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9 Nutritionist-Approved Fruits for Weight Loss Eat This …

Posted: October 24, 2021 at 1:59 am

Cutting back on Hershey's, Ben & Jerry's, and Oreos may be one of the suckiest parts of dieting. But eliminating sweets doesn't mean you have to go without anything sweet-tasting. Seriously! Just eat fruit, especially picks that have been deemed the best for weight loss.

The natural sugars in fruit can be used to quell a sweet tooth, says registered dietician Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting, and author of Read It Before You Eat It. "Beyond just being a healthier hit of sweetness, fruits are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, fiber and waterwhich candy and candy-sugar doesn't have," she says.

The fiber in fruit is especially clutch for those working towards weight loss. "Fiber is the nutrient that helps keep you full, so when you eat a fiber-forward diet, you decrease your likelihood of snacking between meals," says Taub-Dix.

Fruit is also lower in calories than other, less healthy foods, she says. Subbing a refined-carb snack with a piece of fruit easily slashes one to two hundred calories from your daily intake.

With that in mind, let us introduce you to the best fruits of blasting flab. The 9 fruits listed below all have two things in common: They are loaded with fiber and flavor.

There's a popular, but misleading, food rumor that eating grapefruit burns more calories than it contains. "It's a myth that grapefruit is a negative calorie food; No food is," says Taub-Dix. "But, high-in-fiber, low-in-calories, and flavorful still makes it a good addition to a weight loss plan," Taub-Dix says.

While she promises there's no wrong time to scarf down the ruby fruit, according to one study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, eating half a grapefruit before meals may be most beneficial for weight and fat loss. For the six-week study, researchers found that participants who ate grapefruit before every meal saw their belly's shrink by up to an inch. Why not consider having half of a grapefruit before your morning oatmeal, and slicing a few segments to a starter salad?

Cherries may taste best on top of an ice cream sundae. But if you're trying to lose weight the oh-so-tiny and sweet fruit is not only pretty damn good on its own, but may also support fat loss. In one 12-week study by the University of Michigan, rats who were fed antioxidant-rich tart cherries showed a 9-percent greater belly fat reduction compared to rats who didn't chow on cherries.

Are humans rats? No. But, the study also found cherry consumption had the profound ability to reduce inflammation, which the researchers noted supports the idea that eating inflammation-fighting foods (like cherries) is beneficial for weight loss. So, nosh on!

Think of apples as the powerhouse weight loss food. "With 4 grams of fiber per serving and only 95 calories, apples are one of the best sources of fiber on the planet," says Taub-Dix. Apples are also exceptionally crunchy, which means they take longer to consume (all that chewing!) and more satisfying to eat compared to other snacks.

If you don't favor one apple type over others, opt for Pink Lady variety. Research conducted at the University of Western Australia found that the Pink Lady apples had the highest levels of flavonoids, antioxidants which are thought to keep the body in tip-top condition. The more you know!

Like apples, pears are full of fiberjust one pear contains about 6 grams. "Every time you eat a pear you're working your way toward your daily recommended fiber intake," says Taub-Dix. (FYI: For women, that's 25 grams a day, and for men, it's 30). Plus, pears contain something called pectin which, she says, "nourishes gut bacteria, improves digestion, supports bowel health, and has been linked to improved weight loss." Not too shabby, eh?

Time to see blueberries as your weight-loss BFF. Generally speaking, berries are packed with something called polyphenols, which are powerful natural chemicals that can help you lose weight and even stop fat from forming. But research on rats from University of Michigan suggests that blueberries have the added benefit of reducing belly fat. In the 90-day study, rats who had blueberry powder mixed into their meals had less abdominal fat at the end of the 90-day study than rats on a berry-free diet.

Taub-Dix suggests replacing snacks like popcorn and M&M's with blueberries, which are similar in shape and (almost) as sweet. "And, you can eat quite a few (18) in a single serving," she says.

Strawberries rank higher on your favorite berry list? That's fine! "Strawberries are full of fiber, water, and nutrients, and research has linked strawberry consumption to improved heart health and improved insulin sensitivity," says Taub-Dix. She recommends nuking them in the microwave and topping with a dollop of Greek Yogurt for dessert, pairing with cottage cheese, or adding them to a salad.

Watermelon sometimes gets a bad rap for being high in sugarafter all, one slice has 18 grams of sugar. But, compared to another summer snack (ahem, like ice cream), watermelon is way more nutritious. Plus, science says it's one of the best fruits for fat and weight loss!

In one study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, researchers fed one group of mice watermelon extract for 12 weeks, and another group of mice none. At the end of the study, those that had been fed watermelon extract, had lost more body weight and fat mass compared to the non-watermelon eating group. While more research on humans is needed to confirm watermelons weight loss benefits, Taub-Dix gives watermelon the green light. "You probably don't want to eat the whole melon, but it's totally fine to eat when you're trying to lose weight."

Peaches make your hands sticky, but they'll help extra weight slide right off. A study at Texas AgriLife Research found that peaches (and plums and nectarines!) may help ward off risk for obesity-related diseases. "[The study] indicates that compounds present in these fruits have anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties," Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, AgriLife Research food scientist explained in a press release. "[Consuming peaches] may reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol LDL which is associated with cardiovascular disease," he said.

Best part: Fruits with pits are among the lowest in fruit sugar. Meaning, peaches are sweet without being wildly high in sugar. A perk for folks on low-sugar diets and with diabetes.

Soda lovers, it's time to try the water-flavoring trick you've already heard: throw some lemon into your water bottle. "Drinking lemon water in place of fruit juices or soda can absolutely support your weight loss efforts," says Taub-Dix. Every time you have a glass of lemon water instead of a can of Coke or glass of OJ, you save yourself 100 to 200 calories and at least 20 grams of sugar.

Oh, and some people find that sipping on something sour slashes their desire for sweets. How's that for a win-win?

RELATED: Your ultimate restaurant and supermarket survival guide is here!

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9 Nutritionist-Approved Fruits for Weight Loss Eat This ...

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Best Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan Lose 5kg In 5 Days – Updated

Posted: October 5, 2021 at 3:24 pm

Want to lose weight and get slim to fit into your favorite dress by 14th Feb to Valentines Day or feeling confident in front of your partner. It would also detox your body and get your throwing skin and your partner will certainly notice and appreciate it. To achieve a fast weight loss diet plan lose 5kg in 5 days, youll need some essential rules to start rapidly healthily burning fat. Youll be able to drop from size L to size M in 5 days with considerable inch loss around the waist and belly.

Every individual who has tried everything has tried all the low carb and high protein diets or maybe a ketogenic diet here and there and he is still not able to lose any more fat. Normally what happens is that when you go in these kinds of diets you start losing a lot of weight initially and most of which is water weight and some of it are muscle too.

And after that you get stagnant and you try to reduce your calories or try to treat your cardio and nothing happens. You start becoming weaker you start losing your strength you lose all your muscle and you lose every kind of confidence that you have about losing weight.

Weight loss has always been about how much you intake calories and how many calories out. To fast weight loss diet plan lose 5kg in 5 days, a proper scheduled diet ahead is best. Always keep weight loss-friendly foods in your diet. Here the plan is not stringent like only having thrown some eddies throughout the day its pretty simple and with easily available ingredients you require to follow this plan.

This diet plan promises to help you to lose approximately 5kgs in 5 days.

Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water it helps detox your body.

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs with the yolk. If youre a vegetarian then have a cup of boiled chickpeas salad also include a cup of green tea. Egg or chickpeas are put on a good source of protein and fiber and they will keep you full for a long time.

Lunch: Have a bowl of watermelon or pineapple with a cup of green tea. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and fiber and is low in calories. Watermelon is 92% water and helps detox your body and lose weight. After lunch has one banana it is high in fiber and low in calories and will keep you away from hunger for few hours.

In the evening have one apple and five to seven almonds (raw or soaked) with a cup of warm green tea. Almonds have loads of fiber which makes digestion slow and helps reducing fat from the belly.

Dinner: Bowl of oats sweet or savory any of your choice with a cup of green tea.

Breakfast: Start your second day with a glass of warm lemon water and in the breakfast have a plain or ham omelet. Whisk 2-3 eggs, 1/2tsp blended herbs, salt, and pepper. Liquefy a handle of spread (close to 1/2tsp) in a container. Try not to include milk. If you want a vegetarian then have a cup of boiled chickpeas salad also include a cup of green tea.

Lunch: Have a bowl of oats sweet or savory any of your choices with a cup of green tea. Post lunch have one banana in the evening have one apple with five Armands raw or soaked with a cup of green tea.

Dinner: A bowl of soup made up of cabbage spinach chicken or sweet potato.Dont have ready-made or instant soups.

Breakfast: Porridge made from up to 75g porridge oats (a quick tip is to just pour boiling water from the kettle on the dry oats until its the consistency you like).Include a cup of green tea.

Lunch: Pork or vegetable kebabs. Skewer cubes of pork or vegetables such as broccoli florets, peppers, onions, and tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and roasted in the oven. In the evening have one apple and one cucumber with a cup of green tea.

Dinner: Bowl of papaya. It has zero cholesterol and contains a large amount of fiber and very few calories. It can be served with a selection of vegetables as a side salad.

Breakfast:Start your fourth day with a glass of warm lemon water and in the breakfast have a bowl of oats sweet or salty any of your choices with a cup of green tea.

Lunch: Have a bowl of pineapple and a cup of green tea. Post-lunch I have one apple and two cucumbers. And in the evening have one banana and five almonds with a cup of cream tea.

