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I got a whole new mindset: the health secrets of people who got much fitter in lockdown – The Guardian

Posted: October 28, 2020 at 3:55 am

Before Covid-19, an ordinary evening for Tim Ludford, a charity worker, looked something like this: after-work drinks with colleagues; an Uber home; a takeaway. Not healthy takeaways, either, says Ludford, 37, from London. He would polish off a curry for two people before nailing a bag of Maltesers or a packet of biscuits.

Ludfords relationship with food began to deteriorate after the death from cancer of his father in 2013. I was unhappy, first of all, and I was bingeing on food and alcohol as a coping mechanism, he says. A lot of it was related to my dad, but I was also stuck in a rut and food was an easy way to make myself feel good. By the time lockdown was introduced, he was severely obese, with a BMI of 40. (A healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, according to the NHS.) Sometimes Id do crazy things, he says. If I was on the way to meet someone for dinner, Id go to KFC on the way. And then Id eat dinner as well.

Then Covid-19 hit. Ludford was too scared of the transmission risk to order a takeaway. The pubs were not open. I started cooking at home, he says. Soups, salads healthy stuff. He was furloughed and began to struggle with anxiety, in part related to the pandemic, but also related to his health. His dad had had a heart attack before he died, and Ludford began to panic that he would, too. The sudden death of a friend from a heart condition, in April, sent him to a dark place. It was like all this anxiety I had been pushing away, about my health and my weight, suddenly opened a crack, he says. And, because I was on furlough, I had time to focus on it. Everything fell apart. My brain decided that this was my comeuppance: I was going to have a heart attack, as payback for the irresponsible lifestyle Id been leading.

Ludford spoke to a GP about his anxiety, who recommended exercise and referred him for counselling. So, he started walking: 2km became 5km became 10km, he says. And he exercised to videos he found on YouTube. At first, he could not manage a single burpee, but after a few months, he was flinging himself on and off the floor with ease. The exercise was the only thing that really helped me to get a handle on my anxiety, he says. Exercise kept the wheels on the bus. Seven months on, Ludford has lost 34kg (5st 5lb) and is no longer severely obese. But the weight loss is secondary to his mental wellbeing he feels like himself again. Everything came together at the same time, he says. Lockdown was the trigger.

While lockdown was a period of indulgence for many of us who can blame anyone for looking at a world in freefall, with political leaders squabbling like children, and reaching for the biscuit tin? the enforced stillness of 2020 gave some people the time and headspace to embrace a more active lifestyle. Freed from the shackles of the commute and the lure of late-night pub sessions, an overhaul was in reach. Fiona Gillison, a chartered psychologist and behaviour-change expert at the University of Bath, says: The pandemic reduced the barriers that many people have to leading healthier lifestyles by giving them more time at home or dedicated time to exercise.

Gillison believes that the fact the government made exercise one of the only exemptions from the Covid-19 restrictions during lockdown helped reinforce the notion that it was a priority, even during a pandemic. We were allowed out for one hour a day for exercise, and that was one of the only things we were allowed to do, she says. Thats quite strong public health messaging. In effect, the government was saying: Look, this is worth leaving the house for; this is worth the risk. Exercise also became social: families traipsing out for walks together, friends meeting for a hike.

Plus, during lockdown, there was not much else to do. Sue Wild, 67, a retired midwife from Birmingham, says: I thought to myself: what else am I doing? I might as well try to get fit. Wild has never been an exercise fan: she completed the NHSs Couch to 5K app a few years ago, for a bet, but it did not stick. This summer, for want of anything to do, she downloaded it again and started running once more. It was strange, she says. I never enjoyed it before. But I think, because Im not going out as much, its nice to have a bit of time to look around and feel like things are normal.

Initially, I was only doing this because I had nothing to do. But it went on for so long that it became a habit

The pandemic is more dangerous for older people, obese people and those with underlying health conditions. I know that Covid-19 isnt going anywhere, says Wild, who is just outside the age bracket (70-plus) in which she would be most at risk from the virus. So, I have to be the fittest that I can be. I just feel like, if I did get it, Id want to give myself the best shot possible for a good recovery.

She is not alone. A recent study from University College London, which tracked 5,395 people via a smartphone app, found that over-65s were among the most active of all the groups surveyed throughout lockdown and increased their physical activity levels the most once the lockdown restrictions were eased. It was also the only age group to become more active during the pandemic than beforehand.

In July, prompted largely by the prime ministers spell in intensive care Johnson believes he was hospitalised with the virus due to his weight the government announced an anti-obesity strategy. (Critics pointed out that the measures did little to address the structural reasons for obesity, such as inequality.) The messaging appears to be working, at least for Ludford. I am very aware of how obesity is a risk factor, he says. That was a big motivation to get down to a healthy BMI.

For Shae Eccleston, 42, a consultant from Dunstable in Bedfordshire, it was a way to sort out her chronic insomnia, not just for her own health, but so that she could be there for her family. Five members of her family fell ill with Covid-19 at the same time her mum, her grandfather, her grandmother and two aunts. I was doing a lot of supermarket shops and making sure they were taken care of, she says. I just knew that I could not afford to get sick. I had to be resting. I couldnt afford to be knocked down as well.

Before the pandemic, she averaged two to four hours sleep a night. Ive always been bad at sleeping. My mum says that, even when I was a baby, I was always awake. It was a good night, if I fell asleep before the sun came up, she says. But her familys brush with Covid-19 thankfully, everyone pulled through was a wakeup call. Now, she puts her phone on Do Not Disturb, listens to ASMR videos, and has made her bedroom a screen-free zone. (Previously, she would often work on her laptop in bed.) Ive been getting a good six hours sleep a night, she says. To other people, thats nothing. But its huge for me.

It is easier to form better habits if your lifestyle has been upended. Covid disrupted all of our routines, says Gillison. When you have to create a new routine, your old habits are disrupted and youre more in charge of how you shape your own life. That will play a role in why people may be embracing healthier behaviours. Covid-19 acted as a jolt for many. Ludford had tried dry January and health kicks before, but nothing stuck. Suddenly, going on as normal wasnt an option, he says. Before, Id been able to live a certain lifestyle. And then this big interruption came along. Eccleston, too, thinks she would have continued in her old ways late-night phone calls to friends, working in her bedroom until the early hours were it not for the shock of lockdown. Suddenly, everything changed and I got a new mindset, she says.

