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Temperature and air flow critical to broiler performance year-round – The Poultry Site

Posted: October 13, 2020 at 6:56 pm

The concept of hot or cold is determined by a birds perception of its environment. In reality, hot and cold relate to the rate at which heat is being lost by a bird. A bird is always losing heat to the environment around it because its deep body temperature, approximately 106o F (41o C), is greater than house air temperature. The greater the amount of heat a bird is losing, the colder it will feel.

If a bird is not losing enough of the heat it is producing, its body temperature will start to rise and it will feel hot. If a bird is losing just enough heat to maintain its body temperature with little to no effort on its part, it would be considered comfortable.

Obviously, temperature has a major impact on the rate of bird heat loss. The lower the air temperature, the greater the amount of heat a bird will lose to the air surrounding it and the cooler it will feel.

Relative humidity is another major factor that affects heat loss. As much as 60% of a birds heat loss is through the evaporation of moisture from its respiratory system. Every time a bird breathes it is removing heat from its body. This is true whether it is a day-old chick or a 50-week-old broiler breeder. A birds respiratory system is essentially a miniature evaporative cooling pad. The lower the relative humidity, the greater the amount of moisture that will evaporate from a birds respiratory system. The greater the amount of heat removed from a bird, the cooler it will feel.

So, even though you may be maintaining the recommended house temperature, you could be chilling a day-old chick if the humidity is too low (20%). Conversely, a house temperature of 65o F (18 o C) could be perceived by a market-age broiler as hot if the humidity is too high (80%).

These might be the most obvious issues that affect a birds perception of hot and cold, but there are other equally important factors.

One example is growth rate: The faster a bird is growing, the greater the amount of feed it consumes and the greater the amount of heat it will produce.

So, whether 75o F (24o C), for instance, is perceived as hot to a 4-pound bird will depend to some extent on its growth rate. A fast-growing bird, being fed a high-energy diet, may not be losing enough of the heat it is producing, possibly causing heat stress.

Conversely, a bird that is not consuming as much feed, such as a broiler breeder pullet, may feel cool at 75o F because it may be losing too much of the relatively small amount of heat it produces. This holds true for young chicks too. If a chick is consuming a lot of feed and growing quickly, the house temperature will generally need to be decreased more rapidly over the first week than for a bird that is growing slowly. This is because the fast-growing chick produces more heat and therefore requires a lower house temperature to help it feel comfortable.

Breed is another factor that can affect a birds perception of hot and cold. For instance, some breeds become fully feathered at a younger age than others. The lower the level of feather coverage at a given age, the greater the heat loss will be from a bird and the colder it will tend to feel.

Density can have a major influence on a birds perception of its thermal environment, especially toward the end of the flock. Studies have shown that the higher the density, the lower the rate of heat loss and the warmer it will feel, regardless of house temperature (see sidebar).

For instance, a temperature of 70o F (21o C) would be more appropriate for a 5-week-old bird that is soon to be processed than for one that is being grown to a weight of 8 or 9 pounds to be processed at 8 weeks of age. One is at maximum density in terms of pounds per square foot at 5 weeks of age, while the other is at a considerably lower density (30% to 50%) at the same age.

The amount of air moving over a bird also contributes to the rate at which heat is lost. In general, higher wind speeds result in greater heat removal. However, to complicate matters, the amount of heat removed depends on the difference between the birds body temperature and the air temperature. The closer the air temperature gets to the birds body temperature, the less effective the movement is at removing heat from a bird.

Studies have found that even at wind speeds of about 600 feet per minute, the amount of heat removed from a bird can be halved as house air temperature increases from 75o F (24o C) to 88o F (31o C). If the air temperature increases to near the birds body temperature of 106o F (41o C), no heat will be removed from the bird as air moves over its body, regardless of the speed of the air.

