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What is intermittent fasting? Simple tips to do it safely – DNA India

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:51 am

What is Intermittent Fasting?

A diet plan that has become quite popular among millennials these days, intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of eating and fasting.

Unlike other diet planswhich proposes that a person eat in moderation or restrict oneself to certain 'fattening' food items in order to lose weight, intermittent fasting's goal is to starve the body for long enough so that it triggers the burning of fat. Such a diet plan where one is fasting for long stretches of time that can go up to 12-18 hours, helps in weight loss, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, controlled diabetes and also helps in improving immunity.

Intermittent fasting is not good for everyone though.

Children and teens, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with disabilities type 1, persons with eating disorders, people with other medical issues, underweight or elderly should not try intermittent fasting. Also, a quick note, fasting can be unsafe if overdone or not done correctly.

So, in order to understand how intermittent fasting can be taken up correctly, we at DNA spoke with Pooja Banga, Director and Nutritionist at Cultivating Health, who helped us list a few points that will help you in taking up intermittent fasting successfully if at all you plan to.

The rules are simple:

Drink Water

Water is really essential for the body. It keeps you hydrated and gives you a feeling of being full. While many commit the mistake of not drinking enough water while intermittent fasting, it is advised otherwise.

Lower intake of water makes one feel weak and drowsy.

Begin with short gaps

For those wanting to try intermittent fasting for the first time or are just a couple of weeks into it, it is advised that you begin with shorter gaps between meals because our body is not accustomed to going without food for long hours. Therefore, to get your body habituated to going without solids for long hours can take some time, even weeks.

Those who begin with longer gaps can experience headache, dizziness, etc.

For beginners, it is important, to begin with, shorter gaps of 7-8 hours. You can also try taking your dinner at 8 pm and then eat the next day at 12 noon. This way you won't crave for food and will be able to fast for long hours.

Avoid over-eating during intermittent fasting

Overeating is the common mistake that we can do unknowingly. Generally, people eat a lot thinking they have to fast for long hours. The motive behind intermittent fasting is to consume fewer calories. If you overeat or consume excess calories the motive behind intermittent fasting is defeated.

Therefore, overeating with the thought that you have to go without food for long hours won't serve your purpose. Eating healthy and in moderation, keeping in mind to not indulge in processed or unhealthy food items is the ultimate trick to successfully undertaking intermittent fasting.

Be aware of not eating less

While intake of fewer calories is the ultimate aim of intermittent fasting, it doesn't mean that you have to eat less. Moderation is the key. Eating less will only deprive your body of the essential nutrients and make you weak, which of course isn't something that w want.

So, eat mindfully and healthy.

Whether to workout or not?

Do not skip your workout. Prefer doing it for a shorter time period, say, 30-40 minutes. An intense workout is not advised while intermittent fasting as your calorie intake is less. Prefer taking up yoga, brisk walking etc that will help you stay occupied and not drain you at the same time.

Have patience

Lastly, if you are intermittent fasting for weight loss, you have to be patient since it is a long and steady process which has long term health benefits. In fact, fasting has its own benefits like, it increases growth hormone secretion which is important for growth, metabolism, weight loss and muscle strength, promotes blood sugar control by reducing insulin resistance among others.

So, if you think intermittent fasting will yield magical, quick results within a couple of weeks, you certainly have to rethink before you undertake this diet plan.

Important to note, during intermittent fasting, you are allowed to have 0 calorie beverages like water, coffee etc. Consumption of coffee even can help to keep hunger at bay as it is a strong appetite suppressant.

See original here:
What is intermittent fasting? Simple tips to do it safely - DNA India

Is calorie counting the only way to achieve sustainable weight loss? – Health24

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:51 am

In these times, there's a never-ending search for the best weight-loss diet. Ideally, we want a quick fix that will lead to significant weight loss in a short period of time.

Unfortunately, after short, drastic regimes, people tend to regain the lost weight fast.

Weight-loss plans that are considered most successful are the ones that control calories, include all the necessary macronutrients and don't exclude any food groups. But how good are they really? Let's look at the most recent research in terms of long-term success.

