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OPINION: Is Documentary ‘Kiss The Ground’ Just A Last Ditch Effort To Keep Meat Relevant? – Plant Based News

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:50 pm

If you have found your way to this article, I can only assume that we have something in common: both of us want to see a better world where humans and all life on earth is thriving.

Having dedicated many years to researching and communicating the science behind an optimal diet for humans, I understand first hand how our health is inextricably tied to the planet's (as detailed in my upcoming book).

Put simply, there are no healthy humans without a healthy planet. With that said, any time a new study, book, documentary, or other media publication is published I read or watch with great interest.

And of course, having interviewed the co-founders of Kiss the Ground, Ryland Engelhart and Finian Makepeace, in early 2020, I was particularly excited to watch the Kiss the Ground documentary (and I recommend you watch it too if you havent already).

Before we get into a few major claims made inKiss the Groundthat are directly at odds with scientific knowledge, I want to preface this entry by saying that I wholeheartedly support regenerative agriculture as a goal and think the documentary did a great job bringing light to the detrimental impact that intensive animal agriculture is having on our planet.

A degenerative system that decimates life in our soil, releases immense amounts of greenhouse gas emissions into our atmosphere, pollutes our waterways, and disrupts the biodiversity and biology on our land and in our oceans.

I was also pleased the documentary shone a light on food waste and composting these are two things that many of us can introduce into our daily lives with minimal barriers to entry.

Above all, it's great to see this conversation growing from what has very much been a fringe movement to now entering the mainstream.

Talking about the importance of being better stewards of our land, and why we must do a better job at protecting our natural resources and ecosystems, is absolutely crucial if our species is to not just thrive on Planet Earth, but survive. It's within this context, that it becomes so vividly apparent, that in this conversation we are not just talking about planetary health, but at its core, human health.

Where I think the documentary falls short is in three critical areas. I've listed these below in short, and then we will go through each together looking at the claims made and where the science lies: (These have also been covered in detail with Environmental Researcher Nicholas Carter (co-author of this article) in episode 104 and 111 on the Plant Proof podcastavailable below).

1 Claims that holistic grazing can reverse climate change. This form of regenerative agriculture is by no means the 'silver bullet' that its so often portrayed to be and is certainly not what the worlds leading climate scientists are most excited by.

2 Creation of a false dichotomy. The documentary carefully positions holistic grazing as the answer to intensive animal agriculture (including the mono-cropping that occurs to feed factory-farmed animals). I'm sure we can all agree that factory farming is a blight on humanity, and there is far too much mono-cropping, but assuming that it's either this intensive form of animal agriculture or holistic grazing, is not accurate. For a great deal of land, there are other, more evidence-based ways to sequester carbon. Unfortunately, these incredibly superior solutions are less sexy because they are not tying livestock, and more specifically the consumption of beef, to the solution.

3 Unclear about how the proposed solutions would affect our diets. Regardless of the above claims being scientifically supported or not (we'll come to that) if one is to advocate for a shift to holistic grazing this will inevitably result in a dramatic reduction in global meat supply. In turn, this means shifting to more plant-based diets.

(Photo: Adobe. Do not use without permission)

There is enough evidence to support regenerative agriculture being a more environmentally friendly form of agriculture to how we are currently farming, but on the other side, I am also weary whenever a solution is proposed as a panacea for tackling climate change what is arguably one of the most complex problems that the human race is faced with.

There are three main points I want to make about holistic grazing that are important for you to understand.

The first point that I think deserves our attention, before getting into the science on the reversal claim, is the way the producers wanted you to see holistic grazing. It was very much positioned as absolutely crucial to confronting this climate emergency we find ourselves in.The sort of solution you might suspect is at the top of all climate scientists lists.

This positioning starts with the documentary's focus on the Drawdown Report by Environmentalist Paul Hawken from Project Drawdown. This is a review Im very familiar with having read through it front to back a handful of times.

I also thoroughly enjoyed Pauls episode on Rich Roll's podcast where he speaks at length about Project Drawdown. Essentially, Hawken and his team have created a long list of approximately 100 solutions, which when implemented together, would be capable of drawing down more carbon than we are emitting by 2050. And as the documentary states, shifting us from climate warming to climate cooling.

Focussing on this review was a clever move by Kiss the Ground - Paul Hawken and the Project Drawdown are incredibly well respected. However, there is a 'slight' problem with the way they presented the information from the Drawdown report. What's glaringly clear from Hawken's report is that when it comes to our food and greenhouse gas emissions, the two areas we can make the biggest impact are reducing food waste (number 1 solution)and moving to a plant-rich diet (number three solution).

In fact, if we look at the solutions outlined in the Drawdown Report and their potential to draw down carbon from our atmosphere, shifting to a diet that favours calories from plants is twice as powerful compared to shifting to silvopasture and four times as powerful compared as shifting to managed grazing two forms of regenerative agriculture that involve livestock.

There was also no mention of tropical forest restoration which has significantly greater potential at pulling carbon out of the atmosphere compared to grazing cows on land no matter what practice is employed. You can see all of this here for yourself

I'm not suggesting we should only be changing our diet but given it has greater potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions you would think it would have been given more emphasis than putting cows on pasture.

The documentary tiptoed around this, failing to make it explicitly clear that the food on our plate has to change, while seemingly wanting us to believe that holistic grazing on its own can reverse climate change.

It only takes a quick read of the Drawdown Report to realize that this is absolutely unfounded - it's going to take an enormous amount of solutions to radically transform our energy and food systems to reverse climate change, and holistic grazing, while certainly better than intensive farming, is not the miracle carbon-sequestering practice that those watching are led to believe. There's nothing 'Netflix and chill'about that.

