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Ready to tackle a New Years resolution? Heres how to crush that goal of losing weight – WDIV ClickOnDetroit

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

The New Year often means New Years resolutions for many, and one of the most common is to lose weight.

The weight loss center Ideal You is helping people crush their goals the simple way: eating healthy.

Customers typically see results quickly and are able to easily stick with their resolution to lose weight.

The Ideal You program doesnt focus on calories or pre-packaged food. It has weight coaches who guide and encourage by holding each person accountable to their goals.

As we continue living amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Ideal You offices are only scheduling a limited amount of people to visit their locations.

Live in the D viewers have access to a free consultation upon signing up.

For more information, click or tap here.

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Ready to tackle a New Years resolution? Heres how to crush that goal of losing weight - WDIV ClickOnDetroit

One 5-Minute Workout Can Melt Belly Fat, Says Study – Eat This, Not That

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

If you're stuck insidewhether it's because of nasty weather or, you know, a pandemicthere's no reason you can't get in a quick exercise session that yields significant results. And one small Korean study suggests all it takes to lose weight and belly fat is just five minutes of this exercise routine twice a day. What is this miracle workout?

Stair climbing.

In the study reported in The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers asked four sedentary overweight people to do stair-climbing intervals in their offices or apartments for five minutes without rest twice a day. The participants did this interval workout without supervision, and they were allowed to take their time during the going back down interval following each climb up. (Related: 8 Grocery Items That May Soon Be in Short Supply.)

After three weeks, measurements showed that the exercisers lost an average of 7.3 pounds of body weight and 5.5 pounds of body fat. While this Korean experiment was very small, other research suggests that brief bouts, or "exercise snacks," of vigorous stair climbing are effective in improving fitness levels and leg strength.

Here's one way to do it as described in our book The 14-Day No Sugar Diet:

Go to a staircase at home, the stairwell at your workplace, or the bleachers of a local athletic stadium. Walk up the stairs quickly but in control and walk down at a moderate pace. Repeat for 5 minutes without resting. Staircases have roughly a 65% grade, which will make walking up and down them harder on your legs and lungs than walking on flat ground. After five minutes, rest, then repeat the exercise for another 5 minutes; to increase the resistance and cardiovascular effort, this time take every other step on the way up. Be sure to warm up before exercising and cool down after.

Add interval training to your longer flat-ground walks, too, to lose belly fat. Using the speed-up/slow-down interval method (think city driving versus highway driving) will help you burn more calories than steady-pace walking will in a shorter period of time. Here's The 14-Day No Sugar Diet flat-ground walking interval plan; it'll take you about 30 minutes:

Related:30 Tips When You're Walking for Weight Loss

Another benefit of high-intensity interval exercising is that it may help insulin do its job better. In a Scandinavian study, people with type 2 diabetes did either a moderately intense exercise program or a HIIT plan. After just six sessions over 14 days, the interval training group improved insulin sensitivity much more than the lower-intensity exercise group did. In fact, the HIIT exercisers showed a return to normal glucose metabolism after just 2 weeks, suggesting that HIIT training may actually work as effectively as diabetes medication.

For more healthy eating news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!

See the article here:
One 5-Minute Workout Can Melt Belly Fat, Says Study - Eat This, Not That

New Years resolutions can trigger those with eating disorders – WANE

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) The New Year brings an emphasis on health. Specifically, people focus on starting a weight loss journey. But, someones mental and physical health can be in jeopardy with New Years resolutions.

Around the first of the year, social media becomes inundated with posts about losing weight, eating better, and even potentially losing weight gained during the past year. Gyms are pushing out deals and ramping up advertisement.

Those with eating disorders might get triggered when weight loss New Years resolutions come rolling around.

Clinical Services Director at Bowen Center Rebeca Riley said eating disorders can affect any person of any age, gender, or race.

I think a lot of people feel that its a low-power, or its a lifestyle choice. But its really a serious mental health illness. People can die, and people have died, said Riley.