An energy balance

Weight gain is a result of an imbalance of energy: too much food (energy) consumed, compared to the amount of energy used (expended). The excess energy is converted into fat and stored in the body.

Although this sounds simple, the factors that influence energy intake and expenditure are varied and complex. It involves numerous biological, genetic, environmental, behavioural and psychological factors.

Restricting your calories

An initial calorie deficit can certainly lead to successful weight loss. This means that you need to be taking in less energy than you are expending. The good news is that according to research, even modest weight loss (510% of bodyweight) can result in significant health benefits, reducing your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and inflammatory conditions.

There are various versions of calorie restriction: moderate (13001500kCal per day), low (9001200kCal per day) and very low (<900kCal/day).

Choosing one depends on individual goals. If you are someone who usually consumes 3 000kCal per day, a daily energy prescription of 100kCal would be rather difficult to achieve (and certainly too challenging to keep up).

The problem with only focusing on calorie restriction is the long-term sustainability (>6 to 12 months). Avoiding regaining lost weight can be challenging.

The reason is that if we do not change our habits and long-term behaviour when it comes to food, we can easily fall back into the habits that caused the weight gain in the first place.

As we lose weight, our bodies need fewer calories to sustain our lower weight. And, in some cases, dysregulation of appetite can be a problem. A study noted that for every kilogram lost, there was an increase in appetite of about 400 kilojoules (100kCal) per day which of course makes sustaining weight loss more challenging. The body has compensatory mechanisms that start to increase appetite and reduce the satiety (fullness) effect, which can lead to overeating.

A better method

It appears that the most effective weight loss plan (that also focuses on improving health outcomes) aims to focus not only on the quantity of food consumed (calorie control) but on the quality of the macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

There is a strong body of evidence that shows that besides changing your behaviour and habits around food, you need to engage in physical activity to sustain weight loss in the long term.

A registered dietitian can support you by helping you develop the systems and skills needed to change your habits. They can also calculate an individualised eating plan, taking your unique lifestyle, food preferences and nutrient requirements into consideration. They can develop a plan that is affordable, accessible, culturally acceptable, and enjoyable (so that you don't feel too restricted).

In summary

To conclude, calorie counting or calorie restriction is an essential part of a successful weight loss programme. However, we need to reach beyond that to sustain weight loss in the long term. Following an individualised, nutritionally-balanced eating plan that tastes good, addressing bad habits and getting moving will all ultimately form part of the new lifestyle you need to develop to sustain weight loss.

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Here is the original post:
Is calorie counting the only way to achieve sustainable weight loss? - Health24

Losing weight through dieting, exercising or combination methods – San Marcos Daily Record

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:51 am

With the percentage of people in the United States increasing for overweight and obese individuals, there are a few that will try to lose weight. Hopefully these individuals will start a program to lose weight before the problems that seem to follow overweight and obese people set in. Once problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure occur, the weight loss program needs special care.

The three basic methods to lose weight involves exercise and diet. One method is diet alone, another is exercise alone, and the third is a combination of diet and exercise. Each has a benefit as well as a few problems trying to follow one or the other of the programs.

The most common is to try and diet to lose weight. Eating fewer calories means taking in less food, or limiting food choices. One problem with the diet alone program is that the weight loss is from both fat and muscle which can be misleading when you check the scale for weight loss. Not all the weight loss is from fat. The second problem with dieting alone is that when you take in less food, the basic metabolism slows down. The metabolism is how much energy is used to carry you through the 24-hour day. The only way to continue to lose weight is to eat less food. With less food, less muscle mass, slower metabolism, and some fat loss, the persons energy becomes less and more problems arise. The fact that individuals that try the diet alone method to lose weight have an 85 percent failure rate.

