. The big difference is how it's processed. Black tea leaves are exposed to air and allowed to oxidize into that trademark dark brown color. "A 2016 study published in Molecules showed that polyphenols in black tea can prevent obesity; one of its mechanisms is that it inhibits lipid (fat) absorption," says Yamut. "I follow a low-carbohydrate diet and black tea suits my lifestyle well since it contains no carbs plus some caffeine to jumpstart my metabolism." However, black tea isn't for everyone, she cautions. "Tea has caffeine, which can worsen gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms."

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"Any plain tea without sugar, honey, and syrups is great for weight loss," says Amanda A Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, who serves on the advisory board for Fitter Living. "Not only can you get fluid for hydration, [but you're also] filling up your stomach for only a few calories." If you run out of tea, you can always hydrate for fat loss by knowing This Is How Much Water You Need to Drink for Weight Loss.

This traditional Chinese tea, also known as black dragon, is made from the leaves of the same plant that yields green and black teas. The only difference is that unlike green tea, oolong is allowed to oxidize, but not long enough to turn into black tea. The result is a flavor that is less bitter than black tea, lighter, and more "grassy." Oolong tea has not been studied to the extent of green tea, but studies do point to its potential as a weight-loss beverage. In one study published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 102 overweight people consumed 8 grams of oolong tea, or about four cups a day for six weeks. Measuring body fat and body weight levels, researchers found that 70% of the heaviest subjects lost a little more than 2 pounds while 22% lost more than 6.5 pounds. Also, 12% of subjects experienced a decrease in subcutaneous fat.

Plant-based nutritionist Stephanie Mantilla's favorite weight-loss tea is caffeine-free rooibos from South Africa. Studies have shown that the red tea "helps block the creation of fat cells and increase metabolism," says the founder of Plant Prosperous.

Because the herbal tea is high in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory properties, one South African researcher is investigating its effect on fat stem cells. Dr. Hanl Sadie-Van Gijsen of the Division of Medical Physiology at Stellenbosch University is seeking to addressthe inflammation and oxidative stress within the fat tissue to relieve whole-body inflammation and insulin resistance. She says inflammation and oxidative stress are hallmarks of "dysfunctional fat," and responsible for many of the diseases associated with obesity.

Peppermint is a time-honored home remedy for indigestion, and it is believed to be a metabolism booster. "This tea's antifungal nature is also responsible for its ability to help improve digestive health," says nutritionist Lisa Richards, author of The Candida Diet. "A cup of peppermint tea after a meal can help alleviate gas and bloating while also speeding along digestion and potentially metabolism through this means as well."

Ginger tea is a favorite of Trista Best, RD, a registered dietitian with Balance Once Supplements, due to its robust flavor and antioxidant richness. "Ginger is unique for weight loss in that it contains compounds known as gingerols and shogaols, compounds that reduce the oxidative stress that exacerbates obesity," she says. "This damage occurs at the cellular level and once those damaged cells replicate the body's natural processes that maintain homeostasis can become disrupted leading to decreased metabolism, energy, and more."

A number of experts told us that green tea, matcha (a powdered green tea), and green tea extract are considered to be some of the best for supporting healthy weight loss because they are particularly high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds including EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate).

"EGCG seems to help block the formation of new fat cells and may also reduce hunger and cravings, plus caffeine in green tea has appetite-decreasing effects," says Dr. Josh Axe, D.N.M., CNS, founder of

This catechin abundant in green tea is also thought to improve recovery from exercise, boosting metabolism and potentially reducing fat storage. "Antioxidants found in green tea can support metabolic health by lowering oxidative stress, plus they keep blood sugar levels more balanced which is beneficial for controlling fat storage," says Axe.

"The ECGC in green tea can deactivate the genetic triggers for diabetes and obesity," says Kelly Choi, author of the Eat This, Not That! book The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse.

To learn how drinking green tea changed Choi's life, read I Tried a Tea Cleanse for 7 Days and This is What Happened.

Continued here:
The #1 Best Tea for Fat Loss, According to Nutritionists | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

Five myths about the ‘runner’s diet’: why living off lentils might not work – Varsity Online

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm


Many people who want to get into running are put off by the daunting prospect of painstakingly counting out individual grains of rice or choking down vile protein shakes. There is certainly no shortage of books explaining exactly which foods you simply must eat to maximise your performance, and no lack of tanned, toned, flat-tummed individuals smiling magnanimously from the cover in the safe knowledge of their own unassailable superiority. You know the ones I mean.