Dinner: Boiled dry weight dark colored rice, pan-fry cleaved, blended, vegetables in olive oil and after that blend the rice and veg and fill a seedless pepper shell. At that point heat in a medium broiler until the point when the pepper is delicate to fork contacts. In a study published in Endocrine, the researchers found that weight loss decreased the frequency of low testosterone levels in middle-aged, overweight men in a prediabetic state significantly.

Breakfast: Up to 100 grams of puffed rice oat (rice must be the main fixing). Accessible in the no gluten area of supermarkets.

Lunch: Brown rice plate of mixed salad. Pre-cook 50g dry weight brown rice. Leave to chill. Include a finely-slashed plate of mixed greens fixings (cucumber, spring onions, pepper, celery, squashed garlic clove). Utilize an olive oil and dark pepper as a dressing. In the evening have one apple with green tea.

Dinner: A bowl of soup made up of cabbage spinach chicken or sweet potato. Also please avoid any ready-made or instant soups.

Many people find it hard to get started when theyre advised they need to improve their eating habits. Here are some tips that can help you achieve sustainable positive results.

It is important to take a stepwise approach to make changes in your diet. Making one or two small changes every week will lead to more sustainable change, than trying to make any drastic changes all at once.

Want to lose weight without exercising yourself into exhaustion? Try these tips

This is one of our most recommended fast weight loss diet plans lose 5kg in 5 days.Fish oil can help you burn more fat with the diet and exercise plan youre already doing. Drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated so that you perform at optimal levels. Dont forget to add physical activities into your routine, also you can visit any diet clinic nearby. If you want to start this weekly diet plan for weight loss again, you may do so after a gap of 10 days. The amount of exercise you need depends on your initial weight.

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Best Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan Lose 5kg In 5 Days - Updated

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Missing campers, falsified documents and other issues revealed in CT weight-loss camp investigation – Danbury News Times

Posted: October 5, 2021 at 3:21 pm

Problems that arose at a Connecticut weight-loss camp before it closed in July included missing campers and falsified documents, newly released investigative records indicate.

After weeks of investigations, a witness list 34 people deep, and pages upon pages of interviews and inspection notes, a fuller picture of the goings-on at Camp Shane informed by state documents obtained by Hearst Connecticut through a Freedom of Information Act request is taking shape.

The state document release included an investigation narrative, interview summaries, a case summary, a license surrender affidavit, and the Notice of Proposed Licensure Action and Statement of Charges sent to camp owner David Ettenberg.

The weight-loss camp located at the South Kent School abruptly shuttered on July 13, and surrendered its 11-day-old license on Aug. 23, at which point the Office of Early Childhood and Department of Children and Families terminated their joint investigation. The investigation was announced in July after the camp closed its doors, but the OEC officially launched its investigation on July 8.

Since Ettenberg legally surrendered the license prior to the completion of the state investigation, violations that would be substantiated were not formally presented to the owner, the investigation summary explained.

In the affidavit surrendering his license, Ettenberg denies all charges set forth, but agreed that if he tried to reinstate or obtain a new license from the agency in the future, it would mean that the allegations would be deemed true.

Ettenberg has not responded to multiple requests for comment since mid-July when he said he shut camp down due to staffing issues.

The allegations in the records also include:

A camper sleeping on a common area couch.

Campers walking around unsupervised at night and in lightning storms, and who were encouraged to work out until they vomited.

Counselors leaving campers unsupervised to hang out and party in the lounge.

A counselor who yelled at and threatened to fight a camper.

Falsified medication administration training documents presented to the state.

Inappropriate comments of a sexual nature by a male camper toward a female camper.

Multiple reports of campers being bullied.

And the day before camp officially shut down, an 8-year-old girl suffered a serious head injury at camp. Her parents were leaving to pick her up when they got the phone call.

The OEC investigation summary states that multiple families, many from out of state, reported trying to contact the camp about concerns with their child and not receiving any response via email, text or phone for extended periods of time.

The most continuously reported investigation concerns, which were repeated throughout interviews with parents, campers, and a counselor, were lack of proper medical oversight and mishandling of medication.

In the final summary, the camp licensing specialist summed up her medical concerns: Serious medical needs of the campers were not met when the operator failed to provide anyone trained to provide the necessary medications, failed to prepare the staff for emergency situations, and failed to seek medical assistance from trained professionals in a timely manner. Lack of supervision and untrained/uninformed staff led to campers being injured and not properly cared for.

Earlier in the report, the investigation revealed that multiple campers had reported experiencing injuries, including sprains, knee injuries, smashed toes, and serious sunburn.

Campers were not allowed to seek medical attention for up to a week in some instances. Other campers were told if they left camp to seek medical assistance, they could not return due to COVID-19 restrictions, the documents read.

Despite multiple requests from the state, the operator of the camp never located a medically trained individual to administer medications, according to the documents. Additionally, the camp presented the state with falsified medication administration training documents, allegedly signed by a doctor who ran a training in 2019. The physician whose name was presented on the training certificate said that the signature on the certificate is not his, the report states.

The doctor, whose name is redacted, provided the OEC with samples of his signature.

The certificate submitted by Camp Shane indicates a full training for oral, topical, inhaled and injectable medications as well as auto-inject medication. The signature is found to NOT be the signature of the physician, the documents said.

Former camp director and girls head counselor Jennifer DAmbrosio, who goes by Bella, quit her job on June 29 because she was concerned about camp administration and the safety and well-being of campers, she said in an interview with Hearst Connecticut Media.

DAmbrosio was also interviewed at least two times by the OEC. Her name has been redacted in the report, labeled as first director, but her identification was independently confirmed by Hearst Connecticut Media.

DAmbrosio said she was hired two days before arriving at the camp, claiming the camp was in disorder when she arrived and that there was no paperwork ready for opening.

The summary of the conversation between the investigator and DAmbrosio included concerns about not having appropriate staff, no guidance counselor, no paperwork about medical problems, no paperwork to the nutritionist regarding allergies and food restrictions, no certified medical staff on site, and no trained person for the behavior therapy program.

The fact that there was no medical person on campus, no information for counselors about the serious medical conditions of some of the campers and that there was a lot of medication concerns contributed to [redacted] deciding to leave the camp, the summary states.

The OEC interview summary included a physician whose name was redacted from documents, along with parts of the summary of his interview.

The doctor told the OEC, according to the documents, that he had been asked to serve as camp doctor 10 days before the start of camp but declined due to the fact that he had a family vacation scheduled. He assumed the camp had found another physician. This was not the case.

The doctor agreed to help out until a replacement was found.

After an initial visit to the camp on June 30, the doctor reported having immediate concerns about the way medications were being administered.

The doctor also said that he recommended that the camp close on more than one occasion to due to lack of safety.

The new state investigation documents also show repeated instances of camper discomfort, at times the result of alleged comments of a sexual nature made by male campers towards female campers, and at others a result of bullying and a counselors alleged prior arrest that a camper found online.

One violation description reads: operator took pictures of campers during Zumba class without their consent causing them to feel uncomfortable and ill at ease.

When Ettenberg was asked about this, he explained that he took pictures of a lot of the activities on the camp for the purpose of posting on an advertising website, the interview summary reads.

In interviews with an OEC employee, a male counselor whose name has been redacted said that a female camper informed him that a male camper had made her feel uncomfortable when he made sexual remarks about her.

Another male counselor who was hired to do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) despite not being trained in the technique prior to camp reported that he had a conversation with a female camper who told him that an older boy (who left the camp prior to [REDACTED] arriving at camp) tried to force her to have sex.

Further details were not revealed to the CBT counselor, but he told investigators that he felt he should report what he was told. The counselor estimated that the female camper was around 15 or 16 years old.

Issues persisted through the camps official shut-down on July 13. Parents were alerted of the camp's closure via email at 7:51 a.m. on July 11. The email, obtained by Hearst Connecticut Media, said the children had to leave by the following Tuesday.

In interviews, parents said they tried to figure out how to get their kids home safely with little notice booking expensive flights, calling relatives nearby or driving to the camp themselves.

On the day the camp closed, according to the investigation documents, one parent drove onto campus and picked up not only her own child, but another child as well without being asked for any identification. The records also indicate that another parent picked up her child earlier on June 30 and did not have to sign the child out or show any identification.

Camper Stellan Petto, 14, said in an interview that his general experience at camp, which included getting the wrong dosage of his essential hormone medication, definitely left me with some trauma.

Now at home with his mother in North Carolina, Stellan has entered his freshman year of high school. With some distance from his camp experience, he said hes feeling better.

See the original post here:
Missing campers, falsified documents and other issues revealed in CT weight-loss camp investigation - Danbury News Times

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Regen Keto Pills Reviews : Is This Weight Loss Supplement The Best? – Santa Clarita Valley Signal

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:46 am

Do you need a mechanism to burn your body fat? The keto supplement from Regen is the right solution to do so.

Consuming a keto pill can help reduce weight faster than ever by enhancing the weight loss regime. The keto supplement from Regen does, trimming the excess fat and making the users feel better than other supplements.

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However, users in theUnited Statesandother parts of the world wonder if this kept product will help make them slimmer and trim their excess fat.

So, this article is the perfect post to help people guide aboutRegen Keto,its benefits, uses, and all that a user must know.

What exactly is Regens keto supplement?

The novel keto supplement is claimed to assist users in reducing weight faster, getting the users into the ketosis state quicker to initiate utilizing fat instead of glucose.

By utilizing Regens keto supplement, users get a ketone boost and initiate reducing weight quicker. People do not require to wait for a longer period as they do while restricting their diet or trying to reduce weight through exercise.