Bird age will also affect how easily heat is lost. A young birds feather coverage has a relatively low R-value, and therefore it will lose heat quicker than an older, fully feathered bird. Furthermore, a young bird has a higher surface area per pound of weight than an older bird, which further increases the rate at which heat is lost from a chick compared to a market-age bird.

A young chicks rapid heat loss is the primary reason we typically start off a flock at around 90o F (32 o C) and decrease it to 65 F (18 o C) to 70o F (21o C) as the birds reach processing age. We want to help reduce the rate of heat loss of a poorly insulated chick and increase it as it gets older and has difficulty losing the heat it needs to feel comfortable.

Unfortunately, these arent the only factors that affect rates of heat loss: Radiant heat gain or loss from poorly insulated ceilings or curtains, level of bird activity, night versus day, bedding type and depth can all have an impact, too. To make matters more complicated, all of these factors interact. As a result, determining how a bird feels with any given combination of environmental or management factors would literally require thousands of studies.

So, what is the most accurate way to determine if a bird is comfortable?

First, start off with your primary breeders recommended house-temperature guidelines. Then take time to study the general relationship between the previously mentioned factors and heat loss.

Realize that as humidity increases, a bird feels hotter. Higher growth rates will generally require lower house temperatures.

As air speed increases, a bird will feel cooler. Feather coverage as well as density will affect heat loss. Make small adjustments to the recommended house temperature based on your specific situation.

Then, most importantly, take the time to sit in your houses and observe your birds. Dont be in too much of a hurry to pick up mortalities or adjust feed and drinker lines; simply enter the house, take a 5-gallon bucket, turn it upside down and spend 10 minutes or so watching your birds.

Are they spread out? Are they bunching? How many are lightly panting? Are they too noisy? How many are eating? How many are sleeping?

It may be a cliche, but if you take the time to listen to your birds, they will tell you all you need to know.

The study illustrates the simple fact that the higher the density, the lower the rate of heat loss from a bird and the warmer it will tend to feel, regardless of house temperature. As a result, the optimal house temperature at a given age will depend to some extent on the age at which birds are being processed.

Read the original here:
Temperature and air flow critical to broiler performance year-round - The Poultry Site

Earlier pubertal timing predicts higher psychosexuality in adulthood – PsyPost

Posted: October 13, 2020 at 6:54 pm

New research from Penn States Behavioral Endocrinology and Evolution Lab provides evidence that pubertal timing is associated with psychosexuality in men and women. The findings have been published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.

We are interested in how sex hormones influence the development of the brain and behavior, said study authors Talia Shirazi and David Puts, a PhD candidate and associate professor, respectively.

There is growing evidence that sex hormones have permanent effects on the brain and on psychological traits during least two windows in development the first is during gestation and right after birth, and the second is during puberty. Studies in laboratory animals show that testosterone exposure earlier in the pubertal window has a larger effect on male sexual behaviors than hormone exposure later on, but little is known about whether this is also the case in humans.

For their study, the researchers examined 72 men and 32 women with isolated GnRH deficiency (IGD), a rare disorder in which individuals have absent or nonfunctional gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons in the hypothalamus. GnRH is a neurohormone that controls sexual maturation, the appearance of puberty, and fertility in adults.

Because individuals with IGD are unable to produce endogenous gonadal hormones, they require hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to initiate puberty and must remain on HRT across adulthood. By utilizing data on the timing of initiation of HRT, we are thus able to pinpoint the precise age at which pubertal hormone exposure began for this clinical group.

The study also included 231 healthy men and 648 healthy women, who provided estimates of when they first started experiencing pubertal changes.

The participants completed a measure of sociosexuality, which assessed attitudes, behaviors, and desires regarding casual sex, along with a general measure of sexual desire. Many participants also provided saliva samples, which were used to statistically control for variations in hormone concentrations.

The researchers found that earlier onset of puberty was associated with heightened psychosexuality.

Earlier puberty was associated with greater sexual interest in both sexes, but it was more strongly associated with interest in uncommitted sex in men and with general sexual desire in women. This pattern may reflect decreasing sensitivity of the brain to sex hormones across the pubertal time window, Shirazi and Puts told PsyPost.