The next thing I want to address, and perhaps the most important take-home message here, is the science underpinning holistic grazing is flaky at best. Kiss the Ground gave the microphone to Ranchers Alan Savory and Gabe Brown, but we didn't hear about any legitimate science testing out whether the claims they were making truly hold up?

Sure, it's easy to see with our own eyes that there is more life on land that is managed in a regenerative way, but in order to really know that it is a climate solution, we would need evidence that carbon levels in the soil are not only increasing but increasing by more than the emissions emitted by the animals involved in the system. I thought it was odd that this was left out.

Although, when I watched it for the third time, it became obvious that the biology 101 lessons from 'Ray' were cleverly used to dance around the fact there is no solid science to back up Savory and Browns claims. This is where a report written by Dr. Tara Garnett for the University of Oxford becomes very interesting a report title Grazed and Confusedthat I have written about before here.

After looking at all of the available evidence on holistic grazing, and claims made by the likes of Savory, the report concludes that 'grass-fed livestock are not a climate solution'. Grazing livestock are net contributors to the climate problem, as are all livestock. Rising animal production and consumption, whatever the farming system and animal type, is causing damaging greenhouse gas release and contributing to changes in land use. Ultimately, if high consuming individuals and countries want to do something positive for the climate, maintaining their current consumption levels but simply switching to grass-fed beef is not a solution. Eating less meat, of all types, is.

And when it comes to the Savory Institute and Savorys claims Dr Garnett states that they are 'generally anecdotal, based on surveys and testimonies rather than on-site measurements'.Sounds pretty ambitious to champion this form of animal agriculture as a climate solution without strong empirical evidence?

Estimated annual soil carbon sequestration potential from grazing management, per hectare.

This isn't the only literature review that has found a lack of science to support Savory's claims about holistic grazing with another detailed review of the literature out of Sweden by Maria Nordborg, coming to the same conclusion. Savory's claims dont stand up when you put them under the microscope. Or this breakdown of the many myth's he perpetuates in The International Journal ofBiodiversity.

Now all debates have two sides and Savory has been confronted with this information before. His response: "holistic management does not permit replication", and "you'll find the scientific method never discovers anything."

In other words, his claims cannot be supported by data, replicated by others and he doesnt believe in science. Makes sense why the documentary didn't go there! This is a huge problem. There seems to be an incredibly fine line between grazing just enough and overgrazing, which speaks to potentially whycrediblepeer-reviewed science has to date, failed to produce results that come close to what Alan Savory claims.

This is why science is so important. Anecdote and expert opinion or theories are at the bottom of the evidence hierarchy, and it's not until we see the findings from higher levels of science, reproduced on scale, that we can begin to have confidence in what we are observing. If he is the only one that can achieve the carbon sequestration that he claims, I fail to see how thats a hopeful solution. And let's not forget, this is the same man who ordered 40,000 African elephants to slaughter because he incorrectly thought they were damaging the land.

A major strategy deployed in the documentary is offering two distinct choices for where consumers should source their food: conventional chemical-filled monocrops, or lush open fields of regenerative agriculture.

This is a major oversimplification of our complex and varied farming system. Firstly, just so we are clear, the majority of the world's mono-crops are fed to livestock. So what we are talking about here is how to better use the land dedicated to animal agriculture (83 percent of all agricultural land) that is responsible for 80 percent of food-related greenhouse gas emissions yet provides only 18 percent of our total calories.

The elephant in the room during the documentary is that they completely failed to mention that a significant amount of the land dedicated to animal agriculture across the world (not all but certainly a lot) needs to be restored to forests (the number one driver of deforestation is animal agriculture) to get anywhere close to meeting our climate goals.

Why? Because not only does this mean less greenhouse gas-emitting ruminant animals, but it means we can draw down more carbon from the atmosphere - forests are typically far better at doing this than grasslands.

In fact, in the Drawdown Report, when you factor in the land that would be freed up if the entire world shifted to a plant-rich diet, this becomes the single biggest lever that each of us can pull to lower our individual environmental footprint. So really, the idea of conservation and restoration, needed to be absolutely front and center if Kiss the Ground truly wanted to educate the masses about how agriculture can help tackle climate change.

They also failed to make it clear why ruminants were required. Yes, there's no doubt ruminant poop can help improve soil quality, but there are many types of regenerative agriculture that do not involve animalsor animal manure and others that act as sanctuaries using animals on their land without sending them to slaughter.

One can only presume that the slaughtering of the animal is not about soil quality, but about profits. Dont get me wrong. Farmer's need to make profits but we need to be transparent here and lay down all solutions on the table to have an open discussion. Until then, it's going to be hard to truly transform our agricultural system to benefit all life on the planet.

As a side note, the documentary routinely employed uses numerous fear-mongering tactics to scare the viewer into grasping for whatever solution comes next. A prime example of this is their claim that there is only 60 years of farming left. That sounds catastrophic. However, this was taken from a United Nations speech, which leading soil scientist's say is absolutely not supported by science.

Finally, the 'elephant' / 'cow' in the room (not sure which is more fitting) during Kiss the Ground is how are we going to produce enough meat using holistic grazing to meet current demands?

There are a few clues within the documentary that speak to this but they are by no means overtly clear to the viewer. The first clue is when the documentary makes mention of the natural history of Bison roaming the United States. They correctly state that Bison would pass through land and not be seen for around a year. To rotate cows like bison, it means leaving land free from roaming animals for at least six-nine months a figure that Alan Savory states himself in the documentary.