Data Riley received indicates in the United States approximately 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men will develop an eating disorder by the age of 40. The rate of eating disorders are on the rise and more people are likely to develop an eating order today than they were 20 years ago.

As you see your friends that might have a completely different body type than you, losing weight quickly or becoming, you know, very physically fit, theres a lot of comparisons that go on. And a lot of those comparisons are unrealistic and it can cause a lot of additional concerns and issues with somebody that already has an established eating disorder, said Riley.

She says one way you can help people that suffer from an eating disorder is to focus on the health aspect of your resolution, instead of weight loss specifically. Also, she suggests to put away the filters and dont post anything that could be deceiving and not realistic.

If you need resources about eating disorders, click here.

Read the original post:
New Years resolutions can trigger those with eating disorders - WANE

Healthier 2021: Bill Lost Weight Before — Now He’s Starting Over – WebMD

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

2020 was a wild ride. And for many of us, healthy eating, exercise, and self-care habits went flying off the rails.

If youre feeling ready to get back on track, were with you. Three of our editorial team members are making big changes in the New Year, and theyve offered to take us along for the ride. For the next few weeks, well be following Laura as she ditches her sugar habit and jump-starts her fitness routine, and well be rooting for our dynamic dieting duo, Bill and Mark, as they work hard to drop pounds and improve their health. Heres to a healthier 2021!

By Bill Kimm

I have to start over.

Its been so hard to accept. To say Im disappointed in myself would be an understatement.

In 2016, I lost 100 pounds. I was a runner -- dozens of 5Ks and 10Ks, six half marathons, and thena marathon. I was in shape. I was skinny. I was in my 40s and the healthiest I had been in my adult life. I was determined that there was no way I was going back to the old me; this was who I wanted to be. But I got lazy. I stopped logging my every bite. I started making excuses to skip runs and workouts. Desserts and sweets became the norm again. And then, a pandemic hit, and any good habits I had left were thrown out the window.

It was a gradual gain, but here I am, at the start of 2021 weighing more than 250 pounds and barely able to run 2 miles (when 3-plus used to be a light day). Its a hard pill to swallow, but -- I have to start over.

As I wrestle with yet another weight loss/time to get fit chapter of my life, Ive tried to put some thought into why this happened, how it happened, and what lessons I can apply to my journey this time around.

1. Accept My New Reality (and be OK with it). When I told my mom I failed, she quickly countered, You didnt fail, you just -- took a step back. It happens. Shes right. Im not a failure. What Ive accomplished in my 40s -- Im impressed with myself! I took a break, and there is nothing wrong with that. The sooner I quit beating myself up and come to terms with where I am, the easier it will be to find my self-discipline again.

2. Mental Is More Important Than Physical. Its natural and very easy to fall into a funk and even become depressed when you realize youve gone backward. Most of my clothes dont fit anymore; Im out of breath easier; I have body pain I didnt use to have; I see myself in pictures and Im disgusted; and the heaviest burden: Im disappointed in myself. All of those thoughts and realities lead me right back into horrible habits and poor food choices. If I want to be healthy again, I need to first focus on and improve my mental and emotional health.

3. I Have The Answer Key. This is perhaps the biggest realization and helps me with No. 1 and No. 2. Ive done this before. I know how to eat properly; I know how to exercise; I know what to expect when I go for a run for the first time; I know what a 1,700-calorie diet looks and feels like. Im not going into this blind; I know what worked for me and what didnt. Im going into this with a huge advantage!

4. I Have Some Exciting and Fun Accountability. Sharing my journey through this blog will definitely keep me focused. But even better, I have my friend, co-worker, and fellow blogger Mark Spoor as some friendly competition. There will be good natured trash-talking, but there will also be some much-needed support and encouragement with someone going through similar experiences. Challenges are always easier when someone is along for the ride with you.

I have to start over. As difficult as it is to say, its my reality and I accept it. Let the weight loss and fitness journey begin (again)!

