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‘I Did An F45 Training Challenge Ahead Of My Wedding And Got In The Best Shape Of My Life’ – Women’s Health

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:56 pm

My name is Hannah Mitchell, and I am 31 years old. Im originally from Australia, and I moved to New York City four years ago. I fell in love with F45 Training and joined one of the gym's F45 Challenges and lost 20 pounds before my wedding. I now feel like my strongest self ever.

Growing up in Australia, I was very athletic. I have always had a more athletic build and had to work hard and work out to manage my weight. In college, I was on the rowing team and competed at a national level. I trained 10 times a week, and it was always really intense. After college, I gave up rowing and I entered the corporate world. However, I was eating the same amount and exercising less.

In 2016, I made the move to the U.S. I got into the gym and fitness scene in New York City to stay active. I would go a couple times a week to a bootcamp or cycling class and I ran outside a few times a week. I did my own thing for a year.

F45 is a mix of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), circuit training, and functional movements, and there are studios all over the globe. I absolutely loved the 45-minute group workouts.

No class was the same, and I quickly developed a fitness family relationship with people there that made exercise more enjoyable. Everyone pushes and encourages each other, and it becomes a social thing as well. We have all become really close, which has been the best because in a city like New York City, it can feel really lonely.

The Challenge was an eight-week program with a meal plan. The thing was, I wasnt totally dedicated at the time. However, I had a new fitness goal in mind: My fianc Ryan and I were getting married in Mexico in September of that year. So three months out, I started to really tune into my diet and I *officially* did an F45 Challenge.

The program was set up in a way that has you in different phases throughout each week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday were cardio days, with meals and snacks best suited for cardio workouts. Tuesday and Thursday were weight/strength days, and the meal plan had more protein on those days.

Throughout the F45 Challenge, I did try to follow the meal plan closely during the week, and on weekends I was more relaxed. I reduced my drinking and desserts as well, and found sticking with portion control worked for me.

The meal plan wasn't about cutting out particular things, but about striking a balance between food groups with the workout type. I realized I was eating way too much protein and carbs. The meal plan came with grocery lists and recipes, which was super helpful. It was packed with lots of anti-inflammatory veggies and fruit.

Pre-pandemic, I would go to F45 classes at least six times a week, and maybe do a cycling class or two a week. With COVID-19, as you can imagine, everything changed. But I was able to keep doing F45 workouts with my husband through their app and live Zoom classes as well.

In June, they also started doing outdoor bootcamps in Central Park. (Studios are still closed in NYC.) Theyre called track classes, and they've been amazing. I have been going one to two times a week. I love the community vibe and seeing other people participating in the workout.

Working out with friends is so motivating to me. Everybody is different and is going to have different goals. Yes, I lost 20 pounds in 10 weeks before my wedding, but I kept going with my workouts because they made me so happy.

Since 2018, I have been maintaining, and it has changed the way I work out and eat. I now understand my body better and what it needs nutritionally. Ive kept a healthy weight and found a lifelong fitness routine that continues to push me.

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'I Did An F45 Training Challenge Ahead Of My Wedding And Got In The Best Shape Of My Life' - Women's Health

22 effective tips to lose belly fat, according to experts – Netdoctor

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:56 pm

Visceral fat, also known as abdominal or belly fat, is fat that develops around your mid-section, surrounding vital organs like your liver and pancreas. Its different to subcutaneous fat, which you can pinch with your hands.

In healthy amounts, subcutaneous fat has several important functions it insulates and regulates the temperature of your body, for example. Belly fat, by contrast, promotes long-lasting inflammation, which can increase your risk of chronic diseases.

We asked Dr Samantha Wild, GP at Bupa UK, and Clarissa Lenherr, nutritionist at Bioniq, for their tips on how to lose belly fat for good:

Fat cells dont simply store energy, they also produce hormones and secrete inflammatory substances into the body. For this reason, having high levels of any type of body fat is bad for your health but this type of belly fat is the most villainous.

Whether youre overweight or not, carrying more visceral fat around your stomach can increase your risk of health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart and circulatory problems, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnoea, Dr Wild explains.

Since this kind of belly fat wraps around your internal organs, its hard to tell how much you carry. Were all at risk of developing visceral fat, so its really important we manage our lifestyle by making small, sustainable changes to help keep us healthy, says Wild.

Heres how:

If you arent already eating a source of lean protein such as salmon, eggs, or lentils at every mealtime, nows the time to start. Not only is it incredibly satiating eating protein stimulates the hormone PYY, which reduces appetite and promotes fullness but it also protects your body composition as you lose weight.

