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The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic October 2 – Medical News Today

Posted: October 3, 2020 at 5:55 pm

The coronavirus pandemic has dominated the headlines and our daily lives for most of this year. Medical News Today have covered this fast-moving, complex story with live updates on the latest news, interviews with experts, and an ongoing investigation into the deep racial disparities that COVID-19 has helped unmask.

However, this has not stopped us from publishing hundreds of fascinating stories on a myriad of other topics.

This week, we reported on the long-term cognitive benefits of playing video games (nobody tell my 12-year-old), the link between thunderstorms and an increased number of emergency room visits, and how simple changes to your lifestyle and diet could ward off dementia.

We also look at a new light therapy for people with migraine, which has been tested in humans for the first time, and a study that saw stem cell implantation restore motor function in mice with Parkinsons disease.

Finally, we look at the psychology of voting (and not voting) and news from Germany about how even a gentle 10-minute massage can bring about lasting relaxation.

Below are 10 recent stories that you may have missed amid all the COVID-19 fervor.

Good news for gamers, this week, with our report on new research that has found a link between video games and cognition. The results suggest that video games may induce cognitive changes that last for years after people have stopped playing.

Video games are a perfect recipe for strengthening our cognitive skills, almost without our noticing, says the lead author of the study, Dr. Marc Palaus.

Learn more here.

Our detailed report on this extremely rare, very serious congenital condition was read by over 100,000 visitors this week, making it our most-viewed new article.

Mermaid syndrome, or sirenomelia, was first described in the medical literature of the 15th century. It is called mermaid syndrome because the newborn babys legs are fused. Our article looks at the causes, treatments, and care techniques, as well as possible risk factors and the outlook for babies with this syndrome.

Learn more here.

There was also great interest in our coverage of new research that may help both the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimers disease. Nearly 4,000 readers spent, on average, over 6 minutes with this article.

Scientists at the Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, in Spain, identified differences in how the brains of people with Alzheimers chemically label a key protein, called the amyloid precursor protein, with sugars.

Finding this difference in the proteins sugar labeling, or glycosylation, could lead to the development of a new diagnostic test for Alzheimers disease. In the longer term, it may even inspire new treatments.

Learn more here.

This week, MNT reported on a possible link between weather conditions and the number of older adults visiting emergency rooms with respiratory issues. Over the 14-year period covered in their study, the researchers found 52,000 additional visits to emergency rooms on the days to either side of a significant thunderstorm.

Its thought that climate change will cause more intense thunderstorms of the type identified in this study. Respiratory problems spurred by an increase in temperature and particulate matter caused by storms could result in many more older people seeking medical assistance, particularly if they have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Learn more here.

Changing the diet and increasing physical activity levels can reduce the risk of developing dementia, even in older people, after a diagnosis of cognitive decline. That was the conclusion of a proof-of-concept study covered by MNT this week.

The changes proposed in the new study, led by a team from The Australian National University, in Canberra, are relatively easy to adopt and inexpensive to follow, making this approach to preventing dementia a promising option for many older people.

With the right intervention, people experiencing cognitive decline may retain sufficient neuroplasticity for their brain to bounce back from decline, says Mitchell McMaster, the studys lead author.

Learn more here.

Migraine usually involves moderate-to-severe headaches, which may accompany other symptoms that can be debilitating, such as visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and extreme sensitivity to sound and light.

Pain relief medications are not always effective and often cause unpleasant side effects. Light therapy, however, offers the promise of relief without a dependence upon drugs.

This week, MNT reported on new research that suggests that exposure to green light of a particular wavelength and brightness may relieve migraine headaches just as effectively as drugs.

The results have already been demonstrated in mice, and this new study represents the first time a clinical trial of green light therapy in humans has produced a significant improvement in the frequency of migraine headaches.

Learn more here.

In a fascinating study, covered this week by MNT, researches found that the type of neurons transplanted into the brain, rather than their location, was the key to restoring brain health and movement in mice with Parkinsons disease.

Within 45 months, the dopamine-producing stem cells implanted in this study made connections with the area of the brain involved in coordinating movement.

However, the researchers caution that the greater distances between brain areas in humans may make it more difficult for implanted stem cells to make these connections and restore movement in the same way.

Learn more here.

A diet of junk food in your teens and early 20s may contribute to serious health problems decades later, even if your diet improves in the meantime. This was the conclusion of new research that we covered this week.

The authors argue that this evidence supports the prescription of lipid-lowering drugs, like statins, in people aged 2039 years as well as earlier interventions to improve dietary and lifestyle choices if doctors detect high cholesterol.

Learn more here.

In recent weeks, MNT has published a number of articles on health and the 2020 election, covering topics like the mental health benefits of voting, advice on how to vote safely, and how health influences voting behavior.

In this Special Feature, we look at voter apathy and some of the factors that may influence the psychology of voting. We ask: Who votes, who does not, and why might this be?

Learn more here.

Finally in this weeks Recovery Room, weve found another reason to unwind with a massage. Psychologists at the University of Konstanz, in Germany, have found that a 10-minute massage measurably increases relaxation.

The researchers divided participants into three groups. One received a moderately intense 10-minute massage designed to activate the stress-relieving parasympathetic nervous system. The second group received a softer massage, and the third group was asked to sit at a table and relax for 10 minutes, no massage included.

All of the participants reported feeling less stressed and more relaxed after the tests, but heart rate variability (HRV), a physiological measure of relaxation, was much higher in those who had received a massage. The team now plans to measure the benefits of other relaxation techniques, such as meditation and breathing exercises, using HRV as their guide.