Beyond having implications for our basic understanding of behavioral neuroendocrinology, our results have clinical implications. There are several cases in which doctors will medically block or induce puberty. In these cases, the top concern is usually the physical health of the adolescent. What our research suggests is that altering pubertal timing also has long-term psychological effects, the researchers explained.

The extent to which these psychological effects should be considered when creating treatment plans is up to clinicians, patients, and their families, but it is our hope that our research provides information for people to make better-informed decisions.

But, as with all research, the new findings come with some caveats.

Correlation doesnt mean causation, so we cannot be certain that earlier pubertal timing causes higher psychosexuality in adulthood. To better understand relationships between pubertal timing and adult phenotypes, we need longitudinal studies that recruit children before puberty and follow them throughout puberty and into adulthood, Shirazi and Puts explained.

If studies continue finding links between pubertal timing and adult phenotypes, an important next step will be to figure out the neurobiology underpinning these relationships. How do the neural regions and circuits responsive to hormones at puberty differ between individuals based on the timing of puberty, and can those neural differences predict differences in psychological traits? Theres a lot of exciting work to be done.

The study, Pubertal timing predicts adult psychosexuality: Evidence from typically developing adults and adults with isolated GnRH deficiency, was authored by Talia N. Shirazi, Heather Self, Khytam Dawood, Rodrigo Crdenas, Lisa L.M. Welling, Kevin A. Rosenfield, Triana L. Ortiz, Justin M. Carr, Ravikumar Balasubramanian, Angela Delaney, William Crowley, S. Marc Breedlove, and David A. Puts.

Here is the original post:
Earlier pubertal timing predicts higher psychosexuality in adulthood - PsyPost

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report Covers New Aspects Impact on Share, Size, Types, Applications and Manufacturer Growth during 2020-2024…

Posted: October 13, 2020 at 6:54 pm

The Report Titled GlobalTestosterone Replacement Therapy Market has recently added by Global Marketers include 120+ pages of the research report with TOC built-in in its research database to get a stronger and valuable business outlook. Newest released the research study on Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market offers a comprehensive overview of the factors that influence the global business scope.

The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy . Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market research report shows the most recent market insight, current position analysis with the forthcoming trend. The Covid-19 Impact on Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report is an ultimate solution for businesses if they want to stay ahead of the competition in todays fast-moving business environment.

Get a Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report Sample Copy @:,-regions,-type-and-application,-forecast-to-2024/129647#request_sample

The following manufacturers are covered in this report:

AbbVieEndo InternationalEli lillyPfizerActavis (Allergan)BayerNovartisTevaMylanUpsher-SmithFerring PharmaceuticalsKyowa KirinAcerus Pharmaceuticals

The study enumerates the regional scope of the Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market, categorized into the United States, China, Europe, Japan, and Southeast Asia & India.

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Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market by detectors Type:-


Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market by application:-


Key Benefits:-

1. The study provides an in detail analysis of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market with present and outlook trends to explain the imminent investment pockets in the market

2. Current and future trend are outlined to determine the overall prettiness and single out cost-effective trends to increase a stronger foothold in the market

3. Quantitative analysis of the present market and estimation through 2020-2025 are providing to showcase the

Testosterone Replacement Therapy of the market

4. Drivers and opportunities are evaluated to underline the top factors liable for market growth.

5. Porters Five Forces model and SWOT analysis of the industry illustrates the potency of the buyers &

suppliers participating in the market

6. The study includes the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market share of key players

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The key questions answered in the report:

Table of Contents:

* Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Overview

* Economic Impact on Industry

* Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

* Market Analysis by Application

* Cost Analysis

* Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

* Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

* Market Effect Factors Analysis

* Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Forecast

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report Covers New Aspects Impact on Share, Size, Types, Applications and Manufacturer Growth during 2020-2024...