Books with such inspiring titles as This Is Going To Hurt, Willpower Doesnt Work and Skinny B*tch (all real names) make a running lifestyle seem exclusively achievable to those who do 5am 10-mile cross-country runs with rucksacks full of rocks, and then eat the rocks for breakfast. As someone who calls themselves a runner, and also as someone whose eating habits single-handedly keep Terrys Chocolate Oranges in business, I can tell you this simply isnt true. And so, without further ado, here are my Top Five Myths about the so-called runners diet.

1. Different people need different types of diet

Everyone is different. We all have that annoying friend who eats like a pig but looks (and runs) like a gazelle. However, as Micaela Karlsen points out, many people confuse differences in degree with differences in direction. What this means is that, whilst some people may have a lower tolerance to unhealthy food, they dont therefore need to follow a vegan diet, or a keto diet, or a sugar-free diet because its the only thing that works for them. All human digestive systems are fundamentally the same, and so eating generally healthy, balanced food will always win out over a wild goose chase for your perfect nutrition programme. Unfortunately, that also means theres no-one out there who will thrive off the McDiet

Eating generally healthy, balanced food will always win out over a wild goose chase for your perfect nutrition programme.

2. Your diet has to be precise

Food packaging labels outline each individual calorie, adding a second to our parkrun time and pushing us ever closer to our unavoidable demise. Its easy to become obsessed with the exactitudes of weekly mileage, km splits and PBs - it seems natural that this precision should also transfer to what we eat. However, the reality is that a far more rough-and-ready approach works just as well. In 2006, 20,000-year-old human footprints were found to be running for several miles at a breezy 37 kph Usain Bolts top speed. There is a lesson to be learned here: our ancestors certainly didnt worry about exactly what they were consuming. Its far healthier to have a common sense attitude about what you eat; listen when your body is telling you its hungry or full, and not beat yourself up for that extra slice of cake.

3. You need processed food

A common misconception is that expensive, fancy runner-y bars are an essential part of ones daily food intake. Some runners think its necessary to squeeze every possible microgram of sustenance out of each bite: the nutritional equivalent of Dwayne Johnson with a used-up tube of toothpaste. This may be true in very specific scenarios; energy gels are useful for refuelling during events typically around half-marathon length or longer. However, in day-to-day life natural foods will do just fine. In fact, subsisting on energy bars can mean you end up with mineral imbalances, impacting the bodys ability to absorb other substances.

What you eat and what you do need to work in harmony.

4. If you do enough running, you dont have to worry about what you eat

It always amuses me when I see jumbo-packs of Jaffa cakes with Enjoy as part of a healthy lifestyle on them. Sure, these are the closest Ive come to fruit in four weeks but not to worry, runnings a famous cure for scurvy. You can have the fastest car in the world, but if you ditch the motor oil and try to run it on deep-fat fryer oil instead, it wont be going anywhere. To clarify, Im not advocating runners drink motor oil (although I did get a 5k PB in the ambulance), but the principle remains. As much as Ive said that you shouldnt worry too much about what you eat, there is a limit, and you cant expect your body to perform if youre not giving it anything to go on.

5. and if you eat healthily enough, you dont have to do any running!

On the other side of the coin, youre not magically going to improve at running just by eating healthily. Without training, your VO2 max will drop and your performance will suffer. When more glucose is consumed than can be used or stored as glycogen it is converted to fat. Therefore, even if youre not ingesting many calories, what you do ingest will just lead to weight gain.

And there we have it: my Top Five Myths about the runners diet. Hopefully this will leave you feeling slightly less stressed about KitKats recently going up to 518 calories. After all, mental is just as important as physical health when it comes to running. Speaking of which, I think all this writing has earnt me a snack

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Many thanks, all of us here at Varsity would like to wish you, your friends, families and all of your loved ones a safe and healthy few months ahead.

Five myths about the 'runner's diet': why living off lentils might not work - Varsity Online

Aging Starts at 30 In Your Body. Here’s What to Do About it – The Beet

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

You know how every decade your body loses muscle mass, and adds more fat, in what is considered an inevitable downward spiral into aging? This process is called sarcopenia and "sad to say, it starts inyour 30s," according to Susan Vannucci, RD, Ph.D. Asyour body's lean muscle mass decreases, "we not only lose strength but our basal metabolic rate or the amount of energy or calories your body needs every day becomes reduced." And that means weight gain! This process accelerates with age, making it more and more difficult to even maintain, much less lose, weight.

Well, there is a way you can fight it. But first, you have to acknowledge that the changes that happen over time don't just pop up one day, but rather are insipient and gradual, and they have everything to do with the choices you make at the table and in your workout routine.Here's the good news: You can control all that.