Learn more here.

We hope these have provided a taste of the stories that we cover at MNT. We will be back with a new selection next week.

We publish hundreds of news stories and features every month. Here are some upcoming articles that may pique our readers interest:

See the rest here:
The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic October 2 - Medical News Today

The Healthiest Way to Eat to Prevent Disease, Says a Cardiologist – The Beet

Posted: October 3, 2020 at 5:54 pm

The best way to eat now is under much debate, as keto dieters line up against plant-based eaters, the low-fat camp has their studies to wave at the low-carb believers. So, we turned to Dr. Andrew Freeman, a well-respected cardiologist, for his expert advice on how to eat to be heart-healthy, avoid cancer, lose weight, and feel great. Dr. Freeman, who is in the Division of Cardiology andDepartment of Medicine at the National Jewish Health in Denver, says you have to try to eat the way our ancestors did: Mostly plant-based, avoiding processed foods and eat as manynatural foods as possible. "They were hunter-gatherers, but mostly gatherers," Freeman explains.

When it comes to whether to try to follow a ketogenic diet and avoid carbs, his view is: "Avoid Carbage, which is the carbs that are garbage," or highly processed foods like white bread, white rice, packaged foods, and added sugar. When it comes to trying to lose weight and be healthy, he adds, rather than cut out an entire food group like carbs, take what he calls the Goldilocks approach: Not too many carbs and not too few, but just the right amount, and focus on legumes, whole grains, vegetables, and fruit, especially the kind you could pick.

First, it's important to analyze your lifestyle and dietary habits and cut out the processed food, the sodas, or the chips, packaged snacks, or sugary sweets. I would advise someone to look at the easy fixes first. When people realize they are consuming 1,000 calories a day in soda, that's an easy one to cut out. I would encouragesomeone who wants to be heart-healthy to go as plant-based as possible. If you think about how our ancestors ate: Back then you ate what you found and it was mostly plant-based foods.

I would not say the modern ketogenic diet is terrible, but for most people, the implementation of keto is hardly healthful. It usually involves a lot of processed meat, like bacon. Plus, eliminating foods that we know are beneficial like vegetables and fruitsbecause they have carbohydratesturns out not to behealthyeither.

We know that processed meatcontains carcinogens, and you want to stay away from carcinogens since they cause cancer. When it comes to keto dieting I have nothing against it specifically, but it's the way most people do it that does not make sense to me. They wrap scallops in bacon and eat lots of processed meat. They lose weight but eventually, their cholesterol goes up. We don't know enough about the ketogenic diet, long term, to say it is unhealthy in itself. But the foods that people eat on it have been studied, and there is plenty of research that shows processed meat leads to heart disease and a higher risk of cancer.

There are some people who don't do well with keto. Some end up with digestive issues. So while we don't have enough data to say keto itself is the problem, it's well known that a diet high in meat and dairy leads to diseases like heart disease and cancer. So it's great to be skinny but it's not great to be skinny and get cancer.

The data we have from some years ago shows that a lower carbohydrate diet is worse for you in terms of health outcomes. I tell people: Don't go too low in carbs, since it appears to be unhealthy to eat all thatfat and protein. Take the Goldilocks approach to carbs, which is not too little... Not too much. Just the right amount. And make sure those carbs come from whole grains, from vegetables, fruit, and from legumes.

There are enormous health benefits from eating legumes, like lentils, beans, and pulses. The end of the day human physiologybenefits from these types of natural foods, and we arerapidly moving toward recommending a diet that is plant-rich and low in processed food. I would also recommend that for weight loss, add bouts of intermittent fasting. That's how humans lived. Long ago,theyhad to survive in the natural world, and they ate things they could find in nature or they grew them. It turns out that beans are some of the healthiest foods you could eat, especially lentils. These are high in fiber, fill you up, and have plenty of protein.

Our ancestors lived the way we are supposed to live: from the food you could gather. The natural way to eat is plant-based, with a little intermittent fasting thrown in. It turns out this is how our ancestors ate and it works. They had to be hunter-gatherers but they were much more likely to be gatherers. If they did get a piece of meat it was a rarity and a small amount.

If you combine a mostly plant-based diet with intermittent fasting, you will be healthy and maintain a healthy weight. That's how I eat (though I don't quite do intermittent fasting). I'm up early and cranking all day but if I had a less demanding lifestyleI would do that every day. And I do make it a point to exercise and try to be mindful. But back to our ancestors: Back then, you ate what you found.

You need to get exercise every day. Think about this: We know that all-natural food looked different way back then. Try picking organic strawberriesthey are tiny nothings. So we spent a lot of time and effort picking fruit. Things didn't look like they do today in the store. The natural food was smaller and had more nutrients. But it took energy to pick those berries and get enough calories to survive. So when you look at our ancestors they were using a lot of energy to get their food. Not like today when you walk into a store and it's all laid out for you.

When you look at the healthiest people in the Blue Zones [Dan Buettner's book about longevity patterns and what people who live long healthy lives have in common] they all are physically active, have strong social networks, enjoy quality sleep. If you look at their diet, the one commonality is that they don't drink too much alcohol and they eat mostly plants.