It wont happen with this keto pill from Regen as its outcomes are quicker than other methods of reducing weight.

Specifications of the Regens keto:

[Text Wrapping Break]

What is the mechanism of Regens keto supplement?

The keto supplement from Regen is discovered to kickstart ketosis. People usually believe in getting into a ketosis state by exercising, eating a low-carb diet, starving, or fasting.

But,these keto supplements are committed to boosting the weight loss plan without getting into challenging methods.

Regen Ketofulfills this aim by letting the ketones enter into the users body, with the potential to boost confidence, enhance mental focus, faster weight loss, gain energy through fat, and reach ketosis level.

How does this keto product fromRegenbenefitthe users?

[Text Wrapping Break]

How to use Regens keto pills for reducing weight?

Users consuming the keto pills must exercise regularly along with the keto diet to get effective results. However, using Regens keto supplement will enhance your weight-loss plan and trim the body fat.

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Users need to follow the below-mentioned tips to help reduce weight faster while consuming Regens pills:

Which ingredients are used in Regens keto pills?

The primary ingredient in Regens keto pills is BHB or Beta-hydroxybutyrate ketones that are crucial to transform your body to utilize fat for power and energy.

When people consume theseRegen Ketopills with regular exercise and a keto diet, they will experience positive outcomes.

The ingredients used in these keto pills will eliminate harmful effects and give desired outcomes shortly and effectively.

While using these pills, the BHB ketones help initiate burning fat, giving you a slimmer and perfect body shape.

Are there any side effects of Regens keto pills?

These keto pills are stated to have no side or harmful effects. However, the experience and outcomes usually depend on the users body weight, age, and other factors.

So, consuming this product to reduce weight would be safer and quicker due to its natural, safe, and effective formulation.

Hence, users may order these keto diet pills through Regen Ketos official online platform and reduce weight quickly and effectively.

Where to order Regens keto supplement??

It is not challenging to get Regens keto pills or to break the budget. Instead, ordering Regens Keto pills is easier and simpler.

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This keto supplement is available on the official Regens website at a reasonable price. So, people can stop worrying about breaking their banks or worries of side effects.

This keto diet product is safe, secured, and made with natural ingredients, giving the users effectively and required outcomes.

Moreover, you will get 180 days to guarantee to return the product if you are not satisfied with Regens keto product.

What do people say about Regens keto product?

Several individuals tried Regens keto pills and experienced positive outcomes, making them satisfied and positive for the product.

Many people consumed Regens keto product and could shed many pounds faster than using other supplements.

Besides, many of them could notice their abs building up again due to the force of consuming fat through this kRegen Ketosupplement.


Where to get Regens Keto product?

Regens keto product is available on its official website with 180 days money-back guarantee.

What is the primary ingredient of this keto diet product?

BHB or the Beta-Hydroxybutyrate is the primary ingredient of this product.

Are there any side effects of Regens Keto product?

This keto diet product has no adverse effects, making it safe, effective, and chemical-free for the users.

Final Verdict:

Several keto products are available in the market, claiming to give desired outcomes, but no claims prove right.

However, the claims of theRegen Ketosupplement proved right as many users achieved the required outcomes as they consumed this keto diet pill regularly.

SEE ALSO: We Found an Amazing Discounted Price For Regen Keto Right Here!

Many users found the Regens product incredible when they could reduce weight through this product and cherished the rapid weight loss and leveling their belly fat.

Please leave your views about our article on the keto diet pills in the comment section provided at the end.

Read this article:
Regen Keto Pills Reviews : Is This Weight Loss Supplement The Best? - Santa Clarita Valley Signal

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Weight Loss Tips: 5 Effortless Food Swaps That Can Help You Lose Weight – NDTV

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:54 am

Weight loss tips: Choose fibre rich foods to stay full for longer

Weight loss is one of the most discussed topics of all time. Many often fall for fad diets in order to achieve quick results. But for sustainable weight loss, you need to combine a healthy diet with exercise that suits you. Making a few small changes in your daily foods choices can also enhance the outcome of your weight loss journey. You can simply make some clever changes in your diet that can reduce your overall calorie intake. Certain foods are loaded with hidden calories and sugar that can further affect your weight loss goals. In one of the Instagram posts, nutritionist Lovneet Batra sheds light on the same. She shares some food swaps that can help in weight loss. Let's take a look at these below.

"Wouldn't it be great if substituting healthier, lower-calorie foods or eating a smarter portion size can do the trick?" her post reads.

Sodas are loaded with added sugar and empty calories. According to Batra, "Artificially sweetened drinks interfere with weight regulation mechanisms, disturb gut bacteria balance, and alter blood sugar regulation." While a cool glass of aam panna helps in electrolyte deficiency and keeps heat stroke at bay. You can prepare aam panna with some simple ingredients at home.

Weight loss: Sodas are loaded with added sugar that can make you gain weightPhoto Credit: iStock

Pastries are high in refined flours, sugar and trans fat. So, to beat those cravings for something sweet, grab a bowl of kheer. Bottle gourd is rich in dietary fibre, both soluble and insoluble. The nutritionist adds that lauki, when combined with milk provides protein, making it a low glycemic index food for diabetics. Add some nuts on the top and dig in!

Also read:Trying To Lose Weight? Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Shares Tips To Sharpen Hunger And Satiety Signals

Sauces are a hidden source of salt or sugar, and sometimes unhealthy fats as well. Therefore, it is time to make some delicious chutney with all-natural ingredients. Homemade chutneys are full of micronutrients that are good for gut health and can help in digestion. As a result, you will notice better metabolism.

Also read:3 Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know From Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar

When running late, instant oats might be your first choice. But are these really healthy? Instant oats contain added sugar or salt and some chemicals as well. On the other hand, steel-cut oats are full of soluble fibre, which help keep you fuller for longer. High fibre foods keep hunger pangs at bay and make you lose weight.

You can have oats as an snack to beat hunger pangsPhoto Credit: iStock

Till now you might be aware of the importance of healthy fats. "Market made butter contains trans fats and is high in sodium content while homemade butter contains healthy fats, which help in mobilising stubborn body fat. Still, it should be consumed in moderate quantities," Batra adds.

Also read:Intense Fat-Burning Workout: Try This HIIT Routine With Dumbbells For Effective Results

Try these small changes to see effective results. Along with these, make healthier choices in your overall diet and stay active for effective results.

(Lovneet Batra is a Delhi-based Nutritionist)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Best Fat Burners 2021: Top Rated Fat Burners For Rapid Fat Loss –

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 1:54 am

Fat burners are among the most popular fitness supplements in the world. While fat burners began as specialist bodybuilding supplements, today they are used by a huge variety of people, from bodybuilders and powerlifters to MMA fighters and endurance athletes.

A growing number of fat burners are now also being made for your average person who struggles to lose body fat, especially stubborn fat like belly fat. Gone are the days when fat burning supplements were highly specialized products designed for experienced, high performance athletes!

Of course, this has led to an explosion in the number of fat burners on the market. Right now there are hundreds, potentially thousands of fat burning supplements on sale. All of them claim to help you lose weight fast, boost your metabolism, help get rid of stubborn stored fat, and retain muscle mass.

Obviously, just about every fat burner on the market today claims to be the best fat burner in the world. They all claim to offer superior ingredients, the best value for money, and no side effects at all.

Just as obviously, not every fat burner can really be the best. In reality, the majority of fat burners on sale today are of extremely low quality; they are full of untested, useless ingredients, theyre overpriced, and some are downright dangerous.

So how do you choose a fat burner?

In this article, were going to take you through the most effective fat burning supplements in the world today. We will explain what fat burners are, how they work, the side effect risks, and more. We will also give you our recommendation for the best fat burner to use for maximum fat loss and muscle retention.

The best fat burning supplement on sale right now is, hands down, Burn Lab Pro. This is a brand new supplement, but Burn Lab Pro is already listed as one of the best fat burners on many bodybuilding websites, and reviews from users are extremely positive.

Try Burn Lab Pro Here

The reason Burn Lab Pro is such a good fat burner is simple; the ingredients. No other fat burner or weight loss pill in the world right now comes close to offering the same kind of ingredient quality as Burn Lab Pro. Just check out the ingredients list:

Try Burn Lab Pro Here

Each serving of Burn Lab Pro delivers a high-spec, perfectly calibrated blend of proven, effective fat burning ingredients. Each ingredient is in its most potent, branded form, and the doses are right in line with those used in clinical trials. The formula is as pure and as powerful as you can get with a 100% natural, plant-based supplement.

Another thing that impressed us about Burn Lab Pro is that it is a full-spectrum fat burning supplement. The benefits you are likely to get from using Burn Lab Pro include:

This last point muscle retention is very important. Many low quality diet pills out there can help you lose weight. Lots of them can even specifically promote fat loss. But most of them do so by stuffing you full of stimulants, artificially suppressing your appetite and triggering muscle catabolism.

Burn Lab Pro utilizes highly-bioavailable HMB to prevent your body breaking down muscle mass when in a fasted state. This means you will retain the maximum amount of muscle mass while shedding body fat the dream scenario for any athlete!

This fat burner is the cleanest weve ever seen. Vegan-friendly. Gluten, GMO and stimulant-free. Banned substance tested. None irradiated. No synthetic additives at all. You really cant ask for much more from a fat burner. That is why Burn Lab Pro is our top fat burner for 2021, and our number 1 recommended weight loss supplement overall.

Check Out Burn Lab Pro Here

There are lots of different ways that fat burners work. Most fat burners by speeding up metabolism, suppressing appetite, and increasing fat oxidation. A top fat burner will combine multiple ingredients to hit all of these ways of burning fat and more.