Just as the beauty industry has taught young people to wear sunscreen at the beach when they don't have a wrinkle in sight, so does the nutritionist savvy authorities (not the food industry, but theprofessionals who you pay to give you smart nutrition advice), want you to think about eating the healthiest foods and doing resistance traininglike burpees, kettlebells, weights, and HIIT workouts) that put your muscles under stresson a regular basis.

The only debate is: What are the right foods to eat? And how can you harness the powers of antioxidants to spring your cells into action, to fight off inflammation, repair their own cellular infrastructure, andfunction optimally, as they do in a young person, for decades to come?

"Aging is not a disease. There are diseases of aging, but it doesn't mean they are inevitable," says Vannucci, RD, Ph.D. a wellness expert in New YorkCity who provides individual wellness counseling in-person and online for individuals age 45 and up nationwide. Su, as her patients call her, has a strong academic and medical background, having gotten her degree in cellular biology, as well as training in nutrition. She is currently working on a book, Age Strong, Live Long with her kick-ass trainer, Antoinette Vo, who has her doing 60-pound deadlifts at the age of 71.

"I ran my last marathon for my sixtieth birthday, and it was my fastest," Vannucci explains. She retired her running shoes to save her back, after a few issues, but her current workouts of strength training, Pilates and power walking, and what she calls "heavy lifting" have made her stronger than she was decades ago. "My attitude is that you can forestall aging, and by and large, unless you have a genetic condition, all of the diseases related to aging are not inevitable. Loss of muscle mass and body fat are not inevitable. You just have to work at it."

Because she started her career asa scientist her patients are likelier to listen to her. So when her patients askher the mechanisms of how something works and why, if she doesn't know the answer she will find it out.The questions we asked her today are simple: How can you eat and workout to reverse the clock, or at least slow the hands of time, to make sure when you hit your 60th or 70th birthday your body is as fit or fitter than it was at half that age?

Susan Vannucci: The thing about food is it definitely impacts aging.If you want to forestall the process of aging, you need to reduce systemic inflammation. Because it's reallythe same thing. Inflammation causes aging, on a cellular level. So first you have to get everything out of your body that causes inflammation. That is red processed meat, chemicals, added sugar, and anything that is processed.

Years ago, Time magazine did a big cover story on inflammation, calling it the Silent Killer. Inside the writer calls it"Inflam-aging." It is such a great term! You think about inflammation, such as when you cut yourself or bruise yourself, but that is a momentary stream of helpful fluid to repair a site. The concept we are talking about is not that temporary state of cell repair. It's more like a flood-state that suppresses all cellular functions. When you have systemic inflammation in your bodythatis chronic, thatis one of the biggest contributors to aging.

Susan Vannucci: I tell clients: The biggest problem is junk food and added sugar in the diet.The fact that people don't even know how big the basket of junk food is. They might think they are eating healthy but even if it is vegetarian or vegan, just because it is lacking animal product does not mean it's healthy! it may be so processed that it's junk food. Read the label. Most packages foods are so full of chemicals.

In the effort to lower inflammation, eat more plant-based foods.But eat them in their whole form. potato chips and corn chips are still plant-based.

Susan Vannucci: When my daughter was a teenager, said she wanted to go vegetarian. I worried that to her, that meant a diet high in potato chips. I made a deal with her. She was a competitive athlete, a sprinter, and hurdler, a competitive horsewoman and I made a deal with her: You heed a healthy diet, and I will totally support you. You have to be able to eatall the beans and legumes and plant-based proteins that are whole foods and recognize what makes a complete protein.

She and I were always going to write this book together on what to do when your child announces they want to go vegetarian or vegan. She stuck with it until she married a guy who likes meat, then she got pregnant and so now the way she eats is thatany meat in her diet is more of a condiment than the main part of the meal.

Susan Vannucci: The first thing is we talk about what they are already doing to get a sense of where they arein this journeybecause I always say I don't put people in diets. We don't talk about being "good" or "bad," and I don't weigh anybody. I provide the information they need and assume we are all responsible adults and if you want to do this, you can.

Susan Vannucci: Get rid of all the white stuff. Things that are processed. Most things that come in bags, boxes, or containers of any kind can sit on a truck or a shelf for a long time ... the chemicals in it are the problem. Get rid of that stuff. Flip to whole grains, whole foods, lots of water, and move more! That should not be so hard to do.