The Healthiest Way to Eat to Prevent Disease, Says a Cardiologist - The Beet

Comprehensive Report on Vitamins and Dietary Supplement Market 2020 | Size, Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2026 | Amway, INFINITUS, Herbalife…

Posted: October 3, 2020 at 5:54 pm

Vitamins and Dietary Supplement Marketresearch is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts undertaken to study the right and valuable information. The data which has been looked upon is done considering both, the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. Business strategies of the key players and the new entering market industries are studied in detail. Well explained SWOT analysis, revenue share and contact information are shared in this report analysis.

Vitamins and Dietary Supplement Market is growing at a High CAGR during the forecast period 2020-2026. The increasing interest of the individuals in this industry is that the major reason for the expansion of this market.

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Top Companies of this Market includes: Amway, INFINITUS, Herbalife Nutrition, DEEJ, Usana, Blackmores, PERFECT (CHINA), Swisse, China New Era Group, By-health, Suntory, Pfizer, Beijing Tong Ren Tang, Shanghai Pharma, TIENS, GNC, Real Nutriceutical, Southernature.

This report provides a detailed and analytical look at the various companies that are working to achieve a high market share in the global Vitamins and Dietary Supplement market. Data is provided for the top and fastest growing segments. This report implements a balanced mix of primary and secondary research methodologies for analysis. Markets are categorized according to key criteria. To this end, the report includes a section dedicated to the company profile. This report will help you identify your needs, discover problem areas, discover better opportunities, and help all your organizations primary leadership processes. You can ensure the performance of your public relations efforts and monitor customer objections to stay one step ahead and limit losses.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:

Market Penetration:Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Vitamins and Dietary Supplement market.

Product Development/Innovation:Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.

Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.

Market Development:Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies.

Market Diversification:Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Vitamins and Dietary Supplement market.

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The cost analysis of the Global Vitamins and Dietary Supplement Market has been performed while keeping in view manufacturing expenses, labor cost, and raw materials and their market concentration rate, suppliers, and price trend. Other factors such as Supply chain, downstream buyers, and sourcing strategy have been assessed to provide a complete and in-depth view of the market. Buyers of the report will also be exposed to a study on market positioning with factors such as target client, brand strategy, and price strategy taken into consideration.

Key Influence of the Vitamins and Dietary Supplement Market report:

Table of Contents

Global Vitamins and Dietary Supplement Market Research Report 2020

Chapter 1 Vitamins and Dietary Supplement Market Overview

Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12 Global Vitamins and Dietary Supplement Market Forecast

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Comprehensive Report on Vitamins and Dietary Supplement Market 2020 | Size, Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2026 | Amway, INFINITUS, Herbalife...

Understanding heart conditions and their warning signs – Times of Malta

Posted: October 1, 2020 at 9:51 am

Every year World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) represent 31 per cent of all global deaths, unambiguously the leading cause of death both in Malta and globally, for both genders alike.

Latest data published by WHO states that locally every two in five deaths were due to CVD in 2016. The most prominent cause is ischaemic heart disease, followed closely by stroke. Often this can be attributed to lifestyle-risk factors, notoriously the typical sedentary lifestyle many Maltese people lead, smoking, large portion sizes and unhealthy, gluttonous diets.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular conditions include a wide spectrum of diseases affecting the heart and its vasculature. The most devastating and prevalent diseases which we hear about on a regular basis are heart attacks and strokes.

There are a number of symptoms heralding a heart attack or stroke. These include nausea accompanied by chest pain, a choking sensation, excessive sweating or fatigue, as well as stomach, limb, and back pain. Signs to look out for stroke, using the FAST mnemonic: Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties and Time to call emergency services. However, in the majority of cases, there may not be sufficient warning signs prior to the acute condition, thus, it is increasingly important to have regular check-ups to detect any signs of the disease as early as possible. In fact, one of the most consequential risk factors, hypertension; that is elevated blood pressure, is asymptomatic.

If the individual is showing the symptoms above, call 112 straight away. The earlier care is accessed the better the chance of survival and the less severe the sequelae. Cardiovascular events are always an emergency, and one should not hesitate to seek medical help. Even during this turbulent era of COVID-19, medical professionals are prepared to take care of patients safely. People with underlying health conditions such as heart failure, diabetes and high blood pressure should take extra care to attend their regular check-ups while taking all the necessary COVID-19 precautions.

Certain risk factors cannot be avoided or prevented. These risk factors include age, gender, family history and genetics. However, there are several lifestyle changes which if implemented on a daily basis could drastically reduce the probability of developing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in the future.

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) represent 31 per cent of all global deaths

As the flu season is fast approaching it is good to know that influenza may increase the risk of heart attack by 10-fold and inoculation against the virus can reduce the risk of heart attacks by a staggering 45 per cent. Smoking cessation reduces the risk of heart attacks by 40 per cent within one year of quitting.

The main risk factors which one can regulate include smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. A lifestyle change of profound importance is increasing daily physical activity, with the recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day as well as decreasing long periods of inactivity.

Furthermore, one should also follow a healthy diet. A healthy diet involves the consumption of whole grains, vegetables and fruit all of which are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, added sugars and sodium. With regard to blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, it is important to remain vigilant by keeping an eye on these important parameters through regular check-ups. Studies have also shown that high-stress levels and depression can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. There are certain stress-reducing coping mechanisms which one can apply to their lives such as exercise and an adequate amount of sleep.

The Malta Medical Students Association (MMSA) Standing Committee on Public Health, will be organising a webinar titled Matters of the Heart on September 29 from 5.30pm on Facebook Live and Zoom.

Anyone interested in signing up can do so online.

The webinar will include guest speakers to talk about topics relating to cardiac health.