Lets look at the main ways in which high quality fat burners work.

Some fat burners work by increasing the rate at which your body burns fat for fuel. There are a number of natural substances that can increase fat oxidation, and they all work in slightly different ways. For example, Forskolin (an extract from Coleus Forskholii) has been found to stimulate the production of lipase, which is the enzyme responsible for breaking down stored fat into fatty acids and making it available for use as fuel.

Numerous clinical trials have shown that Forskolin supplementation boosts fat loss and maximizes muscle retention relative to dieting alone; in one study, people using a high quality Forskolin extract lost an extra 2kg and kept an extra 2% muscle mass than people on placebo. This is an excellent natural fat burner.

Thermogenic fat burners are among the most popular weight loss supplements on the market. All of the top fat burners contain some kind of thermogenic agent. There is a simple reason for this thermogenesis works!

Thermogenesis refers to the process of increasing caloric expenditure by raising your body temperature. In simple terms, you raise your body temperature, which makes your body work harder to stay cool. This means you burn more calories, which therefore puts you into a deeper caloric deficit. So enter a deeper caloric deficit without having to cut out yet more food.

The classic thermogenic fat burner is chili extract. As those of you who like spicy food will know, a substance like cayenne chili extract raises your body temperature very quickly, causing sweating, blood vessel dilation, and an elevated heart rate. All of this means you burn more calories A LOT more.

All of the most effective fat burners on sale today contain some kind of appetite suppressing component. This is important as most people struggle far more with diet control and hunger during a cut than anything else. It isnt unusual for someone to dial in their training and their diet for 8 straight weeks and then undo all their hard work with 3 days of binging.

Low quality fat burners rely on stimulants to suppress your appetite. This is not ideal from a health point of view. The best fat burner will use a natural appetite suppressant such as glucomannan; a substance which makes you feel full after smaller meals by bulking out your stomach with harmless fiber.

This is typically the thing that separates your average fat burner from the best. Typically, only top quality fat burners those designed for bodybuilders, boxers and other athletes include ingredients which help protect and preserve muscle mass during a cut. These ingredients effectively let you drop body weight while keeping your lean muscle mass almost the same (there is always some loss while cutting). This is the holy grail of cutting; something many people actually thought impossible until recently.

A good example of a muscle-retaining substance is HMB, or -Hydroxyl -Methylbutyrate. This compound is naturally occurring in humans. Studies have shown that supplementing with HMB reduces muscle mass loss in athletes undergoing intensive conditioning and weight loss programs. Only the best fat burners will contain substances like HMB to help stop muscle catabolism during a weight loss program.

Finally, we come to energy levels. Generally speaking, we dont recommend using a fat burner which is over reliant on stimulants. Cheap, low quality fat burners are normally stuffed full of stimulants like caffeine. These cause serious side effects and are not sustainable long-term.

A good natural fat burner will support energy levels in a deeper, more effective way. They will increase energy expenditure and metabolic efficiency at the level of your cells, not by pumping you full of stimulants.

The highest quality fat burning supplements on the market right now normally contain substances which help you better regulate your blood glucose levels, promote more efficient nutrient digestion and metabolism, and support healthy cell mitochondria. This is ultimately a more effective approach than taking cheap caffeine pills you can get plenty of caffeine from coffee, and many of you will want to stack a fat burner with pre-workouts anyway!

Lets start looking into how fat burners work in a little more detail. Weve already explained the main ways in which fat burners work; their main mechanisms of action. Now well go through how fat burners do these things.

In other words, were going to go through the main ingredients fat burners use to deliver results.

Forskolin is probably the single most scientifically proven natural ingredient used in fat burners today. Forskolin is an extract taken from Coleus Forskohlii. Studies show that the consumption of forskolin promotes the synthesis of lipase; the enzyme responsible for breaking down stored fat and freeing it up for use as fuel[1].

We all know that caffeine is a potent stimulant. What many people dont realize is that caffeine is also an extremely powerful fat burner in and of itself. Caffeine helps you lose fat in a number of different ways. It increases energy levels and motivation, meaning you can train harder and longer despite running low on calories. It also decreases appetite, preventing food cravings and binge eating. Finally, there is good evidence that caffeine increases your resting metabolic rate.

There is also some evidence that caffeine directly stimulates the release of fat from fat storage cells. It is thought that it does this by triggering the release of norepinephrine[2]. However, the evidence for this is relatively thin. Caffeines main benefits for fat loss come from its ability to fight fatigue, boost motivation, increase resting metabolic rate[3], and crush appetite.

Cayenne chili extract is the go-to ingredient for natural thermogenic fat burners. This is the standard thermogenic ingredient; it is used in cheap and high-spec fat burners alike because it is safe, effective, and backed by hard science.

Cayenne chili extract increases your internal body temperature as your body interprets capsaicin (the oil in chili that makes it spicy) as a burning sensation. This causes a heat response: your blood vessels dilate, your heart rate elevates, and you start sweating as your body fights to keep cool. This heat response costs a lot of calories. So by consuming cayenne chili and triggering this heat response, you put yourself into a greater caloric deficit without having to cut more calories.

Glucomannan is probably the fastest-growing natural fat burner in terms of popularity in the world right now. Not only is glucomannan being added to more and more fat burners coming onto the market, but it is increasingly being used in specialist diet foods and other weight loss supplements.

Glucomannan is a root vegetable packed full of water soluble fiber (which we cant digest, making it essentially calorie-free). When consumed in powder form, it quickly forms a thick, dense paste in the stomach. This paste expands, making you feel comfortably full. Consuming glucomannan before or with food will therefore make you feel fuller despite eating less food. Even better, glucomannan keeps you feeling full for a good few hours, meaning you wont be struck with the same food cravings or desires to binge eat!

Green coffee beans (i.e. raw, unroasted coffee bean) contain a substance called chlorogenic acid. You will often see Green coffee bean extract listed as an ingredient on modern fat burners the usual target compound here is chlorogenic acid.

Studies show that chlorogenic acid potentiates insulin in the human body [4]. In simple terms, it seems that chlorogenic acid makes insulin better at doing its job; shuttling nutrients and glucose to your cells and keeping your blood sugar levels fairly constant. Potentiating insulin is a fantastic way to optimize a cut for both performance and muscle mass retention, as well as eliminating energy crashes, blood sugar lows, and food cravings.

Of all the ingredients on this list, HMB is arguably the most effective substance in existence for protecting muscle mass and preventing muscle tissue catabolism.

Several clinical trials have shown that consuming HMB leads to reduced muscle mass loss (compared to placebo) in people subjected to intensive training or calorie-restricted diets. In fact, there is evidence that HMB may be able to deliver the impossible: reduced fat mass with simultaneous increases in lean muscle mass. In one 12-week study, researchers found that subjects given HMB ended up with more muscle mass than they started with, as well as considerably reduced body fat[5].

Chromium is a trace mineral found in small quantities in vegetables such as broccoli and green beans. Chromium is important for numerous bodily functions, not last for the proper functioning of insulin. Put in basic terms, chromium makes insulin better at doing its job. So in practice, chromium helps to stabilize energy levels, optimizes nutrient absorption an utilization, and enhances muscle growth during recovery (as it is largely insulin which triggers tissue growth). Clinical trials show beyond doubt that chromium helps improve insulin resistance[6].

EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is a catechin found in large quantities in green tea (it is often the main component of green tea extract). This catechin has several properties beneficial to human health and performance. Of interest here is its apparent ability to stimulate fat loss.

Studies suggest that supplementing with large quantities of EGCG increases fat loss relative to placebo[7]. What is interesting is that, in many of these studies, participants have been relatively sedentary. It seems then that EGCG can promote fat loss independently of exercise; that is, it seems to directly promote fat loss. Be sure to only use a green tea extract that states the quantity of EGCG per serving. You dont want to waste your money on pure green tea powder, or a green tea extract that is 1% EGCG.

One of the most important things to consider before you use a fat burning supplement is safety.

Are fat burners safe to use?

The answer is it depends; different fat burners have vastly different safety profiles and side effect risks.

Many low quality fat burners are stuffed full of stimulants such as Synephrine, Dynamine and Caffeine. Large doses of caffeine can cause serious side effects, and even small doses of the synthetic stimulants like synephrine can pose significant health risks.

Common side effects people get from stimulant-laden fat burners include:

These side effects are much more common, and much more severe, in fat burners which contain multiple different stimulants. This is because the likes of caffeine, theobromine, methylliberine, and synephrine all interact with on another, making each other more potent.

Other ingredients used in fat burners today are also likely to cause serious side effects.

One ingredient to look out for is Yohimbine. This natural extract from tree bark acts as a powerful fat burner in humans. Yohimbine blocks a receptor that increases sympathetic nervous system output, so you get more norepinephrine and, as a result, increased metabolism.

But as a powerful CNS stimulant and booster of norepinephrine, Yohimbine also comes with serious side effects. Some common side effects of Yohimbine use include sweating, dizziness, nausea, stomach cramps, tremors, insomnia, fainting, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and chest pains.

In fact, Yohimbine is such a potent and potentially dangerous stimulant that it is a banned substance in the UK, Canada and Australia.

If you experience any side effects whatsoever while using any fat burners, stop using the supplement in question and seek medical attention right away.

It is important that you do your own research before using any fat burner. If you have any concerns about a particular ingredient or substance, then you need to talk to your doctor first! This is particularly important if you have pre-existing conditions. In general, we advise staying away from large doses of stimulants, synthetic ingredients, and unproven substances (especially when banned in some countries).