One other point to mention with the diet alone method is the selection of food the person chooses. For instance, a gram of fat has 9 calories, a gram of carbohydrate has 4 calories, a gram of protein has 4 calories, and any alcohol has 7 calories per ounce. Labels can be misleading in terms of serving size and how it is listed on the container. You need to look at the total calories of fat and compare it with the total calories of a serving. A good example is looking at the 1 percent fat milk label. The 1 percent is for the volume of fat in the serving, not the percentage of fat in a serving.

With the exercise only program a person has a variety of choices. Should you do strength training such a lifting weights, or try aerobic programs such a walking, running, swimming, or bicycle riding. Then the choice of how intense should the program be needs to be selected. Run fast, run slow, walk, or ride a bike. Should I lift heavy weights or stick with lighter weights? An example of a program of strength training will show that a gain of one pound of muscle will increase your BMR (basic metabolic rate or how fast you burn calories) by 10 15 percent. Comparing that with the diet alone program where your BMR slows down, and burns food more slowly, the difference in weight loss can be significant.

The end result of calories burned from running three miles is about the same whether you run fast or slow. If you run a 6 minute pace for 18 minutes, or a 10 minute pace for 30 minutes, the end result is very close to the same. Some physiologists recommend duration over speed. One point to counter that recommendation is that a faster pace increases the heart rate and muscle involvement and will take longer to slow down to a normal rate. Some physiologists state that a good strength workout can elevate the BMR for up to 24 hours after a workout. The one major point is that any movement program works to burn calories and the choice becomes which program the person will follow.

The third choice of combining diet and exercise programs seems to work best. While the diet may slow the BMR, the exercise program will increase the BMR, and make the result an equal benefit. The other benefit is that with diet alone both fat and muscle is lost. With the addition of an exercise program most of the weight loss is fat alone because of the gain in muscle. The choice between aerobics versus a strength program finds that they benefit each other. The increase in aerobic capacity helps the person work out longer, and the increase in strength helps the person run farther and faster. For the senior citizen, one of the major causes of injury is falling. The increase in strength goes a long way in preventing falls and the resistance also increases bone strength. As the saying goes, Variety is the spice of life. My favorite advice to people is, just move and things will take care of themselves.

See the original post:
Losing weight through dieting, exercising or combination methods - San Marcos Daily Record

Fans Are Now Calling Rebel Wilson "Fit Amy" After She Posts New Instagrams Around Her Weight Loss –

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:51 am

Rebel Wilson seems to be shedding more than just pounds in 2020 as she works her way through her "year of health." The 40-year-old Bridesmaids comedian is angling to embrace a new image after rocketing to fame as "Fat Amy" in 2012's Pitch Perfect. The actress has also revealed that her fitness goal is nearly complete on Instagram: She shared a candid workout photo this past week where she added she's just 6 pounds shy of her target weight. Now, Rebel is acknowledging her hard work by having a bit of fun with her fans, who have found inspiration in her continuous updates throughout the year.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

"Just call me: Fit Amy," Rebel joked while sharing a brand new selfie this morning, in a reference to her iconic Pitch Perfect character Patricia Hobart that famously enjoyed the nickname "Fat Amy." Nearly of all her fans immediately caught the reference, with most adding jokes of their own. "She's moving on up from horizontal running!" wrote former Bachelorette Becca Kufrin, while fellow Pitch Perfect co-star Alexis Knapp added "Ayyyy FIT AF PATRICIA! ". Octavia Spencer also showed her support with a string of fire emojis.

While nearly 4,000 followers have chimed in to cheer Rebel on, the actress certainly has earned her updated nickname with her commitment to a new fitness routine. Her most recent Instagram revelation gave followers insight into what an average workout has looked like for Rebel this year. "This week was super busy but I got up super early 3 times (6am) and went on a hike," she shared on Instagram last week. "Even did a couple of 100m sprints to get the heart rate even higher (although my 'sprint' is probably someone else's 'slow jog')."