Prof. Kevin Cassar will be discussing atherosclerosis, going into the risk factors and its prevention. The Malta Resuscitation Council will be giving an interactive presentation on Basic Life Support highlighting how this has changed in the COVID-19 era and the use of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) found around public places in Malta.

Free health checks will also be offered to the public on October 4 from 9am to 12.30pm, near the Melliea parish church accompanying the mobile blood donation unit.

Diana Gauci is a third-year medical student.

Rachel Anne Muscat Baron is a second-year medical student.

Independent journalism costs money. Support Times of Malta for the price of a coffee.

View original post here:
Understanding heart conditions and their warning signs - Times of Malta

Google Announces Pixel 4A 5G With the Same Processor As the Pixel 5 – Best gaming pro

Posted: October 1, 2020 at 9:51 am

Rust is a silent killer, slowly attacking iron and metal. Heavy-duty vans, suspension bridges and even mighty warships can all be introduced low by a bit oxygen and moisture. In unfavorable circumstances and with out sufficient safety, ferrous metals can actually dissolve in skinny air, turning right into a heap of reddish crumbles.

However rust would not must be a demise sentence for a metallic floor, it may be arrested and prevented. A spread of merchandise is accessible as we speak that may remove cussed oxidation rust spots on instruments, automobile components, antiques and, properly, mainly something manufactured from iron, all with out the necessity to painstakingly grind it away or sandblast all the way down to stable metallic. Eradicating rust with these merchandise is so simple as tossing any grungy-looking objects into a shower of rust dissolver and letting the answer go to work, attacking oxidation with out harming the bottom materials and infrequently with out affecting rubber, plastic or perhaps a painted floor.

Actually, youll be able tot go mistaken with any of those merchandise.

There are various variations of this kind of product, that are like an entire lot of elbow grease crammed into a bit bottle. Some include hydrochloric acid or phosphoric acid that eats away at rust like termites gnawing on a rotten stump, whereas others use a fancy-sounding course of known as chelation to chemically break iron oxide down. Some are available in concentrated formulation whereas others are prediluted within the manufacturing facility.

We rounded up 5 available rust elimination merchandise to seek out out in the event that they work in addition to their manufactures declare. We soaked a number of rusty metal elements in each, following the producers instructions and diluting if required. The objects soaked embody a bit of sheet metallic and two completely different sizes of threaded rod with rust buildup. For consistency, every pattern was minimize from the identical general piece.

Craig Cole/Roadshow

Of all of the rust stain dissolvers we examined, Rust 911 is the one one whichs supplied in a concentrated system. It mixes with water at a price of eight ounces per gallon, or a 16-to-1 ratio, which means theres sufficient in our 32-ounce pattern to create four gallons of completed rust dissolver. And no, utilizing a stronger ratio doesnt make it work sooner. This implies Rust 911 is an amazing worth in comparison with a few of its rivals since its per-ounce worth may be very low, one thing that makes it extra economical to soak bigger elements in, maybe automotive components like bumpers or radiator helps.

Rust 911 is tremendous protected to make use of, being non-toxic, non-flammable and even biodegradable. When you get any in your fingers, it should not trigger irritation, but when it does, simply wash up with a bit cleaning soap and water. When diluted, it begins out as clear as water, however over time it turns inky black because it eats away rust. Do not let that darkened colour idiot you, although: It may be used again and again till its efficacy is diminished, then youll be able to eliminate it. Relying in your location, youll be able to pour it proper down the drain if youd like.

In testing, Rust 911 proved to be extremely efficient, eradicating practically all of the rust corrosion on the sheet-metal pattern in about 2 hours, making it sooner than some rivals. Sadly, it had a bit extra hassle with the threaded rod check items, although to be truthful, they might have been barely contaminated with oil or paint in sections that restricted its means to dissolve the rust. As for soak occasions, the producer says youll be able to go away components on this product anyplace from 15 minutes to in a single day, although soaking significantly nasty objects for days at a stretch doubtless will not trigger any hurt.

Craig Cole/Roadshow

Like Rust 911, Eavpo-Rust is all about security. It is noncorrosive, emits no fumes or foul odors, will not hurt paint and it may be poured down the drain when it is all used up. It will not hurt copper, brass, aluminum, rubber, plastic or vinyl, both. About the one warning this product comes with is to rinse your fingers with water when you get any of it on them. It is that benign.

However there are two vital areas the place this product differs from its above-mentioned rival. One, the Evapo-Rust formulation is able to go proper out of the jug, so no dilution is required. And two, it comprises detergents, which ought to make it higher at slicing via small quantities of oil, grease and different containments so it will probably wage battle towards rust. In response to the corporate, youll be able to soak components for anyplace from 1 to 12 hours. Bigger objects will be derusted by saturating paper towels on this product and draping them over no matter must be cleaned.

Eavpo-Rust is barely yellow in colour and considerably foamy when poured out, whereas its rivals are crystal clear. Just like the competing merchandise evaluated right here, this one had no hassle eliminating rust from the sheet-metal pattern, eradicating many of the stain in simply 2 hours and abandoning a clean floor. It additionally did a wonderful job cleansing up the threaded-rod sections, getting deep within the grooves and eradicating rust, although it did appear a tiny bit slower to work than the others. Unusually, Evapo-Rust did go away the components barely black, darker than the elements soaked in competing merchandise, so pay attention to that.

