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How long does it take to lose weight? –

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

How long does it take to lose weight? In the age of instant gratification and dubious marketing claims, it may be difficult to have realistic expectations. Not to mention that when you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, and your health seems to be getting worse, you may be tempted to set yourself an ambitious weight loss goal.

This is understandable. A big target number may make you feel more motivated and eager to start your transformation. But excessive weight loss can not only lead to the dreaded yo-yo effect (where you lose weight, only to put it back on), it can also be unhealthy. Whats more, some people will find it way more difficult to shed unwanted pounds than others. So what is a realistic weight loss rate? And what factors can affect it?

Before we dive into the science of weight loss, it is important to point out that there is no real ideal weight to aim for. Medical professionals often rely on a persons BMI (opens in new tab) to determine what is deemed to be a normal weight range. But this measurement is not without its flaws.

The number on the scale will not tell you how much muscle mass, as opposed to fat mass, your body contains. It wont indicate whether you struggle with water retention, either. Its therefore important to take an individual approach before setting a weight loss target. And the first step is always to consult a dietician or medical professional for professional advice before embarking on a weight loss program.

Your calorie expenditure that is, the exact number of calories you burn each day is composed of three major components.

The first is referred to as Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). It consists of the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) the minimum number of calories your body needs to maintain normal bodily functions, such as breathing and pumping blood as well as low-effort daily activities, such as eating, walking for short periods (for example, to use the bathroom), sweating or shivering.

The second component is referred to as the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) the additional energy needed to digest, absorb, and use the nutrients you consume. According to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (opens in new tab), TEF is increased by larger meal sizes, intake of carbohydrate and protein, as well as low-fat plant-based diets.

The third component is referred to as the Thermic Effect of Activity (TEA) the number of calories burned during exercise. TEA can also include Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) which is the amount of energy expended during light activities such as fidgeting, cooking and shopping.

In order to lose weight, you have to maintain a consistent calorie deficit. When you burn more calories than you consume, your body will dip into the energy reserves stored in your fat tissue. Conversely, when you eat more calories than your body needs, you will start gaining weight.

Now, all food and drink will add to your daily calorie tally, and its interesting to learn how calories are calculated given this is how youll be keeping track of your energy intake. At the same time its also worth noting a couple of myths surrounding energy expenditure and weight loss.

Many believe that eating smaller, more frequent meals can improve your chances of shedding unwanted pounds, for example. But while it is true that some will find this approach helpful for appetite regulation, as scientists from the Nutrition Reviews (opens in new tab) journal point out, there is not enough evidence to claim that meal frequency is linked to calorie burning.

Another misconception is that deep intellectual work can increase your energy expenditure. Unfortunately, thinking doesnt burn calories.

As we get older, our body composition changes. We lose muscle mass and gain more fat. Regular physical activity and a healthy diet can delay this process, and many elderly adults boast great muscle strength and endurance. However, this is not the only implication of the aging process.

As described in the Nutrition (opens in new tab) journal, there is evidence to suggest that the metabolic rates of our internal organs become progressively lower in older people. These organs also become smaller. As a result, they need fewer calories to function properly and this will have a significant impact on our overall energy requirements.

In general, men will find it easier to shed unwanted pounds, but our biological differences are not as straightforward as this. As stated in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (opens in new tab) journal, men have a Resting Metabolic Rate thats between 5% and 10% higher than women of a similar frame. This is because women tend to carry more fat than muscle, and fat tissue is less metabolically active.

But this does not automatically mean that women will lose less weight when put on the same diet as men. According to a systematic review published in the Obesity Reviews (opens in new tab) journal, the effect of weight loss interventions are not significantly different between the two sexes, and there is little evidence they should adopt different weight loss strategies. It could be that other factors, not only the body composition, may be at play.

The more physical activity you carry out, the more calories you are able to burn. But time spent working out is not the key factor here intensity is important.

Going for a leisurely walk or attending a gentle yoga class will not have the same effect as running for 10 kilometers. How you exercise and how you progress with your physical activity is equally important to your activity levels.

According to a review published in the Obesity Reviews journal, adding more resistance training to your routine will help you to retain and build more muscle mass. Muscle is a very metabolically active tissue, so more muscle means a higher RMR, and more calories burned at rest.