Bill is the Senior Manager of Funded Content Strategy for WebMD. Hes been trying to find balance with his weight, exercise, and overall wellness for 15-plus years. As Bill approaches 50, he understands how important it is to keep good healthy habits and take better care of himself. He has the support of his wife and two children (ages 22 and 15) and hopes this blog humanizes the difficulties of weight loss in middle age and offers hope to others who are experiencing the same. For more on his journey, follow him on Instagram @billkimm and on TikTok @billkimm3 .

WebMD Feature

Go here to read the rest:
Healthier 2021: Bill Lost Weight Before -- Now He's Starting Over - WebMD

After Starting A Low-Carb, High-Protein Diet, I Lost 85 Pounds And Got Rid Of So Many Cravings – Women’s Health

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

My name is Brandi Twitchell (@stardustandmoxie). I'm 40 years old and a massage therapist from Utah. I decided to eat a low-carb, high-protein diet and get into an exercise routine after learning I could be on the path toward health issues. I've lost 85 pounds and feel better than ever.

I have always struggled with emotional eating. I would eat when I was happy, eat when I was sad, and eat when I was bored. Food has always been a comfort for me.

At age 32, after having my children, my weight went up to 240 pounds, and it remained roughly the same for 11 years. I'd tried to lose weight many times, but the most I ever lost during those years was around 20 pounds.

My father has diabetes, and I told myself there is no way I would allow that to happen to me. I would do everything in my power to prevent it. I would not head down a path toward disease. I began to have serious talks with myself, as silly as that sounds, and I told myself that no matter how long it takes, I won't stop working on my health.

Shortly after learning of my prediabetes, I was back at the doctor, and this time I was informed that my blood pressure was sky high. I was prescribed medication but I was not willing to accept my current health condition. I knew that my children needed a healthy mother, and I needed to be a better example of how to love yourself. So, I decided to start caring about me.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

In September 2019, I started my journey and got back to the gym and changed my diet. I gave myself one year and a realistic goal of losing 50 pounds.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I define my eating plan as low-carb, high-protein. I began by counting calories but realized quickly that it didn't work for me. While counting calories does absolutely work for some people, counting carbs worked better for me.

I started eating about 150 grams of carbs a day then slowly reduced my carb intake to about 30 to 80 grams. I started using the MyFitnessPal app to help me track my food, and I don't think I would have been so successful without tracking. You don't realize how much you are actually eating until you start tracking it.

Counting carbs helped me dramatically cut back on sugar. Sugar is so addictive for me, and I would crave it all the time. I was completely hooked on soda as well, and I would suffer migraines without it. I also craved starchy foods constantly, like French fries and bread. The low-carb diet took those foods off the table as an option, and after a few weeks, I stopped craving them. To be clear, I eat those foods every now and then, but food doesn't control me the way it once did!

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I also stopped eating out all the time. I would eat out constantly, at least five days a week. I worked at the airport, surrounded by fast food. French fries, pizza, and soda were my go-to meal. Now, I only eat out roughly twice a month.

Finally, I added much more protein to my diet. I aim for 80 to 100 grams of protein a day, mainly in the form of eggs, nuts, and fish. (I don't eat red meat.) And when I hit a plateau, I do intermittent fasting (16:8) for a week or so, and that seems to help to kick start my weight loss again.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

For the first few months, I worked out three to four days a week. But now, I work out five to six days a week. I feel much better mentally if I've worked out for the day. Exercise brings me clarity.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I started out with 30 minutes of weights and 30 minutes of cardio, which gradually turned into longer sessions. These days, I usually do 45 minutes of weights and 60 minutes of cardio. I use the elliptical and the stair climber most often, along with the row machine.

You don't need fancy workouts or equipment to see resultsjust dedication and your favorite music! I think the more you enjoy something, the more likely you are to stick with it. I also got a smart watch, which helped me tremendously by reminding me to get up and move!

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Losing weight will not make you happy. Your size or number on the scale should not determine your happiness. I mention this because, like many people, it's something I struggle with too. I constantly try to remind myself it's more important to be healthy than it is to be thin. I want to be able to live a long life and experience as much as I can. I feel the best way to do that is by continuing to make positive health choices.