When so much is out of your hands, exercise is something you can control. Theres something about the sense of autonomy you get from exercise, says Gillison. Youre doing it for your own reasons, rather than because someone told you to. With Ludford on furlough, exercise gave him a sense of drive and purpose. Ive felt so stuck this year, he says. You cant plan ahead in your life the way you want to or are used to. Exercise has enabled me to focus on a series of goals that I can achieve.

For many people, upping their exercise helped them deal with the stress and anxiety of living through a pandemic. I know my own mental health quite well, says Tom Firth, 33, a teacher from Yorkshire. If I dont do something productive with my day, I start to dislike myself. Before lockdown, he often worked 12-hour shifts, treating the summer holidays as a period for recharging. Id think that I should be healthier, but I never had the time, so I just gradually ignored it and got more and more unfit, he says.

In Firths defence, British people work some of the longest hours in Europe an average of 42 hours a week in 2018, two hours more than the EU average and the equivalent of an extra two and a half weeks a year. Studies have shown that working longer hours is bad for your mental and physical health, contributing to physical inactivity and an increased risk of depression. In the early weeks of Covid-19, Firth took advantage of his downtime to watch appalling amounts of TV: The entirety of Tiger King in an afternoon, that sort of thing.

But he could feel his mental health deteriorating, so he got on his exercise bike. Firth set himself the goal of cycling 1,000 miles a month, tracking his miles on a spreadsheet. During the Tour de France, he cycled along; now, he watches Parks and Recreation on the bike. Firth credits his exercise regimen with giving him the resilience to get through the pandemic. He has also lost 20kg. Exercising for an hour a day has done wonders for my mental health, he says. It releases all these lovely chemicals. Its literally addictive.

Will these habits stick when people return to their old lifestyles? Firth thinks so: even though the new school year has started, he is keeping to his routine. Initially, I was only doing this because I had nothing to do, he says. But it went on for so long that it became a habit. And Im proud of that. The best way to make anything stick is to build it into your everyday routine. It is much easier to do something over the long term if it becomes a habit, says Gillison. Habits occur when youve already done the decision-making, so the cue to act becomes an automatic part of your day.

She also recommends that people embark on diet or fitness changes with friends, for motivation and accountability. Social support is key, Gillison says. Finding someone to do the activity with, in person or virtually, or even just showing interest and encouraging you to keep going, is helpful, she says.

After gaining 3.6kg during lockdown, Wild has been following the NHS weight loss plan, a diet devised by doctors to help people lose weight at a safe and sustainable rate, with her husband. Ive tried to lose weight before, but it was a nightmare, making two meals and having all this tempting food around, she says. Whats been great this time is having my husband do it with me. I want to get fit for my older age, Wild says. I dont feel old at all. But I know that Covid is worse if youre older, and overweight.

Gillison warns that health anxiety is not in itself enough to sustain a long-term change: it is easy to become complacent once the initial alarm has worn off. The public will hear the message that Covid is more dangerous for the obese and it will get them out of the door a few times, she says. But unless they find something they enjoy doing, it will be a short-term fix.

The most important way to make fitness a habit is to make it fun. We are only able to make ourselves do something for a short amount of time, says Gillison. Its hard to stick at something you find unpleasant, plus you dont get the benefits in terms of the sense of wellbeing when youre doing something you dont like. So, if lockdown was a time of experimentation with various activities, pick the one you enjoyed.

Ludford is confident that he wont slip back into old ways. Ive seen such a huge change in my life, he says. Covid gave me the opportunity to focus on the things that were undermining my mental health. Im not going to go back to how things were before. Its been transformational.

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I got a whole new mindset: the health secrets of people who got much fitter in lockdown - The Guardian

Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market : Industry Analysis and Forecast (2019-2026) by Type, Application, and Region – re:Jerusalem

Posted: October 28, 2020 at 3:55 am

The global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market report offers an understanding of the dynamics, growth aspects, and functioning of theglobal Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market. The report evaluates the market over the years with a comprehensive study. The Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market assessment puts forth all-inclusive data that enriches the scope, understanding, and application of this report. Further, it provides the market competition landscape along with a thorough assessment of the key players (GlaxoSmithKline, Herbalife, Abbott Nutrition, Nestle SA, Danone, Glanbia, Kellogg Company, Pepsico, Atkins Nutritionals, Amway, NutriSystem Inc, Jenny Craig Inc, Creative Bioscience, Weight Watchers, Iovate Health Sciences, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem) in the market.

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The report highlights the profiles of the major manufacturers/vendors including an in-depth evaluation of the production technology, market share, revenue forecasts, market entry strategies, and so on. Moreover, several analytical tools such as SWOT analysis, Porters five forces analysis, investment return analysis, and feasibility study have been implemented to evaluate the growth strategies and opportunities of the leading players active within the Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market.

The global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market research report also puts forth a wide-ranging assessment of the factors and latest trends that have the potential to influence the growth graph and dynamics of the global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market during the forecast period. Furthermore, it entails a systematic study of possible forecast trends and market growth predictions for the upcoming years.

Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market Competition by Key Players/Top Manufacturers:

GlaxoSmithKline, Herbalife, Abbott Nutrition, Nestle SA, Danone, Glanbia, Kellogg Company, Pepsico, Atkins Nutritionals, Amway, NutriSystem Inc, Jenny Craig Inc, Creative Bioscience, Weight Watchers, Iovate Health Sciences, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, among others.

(Note: Other players might be added upon your request)

The report also specifies the computed expected CAGR of the global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market rooted in the earlier and current records in relation to the market. Apart from this, it also presents a pin-point analysis for the altering competitive dynamics that aids in recognizing the key products/services and their development potential during the projected period.

Key parameters which define the competitive landscape of the Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market:

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The reports aim bifurcated the global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market based on segments and sub-segments taking into consideration their previous and forecast growth trends.

Analysis of Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market: By Type

Meal Replacement Products, OTC Obesity, Slimming Teas, Supplement Nutrition Drinks, Weight Loss Supplements, Other

Analysis of Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market: By Application

Retail Stores, Online Stores

Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers in Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market Report:

Chapter 1: Scope & Methodology of Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market;

Chapter 2: Executive Summary of Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market;

Chapter 3: Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Industry Insights;

Chapter 4: Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market, By Region;

Chapter 5: Company Profile;

Chapter 6: to show competition and trade situation of Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market;

Chapter 7: to show a comparison of applications;

Chapter 8: to display a comparison of types;

Chapter 9: to present investment of Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market;

Chapter 10: to forecast Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market in the upcoming years.

