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8 Ways to Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight – KYR News

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 11:56 pm

Carbs are not the enemy! It may not seem like itespecially with the rise of popular low-carb diets, like ketobut eating carbs is an important macronutrient in ones overall diet and can help you lose weight. The key is to focus on complex carbohydrates that will make you feel full, instead of simple, refined carbs that will leave you feeling hungrier and hungrier. Thats why we put together a list of how to eat carbs and still lose weight.

With these eight strategies in mind, youll not only be able to not only maintain those weight loss goals, but youll also put together a few delicious meals along the way. Enjoy pizza? Pasta? A slice of toast in the morning? You can have all of these tasty items on a regular basis. Its all about what you pair those carbs with and the types of grains you choose to consume.

So if youre looking to eat carbs and still lose weight, we have answers for you right here. And for more healthy eating tips, be sure to check out our list of 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.


Whats the more diet-friendly pizza: plain cheese or supreme? The answer may surprise you. Turns out adding protein to your pizza can actually support your weight loss goals. Thats because rounding out a starchy meal with protein can reduce its Glycemic Index (GI), a measure of how quickly blood glucose levels rise in response to food with a measure of one to 100. Studies suggest the lower the score, the better for weight loss.

Complex carbohydrates like whole grains tend to score lower on the scale. But you can further lower a high-carb meals glycemic loadand feel fullerby adding protein, which slows down digestion, keeping blood sugar steady. A simple cheese pizza, for example, has a GI of 80, while a fully loaded Supreme pie scores a 36. Adding fat to a meal has the same GI lowering effect, but it also adds far more calories; moreover, a study in The Journal of Nutrition found protein to be 3 times more effective at reducing glucose response than fat. Enjoy your favorite pizza and pasta dishes with lean protein toppingsand stay lean and mean yourself.

Story continues

Try it yourself with our 29+ Best Healthy Pizza Recipes for Weight Loss.


Berry good news: Researchers say berries may slow the digestion and absorption of starch. A study in The Journal of Nutrition found eating 150 grams of strawberries (about a cup) with a 50-gram slice of white bread reduced the insulin response 36 percent more than the berry-less bread eaters. A mixture of strawberries, bilberries, cranberries, and black currants was even more effective, lowering the glycemic profile of the white bread by 38 percent. Study authors attribute the results to polyphenols in the berries, and its good news for you because research suggests a diet containing moderate amounts of low GI carbohydrates is particularly good for weight loss. So, who wants berries?

If youre looking for even more healthy eating tips, be sure to sign up for our newsletter.


Washing down a high-carb meal with a soothing cup of green tea may be a good diet strategy, according to Penn State scientists. Their study, published in the journal Molecular Nutrition&Food Research, found an antioxidant in green tea called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), when combined with carbohydrates, can help regulate hunger hormones and a healthy metabolism by lowering blood glucose. Mice fed EGCG and corn starch had a 50 percent greater reduction in blood sugar spikes compared to mice that were not fed the compound. The researchers say one and a half cups of green tea is enough to see the same benefits.

Heres why tea is The #1 Best Thing to Drink If Youre Trying to Lose Weight.


Is butter a carb? No, but we think Regina George would like this tip. Researchers say enjoying your carb-fest with a moderate amount of monounsaturated fatlike the kind you find in olive oil and avocadoscan help increase satiety and reduce overall calorie intake. But not just any fat will do.

A study in the journal Nature compared the satiating effects of bread served with olive oil (a monounsaturated fat) and bread served with butter (a saturated fat). Restaurant patrons in the olive oil group ate 23 percent less bread than the butter group.

And another study published in Nutrition Journal found similar satiating effects from the heart-healthy fat; participants who ate half a fresh avocado with lunch reported a 40 percent decreased desire to eat for hours afterward.


Youll slash carbohydrates from your diet by choosing a fresh apple over an apple muffin, but you wont entirely erase the carb count. Believe it or not, all fruits and vegetables include some carbs. In fact, one apple has 34 grams of carbsmore than youll find in two slices of whole wheat bread! And because juicing removes the satiating fiber from whole fruits, a cup of fresh fruit juice can do more harm than good.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that people who consumed one or more servings of fruit juice each day increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 21 percent. And a second study in the journal Nature found liquid carbohydrates to be 17 percent less filling compared with solid carbohydrates. As a general rule: eat, dont drink, your fruits.

Try it yourself with one of our 25 Delicious Apple Recipes.


The dietary boogeyman, nighttime carbs, has a frightening reputation among people trying to lose weight. But theres actually a growing body of research to suggest breaking your carb curfew can actually help your diet goals.

One study in the journal Obesity put two groups of men on an identical weight loss diet. Half the group ate their carbs throughout the day; the other half ate the majority of the meal plans carbs in the evening. The result? The nighttime carb eaters lost 27 percent more body fatand felt 13.7 percent fullerthan those on the standard diet. Moreover, inflammation markers in the nighttime group level decreased by 27.8 percent compared to only 5.8 percent in the standard dieters.

On the flip side, recent research has increased weight loss with linked low-carb, high-protein breakfasts. Consider swapping your morning bagel for an omelet and add a potato to your evening meal.