This means that compared to factory farms, or traditional grazing where cows are overgrazing and destroying the soil, a regenerative farm using holistic grazing would require a lot more land for any given number of roaming cows.

Unfortunately, overtly telling people they need to cut down on their meat consumption for this change in agriculture to work isnt going to help with the documentary's popularity. But it's the reality we face. Factory farms are good at one thing producing a lot of meat in a short period of time to feed a growing appetite for meat.

If we pull the pin on that, it means one thing and one thing only.Less meat to go around and significantly higher prices per unit. And this isn't just my own speculation. If the U.S shifted away from intensive livestock farming to traditional grazing, it's been calculated that the available grasslands would only be able to produce 27 percent of the countries current beef supply.

In other words, a 73 percent reduction in beef available per person in the U.S. For holistic grazing, that figure would be even higher because it requires far more land per cow and thus produces significantly less beef than the traditional more intensive grazing systems.

As prices go up, pending one spends the same budget they had previously set aside for meat, their consumption naturally falls. Unfortunately, Savory seems to have led himself to believe that his unscientific approach should be expanded across the world - really, tear down more forests to make room for holistic grazing? This sounds like something else that he would likely regret in the near future.

While, there were very subtle hints that people would have only caught if paying very close attention, it was not made overtly clear by the documentary that the proposed solutions means transitioning the world to plant-rich diets.

There was mention of a 'regenerative diet' but what does that mean? Why not let the viewer know what the world's leading climate scientists have to say about diet? Data from almost 40,000 farms, and 119 countries, clearly shows us that a plant-based diet results in less greenhouse gas emissions, less pollution, less ocean acidification, and uses less water and land - land which we can therefore 'free up' and convert to forests to rapidly sequester carbon from our atmosphere. This seems like pretty important information that was left off the table.

Despite the documentary not spelling it out, it's very clear. If we want to lower our environmental footprint the single most important thing we can do is eat more plants. Yes, whats on our plate is even more important than where it's come from or 'buying local'. As Hannah Ritchie, Phd (Geosciences) puts it: "Whether you buy it from the farmer next door or from far away, it is not the location that makes the carbon footprint of your dinner large, but the fact that it is beef."

The bonus being that plant-rich dietary patterns just so happen to also be what major health institutions and progressive Government departments like Health Canada are advocating for to tackle rising rates of obesity and chronic disease, and improve quality of life.


The problem is, the lay viewer who is not across the science, and blinded by the message of 'hope', is likely to confuse the role of cows in holistic grazing with instruction that we should continue eating meat at current rates (as long as it's 'grass-fed') and perhaps even double down on our meat consumption.

As long as it's 'grass-fed'. After all, this method of grazing, which Gabe Brown and Alan Savory speak about at length, is being positioned in the documentary as the solution we have all been waiting for to reverse climate change. A powerful message during a time where the climate emergency is without a doubt causing climate anxiety. But what good is hope if it's false?

And as we all know, this creates a slippery slope. Consumers falsely see meat as part of the solution, and although they may do their best to seek out regenerative meat (

Despite all of this, my fear is that many will be left with a complete misunderstanding of where environmental science truly lies. Why? Because where Kiss the Ground lacks in science, it makes up in celebrity power with the likes of Woody Harrelson, Jason Mraz, Ian Somerhalder, Gisele Bndchen, and Tom Brady all featured.

The documentary is well-produced and in the eyes of a layperson an extremely compelling case for changing the way we grow food. However, given the notable absence of well qualified environmental scientists discussing evidence to support their ambitious claims, in favor of anecdotal experience from ranchers, just how much of the information in this documentary can we trust and reliably use to shape our food system and inform our food choices? Unfortunately not as much as I had hoped.

So if Kiss the Ground had taken a more evidence-based approach and included dietary recommendations what would it have looked like?

I would simply build on the work of Michael Pollan, a well-known science writer: "Where possible eat regenerative food, not too much, mostly plants."

Practically speaking this looks like the plate below perhaps this could be The Regenerative Plate that Kiss the Ground adopts in their communication going forwards.

A plant-rich dietary pattern that places emphasis on regeneration but really could be chopped in a number of ways to suit the individual Mediterranean, paleo, pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, etc can all be done in a plant-predominant manner. The central tenant is that its a diet that places enormous emphasis on calories from plants and de-emphasizes calories from animal products. I'd be willing to donate it to them.

If I was to describe this plate in short I would simply build on the great work of Michael Pollan. Where possible eat regenerative food, not too much, mostly plants. An adaptation from his famous quote "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants."

Regardless of the label that we choose to adopt, eating this way will nourish the soil, reduce emissions from agriculture, and at the same time reduce the burden of chronic disease in our communities.

For me, it's a plant-exclusive diet and for you it might be eating plant-based before dinner - often the perfect place for people to start.

Either way, shifting the typical diet in such a way is a certain win for humanity and all life on Earth, and thus something that not only should have been made clearer in Kiss the ground, but something that everyone reading should strongly consider.

Read more:
OPINION: Is Documentary 'Kiss The Ground' Just A Last Ditch Effort To Keep Meat Relevant? - Plant Based News

Watching out for eating disorders in kids and teens – Contemporary Pediatrics

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:50 pm

Eating may become disordered for some pediatric patients. A presentation at the virtual 2020 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition gives guidance on how to identify and manage eating disorders in pediatrics.