Further, the key market regions are also included within the report along with their growth scope and the key patterns influencing the expansion of the global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market. The report comprises quantitative as well as qualitative aspects of the market relating to each region and nation entailed in the evaluation.

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COVID-19 Outbreak Analysis on Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Industry

The unexpected appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic is predicted to have a potential impact on the overall growth of the market in upcoming years. Thus, the report will be having a dedicated section discussing all the parameters related to the impact of COVID-19 on the regional and global markets.

This Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets report will also serve as a perfect depiction of the latest innovative and expansions technological progress for our clients giving them the liberty to improve their decision-making skills. This, in turn, will eventually assist to work with reliable business alternatives and implement several approaches for business growth.

What to expect from Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market report:

Centered Study on Strategy, Development & Perception Scenario

Global Top 10 Companies Share Analysis in Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market

Achieve strategic insights on competitor information to develop powerful R&D moves

Identify emerging players and create effective counter-strategies to cross the competitive edge

Identify crucial and various product types/services offering provided by major players for Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets market growth

And many more

Note:To provide a more accurate market forecast, all our reports will be updated before delivery taking into account the effects of COVID-19.

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Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diets Market : Industry Analysis and Forecast (2019-2026) by Type, Application, and Region - re:Jerusalem

Explore the subliminal messaging on your Halloween candys label – The Counter

Posted: October 28, 2020 at 3:55 am

Most people wouldnt pick up on these nuances, but Carlos Velasco does. A professor of marketing at the BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo, he has devoted years to studying how seemingly inconsequential features of packaginglike color, typeface, and soundcan recalibrate what we taste. Hes discovered that angular, asymmetrical fonts make us perceive foods as sour, while we tie round, symmetrical writing to sweetness. That cloud-like Airheads lettering? To your brain, its positively saccharine.If theres a case in which typeface clearly contributes to the taste, it is this one, Velasco says.

You can see this phenomenon all across the candy aisle: Reeses deploys fonts that look almost creamy. Starburst lettering seems to curl backward, like someone scrawled it across a sphere. On the flip side, companies selling sour candieslike Warheads or Brain Blasterzpackage their products with far more angularity. The writing on Brain Blasterz, a line of sour candies and candy sprays, looks claustrophobic, with sharp angles on the B andZ.

Candy companies, with their eccentric fonts and sharp flavors, offer a clear illustration of a broader shift in grocery stores. Over the last two decades, food and drink packaging has become far more scientificand companies have figured out how to use tiny details, like typeface, to guide what we taste.

Explore the subliminal messaging on your Halloween candys label - The Counter

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 Share, Size, Future Demand, Global Research, Top Leading player, Emerging Trends, Region by Forecast to…

Posted: October 28, 2020 at 3:54 am

The Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market report offers key insights into the worldwide Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. It presents a holistic overview of the market, with an in-depth summary of the markets leading players. The report is inclusive of indispensable information related to the leading competitors in this business sector and carefully analyzes the micro- and macro-economic market trends. The latest report specializes in studying primary and secondary market drivers, market share, the leading market segments, and comprehensive geographical analysis. Vital information about the key market players and their key business strategies, such as mergers & acquisitions, collaborations, technological innovation, and trending business policies, is one of the key components of the report.

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The report covers extensive analysis of the key market players in the market, along with their business overview, expansion plans, and strategies. The key players studied in the report include:

Furthermore, our market analysts have drawn focus to the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market and its key segments and sub-segments. The grave aftereffects of the pandemic on the global economy, and subsequently, on this particular business sphere, have been enumerated in this section of the report. The report considers the key market-influencing parameters, delivering a detailed future impact assessment. The Testosterone Replacement Therapy market has been devastated by the pandemic, which has culminated in drastic changes to the market dynamics and demand trends.

In market segmentation by types of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, the report covers-

In market segmentation by applications of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy, the report covers the following uses-

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Moreover, the research report thoroughly examines the size, share, and market volume of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry in the historical years to forecast the same valuations over the forecast duration. It offers exhaustive SWOT analysis, Porters Five Forces analysis, feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market, assessed using certain effective analytical tools. The report also provides strategic recommendations to market entrants to help them navigate around the entry-level barriers.

The global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is geographically categorized into:

The following timeline is considered for market estimation:

Historical Years: 2017-2018

Base Year: 2019

Estimated Year: 2020

Forecast Years: 2020-2027

Key Coverage of the Report:

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 Share, Size, Future Demand, Global Research, Top Leading player, Emerging Trends, Region by Forecast to...

PARP Inhibitors Market set to witness surge in demand over the forecast period – The Think Curiouser

Posted: October 28, 2020 at 3:54 am

Global PARP Inhibitors Market: Introduction

A PARP (poly ADP-ribose polymerase) inhibitor is a substance that blocks PARP enzyme in the cell. DNA damage occurs during cancer. Blocking of PARP helps the cancer cells in repairing their damaged part of DNA.

Global PARP Inhibitors Market: Competition Landscape

Key players operating in the global PARP inhibitors market are AstraZeneca, Tesaro, AbbVie Inc., Medivation, and Clovis Oncology. The global market is highly consolidated, with the presence of a small number of manufacturers. Increase in strategic collaborations and new product launches are expected to drive the global PARP inhibitors market during the forecast period.

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AstraZeneca is a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery, manufacture, distribution, and commercialization of biopharmaceutical products. The company is a leading player in the global pharmaceutical sector. It offers various services and products in therapeutic areas such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases; oncology; and respiratory, inflammation, and autoimmunity (RIA). Additionally, the company provides products useful in the treatment of infections, neurologic disorders, and gastrointestinal diseases. With a high focus on research and development for certain specific aspects of neurodegenerative diseases, analgesia, and psychiatry, AstraZeneca continues to collaborate with other innovative partners across industry and academia. The areas of cognitive disorders, chronic pain, and other central nervous system disorders still experience significant unmet medical needs.

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AbbVie Inc.

AbbVie, Inc. develops and distributes pharmaceutical products worldwide. The company offers pharmaceutical products for use in testosterone replacement therapy and the treatment of hypothyroidism and autoimmune diseases. It distributes products directly to wholesalers, government agencies, distributors, health care facilities, and specialty pharmacies worldwide. HUMIRA, a biologic therapy for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, is the companys blockbuster drug. It accounted for around 63% share of the companys sales revenues in 2014. The company sells its products in more than 170 countries across the globe.