Strange but true: You can gain less weight from a serving of pasta simply by putting it in the fridge. The drop in temperature changes the nature of the noodles into something called resistant starch, meaning your body has to work harder to digest it. Cold pasta is closer in structure to natural resistant starches like lentils, peas, beans, and oatmeal, which pass through the small intestine intact, keeping you fuller, longer.

One study found that including resistant starch (brown beans) with an evening meal increased satiety hormones by 51 percent and suppressed hunger hormones by 15 percent, as compared to a meal that included a simple carbohydrate (white bread). You dont have to resist carbs, just opt for the resistant ones! Especially The #1 Best Carb To Eat If Youre Trying to Lose Weight.


Breaking a sweat before you break-your-fast could get you into your skinny jeans faster. Why? According to some studies, exercising in a fasted statein other words, before breakfastcan burn almost 20 percent more fat compared to exercising with fuel in the tank.

Why? Once you consume calories, insulin levels rise, which, according to researchers, can suppress fat metabolism by up to 22 percent. Have a bowl of cereal, a Gatorade, or even a small cafe au lait, and your workout goes towards burning off that glycogen. But with nothing in your tank, the burn comes primarily from body fat.

Just make sure to avoid these 15 Exercise Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Workout.

Continued here:
8 Ways to Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight - KYR News

Could Time-Restricted Eating Be the Solution to Dieting Woes? Dr. Gundry Weighs In – NBC Southern California

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 11:56 pm

Weight loss is a struggle for many people. As humans, our relationships with food are complex, and alas, challenging to regulate. Frustrations lead to yo-yo dieting, binging, or worse, the inability to enjoy eating.

One of the most common dieting themes of our generation is elimination--eliminating calories, carbs, sugar, or dairy-- but studies and medical experts are touting a new approach that is turning this popular dieting practice on its head.

Time-restricted eating could help with weight loss, energy levels, longevity, and developing a healthy relationship with food without emotional nuances. The best news is, all you need is effective time management.

"There's been good research that shows that if you want to have the best lifespan and live long and well--TRE is the way to go," says Dr. Steven Gundry, an American heart surgeon whose medical focus turned to creating preventative diets against heart disease.

How Is TRE Different from Intermittent Fasting?Simply defined, TRE is the practice of consuming food within a six to eight-hour window. It's also known as a variation of another popular diet trend, intermittent fasting. The main difference is that with TRE, you consume as many calories that satisfy you within a certain number of hours each day, while IF mainly focuses on reducing calorie intake.

"They often get interchanged but they're quite different," says Gundry. "Usually intermittent fasting is a 5-2 diet where two days out of the week you drop your calories to about 600 per day. Where TRE means every day you compress the amount of time that you actually eat your calories during the day."

And fasting is nothing new, many religions and cultures practice fasting, including the U.S. "Just one hundred years ago most of us only ate two meals a day," says Gundry.

How TRE Works and Its Potential Health BenefitsWithin those six to eight eating hours each day you can eat as much or as often (within reason) as your body needs. Outside of those allotted hours water, coffee, and tea (without cream or sugar) can be consumed. The idea is that with TRE you give your body a rest to break down food and get into a circadian rhythm--or adapting to the cycle of daytime food and night time sleep.

According to Gundry, the average American eats 16 hours a day where our ancestors ate in a much smaller window. "Evidence is overwhelming that if we could get back to a 12-hour eating window, or the more we can compress to eight or six hours, there are incredible health benefits to be achieved." He also assures that the body can adapt to a new eating schedule where it's left satiated, not starved.

Evidence is overwhelming that if we could get back to a 12-hour eating window, or the more we can compress to eight or six hours, there are incredible health benefits to be achieved.

By flipping the switch from fed to fast, some studies show that the body's essential cellular functions "trigger a switch from glucose-based to ketone-based energy" which not only helps with weight loss but also with longevity and decreasing the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Also, for many, having limited hours can help to restrict food intake without actually having to count calories--a clever mind trick to avoid common diet pitfalls such as late-night snacking.

But What Happened to Eating Small Meals?Speaking of snacking, many have been taught that grazing, or eating small meals throughout the day, also helps with weight loss and energy levels up. The TRE approach is certainly in direct contradiction of eating small meals which has also been shown to help with weight loss. So, what gives? As it turns out, it's a gray area. The reality is that there is scientific evidence that both TRE and six small meals a day helps with weight loss.

Fasting is based on the notion that when we stop consistent snacking our insulin levels go down which allows fat cells to release their stored sugar to be used as energy. "The entire idea of IF is to allow the insulin levels to go down far enough and for long enough that we burn off our fat," according to Harvard Health.

Gundry also claims that the impetus for eating small meals throughout the day was driven by consumer marketing. "That was actually developed by snack food companies and cereal food companies," he says. "These [small meals throughout the day] are actually wild new habits and we're not designed for it."

That said, for some TRE could be dangerous and lead to binging during eating hours. This is where the small meal approach could be healthier, especially for those who tend to be more routine since it takes preparation.

In the end, what's most important is to find a diet you'll stick to.

Should You Try TRE?