When youre in a calorie deficit, you risk losing muscle as well as fat. Eating adequate amounts of protein staves off hunger while preserving muscle mass, a University of Illinois study found. Recommended intake varies from person to person the reference intake in the UK is set at 0.83 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, Lenherr explains.

Keeping well hydrated is important for many reasons but did you know that drinking a pint of water three times a day before mealtimes could also help your weight loss efforts? In a 12-week University of Birmingham study, obese adults who drank 500ml of water half an hour before eating their main meals lost 3.5kg more than a control group who did so once or not at all. Aim to drink around six to eight glasses of water each day, says Wild.

When you eat soluble fibre, it forms a gel-like consistency that slows digestion, promoting fullness and decreasing the number of calories your body absorbs from food. Its also linked to lower levels of belly fat. For every 10g increase in soluble fibre eaten per day the equivalent of eating two small apples, 130g green peas and 85g pinto beans belly fat was reduced by 3.7 per cent over five years, an observational study by researchers from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre found.

The recommended daily intake of fibre is 30g, while the average UK individual consumes just 18g, according to the British Dietetic Association, says Lenherr. Fibre plays a huge role in digestion, cardiovascular health, balanced blood sugar, weight management, hormone health and more. To increase your fibre intake, include whole grains, nuts and seeds, pulses and fruits and vegetables into your daily diet.

Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the adrenal glands. It affects fat distribution by causing fat to be stored centrally as belly fat rather than peripherally, at the hips. The more cortisol you release, the greater your levels of this type of fat, a Yale study found. Think about your lifestyle where you can, try to reduce your stress levels, says Wild. Your mental wellbeing is just as important as your physical health, so take some time to focus on yourself. Make sure you spend time relaxing, too.

The type of fat you eat determines where it will be stored in your body. In a seven-week study by Uppsala University, participants gained weight by consuming excess calories from either muffins made of saturated fat (palm oil) or polyunsaturated fat (sunflower oil). Those who ate the saturated fat muffins gained more body fat, more belly fat, and three times less muscle than the group who ate muffins made with polyunsaturated fat. Additionally, monounsaturated fatty acids found abundantly in olive oil, as well as peanuts and avocados have been shown to have beneficial effects on belly fat.

Soft drinks appear to be even worse for belly fat than consuming high sugar foods, since your brain is less efficient at registering liquid calories (this is true of fruit juice, too). Studies have consistently shown a correlation between sweetened beverage consumption and an increase in belly fat. In a six-year observational study by the American Heart Association, among those who drank one soft drink daily, belly fat volume increased by 852 centimetres cubed.

They may be free from sugar, but diet drinks packed with artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, saccharin, or sucralose also play havoc with your waistline. Another observational study, this time by the University of Illinois, found that drinkers of diet soda compensate for the absence of calories by eating greater quantities of discretionary foods such as cookies, ice cream, chocolate, fries and pastries.

People who pay a high degree of attention to their present thoughts and feelings known as dispositional mindfulness are less likely to be obese and have less abdominal fat than people who do not exhibit as much awareness, a study from Brown University found. Dispositional mindfulness is more like an inherent personality trait, the researchers said, rather than mindfulness meditation, which is a focused and deliberate awareness of the present moment. However, it can be learned by regularly practicing meditation.

While physical inactivity leads to a significant increase in belly fat, a randomised clinical trial by Duke University Medical Centre found, high amounts of exercise can lead to significant decreases relatively quickly. Participants who did not exercise had an 8.6 per cent increase in belly fat after eight months, while those who exercised the most saw a 8.1 per cent decrease in belly fat in the same period.

Interval training may shed more pounds than a continuous moderate intensity workout, according to analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, with sprint interval training the most effective for fat loss. HIIT high intensity interval training is a great option for those with a busy lifestyle, as youll increase your heart rate and burn fat in a short amount of time, says Wild. Your body will reap the benefits of a HIIT workout for hours after your workout, too.

High intensity interval training is a great option for those with a busy lifestyle, as youll increase your heart rate and burn fat in a short amount of time.

And if high intensity workouts arent for you? No sweat. Even moderate amounts of exercise can reduce the amount of inflammation in belly fat, according to a rodent study by the University of Illinois, helping to safeguard your health. Belly fat produces inflammatory molecules that enter the bloodstream and increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Ditch refined grains such as white bread, white rice, and white pasta for their healthier whole counterparts. People who consume three or more daily servings of whole grains for example, whole wheat bread, brown rice and oats while limiting their daily intake of refined grains to less than one serving per day, have around 10 per cent less belly fat than those who choose refined grains every time, research from Tufts University found.