Weight loss: Have this concoction every morning on an empty stomach to lose weight – Times of India

Posted: October 10, 2020 at 10:56 am

Basil or tulsi leaves not only hold religious importance for Indians but are also known for or its amazing health benefits. From a sore throat to acne, basil leaves can help you get rid of several kinds of health issues. The green leaves are packed with health-friendly compounds, backed by both Ayurveda and science. Basil seeds are another product derived from the basil plant and possess almost the same health benefits. Basil seeds are also known as sabja and tukmaria seeds. The seeds come from sweet basil or Ocimum basilicum, which is the plant used to season foods. Just like basil leaves, the tiny basil seeds are also rich in nutrients and may even help people trying to lose weight. Basil or sabja seedsBasil seeds are tiny, round and black. They have a mild basil flavour and can be easily added to any drink for a refreshing flavour. Basil seeds contain different kinds of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, B, E and K, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.The mighty basil seeds contain pectin that may delay the stomach emptying process and promote satiety. They can keep you fuller for a longer period of time and prevent you from indulging in unhealthy food items. They are also packed with alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that comes from high levels of omega-3 fatty acids present in the seeds. These acids stimulate the fat-burning process, making you lose weight faster. Besides, basil seeds are low in calories and high in nutrients. They also promote good gut health, which is important to shed kilos. How to have basil seeds for better resultsSoak one teaspoon of basil seeds in a glass of water and leave it overnight. Have this drink first thing in the morning. Having basil seeds on an empty stomach is more effective for weight loss. The tiny seeds are safe and can be added in the diet by anyone trying to stay healthy.

Excerpt from:
Weight loss: Have this concoction every morning on an empty stomach to lose weight - Times of India

Care New England opens new weight loss center in SK – The Independent

Posted: October 10, 2020 at 10:56 am

SOUTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. The journey of weight loss is very different for every person.

We know that obesity can be a difficult disease to live with and a frustrating problem to treat, said surgeon Jeannine Giovanni, director of bariatric surgery at Care New England.

Care New Englands Center for Surgical Weight Loss wanted to provide patients in South County with easier access to consultation and treatment. After more than a year that goal became reality Tuesday, when the center opened a new location at 49 South County Commons Way to patients.

Were here and were ready to help anyone struggling with weight issues take back their power to live their best life, Giovanni said. Obesity affects all kinds of people. Its not uncommon that we see entire families that are affected.

The center complements its flagship location in Warwick, offering complete and comprehensive bariatrics services to patients. Surgeries are performed at Kent Hospital in Warwick.

Were bringing everything here thats up there, minus the actual operating room, Giovanni said.

Located within a second-floor suite of medical offices at South County Commons, the center offers private exam rooms for the doctors to consult with their patients.

Patients also have to do a series of follow-ups, up to five years. We have the ability to do all that follow-up in a patients own neighborhood, Giovanni said. The center also has an on-site lab and works with the monthly nutrition group at South County Hospital.

Theres no other program in southern Rhode Island, said surgeon Lindsay Tse, who works with Giovanni in the South County location, which is open on the first Tuesday of every month, for now.

We talk with patients about the surgery about what to expect after the surgery, the risks and benefits, and what to do pre-operatively and what you can expect post operatively as well, Tse said. Were hoping to expand into the southern part of the state and have more patients that maybe wouldnt have access to bariatric surgery come and see us.

The surgery itself has evolved over many years, and become safer than when initially developed, they said. Five small incisions are typically all it takes, Tse said. Patients are usually up and moving around right after the surgery, with most going home within 24 hours, she said.

Surgery, though, is just one small piece of the whole procedure and treatment of the disease.

What we find more challenging for patients is just the amount of follow-up, Giovanni said. What weve tried to do is streamline it and keep it all in one location, to try to make it one-stop shopping.

The doctors hope that once COVID-19 wanes, theyll be able to offer live, in-person seminars to the patients.

I think its a nice opportunity for the patients to get comfortable with us, to ask questions and to really understand what its about, Giovanni said.

Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat, the doctors point out. Its a medical problem that increases ones risk of other diseases and health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the state of Rhode Island alone, between 25 to 30 percent of people fall into the category of being obese.

Giovanni said anyone with a body mass index of greater than 40, or greater than 35 with other weight-related factors such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure should consider weight loss surgery.

And additionally anybody thats struggled for a while with weight. Theyve tried diet, theyve tried exercise and they feel its just not helping enough.

One such bariatric patient, featured in a video of Center for Surgical Weight Loss success stories, is Richard Corso. He had experienced teasing and mocking about his weight from the time he was a child on the school bus.

At his heaviest, Corso weighed 423 lbs., and simple things such as walking were difficult.

I hated flying. I had always wanted to do zip lining, he said.

Research and word of mouth led Corso to the Center for Surgical Weight Loss and to Giovanni.

She was so easy to talk to, and thats really important, he said. One of the things that stuck out to me that she said was that willpower doesnt work.

Prior to the surgery, Corso and other patients had to attend a free webinar before setting up an in-person consultation, and undergo routine testing before surgery and commit to a healthier lifestyle.

After surgery, Corso weighed 230 lbs., and his outlook had changed.

Things are so much better now, said Corso. Ive done zip lining, I dont fear flying anymore. I dont even fear going back to the doctor.

The rest is here:
Care New England opens new weight loss center in SK - The Independent

Focusing on This Can Help Increase Weight Loss, Study Finds – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: October 10, 2020 at 10:56 am

Weight loss, when done in a healthy way, takes time. Quick fixes can trim the waistline in the short-term, but finding lifestyle changes produce long-lasting results. This is true even if it takes a little while to master them, and a new study proves it. Researchers at Yale and Cornell University say celebrating the smaller victories along the long journey is the key to helping increase weight loss. They compare it to paying off debt. You put a little money in over time until you don't owe any more!

In the study, 36,245 people use an app called Lose It! that tracks goals users set for daily activity and calories. The authors of the study found people were more inclined to follow daily calorie and exercise budgets when using the app. This suggests the smaller goals the app notes help to keep people on track. (Making your own meals puts you in charge of the calorie count, and here are the 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.)

"Even though there was no kind of punishment attached to going over the budget, people worked to follow it," Kosuke Uetake, an associate professor of marketing at Yale and co-author of the study, says about the daily goals. "We saw this positive spillover where short-term success led to longer-term success."

Uetake and Nathan Yang, the other co-author, describe static goals, or ones that don't change, as less effective compared to adaptive goals that shift based on progress. Their data confirms it, too. Adaptive goals that celebrate the small victories show an increase in weight loss more than uniform goals. Like debt, the daily, weekly, and/or monthly wins soon add up to reaching bigger goals.

Hopping on fad diets that promise to help you lose weight in two weeks isn't the best route to go. For more expert-approved ways to see a smaller number on the scale, here are the 25 best weight loss tips from doctors. And don't forget to go over your goals with your own doctor!

Sign up for our daily newsletter to get all kinds of news, food hacks, and recipes delivered straight to your inbox!

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Focusing on This Can Help Increase Weight Loss, Study Finds - Yahoo Lifestyle

Weight Loss: 5 Eating Habits That Do More Harm Than Good – NDTV Doctor

Posted: October 10, 2020 at 10:56 am

Weight loss: From unhealthy snacking to not drinking enough water, here are the eating habits you need quit as soon as possible!

Weight loss: Avoid keeping long gaps between meals

Weight loss: As we have mentioned several times before, you need to focus on how you eat, over and above focusing on what you eat. Your eating pattern, which includes the time of your meals, the gap between meals, your snacking pattern, portion size and behaviour towards food are all important determining factors for your health, weight and fitness goals. In this article, we are going to talk about eating patterns that you need to quit, for good. Keep reading to know about them.