The journey of losing weight is so much more than physical. It forces you to ask yourself tough questions and to search for answers that may be difficult to face. It can be mentally exhausting and overwhelming, and there will be many times you feel like quitting. Don't give upyou are stronger than you know. This process has changed my life because I realized that I am worth it.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

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Read more from the original source:
After Starting A Low-Carb, High-Protein Diet, I Lost 85 Pounds And Got Rid Of So Many Cravings - Women's Health

Dangerous Side Effects of Eating "Healthy" Fast Food, According to Experts – Eat This, Not That

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

It's January, and most of us have announced to our friends and family some sort of New Year's resolution pertaining to our health. Losing belly fat and exercising may be high on the list, but eating better food should be too. If you're a frequent customer at fast-food chains, it may seem like simply opting for "healthier" menu items could be enough to achieve better health outcomes, but the truth is, even lighter menu options at places like Chick-fil-A, McDonald's, or Wendy's is still considered fast foodand they are still worse than a simple homemade vegetable-forward meal with whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein.

Think of it this way: In order to provide the same satisfaction you'd get from eating a burger with fries, "healthy" fast-food options have to have some way of reeling you in and keeping you coming back for more. After all, this is the fast-food business model and often includes compromising dietary guideline recommendations in favor of flavor and crave-ability. While the marketing strategies of big food chains have caught on to the fact that most people are looking for healthier options on their menus, their actual food production methods still haven't.

The biggest danger of "healthy" fast food is that you've been fooled into letting your guard down and thinking that regularly consuming this food is no big deal. Sure, the calories may end up being lighter, and you're surely consuming less fat, but calling anything you can order at a fast-food chain "healthy" is a major stretch.

Take the recent example of Business Insider journalist Kevin Reilly, who conducted an experiment in which he ate nothing but "healthy" fast food for a whole week. Yes, he did lose 7 pounds in 7 days, but at what cost? According to his testimony, he often felt sluggish, was consuming waaay too much sodium, and ended up suffering a terrible migraine after a few days on this "healthy" diet. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Here are some of the potentially dangerous side effects of regularly eating "healthy" fast-food items. Do not mistake them for actually healthy food. And for more, don't miss The One Vitamin Doctors Are Urging Everyone to Take Right Now.

One inescapable fact of fast-food fare is that it's mass-produced, and what that usually means is highly processed. Processed food is any food that has been chemically altered and made from only refined ingredients and artificial substances (as opposed to whole foods). Let's say you've ordered a plant-based burger or sandwichit's great that you're opting to eat less red meat, but the patty, bun, and sauces you're getting with this order are still highly processed. Ordering a salad where you can actually identify the vegetables with the naked eye? So far so good, but we'll bet there's other stuff in there like deliciously-flavored croutons or a creamy dressing, which are full of simple carbohydrates, added sugars, and contain nothing of nutritional value at all.

Relying on mostly processed food for your nutrition can lead to weight gain, cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalances, poor sleep, and a plethora of other negative consequences you may not even think to attribute to your diet, like mood swings, declining dental health, acne, hair loss, etc. Here are 21 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Processed Food.

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Sodium is one of the most over-consumed nutrients in the United States. In fact, about 90% of Americans consume more than the daily recommended amounts of sodium, says nutritionist Toby Amidor. There are few things worse for your cardiovascular health than large amounts of sodium, considering it increases your blood pressure and puts you at a significantly higher risk of a stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and kidney disease.

Fast food is notorious for being loaded with sodium. For example, many salads, as well as sandwiches and soups, from major fast-food chains contain more than 50% of your daily recommended intake.

"Many fast-food chains add flavor to their food by piling on the salt, even on so-called healthy menu items," says Amidor. "As such, you could be taking in 75% or more of the recommended daily sodium in one meal." So yes, you may be going light on the calories and eating lean meat like grilled chicken, but you're wreaking havoc on your body with artery-clogging sodium levels.