Craig Cole/Roadshow

One other glorious rust-eliminating product is Steel Rescue. Able to go straight from the bottle, it is easy to make use of and extremely efficient, however that is not all. Once more, and this going to sound redundant, it is water-based and protected to make use of. It should not hurt rubber, plastics, glass or most paints. It comprises no VOCs, solvents, acids or different dangerous substances. Plus it is non-corrosive, non-flammable and non-toxic. The producer recommends avoiding contact along with your eyes (Duh!) and suggests carrying gloves when utilizing it, although they dont seem to be essential.

Steel Rescue was equally efficient to the opposite rust stain remover merchandise examined right here, simply dissolving rust on the sheet-metal pattern and deep-cleaning these sections of threaded rod. Not solely that, Steel Rescue is pretty priced and fast to remove rust.

There are, nonetheless, two phrases of warning known as out by Steel Rescue. Some older paints and inks include iron oxide-based pigments, and this rust remover product might simply harm them. Additionally, like different merchandise right here, this one will take away sacrificial oxide coatings like zinc phosphate and bluing, so pay attention to that. When youre involved about whether or not it is protected to soak one thing in a rust dissolver, check some on a small space first. It is higher to be protected than sorry.

Craig Cole/Roadshow

Of the premixed, ready-to-use rust dissolvers examined right here, WD-40 Rust Remover Soak is a robust worth, trying out for round $23 per gallon. Just like the merchandise listed above, it is tremendous protected, will not hurt different supplies and will be reused time and again till it stops working.

For greatest outcomes, the producer recommends eliminating as a lot oil and grease as potential from the objects you are seeking to soak. It is a good suggestion to take away unfastened particles and filth residue, too, with coarse sandpaper or wire brush. Utterly submerging issues is the way in which to go right here, and as soon as components are completed, rinsing them off with water and drying them is wise. A fast spray of oil, akin to WD-40, will forestall floor rust from forming once more, which, likelihood is, will not be one thing you need.

Regardless of itslow value, WD-40 Rust Remover soak did an incredible job on each the sheet metallic and threaded-rod samples. It eliminated cussed rust from deep within the threads and left the sheet metal clean and clear, full with an almost-galvanized look. Spectacular stuff, particularly for the worth.

Craig Cole/Roadshow

Lastly we come to POR-15 Rust Remover. This iron oxide-dissolving resolution is completely different from all the opposite merchandise highlighted right here. For higher or worse, it comprises phosphoric acid, in addition to another nasty-sounding chemical substances. Nonetheless, it is protected on PVC, Viton and most paints, plus it is reusable and biodegradable. Nonetheless, and this might be an enormous caveat, it has way more warnings than any of the opposite rust dissolvers listed right here. Each a skin- and eye-irritant, the acid resolution must also be utilized in a well-ventilated space. Preserve it away from warmth, sparks, open flames or sizzling surfaces. And it goes with out saying, however on the off probability you get thirsty whereas working within the storage, do not ingest this product. Severely, it isnt Dr. Pepper.

With all that out of the way in which, POR-15 Rust Remover is probably the simplest product evaluated right here to scrub rust. It begins working in as little as 20 minutes to scrub up closely rusted metallic, although, in fact, youll be able to soak issues for for much longer than that, even in a single day. With out scrubbing or different work, one gallon of POR-15 Rust Remover can remove rust from as much as 300 kilos of closely oxidized metal. It is not going to hurt unrusted metal and is protected to make use of with different metals.

In testing, this product proved to be extremely efficient. After soaking for two hours, the rusty samples had been little modified, however after four hours they virtually appeared like new. POR-15 soaked deep into the threads and broke up rust, leaving a clear floor behind. Similar to different rust removers, it darkens because it dissolves, turning black the extra you employ it. When you do not thoughts taking just a few precautions whereas utilizing this product, it really works properly.

Whether or not you are engaged on a crusty carburetor base, revitalizing an outdated axe head you inherited from grandpappy and even sprucing up some antiques you simply picked up from a storage sale, rust-removing options will be tremendous helpful. In sure functions, they primarily remove the necessity for sandpaper, metal wool and wire brushes, plus the related effort and time required to scrub issues up.

Whereas every of the merchandise examined right here has its peculiarities, all of them are extremely efficient and, maybe better of all, exceedingly reasonably priced. There isnt any excuse to not have a jug of these things in your storage or workshop.

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Originally posted here:
Google Announces Pixel 4A 5G With the Same Processor As the Pixel 5 - Best gaming pro

The Top 10 Virtual Plant-Based Events You Don’t Want To Miss – Plant Based News

Posted: October 1, 2020 at 9:50 am

Most plant-based summits have now gone virtual (Photo edited by Plant Based News)

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COVID-19 has canceled an array of events in the plant-based realm, but during a global pandemic, it's more important than ever to educate yourself on health, nutrition, and the power of the food.

Most plant-based events have now gone virtual, meaning you can access them safely from the comfort of your own home. The events listed below are also accessible all-year-round - so you don't have to worry about booking the day off work to attend.

So without further ado, here are the top 10 virtual plant-based events you don't want to (and can't really) miss.

(Photo: Dr. Greger and Dr. Barnard)

Founded by father-son duo Ocean and John Robbins, The Food Revolution Summit aims to share 'the most comprehensive, cutting-edge, and credible information on food and health'.

It features 25 renowned experts, including Dr. Greger and Dr. Barnard, who cover topics such as brain health, immunity, cancer, heart health, the climate, and much more.