For many children, eating is merely a way to power the body for all of the activities of life. However, for other children, eating can be a disordered habit than can lead to significant negative health outcomes if left untreated. In his presentation Identifying and treating disorders in children and adolescents, Neville H. Golden, MD, chief of the division of adolescent medicine at Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital in Palo Alto, California, shared some guidance with attendees of the virtual 2020 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition. Initially, he spoke about the shifting epidemiology of eating disorders, sharing that it was becoming more prevalent in younger children, males, and minorities. He also spoke about the sex differences that are noted in eating disorder prevalence, stating that the 9:1 ratio of girls to boys only seems to apply to teenagers and young adults. In children aged 9 to 10, the ratio is 1:1.

Golden then discussed the eating disorders that pediatricians may find in patients. He covered the 2 most well-known: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia is characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight and restricting energy intake and bulimia is characterized by recurrent binge eating and recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior to mitigate the binge eating. However, those eating disorders made up 48.7% of eating disorders. Other disordered eating included avoidantrestrictive food intake disorder, which has no fear of weight gain or body image distortion, but is characterized by avoiding foods for sensory reasons and worry about choking or vomiting.

The medical complications related to eating disorders are myriad and can include:

He also discussed when hospitalization for eating disorders would be indicated. Patients should be hospitalized if there is failure of outpatient treatment; physiologic instability; severe malnutrition; dehydration or electrolyte abnormalities; and electrocardiogram abnormalities. When working on weight restoration in hospitalized patients, clinicians need to be vigilant for refeeding syndrome, which can occur during aggressive nutritional restoration. Recent studies have found that higher caloric intake than recommended by some guidelines can reduce the length of stay, without increasing the rate of refeeding syndrome.

The presentation concluded with a discussion on managing obesity and being careful to avoid messaging that could trigger an eating disorder. When counseling patients on obesity, clinicians should not encourage dieting, skipping meals, or using diet pills. The focus of the counseling should be on healthy habits that can be sustained for a lifetime and should encourage frequent family meals. Clinicians should also closely monitor weight loss in patients who need to lose weight to ensure that the patient does not develop an eating disorder. Patients who arent properly monitored could develop anorexia nervosa, which would not present the same way as the stereotypical case.

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Watching out for eating disorders in kids and teens - Contemporary Pediatrics

Weight loss: This one drink can boost your metabolism and help burn fat fast – Express

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:49 pm

In order to achieve a healthy lifestyle, it is important to eat well and keep moving.

Many diet plans will help slimmers beat the bulge by putting them into a calorie deficit.

This is when the body is burning off more calories than it is taking in, which commonly leads to weight loss.

As well as changing eating habits, some people have claimed drinking certain hot drinks can speed up results.

READ MORE:Is apple cider vinegar on keto diet?

Green tea is a light beverage which is full of healthy antioxidants.

According to some studies, it can help speed up fat loss and boost the metabolism.

In one study published in the National Library of Medicine, a group of men had green tea extract before exercising.


Those who took the extract burned 17 percent more fat than those who did not.

Another study published in the library gave participants either green tea or a placebo before they exercised.

During an eight week period, those who drank tea also noticed increased fat-burning in the body.

The findings suggest drinking green tea before exercise could lead to weight loss benefits.

Speaking to, training experience manager at fitness app Freeletics David Weiner also spoke of the benefits of herbal tea.

He explained ginger tea can reduce bloating which can make the waistline appear more toned.

David said: The first and perhaps most obvious benefit of ginger tea is that it is anti-inflammatory.

"Thanks to a naturally occurring enzyme in ginger called gingerol, the root actively works to naturally reduce inflammation, swelling, or bloating of any kind.

Combining the drink with a healthy diet and exercise plan will also prompt weight loss results.

By adding ginger root into tea, one can actively work towards their weight loss goals," he continued.

All the amazing benefits work together as a team to help clean out toxins in the body and can help bring your weight to a healthy number.

Gingerol, in particular, stimulates a speedy digestion and can help stabilise blood sugar levels in the body. This, in turn, can support the body feeling fuller for longer and lead to less unnecessary snacking.

Drinking herbal tea can help boost the metabolism and help promote weight loss.

The rest is here:
Weight loss: This one drink can boost your metabolism and help burn fat fast - Express

The Essential Foods to Eat to Lose Weight – Yahoo News

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:49 pm

Google "best foods for weight loss" and you'll get 48 million different opinions. But we know that it's not about what you find onlineit's about what actually makes it on your plate.

And here, we've collected the essential list.

We call these best foods to lose weight "superfoods" because, like Clark Kent, they look unassuming but hide impressively powerful health benefits. That's right, the secret to lose weight by eating has been in front of you this whole time: simply shop at your local grocery store, grab the below and make sure they make the meal plan week after week.

Meet the best weight loss foods ever.


We don't expect you to suddenly convert to the Kale Cult. It's bitter, tough to eat raw and just so disgustingly pleased with itself. Good news: We found 10 greens healthier than kale so you can pick something that suits your needs. Love smoothies? Go with spinach. Want something no-nonsense? Even plain 'ol leafy lettuce stacks up as more nutritionally-dense than the current king of greens. And remember: Sometimes, the healthiest plants aren't even the ones you eat. When you just need something to sip on, but you're looking to get the biggest nutritional bang for your buck, try these teas that help you lose weight.


Repeat after us: fat is not the enemy. No, that's not your carte blanche to dive into the bacon. There are plenty of healthy fatsdelicious onesthat make our list of foods that will help you lose weight. You don't have to eat straight avocados to get the benefits, either. Grab an egg and cheese combo to go from our list of healthy fast food breakfast options. Better yet, wrap up your workout with an indulgent glass of your childhood favorite. It's part of our no-fail chocolate milk diet. Ready to ditch the low-fat fanaticism? Welcome to the tastier side of weight loss.