Added sugar is a silent killer, and it finds its way into many different components of fast food, including the "healthy" menu items. For example, you may think you're doing yourself a service by opting for a yogurt parfait or oatmeal over an egg and bacon sandwich, and you are to an extent. But those items often have way more added sweeteners, like high-fructose corn syrup, than is recommended per meal. "Chains oftentimes use more than what is deemed a reasonable amount of added sugars to make their food more appealing and addictive," says Amidor.

The worst part is that added sugars aren't always as obviousbesides traditionally sweet breakfast items, you'll also find them in salad dressings, smoothies, and even grain bowls and grilled chicken sandwiches. Here are the 35 Most Sugary Restaurant Meals on the Planet.

It's a no-brainer that consuming lighter meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner will leave you hungry during the day, and a lot more prone to snacking. Reilly pointed out in his video that while he did drop seven pounds in a week by opting for lighter menu items from fast-food restaurants, he was constantly hungry and felt like he wasn't getting enough food at mealtime. So unless you're willing to go hungry like him between meals, your weight loss plan of "healthy" fast food may end up backfiring in several ways: you could end up snacking more, which can rack up extra calories quickly, or you could end up in a deprive-then-binge cycle where you're more likely to succumb to your overeating urges later in the day.

For more, make sure to read up on the the Unhealthiest Snack Foods, According to Science.

Originally posted here:
Dangerous Side Effects of Eating "Healthy" Fast Food, According to Experts - Eat This, Not That

Meet the men who got lean in the last lockdown and find out what you can learn from them –

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

Warner suggests thatmen looking to lose weight and get in shape should adhere to a few fundamental fitness facts when setting out their 2021 fitness resolutions.

Most men start the New Year with the best intentions to lose weight and get in shape, but they try to do it by guesswork or trial and error, instead of following a simple, smart and sustainable exercise and eating plan. It means almost all of them give up as soon as they dont immediately see the results they hoped for.

The only way to lose weight fast and, crucially, forever, is to find the right plan for your goals and then follow it. Then youll find that losing weight is not only far easier than youd thought, but also an incredibly enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Lloyd is one of a number of dads and fathers-to-be who have used the previous lockdowns as a time and motivation to boost their physical fitness and overhaul their diet.

Harry Gray, 40, from Fife in Scotland, lost more than two stone (12kg) in just eight weeks, and he did it all while still having takeaways. I got a big wake-up call during the first lockdown, explains Gray. A couple of my friends were challenging each other to complete a number of steps each day. Figures of 20k+ were being touted, but a quick look at my own step count on my phone showed I was under 1,000.

The rest is here:
Meet the men who got lean in the last lockdown and find out what you can learn from them -

Bride-to-be lost four stone in time for her wedding day – Kent Live

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

A bride-to-be who lost four stone in time for her wedding day has shared how she achieved her incredible weight loss.

Katy Toft weighed 16st 7lbs at her heaviest, after regularly eating McDonald's meals on the school run and snacks of crisps, chocolate and biscuits.

But determined to lose weight after the birth of her forth child, Katy signed up to the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, the Liverpool Echo report.

The 40-year-old, from Newton-le-Willows in Merseyside, lost three stone in just three months of starting the plan, back in October 2019, and went on to lose another stone during lockdown in time for her birthday in June.

This takes her weight loss to four stone in total after she slimmed down to 12st 7lb and went from a size 20/22 to a size 12/14.

Katy said she now feels "healthy, happy and content" and she was able to enjoy her big day in October 2020 with husband Martyn at St Peters Church.

Katy said: "I'd just had my fourth baby and I was dreading the thought of walking down the aisle feeling uncomfortable about myself in front of all my friends and family.

"I felt really unhealthy, I couldn't walk upstairs without getting out of breath.

"I couldn't keep up with my children and I didn't want to be a bad example for them.

"Because it went on through Covid crisis it was massively for health reasons, because when your BMI is really high you are at risk of all types of illnesses like type two diabetes and heart problems."

Katy said she had previously lost some weight after giving birth to her third child but after splitting up from her partner and getting into a new relationship, "everything snow balled."