When people start to read the labels of boxes that hold the food they are about to eat, thinking they are healthy foods, like whole wheat crackers, they can be horrified. How many names do we have for sugar? Not uncommonly if you look on a label there will be three to five kinds of sugar in there.

Susan Vannucci:If someone isreally hungry (not bored or in need of a diversion) cut-up vegetables. carrots, celery with a little bit of hummus, or some edamame is a really good snack. A lot people come to me with the same complaint. When they worked all day in an office and get to the end of the day, and leave to go home,by the time they get home, they are starving. They walk in the front door and eat everything in sight. While waiting for dinner. Usually, that sets their cravings up. Now when we work from home it's constant snacking.

If you know you're a snacker keep healthy ones on hand: Rice cakes, hummus, and make avocado slices. Rice cakes can be healthy but not the caramel corn ones loaded with sugar. Just basically talking about whole grain rice cakes. They keep! And also keep nuts around.

Susan Vannucci: As for eating plant-based, of course, most people should eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. But that doesn't mean that just because you're vegan or avoiding animal products that you're eating healthy. You have to avoid all processed foods. I am an advocate for healthy foods and what works best for people is not all the same.

For the planet, and because I absolutely hate, loathe, and detest the food industry, I would saychoosing a diet of mostlyplant-based eating is smart. But I know people like my husband who especially don't do as well on a solely plant-based diet.

Susan Vannucci:Normally, people are worried about protein but unless you are over 80 a lack of protein is unlikely to be your biggest problem. People who are older can sometimes be deficient because they don't eat enough calories in general. But if you're not in that category it's not something to worry about.

Susan Vannucci:For keeping muscle mass and not gaining fat you need to put your muscles into a state of stress. I enjoy heavy lifting. As you get older and by that, I mean anyone over 30, with the awareness that this aging process of losing muscle mass starts in your 30s, you have to do resistance training, and it has to be heavy.

For the most part, women are not going to bulk up. The way I started this was when I stopped marathon running I just felt I was losing my strength, so I got a trainer who got me into kettlebells, and it's been fabulous. I am stronger than ever at 71, and I am pretty strong. I have my cadre of kettlebells and I can deadlift 100 pounds.

The idea is not to lose muscle mass, so you need to add in resistance training several days a week. and go heavy. I can swing a kettlebell that is 40 pounds, and lift 60, but not over my head (that's dangerous). I will lift 18 pounds over my head.This is how women, especially can maintain muscle mass. The reason we lose it is that the equilibrium in our body between muscle synthesis and muscle breakdown starts to shift as we get older. So you breakdown more than you build back up. And slowly over time, you lose your muscle mass. That's what causes aches, pains, falls, and lack of balance. The stronger the body, the less you age.

Susan Vannucci: Vitamin D3 is absolutely important.Almost no one gets enough D3 naturally. And Omega-3 is important, either from algae or fish oil. We have come to learn that vitamin D is essential in so many pathways. Way beyond just bone health. It's vital in fighting cancer, MS, and more. And because of sunscreen, and working indoors, staying out of the sun, people are vitamin D deficient. Yes, cases of COVID-19 have been worse for those who are D deficient, so taking D is a good idea to strengthen your ability to fight viruses.

Why Omega 3 because what's happened is we need all the omegas, the Omega-3s the Omega-6s, and the Omega-9s. But because of the food industry, ourdiets lack Omega-3. They have taken out the Omega-3 from foods, and increase the Omega-6 to increase things like shelf life. So for most people, the ratio is way out of balance. And what happens is our cell membranes are made of fat. They have a lipid bilayer and they are constantly turned over, like most things in the body, so if you have too much Omega-6 in your body, that gets overrepresented in your cell membranes, and then when anything happens, like internal stress and those Omega-6s get broken down, and they are pro-inflammatory. So you need to supplement with Omega-3 to keep your cell membranes healthy and intact.

Susan Vannucci: So that is why people are living with this internal fire.Inflammation is a precursor of a lot of diseases, and this is inflammation is something you can't see because it's going on inside of you on a cellular level. You can see the effects, like high blood pressure or you can take a blood test and test for what's called C-reactive protein.

That can be tested for, andthat's probably the easiest and most common marker for people. C-reactive protein is a marker that indicates there is inflammation in the body, and if yours is elevated it can be a signthat there's inflammation in the arteries of the heart, and that you are at risk for heart attack or stroke.High blood pressure is another sure sign of inflammation. If there should be an impetus to go to a plant-based diet it's hypertension. I tell people that the DASH. diet works which are mostly made up of plant foods.

To connect with Susan Vannucci, visit her website, Wellnesswith Susan Vannucci, Ph.D.