Not all calories are created equal, says Lenherr. The calories in an avocado might be the same as a portion of fries, but the impact and nutritional intake of these two foods are definitely not the same, she says. Calorie counting is a popular way of losing weight, which may work for some individuals, but there is a significant difference between a low-calorie diet of plant foods versus a diet filled with refined carbohydrates and sugars.

We know this deep down, but now science has confirmed it: snacking on high-fat and high-sugar foods is independently associated with an increase in abdominal fat. According to a study published in Hepatology, eating high-calorie snacks in addition to three main meals a day increases the accumulation of abdominal fat and fat in the liver, whereas eating larger balanced meals at mealtimes does not.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of fats that are essential for human health. Theyre found in high amounts in fatty fish like salmon and herring, and also in algae supplements. Theres scientific evidence that getting adequate omega-3s either through your diet or as a supplement helps to reduce your appetite, increase your metabolism, and amplify the number of calories and amount of fat you burn during exercise. Multiple studies of patients with fatty liver disease have shown that fish oil supplements can significantly reduce abdominal fat.

Good news for your morning cup of joe. Women who drink two or three cups of coffee a day have lower total body and abdominal fat than those who drink less, a study by Anglia Ruskin University found, with drinkers between the ages of 20 and 24 having 3.4 per cent less belly fat than those who did not consume coffee. Our research suggests that there may be bioactive compounds in coffee other than caffeine that regulate weight and which could potentially be used as anti-obesity compounds, wrote lead researcher Dr Lee Smith.

There are so many reasons to mix up your workouts with a range of activities not least because it makes exercise more interesting. But when it comes to burning belly fat, cardio is king. Researchers from Duke University Medical Center compared aerobic exercise, resistance training, and a combination of the two, to find out which was best for fighting belly fat.

Aerobic exercise performed as the sole exercise method or alongside resistance training was found to be more efficient and effective than resistance training alone, significantly reducing belly fat, liver fat, liver enzyme levels and fasting triglyceride levels, and improving insulin resistance. Plus, it was found to burn 67 per cent more calories than hitting the weights.

While you have most likely heard or gluten-free or dairy-free, many popular diets are also calling for people to be nightshade-free, sugar-free, lectin-free or grain-free, says Lenherr. There are a number of problems with eliminating whole food groups unnecessarily, especially without the support of a nutritionist, she says from risking nutritional deficiencies to missing out on essential protein and fibre.

On top of this, a reductionist way of eating can leave people feeling unmotivated and bored, which increases the likelihood of unhealthy cravings and giving up on the diet altogether, Lenherr continues. For those still wanting to cut out whole food groups, make sure you speak with a nutritionist to ensure you avoid any unwanted health implications.

A lack of shut-eye has long been associated with a wider waistline. A poor nights sleep has an effect on your hunger hormones causing levels of appetite stimulant ghrelin to rise, and appetite suppressant leptin to fall which can make you feel especially ravenous. And unfortunately, many sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, are worsened by weight gain.

A meta-analysis by the University of Warwick Medical School found that short sleep duration increased the likelihood of obesity by 55 per cent in adults. And there have been controlled studies, too when 16 adults were allowed just five hours of sleep per night for five nights, they each gained an average of 0.82kg.

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between set periods of eating and fasting typically eating all your food in an eight hour window, and abstaining from eating for 16. In a review of studies on intermittent fasting by the University of Illinois, people experienced up to a 7 per cent decrease in abdominal fat within 24 weeks. This approach to eating doesnt suit everyone, and for people with certain health issues such as diabetes, it may even be dangerous. Seek advice from a healthcare professional before attempting this approach.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide a wealth of health benefits when eaten. Certain probiotics, such as those from the Lactobacillus family, inhibit the absorption of fat from your diet. They also stimulate the release of a hormone called GLP-1, which helps to burn calories and fat. A strain called Lactobacillus gasseri has been found to have impressive anti-obesity effects. In a Japanese study spanning 210 participants, taking this supplement for 12 weeks reduced belly fat by 8.5 per cent on average.

Theres a reason its called a beer belly. As well as being high in calories, alcohol decreases leptin levels the hunger suppressant making you want to eat more. It also interferes with your bodys ability to process carbohydrates and fats from food, and several studies have shown that drinking too much alcohol may encourage fat to be stored as belly fat, so limiting your intake is advised. Unfortunately, a study by the University of Verona found that even moderate alcohol intake is linked to carrying more belly fat.