Katy said: "It was convenience - I was eating fast food and portions that were too big. I wouldn't just have two slices of toast I would have four slices of toast."

"We live really close to a McDonald's and we would nip into that on the school run.

"If someone asked for a biscuit I would have a biscuit. I've got four children and two step children. If six children are coming up to me saying 'I want a biscuit' I had six biscuits."

Eight months after the birth of her fourth child after she had stopped breast feeding, Katy signed up to the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan.

She started the diet on an intake of 800 calories a day, swapping three meals with meal replacements provided by the plan.

Katy said: "The lowest calorie intake is 600 calories depending on your BMI. I started on 800 calories.

"It was full meal replacements that are nutritionally balanced with every single thing you need in a day. You have shakes, soups, for breakfast you have porridge and you have other meal replacements.

"It's massively motivating when you see the results coming quickly as well.

"I lost three stone in three months then I hit a bit of a brick wall with the pandemic. Then I lost another stone before my 40th birthday."

Katy said the thing she's enjoyed most about the plan is the one to one support she has received from consultants and she has since signed up to become a consultant herself to inspire others with their weight loss.

"I wanted to feel like the best version of myself. I don't feel self conscious when I go clothes shopping anymore and I don't struggle to tie my shoe laces. I used to get out of breath tying my shoe laces - things as ridiculous as that," Katy added.

"I don't feel like that now - I'm healthy, happy and content.

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"We had to bring our wedding day forward because of the next lockdown. When I took back on pictures I know the smiles are genuine - I just couldn't believe it was me.

"Everything had was such a whirlwind any way but everything was worth it in that moment, when I put on my wedding dress and walked down the stairs and saw my family's faces."

The national lockdown in England is expected to last until mid-February at the earliest and Katy said the next six weeks are the perfect time for people to lose weight if they want to.

She added: I just want everyone to feel what it feels like to step into that size 12 dress and just feel amazing.

"It's not all about looks, it's about how it makes you feel. You feel like you can conquer the world - I want everyone to feel like that.

"The amount of times people say to consultants like myself 'if only I didn't have any social events or have to go out at the weekend.' We've not got all of that now, we've got rid of every distraction.

"If we can make the most of the time we've got in lockdown especially you could make a real good go of whatever goals you want to set for yourself."

Originally posted here:
Bride-to-be lost four stone in time for her wedding day - Kent Live

Jonas Neubauer Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know –

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

Tetris Championship via Twitter

Jonas Neubauer, whom many consider to be the greatest player ever of Tetris, has died at age 39 after a sudden medical emergency, according to an announcement on his Twitter account.

Its with a heavy heart that we deliver the terrible news that Jonas has passed away from a sudden medical emergency.He was the absolute best. We are devastated, overwhelmed with grief, and we already miss him dearly.

In a statement to Shacknews, Vince Clemente of the Classic Tetris World Championship team said that Neubauer was an absolute pillar of positivity and humility He was kind, genuine, hilarious, incredibly talented, and a brilliant ambassador for the game.

Many are sharing their condolences:

Heres everything you need to know.

Neubauer was a seven time champion of the Classic Tetris World Championship (CTWC). He won in 2010 (during the very first year of the competition), 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

The championship contacted Neubauer after he posted a video of himself playing Tetris on YouTube where he earned a max out score of 999,999, according to an interview with Shacknews in 2019.

Neubauer would often stream the game on his Twitch channel and post clips of gameplay on his YouTube channel, sharing his tips with other players along the way. He told Shacknews that the pressure to win has increased over the years because a bad performance could lead to him losing followers.

When asked what he does to recoup after a tough loss, this is what he said:

You got to remember that its a game. And the people that youre playing against are great competitors. Theres not a lot of bitter rivalry, so if anybody beats me, I root for them immediately. I just want to see everybody shine bright. Its ultimately been a very wonderful experience for me to play Tetris in this type of high-profile environment, so just knowing what one win meant for me, I just want that feeling for everybody else.