We're going to go out on a limb here and wager a guess that the luck of the Irish has nothing to do with actual luck. Like most things in life, it has to do with being preparedand Ireland has a longstanding tradition of starting their days with the breakfast most likely to get you through the day at the top of your game. Waking up to a big bowl of oats, in addition to giving you all-morning focus, tops our list of the 10 daily habits that blast belly fat. Need more motivation? You'll see rapid weight loss resultsin just 14 days.

Story continues


If you want to lose weight, see red. Red fruits are richest in flavonoids called anthocyaninscompounds that give them their colorwhich boast special "zero belly" properties. Which means, if you're picking Gala over Golden Delicious, you're choosing the best fruit for weight loss. But before you swap your green juice for red, check our list of the 10 best tips on how to lose weight. One of the biggest: Eat, don't drink, your fruit! The fiber will keep you full while the anthocyanins whittle your waist.


Americans have a duel obsession with snacking and eating more protein. So when a study study revealed that spacing your protein evenly throughout the day actually helps you build more musclewithout a workoutwe knew we had to round up good snacks packed with the stuff. Though we're still very pro lean chicken and fish dishes, there's no denying that grab-and-go protein suits our modern lifestyles much better. Looking for something a little more indulgent? See if your favorite brand makes our list of the best yogurt for weight loss for a creamy, protein-packed snack.


Drinking water is sort of like the flossing of the dieting world: You don't really think about it until someone reminds you, but it's integral to your healthand weight loss plan. Just keeping a full water bottle at your desk to sip on throughout the day is enough to keep your metabolism humming; in fact, it's one of our favorite easy ways to lose weight. Feeling like an overachiever? Add some sliced lemons and oranges to your water for a cleansing boost straight out of our exclusive one day detox. A compound in the peel helps flush toxins from the body and give your sluggish bowels a kick.

More here:
The Essential Foods to Eat to Lose Weight - Yahoo News

The herbal supplement shown to boost sexual performance and encourage weight loss – Express

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:49 pm

Only seven percent of veterans taking a placebo reported any improvements.

However, it is worth noting that organisations like the American Urology Association do not recommend yohimbine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction due to insufficient evidence and the potential for adverse side effects.

Yohimbines ability to block the alpha-2 adrenergic receptors located in fat cells could, in theory, lead to increased fat loss and weight loss.

Several controlled studies have put this hypothesis to the test.

On the other hand, two additional controlled studies concluded that yohimbine had no significant effect on weight loss or fat loss.

According to the NHS, there's no single rule that applies to everyone, but to lose weight at a safe and sustainable rate of 0.5 to 1kg a week, most people are advised to reduce their energy intake by 600 calories a day.

"For most men, this will mean consuming no more than 1,900 calories a day, and for most women, no more than 1,400 calories a day," explains the health body.

It adds: "The best way to achieve this is to swap unhealthy and high-energy food choices such as fast food, processed food and sugary drinks (including alcohol) for healthier choices."

Read this article:
The herbal supplement shown to boost sexual performance and encourage weight loss - Express

R&D Activities to Fast-track the Growth of the Weight Loss Therapeutics Market Between 2017 2025 – Crypto Daily

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:49 pm

Given the debilitating impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on the Weight Loss Therapeutics market, companies are vying opportunities to stay afloat in the market landscape. Gain access to our latest research analysis on COVID-19 associated with the Weight Loss Therapeutics market and understand how market players are adopting new strategies to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

The report provides both quantitative and qualitative information of global Weight Loss Therapeutics market for period of 2018 to 2025. As per the analysis provided in the report, the global market of Weight Loss Therapeutics is estimated to growth at a CAGR of _% during the forecast period 2018 to 2025 and is expected to rise to USD _ million/billion by the end of year 2025. In the year 2016, the global Weight Loss Therapeutics market was valued at USD _ million/billion.

This research report based on Weight Loss Therapeutics market and available with Market Study Report includes latest and upcoming industry trends in addition to the global spectrum of the Weight Loss Therapeutics market that includes numerous regions. Likewise, the report also expands on intricate details pertaining to contributions by key players, demand and supply analysis as well as market share growth of the Weight Loss Therapeutics industry.

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Weight Loss Therapeutics Market Overview:

The Research projects that the Weight Loss Therapeutics market size will grow from in 2018 to by 2024, at an estimated CAGR of XX%. The base year considered for the study is 2018, and the market size is projected from 2018 to 2024.

Leading manufacturers of Weight Loss Therapeutics Market:

key players are Sanofi-Aventis, Abbott Laboratories, Novo Nordisk A/S, Arena Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc., Johnson & Johnson Inc., Pfizer Inc., Novartis International AG, Biocon Ltd., VIVUS, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Amgen Inc. and many others.

The report covers exhaustive analysis on:

Regional analysis includes:

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And Many More.

See the original post here:
R&D Activities to Fast-track the Growth of the Weight Loss Therapeutics Market Between 2017 2025 - Crypto Daily

Tekashi 6ix9ine Was Hospitalized After Ingesting a Combo of Diet Pills and Caffeine – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:49 pm

Photo credit: Kevin Mazur - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Tekashi 6ix9ine was reportedly hospitalized after mixing diet pills and caffeine after taking more than the suggested amount on the label.

PSA: Diet pills are extremely dangerous and can lead to organ damage and even death.

Tekashi is recovering at home.