1. How old are you?20 or less = 0; 21-30 = 1; 31-40 = 2; 41-50 = 3; 51-60 = 4, >60 = 5

2. Have you had a heart attack or stroke? Yes = 5; No = 0

3. Do you have high blood pressure (>140/90), or high cholesterol ( >220; HDL<35)? Yes = 5; No = 0

4. Do you currently smoke?Yes = 5, go to question 5; No = 0, skip to 6

5. Do you smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day?Yes = 5, go to question 7; No = 0, go to question 7

6. Have you ever smoked regularly?No, never = 0; quit more than 10 years ago = 1; 5-10 years ago = 2; quit within the past 5 years = 3

7. Do you have diabetes- either type 1 or type 2? Yes = 5; No = 0

8. Do you have periodontitis (severe gum disease)? Yes = 3; No = 0

9. Do you have medical complaints but doctors cant find anything wrong? Yes = 3; No = 0

10. Are you often fatigued, even after a good night sleep? Yes = 5; No = 0

11. Do you have trouble falling asleep and/or wake up too early and cant go back to

sleep?Yes = 3; No = 0

12. What is your Body Mass Index (BMI)? Weight (lbs) x 704.5 / height (in)2 < 25 = 0; 25 29.9 = 3; >30 = 5

13. Do you feel depressed or sad most of the time? Yes = 3; No = 0

14. On an average day, how much pain do you have?No pain = 0; minor aches, nothing serious = 1; annoying pain = 2; sometimes a lot of pain, depends on the day = 3; usually in pain = 4

15. How often do you eat fish/ take omega-3 supplements/week? None = 3; 1 or 2 = 0; >3 = -3

16. How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you eat/day? None = 5; 1-3 = 3; 3-7 = 0; >7 = -5

17. What is the population size of where you live?> 1 million = 5; 500,000 1 million = 3; < 500,000 = 0

18. What fuel do you use for home heating?Kerosene burner/wood stove = 5; oil or gas furnace = 3; heat pump or electric = 0

19. How often do you use heavy-duty cleaning products (bleach, ammonia, bath, and shower cleaners, mildew removers, etc) in your home?

Never, only use natural cleaners = 0; rarely = 1; often = 2; daily = 4 20. Do you regularly use air fresheners, either spray or plug in? Yes = 2; No = 0

21. How often do you feel stressed?

Rarely = 0; About average = 1; Often = 2; Always = 5

22. How often do you exercise?

Never = 5; rarely (1x week or less) = 4; 1-2/week = 1; regularly,

3 or more/week = -523. Do you regularly take steroids either by prescription or performance- enhancing?

Yes = 5, No = 024. Do you take aspirin, ibuprofen, or other NSAIDs, or statin medication?

Yes = -5; No = 025. Are you exposed to pesticides?

Frequently = 5; Sometimes = 3; Never = 0 Total Inflammation Score =

Max = 98, Lowest = 18Your Score: 50- 98: High inflammation risk. Dont panic!! This only means you have a higher than average risk of developing the disease- but there are things you can do! Talk to your doctor ask about testing your C-reactive protein (CRP). And follow guidelines to reduce your risk score.Your Score: 20-49: Moderate inflammation risk. Look for areas where you scored the highest and plan ways to change those risk factors, especially with increased age.Your Score: < 20: Congratulations!! This is a great place to start towards a lifetime of wellness and disease prevention. Pay attention to areas that will increase risk in the future!

Excerpt from:
Aging Starts at 30 In Your Body. Here's What to Do About it - The Beet

5 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick Right Now, According to a Nutrition Expert – Eat This, Not That

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

As if the new COVID-19 strain wasn't enough of a stressor, it's also high time for the flu and common cold, which means it's all the more important to keep your immune system in tip-top shape. Thankfully, there are several ways you can do this naturallyand on a daily basis.

Nicole Avena, Ph.D., nutrition expert and author of Why Diets Fail,specializes in functional nutrition and holistic health. Here, she shares five tricks you can employ to best prepare your immune system for illness this winter through diet and supplements alone. And after, be sure to read The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.

This one's a no-brainer, right? We all know vitamin C is crucial for combatting the common cold, in addition to myriad other viruses, but do you know why? Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects against oxidative damage in white blood cellsas well as in other important immune cellsso that they can function optimally, says Avena. Essentially, the antioxidant builds a strong barrier around these cells so that environmental pathogens and pollutants don't weaken or destroy them.