TRE is not going to be right for everyone, especially those with underlying health onditions such as eating disorders or advanced diabetes. First, talk to your doctor.

But if you're interested in giving it a go, Gundry suggests starting to eat in a 12-hour window and eventually lead up to a six-hour window.

Here's how you do it: "For one hour a week I want you to start eating one hour later. For instance, if you usually eat breakfast at 7am the next week eat at 8am, the following 9am, and so on. In about a month you'll reduce your eating window by four hours just by taking a slow on hour a day," he says. "Watch what happens."

Read this article:
Could Time-Restricted Eating Be the Solution to Dieting Woes? Dr. Gundry Weighs In - NBC Southern California

Shrinking glaciers have created a new normal for Greenland’s ice sheet – The Ohio State University News

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 11:56 pm

As Greenlands glaciers retreat, they are losing ice at a faster and faster rate. Michalea King, CC BY-ND Michalea King, The Ohio State University

Greenland is the largest island on Earth, and about 80% of it is covered by a giant sheet of ice. Slowly flowing glaciers connect this massive frozen reservoir of fresh water to the ocean, but because of climate change, these glaciers are rapidly retreating.

Im an earth scientist who studies how changes to Greenlands glaciers affect the stability of the ice sheet as a whole. Healthy glaciers are stable in size and shape and act as drains for the ice sheet, transporting ice into the sea. They maintain a balance where the ice added each year roughly equals the ice lost to the sea.

But because of warming caused by climate change, that dynamic has changed.

For years, scientists have watched as glaciers around the world retreat. But our research has found that the glaciers along the edge of Greenland have retreated so much that they no longer keep the ice sheet that feeds them in balance.

As the glaciers retreat up valleys, they flow faster and bring more ice from inland to the sea. Imagine a traffic jam: When a highway is jampacked with cars or ice it flows slowly. But as the jam or glacier gets smaller, the number of cars, or the amount of ice, that can flow by in a given time increases.

Greenlands ice sheet is now out of balance. The new normal is an annual overall loss of ice.

The place where glaciers meet the sea called the calving front is important for the stability of the entire ice sheet. Jakobshavn Glacier has been retreating for decades. Michalea King, CC BY-ND

Ice sheets are formed when snowfall accumulates over thousands of years and compresses into layers upon layers of ice. But ice is not a perfectly rigid material it behaves kind of like an extra-thick yet brittle honey.

Once an ice sheet becomes tall enough, the ice begins to flow outward because of its own weight. This ice is funneled down valleys toward the ocean, forming fastflowing outlet glaciers. These glaciers can move as much as 10 miles per year.

Although glaciers comprise only a narrow region at the edge of the ice sheet, they play a huge role in controlling how rapidly ice is drained from the sheet into the ocean. Generally, a glacier that extends a long distance through a valley will move more slowly and drain less ice from the ice sheet than if it were shorter.

Most of Greenlands glaciers end at the sea, where ocean water melts and weakens the ice until it breaks off in pieces that dramatically fall into the North Atlantic. If ice is lost at the front of the glacier faster than it is replenished by upstream ice, the glacier will recede inland. This is called glacial retreat.

Retreat not only shortens the length of the glacier but also reduces the friction between the ice and surrounding valleys. With less surface area of ice touching the ground, the ice can flow faster. Much like a shrinking traffic jam, sustained glacier retreat results in faster-flowing glaciers that drain the ice sheet above more rapidly.

The blue line shows the current boundary between the Jakobshavn Glacier (right side, light gray) and the floating ice (center, white) between the valley walls (top and bottom, dark gray). The other colored lines show where this boundary was in previous years. Michalea King, CC BY-ND

Ocean and air temperatures have strong effects on glaciers. Both ocean and air temperatures are rising.

For Greenlands glaciers, the warming ocean is the biggest cause of glacial retreat. On average the glaciers have retreated about 3 kilometers since the mid-1980s, with most of this retreat occurring between 2000 and 2005.

My colleagues and I used thousands of satellite images to measure changes in length, thickness and flow speed of Greenlands glaciers. With this information, we found two important things: Glacial retreat is accelerating, and the ice sheet is losing an astonishing and also increasing amount of ice each year.

Our team found that today, the glaciers drain 14% more ice from the ice sheet annually approximately 500 billion metric tons than they did on average between 1985 and 1999. This faster flow is causing the ice sheet that covers most of Greenland to shrink, but it has also changed the dynamic of the entire system.

The ice sheet is now in a new, unbalanced state of persistent mass loss. Before the year 2000, ice loss roughly equaled the ice added from snowfall, so the ice sheet was stable. Now, ice mass losses consistently exceed mass gains even in the coolest years of relatively high snow accumulation. The glaciers used to act as an important traffic jam, keeping ice loss in check. Now, however, traffic flows more freely and the ice is able to more easily flow away from the ice sheet.

Unfortunately, warmer air temperatures have also increased surface melt, resulting in less snow now accumulating on Greenland. Given all these factors, my colleagues and I now estimate that the ice sheet may see a mass gain year only once a century.