Rebel has been working with personal trainers throughout the year, according to Women's Health, and she may be relying on high-intensity interval training for results, among other activities. It all began earlier in 2020 when Rebel revealed she was committed to revolutionizing her health via Instagram: "Even if you have to crawl towards your goals, keep going x it will be worth it. Try and give a little bit of effort each day," she shared back in May.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Rebel hasn't been as open on her new diet as she has her fitness routine. She often preaches about snacking in moderation just last week, Rebel shared a Boomerang of her favorite dessert while at an event with the caption "Remember [though] girls, you still gotta treat yourself" but other habits or practices are a bit unclear. She's reportedly working her way through the Mayr Method Diet program, a clinic-based program in Austria that is known to be frequented by celebrities and wellness icons alike. While the program has since spawned a diet book available to anyone, it's most famous principles encourage people to thoroughly chew food, occasionally fast, and is largely based on the Alkaline Diet.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

While it seems that the actress is very close to her goal weight of 75 kilograms, about 165 pounds, her journey may be more about the long-term changes in her life. A source tells People magazine that Rebel is enjoying a newfound confidence (which we can totally see for ourselves!) and how her fitness routine makes her feel emotionally: "She has more energy and more confidence, which you can see from her sexier Instagram shots. She's also having fun with new fashion and beauty looks."

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Fans Are Now Calling Rebel Wilson "Fit Amy" After She Posts New Instagrams Around Her Weight Loss -

Obesity Treatment Market: Gastric bypass surgery is a fast growing segment in the market – BioSpace

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:51 am

Obesity is a disorder in which excess body fat gets accumulated to such extent that it may have negative effects on health. It occurs over time when people eat more calories than they utilize. The reasons for obesity can be medical problems, inactivity, genetics, family lifestyle, unhealthy diet, medications, age, and pregnancy. Being obese increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some type of cancers.

Obesity treatment basically incorporates a two-step process: assessment and management. Obesity assessment includes determination of the level of obesity and obesity management involves overall maintenance of body weight as well as the systematic weight loss programs.

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Government initiatives to increase the awareness about fitness, technological advancements improving the compliance rates of surgeries, and aggressive marketing strategies to attract customers are some of the drivers for the growth of the obesity treatment market.

Factors responsible for restraining the growth of the obesity treatment market are availability of low cost alternatives, high cost of customization, and post-surgical side effects.

The obesity treatment market is segmented based on lifestyle changes, surgical & implant devices, and medication therapy. Lifestyle changes involves dietary changes and exercise. The dietary segment held a significant share in 2015 and is expected to increase during the forecast period. The reasons for the projected growth of the segment might be low cost of therapy, increase in health consciousness among people, and acceptance of the fact that it is easier to lower calorie intake to a greater degree than to burn more calories through increased exercise.

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The surgery & implant devices are further categorized into gastric bypass surgery, gastric balloon, gastric band, electrical stimulation system, and gastric emptying system. Gastric bypass surgery is a fast growing segment in the obesity treatment market owing to factors such as fast recovery time, improved psychological status, and improved longevity. The minimally invasive segment is expected to grow at a higher rate during the forecast period due to its reversible nature, rapid effect, and cost & time effectiveness. It basically involves employing the implant devices in gastric area, which minimizes the incidences of post-operative infections that arise from invasive procedures. It in turn shortens the hospital stays for patients.

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In medication therapy, the individual (satiety) drug and combination drug therapy are the two major segments. The combination drug segment in the obesity treatment market captured a large share globally in 2015. It is mainly attributed to the synergistic effect of combined therapy in obesity treatment and rising prevalence of obesity. The satiety drug which provide a feeling of gastric fullness is a fast growing segment in the obesity treatment market. The major reason for the growth is its cost which is lower than that of the combination therapy.

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Geographically, the obesity treatment market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and rest of the world. In 2014, North America accounted for a significant share of the market owing to the rise in childhood obesity rates, strong government support and funding, growth in obese population, increase in membership for health clubs, lifestyle changes, and technological advancements in this region. North America is expected to maintain the level owing to heavy R&D investments deployed to develop rational and effective obesity treatment processes. Asia Pacific is estimated to grow at a high rate due to increase in demand for drugs, commercialization of minimally invasive surgical procedures, and rise in awareness about risks associated with obesity. Moreover, unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle are likely to increase the number of obese people during the forecast period.