Theres no quick fix to lose your belly fat, so make sure you find a healthy lifestyle that works for you, says Wild. Vary your exercise routines and find a few exercises that you enjoy. Swapping for healthier food habits doesnt need to be boring, theres lots of tasty alternatives to your favourite meals, she says. Its important to make healthy habits that you enjoy to help keep you motivated to achieve your health goals. Set yourself small, achievable goals each week and write them down it will help you to stick to them.

Last updated: 17-09-20

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22 effective tips to lose belly fat, according to experts - Netdoctor

How Long Will It Take Me To Get Back To My Pre-Baby Weight? – BabyGaga

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:56 pm

While it may take some time to lose pregnancy weight, the most important thing to remember is to be kind to yourself.

A woman's body changes quite a bit as a result of being pregnant. To support the growing baby, a woman's uterus has grown three times its original size, a baby bump took the place of a flatter midsection, the hips grew to be able to birth the child, and of course, weight gain to support all of those changes.

Once the baby is delivered, some women are chomping at the bit to get back to their pre-pregnancy weight. Some have felt uncomfortable in the body they were in while carrying their baby. Others feel the pressures of societyto bounce back immediately after having a baby. The reality of the situation is, it tooknearly 10 months to grow that bundle of joy. Therefore, it is going to take anywhere from three months to two years to lose the baby weight, depending on how much weight was gained during pregnancy.

When a woman delivers a baby, there is going to be weight lossoccurring that very same day. Between the weight of the baby, the amniotic fluid, and the placenta, there can be up to 13 pounds of weight loss when a baby enters the world, according to the Mayo Clinic. As such, that amount could be half of what the new mother gained during her pregnancy. And depending on how much water was retained in the legs and feet, even more weight loss could be sustained before leaving the hospitalto returnhome.

Regardless of having a baby or not, the one true way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit. According to healthline, a woman needs approximately 2,000 calories per day to sustain her current weight. To decrease that weight, a 500 calorie per day deficit needs to occur. While this may seem to be a daunting task, for those who are breastfeeding, depending on the woman's milk supply, according to what to expect, she burns up to 500 calories per day. As such, without changing her diet, a breastfeeding woman is already creating a calorie deficit.

RELATED: Losing Weight After Pregnancy: More Than Just Cutting Carbs

It is important to remember, however, not to create too much of a deficit or to go on an extreme calorie-restrictive diet while breastfeeding. If this happens, the production of milk will slow, the baby will be hungry, and potentially will need to be supplemented with formula to thrive. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, safe weight loss is happening if a mother is losing one to four pounds per month.

No dieting of any sort should be happening until at least six weeks postpartum.

Exercise is important to incorporate when healed from giving birth. For some, this may be a few days after, if the delivery was vaginal with no tearing, and for others who had a C-section or complications, that time may be six weeks or more.

As a new mother, exercise may take on a new meaning. Being sleep deprived may make the sweat sessions that were done before delivery near impossible. As such, incorporate exercise slowly. Break up working out into little sessions throughout the day. According to Parents, because ligaments are loose, the abdominals are not solid like they used to be, and a baby is now wanting to be held and loved on, trying several postpartum exercises to see what works best is a great place to start. It is best to start slow, however, as jumping into a rigorous routine right away could cause more harm than good.

It is important to remember to be kind to oneself. The body did an amazing thing by growing a healthy baby for a good portion of a year. As such, physical changes occurred. It is crucial to focus on how healthy one feels during the weeks and months after delivery versus solely focusing on outward appearance. A new mother who is treating herself with kindness, making sure that she is eating healthy foods for herself and her milk supply, and getting as much sleep as she can with a newborn, is making wise choices for herself.

While that weight may not be coming off as quickly as hoped, at the end of the day, a few extra pounds, being strong mentally and physically, and being healthy is a recipe for creating a wonderful mother.

Though the mirror may not reflect a desired image, just remember that to that new baby, his mother is the most beautiful thing in the world, and there is nothing he would change about her.

Source: what to expect, Mayo Clinic, healthline, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Parents

NEXT:How To Stay Emotionally Healthy During Pregnancy

Melanoma During & After Pregnancy: What It Means For You & Your Baby

Jessica is a freelance writer based out of California. She is a mom to two fiercely independent, fun-loving girls and wife to a man who helps her find balance in life. Jessica is an avid runner, consumer of really great cups of coffee, and enjoys adventuring off the beaten path whenever possible. Family is number one to Jessica and is what makes living this crazy, hectic, beautiful life worthwhile.