More celebrity health news to derail your Friday: Tekashi 6ix9ine was reportedly hospitalized after ingesting a dangerous combo of diet pills and caffeine.

According to multiple reports and as covered by People, the rapper was admitted to a Florida hospital after admittedly taking more than the suggested dosage. He told The Shade Room that instead of taking one diet pill, he took two and mixed it with a cup of coffee. After that, his heart rate sped up and he began to "sweat excessively." The celebrity gossip account added that Tekashi is recovering at home and is "doing fine."

The company that sells the pills he took asserts that it can help customers "lose weight fast" "without any unwanted side effects." However, history has proven different. In fact, the pill that Tekashi took was linked to severe organ damage and multiple deaths, and it has reportedly been removed from the market by the FDA multiple times.

That said, it continues to resurface on shelves despite having no clinical research to back up its claims. Though Tekashi was able to go home without any further complications, take this as a major learning lesson about the horrors of diet pills. He was extremely lucky.

Before you consider taking any supplements to aid in any weight loss goals, please remember that you could do so much harm to your body. Good ol' fashion healthy eating, moderation, exercise, and speaking to your doctor before you embark on any major health journeys will always be the best way to go.

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See the rest here:
Tekashi 6ix9ine Was Hospitalized After Ingesting a Combo of Diet Pills and Caffeine - Yahoo Lifestyle

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Industry Development Trends & Competitive Analysis by Leading Industry Players – The Daily Chronicle

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:48 pm

The testosterone replacement therapy market is segmented on the lines of its product type and ingredient type. Based on product type the testosterone replacement therapy market is segmented into oral, implants, gums/ buccal adhesives, injections, patches and creams/ gels. The testosterone replacement therapy market is segmented on the lines of its ingredient type like testosterone, testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, testosterone undecanoate and methyl testosterone. The testosterone replacement therapy marketis geographic segmentation covers various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geography market is further segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries.

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Testosterone is responsible for the improvement of male sexual characteristics and this hormone formed by the testicles. It is also important to maintain various functions such as sexual function, bone growth, adequate levels of red blood cells, and a sense of well being and muscle bulk. Insufficient production of testosterone causes erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction occurs due to decreased testosterone production to overcome this testosterone replacement therapy is used to improve the problem. Testosterone replacement therapy occurs in various forms containing its own set of advantages and hazards such as subdemal pellets, transdemal patches and injections. Testosterone replacement therapy also helps to recover symptoms of low testosterone. Low testosterone is caused due to age growth it generally lowers down after the mid 30s and further decreases accordingly to the age factor.

The scope of the report includes a detailed study of global and regional markets of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market. The reasons given for variations in the growth of the industry in certain regions.

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is expected to exceed more than US$ 1.0 billion by 2024 at CAGR of 4% in the given forecast period.

The major driving factors of testosterone replacement therapy market are as follows:

Rise in incidence of testosterone deficiency.Increase in geriatric populace with high risk of testosterone deficiency.Increasing awareness about testosterone substitute therapy.

The restraining factors of testosterone replacement therapy market are as follows:

High possibility of side effects associated to testosterone replacement therapy.Patent expiry of key drugs and entry of generics.

The report covers detailed competitive outlook including the market share and company profiles of the key participants operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include AbbVie, Inc., Allergan plc, Bayer AG, Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Kyowa Kirin International plc, Mylan N.V., Novartis AG, and Pfizer, Inc. Company profile includes assign such as company summary, financial summary, business strategy and planning, SWOT analysis and current developments.

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market has been segmented as below:

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is Segmented on the lines of Product Type Analysis, Ingredient Type Analysis and Regional Analysis. By Product Type Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of Oral, Implants, Gums/Buccal Adhesives, Injections, Patches and Creams/Gels.

By Ingredient Type Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of Testosterone, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Undecanoate and Methyl Testosterone. By Regional Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, MEA and Rest of the World.

This report provides:

1) An overview of the global market for testosterone replacement therapy and related technologies.

2) Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2015, estimates for 2016 and 2017, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2024.

3) Identifications of new market opportunities and targeted promotional plans for testosterone replacement therapy.

4) Discussion of research and development, and the demand for new products and new applications.

5) Comprehensive company profiles of major players in the industry.

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Table of Contents


2 Executive Summary

3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Industry Analysis

4 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis

5 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis

6 Asia Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis

7 Middle East and Africa (MEA) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis

8 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Analysis

9 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market, Country Snippets

9.1. Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, by Country, (US$ Mn), 201420249.2. U.S. Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, (US$ Mn), 201420249.3. Japan Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, (US$ Mn), 201420249.4. Germany Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, (US$ Mn), 201420249.5. U.K. Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, (US$ Mn), 201420249.6. Canada Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, (US$ Mn), 201420249.7. China Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, (US$ Mn), 201420249.8. Brazil Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, (US$ Mn), 201420249.9. Mexico Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, (US$ Mn), 201420249.10. United Arab Emirates (UAE) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Revenue, (US$ Mn), 20142024

10 Company Profiles

10.1. AbbVie, Inc.

10.2. Allergan plc

10.3. Bayer AG

10.4. Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

10.5. Eli Lilly and Company

10.6. Kyowa Kirin International plc

10.7. Mylan N.V.

10.8. Novartis AG

10.9. Pfizer, Inc.

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Company Name: Market Research Engine

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Go here to see the original:
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Industry Development Trends & Competitive Analysis by Leading Industry Players - The Daily Chronicle

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market size was US$ 1665.5 million and it is expected to reach US$ 1238.2 million by the end of 2026, with a CAGR of…