Global PARP Inhibitors Market: Dynamics

The global PARP inhibitors market is primarily driven by increase in the rates of incidence and prevalence of cancer. In addition, increase in the adoption of PARP inhibitor drugs, growth of geriatric population, and advancements in the global health care sector are expected to boost the global PARP inhibitors market in the next few years. Furthermore, the existing market players are deploying advanced techniques to come up with innovative methods for the development of technologically advanced treatments for cancer. This is likely to propel the demand for PARP inhibitors during the forecast period. However, frequent product recalls and stringent government regulations are expected to restrain the global market in the next few years.

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Increase in Incidence of Cancer Driving Global PARP Inhibitors Market

Cancer is the leading cause of death globally, after cardiovascular diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer accounts for 8.3 million deaths every year, with 70% new cancer cases expected to be reported in the next 20 years. Increase in the cancer-afflicted population is anticipated to be a key driver of the global PARP inhibitors market during the forecast period. According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published in 2014, the number of cancer patients diagnosed in the U.S. reached approximately 21 million. The number is expected to reach 25.4 million by the end of 2024. Over 60% of the worlds new cancer cases occur in Asia, Africa, and South America. Nearly the same percentage of cancer deaths take place in these regions. Stomach, liver, lung, breast, and esophageal cancer are most prevalent worldwide.

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Transparency Market Research is a global market intelligence company providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for several decision makers. Our experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.

Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts so that it always reflects latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.


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PARP Inhibitors Market set to witness surge in demand over the forecast period - The Think Curiouser

New virtual clinic aims to provide accessible, inclusive health care to LGBTQIA+ North Carolinians – Yes! Weekly

Posted: October 28, 2020 at 3:54 am

With the recent confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court on Monday night, many Americans will most likely lose their access to affordable health care in the near future. And this is particularly disturbing to North Carolinians because, for almost a decade, Republican leadership in the states legislature has refused to expand Medicaid, despite support from voters on both parties. The Center for American Progress, an independent, nonpartisan policy institute, and NORC at the University of Chicago conducted a survey with 1,528 LGBTQIA+ identifying individuals in June.

In states that have not expanded Medicaid, the rate of LGBTQIA+ adults who are uninsured is 20 percent, the results state, adding that LGBTQIA+ adults making less than $45,000 a year are the ones most prominently affected. According to this survey, transgender folks and people with disabilities bear the brunt of the high cost of health care, as 51% of transgender individuals and 40% of people with disabilities who needed medical care postponed it due to cost, and 40% of transgender individuals and 30% of people with disabilities postponed preventative screenings due to cost.

A Greensboro-based virtual clinic with a focus on LGBTQ health hopes to support those living in the margins of society by providing virtual health care services to anyone living in North Carolina. Founded by Chief Operating Officer Jamie Clarke and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Subrata John Guha, the LGBTQ Clinic was conceptualized specifically with the health care needs of LGBTQIA+ people in mind.

If you have a phone, iPad, or computer, you can come see us, Guha said. You dont have to go anywhere just be seen where you are comfortable, and take a proactive approach for your health.

According to Clark and Guhas research, there are approximately 420,000 people that identify as LGBTQIA+ in North Carolina, and of those, 30,000 identify specifically as transgender. Clarke is one of those 30,000. Unfortunately, Clarke knows all too well the barriers that other trans people face when seeking health care.

I had a lot of problems getting comfortable, comprehensive medical care, she said. Not just about [Hormone Replacement Therapy] or sexual health, but about Jamie as a whole person, which encompasses all of those things and my day-to-day medical needs.

She said that the LGBTQIA+ community, as a whole, are not very trusting of doctors. As a transgender woman, she has experienced first-hand what that is like to be treated differently because of her gender identity. At age 35, Clarke decided that she wanted to begin transitioning by starting HRT, so like any other patient, she asked her doctor for more information.

I was dealing with a local doctor and asked to have my hormone levels checked, as I was getting bloodwork done anyway, she said. And they were like, well, why would you want to do that? And I was like, so I can start HRT, and she said, Oh, I am not comfortable doing that.

This experience led Clarke to switch to Dr. Guha. During her interview with him, she felt comfortable enough to ask about starting HRT because he was honest, straightforward, and extremely easy to talk to.

Clarke said when she told him that she was interested in starting HRT, he told her that he wasnt too familiar with it, so he had to do some more research to make sure he was doing it properly.

As we got to know each other, I was explaining to him that sometimes, I was at the point where I wanted to go online and figure out how to do it myself. But he was like thats probably not safe, Clarke said. And there are a whole lot of people that are in that exact boat. So, we are trying to take the stigma out of LGBTQIA+ health.

With The LGBTQ Clinic, Clarke and Guha said they are trying to create a movement toward community-based, equalized health care by building relationships with clients in a convenient and accessible format.

In the telemedicine space, typically what you get is a five-minute visit, sometimes not even by video but as a phone call, Clarke said. Our visits are 15 minutes long, and we strongly encourage getting to know your doctor, and vice versa, because you always get the same care provider.

Clarke described the LGBTQ Clinic as everything one would expect at a visit to their regular health care provider, only virtually.

One of our marketing specialists was like, think about it as going to the doctors office, not getting deadnamed, and you dont have to sit on the crunchy paper in a germ pool, Clarke said.

Guha explained that the LGBTQ Clinic could basically replace ones primary care doctor because it is all-encompassing and that everyone, not just LGBTQIA+ people, could receive health care services.

I can write a virtual prescription to your pharmacist, any pharmacist we are basically like walking into your doctors office but all virtual, Guha said. We cant administer shots, but if it can be self-administered, then I can prescribe it, and you can pick it up.

However, Guha said he makes sure he is thorough with each patient he sees.

When someone comes in, I dont just write a prescription for testosterone, he said. I want that lab work, and I would want to see the patient again after the lab work [results came back] to go over it and then provide the prescription.

The LGBTQ Clinic isnt Guhas first foray into providing fast and accessible health care services to people. Guha said he helped start FastMed back in the ancient ages of 2010, but sold out of it in 2014-2015 after the business was acquired by a venture capitalist. As a heterosexual, cisgender man, Guha said he believes that everyone should have the same access to health care and be treated equally, which is why he was more than happy to help start this clinic.

Guha takes pride in his informed approach to LGBTQIA+ health, as he follows the guidelines put out by the University of California at San Francisco and its Department of Internal Medicines sub-department, which is specifically tailored for the LGBTQIA+ community.

In the last five years, this premier medical center started putting out clinical protocols that established guidelines and state of the art, the scope of practice protocols, he noted.

Launching the LGBTQ Clinic hasnt been easy but has been a labor of love for both Clarke and Guha.