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How Long Will It Take Me To Get Back To My Pre-Baby Weight? - BabyGaga

Coronavirus: How does the loss of smell from COVID-19 actually feel like? We ask a COVID-19 survivor – Times of India

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:56 pm

Divya had developed a nagging headache for three-four days which she brushed off as nothing. However, when her brother tested positive for COVID-19 after experiencing loss of smell, she also decided to get herself tested. Around the time her reports came out to be positive, Divya experienced a complete loss of smell, meaning she could not smell anything at all. My taste was also partially impacted owing to the complete lack of smell, but I could still detect flavours, even though the taste wasnt as prominent.

While Divya regained her sense of smell in roughly 4-5 days after testing negative for COVID-19, her brother, who has also tested negative, is yet to get his sense of smell back. It has been 20 days since he has tested negative for COVID-19, but he still hasnt regained his sense of smell.

Read the original post:
Coronavirus: How does the loss of smell from COVID-19 actually feel like? We ask a COVID-19 survivor - Times of India

5 Celebrities Who Got Really Sick After Going on an All-Meat Diet – One Green Planet

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:56 pm

Although eating is a fundamental aspect of life, diet preferences are often complicated and polarizing. From plant-based to paleo to keto, the optimal human diet has been a long-contested topic. In the past few years, the carnivore diet has garnered mainstream attention and despite rigorous scientific studies showing the negative effects of this diet, anecdotal claims have inspired more people to try out carnivorism.

Proponents of the carnivore diet claim that this lifestyle is revolutionaryand contradicts conventional conceptions of nutrition science. Many advocates of carnivorism claim that this diet has drastically changed their lives the reported benefits range from stabilizing energy levels to curing autoimmune diseases. But how do these claims measure up to scientific scrutiny? Read on to learn about five celebrities who tried the carnivore diet and the impact that eating so much meat had on their health.

James Blunt was recently in the news for developing scurvy after two months on an all-meat diet. This ailment was the result of a petty vow to spite his vegan and vegetarian friends. His decision to eat only chicken and mince backfired as Blunt admitted he quickly became very unhealthy and was diagnosed with scurvy. As Azmina Govindji, the spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association pointed out, eliminating plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes can result in low levels of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. Govindji explained how crucial these nutrients are stating, not having enough vitamin C can leave you feeling tired and lethargic, while fiber from oats and barley can reduce your blood cholesterol levels; and potassium helps your heart muscle to work properly.

Its safe to say that if a particular diet results in a disease historically associated with malnourished sailorsyou should probably try other options.

Mikhaila Peterson, the daughter of the controversial psychologist and professor Jordan Peterson, has been advocating her self-titled Lion Diet since claiming that exclusively eating ruminant meat (cows and lambs) has cured her physical and mental illnesses. A couple of years ago she garnered mainstream attention when, despite having no educational background or training in nutrition, dietetics, or biology, she began to sell her expertise for $599 per year. Aside from her lack of formal education, Petersons branding for her Lion Diet has a few red flags alerting to the pseudoscientific nature of her claims. For example, all of her evidence for the success of this diet is based on anecdotal claims (most of which are personal) rather than scientific evidence. Similarly, she claims that this simple diet is a cure-all for ailments ranging from auto-immune diseases to mental illness. Many fad diets, such as Petersons, rely on pseudoscience rather than rigorous scientific research, so familiarizing yourself with the telltale signs of pseudoscience is essential.

When Mikhaila Peterson began her Lion Diet, her father Jordan and mother Tammy joined her. While Mikhaila made lofty claims that this new diet cured her and her parents illnesses, news stories of her familys health undermined these claims. In 2019, her mother was diagnosed with kidney cancer and her father attended rehab for antidepressants. So while Mikhaila kept claiming on social media that her Lion Diet cured her and her fathers health, she willfully omitted her mothers severe health struggles. Furthermore, kidney cancer specifically is linked to meat consumption, so omitting her mothers health is not only dishonest but also potentially dangerous to the people who are following her carnivorous lifestyle. Secondly, in a now deleted video, she made claims on her youtube channel that she had completely turned her fathers health around and gotten rid of his mood disorder (video can be found here at 3:44) However in February of 2020, she contradicted these claims by revealing that her father had been constantly taking medication and was now in rehab dealing with addiction to that medication. While Mikhaila might claim her Lion Diet has cured all of her health problems, the health of her parents demonstrates how misinformed she really is. In an interview with The Atlantic,Jack Gilbert, the faculty director at the University of Chicagos Microbiome Center, claimed the Lion Diet is a terribly, terribly bad idea, adding, if [Mikhaila] does not die of colon cancer or some other severe cardiometabolic disease, the life I cant imagine.