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:48 pm

LOS ANGELES, United States: QY Research has recently published a research report titled, Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size, Manufacturers, Supply Chain, Sales Channel and Clients, 2020-2026. This report has been prepared by experienced and knowledgeable market analysts and researchers. It is a phenomenal compilation of important studies that explore the competitive landscape, segmentation, geographical expansion, and revenue, production, and consumption growth of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. Players can use the accurate market facts and figures and statistical studies provided in the report to understand the current and future growth of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

The report includes CAGR, market shares, sales, gross margin, value, volume, and other vital market figures that give an exact picture of the growth of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

Competitive Landscape

Competitor analysis is one of the best sections of the report that compares the progress of leading players based on crucial parameters, including market share, new developments, global reach, local competition, price, and production. From the nature of competition to future changes in the vendor landscape, the report provides in-depth analysis of the competition in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

Key questions answered in the report:


1 Study Coverage1.1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Product Introduction1.2 Market by Type1.2.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size Growth Rate by Type1.2.2 Gels1.2.3 Injections1.2.4 Patches1.2.5 Other1.3 Market by Application1.3.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size Growth Rate by Application1.3.2 Hospitals1.3.3 Clinics1.3.4 Others1.4 Study Objectives1.5 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary2.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size Estimates and Forecasts2.1.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue 2015-20262.1.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales 2015-20262.2 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size by Region: 2020 Versus 20262.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Region (2015-2026)2.3.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Region: 2015-20202.3.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Forecast by Region (2021-2026)2.3.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Share by Region (2015-2026)2.4 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2021-2026)2.4.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Region: 2015-20202.4.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Forecast by Region (2021-2026)2.4.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Market Share by Region (2015-2026) 3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy by Manufacturers3.1 Global Top Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturers by Sales3.1.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Manufacturer (2015-2020)3.1.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Share by Manufacturer (2015-2019)3.2 Global Top Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturers by Revenue3.2.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Manufacturer (2015-2020)3.2.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Share by Manufacturer (2015-2020)3.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Price by Manufacturer (2015-2020)3.4 Competitive Landscape3.4.1 Key Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue3.4.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) & (2015-2020)3.4.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)3.5 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Type3.5.1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters3.5.2 Manufacturers Testosterone Replacement Therapy Product Type3.5.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market3.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Company Profiles4.1 AbbVie4.1.1 AbbVie Corporation Information4.1.2 AbbVie Description, Business Overview4.1.3 AbbVie Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.1.4 AbbVie Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.1.5 AbbVie Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.1.6 AbbVie Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.1.7 AbbVie Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.1.8 AbbVie Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Sales Channel4.1.9 AbbVie Recent Development4.2 Endo International4.2.1 Endo International Corporation Information4.2.2 Endo International Description, Business Overview4.2.3 Endo International Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.2.4 Endo International Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.2.5 Endo International Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.2.6 Endo International Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.2.7 Endo International Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.2.8 Endo International Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Sales Channel4.2.9 Endo International Recent Development4.3 Eli lilly4.3.1 Eli lilly Corporation Information4.3.2 Eli lilly Description, Business Overview4.3.3 Eli lilly Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.3.4 Eli lilly Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.3.5 Eli lilly Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.3.6 Eli lilly Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.3.7 Eli lilly Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.3.8 Eli lilly Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Sales Channel4.3.9 Eli lilly Recent Development4.4 Pfizer4.4.1 Pfizer Corporation Information4.4.2 Pfizer Description, Business Overview4.4.3 Pfizer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.4.4 Pfizer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.4.5 Pfizer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.4.6 Pfizer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.4.7 Pfizer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.4.8 Pfizer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Sales Channel4.4.9 Pfizer Recent Development4.5 Actavis (Allergan)4.5.1 Actavis (Allergan) Corporation Information4.5.2 Actavis (Allergan) Description, Business Overview4.5.3 Actavis (Allergan) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.5.4 Actavis (Allergan) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.5.5 Actavis (Allergan) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.5.6 Actavis (Allergan) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.5.7 Actavis (Allergan) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.5.8 Actavis (Allergan) Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Sales Channel4.5.9 Actavis (Allergan) Recent Development4.6 Bayer4.6.1 Bayer Corporation Information4.6.2 Bayer Description, Business Overview4.6.3 Bayer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.6.4 Bayer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.6.5 Bayer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.6.6 Bayer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.6.7 Bayer Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.6.8 Bayer Recent Development4.7 Novartis4.7.1 Novartis Corporation Information4.7.2 Novartis Description, Business Overview4.7.3 Novartis Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.7.4 Novartis Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.7.5 Novartis Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.7.6 Novartis Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.7.7 Novartis Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.7.8 Novartis Recent Development4.8 Teva4.8.1 Teva Corporation Information4.8.2 Teva Description, Business Overview4.8.3 Teva Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.8.4 Teva Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.8.5 Teva Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.8.6 Teva Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.8.7 Teva Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.8.8 Teva Recent Development4.9 Mylan4.9.1 Mylan Corporation Information4.9.2 Mylan Description, Business Overview4.9.3 Mylan Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.9.4 Mylan Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.9.5 Mylan Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.9.6 Mylan Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.9.7 Mylan Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.9.8 Mylan Recent Development4.10 Upsher-Smith4.10.1 Upsher-Smith Corporation Information4.10.2 Upsher-Smith Description, Business Overview4.10.3 Upsher-Smith Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.10.4 Upsher-Smith Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.10.5 Upsher-Smith Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.10.6 Upsher-Smith Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.10.7 Upsher-Smith Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.10.8 Upsher-Smith Recent Development4.11 Ferring Pharmaceuticals4.11.1 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Corporation Information4.11.2 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Description, Business Overview4.11.3 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.11.4 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.11.5 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.11.6 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.11.7 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.11.8 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Recent Development4.12 Kyowa Kirin4.12.1 Kyowa Kirin Corporation Information4.12.2 Kyowa Kirin Description, Business Overview4.12.3 Kyowa Kirin Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.12.4 Kyowa Kirin Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.12.5 Kyowa Kirin Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.12.6 Kyowa Kirin Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.12.7 Kyowa Kirin Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.12.8 Kyowa Kirin Recent Development4.13 Acerus Pharmaceuticals4.13.1 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Corporation Information4.13.2 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Description, Business Overview4.13.3 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Products Offered4.13.4 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)4.13.5 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Product4.13.6 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application4.13.7 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Geographic Area4.13.8 Acerus Pharmaceuticals Recent Development 5 Breakdown Data by Type5.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Type (2015-2026)5.1.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Type (2015-2020)5.1.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Forecast by Type (2021-2026)5.1.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Share by Type (2015-2026)5.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Forecast by Type (2015-2026)5.2.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Type (2015-2020)5.2.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Forecast by Type (2021-2026)5.2.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Market Share by Type (2015-2026)5.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2015-2026) 6 Breakdown Data by Application6.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Application (2015-2026)6.1.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Application (2015-2020)6.1.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Forecast by Application (2021-2026)6.1.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Share by Application (2015-2026)6.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Forecast by Application (2015-2026)6.2.1 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Application (2015-2020)6.2.2 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Forecast by Application (2021-2026)6.2.3 Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue Market Share by Application (2015-2026)6.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2015-2026) 7 North America7.1 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size YoY Growth 2015-20267.2 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Country7.2.1 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country (2015-2026)7.2.2 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Country (2015-2026)7.3 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Type7.4 North America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Application 8 Asia-Pacific8.1 Asia-Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size YoY Growth 2015-20268.2 Asia-Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Region8.2.1 Asia-Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Region (2015-2026)8.2.2 Asia-Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Region (2015-2026)8.3 Asia-Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Type8.4 Asia-Pacific Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Application 9 Europe9.1 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size YoY Growth 2015-20269.2 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Country9.2.1 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country (2015-2026)9.2.2 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Country (2015-2026)9.3 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Type9.4 Europe Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Application 10 Latin America10.1 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size YoY Growth 2015-202610.2 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Country10.2.1 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country (2015-2026)10.2.2 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Country (2015-2026)10.3 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Type10.4 Latin America Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Application 11 Middle East and Africa11.1 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Size YoY Growth 2015-202611.2 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Facts & Figures by Country11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Country (2015-2026)11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Revenue by Country (2015-2026)11.3 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Type11.4 Middle East and Africa Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales by Application 12 Supply Chain and Sales Channel Analysis12.1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Supply Chain Analysis12.2 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Key Raw Materials and Upstream Suppliers12.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clients Analysis12.4 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Channel and Sales Model Analysis12.4.1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Distribution Channel Analysis: Indirect Sales VS Direct Sales12.4.2 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Distribution Channel Analysis: Online Sales VS Offline Sales12.4.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Distributors 13 Market Dynamics13.1 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Drivers13.2 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Opportunities13.3 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Challenges13.4 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Restraints13.5 Porters Five Forces Analysis 14 Research Findings and Conclusion 15 Appendix15.1 Research Methodology15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach15.1.2 Data Source15.2 Author Details15.3 Disclaimer