Some fitness professionals debate whether High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is superior to steady-state cardio (such as cycling or jogging) in terms of the number of calories burned. But as described in the Obesity Reviews (opens in new tab) journal, they both show similar effects on body composition scientists point out that HIIT may be more time-efficient as it requires nearly 40% less training time.

Does drinking water help you lose weight? Hydration definitely plays a role in weight loss, although its effect is not direct. According to the Frontiers in Nutrition (opens in new tab) journal, drinking more water helps to reduce portion control and increase lipolysis the breakdown of fat tissue.

Animal studies also demonstrated that dehydration can lead to hormonal changes that may increase the risk of obesity and associated diseases. Wondering how much water you need to drink? The recommended intake is 2L a day, but the exact amount your body needs will depend on several different factors.

Your genes may be partly to blame for why you struggle to lose weight. As reported in the Genes & Nutrition (opens in new tab) journal, a growing number of studies identify gene variants that are associated with an increase in fat mass. These variants may interact with specific environmental factors and increase the risk of obesity.

Does sleeping burn calories? Not exactly. But maintaining good sleep hygiene can make all the difference to your weight loss efforts. Research in the Nutrients (opens in new tab) journal found that just one sleepless night has been shown to increase your desire for high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods, such as cookies and sugary beverages. Disturbed sleeping patterns tend to lead to increased calorie consumption too.

It will also wreak havoc on the levels of hormones associated with appetite control. A study published in the Sleep (opens in new tab) journal suggests that just an hour less sleep five nights a week may lead to a lower proportion of fat mass loss in individuals on low-calorie diets, despite similar weight loss. Whats more, catch-up sleep may not completely reverse these far-reaching changes in body composition.

Psychological stress is another factor that may impact the rate of your weight loss. The Obesity Reviews (opens in new tab) journal found that feeling under pressure may lower the quality of your sleep, enhance your appetite, intensify your cravings and decrease your motivation to exercise.

At the same time, there is growing evidence (opens in new tab) that the practice of mindful eating can reduce food cravings and increase your chance of achieving your weight loss goals.

Can you take probiotics to lose weight? It may be effective. Scientists are increasingly pointing to gut health as a factor in obesity. According to a review published in the Gastroenterology (opens in new tab) journal, the amount and the type of gut microbes residing in our intestines may dictate the rate of your weight loss.

For example, bacterial strains like Ruminococcus gnavus were found to be more common among obese individuals. Their presence also decreased during weight loss. Meanwhile, the number of bacterial strains such as Akkermansia muciniphila and Alistipes obesi were higher in lean individuals.

Certain hormonal disorders will have an impact on the rate of your weight loss. Hypothyroidism is a good example a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough metabolism-boosting hormones, which in turn can promote weight gain. As reported in the International Journal of Obesity (opens in new tab), higher baseline levels of thyroid hormones were linked to better weight loss outcomes.

How long does it take to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable manner? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (opens in new tab), people should aim for a fairly steady weight loss rate of about one to two pounds a week because this way they are more likely to keep the weight off in the long term.

Yet scientists are questioning this claim. A study published in The Lancet (opens in new tab) journal demonstrated that the rate of weight loss does not seem to affect the proportion of weight regained within 144 weeks.

Another study, published in the Obesity (opens in new tab) journal, found that, in people with a similar total weight loss, the rate at which they lost weight did not affect how many pounds were later piled back on. Nonetheless, those who were prescribed a diet with the least number of calories lost the most muscle mass.

Still, dieticians recommend taking a gradual approach, as it promotes healthier attitudes to food and it is least likely to cause side effects.

If you want to maintain the results in the future, it is recommended to focus on a slow but healthy weight loss where you lose one to 2 lbs per week, says Wendy Lord, registered dietician at HealthReporter (opens in new tab). Although such a journey is slow, its constancy will make it easier to develop healthy eating habits, making it less likely that you will gain weight again, and most importantly, it is much safer than rapid weight loss.

But what about overall weight loss? When healthily losing weight, you can expect to lose up to 8 lbs in a month and even up to 90 in a year. However, it is worth remembering that such impressive numbers will only be realistic if you lose up to 2 lbs per week for the whole year and if you are obese in the first place, says Lord.

What is a dietician's stance on boosting metabolism?