Eventually, the ice sheet will become completely landlocked, and only ice melt and snow accumulation will determine then whether it grows or disappears completely. Michalea King, CC BY-ND

Our study showed how widespread retreat drove both an increase in glacier discharge and a shift to persistent ice sheet mass loss. But this doesnt mean the ice sheet is doomed. Continued retreat and further increases in discharge are limited by topography.

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Over the next several centuries, the glaciers may retreat onto higher ground and eventually form a completely landlocked ice sheet with minimal flow essentially a large chunk of ice sitting on top of Greenland with no glaciers to drain it. Under this future scenario, the balance of the ice sheet would be determined only by surface changes snow accumulation and surface melt. This loss of ice would equal meters of sea level rise.

At this point, the fate of the ice sheet simply depends on whether it is melting faster than it grows from snowfall. In a warm world where climate change is not addressed, the ice sheet will slowly melt and ultimately disappear. But if climate change is controlled and cooler temperatures are maintained for a prolonged period, it is possible that the Greenland ice sheet could regrow. That day may be hundreds of years into the future, but it is actions made today that will decide thefate of Greenlands ice sheet.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Shrinking glaciers have created a new normal for Greenland's ice sheet - The Ohio State University News

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Current Scenario (COVID-19) on Trends and Growth Parameters 2020 to 2025 – re:Jerusalem

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:56 am

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report 2020, Forecast to 2025 is the latest skillful and deep analysis of the markets present situation and prospects. The report displays the market size, share, status, production, cost analysis, and market value with the forecast period 2020-2025. The report offers an insightful take on the historical data of the market and compared it with the current market situation. The report includes analysis of an assessment of current market trends and dynamics, which helps in mapping the trajectory of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. It comprises information about the top key players, sales, revenue, future trends, research findings, and opportunities. The report studies the competitive landscape read of the business.

Our best experts have surveyed the market report with the reference of inventories and data given by the key players: AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer, Actavis (Allergan), Bayer, Novartis, Teva, Mylan, Upsher-Smith, Ferring Pharmaceuticals


NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.

Growth Prospects:

The report demonstrates insights associated with the overall present and future market scenario. This and the past performance enabled them to come out with an outlook for the period 2020 2025. The report includes revenue generated from the existing market players and based on all players. The total market size is also derived. The report comprises an in-depth study of the potential segments including product type, application, and end-user, and their contribution to the overall market size.

Market research supported product sort includes: Gels, Injections, Patches, Other

Market research supported application coverage: Hospitals, Clinics, Others

Regional and Country- Level Analysis:

Different geographical areas are studied comprehensively and an economical scenario has been offered to assist new entrants, leading market players, and investors to regulate emerging economies. The top producers and consumers focus on production, product capacity, value, consumption, growth opportunity, and market share in these key regions, covering: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

What Market Factors Are Explained In The Report?

To conclude up, as per the study of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report client gets point by point and confirmed data about the business. The report covers the different significant focuses which are useful to comprehend the global market, such as significant drivers for development, different components which make a negative effect on showcase development, current market patterns, and then notice the market estimating for the coming a very long time till 2025.


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Magnifier Research is a leading market intelligence company that sells reports of top publishers in the technology industry. Our extensive research reports cover detailed market assessments that include major technological improvements in the industry. Magnifier Research also specializes in analyzing hi-tech systems and current processing systems in its expertise. We have a team of experts that compile precise research reports and actively advise top companies to improve their existing processes. Our experts have extensive experience in the topics that they cover. Magnifier Research provides you the full spectrum of services related to market research, and corroborate with the clients to increase the revenue stream, and address process gaps.

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Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Current Scenario (COVID-19) on Trends and Growth Parameters 2020 to 2025 - re:Jerusalem

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis: Leading Industry Players, Recent trends, Potential Growth, Share, Demand and Forecast To 2025 – News…

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:56 am

A comprehensive research study on Testosterone Replacement Therapy market available at provides insights into the market size and growth trends of this industry over the forecast timeline. The study evaluates key aspects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy market in terms of the demand landscape, driving factors and growth strategies adopted by market players.

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy market study is an in-depth analysis of this business sphere which entails pivotal insights pertaining to industry deliverables, notably industry trends, market size, market share, present valuation, and predicts proceeds by the end of the projection period. The synopsis of the industry also recognizes the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market growth rate during the forecast timeline, triggered by certain catalysts, an essence of which has been decrypted in this research study, in tandem with the leading challenges and prevailing growth opportunities.

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Key components underscored in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report:

Expounding the regional outlook of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Bifurcation: USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, South East Asia.

Insights incorporated in the market study have been framed with respect to the industry indicators:

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An exhaustive guideline of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market in terms of the product & application landscape:

Product landscape:

Product types: Gels, Injections, Patches and Other

Top observations included in the report:

Application landscape:

Application segmentation: Hospitals, Clinics and Others

Details highlighted in the report:

Other significant pointers encompassed in the report:

What does the competitive landscape of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market imply?