"Among the major risk factors for infections of all kinds, including coronaviruses, are obesity, heart disease, asthma, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic illnesses," event organizers state.

"We don't want you or the people you love to be victims of a toxic food culture. Especially not now. During the Food Revolution Summit, you'll get the most up-to-date research and information about food, nutrition, disease prevention, immune health, and environmental stewardship."

You can sign up to the Food Revolution Summit here

(Photo: Culianry Rx)

Created by The Plantrician Project, Culinary Rx is an online instructional cooking and nutrition course, taught by leading chef educators and medical professionals.

It aims to 'provide individuals with the tools, resources, and culinary confidence to take control of their lives through food and cooking'.

The 12-hour course features more than 75 recipes, 95 instructional technique videos, and personalized instructor support. You'll also receive a certificate of completion upon graduating.

You can sign up to Culinary Rx here

(Photo: Adobe. Do not use without permission)

Plant Based News has partnered with Dr. Gemma Newman, aka the Plant Power Doctor, to teach you everything you need to know if you're expecting.

The affordable course, which retails at just $19, answers common pregnancy questions such as 'is it safe to follow a vegan diet during pregnancy?' and 'what should I avoid during pregnancy?'.

It also covers topics such as supplementation, managing morning sickness, weight gain, exercise, and also features three case studies from different mothers.

Speaking about the course, PBN Founder Klaus Mitchell said: "We're so excited to have partnered with Dr. Newman for this unprecedented launch from Plant Based News.

"We want vegan parents-to-be to have access to the best plant-based nutrition advice, right at their fingertips - from real medical professionals."

You can sign up to The Ultimate Guide To A Vegan Pregnancy here

(Photo: Adobe. Do not use without permission)

Another PBN Dr. Gemma Newman collaboration - The Ultimate Guide To Raising A Child Vegan is the perfect follow on from our pregnancy guide.

The course covers the basics such as supplementation, the safety of vegan diets in children, and reveals the 'one food that is optimal for all children'.

It also provides advice on breastfeeding, weaning your child off breast milk, how to say no to vegan junk food, and managing a fussy eater.

"Our hope is that we can fill a hole, and alleviate some concerns for people who want to raise a vegan family and don't know where to start. But the guides are also great for more experienced vegans," Mitchell added.

"They cover such a wide variety of topics, so exhaustively, that it's an easy and reliable way to brush up on your plant-based nutrition knowledge. As we all know, this information can be massively helpful, not just for explaining our choices to others, but for peace of mind - especially for parents."

You can sign up to The Ultimate Guide To Raising A Child Vegan here

(Photo: eCornell)

This revolutionary online certificate program will 'help you understand the importance of diet and nutrition for your life'.

Created by eCornell and the Center for Nutrition Studies, with over 20 renowned experts, the courses provide 'research and perspectives to emphasize why following a plant-based diet is optimal for health'.

The program, which is based on Dr. T. Colin Campbells lectures, experience, and decades of research, also includes the 'prevention and reversal of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes'.

The course focuses on three main modules: nutrition and society, diseases of affluence, and plant-based in practice.

You can sign up to the eCornell Certificate Program here

(Photo: Adobe. Do not use without permission)

The world's first, and only, accredited school for anti-aging beauty nutrition is brought to you by the Academy of Beauty Nutrition.

The course features eight comprehensive modules giving you 'a wealth of knowledge in the field of anti-aging nutrition'.

You'll also have practical assignments and research opportunities to try a 'beauty diet' on yourself - as well as get access to exclusive hand-outs and recipes.

"Turn your passion for skin-nutrition, epigenetics, and anti-aging functional foods into an exciting career and thriving business with our international, accredited practitioner training programs and courses in beauty food formulation," the brand's website states.

You can sign up to the Anti-Ageing Beauty Nutrition course here

(Photo: Square One)

Square One's Healing Cancer Coaching Program combines Chris Wark's own experience with cancer with 15 years of research learning from doctors, experts, and survivors.

The step-by-step action plan, which is said to 'transform your life and start your healing adventure', covers topics such as 'the anti-cancer diet', supplementation, eliminating stress, and 'spiritual healing'.

It includes 10 hours' worth of video modules, which can be accessed online or in DVD form, as well as a transcript book, guide book, and an MP3 audio version of all the modules.

"If youre trying to heal, prevent a recurrence, or you want to be proactive and reduce your risk of ever developing cancer, SQUARE ONE is for you," Wark states on his website.

You can sign up to the Healing Cancer Coaching Program here

(Photo: Supplied)

Praised for its high remission rates for type 2 diabetics, The NFI protocol has propelled itself into the mainstream over the last few years.

The NFI protocol is a personalized whole-food plant-based meal plan with an 84 percent success rate upon completion for T2 diabetics.

If you're looking to lose weight, improve digestion, minimize your reliance on medication, reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and much more - the NFI protocol is for you.

"The NFI Protocol works for anyone, but it is always up to the patient how exactly they will stick to their personal protocol," says Dr. Janka Lejavova, MD - who successfully took 147 of her type 2 diabetes patients off medication using the NFI protocol.

Sign up to the NFI protocol here

(Photos: Mastering Diabetes/ Facebook)

Created by top-selling authors Cyrus Khambatta and Robby Barbaro, the Mastering Diabetes 'Do-It-Yourself Program' can help reverse insulin resistance by using 'food as medicine'.

The custom-built course, which has helped more than 3,000 people around the world achieve optimal health, focuses on a low-fat, plant-based, whole-food diet.