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market size was US$ 1665.5 million and it is expected to reach US$ 1238.2 million by the end of 2026, with a CAGR of...

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Potential Growth, Size, Share, Demand and Analysis of Key Players Research Forecasts to 2027 – The Daily…

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 11:48 pm

Fort Collins, Colorado The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is growing at a rapid pace and contributes significantly to the global economy in terms of turnover, growth rate, sales, market share and size. The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report is a comprehensive research paper that provides readers with valuable information to understand the basics of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Report. The report describes business strategies, market needs, dominant market players and a futuristic view of the market.

The report has been updated to reflect the most recent economic scenario and market size regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The report looks at the growth outlook as well as current and futuristic earnings expectations in a post-COVID scenario. The report also covers changing market trends and dynamics as a result of the pandemic and provides an accurate analysis of the impact of the crisis on the market as a whole.

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Industry Testosterone Replacement Therapy Study provides an in-depth analysis of key market drivers, opportunities, challenges and their impact on market performance. The report also highlights technological advancements and product developments that drive market needs.

The report contains a detailed analysis of the major players in the market, as well as their business overview, expansion plans and strategies. Key players explored in the report include:

The report provides comprehensive analysis in an organized manner in the form of tables, graphs, charts, pictures and diagrams. Organized data paves the way for research and exploration of current and future market outlooks.

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The report provides comprehensive data on the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market and its trends to help the reader formulate solutions to accelerate business growth. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the economic scenario of the market, as well as its benefits and limitations.

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report includes production chain analysis and value chain analysis to provide a comprehensive picture of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. The research consists of market analysis and detailed analysis of application segments, product types, market size, growth rates, and current and emerging industry trends.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Segmentation, By Type

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Segmentation, By Applications

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The market is geographically spread across several key geographic regions and the report includes regional analysis as well as production, consumption, revenue and market share in these regions for the 2020-2027 forecast period. Regions include North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa.

Radical Coverage of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market:

Key Questions Addressed in the Report:

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Potential Growth, Size, Share, Demand and Analysis of Key Players Research Forecasts to 2027 - The Daily...

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