Speeding up weight loss is definitely possible, but it won't necessarily be healthy, advises Lord. Since losing weight too fast can lead to loss of muscle mass, slowed metabolism, lack of nutrients in the body, and many other problems, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

On the other hand, there are certainly a few lifestyle changes that can accelerate the loss of a few pounds without risking your health. Among these, perhaps the most well-known is increasing protein intake so that the body burns fat and does not lose muscle mass. It is also effective to drink green tea because of its caffeine or to reduce the consumption of starchy and floury dishes.

Protein is particularly good for weight loss. As mentioned previously, increasing the intake of this macronutrient will elevate the Thermic Effect of Food. It is also crucial to building lean muscle mass. Protein also helps lower food cravings and regulate appetite.

Countless dietary supplements claim to help you lose weight. They tend to be sold as metabolism boosters and fat burners, promising amazing results in no time. But are they actually able to speed up your weight loss? In most cases, there is no evidence (opens in new tab) they can deliver on the promise. But that does not mean that every supplement is a waste of money.

Many weight loss supplements contain high doses of caffeine. And according to a meta-analysis published in the Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (opens in new tab), for every doubling in the caffeine intake, the reduction in weight, BMI, and fat mass may increase almost twofold. This is because this compound increases thermogenesis, and, unsurprisingly, increases your energy levels during workouts.

However, it is important to maintain a reasonable intake of caffeine, particularly if you are sensitive to it. As stated in the Sports Medicine (opens in new tab) journal,ingestion of 39 mg/kg of body weight approximately 60 min prior to exercise is the recommended way to power up your workout. That could be in the form of caffeinated drinks, or dietary supplements.

Another dietary supplement worth considering is a green tea extract. As reported in the Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (opens in new tab), green tea compounds (such as caffeine and catechins) can increase thermogenesis and increase fat lipolysis.

However, not every green tea supplement is produced to the same standard. Multiple studies (opens in new tab) have shown that those containing doses of EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) between 100 and 460 mg a day have shown the best effects on body fat and body weight reduction in trials lasting more than 12 weeks.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to offer medical advice.

Read more here:
How long does it take to lose weight? -

Could Subliminal Messaging Be An Effective Way To Lose Weight? – Health Digest

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

Studies in 2006 and 2007 found that subliminal messaging can influence you if you are already inclined to do something (via Scientific American). For example, those who were already thirsty were flashed images of Lipton Ice Tea and afterward were more inclined to choose that beverage. Another study showed that students who were shown words related to intelligence before a practice exam did better on the actual exam than those shown random words.

Unfortunately, when it comes to weight loss, the research findings are similar. In a 1992 study published in Applied Psychology, weight loss was compared in three groups of overweight women. Despite only one of the groups receiving subliminal messaging to encourage weight loss, all three groups lost the same amount of weight. Another study in 2018 found that subliminal messaging given to those with strong weight loss goals had moderate success when given without any negative messaging. The same messaging, though, had little to no effect on those with weak weight loss goals.

Another 2014 study reinforces the effectiveness of positive messaging, as exercisers shown positive visuals participated in cycling for longer than those shown negative visuals. So it seems that, yes, the brain can be influenced to a degree when the drive to achieve a goal already exists, as long as the messaging is positive. While many subliminal messaging weight-loss programs exist and use various methods, it seems that positive visual messaging, in general, has the best chance of success.

More here:
Could Subliminal Messaging Be An Effective Way To Lose Weight? - Health Digest

The Five Best Vegetables for Weight Loss, According to a Doctor – Health News Hub

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

From ruby red to leafy green, vegetables are a known mealtime necessity for nutritional benefits and to achieve and maintain a healthy weight but some are better choices than others.

When it comes to losing weight, its important to mentally separate vegetables into two categories: starchy and non-starchy, said Joseph St. Pierre, DO, a medical weight loss specialist with Hartford HealthCare. Then, we need to eat more of non-starchy.

> Worried about your weight? Take this health risk assessment

Non-starchy vegetables contain the right elements for weight loss, Dr. St. Pierre said. This includes:

Starchy vegetables, like potatoes, corn, squash and peas, also offer health benefits, but pack in higher amounts of calories and carbs.

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Based on nutritional profiles, Dr. St. Pierre said the best vegetables for weight loss include:

> Related: Fad Diets: The Way to Lose Weight, or a Bunch of Baloney?