You'll get access to 25 recipes and 'step instructions on what to eat, when to eat, and why to eat certain foods that maximize your insulin sensitivity'.

"If you're looking for the best health you've had in years and are excited about reducing your risk for other chronic diseases in the future to maximize your longevity, this is the solution for you," the duo state on their website.

You can sign up to the program here

(Photo: The Clear Skin Diet)

The pandemic hasn't stopped more plant-based summits and virtual courses being created - so keep your eyes out for upcoming launches such as vegan YouTubers Nina and Randa - who tackled their acne with a whole-food plant-based diet.

If we haven't mentioned your favorite e-learning course, please comment below and give us your suggestions!

* This article contains affiliate links. You can view our Affiliate Links Policy here

Go here to see the original:
The Top 10 Virtual Plant-Based Events You Don't Want To Miss - Plant Based News

Weight Loss: 5 Things You Need To Do Every Day, If You Want To Shed Extra Kilos – NDTV

Posted: October 1, 2020 at 9:49 am

Weight loss: Eat healthy, home-cooked meals at all times

There are a few things that you need to do on a daily basis, if you want to lose weight quickly and effectively. From exercising regularly to eating a healthy diet, sleeping well, taking less, avoiding sugar and practicing portion control, there are a few things that you need to do daily for quick and consistent weight loss. The amount of water that you drink in a day is also important to shed some extra kilos. In this article, we are going to talk about a few steps that you need to take on a daily basis for effective and consistent weight loss.

An overall improvement of lifestyle is needed for shedding kilos in a healthy manner. Know that you need to restrict your calorie intake, but not follow calorie-restrictive diet either. A more sustainable approach to weight loss is needed if you are seeking consistency.

Consider every meal as an opportunity to nourish yourself. Eat home-cooked food prepared with natural ingredients. Use fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid processed, packaged and junk food as much as possible. Use healthy cooking oils for your meals like coconut oil, mustard oil, olive oil or ghee. Whenever you feel like craving junk food or your favourite comfort food, cook it at home rather than ordering it or eating it from restaurants.

Also read:Weight Loss: How Completing 10,000 Steps In A Day Can Benefit You, As Told By A Fitness Expert

Even if you are eating desserts, do watch the portion size. Opt for one small size of a cake or half a cup cake. Satiate your cravings but be smart in its approach. When you are eating your meals, eat slowly, chew your food properly, begin with serving half the amount of food you would usually eat. If you feel hungry, then take half the amount of food you still want, and eat it slowly.

Practice portion control and do not overeatPhoto Credit: iStock

Exercising for one hour in a day is not going to give good weight loss results, unless you are being physically active throughout the day. Try to complete 10,000 steps in a day, over and above your exercise routine. Do not overexert and give your body the time to rest and recover as well.

Also read:Weight Loss: Exercise At This Time Of The Day For Best Results

Weight loss is going to be slower, and much less effective if you are stressed. Stress can increase production of cortisol. High levels of cortisol can lead to weight gain. Meditation, exercise, listening to music, consuming a balanced diet and sleeping well can help in regularising production of cortisol, and reduce stress.

Sleeping well is not just important for weight loss, but also for a healthy immunity. If you are not sleeping well, it can make you feel tired and fatigued all day. One also tends to experience cravings more often on the day after they haven't slept well the previous night. Focus on getting good quality sleep for six to eight hours every night, and work towards if you are unable to do so.

Weight loss can be easier said than done. It definitely doesn't come easy if you don't have the dedication, motivation and discipline to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Also read:These Soothing Yoga Poses Will Help You Sleep Better

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

Go here to see the original:
Weight Loss: 5 Things You Need To Do Every Day, If You Want To Shed Extra Kilos - NDTV

Weight-loss tips from a woman who lost 122 pounds in her 40s – TODAY

Posted: October 1, 2020 at 9:49 am

Growing up, Georgia Carlton knew she looked different from her friends. When she wanted to dress like them, she often couldnt. It was hard to find cute clothes like theirs in her size. She also couldnt understand why she was overweight and they werent.

I always told myself I was made to be fat. So this was just life, Carlton, 42, of Renton, Washington, told TODAY. We all eat the same things, but theyre skinny. So it was just like this is the way I am.

In seventh grade, she remembers being weighed in gym class and learning she weighed 275 pounds. But she still played basketball and volleyball and her family all looked like her so she never really thought about it. When she left home to attend college, she tried shedding a few pounds. While, she attempted everything from quick fixes to eating only meat and green vegetables, it never worked. She almost always regained what she lost.

Only once I could say that I was truly successful, she said. I was at 293 and I lost about 30 pounds but I fell off the wagon and gained all that weight back.

Carlton remained 296 pounds for years. But a visit to Disneyland when she was 39 caused her to re-examine her health.

That trip was hard on me. I have arthritis in my knees, she explained. Every night I was in excruciating pain It was such a struggle physically but also just mentally because it was like, Will I fit in the ride?

Carlton strained to walk through the park, too. But seeing a picture of her from the trip really motivated her to do something.

I dont want to go into my 40s living like this any longer. I wanted to live. I dont want to just exist in my familys life, she said. I want to be a participant in their lives.

She posted a request on Facebook asking about weight loss challenges. A friend sent her a message about WW (formerly Weight Watchers).

I needed to try something and I had given everything else a try, so why not try this? Carlton recalled thinking.

For the first time it seemed as if Carlton could eat the foods she wanted. She simply watched what she ate and learned how to assess portion sizes and make healthy swaps. That appealed to her.