When is the best time to take a fat burner?

Should you take fat burners before a workout? Or are they more effective when taken first thing in the morning/last thing at night?

These are very good questions worth answering in some detail.

When using a top fat burning supplement, it should not matter when you take it; be it first thing in the morning, pre-workout, or post-workout. As the best weight loss supplements are designed to promote fat loss and boost energy levels round-the-clock, when you take it matters less than taking it consistently.

If youre using a fat burner containing caffeine, then it is best to take it 30-45 minutes before your workout. That way youll enjoy reduced fatigue and increased motivation (and potentially greater fat loss) in the gym.

Using supplements is just a small part of your weight loss journey. The pros will all tell you the same thing diet is the key to getting shredded. This has been said by every great bodybuilder in history.

Not training. Not supplements. Not drugs.


Your nutrition needs to be properly planned if youre going to see the kind of weight loss results you really want. That means being intelligent and disciplined with what, and when, you eat. Nobody ever got truly lean and shredded eating pounds of sugar, processed junk food and heaps of fat.

As well as the quality of your nutrition, proper weight management relies on maintaining a calorie deficit. If you struggle with weight management, then what you really struggle with is probably maintaining a calorie deficit.

Fat metabolism doesnt happen if you are eating more calories than youre spending that is a law of physics.

What does this mean in practice?

It means eating a diet relatively high in protein, low in saturated fat, and low in simple, fast-acting carbohydrates, all while maintaining a sensible caloric deficit (200 calories per day is ideal for minimizing muscle mass loss).

It also means eating more fiber. Fiber, especially water soluble fiber, helps keep you full and satisfied while dieting. Many people find fiber to be instrumental in getting the best results while dieting.

Diet is far and away the most important variable when getting diced.

But after nutrition comes your training. Just as nobody ever got shredded while eating a poor diet, nobody ever got ripped, lean and muscular without exercise.

How should you exercise to burn fat?

Simply put, the type of exercise you do shouldnt change too much between bulking and cutting. Most bodybuilding routines are ideal for both fat loss and muscle gain; what separates a bulk from a cut is mainly just the quantity of food.

However, during a cut you are almost certainly going to have to train with lighter weight. When you lose weight, your strength will quickly decline, so attempting the same set of 3 on the bench press that you did when you were 20lbs heavier might end up giving you an injury.

For optimal weight loss results and to burn fat as fast as possible, we recommend introducing some high intensity cardio into your training.

High intensity interval training will burn fat much faster than steady state cardio. It will also increase your resting metabolic rate for hours after training, meaning even more weight loss.

Make your workouts as intense and as fast-paced as possible while cutting. You could do this by finishing with hill sprints, or by making your bodybuilding routine more explosive and higher volume. It doesnt matter how you do it, all that matters is that your workouts elevate your heart rate and subject you to intense anaerobic and aerobic work.

Its also important to keep your overall health in mind when cutting. In a deep caloric deficit, and when training intensively, your health can suffer as your immune system becomes suppressed and your strength declines.

The best fat burning supplement on sale right now is Burn Lab Pro. There is simply no weight loss supplement out there that even comes close to offering the same quality of ingredients, value for money, or end results as this product.

Using 100% natural ingredients, Burn Lab Pro directly boosts fat metabolism, increases energy levels, deepens a caloric deficit and stabilizes appetite while protecting muscle mass.

No side effects. No stimulants. No banned substances 100% plant based ingredients proven to burn excess fat and preserve muscle mass.

You can learn more about our top rated fat burner from the merchant site:

No, generally speaking fat burners do not break a fast. High quality fat burners are typically zero-calorie. Even fat burners which use things like glucomannan do not break a fast, as the body doesnt digest those kinds of water soluble fibers.

Some fat burners may cause diarrhea. In particular, fat burners which contain very high doses of caffeine and other stimulants are likely to cause bouts of diarrhea. That is why we recommend using stimulant-free weight loss supplements.

Fat burners do not eat muscle, but a poorly planned cut can destroy muscle mass. During any cut, your body will eventually hit a plateau and fat loss will slow. If youre dropping weight too quickly, on a fat burner or not, you could be losing lean muscle mass.

Most good quality fat burners should not have any effect on fertility whatsoever. Natural fat burners are generally safe and side effect free. They do not work by changing your hormones, so they should not make you less (or more) fertile.

The best fat burner for burning belly fat is the fat burner which most effectively burns fat, period. No fat burner is particularly good at burning belly fat. When you lose fat, your body takes from stores all over your body. You cannot target fat loss in one area. Some places, like the belly, are the bodys preferred fat storage sites, so these are the last fat stores to be exhausted.

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15 Simple Tips To Follow To Lose Weight, According to Dietitians | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: April 25, 2021 at 1:54 am

Losing weight is rarely easyyou need to find the mix of eating and lifestyle habits that are best for you. That said, there are some universal tips to follow and many of them aren't the ones you think you should be following.

"We've been so programmed to think that improved health is dependent on restricting calories, cutting out food groups, and eating less palatable mealslike grilled chicken salad for lunch and dinner every day," says Laura Burak, MS, RD, author of Slim Down with Smoothies. "Or that we need to buy a diet program made up of pouches of powder, processed snacks, and frozen meals."

For starters, those unappetizing and costly efforts can't be sustained. "Ideally, something that's done today for weight loss should be doable for the long term," says certified health and wellness coach Alisa Bloom, MPH, RDN, CHWC, ACLM.

So, if you want to lose unhealthy excess weight, try following these sane, science-backed suggestions from top dietitians and health experts. And for even more weight loss tips, check out our list of 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.

Though it may sound counterintuitive, Burak's number one rule for weight loss success is: Don't think about it.

"Weight loss is often front and center asthe goal, which is why we stop and start diets so often," says Burak. "But the truth is, learning about nutrition, your individual medical and psychological history, rewiring your mindset, and focusing on yourself as a whole, will naturally lead to healthy, appropriate weight loss that does not just come right back."

Get even more healthy weight loss tips straight to your inbox by signing up for our newsletter!

There is not a one-size-fits-all solution for losing weight.

"Each person's particular preferences, dislikes, and manner of eating food are formed from the days they began eating solid foods. We cannot undo these habits overnight," says Robin Barrie Kaiden, MS, RD, CDN, and personal trainer.

There are so many factors at playmedical history, genetics, age, lifestyle, and more.

"Food is tied so tightly to our psyche, culture, and socialization, it takes a personalized approach to establish effective and lasting habits," says Nina Dahan, MS, RD.

Some people do well with a so-called "cheat day," while others go off the rails if they stray from cleaner eating. Likewise, the keto diet could be a game-changer for your neighbor but set you up for failure if it means you have to miss pizza and wine night, or if you don't have the energy to work out when you eat so few carbs. Experiment with tweaking things to find an effective formula for you.

Do cheat days actually work? Here's Why It's OK to Have a Cheat Day, According to Registered Dietitians.

The idea of tracking calories is so 2005, but some people still do it. Instead, focus on the quality of the foods you eat.

"Eating nutritious whole foodsinstead of restrictingis how you get healthier," says Burak. "Think about a small order of French fries that is 500 calories versus a turkey avocado sandwich on whole-grain bread with a salad that is 500 calories. The difference in volume and nutrition speaks for itself."

When you eat nutritious, satisfying meals, you aren't apt to reopen the fridge an hour later like you would if you ate, say, a sugary power bar that only has 200 calories.

Here's How to Lose Weight Without Counting Calories.

Did you know your gut microbiome is home to roughly 100 trillion good (and bad) bacteria? When your good bacteria are thriving, everything else functions well, too. But when the balance tips and the bad bacteria start to overpopulate (often due to a poor diet), "it boosts gut permeability and results in what's referred to as a 'leaky gut,'" says functional medicine pioneer Frank Lipman, MD.

This means that bacteria, food, and waste can slip through the intestinal wall, get into the bloodstream and trigger inflammation throughout the body.

"This inflammation produces weight gain, as well as many other symptoms, including the gas, bloating, reflux, acne, and hormonal issues that bring so many patients to my door," says Lipman.

The good news? Research shows that your gut microbiome can change within two to four days of eating right. Incorporate these gut-boosting foodsincluding lots of fermented foodsinto your diet today and start feeling the effects. And be sure to steer clear of these foods that can harm gut health.

Emotional stress can cause us to eat our feelingssometimes without even realizing it. Hunger is a physiological state that is marked by certain unmistakable signs (cue hunger growl).

"By working to recognize true physiological hunger signals versus emotional/stress hunger signals, a person can start on the path to weight loss," says Dahan.

Also, learning to understand how your blood sugar levels fluctuate after eating can help you pick the foods that will help keep blood sugar levels stable so that you stay full for longer.

According to Bloom, one of the best ways to kickstart weight loss: Eat more veggies.

"Whether it's adding a few vegetable servings at lunch and dinner, a fruit for a snack, or choosing to incorporate a plant-centered meal a day," says Bloom.

"High-water volume foods, like fruits and veggies, provide tons of volume to your meals with the least amount of calories," says Burak. "The more veggies you add, the more you can visually and physically eat, which are both important factors when promoting health and moving towards consistent sustainable weight loss."

Been skimping on your veggie intake? Here are 9 Warning Signs You're Not Eating Enough Vegetables.

"Let's clear this up once and for allhealthy fats are your friends and actually help with weight loss," says Burak. "Fats such as olive and avocado oil, avocados, fatty fish (like salmon), nuts, and seeds will slow digestion and signal to your body that you're full and satisfied."