Joe Rogan is a popular podcast host who has routinely commented on veganism and in 2019, he even admitted that the lifestyle is perfectly healthy. His favorable comments came after hosting a debate between James Wilks, the producer ofThe Game Changers, and Chris Kresser, an advocate of the paleo diet. Despite claiming on Instagram that Wilks knocked it out of the park in defending veganism and his film, Rogan began a carnivore diet in January of 2020. While he claims that this month-long experiment caused rapid weight loss, he also vividly details his issues with diarrhea caused by this diet (he compares it to a rainforest mudslideyeah). Rogan fails to consider that his weight loss might not be caused directly by his diet, but rather indirectly through his excessive diarrhea. This problem could be caused by a number of things. For one, meat is known to cause a host of ailments sometimes resulting from salmonella or E. coli contamination. Furthermore, the lack of fiber in the carnivore diet could result in malnourished good gut bacteria which could lead to issues like diarrhea. Aside from these gastrointestinal issues, eating two servings of red or processed meat a week is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death. While Rogan only stuck to this diet for a month, the health problems could be long-lasting.

Shawn Baker is a prominent advocate of the carnivore diet and former M.D. who had his medical license revoked in 2017 due to incompetence. Despite his lack of qualifications, Baker continues to push his beliefs about the carnivore diet and, much like Mikhaila Peterson, claims that this diet is a cure-all. However, his health has been called into question several times, specifically regarding his cholesterol levels. In 2018, after 15 months on a carnivore diet, he discussed his bloodwork on Robb Wolfs podcast. Youtuber Mic the Vegan discussed Bakers blood test results in his own video. Mic points out that in the podcast Wolf concedes that Bakers total cholesterol is high (205 mg/dl), however, he conveniently neglects to mention Bakers LDL or bad cholesterol. Using a simple equation, Mic discovered that Bakers LDL cholesterol was incredibly high (149.2 mg/dl), in fact, his LDL cholesterol was about twice as high as the optimal level. Such high LDL cholesterol puts Baker at extreme risk for atherosclerosis. Not only that, but Mic points out that his blood glucose levels put him in the diabetic range and his testosterone levels were off the charts low.

While these individuals maintained an all-meat diet for the health benefits, scientific evidence demonstrates how detrimental the carnivore diet truly is. Dr. Lawrence Cheskin, who dubbed the carnivore diet the heart attack diet, has an explanation for the short term health benefits some carnivore dieters experience. In an interview for Inverse, Cheskin explains that sometimes the perceived health benefits are not from the diet itself, but simply the result of losing weight. He goes on to say that sometimes it looks like having all meat lowered your cholesterol when in fact if you had the same amount of calories but they were all red meat, then youd be raising your cholesterol.

Marion Nestle, Ph.D. and professor emeritus of food studies at NYU, believes that these carnivore dieters can think and eat whatever they want and thats fine. She is quoted at the end of the Inversearticle matter of factly, sayingIs [this diet] going to be good for them? No. But thats their choice. While technically Nestle is right that ones diet is ultimatelytheir choice, the unsustainable and unethical nature of the carnivore diet extends beyond the individual making the action.

Reducing meat from your diet is not only scientifically demonstrated to be beneficial to your health, but a meat-free diet has the lowest environmental impact. It is one of the best actions you can take as an individual to limit suffering and destruction in this world.

While the carnivore diet is extreme, even less restrictive meat-heavy diets pose a serious threat to ones health. As mentioned, just two servings of red or processed meat a week is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death (for reference, the average American eats five servings of red or processed meats a week). Take the Atkins diet popular for allegedly helping with weight loss, this diet restricts carbohydrates while increasing the consumption of proteins and fats. Research suggests that consuming large amounts of protein and fat derived from animal sources can increase ones risk for heart disease and some cancers. Similarly, the Paleo diet typically includes large servings of red meat and has been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and certain cancers.

By contrast, research has shown vegan diets to be protective against ischemic heart disease and cancer. Similarly, individuals following a vegan diet are at the lowest risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Following a plant-based diet not only has a myriad of health benefits, but you can also feel good knowing that your choices are better for the animals and the environment!

Check out these recipes for ideas on how to obtain vital nutrients from a plant-based diet!

Read more about the health benefits of a plant-based diet!

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Excerpt from:
5 Celebrities Who Got Really Sick After Going on an All-Meat Diet - One Green Planet

Weight loss: How to lose water weight fast – Times of India

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:55 pm

Water makes up 60-70% of our body functions. There are processes which support water excretion (like peeing and pooping) but certain foods you eat could also lead to water retention, courtesy, the carbs and sodium levels in them.