We are really excited about it, she said. Being in Greensboro, and with it being such a large college town, the need is absolutely there. One of the hardest things we are having problems with is trying to have conversations with influencers or people that can get the message out for us. I dont want to be a sponsored ad; I want to be a trusted resource.

Clarke said North Carolinas 2016 controversial Bathroom Bill was a big part of their discussion, and it was a driving factor as to why we would create this clinic specifically.

We dont have time for the noise, Clarke said of the recent politicizing of health care. We just want to provide quality health care to as many people that need it as we can...Its also about bringing some respectability to a state like North Carolina, where there is a lot of uncertainty about this particular issue.

Whoever is elected president in November, we will still be here, she added.

Clarke said each 15-minute virtual session costs $78 per visit, which she said is cheaper than the $150 that is usually charged by the local larger medical centers.

We are looking to do a subscription plan, but because we are so new, we are still testing the market, Guha said, adding that The LGBTQ Clinic will soon accept insurance coverage from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, Cigna, United Care, and others.

We are actively pursuing the credentialing process, and its just a waiting game, Clarke said.

I am guessing in the next 30-60 days, and the reason why it is taking so long, as you probably already know, is because of COVID, Guha added.

Presently, there are two doctors (including Guha) and one nurse practitioner on staff at The LGBTQ Clinic. Clarke said she is looking for support from local LBGTQIA+ community leaders but makes it clear that they are not trying to buy their way into the community. Clarke and Guha said they arent in the business of just making a quick buck; they want to establish the LGBTQ Clinic as a long-term resource.

Health care should not be any different or any less quality because you are in the LGBTQ community, she said. We are trying to provide and be a voice to the movement. With a 30-veteran of the health care industry to say that your health care is no different or more valuable than anyone elses, that is the real distinction here.

For more information, visit the website and follow The LGBTQ Clinic on social media (Instagram and Facebook,

See the original post here:
New virtual clinic aims to provide accessible, inclusive health care to LGBTQIA+ North Carolinians - Yes! Weekly

Weight loss supplements: Are they effective? – Science World Report

Posted: October 28, 2020 at 3:53 am

First Posted: Oct 26, 2020 01:35 PM EDT

(Photo : pixabay)

If you find maintaining a healthy weight difficult, you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. According to a study published by The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), an independent population health research institute in Seattle, WA, over 160 million people in America are either overweight or obese. And many of these same individuals are struggling with health problems related to their weight.

As a matter of reference, the National Institutes of Health noted that individuals who are overweight are obese are more likely to develop high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease. Excess weight can also lead to elevated blood glucose levels, which, in turn, can give way to diabetes, the study further noted. If there is a silver lining in all of this, it is that more people are taking steps to safeguard their health by losing weight.

Traditional Ways to Lose Weight

There are just as many ways to lose weight as there are people who are overweight or obese. And the argument could be made that some ways are better than others. Along with exercise, many individuals will choose one of many popular diets to shed unwanted pounds, some of which include the Mediterranean and Weight Watchers, both of which were named the best diets of 2020 by U.S. News and World Report.

While these diets are great, some people find that they don't lose much weight following them. And the weight that they did lose didn't stay off for very long. For these reasons, many people turn to dietary supplements to help them shed unwanted pounds, with some of the more notable ones being green tea extract, vitamin D, glutamine, caffeine, and raspberry ketone supplements.

How Effective are Mainstream Diets and Supplements?

If you're among the over 160 million people in America trying to lose weight, you might be curious about the success rate when it comes to mainstream diets and supplements. And if so, you might find this information interesting. A recent study found that individuals following a Mediterranean diet, a diet low in saturated fats and carbohydrates, lost as much as 22 pounds in one year.

A separate study related to the Weight Watchers diet noted found that most individuals were able to lose approximately 8 percent of their body weight in 6 months. However, it is worth mentioning that only 11 percent of those who followed this diet managed to keep the weight off long-term, according to Dennis Gage, a physician with Park Avenue Endocrinology and Nutrition in New York City. Rounding things out with dietary supplements, a study published by the Mayo Clinic found that individuals who took dietary supplements, namely raspberry ketones, lost about 4.2 pounds in 8 weeks.

Scientific Studies Reveal a Revolutionary Way to Lose Weight

For those who have tried to lose weight by exercising, dieting, and taking supplements but have been unsuccessful, you should know that all hope is not lost, especially for individuals age 40 and over. Current data shows that most middle-aged individuals have low human growth hormone (HGH) levels. Of course, this is not entirely surprising given that HGH levels gradually start declining from the age of 30.

For those who are perhaps not aware, one of the ill-effects of low growth hormone levels is an increase in visceral fat, especially around the abdomen. For many middle-aged individuals, visceral fat makes up the majority of their excess weight. What's more, it is a form of body fat that generally does not come off easily.

That said, science has identified a new supplement known as Resurge that could very well be the answer for older adults who are overweight or obese and want to slim down. There is also evidence that shows it could help younger individuals shed unwanted pounds as well.

But, it would be fair enough to say, that for people with tested and proven human growth hormone deficiency the most effective type of treatment is hgh injections with such brands as Genotropin, Norditropin, or Humatrope which is affordable enough in costs around US.

See the original post here:
Weight loss supplements: Are they effective? - Science World Report

Can you really lose weight by eating MORE? – The Streetjournal

Posted: October 24, 2020 at 9:54 pm

It sounds too good to be true: a plan that lets you eat more while still losing weight.

No surprise that reverse dieting, as its known, is soaring in popularity on social media with young, attractive women crediting the regime for their toned figures. Even Kim Kardashians personal trainer is a fan.

Alongside envy-inducing selfies are images of the reverse dieters meals plates piled high with cheese-covered chips, burgers, crispy bacon, roast dinners and curries. Not the kind of recipes youd usually find in a slimming programme.

First, you have to shed the pounds by eating less and doing more exercise.

But once youve reached your target, instead of simply abandoning caution, you increase your daily calorie intake by 50 to 100 every week the equivalent of a small slice of bread, or an egg, for up to three months.

According to reverse dieters, this method combats the problem many encounter as soon as you eat normally after a diet, you pile the weight back on.

It sounds too good to be true: a plan that lets you eat more while still losing weight. Pictured: Stock image

Instead, gradually increasing calories helps the body to burn fat faster and actually continue losing weight.

Advocates claim that dieters can end up eating a whole extra meals worth of calories on top of their recommended daily intake.