Research even shows that the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) from coconut may give your metabolism a boost by up to 120 calories a day.

"Healthy fats are also important to absorb fat-soluble antioxidants," says Dahan. "Obesity is pro-inflammatory, antioxidants are anti-inflammatorywe need those antioxidants!"

Here are 20 Healthy Fats to Incorporate in Your Diet.

Though low-carb diets (like keto or Atkins) have gained in popularity, there's one thing those diets are missing: Fiber. And while many starting out on these diets see a shift in their weight on the scale, it's often due to water weight and not necessarily fat loss, explains Dahan. This is because your body stores carbs as glycogen, which binds water in muscles. When glycogen is depleted, the water in your muscles gets depleted as well.

Fiber is essential for digestion, brain health, and for keeping everything running smoothly, so to speak. Fiber even gives you more energy! It also fills you up, expanding your stomach and signaling to your brain that you're full, while slowing the absorption of all the other nutrients you're digesting, helping to keep blood sugar levels in check.

"Many people do not get the recommended minimum of 25-30 grams per day. By including more vegetables, 1-2 servings of fruit daily, nuts/seeds, and whole grains you can get in all that fiber and more," says Kaiden, who emphasizes getting natural fiber from food over fiber powders or supplements.

Plus, "insoluble fiber in whole grains and vegetables provide bulk and a lot of chewingboth of which help kick in satiety hormones to tell us we've had enough to eat," says Dahan.

Here are 43 High-Fiber Foods You Should Add To Your Diet.

According to Burak, focusing on "slow carbs" means sticking with the "carbs that are more nutrient-dense and satisfying, and control your blood sugar better so you don't feel the need to overeat them."

Go for "grainy breads, fruit, beans, grains, lentils, and potatoes," she says. "If you go low on carbs, you likely go low on vitamins, minerals, and fiber."

"Plus, too little carbs can lead to cravings, binges, and overeating," Kaiden adds.

RELATED: The 24 Best Healthy Carbs For Weight Loss | Eat This Not That

Eating while distractedworking, watching TV, scrolling on your phoneleads to weight gain. But learning to eat mindfully can have the opposite effect. What does that mean? Mindful eating involves focusing on what you're eating and how it makes you feel.

"Look at your food, pay attention to colors and aromas, put a bite in your mouth and taste it with your mindfocus on the flavors and textures, chew slowly, and swallow," says Dahan. "Before you take the next bite, take a few seconds to savor the first. With practice, you'll start to enjoy your food more, and be satiated with less."

Bonus tip: Dahan recommends sitting at a table and using a plate for your food (rather than eating out of a package or snack bag).

Here's More Proof that Mindful Eating Is Key to Weight Loss.

Our bodies are 55 to 70 percent water, so getting proper hydration is one of the most important things you can do for your healthand to keep hunger at bay.

"Many of us do not drink enough water, so we think we are hungry when we are actually thirsty," says Kaiden. "Our body is telling us we need something and that thing is often water."

A good formula to follow: Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces every day.

Need more motivation? Hydration helps your brain function properly.

Not all sugars are created equal. The worst kind? Added sugars, which sneak into foods you'd never expect. "You may be surprised to find added sugar in things such as bread and salad dressing," says registered dietitian Keri Glassman, who warns that eating foods with added sugar serves to increase your sugar cravings.

Plus, too much sugar has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. We'll let you in on a little secret: This one trick will cut your sugar cravings for good.

No surpriseexercise is key to losing weight. But you may be shocked to learn that cardio isn't queen. If you're in a weight-loss rut, try incorporating strength training into your routine. Lifting weights uses calories efficiently and is better for building muscleand muscle burns more calories at rest than fat.

However, Kaiden reminds, "exercise is not a license to overeat, nor is it a fast remedy to burn extra calories after an indulgence. It is part of healthy daily life, and essential for weight loss and weight-loss maintenance."

Easier said than done, mitigating life's many stressors is critical.

"Stress can be a huge factor in an unhealthy lifestyle. It can cause people to overeat, undereat, skip meals, make poor food choices, and much more," Sarah Koszyk, MA, RDN, told Eat This, Not That!.

In addition, cortisol (the stress hormone) can impact belly fatand not in a good way. Over long periods of time, high levels of cortisol have been linked to abdominal obesity. Because it's impossible to live completely without stress, it's important to identify coping mechanisms, such as meditation, therapy, and working out. In fact, try to squeeze in daily movement since exercise is a great way to lower cortisol levels.

RELATED: Here's What Happens to Your Body When You Meditate

Lack of sleep is known to mess with your metabolic health. In fact, it's vital for tons of biological functions, such as muscle growth, immune response, heart and brain health, and more. Over the last few decades, sleep deprivation has become a national epidemicand our waistlines show it.

Cleaning up your sleep hygiene (habits such as powering down devices, setting the right temperaturejust Google it) can help the number on your scale go downand boost your overall well-being. Whatever you do, avoid these foods before bedthey are the biggest culprits when it comes to disrupting sleep.

Here are the Dangerous Side Effects of Not Sleeping Enough, Say Experts.

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15 Simple Tips To Follow To Lose Weight, According to Dietitians | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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The #1 Best Tea for Fat Loss, According to Nutritionists | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 9:49 pm

The best tea for fat loss is any plain unsweetened tea that you choose to drink instead of some other unhealthy beverages like these belly busters: sweet tea, soda, juice, smoothies, beer, etc.). (For more background, here are 7 Ways Tea Can Help You Lose Weight.)

Disappointed with that answer? Don't be. It's the honest truth: If you are looking for a magic bullet for weight loss, you won't find it in a teacup. Drinking tea alone is no more effective than any other fat-loss technique if you don't combine it with other healthy eating practices. In other words, a cuppa plain tea won't cancel out the tea biscuits.

That said, unsweetened tea is second only to water as the weight loss beverage most recommended by nutritionists and other health experts. For good reason: Plain tea contains zero calories and is rich in natural compounds that have many health benefits.

But which is the best type of tea for fat loss? One could argue that green tea is tops simply because green tea has been clinically studied more than any other kind of tea. Many studies have shown that the bounty of antioxidants in green tea may reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Research suggests that special compounds called catechins and the caffeine in green tea stimulate thermogenesis and boost metabolism. Other studies correlate drinking several cups of green tea a day for longer than six weeks with weight loss.

Of course, any calorie-free tea can help with weight loss if it replaces a high-calorie beverage. To get the biggest fat-loss benefit from tea, pick your favorite from these tea types recommended by nutritionists and pair it with one of The 6 Best Diets That Will Make You Live Longer.

"One of the best teas that support fat loss is black tea," says Tiffany Joy Yamut, a registered nurse, certified nutritionist, and co-founder of the keto diet resource Ketogenic Buddies. Black tea is made from leaves of the same plant from which green tea is made:Camellia sinensis. The big difference is how it's processed. Black tea leaves are exposed to air and allowed to oxidize into that trademark dark brown color. "A 2016 study published in Molecules showed that polyphenols in black tea can prevent obesity; one of its mechanisms is that it inhibits lipid (fat) absorption," says Yamut. "I follow a low-carbohydrate diet and black tea suits my lifestyle well since it contains no carbs plus some caffeine to jumpstart my metabolism." However, black tea isn't for everyone, she cautions. "Tea has caffeine, which can worsen gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms."

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"Any plain tea without sugar, honey, and syrups is great for weight loss," says Amanda A Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, who serves on the advisory board for Fitter Living. "Not only can you get fluid for hydration, [but you're also] filling up your stomach for only a few calories." If you run out of tea, you can always hydrate for fat loss by knowing This Is How Much Water You Need to Drink for Weight Loss.

This traditional Chinese tea, also known as black dragon, is made from the leaves of the same plant that yields green and black teas. The only difference is that unlike green tea, oolong is allowed to oxidize, but not long enough to turn into black tea. The result is a flavor that is less bitter than black tea, lighter, and more "grassy." Oolong tea has not been studied to the extent of green tea, but studies do point to its potential as a weight-loss beverage. In one study published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 102 overweight people consumed 8 grams of oolong tea, or about four cups a day for six weeks. Measuring body fat and body weight levels, researchers found that 70% of the heaviest subjects lost a little more than 2 pounds while 22% lost more than 6.5 pounds. Also, 12% of subjects experienced a decrease in subcutaneous fat.

Plant-based nutritionist Stephanie Mantilla's favorite weight-loss tea is caffeine-free rooibos from South Africa. Studies have shown that the red tea "helps block the creation of fat cells and increase metabolism," says the founder of Plant Prosperous.

Because the herbal tea is high in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory properties, one South African researcher is investigating its effect on fat stem cells. Dr. Hanl Sadie-Van Gijsen of the Division of Medical Physiology at Stellenbosch University is seeking to addressthe inflammation and oxidative stress within the fat tissue to relieve whole-body inflammation and insulin resistance. She says inflammation and oxidative stress are hallmarks of "dysfunctional fat," and responsible for many of the diseases associated with obesity.

Peppermint is a time-honored home remedy for indigestion, and it is believed to be a metabolism booster. "This tea's antifungal nature is also responsible for its ability to help improve digestive health," says nutritionist Lisa Richards, author of The Candida Diet. "A cup of peppermint tea after a meal can help alleviate gas and bloating while also speeding along digestion and potentially metabolism through this means as well."

Ginger tea is a favorite of Trista Best, RD, a registered dietitian with Balance Once Supplements, due to its robust flavor and antioxidant richness. "Ginger is unique for weight loss in that it contains compounds known as gingerols and shogaols, compounds that reduce the oxidative stress that exacerbates obesity," she says. "This damage occurs at the cellular level and once those damaged cells replicate the body's natural processes that maintain homeostasis can become disrupted leading to decreased metabolism, energy, and more."