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Key market players operating in the obesity treatment market include NutriSystem, Inc. (U.S.), Kellogg Company (U.S.), Ethicon, Inc. (U.S.), Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. (U.S.), Herbalife Ltd. (U.S.), Covidien plc (U.S.), Apollo Endosurgery (U.S.), Amer Sports (Finland), Johnson Health Technology, Ltd. (Taiwan), Cybex International (U.S.), Olympus Corporation (Japan), Brunswick Corporation (U.S.), and Technogym SpA (Italy). Increase in focus of the market players on gaining FDA approvals to launch new drugs and devices in the obesity treatment market propels the growth of the obesity treatment market exponentially during the forecast period.

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Obesity Treatment Market: Gastric bypass surgery is a fast growing segment in the market - BioSpace

Know pros and cons of different types of diets – News Track English

Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:51 am

When people say about diet we will be curious to know which type of diet? There are a lot of recommendations or social media suggestions as people always discuss about losing weightor beingfit. Below are five popular types of diets with their pros and cons.

Vegan diet

This involves eating only plant-based foods. The high fat and calories of animal foods are replaced by low-calorie plant-based foods can help in managing weight. Vegan food is fiber-rich, promotes eating whole foods, and has low saturated fats. It promotes heart health and lowers the risk ofcancer. Vegan diet is healthy and beneficial if its followed correctly.

Keto diet

This is a low carb diet, in which the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. The diet promotes rapid weight loss, by boosting metabolism and reducing appetite. Keto diet lowers blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity, triglycerides, and HDL Cholesterol levels. The diet is believed to treat PCOS. The various health problems like kidney stones, vitamin and mineral deficiency, fatty liver, and constipation will be the outcome if the Keto diet is followed for long and backfires with extra weight gain if left all on the sudden.

Gluten-free diet

Glutenis a protein that is found commonly in grains like rye, barley, and wheat. Gluten consumption can be harmful to people with celiac disease. It is not advisable to start a gluten-free diet without consulting a health professional first. This diet encourages people to increase their fruits and vegetable intake. Sudden stop following the diet causes inflammation andweight gain.

Detox diet

Detox diets, being on a liquid diet for some time or only raw fruits and vegetables. What you lose is water weight and fat weight remains unchanged and weight gains back when diet is stopped. Once in a week promotes healthy skin and hair, increase antioxidants in the body and helps in resetting the body weight.

Intermittent fasting

In this method, fasting happens for either 16 hours or 24 hours a day, two times per week. While it helps in losing weight, it promotes other health benefits like reducing insulin resistance, helps boost brain health and heart health, and reduction of inflammation. Hydrate well during the fast and stop the diet when headache appears. This diet is a lifestyle change method to improve the lifespan of an individual.

A diet should be sustainable and healthy with long-term benefits.

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When people say about diet we will be curious to know which type of diet? There are a lot of recommendations or social media suggestions as people always discuss about losing weightor beingfit. Below are five popular types of diets with their pros and cons.

Vegan diet

This involves eating only plant-based foods. The high fat and calories of animal foods are replaced by low-calorie plant-based foods can help in managing weight. Vegan food is fiber-rich, promotes eating whole foods, and has low saturated fats. It promotes heart health and lowers the risk ofcancer. Vegan diet is healthy and beneficial if its followed correctly.

Keto diet

This is a low carb diet, in which the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. The diet promotes rapid weight loss, by boosting metabolism and reducing appetite. Keto diet lowers blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity, triglycerides, and HDL Cholesterol levels. The diet is believed to treat PCOS. The various health problems like kidney stones, vitamin and mineral deficiency, fatty liver, and constipation will be the outcome if the Keto diet is followed for long and backfires with extra weight gain if left all on the sudden.

Gluten-free diet

Glutenis a protein that is found commonly in grains like rye, barley, and wheat. Gluten consumption can be harmful to people with celiac disease. It is not advisable to start a gluten-free diet without consulting a health professional first. This diet encourages people to increase their fruits and vegetable intake. Sudden stop following the diet causes inflammation andweight gain.