Carbs and sodium are stored in the body for energy, in the form of glycogen. These nutrients can seldom attract the water present outside your cell linings and cause "swelling". Now, think of all the times you eat loads of fried stuff with high sodium content and how they made you feel bloated and heavy.

While the water weight differs from one person to another, it is said that on an average, a person carries 2-5 kilos of water weight. They are also the first kilos you slash in any weight loss journey, especially when you adopt a low-carb diet. In fact, diet experts say that up to 70% loss in the first week is due to the water content you are losing out on.

The rest is here:
Weight loss: How to lose water weight fast - Times of India

Lose weight the fast and healthy way with Ideal You –

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:55 pm

What if you could lose weight, do it the healthy way, and see results fast? Ideal You may be just what youve been looking for.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich When it comes to weight loss everyone is looking for a quick fix. But what if you could lose weight, do it the healthy way, and see results fast? Ideal You may be just what youve been looking for.

Dr. Geri Williams said people see results the first week of the program and can lose up to 40 lbs. in 40 days. Ideal You Health Center uses whole foods, all-natural supplements, and daily coaching to help people burn unneeded fat.

While on the program, participants communicate with a weight loss coach every day. Dr. Williams says Ideal You helps people get to their goal weight whether they just need to lose 20 or 100 lbs.

For more information about Ideal You visit

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See the article here:
Lose weight the fast and healthy way with Ideal You -

Warning issued over weight loss coffee – The Bay’s News First – SunLive

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:54 pm

People are being warned against using a coffee that is marketed for weight loss as it has been found to contain phenethylamine.

Phenethylamine is a Class C controlled drug. It has amphetamine-like characteristics and may have similar adverse reactions such as: agitation and psychological effects, cardiovascular effects such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, and neurological effects.

A statement published by Medsafe and issued by the Director-General of Health under section 98 of the Medicines Act 1981 is warning consumers of the potential dangers of Elevacity Elevate Smart Coffee.

The Ministry of Health says the statement is being issued as an alert to warn consumers of the dangers of consuming a product marketed for weight loss, weight management or to improve mood, under the branding Elevacity Elevate Smart Coffee (Version 3) (powder in a tub).

"The product has been tested by Medsafe and found to contain phenethylamine, a controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975," says a statement on the Ministry of Health website.

The warning is published on the Medsafe website.

The Ministry says consumers should not consume the product and should return it to the supplier or dispose of it safely.

"Elevacity Elevate Smart Coffee (Version 3) has been sold for weight loss / weight management and is claimed to improve mood and focus.

"Theres no reliable information about how many people have taken the product.

"This product is supplied through online marketing, so it is not possible to be sure that all sources / importers of these products have been identified."

The Ministry says consumers should seek medical advice if they feel unwell when taking the product."

Medsafe recommens that consumers exercise caution when considering purchasing any products from international websites or through New Zealand-based social media promotions.

"The products may be marketed as supplements or coffee products promoted as assisting weight management, appetite suppression, or mood enhancement.

"Product ingredient lists should be carefully reviewed and discussed with a health professional."

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Warning issued over weight loss coffee - The Bay's News First - SunLive

The Safest Ways to Gain Muscle in a Week – Fast Strength Growth –

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:54 pm

People often strive to lose weight, but there are times where you might want toor even need togain weight.

And while the timeline might vary, bulking up within a week, particularly in muscle mass, could be important for events, tryouts, auditions, or other life situations or health needs.

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And, if you're looking to start building muscle, well, you have to start some week.

Muscle is, after all, the key to improving bone density and boosting strength. And there are many benefits to keep the mass on beyond a week.

Maintaining muscle mass as we age is critical for longevity as it supports functional lifestyle movements as well as our skeletal system, which weakens with age, says Kelly Jones M.S., R.D.

As for the amount of muscle you can gain within a week, it's also important to be realistic. We're talking about your health here.

So don't expect, from a standpoint of safety, that you'll gain more than one pound of muscle per week, says Jones. Genetics play a role. Your metabolism plays a role. Your familiarity with weight training plays a role. Your ability to mainline protein plays a role (more on that later).

But, yes, the general rule is that you can gain about a pound of muscle mass each week safely.

So here are six strategies to gain weightand ensure that those added pounds come in the form of strong, lean muscle instead of fat.

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While some evidence suggests you can gain muscle while in a calorie deficit, its much more difficult this way and your potential for how much gained per week will be lower, says Jones.

Your best bet is to increase the number of calories you are eating each day. Think of your meals and snacks and add a little more to eachnot to overwhelm your stomach in one sitting, but rather increase the total for the day in spurts.

I would then suggest adding around 250 to 500 calories per day to your average calorie intake, says Martin.