The theory goes that eating this way gradually increases the amount of fullness hormones in the body, while building extra muscle which use up more calories than body fat. The result is the body is retrained to burn more calories.

As bizarre as this sounds, there is science behind the trend.

Weight, broadly speaking, is determined by a simple equation: calories in versus calories expended.

We all need a certain amount of calories simply to keep our brains, hearts and other organs and tissues working healthily. So even without exercising, we have an energy need. And the bigger our muscles, the more energy we burn while moving.

But when we cut calories to lose weight, the body doesnt just use up, or burn, existing fat stores it also breaks down muscle tissue to use as energy. In fact, a quarter of all weight lost on a low-calorie diet is muscle, according to studies.

A loss of muscle means the total amount of calories the body needs drops drastically, causing us to put on weight faster than we would have before after a diet. To make matters worse, when we diet, the brain sends signals to increase levels of hunger-inducing hormone ghrelin and reduce amounts of leptin, the hormone that tells us were full.

Scientists think this is an evolutionary tool, protecting the body from starvation. Its a perfect storm that makes us eat more than we would normally.

No surprise that reverse dieting, as its known, is soaring in popularity on social media with young, attractive women crediting the regime for their toned figures. Pictured: Stock image

But reverse dieting offers a way around these processes. Gradually increasing calorie intake to gain a small amount of weight, researchers suggest, stabilises hunger hormones, and when combined with a muscle-building exercise programme, the balance of body fat and muscle will be restored, burning calories more efficiently.

University of Colorado researchers are running a trial to see if gradually increasing daily quantity of calories will help formerly obese and overweight participants to keep their weight off for good.

Meanwhile, scientists at George Mason University in Virginia are using gradual increases in muscle-boosting protein to help a group of young, active men maintain weight loss, and are seeing promising results.

Participants have managed to keep the weight off after three months of intervention and theyre back to eating the same calories they were before they dieted, without piling on excess weight, says Dr Elisabeth De Jonge, assistant professor of Nutrition at George Mason, who is running the study.

Dr De Jonge is also testing participants to measure how efficiently their body burns energy and says shes seen improvements. Surely its too good to be true?

According to Dr Giles Yeo, obesity expert at the University of Cambridge, theres a reason most of the success stories involve extremely athletic people. Diet alone is unlikely to speed up calorie-burning. The only factor that could feasibly do this is exercise, he says. Its impossible to know if its the diet plan that makes a difference, or the sheer amount of exercise these people are doing.

So, does increasing muscle mass boost the calories we burn? The answer is yes but only significantly during exercise.

Laryngitis and pharyngitis feel similar, both leaving you with a sore throat.

They describe inflammation in areas of the throat that result in the dreaded scratchy or painful sensation associated with colds and coughs, but there is a fundamental difference between the two.

Laryngitis is inflammation of the voice box or vocals cords at the top of the windpipe, known as the larynx.

In pharyngitis, it is the mucous membranes that line the back of the throat called the pharynx that become inflamed.

Both laryngitis and pharyngitis can be caused by bacterial and viral infections including Covid-19.

Genetics are the driving factor of how many calories each person burns and how quickly they gain or lose weight, says Dr Yeo. Sex and age are important, too.

A 2011 US study found 43 per cent of the difference between participants basal metabolic rates the minimum number of calories required by the body for basic functions could be explained by the size of their organs.

The most counter-productive element of the reverse diet plan, according to Dr Yeo, is that it requires participants to continue counting calories. Long-term calorie-counting dieters are far more likely be overweight some years later than non calorie-counters, according to studies.

Researchers say the regimes lead to obsessional thoughts about food, risking eating disorders and bingeing.

Professor Roy Taylor, a diabetes expert at the University of Newcastle, has pioneered a short-term, ultra-low 600 to 800-calorie-a-day diet as a treatment for type 2 diabetes that recently received NHS backing.

He agrees that persistent calorie-counting is not the answer, and says that when helping patients return to normal eating, they looked at their entire lifestyle rather than simply what their diet is.

We tackled a host of different factors, from underlying psychological problems and finding exercise people enjoy to ensuring the support of a spouse or loved one, he says. Reintroducing food groups is slow and steady, and variety is crucial to avoid deficiencies.

Studies have shown weight-loss interventions that focus on healthy behaviour, rather than nutritional properties of food, are far more effective for keeping off weight.

Two years after Prof Taylors intervention, a third of his participants have regained the weight they lost.

It is, as Dr Yeo explains, evidence of the harsh reality of dieting. The depressing fact is that only a small number of people manage to lose weight and keep it off, he says.

For those that do, it takes an upheaval of lifestyle. Simply manipulating what you eat just wont work.

Originally posted here:
Can you really lose weight by eating MORE? - The Streetjournal

Khabib vs. Gaethje: U.F.C. 254 Live Results – The New York Times

Posted: October 24, 2020 at 9:54 pm

Heres what you need to know:

Oct. 24, 2020, 5:18 p.m. ET

Nurmagomedov announced his U.F.C. retirement in the octagon after defending his lightweight title.

Oct. 24, 2020, 4:55 p.m. ET

Nurmagomedov beat Gaethje with a choke in Round 2.

Oct. 24, 2020, 4:50 p.m. ET

Round 1: Nurmagomedov pressed forward to pressure Gaethje.

Oct. 24, 2020, 4:31 p.m. ET

Whittaker took a unanimous decision to stay in line for another title shot.

Oct. 24, 2020, 3:54 p.m. ET

Volkov dropped Harris with a simple front kick.

Oct. 24, 2020, 3:25 p.m. ET

Hawes quickly overwhelmed Malkoun.

Oct. 24, 2020, 3:10 p.m. ET

Lauren Murphy won and then campaigned for a flyweight title fight.

Oct. 24, 2020, 2:34 p.m. ET

Ankalaev backed up a past victory with a rematch knockout.

Oct. 24, 2020, 2:11 p.m. ET

Tuivasa dropped Struve with an uppercut at the end of Round 1.

Oct. 24, 2020, 1:27 p.m. ET

Shavkkat Rakhmonov won his U.F.C. debut with a choke.

Oct. 24, 2020, 11:32 a.m. ET

Saturdays fight comes at a key time for Nurmagomedov.

Oct. 24, 2020, 5:18 p.m. ET

By Morgan Campbell

Three days before headlining U.F.C. 254 in Abu Dhabi, the main attraction, Khabib Nurmagomedov, told reporters he planned to retire as the undefeated, undisputed U.F.C. lightweight champion.