Manufacturer base of the industry: AbbVie, Upsher-Smith, Endo International, Pfizer, Actavis (Allergan), Eli lilly, Teva, Bayer, Mylan, Novartis, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Acerus Pharmaceuticals and Kyowa Kirin

Competitive overview outlined in the report includes:

Besides the abovementioned indicators, the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market study also provides vital information pertaining to the market concentration ratio, that would possibly aid proactive competitors in defining the business strategy to outcompete other eminent players partaking in the business sphere.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis: Leading Industry Players, Recent trends, Potential Growth, Share, Demand and Forecast To 2025 - News...

Jenna Dewan Nails Her Response to Fans Asking for Her Postpartum Diet and Fitness Routine – E! Online

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:54 am

Jenna Dewan's postpartum diet and fitness secret? Rocking the vote!

On Wednesday, Oct. 7, Jenna shared a pic of her wearing a blush bikini.

"A lot of people asking me about my post partum diet and exercise plan," the Flirty Dancinghostwrote in the caption, before adding, "and I'm here to tell you it's to make sure you're registered to vote, vote early, and to vote like your life depends on it because it does."

Jenna also tagged Zo KravitzandReal Housewives of Beverly Hillsstar Lisa Rinnain the post.

While Jenna was using the cute pic as a way to encourage people to vote, shedidhave a baby recently. In March of 2020, she gave birth toCallum Michael Rebel, her first child with fiancSteve Kazee. Jenna also shares her 7-year-old daughterEverly with ex-husbandChanning Tatum. For anyone curious about her post-baby routine, she recently shared with Instagram that she's all about Pilates.

"@physicalperfectionpilates has taken care of me before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after pregnancy/pandemic/quarantine (while I'm exhausted and on zoom in my dirty garage nonetheless..!)," she wrote of the workout in August of 2020.

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Jenna Dewan Nails Her Response to Fans Asking for Her Postpartum Diet and Fitness Routine - E! Online

Study Debunks Claim That This Popular Food Causes Inflammation – KYR News

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:54 am

Dairy products are often pegged as inflammatory foods, however, new research suggests that the opposite may actually be true.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, consuming dairy foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and milk proteins (whey) has neutral to beneficial effects on inflammation. The systematic review, which was funded by the National Dairy Council, evaluated the results from 27 randomized control trials that looked at the effect dairy products and milk proteins have on inflammation in the body. (Related: 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.)

Of the 19 studies that analyzed the effect dairy products have on the body, 10 reported no effect on inflammation, and eight reported a reduction in at least one biomarker of inflammation. As for the eight studies that exclusively explored the relationship between the consumption of milk proteins and inflammation, all of them reported no such association.

Still, dairy products are often associated with inflammation primarily because of the saturated fat and lactose (the naturally occurring sugar in milk) contained in these foods. In fact, some 65% of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy.

One of the authors of the study, Chris Cifelli, Ph.D., VP of Nutrition Research at National Dairy Council, told Eat This, Not That! that this new study is the third systematic review to be published within the past three years that indicates dairy foods have neutral to beneficial effects on inflammation.

In 2017, a systematic review of 50 clinical trials demonstrated that dairy products were linked to anti-inflammatory activity in participants with metabolic disorders. The dairy products that were analyzed included low- and full-fat varieties as well as fermented ones, such as yogurt and kefir.

Another systematic review published in 2019 that evaluated randomized clinical trials also reported similar results. In fact, the authors of this particular review stated, the majority of the studies documented a significant anti-inflammatory effect in both healthy and metabolically abnormal subjects.

Story continues

As Cifelli points out, there are nine essential nutrients in milk, including vitamin D, calcium, and potassiumall of which help to maintain bone health. However, the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee identified that the recommended dietary allowances for these three nutrients are often not met by Americans. Additionally, the consumption of dairy foods has been associated with a lower risk of developing conditions such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndromeall of which are thought to be partially caused by chronic inflammation.

Following an anti-inflammatory diet is key to reducing chronic low-grade inflammation in the body and ultimately lowering the risk of developing chronic disease. It is believed that one of the leading causes for low-grade inflammation is gut leakiness, says Cifelli. Dairy foods can be a positive addition to an anti-inflammatory diet.

Yogurt is especially believed to promote good gut health. A clinical study published in 2017 demonstrated that eating about 1.5 servings of low-fat yogurt a day was linked to a reduction in chronic inflammation and improved gut integrity.

Of course, if someone has lactose intolerance, staying away from dairy products is strongly advised. Lactose intolerance is a condition to take seriously and it impacts different people at different degrees, Cifelli says. For example, some can tolerate a small amount of lactose while others cant.

Luckily, there are lactose-free dairy products including milk, cheese, and even ice cream that people with this dietary restriction can safely eat and still receive the nutrients found in regular milk. (Related: 12 Lactose-Free Yogurts Youll LoveEspecially If Youre Lactose-Intolerant)

Eating a diet primarily made of plant-based foods is the key to warding off inflammation. On the other hand, processed foods such as deli meats and packaged snacks with high levels of added sugars and refined grains are the ones that can contribute to chronic low-grade inflammation if eaten regularly and over time.

Processed foods, with their high sugar levels, omega-6 fatty acids, excess sodium, and junky additives, on the other hand, can stoke the fire of inflammation, Sydney Greene, MS, RD, told ETNT in an interview about how a plant-based diet can protect you from disease.