And consider tracking calories.

The fundamental principle of weight gain is you have to be in an overall calorie surplusyou take in more calories than you burn, says Charlotte Martin, M.S., R.D.N.

If you find the scale isnt budging it may be helpful to track your calorie intake for a week or so to see how best to add more.

Carbohydrates are the most efficient energy source for exercising muscle, especially when reaching high intensity, so dont cut them out when following an intense training program and trying to gain lean mass, says Jones.

Without carbohydrates (or enough calories), youre more likely to use protein as an energy source rather than for its important structural and metabolic functions.

And eat lots of protein too, because its a key macronutrient for building muscle mass and repairing damaged muscles after a workout.

For muscle growth to occur, muscle protein synthesis must be greater than muscle protein breakdown. For this reason, those who wish to gain muscle must prioritize adequate protein intake, says Martin.

Spread protein intake throughout the day. I often notice men trying to eat large amounts of protein at once when trying to gain lean mass, but rather than extra scoops of protein powder post workout and 12 ounces of poultry at a meal, aim to include more energy from carbs and split protein intake up so that its delivered more regularly to the blood stream and muscles, allowing for more continuous recovery, says Jones.

Going long periods without food means its harder to spread your protein intake throughout the day, putting your body in a catabolic (breakdown) state for too long, says Jones.

This can mean tapping into muscle protein reserves for energy during your fast, regardless of how much you eat in your short eating window. So, dont fast, and make sure you eat every two or three hours during the day.

You might think you can indulge because you need those extra calories. Not quite true.

Regular or excess alcohol intake impairs recovery processes, which can mean slower gains in both muscle mass and progress with your training program, says Jones.

The dietary guidelines for Americans 2020 advisory committee recommended that moderate intake for men be considered just one drink per day versus the previous two, she says.

Thats rightsip on a protein shake before getting ready for bed. Consuming protein before bed has been shown to be effectively digested and absorbed during sleep, therefore stimulating muscle protein synthesis while you sleep, says Martin.

Casein is a favorite nighttime protein because its slow-digesting, meaning it provides a steady supply of amino acids for muscle recovery and helps reduce muscle breakdown while you sleep, she adds.

And go for a powder low in sugar, which can spike blood sugar levels and keep you awake.

Getting around 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep per night is crucial to increase muscle mass, because thats when your muscles repair most. Sleep plays a vital role in muscle recovery and growth.

Its a key time for the release of human growth hormone, which helps develop muscle mass, says Martin. Plus, getting enough sleep boosts levels of testosterone, a hormone that promotes increased muscle mass as well, she adds.

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The Safest Ways to Gain Muscle in a Week - Fast Strength Growth -

Coronavirus isolation killing thousands of Alzheimers patients – Fox News

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:54 pm

Some 13,200 more people than usual have diedfrom dementiasince March, and health care professionals are placing much of the blame on isolation intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

According to a new report in The Washington Post, analysis of federal data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that more than134,2000 people have passed away from diseases like Alzheimerssince the coronavirus pandemic gripped the nation.

Dr. William Burke goes over a PET brain scan Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018, at Banner Alzheimers Institute in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Social and mental stimulation both play a critical role in slowing dementia, and doctors have reported increased backsliding in patients who had been stable for years.

The rapid deterioration of dementia made a man in Indianapolis swallow food the wrong way, which led to a lung infection and his eventual death. A Bostonian woman became so atrophied and frail that a slight fall sent her to the hospital multiple times. Others have been struggling with severe weight loss.

Although only a tiny portion of the U.S. population resides in senior care facilities, nursing home deaths have accounted for around40%ofU.S. deaths from COVID-19.

University of PennsylvaniaAlzheimers specialist Dr. Jason Karlawish told The Post that interaction with family is crucial.

Families fill ina lot of gapsat nursing homes. They do much of the feeding and bathing. They advocate and communicate, he said. If you think of Alzheimers as a disability, family members are almost like a cognitive wheelchair for patients who have lost part of their mind. Theyre essential.

Georgia residentDan Goerke, 61, told The Post that he had watched his 63-year-old wife, Denise, decline dramatically and pleaded with Republican Gov. Brian Kemp to rescind emergency rules putting facilities on lockdown.

This month,FloridaandArizonasaid they want to reopen nursing homes but have yet to explain how they will do so safely.


Goerke used to visit Denise seven days a week and they had been together for 23 years. The last time he heard her laugh was four months ago. Now, Denise is no longer able to speak to him.

Its like we as a country just dont care anymore about older people, he said. Weve written them off.

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Coronavirus isolation killing thousands of Alzheimers patients - Fox News

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