He seemed to mean hed make that move eventually.

It turns out he intended to do it immediately.

He needed less than two rounds on Saturday night to dispatch a hard-punching American challenger, Justin Gaethje, in the main event of a fight card that the U.F.C. expected to threaten pay-per-view records in terms of viewership.

Nurmagomedovs win unified the U.F.C.s lightweight title, solidified his place as the organizations top fighter, and was his first win after the death of his father and trainer, Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov.

After his victory, Nurmagomedov took the microphone during a post-fight interview and said he was leaving the sport.

No way Im going to come here without my father, he said.

Nurmagomedovs emphatic win over Gaethje was the in-competition high-point of a tumultuous 2020 for mixed martial arts.

He started the year slated to face Tony Ferguson in April at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, but the card was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic and the U.F.C. moved it eventually to Jacksonville, Fla. With Nurmagomedov unable to return to the United States from Russia because of pandemic travel restrictions, Gaethje replaced him as Fergusons opponent, then pounded out a bloody, one-sided, five-round technical knockout win.

Then in July, Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov died of Covid-19 complications.

Still, Nurmagomedov agreed to face Gaethje in a tantalizing matchup of styles. Nurmagomedov is a relentless wrestler who is also adept with punches and kicks, while Gaethjes high-impact striking earned him the nickname The Highlight.

After a cautious first minute in their fight, Nurmagomedov applied pressure, absorbing heavy blows from Gaethje as the price of wading close enough to grab his opponent. Gaethje retreated, but also unloaded with full power, hoping to give himself space to operate. Near the end of the first round, Nurmagomedov dragged Gaethje to the ground.

In the second, Gaethje landed a hard kick to Nurmagomedovs thigh. When he tried another, Nurmagomedov grabbed his foot and mauled Gaethje. He wrapped himself around the challenger and eventually knotted his legs around Gaethjes neck, locking him in a triangle choke that he couldnt escape. Gaethje submitted barely two minutes into the round.

The win earned Nurmagomedov a cash bonus for the best performance of the night, and afterward he laid his gloves on the canvas and explained that he and his mother agreed he should retire.

I promised her it was going to be my last fight, he said. I have to follow this.

Dana White, the U.F.C. president, told a post-fight news conference that he didnt begrudge Nurmagomedov his retirement.

What hes been through, were all lucky we got to see him fight tonight, said White, who also revealed that Nurmagomedov competed with broken bones in his foot. Hes one of the toughest people on the planet.

Of course, other U.F.C. retirements have proved temporary.

The longtime light-heavyweight champion Randy Couture once retired in the octagon, only to return. And after the May 9 event in Jacksonville, the bantamweight champion Henry Cejudo announced his own retirement, but has said he would fight again for the right amount of money.

Nurmagomedov is in line for big paydays if he keeps fighting.

Earlier this month, he expressed interest in a superfight with the U.F.C. welterweight legend Georges St-Pierre, who is currently retired.

And in January, after Conor McGregor defeated Donald Cerrone, the U.F.C. president Dana White spoke openly of pairing him with Nurmagomedov in a repeat of their high-grossing grudge match, which ended with a melee in the stands. White said a fight of that size could land at the O2 Arena in London, or AT&T Stadium in Arlington.

McGregor is currently scheduled to meet Dustin Poirier in January, and Nurmagomedov said neither man could change his mind about retiring.

Dustin and Conor are going to fight in January. I choked out both of them, Nurmagomedov said. Im not interested.

Oct. 24, 2020, 4:55 p.m. ET

By Morgan Campbell

Gaethje landed a hard kick to Nurmagomedovs leg, forcing the champ to stumble.

When Gaethje threw another, Nurmagomedov grabbed Gaethjes leg, dumped him on the ground, then wrapped himself like a vine around him.

Nurmagomedov knotted his legs around Gaethjes neck and squeezed. In jiu-jitsu, its called a triangle choke, and Gaethje could not escape. He submitted less than two minutes into the round.

Nurmagomedov kept his championship and ran his record up to 29-0.

In the octagon after the bout, Nurmagomedov unexpectedly announced his retirement, saying he decided with his mother not to stay in the fight business after the death of his father.

Choke Submission

Khabib Nurmagomedov


Justin Gaethje

Oct. 24, 2020, 4:50 p.m. ET

By Morgan Campbell

It was a cagey opening. The first minute saw exactly one offensive move a left kick from Gaethje that missed.

From there, the fight heated up. Nurmagomedov pressed forward, landing jabs and right hands, looking to goad Gaethje into a wrestling match.

Gaethje retreated but threw heavy blows, landing enough to give himself breathing room. Just before the end of the round, Nurmagomedov managed to drag Gaethje to the ground.

Oct. 24, 2020, 4:31 p.m. ET

By Morgan Campbell

Early in the first round between Robert Whittaker, the U.F.C.s No. 1 contender at middleweight, and Jared Cannonier, the No. 2, each mans strategy became clear. Cannonier, a hard-hitting former heavyweight, looked to limit Whittakers mobility by attacking his lower body, and spent the opening minutes landing a series of kicks to the spot where the knee joint meets the muscles of the upper leg.

Whittaker soon sported a red welt above his right knee, but he stuck to his game plan, landing jabs to Cannoniers face and throwing kicks toward the upper body in head.

After two fairly close rounds, Whittaker, a 29-year-old from Sydney, Australia, achieved his breakthrough. He landed a jab and a right hand to Cannoniers face, then a kick to his head. The impact sent Cannonier scrambling across the canvas, and opened a gash on his forehead. He survived the salvo, and even landed a right hook that nearly dropped Whittaker, but the Australian had already opened too large a lead, and prevailed by unanimous decision.

Whittaker improves to 22-5, and stays at the front of the line of contenders waiting to face middleweight champ Israel Adesanya, who is nicknamed The Last Stylebender and defeated Whittaker for the U.F.C. belt last October.


Khabib Nurmagomedov


Justin Gaethje

Unanimous Decision

Robert Whittaker


Jared Cannonier

Oct. 24, 2020, 3:54 p.m. ET

By Morgan Campbell

As heavyweight contender Walt Harris entered his bout with Alexander Volkov, announcers on the U.F.C. 254 broadcast team raved about his renewed commitment to fitness. After his last bout, a knockout loss to Alistair Overeem, Harris bought a road bike and started cycling. As a result, he lost 30 pounds, showed up looking leaner, and started the second round looking fresh.