Detox diet

Detox diets, being on a liquid diet for some time or only raw fruits and vegetables. What you lose is water weight and fat weight remains unchanged and weight gains back when diet is stopped. Once in a week promotes healthy skin and hair, increase antioxidants in the body and helps in resetting the body weight.

Intermittent fasting

In this method, fasting happens for either 16 hours or 24 hours a day, two times per week. While it helps in losing weight, it promotes other health benefits like reducing insulin resistance, helps boost brain health and heart health, and reduction of inflammation. Hydrate well during the fast and stop the diet when headache appears. This diet is a lifestyle change method to improve the lifespan of an individual.

A diet should be sustainable and healthy with long-term benefits.

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Know pros and cons of different types of diets - News Track English

Weight Loss Surgeries Up 20% Over Last Year As Obesity Contributes To COVID-19 Complications – CBS Denver

Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:58 am

DENVER (CBS4) Every day we seem to be learning more about coronavirus, and one of the risk factors that has doctors concerned is how obesity can increase the likelihood of severe illness from COVID-19. Dr. Frank Chae from the Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery says thats led to an increase in weight loss surgeries.

He says hes seen a 20% increase in demand and requests for bariatric surgery when compared to June, July, and August of last year.

Its not just our practice, says Chae. Whether its in New York City or in Cleveland, as well as the various insurance companies across the country. United Healthcare and Cigna have seen an increased demand as much as 24% to 40% compared to last year.

Chae says the best candidates for weight loss surgery are people who are 60 to 80 pounds overweight, or have a body mass index greater than 30. He says insurance companies typically cover the surgeries in people who have a BMI of 35 or greater.

I think a lot of people are fast tracking their decision process to sign up for surgery, in order for them to protect themselves from the adverse effects of COVID-19 complications, which by the way, rises with obesity.

For those who may not be eligible or do not want surgery, Chae recommends a high protein, low carb diet as well as plenty of exercise. He says a great place to start is with your doctor, who can refer you to a dietician. He says most candidates for weight loss surgery have tried these methods first but have been unsuccessful.

We knew obesity was bad for COVID, since it does adversely affect our lung function, and our immune response system to fight off infection, says Chae. But whats also powerful is that there are studies coming out that show weight loss surgery lessens the risk of ICU admission after COVID infection as well as death from COVID-19.

Read the rest here:
Weight Loss Surgeries Up 20% Over Last Year As Obesity Contributes To COVID-19 Complications - CBS Denver

Weight loss: How many chapatis can you have in a day? – Times of India

Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:58 am

Carbs, protein and fat are known as macronutrients, which means our body needs them in large quantities to carry out different functions in the body. First of all, you need to finalise your daily carb intake. On the basis of that you can decide how many chapatis you can have in a day.

A small 6-inch chapati contains around 71 calories. So, if your lunchtime calorie intake is 300 calories, you can have two chapatis that will be 140 calories and the remaining can come from vegetables and salad that you eat with the chapatis. Remember that not only chapatis, but even the vegetables and fruits you consume also contain some amount of carbs.

In short, how many wheat rotis can you consume in a day actually depends on your calorie intake. Having 4 chapatis in a day is considered optimal for weight loss.

Read the original here:
Weight loss: How many chapatis can you have in a day? - Times of India

Weight Loss: Burn Some Calories With This Advanced Cardio Workout That Can Pump You Up Instantly! – NDTV

Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:58 am

Cardio workout for weight loss: This advanced cardio workout can make you feel energised

Weight training workouts require less space and can be done in a room or even on a mat. Doing cardio workouts in a small space or on a mat, can be a tad bit difficult. Running, cycling, jogging, skipping rope, jumping jack can all be done either on machines or outside of your house in a park etc. The recently-shared workout by celeb fitness trainer Kayla Itsines, however, enables you to do a pumped up cardio workout on a mat or a small space.