If you already have a cold, Avena suggests aiming for consuming anywhere between 1 and 2 grams (1,000-2,000 milligrams) of Vitamin C per daywhich can be attained through a high-powered supplement. If you don't have a cold, the recommended dietary allowance of the vitamin for women 19 years and older is 75 milligrams and for men, it's 90 milligrams.

Be sure to check out 5 Foods High in This Vitamin That Can Help Protect You From COVID-19 for tips on which foods are the richest sources of the antioxidant.

"A quick walk during the day can do wonders for the body, especially when the sun is shining," says Avena. "Make sure to apply SPF and head outside for 10 to 30 minutes per day to take advantage of the sun's natural form of Vitamin D, as this vitamin helps protect against common colds and can decrease inflammation."

Of course, you could always reap the health benefits of vitamin D3 from a supplement, but making it a point to go outside also gets you some exercisewhich is ideal to do every day. There are a few foods you can source the vitamin from, as well, but they aren't many options.

"Vitamin D can be tough to get from foods since fewer foods naturally contain it," Avena explains. "Salmon is one source that can be good. Also, many dairy products and cereals are fortified with Vitamin D, so check the label and opt for those."

RELATED: 5 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency You Should Never Ignore

"Vitamin C and zinc are cofactors that help your cellular immune system work better," Brittany Busse, MD, associate medical director at WorkCare told Eat This, Not That! in another article. The vitamin and the mineral work in tandem to support the immune system, which can shorten the duration of the common cold.

"Macrophages and other white blood cells that attack pathogens need zinc to function at full capacity," says Avena. You can source zinc naturally from oysters, pumpkin seeds, crab meat, and beef or you can get your daily dose by way of a supplement. Avena suggests trying vitafusion's zinc gummy vitamin.

You've probably heard mixed reviews about Elderberry in 2020. At the beginning of the pandemic, Elderberry was believed to play a role in spurring what's called a cytokine storm, however, more recently, experts have come out to say that isn't necessarily true.

William Schaffner, an infectious disease doctor at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, told North Carolina Health News that while taking Elderberry syrup likely won't prevent COVID-19, it wouldn't be harmful either. But, taking the supplement as a means to prevent the common cold is a different story.

"The berries and flowers of Elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system and reduce recovery time after a cold or flu by activating the body's immune response, increasing antibodies, and expanding immune cell production," says Avena. If you're not a fan of syrup, opt for Nature Made's Elderberry gummies.

In fact, you should be getting at least 300 milligrams of the mineral every single day.

"There's evidence that magnesium plays a major role in brain function, sleep regulation, and emotional stability," says Avena. "The mineral contains calming properties while activating your parasympathetic nervous system and can be found naturally in leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and milk."

Many foods offer magnesium, which may make attaining the recommended dietary allowance through diet alone a bit easier. One ounce of dry, roasted almonds provides 80 milligrams of magnesium, for example, and one cup of soymilk offers just over 60 milligrams of the mineral.

Now, be sure to readThese Vitamins May Help Prevent COVID, Study Finds.

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5 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick Right Now, According to a Nutrition Expert - Eat This, Not That

Health Matters: Thinking about weight loss pills? Heres what you should know – The State Journal-Register

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

By Qing Yang and Kevin Parker| State Journal-Register

Weight loss is one of the most popular New Years resolutions. However, it often fails, due to a lack of motivation, poor planning and not enough support. Even after achieving a weight loss goal, keeping the weight off is hard. Wouldnt it be nice if there was a magic pill you could take and the excess fat would just melt away forever?

Theres a huge demand for weight loss agents. Forty-two percent of American adults and 19% of children are obese based on the body mass index (BMI), which calculates whats the appropriate weight for a given height. Climbing obesity rates is a boon for pharmaceutical companies. In fact, several new prescription weight loss drugs have been introduced recently. Are they right for you? Before you decide, lets review what these pills are and how they work.

Six prescription weight loss medications are currently approved by the FDA. All are indicated for people with BMI > 30 or BMI > 27 and suffering from diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.

Orlistat (brand name Xenical) inhibits the enzymes that break down fat in the stomach, reducing fat absorption. A lower dose formulation is available over-the-counter (Alli). Side effects are oily stools, diarrhea and gas, which can be alleviated by adopting a low-fat diet. You must also take supplements for fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K). Rare instances of liver injury and kidney stones have been reported.

Liraglutide (Saxenda), originally created for treating diabetes, mimics a naturally-occurring hormone called GLP-1 to enhance satiety; you feel full, so you stop eating. It's injected once a day under the skin. Gastrointestinal side effects are common. It carries a small theoretical risk of inducing thyroid cancer.