Neubauer has been playing Tetris since he was nine years old, he told Shacknews.

Neubauer bought the game with his own allowance money. He said his first competitive experience with Tetris was when he played against his father.

He told Vice that he entered the world championship of 2010 after his father died earlier that year.

It was this new adventure that I could embark on and try to make a positive trajectory out of a bummer situation, he told Vice. Maybe I needed that first [win]. The ones that came afterwards were icing on the cake. You cant control what happens to the people in your life, but you can control what comes after.

He told Rolling Stone that he first played the game on his uncle Bills 85 Macintosh computer.

It was the first computer game I ever played and it just did something to my brain where it was like, Alright, now I understand what you need to survive. So now were going to take this entire side of your brain and dedicate it to the most awesome thing thats happening right now, Neubauer said.

He remembered getting a score of 176,000, which for a 9-year-old was really good. He got stuck at the 19th level and so started playing nothing but that level until high school.

It was so overwhelming that Id cry and get frustrated, he said. The controller I used in the 2010 tournament had my little 12-year-old bite marks on it because you get to this point where youre biting your controller. It was this weird masochistic drive.

Then in the early 2000s, he posted a photo of a 980K score in Tetris on an internet message board, though people accused him of cheating. Then he posted a picture of him maxing out the score.

Neubauer was known for his chaotic approach to Tetris, according to Vice. He stacked blocks from left to right and quickly spun pieces into just the right position at the last second. He told the publication that his approach to Tetris is similar to that of a jazz pianist: unpredictable and improvisational.

What makes Jonas so scary and dominant is that he is somehow the most solid, fundamentally sound player, and the most light on his feet and creative at the same time, said Adam Cornelius, the organizer of CTWC and director of the documentary Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters. Hes like Tim Duncan one minute and then Steph Curry the next.

He told Rolling Stone that he practices every day for half an hour. He also said the best thing about being the Tetris world champion is losing weight after winning.

I lost a bunch of weight since I first won, he said. Anytime you win a championship, you lose about 40 pounds. Its something fun to tell at parties and stuff.

Accidental 300k [Former] World RecordWas going for 100 lines recordbut got the world record for fastest 300,000 score along the way. Watch live at

Neubauer also held the world record for the fastest time to get 300,000 points in Tetris on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) with a time of one minute and 50 seconds. Apparently, he was trying to achieve the world record for the fastest time to clear 100 lines in the game but accidentally got the record for 300K points instead.

Currently his record for the 300K points speedrun sits at sixth overall in the world according to He is tied with Korean player Koryan.

As for his record for the 100 lines speedrun, he sits in second place overall in the world with a time of three minutes and nine seconds and is tied with user JdMfX_.

He along with his wife, Heather Ito, hold the second place spot for the 2-player glitchless speedrun of Streets of Rage on the Sega Genesis for the Easy, Normal and Hard difficulties.

Ito is a world champion in her own right, winning the Dr. Mario World Championship in 2019.

A user on Neubauers Discord server shared a screenshot of a message from Ito talking about what happened when Naubauer passed away Tuesday night.

On their second day in Hawaii, the two were reading on the couch when Neubauer got up to get something before collapsing and ever regaining consciousness.

Streaming on Twitch over the years brought us both so much joy and led to amazing new friendships and countless adventures, Ito said.

She said that more information about the cause of death will be available soon.

Tetris 101 with Jonas NeubauerA run-through of basic Tetris stacking on level 9 to show proper fundamentals that lead to high scores. Watch live at

According to an interview with Vice, Neubauer worked as a taproom manager and also helped run a recreational marijuana startup.

He told the publication that it took years before his coworkers found out that he was the world champion of Tetris. He remembers having someone say You bastard! I saw a video of you playing. Why didnt you tell me? when he walked into the taproom one day.

If patrons bring up his fame, Neubauer would take pictures, sign autographs and even accept challenges to the game at the bar.

Correction: A previous version of this article said that Neubauer was 60 when he died when he was actually 40. A previous version also said that Tetris released on the NES when Neubauer was nine years old putting the release date at 1990 when the game actually released on the NES in 1984.