A number of experts told us that green tea, matcha (a powdered green tea), and green tea extract are considered to be some of the best for supporting healthy weight loss because they are particularly high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds including EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate).

"EGCG seems to help block the formation of new fat cells and may also reduce hunger and cravings, plus caffeine in green tea has appetite-decreasing effects," says Dr. Josh Axe, D.N.M., CNS, founder of

This catechin abundant in green tea is also thought to improve recovery from exercise, boosting metabolism and potentially reducing fat storage. "Antioxidants found in green tea can support metabolic health by lowering oxidative stress, plus they keep blood sugar levels more balanced which is beneficial for controlling fat storage," says Axe.

"The ECGC in green tea can deactivate the genetic triggers for diabetes and obesity," says Kelly Choi, author of the Eat This, Not That! book The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse.

To learn how drinking green tea changed Choi's life, read I Tried a Tea Cleanse for 7 Days and This is What Happened.

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The #1 Best Tea for Fat Loss, According to Nutritionists | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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5 Diet Pill Ingredients That Actually Work For Weight Loss – South Florida Caribbean News

Posted: January 12, 2021 at 12:53 pm

There is no shortage of weight loss pills and diet supplements in the market. You can see advertisements on the television, you can buy them over the counter, have prescription medications, and even buy one and have it delivered right at your doorsteps. All of them claim that it can help you achieve your weight goal. With so many diet pills available, choosing the best one can be quite tricky. One best way to help you choose is to look at their ingredients. The ingredients can determine which product will actually work and give you amazing results.

If youre looking for weight loss pills, here are some of the best diet pill ingredients you should look for before purchasing.

Before jumping in the ingredients, lets take a look at how these ingredients actually make you lose weight. All of the weight loss pills tend to work via these mechanisms:

Glucomannan is a fiber found in the roots, or corm, of the elephant yam, also known as the konjac plant. It is a water-soluble polysaccharide that is considered a dietary fiber. Glucomannan functions by absorbing water in your stomach and intestine to form a bulky fiber that treats constipation and gives you a feeling of fullness. It can also reduce the absorption of sugar and cholesterol from the gut, to manage sugar levels in diabetes, and decrease cholesterol levels. As you can see on, Glucomannan is present in the Best Weight Loss Pills and Diet Supplements of 2020. This is due to the fact that a lot of research shows that glucomannan, combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, delivers desirable outcomes. Glucomannan is not just for people who are undergoing their weight loss journey and overweight, but it is also for people with a diet with restricted calories.

Caffeine is one of the most popular psychoactive substances that is consumed worldwide. These are caffeine that is found not just in coffee but also in tea, dark chocolate, and many more. Now, caffeine is also used as an ingredient in diet pills since it can boost your metabolism. And it increases fat burning.

While you can use any other caffeine source, green coffee beans are gaining popularity since it also contains chlorogenic acid, which also promotes weight loss. Moreover, it also has plenty of benefits, such as lowering blood sugar levels, and can serve as an antioxidant.

Orlistat is an over the counter drug that promotes weight loss by reducing the amount of dietary fat absorbed by your body. Prescription orlistat is also used by overweight people who are experiencing high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or heart disease. Some studies also show that Orlistat can lessen the amount of harmful, dangerous type of belly fat called visceral fat. People or patients who have been prescribed Orlistat are also usually advised to eat a low-fat diet to avoid any side effects. Orlistat is known to have many digestive side effects. Since it can be a prescription drug, it would be best to ask a medical specialist before taking one.

Malabar tamarind, or most commonly known as Garcinia cambogia, is a tropical fruit that has become a popular ingredient in weight loss supplements. The most active ingredient is found in the skin of the fruit, which is hydroxy citric acid or HCA. Hydroxy citric acid can block citrate lyase, which is an enzyme that produces fat in our body. In addition, it also increases the level of serotonin, which is the one in charge of decreasing hunger levels. Since Garcinia Cambogia Extract is an organic ingredient, the side effects reported are less and taking it is one way to lose weight without taking risk.

Chromium picolinate is mineral chromium that is found in dietary supplements. These ingredients help to improve metabolism and weight loss. While the use of this is still undergoing a lot of research, studies said that it works with people with binge-eating disorder or depression, as they suppress cravings or hunger. Since chromium picolinate can interact with other medications, it is suggested to ask your health care provider due to the possibility of unwanted effects or other risks.

Out of all the ingredients that claim weight loss, these five are the ones with the strongest evidence to back them up. These supplements can help you achieve your weight goal together with a balanced diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. It would be best to talk to your doctor first to evaluate your health and give you medical advice. Always remember that weight loss is a long term commitment, and you should do it at your own, safe pace.

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How to lose weight: 12 safe strategies for weight loss that REALLY work – T3

Posted: January 5, 2021 at 5:54 am

If youre trying to lose weight fast, we have some bad news for you: nothing will turn things around all that quickly. However, if you want to lose weight in a safe and sustainable way, we can help you with that.

The NHS recommends that you aim to lose no more than 2 lbs (1kg) per week; anymore than that and you risk burning out and giving up. Thats especially true given the fact that were all currently living in varying states of lockdown, meaning motivation is even harder to come by.

While gyms are open again, its likely that youll have adopted a much more sedentary lifestyle, perhaps because youre working from home and your walk to the train station and up and down the office stairs has been swapped for walking from your bed to the sofa (and to the kitchen multiple times a day). In fact, a recent survey from Kings College London and Ipsos MORI suggests that 48% of UK adults have put on weight during lockdown.

Each of the twelve steps in this guide is a step you can take towards quick but sustainable weight loss that is achievable for everyone. You don't have to do them all, but adopt as many as you can into your lifestyle. We've tried to keep these diet, workout and weight-loss tips as simple as possible so you can get fit and in shape in 2020, despite lockdown.

(Image credit: Pixabay)

For the overwhelming majority of people, losing weight comes down to achieving a constant calorie deficit, which means you need to burn more calories through activity than you consume through food and drink. If you eat 2,500 calories a day the recommended daily amount for a man, although of course this can vary wildly depending on your height, weight and frame and burn 3,000, you are in a calorie deficit. If, however, you consume 3,500, you won't be in a calorie deficit.

The best way for you to lose weight fast will depend on your starting point, your end goal, and your lifestyle. In this article we lay out ten strategies that are applicable to everyone, whether you're a fitness novice looking to shed several stone, or you simply require motivation to keep going.

Generally speaking the best way to lose weight quickly, and maintain that weight loss, is to follow a steady, manageable plan. Dont try to take on more than you can reasonably fit into one day, unless youre willing to make the sacrifice. Most likely sleep or your social life.

With that in mind, here are 12 strategies to get you losing weight quickly.

Spiralizing vegetables is a great alternative to pasta

(Image credit: Pexels )

As mentioned above, weight loss comes down to consistently burning more calories than you consume. Cutting calories is therefore the most obvious way to lose weight, but this doesnt always mean eating less. Instead, we recommend adapting your diet to get the most out of your calories.

All foods have different energy densities. Foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains have low energy density, which means you will get fuller faster when eating these than you would high energy density foods (for example pasta, crisps, chocolate, nuts and seeds).

Nutritionist Jenna Hope explains: Proteins and healthy fats promote more stable blood glucose levels, keeping you fuller across a time period and less likely to crave sugar or over eat, and so these are the kinds of foods you should get the majority of your calories from.

For example, unless you're training to become a weightlifter, there's nothing wrong with carbs per se despite what keto diet fans might tell you but the biggest food culprit when it comes to hindering weight loss is the simple carbohydrate.

Complex carbs like beans, whole grains and vegetables break down and release energy slowly, thereby keeping you full and energised. However simple carbs such as sugar and starchy foods pasta and spuds are the classics give you a shorter boost of energy, then leave you wanting more. The likelihood is that the more simple carbs you eat, the more youll end up eating overall, harming the balance of your calorie deficit.

One easy trick if you're a carb fan is to swap out white pasta or rice for courgetti, or noodles made from other vegetables like butternut squash. This can make an arrabiata, curry or stir fry much lower in calories. Youll hardly notice the difference when youre eating it, but youll be fuller for longer despite consuming fewer calories.

Cutting down on sugar will help reduce your waistline

An easy way to reduce your calories without feeling like youre making a huge sacrifice is to cut out empty calories. Empty calories are calories that supply energy (and therefore calories) but little to no other nutritional value (i.e. no vitamins, minerals, protein or fibre). Common culprits include sugary drinks (whether thats squash, a caramel latte or a pint of cider), sweets, and of course alcohol.

In addition to these empty calorie foods, we recommend you assess what is empty to you; what foods do you consume calories from without any real enjoyment? For example, did you know there is more sugar in three tablespoons of ketchup as there is a powdered-sugar donut? I dont know about you, but Id happily give up ketchup to be able to treat myself to a donut at the weekend guilt free.

The calories that you dont get any real nutritional value or enjoyment from should be the easiest for you to cut from your diet.

Controlling your portion size can help with weight loss

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Spoon Guru nutritionist Isabel Butler (MSc, ANutr) recommends that the best way to reduce weight and maintain the weight loss is by simply eating a balanced and healthy diet, without refusing yourself particular foods If you do cut out foods, you need to make sure your diet is still balanced and you are getting the nutrients your body needs from other sources.