You may be not be aware that some of these eating patterns may actually by ruining your diet or weight loss regime. Here are some of them:

1. Overeating: Just because you are eating healthy food like oats, salad or fruits, doesn't mean that you overeat them. Portion control is the key, especially if you are trying to lose weight. According to nutritionist Ishi Khosla, you must eat till you are 80% full.

Also read:Organise Your Kitchen To Prevent Overeating And Cravings: Here's What You Need To Do

2. Keeping long gaps between meals: Believe it or not, keeping long gaps between meals, to eat less or reduce your calorie intake, can do more harm than good. It can cause acidity, bloating and may increase risk of overeating. Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar is of the opinion that you must consume small and frequent meals. Eating in this way will leave no room for cravings and untimely hunger.

Avoid overeating and stay away from junk and processed foodPhoto Credit: iStock

3. Drinking water only when thirsty: Now this is something many people end up doing. Firstly, develop the habit of drinking water. Secondly, drink enough water that your pee is pale or nearly colourless. Staying hydrated by drinking sufficient water is important for your weight, digestion, blood pressure and even energy levels. Make it a point to drink 2-3 litres of water every day.

Also read:Are You Drinking Enough Water? Watch Out For These Signs And Symptoms Of Dehydration Visible On Your Skin

4. Fasting and not eating right: This is for people who are following intermittent fasting. During the eating phase of this diet, you need to not overeat and not consume junk, processed or packaged food either. Also, you need to ensure that you consume a nourishing and filling diet during the eating phase. Otherwise, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies and an increase in cravings.

5. Unhealthy snacking: What you eat for snacks is an important determinant. Snack right by eating healthy foods, at the right time, and in the right portion size. Nuts and seeds, roasted black chana, ghee-roasted makhanas, roasted chickpeas, etc make for healthy, protein-rich snacks. Eat a handful of them an hour before your main meals. Make sure that you don't end up missing your main meals because of snacks.


For weight loss, better strength, stamina and fitness, these eating patterns can be a deterrent. Quit them today!

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

See the original post here:
Weight Loss: 5 Eating Habits That Do More Harm Than Good - NDTV Doctor

Global Mobile Weight Loss Market Report 2020: Digital Solutions Transform the Weight Loss Industry and Chronic Care – -…

Posted: October 10, 2020 at 10:56 am

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "The Global Mobile Weight Loss Market 2020: How Digital Solutions Transform the Weight Loss Industry and Chronic Care" report has been added to's offering.

This report is a study of the global market for mobile weight loss solutions, which assist people in weight loss efforts by providing various content and services. It is the most comprehensive account of the digital transformation in the weight loss industry.

The report also evaluates country market opportunities and profiles the top 10 country markets. It also discusses major trends that will transform the digital weight loss industry in the medium-term. Given the current economic uncertainty, the impact of the COVID-19 is also analyzed.

Product Description

Mobile weight loss solutions have disrupted the global weight loss market, as the use of mobile apps has proven to be more efficient not only in comparison with on-site programs but also with other digital tools, such as web-based programs. The COVID-19 crisis has, even more, accelerated the mobile-centric digitalization of the weight loss industry.

Moreover, mobile weight loss solutions have already transformed chronic care, as they increasingly are an essential part of preventing and managing various chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, hyperlipidemia, etc. The global mobile weight loss market is already a multi-billion market that is set to double by 2025, despite the currently unravelling economic difficulties.

Based on first-hand sources and comprehensive data, the report offers an unrivalled perspective on how mobile weight loss solutions transform the weight loss industry and chronic care, offering new investment and expansion opportunities. Analyzing in detail the market opportunity, the current market structure, competition, geography, and outlook, it provides exhaustive and insightful reading for those who are looking for new opportunities in one of the most thriving digital health markets.

Explore a data-rich report full of metrics, analysis, and insights, designed to navigate you through the disruptive mobile weight loss industry and open new investment opportunities!