We tell patients to make sure they have a serving of non-starchy vegetables at every meal. The nutritional benefits are amazing, and by keeping themselves feeling full, they are able to focus on their weight-loss and exercise goals, Dr. St. Pierre said. Theyre an important part of a balanced diet.

See the original post here:
The Five Best Vegetables for Weight Loss, According to a Doctor - Health News Hub

When is the "right" time for weight loss surgery? – Harvard Health

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

Dr. Thomas Tsai had performed weight-loss surgery on the beaming woman in front of him only six months before, but she was already a changed person. Dozens of pounds had melted from her physique, lowering not just the number on the scale but her odds of developing potentially life-threatening health problems. A coveted career promotion capped off her fresh sense of confidence.

"She was the same hardworking person shed been before surgery, but she didnt face the stigma associated with her weight anymore," says Dr. Tsai, a bariatric surgeon at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Womens Hospital. "Not only did her health improve, but the surgery may have contributed to social and professional benefits."

As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles.

No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Excerpt from:
When is the "right" time for weight loss surgery? - Harvard Health

Navratri 2022: Let Garba sessions boost your heart health, mind and weight loss – Health shots

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

The Navratri season brings in a melange of colours and a celebratory vibe among people! Festivity and fervour is at its peak in different parts of the country, where Navratri is celebrated in myriad ways. One of the most popular customs during this 9-day festive period is Garba, a power-packed Gujarati dance form which is performed in a community format. Even though Garba is a lot of fun, it holds a deeper meaning in the festive season and has its share of health benefits too!

Zumba, Bollywood style and Bhangra are dance forms that have found their way into the fitness game over the recent years. But even Garba is no less a workout, dear ladies.

Weve seen our leading Bollywood ladies do the Garba. Be it Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Dhol baaje, Deepika Padukone in Nagada sang dhol and Alia Bhatt in Dholida. And if theres one thing we know, Garba takes a lot of vigour, co-ordination and stamina to nail it!

Take a look at some popular moments from Bollywood films!

Health Shots reached out to fitness expert Simran Valecha to know about the health benefits of Garba and whether it is a good exercise. Heres what she shared.

The expert recommends moving your body for an hour daily for overall good health. And whats better than finding a workout you love? Dancing to the beats with your friends is a fabulous way to work your muscles and burn a lot of calories, Valecha tells Health Shots. According to rough estimates, playing Garba for an hour burns 500-600 calories. So, if you wonder whether Garba can help with weight loss, heres your answer. To lose 2-3 kg a month, you need to be in a calorie deficit and by simply playing Garba and not changing anything in your diet, youre on track to lose that 2-3 kg, she adds.

Also read: Turn to thumkas to lose weight: 5 dance moves to break a sweat

This dance style is like any other form of aerobic exercise continuous, rhythmic movement of large muscle groups to strengthen the heart and lungs. Your breathing plays a big role in all your workouts, thereby engaging your core muscles, she explains.

When you indulge in partner dances with the Garba sticks, it helps you focus a lot on your core and obliques. Stronger core muscles not only mean better stability but also mean easier pregnancy for women. Youll literally feel the burn on your core the next day, says Valecha.

Garba is a full-body workout with some simple upper and lower body focused movements and multiple compound movements that work different muscles groups at once. This increases the efficiency of a 1-hour garba workout, as per the expert.

Since you perform this dance form in a large circular group and with dandiya sticks, you are bound to need focus to not miss your steps or hit anyone with your stick. It takes a lot on your part to be mentally present. But a word of advice here dont put yourself under too much pressure. Just enjoy the flow of dance and immerse yourself in the festive spirit. A healthy mind is also necessary for a healthy body!

* Its important to wear the right kind of footwear when playing Garba so as not to compromise on your form and get injured.

* If you dont want to wear sneakers under your lehengas, dance barefoot to avoid any pressure on your ankles or knees when dancing!

* Stay hydrated

* If you feel tired, dont shy away from taking a break!

Continue reading here:
Navratri 2022: Let Garba sessions boost your heart health, mind and weight loss - Health shots

7 dietitian-approved weight loss hacks that actually work – Fit and Well

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

With so many supposed weight loss hacks on the internet, television and social media, it can be hard to have a healthy relationship with our weight. Some will say that fat or carbs are the energy, while others will push fad diets or weight loss foods. Lets be clear; you cant actually hack your way to weight loss in these ways, at least not healthily.