But this wasnt a bike race, and after winning the first round with efficient punching, Volkov finished the bout with a front kick to the stomach a technique as straightforward as it sounds. He stepped forward with his left foot, raised his right knee then kicked with full force to the center of Harriss belly. Harris groaned on impact, and hit the ground so quickly that broadcasters wondered whether Volkov connected with a low blow.

A replay confirmed the blow was legal, and Volkov celebrated his 32nd birthday with his 32nd professional win.


Robert Whittaker


Jared Cannonier

Oct. 24, 2020, 3:47 p.m. ET

By Morgan Campbell

Jared Cannonier debuted in the U.F.C. as a heavyweight, facing Shawn Jordan in January 2015. But at 6 feet tall, Cannonier was among the smaller fighters in the weight class, and the size disadvantage helped doom him against the taller, bulkier Jordan, who won via first-round knockout.

Since then, Cannonier has downsized twice first to light heavyweight, with its 205-pound weight limit, and then to middleweight, capped at 185 pounds. And his profile has risen as his waistline has shrunk.

As a heavyweight U.F.C. rookie, Cannonier lost in an undercard fight. Tonight as a middleweight, he faces former champ Robert Whittaker in the co-main event. The winner will likely face the current champion, Israel Adesanya.


Alexander Volkov


Walt Harris


Alexander Volkov


Here is the original post:
Khabib vs. Gaethje: U.F.C. 254 Live Results - The New York Times

Signs of Dehydration in Babies: Remedies and When to Worry – Healthline

Posted: October 24, 2020 at 9:54 pm

Babies are on a purely liquid diet for the first few months of life, whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed. Even after that, your baby or toddler may seem perpetually attached to their sippy cup! So, it may be surprising that babies can sometimes get dehydrated, just like adults.

Dehydration means that your baby has lost too much water and isnt able to drink enough fluid (milk) to replace it right away. Their small size makes it easier for babies and toddlers to lose water and get dehydrated. In serious cases, dehydration can be dangerous for babies if left untreated.

Heres what to know about dehydration in newborns, babies, and toddlers.

Signs and symptoms of dehydration can vary depending on how much water loss your baby has. They may also be different in newborns, babies, and toddlers.

Common signs of dehydration in newborns include:

Common signs of dehydration in babies and toddlers include:

Newborns often have a few hiccups when they first learn how to get milk. They may also have difficulty swallowing and digesting milk. Problems with latching on and getting milk are so common that in fact, these are a couple reasons why babies lose weight in their first week of life.

So some of the causes of dehydration in newborns are:

Older babies and toddlers have pretty similar causes of dehydration. Theyre most likely to get dehydrated when theyre feeling unwell. The flu, stomach viruses, and food intolerance or allergies can all lead to a temporary bout of dehydration.

Causes of dehydration in babies and toddlers include:

Treatments and remedies for your little ones dehydration depend on the cause and on how old your baby is.

If your newborn isnt yet latching on properly, keep trying to breastfeed at regular intervals. Let your baby try to latch on and then take a break when they get tired. Try to breastfeed again after 15 minutes or so. Theyll get the hang of it soon!

If your newborn is unable to breastfeed or youre not yet making enough milk, try different ways to deliver the milk. Pump breast milk or make baby formula. Use a bottle, sterile dropper, or a teeny baby spoon to gently feed your baby milk.

Spitting up and even vomiting is normal for babies as they get used to digesting milk. If youre formula feeding, try a different formula to see if your baby likes it better. You might be able to help your baby spit-up less with these tips.

If your baby or toddler sweats at night or when they sleep, dress them in breathable clothing, choose lighter bedding, and turn down the thermostat, to keep them from overheating at night.

If your baby or toddler has a fever, you might try sponging them down in lukewarm water. Also consider these tips to help bring the fever down.

You can trick your toddler into getting more liquid by letting them suck on an iced treat. Make your own sugar-free kind by freezing pured fruit and juice.

You can also let them eat their water. If your baby or toddler is fussy about drinking water or milk, give them juicy fruit and vegetables like watermelon, plums, or cucumbers.

Babies and toddlers can get dehydrated quickly because of their small size. Newborns have such tiny stomachs that they cant hold much milk at a time. Call your doctor if you notice any symptoms of dehydration. It can get serious fast.

Let your doctor know right away if your newborn baby isnt able to suck from the breast or a bottle or if theyre not able to hold any milk down and are spitting up and vomiting a lot. They may have an underlying health condition thats stopping them from drinking milk normally.

Your doctor may recommend meeting with a breastfeeding or lactation specialist. They can help your baby latch on and drink properly.

If you have a newborn or a baby younger than 3 months, call your doctor immediately if they have a rectal temperature of 100.4F (38C) or higher. If your baby or toddler is projectile vomiting, always call your doctor.

For serious dehydration, your little one may need treatment in a hospital. Theyll be given fluid with a bottle or a tube that goes from their nose into their stomach. They might also get fluid from a tube that goes into a vein (IV).

Your doctor might recommend an electrolyte solution like Pedialyte for your older baby. This kind of formula has extra salts and other nutrients that babies and toddlers need when they lose too much water.

Your doctor will also check their health, including their breathing, blood pressure, pulse, and temperature to make sure the dehydration hasnt caused any side effects.

You wont always be able to prevent your baby or toddler from getting a little dehydrated. It happens, just like diarrhea and projectile vomit happen! But you can help prevent your little ones dehydration from getting too serious.

Remember your newborn has a stomach the size of a grape that slowly grows a bit bigger. This means that they can only drink a few teaspoons of milk at a time and need lots of regular feedings. Your newborn will need about nine feedings in a 24-hour period.

It can be difficult to stay on top of all the feedings and everything else at first. Keep track of how much milk your little one is getting with a feeding schedule.

Equally important is what comes out the other end. How much your baby poops or wets their diaper is a good sign of how much water is going in. Keep count of how often you have to change your babys diaper.

Also check what your babys poop looks like. Very watery or explosive poops might mean your baby has diarrhea and is losing water. Dry, hard poops might mean your baby is a bit dehydrated. Both kinds of poops mean its time to give your little one an extra feed or more.

Babies and toddlers can sometimes get a little dehydrated because of their small size. This can happen when they lose water too quickly from vomiting or diarrhea. Dehydration can also happen when babies arent getting enough liquids through normal feeding.

Serious dehydration can happen quickly and is dangerous for babies and toddlers. Call your doctor right away if your baby has a high fever or if they have any symptoms of dehydration.

Original post:
Signs of Dehydration in Babies: Remedies and When to Worry - Healthline

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