I always felt like I had to give up a whole food group or foods that I enjoyed, she said. I want a lifestyle that I can do for the rest of my life and (if) I want to have tortilla chips every night I can have (them).

Since starting her weight-loss program in November 2017, Carlton has lost 122 pounds. She now weighs 159 pounds. While she appreciates how her appearance has changed, what she really loves is how losing weight has helped her gain a more active life with her children.

We went on our first hike this summer as a family. My husband had taken the kids before and I just stayed home, she said. We hiked for two hours and it was amazing. My kids had fun. I had fun."

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Carlton was spending six days a week in the gym. She enjoyed spin and weight lifting. Shes modified exercising for home.

Im doing Zoom Cyclebar classes, she said. I bought my own bike just two months ago because I was like I love this so much.

Last November, she ran a 5K, highlighting how far shes come since barely being able to walk through Disney.

It has just been an amazing thing to be a part of activities, she said. And not just observing or taking pictures.

Losing weight has taught Carlton a lot about herself.

I learned I can get through those most frustrating and bad days, she said. Those times during my journey were hard but now that I look back at them they were still needed. Sometimes we just need to go through the journey.

Carlton shares weight-loss tips to help others on their journey.

For the first three months of her weight loss, Carlton didnt exercise. She started off watching what she ate, and once she felt comfortable with that, she slowly added exercise.

You can take baby steps, she said. I tell people, if you want to work out, just commit to five minutes of walking around the block for two weeks. If you want to focus on nutrition, just commit to one meal of eating a big healthy salad for two weeks."

We want to eat right. We want to exercise the right way, but its really the consistency over the long time, she said. Thats how I had success. I was obviously not perfect.

This meant that if Carlton ate junk food or skipped a work out, she didnt let that derail her healthy habits.

Just get back, she said. Consistency gets you to your goal.

Were capable of doing so much. Our minds stops us, Carlton said. So if we get our minds out of the way, were unstoppable.

Read more from the original source:
Weight-loss tips from a woman who lost 122 pounds in her 40s - TODAY

Weight loss journey: I lost 23 kilos in just 5 months without stepping into the gym! – Times of India

Posted: October 1, 2020 at 9:49 am

I didnt step into the gym at all during my weight loss journey. I did all my work out within the comfort of my hostel room. Each of my workout session burned 800 kcal roughly. I did two 15-minute sessions of jumping ropes regularly. I also included strength training and a little bit of weight training in my workout regime.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: Weight loss is simple mathematics. Calculate your BMR and adjust your calorie intake and workout sessions accordingly.

How do I stay motivated? I always make it a point to click pictures every time I reach a milestone. My phone wallpaper is of the time when I used to weigh 90 kilos. Seeing how far I have come definitely keeps me motivated.

How do you ensure you dont lose focus? Knowing that I should treat myself with love and respect doesnt allow me to let my body, mind and soul go through any sort of stress--be it unhealthy food or unwanted worries.

Read the original here:
Weight loss journey: I lost 23 kilos in just 5 months without stepping into the gym! - Times of India

5 Barley (Jau) Healthy Breakfast Recipes You Can Try On Weight Loss Diet – NDTV Food

Posted: October 1, 2020 at 9:49 am

Barley is rich in proteins and fibre.


Trying to lose weight or not, it is important to feed our body with different foods to avail the optimal mix of nutrients. Other than putting in a variety of vegetables, lentils, legumes and fruits in our diet, it is a good idea to use different kinds of cereals as well. Barley, called 'jau' in Hindi, is prized for its high nutrient profile and its bounty of health-benefitting properties. The grain is rich in fibre, proteins and other nutrients, and is considered a good food for easy digestion and for managing diabetes.

Barley is commonly used to make beer and bread and is often used as a healthy rice alternative. Some people use barley to make stews and salads too. Barley water forms an important part of the everyday morning ritual of barley fans. Here we are providing you with some great ideas to include barley in your breakfast diet with some easy and familiar recipes.

Use broken barley or roasted barley flour instead of sooji to make upma. Flavour it the usual way by adding veggies and spices of your choice. Barley upma will taste just as good as your regular South Indian-special sooji upma.

(Also Read:11 Best Barley Recipes You Can Try At Home)

Barley can be used to make interesting breakfast recipes

Just like you cook oats, boil barley in water and add to a bowl of milk, honey, cinnamon, fruits, nuts and seeds. Boiled barley is mushy enough to be made into sweet and soothing oatmeal.

This savoury porridge is made with soaked and crushed barley mixed with boiled chickpeas, onions, garlic and some common spices. Remember to soak barley a night before. Click here for the full recipe.

Turn your favourite breakfast pancakes healthier by replacing all-purpose flour with barley and make the pancake batter as usual with milk, eggs, honey, baking powder and a pinch of salt. A topping of fruits or maple syrup will make it taste even better.

(Also Read:Kitchen Basics 101: How to Cook the Ancient Grain Barley)

Barley flour can be used to make healthier pancakes.


Make this powerful morning drink by blending barley grass powder with milk/curd, water, honey and nuts. This protein-rich smoothie is perfect to kick-start the day.

These barley recipes are ideas for healthy morning meals rife with energy-giving and digestion-friendly nutrients. If you have more barley recipe ideas for breakfast, please share with us in the comments section below.

About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.

Read more here:
5 Barley (Jau) Healthy Breakfast Recipes You Can Try On Weight Loss Diet - NDTV Food

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