Why this Market is so Attractive

Key Topics Covered:

1. Scope of the report

2. Management summary

3. The Impact of The COVID-19 Crisis on the Weight Loss and Behavior Change Industry

4. Global Opportunity For Mobile Weight Loss Services

4.1. Demographic Target Group: Overweight Prevalence Among Adults

4.2. Addressable Market: Overweight Audience with Capable Devices

5. The Mobile Weight Loss Ecosystem: Current Status

5.1. The Growth of the Supply Side: Number of Solutions (2010-2019)

5.2. The Growing Demand: Downloads and Usage (2018-2020)

5.3. The Diversity of the Market: Main Use Cases

5.4. The Diversity of the Market: Major Groups of Weight Loss Solutions

5.5. The Nutrition segment: The Most Popular Diets Used in Mobile Weight Loss Apps

5.6. Technology Improvements: Automated Logging, Data Syncing, and Device Connectivity in Mobile Weight Loss Solutions

5.7. Business Models and Revenue Streams: Market Size and Segmentation

5.8. Clinical Trials by Mobile Weight Loss Solutions Providers: Is There Proof-of-Concept Available?

6. Market Competition: Big Ecosystem, High Concentration

6.1. Weight Loss Market Players: The Competitive Landscape

6.2. Leading Publishers: Downloads, Usage, and Revenues

7. Leading Market Players: Company Profiles

7.1. WW International

7.2. Noom

7.3. Under Armour (MyFitnessPal)

7.4. Genesis Technology Partners (BetterMe)

7.5. YAZIO

7.6. Lifesum

7.7. Verv

7.8. Livongo Health

7.9. Omada Health

7.10. Lark Health

8. Top 10 Country Markets for Mobile Weight Loss Solutions

8.1. Geographic Structure of the Mobile Weight Loss Market

8.2. Top 10 Country Markets: Ranking by Downloads and Monthly Active Users

8.3. The United States

8.4. India

8.5. Russia

8.6. Brazil

8.7. The United Kingdom

8.8. Germany

8.9. France

8.10. Japan

8.11. Italy

8.12. Mexico

9. Major Trends that Will Shape the Mobile Weight Loss Market

10. Outlook: The Market's Forecast until 2025

10.1. The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Market: Key Scenarios and Assumptions

10.2. Demographic Target Group and Addressable Market Forecast

10.3. Downloads Forecast

10.4. Usage forecast: Baseline and Optimistic Scenarios

10.5. Revenue Forecast: Baseline and Optimistic Scenarios

11. Appendix

Companies Mentioned

For more information about this report visit

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Global Mobile Weight Loss Market Report 2020: Digital Solutions Transform the Weight Loss Industry and Chronic Care - -...

Weight Loss: This Power Workout Will Make You Feel Energetic Like Never Before- Try It Now! – NDTV Doctor

Posted: October 10, 2020 at 10:56 am

Weight loss: This power workout by Kelsey Wells can get your heart rate up, help you burn calories and tone your arms and chest. Watch the full video of the workout here.

Weight loss: This workout targets the upper body

Weight loss: Have you been facing difficulty in challenging yourself, workout wise? Then look no further! Today we are going to talk about a zero-equipment power workout, which you can do at the comfort of your home. Not only can it help you lose weight, it can also be quite effective in building your body strength and stamina. The workout is especially designed for the upper body. It is involves high intensity resistance training exercises. This no:equipment upper body workout is divided into four segments: Activation, Superset, Circuit and Burnout.

The workout was shared by Sweat trainer Kelsey Wells. Each segment of the workout is followed by 30 seconds of rest. Here are the four segments of the workout:

Activation: Repeat for 4 minutes

Rest: 30 seconds

Superset: Complete 3 laps

Rest: 30 seconds

Circuit: Complete 3 laps

Rest: 30 seconds

Burnout: Repeat for 1 minute

Also read:This Full Body Workout Can Improve Your Weight Lifting Performance

Watch the video shared below to see how each exercise is done. This workout can get your heart rate pumping like never before. It can make you feel the burn in your arms and chest.