On the flip side, foods like dairy, fruits, and vegetablesespecially dark, leafy greens and deep orange vegetablestend to be anti-inflammatory, adds Cifelli.

For more, check out The Best Dairy Milk Brands To Buy, According to Nutritionists.

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Study Debunks Claim That This Popular Food Causes Inflammation - KYR News

Equine weight loss success (or failure): It’s all in the gut, study reveals – Horsetalk

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:54 am

Strip grazing or break feeding has been found to be helpful in restricting weight gain in horses and ponies. Sarah Shephard

A new study into managing the weight of horses and ponies has revealed why this can be challenging in some equines.

The latest research shows how individual ponies differ in the abundance of specific faecal bacterial populations that may allow them to increase their ability to digest fibre, thereby losing less weight when on a diet. The work, thought to be the first of its kind in this area, also raises the possibility of predicting weight-loss success by analysing the faecal microbiome of individual animals.

The study Equine gastrointestinal microbiome: impacts of weight loss, was carried out by researchers at Liverpool, and Aberystwyth Universities plus Scotlands Rural College, in collaboration with Spillers and the Waltham Equine Studies Group. It aimed to establish if the microbiome may have an impact on weight loss in equines.

Dietary restriction is recognised as the most effective way to achieve weight loss, but research1 has previously shown that not all horses and ponies lose weight at the same rate.

Associations between obesity and the composition of the gut microbiome have been identified in humans and dogs, said Clare Barfoot RNutr, Marketing and Research and Development Director at Spillers. Work in human medicine has also shown that weight-loss achieved through dietary restriction or by surgical methods in humans can induce significant alterations in the gut microbiome composition.

Faeces were collected and evaluated during the same 11-week time period, from 15 obese Welsh Mountain pony mares, over two years. Eight ponies were studied in year one and seven different ponies in year two. The ponies were fed the same restricted forage diet. Faeces were sampled before and during the final three days of their diet to determine bacterial community composition.

The results showed significant individual variation in how much weight was lost, with an almost two-fold difference in the percentage of weight loss achieved by those losing the greatest and least amounts of weight. The results were similar to a previous study conducted by the same research group. However, the new study also showed that losing less weight was associated with greater pre-diet faecal bacterial diversity and lower pre-diet faecal acetate concentration, in addition to associations between the abundance of specific bacteria that aid in fibre digestion and subsequent weight loss.

This study adds important information to our obesity prevention toolbox, Barfoot said. Identifying that the faecal microbiome may have a role in the capacity for ponies to lose weight gives us a baseline for future research; our ultimate aim being to effectively predict weight loss success and instigate appropriate management programmes. By doing so we can identify animals in need of stricter management at the start and also help ensure more weight-loss sensitive animals are not excessively restricted.

Spillers continues to collaborate with researchers around the world to find the safest and most effective ways to support weight loss. Recent studies have shown:

Strip grazing can help restrict weight gain.

Grazing muzzles can be effective: Whilst they can reduce intake by up to 80% in ponies turned out for 3 hours and reduce the rate of weight gain when worn for 10 out of 23 hours at pasture the results are highly individual. On this basis, those wearing a muzzle for only part of their time at pasture will need close monitoring because they may gain weight and it may increase the risk of laminitis. For this reason, non-grass turnout or stabling for the remainder of the day, when not wearing a muzzle, may be more appropriate.2

Wearing a muzzle doesnt increase physiological stress levels: new research has shown that muzzling miniature horses while on pasture for 24 hours a day resulted in a small loss of bodyweight but had no observed impact on several parameters associated with physiological stress. However, it is not recommended to use muzzles continuously.

1. Weight loss resistance; a further consideration for the nutritional management of obese Equidae. Argo McC, Curtis C, Grove-White D, Dugdale A, Barfoot CF, Harris P (2012) The Veterinary Journal 194.

2. Efficacy of Wearing Grazing Muzzles for 10 Hours per Day on Controlling Bodyweight in Pastured Ponies. Longland A.C., Barfoot C., Harris P.A. (2016) Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 45.

3. Effects of grazing muzzles on behavior and physiological stress of individually housed grazing miniature horses. T Kristina M. Davis, Marie E. Iwaniuka, Rachel L. Dennis, Patricia A. Harris, Amy O. Burka. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 105067 (2020)


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Equine weight loss success (or failure): It's all in the gut, study reveals - Horsetalk

Global Mobile Weight Loss Market Report 2020-2025: Navigate Through the Disruptive Mobile Weight Loss Industry and Open New Investment Opportunities -…

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:54 am

Dublin, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "The Global Mobile Weight Loss Market 2020: How Digital Solutions Transform the Weight Loss Industry and Chronic Care" report has been added to's offering.

This report is a study of the global market for mobile weight loss solutions, which assist people in weight loss efforts by providing various content and services. It is the most comprehensive account of the digital transformation in the weight loss industry.

The report also evaluates country market opportunities and profiles the top 10 country markets. It also discusses major trends that will transform the digital weight loss industry in the medium-term. Given the current economic uncertainty, the impact of the COVID-19 is also analyzed.