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Jonas Neubauer Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -

Strength training. Yes, you need it! | Fit and Healthy – Colorado Springs Gazette

Posted: January 5, 2021 at 5:54 am

As a follow up to an article I wrote two months ago about the importance of cardiovascular training, I wanted to give information on the importance of strength training to stay fit and healthy as well.

For some, safety is found in the simplicity of running on a treadmill or tightly grasping the handles of the moving elliptical machine as they glide their way into an active state. Or maybe the simple but demanding step-by-step climb of the StairMaster is your equipment of choice to burn some extra calories. All of these are a great way to elevate your heart rate and exercise your cardio system. For many of us, we were taught that this is how you get into shape without being given much inspiration to try resistance training.

I think most people would be shocked to learn that in some studies, strength training can burn more fat than aerobic training, if done correctly. Strength training can also improve metabolism, aesthetics and confidence, and joint and bone health which is essential for older populations.

In a column a few months ago I mentioned EPOC (Excess Post Oxygen Consumption), which is the concept that your body will continue to burn calories after your workout, thus keeping your metabolism boosted. EPOC lasts longer during intense strength training and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts. The more intense the strength workout, the higher the EPOC.

You may have heard the term muscle burns fat, which is not 100% true. The truth is that if your body has more muscle, then you are burning more calories at a quicker rate than if you had fat in its place. It is estimated that one pound of muscle burns six calories per day at rest, while one pound of fat burns about two calories per day. It might not sound like much, but if you think of this in terms of your whole body, those numbers become exponential!

Using compound movements, or movements that use multiple joints and muscles in the body, is one of the most effective ways to attain functional strength, burn more calories and build more muscle. Some of the more common compound movements are the overhead press, squat, bench press and deadlift. While these exercises are most effective for results, they are also a bit more dangerous and if you are new to trying them you should hire a trainer or find a workout partner with some experience. Since compound movements require multiple joints and muscles to activate, they teach the body to work synergistically, thus they are considered functional. These types of exercises also require a lot of demand on the central nervous system. For best results, it is good to train these movements no more than two times per week, varying in repetitions, and allowing 72 hours between doing them again for optimal recovery for your brain and body.

One common myth Id like to debunk is that women will get bulky if they lift weights. The truth is, it is really hard to build muscle! It takes hundreds or thousands of sets and repetitions to progressively build adequate muscle and strength. It is a slow process, and if at any point you feel like you would like to lean out a bit, you can always increase cardio and decrease the calories in your diet. Also, since women produce lower levels of testosterone, they are unable to build muscle as quickly as men are.

One of the best benefits of strength training for the retired population is the building of joint strength, bone density and connective tissue, and fighting muscle atrophy. As the body ages, bones are likely to become more porous and susceptible to fractures. During strength training, bones get tiny microfractures, just like muscles get micro tears. Assuming you are taking in adequate nutrients, your bones and muscles will be repaired by an array of vitamins and minerals. Doing resistance exercises safely can help prevent fractures for older populations, leading to living a more independent and pleasant life.

Strength training also boosts brain health and helps with cognitive function. In a study by the Journal of American Geriatrics, men and women ages 55 to 86 with a mild cognitive impairment who engaged in weight training twice a week for six months and saw significant increases in their cognitive tests. These results were compared to another test group that only engaged in stretching exercises and saw a decrease in cognitive testing.

Strength training is for everyone. Even endurance athletes use it to maintain muscle in high volumes of cardio training periodization. It helps men and women with their metabolisms and overall wellness.

If you are new to strength training, do not hesitate to seek help from a trusted professional or experienced friend to get your training regimen on the best course it can be.

Nate Wilson is a certified personal trainer through NASM and is the owner of Elite Fitness LLC. He is certified for Fitness Nutrition and is a Behavior Change Specialist. Contact Nate at 640-0668 or

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Strength training. Yes, you need it! | Fit and Healthy - Colorado Springs Gazette

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