If youre eating a balanced diet filled with healthy foods, it could be that portion control is your issue. It takes approximately twenty minutes for the signals to reach your brain when your body has enough food to meet its needs, so you should aim to finish a meal feeling satisfied, but not full.

If you struggle with overfilling your plate, and are unable to save some even if you feel really full, try using a smaller plate. Also, try to eat more slowly and always drink at least a glass of water during your meal. This will help you to feel fuller faster.

Huel is a food replacement system in shake form

(Image credit: Huel)

Sometimes its a real struggle to get started with prepping healthy, balanced meals in the right quantity for weight loss, especially if youre constantly on the move and dont have the time to count calories.

One option is to try a food substitute such as Huel.Huel products all contain a good mix of nutrients, as well as all-important protein. Its your choice whether you opt for something like Huel, which isnt marketed as a dietary aid, or something like Slim Fast, which is, but the key thing is that all of these food substitutes are highly nutritious and make calorie counting a lot easier.

Note that you might find this step difficult if the reason youre struggling to lose weight is because you love your food: these shakes may replace meals from a nutritional standpoint, but cool milkshakes cant replace healthy, warm, home-cooked food for satisfaction. You need to be highly motivated to lose weight this way.

Some people thrive on intermittent fasting, which means significantly cutting calories or completely fasting for a portion of the day or week, and then eating normally for the rest.

The most popular form of intermittent fasting is the 5:2 diet, where you eat normally for five days a week but then eating no more than 600 calories two days a week. The 5:2 diet is popular because while your calories are significantly restricted two days a week, you dont have to count calories during the other five days of the week. Guilt free weekends? Yes please!

Theres also the 16:8 diet, which is a bit different. With this diet you can eat anything for 8 hours a day, but can only drink water during a 16 hour fast. The recommended time to eat is between 10am and 6pm, although this can be flexible depending on what time youd prefer to start or end eating (as long as you stay within an eight hour window). With this option, youre unlikely to restrict your calories as much as you would on the 5:2, however you have to follow the rules seven days a week.

The benefits of intermittent fasting is that during the fast period the body will run out of carbohydrates to run on, and so start to take energy from the bodys fat stores, thus starting to burn that belly fat once and for all.

However you choose to adapt your diet to decrease your calorie intake, you're making a considered choice, right? Mindfuleating, based on theconcept of Mindfulness,is a method you can use to gain control over your eating habits, thereby aiding weight loss.

The idea is that you give consideration to everything that you eat, and the experience of waitingit. For example, by sitting at a table without the television or other distractions and eating slowly, you savour the food you're eating. As well paying more attention to what you're putting into your body and thereby helping you make good choices, mindful eating slows down your eating, giving your brain time to recognise that you're full (much like what we talked about with portion control).

(Image credit: Pexels )

Reducing the amount of alcohol we drink also comes with benefits. Most obviously, alcoholic drinks are often very calorific, so drinking less alcohol means consuming fewer calories. Simple. When you do want to enjoy a drink, stick to spirits (neat or with slimline mixer), red or dry white wine which all contain far fewer calories than other options.

Secondly, drinking alcohol increases our appetite, so were more likely to eat more than usual and more of the bad stuff when weve been drinking. Cheesy chips, Im looking at you.

Lastly, we all know how we feel after a night of heavy drinking. Ready for a session and the gym and a day eating fruit, veg and simple carbohydrates? We didnt think so. Drinking alcohol not only means we take in more calories at the time, but can affect our ability to function well and make healthy choices the next day.

(Image credit: Victor Freitas from Pexels )

Now weve tackled diet and nutrition (calories in), its time to look at exercise (calories out).

Even if you're eating healthily and are reasonably active in your daily life, its unlikely youll be able to lose weight quickly without additional exercise, whether that's running, gym, crossfit, team sports, cycling or any of the other myriad activities available.

What's more, working out will make you look and feel better and in our view, once you start looking and feeling better, it gets a lot easier to find the will power needed to improve your diet.

When it comes to choosing what type of exercise you do, the most important thing is that it's something you enjoy and will stick to. Don't force yourself to run if chances are you'll be walking ten minutes in.

We recommend starting with a high impact exercise that gets your heart rate up and FAST, helping you start burning calories quickly. Skipping has become a lockdown favourite of ours: all you need is a skipping rope, good music and as little as ten minutes to get in a high intensity workout. Other high intensity workouts include this 20-minute HIIT workout and boxing (both great options if your local gym has restarted classes or you have the workout gear at home).

(Image credit: Pexels)

There are two main types of exercise: cardio training and weight or resistance training.Both burn calories, the difference is that whilst cardio burns a lot of calories upfront, weight training continues to to burn calories post workout.

This is because weight training builds muscle, and muscle burns more than fat as you carry out day-to-day tasks. In short, the greater your muscle:fat ratio, the more calories you burn even when you are standing still.

Weight training may seem daunting, but you dont have to join a gym and face up to the squat rack right away. There are so many weight exercises you can do at home with simple bits of equipment from dumbbells to kettlebells, and balls to ropes.

Were not going to cover all the exercises you can do with weights here, so why not pick the body part you want to start burning fat from and toning up, and check out one of our guides below:

All of this aside, dont neglect cardio, as cardio workouts are important for fitness and stamina, and will still burn calories.

Kettlebells are a very powerful weightloss tool

As well doing both cardio and weight training, if you want to lose weight its also important to vary the intensity with which you exercise.

In any given week, and within any given workout, you should exercise both aerobically (a little out of breath but not gasping) and anaerobically (going flat out, like when running for a bus).

Aerobic exercise needs oxygen to give muscles energy and generally requires moderate exertion. Examples include gentler running, cycling and swimming.

Its a crucial part of losing weight quickly because it uses both sugar and fat as its energy source, but to burn fat you need to do it for long enough that youve burned through your sugar stores first.

Anaerobic exercise, on the other hand, primarily uses sugar as its fuel. This doesnt mean that its not good for weight loss, though. Anaerobic exercise helps build muscle, and as we explained above, this will help you burn calories even when youre resting. Anaerobic exercises are generally high intensity, for example sprinting and weight lifting.

A running watch or fitness tracker will help you to know what intensity exercise you're doing. As they either have built-in heart-rate trackers or pair with ones you strap to your chest, they can show you how hard you're working out and let you know when you need to push it harder.

Find out more about heart rate zone training

Keep track of your weight loss and fitness goals with a running watch

Its important to decide how you want to measure your success and keep track consistently, understanding that you will see daily fluctuations due to things like digestive contents and water retention.

Running watches are the easiest way to track your progress, remain motivated and keep weight off. Depending how fancy you go, you can track pretty much any metric that works for you, certainly way beyond whether youve achieved your 10,000 steps. Whether its weight, BMI, resting heart rate, calories burned or activity level, the best running watch will track it all.

Many wearables branded as fitness trackers also have a stab at these more advanced metrics nowadays, but we'd always recommend a watch over a band.

Another way to keep track of your progress is the old fashioned method of weighing yourself. The great thing about modern bathroom scales is they don't just tell you your weight; they also let you know your body fat percentage.

The best bathroom scales to monitor weight loss

This is a much, much better metric to track than weight alone. If you're working out while dieting you can easily put on weight, even when running a calorie deficit, just because muscle is denser than fat so there can be less of you, yet weight more.

Now, although the calculations of body fat percentage scales produce are based on sound science, accuracy can vary. The key thing to note is that if the overall trend is going down, you're doing well.

(Image credit: Veganliftz via Pixabay)

No, glugging vinegar won't help you lose weight on its own, despite what the Daily Mail might tell you. But it could be of some help alongside more proven weight loss methods.

Apple cider vinegar is believed to help weight loss due to its high levels of acetic acid, which has been shown to stabilise blood sugar spikes after consuming carbohydrates. In one study, the blood sugar of a group who took apple cider vinegar with a high-carb meal spiked by 55% less than the control group one hour after eating.

It also helps aid digestion thanks to its probiotic bacteria content (the gross-looking cloudy substance youll see at the bottom of a bottle of unfiltered apple cider vinegar). This bacteria stimulates the growth of more healthy gut bacteria exactly what our bodies need to extract nutrients from our food.

Before you reach for the bottle it is NOT recommended to drink apple cider vinegar neat as its highly acidic. Instead, in the morning or before your heaviest meal dilute a tablespoon (15 ml) of the stuff in 250 ml of water. You can then also add lemon or mint to add a nicer flavour.

A few tips to avoid frustration and burnout

(Image credit: Pexels)

We can't stress enough the importance of giving your body time to lose weight. You can lose weight faster by using the right gear and having the right knowledge and attitude, but you'll likely need to redefine what 'fast' means to you.

You've likely read about a crash diet if you've opened an article titled 'How to lose a stone in a week', or similar. Crash diets promise and can deliver rapid weight loss, but leave you feeling hungry and even unwell because they are generally nutritionally unbalanced.

What's more, they're completely unsustainable, and as soon as you start to reintroduce the foods you've stopped eating back into your diet, you'll start to regain weight. This is why we advocate not cutting out any foods altogether.

If you want to see real, fast (but not instant) weight loss, we recommend that you try and adopt as many of the steps listed in this guide into your lifestyle. They won't all suit you, for example you may not be partial to food substitutes or fasting, but don't rely just on giving up the booze if you want to see your body really transform.

This is part of T3's Fit for 2021 programme, which will be running throughout January. We'll bring you tips on diet, lifestyle and exercise that will help you shape up for what is certain to be a difficult year. One thing we can guarantee: it WILL be better than last year. And hopefully we'll help you get the most out of it.

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How to lose weight: 12 safe strategies for weight loss that REALLY work - T3

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