Upper body is often a neglected area among women. Most of them don't enjoy doing the upper body workout but it is still important that you do it. Working on your upper body can improve your form and posture and can also make you stronger. The aforementioned workout can be completed within half an hour and can make you feel the burn!

Let's do this!


Also read:Upper Body Workout: Preity Zinta Motivates Fans With Her Push-Ups Video- Watch Here!

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

See the article here:
Weight Loss: This Power Workout Will Make You Feel Energetic Like Never Before- Try It Now! - NDTV Doctor

Womans shock as before and after snap goes viral –

Posted: October 10, 2020 at 10:56 am

Welcome to You Got This, weekly slice of fitness inspiration featuring tips and advice from real women whove experienced it all.

Shelley Bishop had no idea that when she posted a before and after photo of herself, it would garner 10,000 likes in just 24 hours.

The 29-year-old PHD student from Brisbane, shared the snap anonymously to social media platform Reddit in August, not realising it would attract hundreds of comments from people wanting to know her secret.

I posted it to three different Reddit forums and my inbox was going nuts. I had about 200 notifications in just a few hours from people wanting advice on training and nutrition, Ms Bishop told

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Ms Bishop, who now lives in Sydney, said she was hesitant to post the comparison image out of fear her before photo where she weighed 110kg would attract negative comments.

I suppose the before shot is pretty full on and not something I am proud of, Ms Bishop told

I was nervous people were going to criticise how I once looked with comments like, how could she let herself get to that.

However, they instead flooded the post with positive feedback, even prompting the student to help others with their health goals.

They pushed me to start an Instagram page where I am now helping people make positive life choices by sharing my journey, she said.

I hope to inspire people and make them realise that they are in control of their health and its never too late to turn their lives around.

For the 29-year-old, the changes that led to her losing 45kg started two years ago, when she was a manager for a recording studio in Sydney.

By this stage, years of late nights, poor diet and a lack of exercise had seen me gain 45kg, she said.

I was eating a lot of dense and heavy foods pizza, pasta, burgers, but really I ate anything that was convenient, cheap and accessible.

At the time, a gym had opened outside her apartment building offering one week free memberships a moment Ms Bishop described as a sign.

I had no excuse anymore, she said.

I went in not knowing what to do, but little by little I started to pick up some routines by watching online videos, or watching others in the gym.

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She admitted that without any help, it was both the best and hardest time in her life.

I have never been on a training plan, nor have I had surgery, a dietitian or a coach, Ms Bishop said.

I did everything by myself, from researching workouts, to cooking and meal planning.

But when she hit a plateau after losing her first 30 kgs, she turned to a trainer who helped with her nutrition.

I managed to get really far by myself, but I knew that I needed to call in the expertise of a professional when I hit a certain point.

The bulk of her training is weights-based and consists of strength and conditioning five to six days a week.

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I was very focused on the strength element because firstly I hated cardio and found it very difficult considering my size, but also I knew I had to build some serious muscle to fill out my figure, she said.

Ms Bishop said she was always under the impression she had to do ample amounts of cardio and ditch carbs, to lose weight.

When I started to eat carbs and fuel my body with the right foods, thats when I noticed a massive change, she told

I always thought I wanted to be really skinny because I was conditioned to think that way, but forget that now. I love being strong and feeling confident with a muscular physique.

After completing a four month bulking phase, she got down to her lowest weight of 65kg, adding it was the best thing she has ever done.

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I was eating 3,000 calories a day, and doing very high impact and heavy weights sessions to gain muscle and mass. I gained 6kg and lots of strength and muscle.

I had to adjust my mentality and embrace the fact that I wanted my body to put on weight.

Ms Bishop said she often gets asked what her secret is and the best advice she can give is, find what works best for you.

If I was on a pure cardio training plan without eating carbs, I would have lost interest. If you dont like running, dont do it, if you dont enjoy lifting, dont do it, there are so many other ways to positively change your life.

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