Naltrexone + bupropion (Contrave) modulates signals in the brain to suppress appetite. Headache, dizziness, nausea and constipation are common. Exercise caution if you also take other agents that alter your nervous system such as seizure medicines, antidepressants and opioids.

Phentermine (various brands and generics) is an amphetamine derivative that decreases appetite. Once shunned by doctors for being part of the fen-phen (fenfluramine-phentermine) combo that was withdrawn in 1997 for causing deadly heart diseases, phentermine has gradually regained popularity and become the most widely prescribed weight loss medicine today. Similar to other stimulants, it can affect your blood pressure and heart rate, cause insomnia and problems with attention and memory.

Phentermine + topiramate (Qsymia) exploits synergistic appetite control. Side effects include dry mouth, anxiety, depression and worsening of glaucoma, in addition to whats associated with phentermine alone. Stopping the medicine suddenly can cause seizures.

Amfepramone is an older stimulant not commonly used nowadays.

Weight loss medications have a notorious track record of safety issues. In the 1960s, people died from amphetamine diet pills. Then came the fen-phen scandal. In 2004, the FDA banned ephedra for elevating blood pressure and causing stroke. In 2010, sibutramine (Merida) was withdrawn from the market for increasing heart attacks. Last year, lorcaserin (Belviq) was withdrawn due to cancer risks. Importantly, all weight loss medications should be avoided in women who are or want to be pregnant because of adverse effects on the fetus.

Ironically, these medications are clearly labeled only effective as adjuncts to caloric restriction and physical activity. In other words, they only work when used together with diet and exercise the two ultimate pillars of weight management. Also, dont expect immediate, dramatic results. Typically, people lose 3-7% of their starting weight after several months.

They arent cheap, either, costing hundreds of dollars per months, and not always covered by insurance.

Lastly, a word of caution about non-prescription weight loss agents marketed as herbal extracts or nutritional supplements they arent regulated by the FDA, so theres no way of knowing whats actually in them and no stringent clinical experiments to demonstrate their effects.

In conclusion, weight loss medications are not magical at all. Theres no shortcut to building a healthy body sorry! These pills can lend you an extra hand, but only if youve already built a foundation of moderation and discipline with diet and exercise. Given their side effects, they may not be worth the expense to your wallet and your overall health.

Qing Yang and Kevin Parker are a married couple and live in Springfield. Dr. Yang received her medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine and completed residency training at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is an anesthesiologist at HSHS Medical Group. Parker has helped formulate and administer public policy at various city and state governments around the country. He is formerly the group chief information officer for education with the Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology. This column is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The opinions are those of the writers and do not represent the views of their employers.

See more here:
Health Matters: Thinking about weight loss pills? Heres what you should know - The State Journal-Register

Mat Fraser Told Stefi Cohen What He Eats to Be the ‘Fittest Man on Earth’ –

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

Mat Fraser held onto his title of "Fittest Man on Earth" for another year in October 2020, when he won the annual CrossFit Games for the fifth year running. In a recent conversation with powerlifter Stefi Cohen on her YouTube channel, Fraser spoke about how his diet plays an important part in his overall fitnessand why he doesn't believe in cheat days.

While plenty of other CrossFit athletes might have those defined six-pack abs, Fraser says his nutrition has never been about eating to look a certain way. "My previous sport was weightlifting, all I cared about was being strong, not looking strong," he says. "When I got into CrossFit, I never cared about looking fit as long as I was fit."

He adds that he has found that a higher percentage of body fat can have some benefits when competing, and that this "extra cushion" can be an advantage when it comes to longer events. "By day three or four, these guys that have these incredible abs, they don't have the fuel."

During the periods when he is preparing for a competition, Fraser rarely has an appetite, and has to force-feed himself so that his body is able to recover during his intense training. "If I have a 90-minute training session, I have a pile of Snickers next to my bike and I'm just piling them in," he says. "I'm taking in a huge amount of calories in liquid form, in Gatorade, just slugging it down. Just carbs, carbs, carbs. Is it great for my performance? Absolutely, I feel great, I recover off that, but what's it doing for my body composition? For 99 percent of people, that's why they're working out, they want to look better in day-to-day life."

He adds that his go-to foods during competition are all about packing as much fuel into his body as possible: breakfast burritos, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, rice bowls with meat and vegetables and then calorie-loaded meals at night such as tacos, cheeseburgers, and pizzas.