This cardio workout can be done anytime, anywhere, without any equipment. It can get your heart rate up, boost your stamina and help you burn a good amount of calories in only 10 minutes.

This advanced cardio workout can be great for boosting your mood and also for losing weight. It can be ideal for those who have been struggling to step out because of too much responsibilities, packed work schedule and house chores.

This workout, according to Itsines, can be an alternative to walking, running, cycling and even swimming. Watch the video below to see how each exercise is done. You can set a timer and complete three laps to make a full workout.

You can also combine it with a weight training session like the one shared below. All exercises can be done at home with minimal or no equipment.

So what are you waiting for? Let's do this!

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

Read more:
Weight Loss: Burn Some Calories With This Advanced Cardio Workout That Can Pump You Up Instantly! - NDTV

Do chia seeds really help with weight loss? Health benefits, nutrition facts and ways to include them in diet – Times Now

Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:58 am

Do chia seeds really help with weight loss? Health benefits, nutrition facts and ways to include them in diet  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: Chia seeds have been gaining popularity in recent years. In fact, most dietitians would recommend adding these tiny seeds to your diet if youre trying to shrink your waistline. It is claimed that chia seeds, which are often referred to as a superfood, have many health benefits, including weight loss. But, is eating chia seeds really one trick to losing belly fat?

Basically, chia seeds are tiny power-packed seeds that are loaded with proteins, fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, and several healthful nutrients and antioxidants. Chia seeds come from the plantSalvia hispanica L, andare a native of Mexico - it does not have an Indian name.

Studies have shown that consuming 2 tablespoons of chia seeds each day can do wonders for your health. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database, 2 tablespoons of chia seeds (28g) contain:

To understand more about chia seeds, its health benefits, and whether these tiny superseeds can actually aid weight loss, we spoke with Ms Priya Prakash, a certified nutrition coach and biotechnologist, co-founder of Naturally Yours, who also suggests ways to incorporate them into your diet.

The idea is that since chia seeds are high in fibre, which is filling and can temporarily suppress appetite, they may help you eat fewer calories, thereby promoting weight loss. Research has linked eating a high-fibre diet to weight loss and reduced belly fat. The fibre in chia seeds is mainly soluble fibre, which absorbs large amounts of water and takes up a gel-like consistency. This helps in slowing down the digestion and absorption of food. This, in turn, leads to feeling full for a longer period of time and thus avoiding unnecessary snacking in between meals. Reducing a persons desire to snack throughout the day and, therefore, helping them reduce their daily calorie intake is helpful for people who are looking to lose weight sustainably. Chia seeds are an excellent source of protein, another key nutrient for weight loss.

Yet, theres little evidence for the weight loss benefits of chia seeds, however, they can be a nutritious addition to your diet. For instance, a review, published in the Journal of Obesity, concluded that there is limited data to suggest the use of chia seeds for weight loss, although many obese people take supplements to shed those extra pounds. You should understand that chia seeds are also relatively high in fat and calories, hence, moderation is the key here - as with any other food.

Here are some health benefits of chia seeds:

Chia seed does not have a strong taste of its own so it can be easily included in any recipe without altering the taste of the final dish. It can be consumed raw, roasted, or in the powder form. But remember to always combine them with dishes that have some moisture content in them. Do not eat dry chia seeds by themselves.

While more extensive studies are required to test the effects of chia seeds on weight loss and overall health, you can make these nutritious pseudo grains a part of your healthy weight loss plan. So, you may include them in your daily diet to reap the benefits of this superfood. The antioxidant and omega-3 rich seeds can keep you energised and supports cardiac health, healthy digestion and sustainable weight management. But, if you want to lose weight, make sure that you follow a healthy, balanced diet and get more physical activity. Remember, there's no magic bullet or seed for weight loss.

A word of caution: Chia seeds do not typically cause side effects, however, they may interact with blood thinners such as warfarin. Therefore, people should avoid consuming chia seeds if they are using any of these drugs.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

Do chia seeds really help with weight loss? Health benefits, nutrition facts and ways to include them in diet - Times Now

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