Product Description

Mobile weight loss solutions have disrupted the global weight loss market, as the use of mobile apps has proven to be more efficient not only in comparison with on-site programs but also with other digital tools, such as web-based programs. The COVID-19 crisis has, even more, accelerated the mobile-centric digitalization of the weight loss industry.

Moreover, mobile weight loss solutions have already transformed chronic care, as they increasingly are an essential part of preventing and managing various chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, hyperlipidemia, etc. The global mobile weight loss market is already a multi-billion market that is set to double by 2025, despite the currently unravelling economic difficulties.

Based on first-hand sources and comprehensive data, the report offers an unrivalled perspective on how mobile weight loss solutions transform the weight loss industry and chronic care, offering new investment and expansion opportunities. Analyzing in detail the market opportunity, the current market structure, competition, geography, and outlook, it provides exhaustive and insightful reading for those who are looking for new opportunities in one of the most thriving digital health markets.

Explore a data-rich report full of metrics, analysis, and insights, designed to navigate you through the disruptive mobile weight loss industry and open new investment opportunities!

Why this Market is so Attractive

Key Topics Covered:

1. Scope of the report

2. Management summary

3. The Impact of The COVID-19 Crisis on the Weight Loss and Behavior Change Industry

4. Global Opportunity For Mobile Weight Loss Services4.1. Demographic Target Group: Overweight Prevalence Among Adults4.2. Addressable Market: Overweight Audience with Capable Devices

5. The Mobile Weight Loss Ecosystem: Current Status5.1. The Growth of the Supply Side: Number of Solutions (2010-2019)5.2. The Growing Demand: Downloads and Usage (2018-2020)5.3. The Diversity of the Market: Main Use Cases5.4. The Diversity of the Market: Major Groups of Weight Loss Solutions5.5. The Nutrition segment: The Most Popular Diets Used in Mobile Weight Loss Apps5.6. Technology Improvements: Automated Logging, Data Syncing, and Device Connectivity in Mobile Weight Loss Solutions5.7. Business Models and Revenue Streams: Market Size and Segmentation5.8. Clinical Trials by Mobile Weight Loss Solutions Providers: Is There Proof-of-Concept Available?

6. Market Competition: Big Ecosystem, High Concentration6.1. Weight Loss Market Players: The Competitive Landscape6.2. Leading Publishers: Downloads, Usage, and Revenues

7. Leading Market Players: Company Profiles7.1. WW International7.2. Noom7.3. Under Armour (MyFitnessPal)7.4. Genesis Technology Partners (BetterMe)7.5. YAZIO7.6. Lifesum7.7. Verv7.8. Livongo Health7.9. Omada Health7.10. Lark Health

8. Top 10 Country Markets for Mobile Weight Loss Solutions8.1. Geographic Structure of the Mobile Weight Loss Market8.2. Top 10 Country Markets: Ranking by Downloads and Monthly Active Users8.3. The United States8.4. India8.5. Russia8.6. Brazil8.7. The United Kingdom8.8. Germany8.9. France8.10. Japan8.11. Italy8.12. Mexico

9. Major Trends that Will Shape the Mobile Weight Loss Market

10. Outlook: The Market's Forecast until 202510.1. The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Market: Key Scenarios and Assumptions10.2. Demographic Target Group and Addressable Market Forecast10.3. Downloads Forecast10.4. Usage forecast: Baseline and Optimistic Scenarios10.5. Revenue Forecast: Baseline and Optimistic Scenarios

11. Appendix

Companies Mentioned

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Global Mobile Weight Loss Market Report 2020-2025: Navigate Through the Disruptive Mobile Weight Loss Industry and Open New Investment Opportunities -...

Inside Rebel Wilsons incredible 4st weight loss journey with surfing, mindful eating and never saying – The Sun

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:54 am

HER most famous role was as Fat Amy but Rebel Wilson is having the last laugh after losing 4st.

This week the comedy actress showed off her slimmed-down figure in a series of Instagram posts.


Referring to the name of her Pitch Perfect character, the Aussie captioned one selfie: Just call me Fit Amy.

It comes after superstar singer Adele, 32, revealed the results of her own 7st weight loss through training and better food choices.

In January, Rebel announced this would be her Year of Health.

She told how her impending 40th birthday, as well as suffering mental health issues over Hollywoods attitude to weight, had encouraged her decision to overhaul her lifestyle.


She said: Its not like I want to lose weight and get to a certain number. Its more than that.

Its about dealing mentally with why I was overeating and I had a job where I was paid a lot of money to be bigger at times, which can kind of mess with your head a bit.

Rebel previously said she associated being bigger with being funnier after casting someone larger than her in a play and that actress getting more laughs.


She said: I dont know if it was mega-conscious, but I thought, How can I get more laughs? Maybe if I was a bit fatter . . . And then suddenly I was fatter, and doing comedy.


Here we take a look at Rebels impressive transformation since the start of the year.

SHE likes to tag her years so that her resolution lasts for 12 months, and told her 8.8million Instagram fans: For me, 2020 is going to be called The Year of Health.