This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

When asked about his favorite cheat day meals, however, he says he doesn't really do them, preferring to incorporate sensible amounts of treats into his everyday routine. "I struggle with moderation, it's either all or nothing," he says. "I have two chocolate truffles every night. And that for me is my treat, that's what I look forward to... I don't cut out sweets altogether, I just try to have one or two a day."

However, when the competition season is over, all bets are off. "As soon as the gains are done, I go overboard," he says. Once a year for a couple of weeks, I'll just binge." Then there'll come a stage where his body naturally starts to crave salad after being loaded up with so much sugar and salt. "I get excited from wanting to eat healthy again."

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Mat Fraser Told Stefi Cohen What He Eats to Be the 'Fittest Man on Earth' -

Fend Off Heart Failure with Sodium and Potassium: Partners in Crime – The Great Courses Daily News

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

By Roberta H. Anding, MS, Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Childrens HospitalEdited by Kate Findley and proofread byAngelaShoemaker, The Great Courses DailyBalanced sodium and potassium electrolytes in the bloodstream prevent irregularities in bodily functioning. Photo By Angelus_Svetlana / ShutterstockAre Sports Drinks Unhealthy?

A lot of people are confused about sodium and its partner in crime, potassium. Because the mainstream media largely portrays sodium as unhealthy, health-conscious people tend to shun foods and beverages that are high in sodium, such as sports drinks.

In my clinical practice, I end up going out and doing a lot of public speaking, Professor Anding said. I was at a local swim club not too long ago and I started to talk about sports drinks. I could feel the crowd kind of shift, and I had a mom raise her hand and say, You know, I really cant believe that youre a sports dietician. I cannot believe you would recommend that my child drink something thats artificially flavored, has high-fructose corn syrup in it, and has all this salt.

Professor Anding asked the mother to critique how much sodium was in the sports drink versus the glass of milk her daughter had earlier in the day. As it turns out, an eight-ounce serving of a sports drink has 110 milligrams (mg) of sodium, and an eight-ounce glass of milk has approximately 120 mg. The more accurate thought would be: High sodium in relationship to what?

Sodium and potassium are two electrolytes that play an important role in regulating fluid exchange within body compartments.As such, blood levels of these electrolytes are rarely affected only by dietary means, and that should make sense.

Since they are so integral for bodily function, your body needs many defense mechanisms to keep the blood values of sodium and potassium within a narrow range.

These two minerals consequently play a major role in blood pressure. Keeping blood pressure within normal range reduces your risk of congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke.

In general, the higher the persons salt intakeand keep in mind, salt is sodium chloridethe higher the individuals blood pressure, according to the USDA guidelines for Americans. This is one of the major public health initiatives.

Sodium intake in the United States regularly exceeds the recommended daily amount of less than 2,300 mg. Since sodium makes up about 40% of salt, this would be the equivalent of about one teaspoon of table salt a day.

You might be thinking, I dont salt my food. I cant possibly be getting that amount. In fact, the typical Western diet contains about 4,500 mg of sodium, depending on the region of the United States you live in.

Being born and raised in Wisconsin, I might have had sodium in cured meats, but I certainly didnt eat the spicy food that I experienced in New Orleans and in South Texas, Professor Anding said.

Since the body actually only requires 500 mg of sodium per day, that means many of us take in almost 10 times what we need. However, its not practical to only consume the biological requirement.

Many types of foods contain sodium, and some are foods you wouldnt consider as having sodium. That 4,500 mg average is almost 20 to 30 times the amount of sodium needed to replace normal sodium loss.

Normally, we lose about 25 mg a day in our urine; 25 mg a day in feces; and for people who spent most of their time indoors, normal skin losses are about 100 mg per day. However, the normal skin loss amount is much higher for individuals who are physically active.

Along with this issue of sodium overconsumption is the underconsumption of its antagonist, or the mineral that acts as its counterbalance, which is potassium. Higher potassium intake helps to lower blood pressure by blunting the effects of sodium.

Diets rich in potassium are also associated with a reduced risk of developing kidney stones, as well as the reduction of bone loss caused by age. Again, potassium and sodium work in concert with one another, and trying to get them to work in harmony is often difficult.

Tomorrows article will explore the functions of these two electrolytes and also go into more detail about sodium loss during exercise.

Professor Roberta H. Anding is a registered dietitian and Director of Sports Nutrition and a clinical dietitian at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Childrens Hospital. She also teaches and lectures in the Baylor College of Medicines Department of Pediatrics, Section of Adolescent Medicine and Sports Medicine, and in the Department of Kinesiology at Rice University.

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Fend Off Heart Failure with Sodium and Potassium: Partners in Crime - The Great Courses Daily News

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