"I went out for a walk, deliberately hydrating on the couch right now and trying to avoid the sugar and junk food, which is going to be hard after the holidays Ive just had, but Im going to do it!


Whos with me in making some positive changes this year?

Weighing 16st at the start of the year, her goal was to slim down to 11st 8lb.

REBEL arrived on our shores to present the Bafta Best Director award.

Her hilarious speech, in which she joked that her black and red gown was made from a dress she wore to a funeral for the film Cats, went down a storm.


Despite critics savaging the musical, it was Rebels role as Jennyanydots that helped kickstart her fitness goals.

Dancing in the hot, furry costume meant she quickly dropped weight. Rebel said: I lost 8lb shooting my number in four days.

One, because theres a lot of physicalities but also they heated up the set very high, to almost 37C so we could never cool down.

The comedian enlisted the help of Colombian personal trainer, Jono Castano, five to seven days a week.

THE actress celebrated her 40th birthday at Disneyland and looked noticeably slimmer in a fitted black dress and Minnie Mouse ears.

Jono doesnt like the word diet, but instead talks about finding balance.


He insisted on Rebel sticking to a structured workout regime and taking progress pictures for motivation.

REBEL posted a throwback picture to her stay at the five-star VivaMayr wellness centre, in Austria, last year.

It is thought this is where she first discovered the Mayr Method, a diet which eliminates snacking, reduces gluten and dairy intake and promotes mindful eating.


She wrote: I would walk around this lake every day (which is coincidentally where they filmed the James Bond movie Spectre). Its so beautiful and as were all realising right now, health is so important.

The Mayr Method was developed by Doctor Franz Xaver Mayr around 1901. He believed good digestion equals good health equals happiness.

Guests at the wellness centre, based on his teachings, are told to refrain from using their phones and watching TV, must leave five hours between meals and chew each mouthful between 30 and 40 times to aid digestion.

It also encourages silence at meal times so that guests can concentrate on chewing.

WHILE many of us pigged out on take-aways and banana bread, Rebel stuck to her new regime with an iron will.

Jonos workouts included weighted bicep curls, shoulder presses and weighted planks, in which Rebel performed a plank with a bell weight balanced on her back.


He said: Exercise is just about getting the body moving.

"So, its important to combine resistance and cardio to mix things up so your body doesnt get bored or used to your workout plans.

SYDNEY-born Rebel started incorporating the citys famous Opera House into her workouts.

She posted a video of her epic step challenge, in which she completed 30 laps up and down the venues stairs.


The previous week, Rebel had managed 25, and told her followers that she was already improving.

The actress, who also has homes in Hollywood and New York, would use the 5km walk from her 2million apartment to Sydney Opera House as her warm up and cool down.

She shared a picture of herself flexing her muscles, from inside her home overlooking the harbour.

WHEN Rebel hit the halfway mark she told her followers she likes to wake early for 6am hikes and adds in a few 100m sprints.

She joked her pace is someone elses slow jog but added: Even if you have to crawl towards your goals, keep going, it will be worth it.


The actress, who shared a snap of herself in matching blue sportswear overlooking Palm Beach, Florida, also took up boxing.

SURFS up! As an Aussie, it was about time Rebel learned to catch a wave.

She took her first surfing lesson while in Malibu, California, and proudly shared a video of herself in her wetsuit and balancing on the board.


In a separate post, she told fans how their support had helped her to avoid eating sweets.

She said: Thanks for all the love so far on my Year of Health journey.

When I was reaching for the candies last night after dinner I thought to myself, Hmm, better not and had a bottle of water instead.

"17lbs to go until I hit my goal, hopefully I can do it by the end of the year.

REBEL is glowing but it isnt all down to her healthy diet and exercise regime.

The comic revealed she is in a relationship with billionaire Jacob Busch, with a snap of them boarding a helicopter to Monaco.



The couple, who met last year through mutual friends, were on their way to Prince Albert IIs Planetary Health gala with actresses Helen Mirren and Kate Beckinsale.

During a trip on a yacht that month, Rebel joked about doing bicep curls using a 4.5-litre bottle of vodka as a weight.

Jacob, whose family founded the Anheuser-Busch brewery which produces Budweiser beer and is said to be worth 10.3billion, runs dairy-free ice cream firm, Napps.

When Rebel posted a bathroom selfie last week, Jacob, 29, commented: Beautiful.

ALL her hard work has paid off as Rebel announced she has just 6lb to go until she reaches her goal.

Weighing 12st and with almost three months to go, there is no doubt Rebel will hit her target weight in time for Christmas.


She told her social media followers the secret to her success is allowing the odd treat.

Posing on her balcony with a dessert, she captioned the picture: Remember though girls, you still gotta treat yourself.

I just do it with food now only once or twice a week and substitute bubble baths on alternate nights.


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And its not just her health that Rebel is winning at.

Her Amazon Prime show Only One Laughing in which comedians are not allowed to laugh at each others jokes is a success and she has announced her first childrens book, Bella The Brave, will be published next year.

Rebel really is the cat that got the low fat cream of course.

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Inside Rebel Wilsons incredible 4st weight loss journey with surfing, mindful eating and never saying - The Sun

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