In order to achieve healthy and sustainable weight loss, small changes to our lifestyles are key. From the way that we treat our relationship with sleep, down to ensuring we're not removing entire food groups from our diet. Healthy, dietician-approved tips are the way forward.

To unpack what really works, we spoke with Reema Patel, registered dietitian and nutritionist for Dietitian Fit & Co (opens in new tab), for the best ways to help you on your healthy and sustainable journey to weight loss. Plus, check out our ultimate round up of the best protein powder for weight loss to keep you full throughout the day.

A diet high in fiber can help to keep you fuller for longer and increase overall satiety levels, says Patel. This is because fiber takes time to move through our digestive system, slowing down the absorption of nutrients and helping with fullness. It will also therefore help with controlling blood sugar levels and preventing spikes and crashes.

Reema Patel is a registered dietitian and member of the Health & Care Professions Council and the British Dietetic Association in the U.K. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics from the University of Surrey, and a Master of Science in Sports and Exercise Nutrition from Loughborough University.

Patel further explains how fiber also feeds the healthy bacteria in our gut, which can have an impact on weight and blood sugar control.

Ideally, we want to be consuming around 30g of fiber a day. But for those who dont already have this level of fiber intake, be sure to introduce more fiber gradually. Great sources of fiber include plenty of fruits and vegetables, grains and pulses, as well as nuts and seeds.

If you take the time to plan your meals ahead of the working week, writing a shopping list and prepping some elements to meals, this will help you not only with maintaining healthy habits in the long term, but also saving money, says Patel. This way, you can ensure that you always have the food you need to be eating in the house, and feel more prepared about cooking.

Patel suggests boiling a batch of eggs to have as a quick breakfast or snack, cutting up your vegetables so that they can be easily roasted in the week, or marinating some meat and fish to speed up time in the kitchen when preparing dinner.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

The idea of mindful eating allows us to be fully present and aware of our food and eating and explore how it makes our body feel when we eat. Patel recommends that before even eating, you should take a moment to notice the food how does it smell, what are the sensations you are getting? Then, take your time to enjoy the experience of eating, slowly with no distractions, to fully appreciate the food.

This way, youll notice your body and emotions change and feel different whilst eating. This can make enjoying foods that you crave more manageable, with slightly smaller portions but feeling fully satisfied after having them mindfully, adds Patel.

Sleep has so much to do with our overall health from our skin down to our weight. If you find that you have short night sleeps or struggle with energy in the day, it could be worth trying to improve your sleep hygiene.

Patel recommends trying to reduce screen times an hour before sleep, instead doing other things that relax you such as reading or another hobby like scrapbooking or knitting. Try to go to sleep and wake up at regular times each day, even on weekends, to get into a routine, she says.

Studies show (opens in new tab) that if you do not get enough sleep, you may be more likely to snack the next day or reach for higher energy dense foods to provide you with a boost to get you through the day. You may also be less inclined to cook healthy meals or exercise, which all impacts on your health overall.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Relationships with comfort eating can be difficult. But if we find that after a long or stressful day, we reach for food as a comfort, this can have a negative impact overtime on health and weight.

Its not that comfort eating is bad, explains Patel, but, its important to find other ways to really help us to feel better. When we think about it, eating for comfort can help in the moment, but often it is very short lasting and we are left wanting more.

Food can be a temporary fix but looking deeper into what other ways you may find helpful to manage stress or help with your mood will be more important for your wellbeing in the long term.

Instead of cutting carbs from the diet, focus on the quality and type of carbohydrates consumed.

Carbohydrates are important to help provide us with our main source of energy, in the form of glucose. However, there is a difference in the types of carbohydrates, and how they can influence weight, explains Patel.

Try to opt for unprocessed whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and pulses, and reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates, such as white bread or pastas, and pastries. Unprocessed carbohydrates are often higher in fiber, with a lower glycaemic index. This can help with improving blood sugar control and helping regulate appetite levels, which can play a role in reducing risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Read more about good carbs vs bad carbs at Fit&Well.

(Image credit: Getty)

There are some many benefits of protein. When we consume protein, this requires more energy by the body to digest and absorb, which is beneficial for helping with weight loss, says Patel. So, its important to get a good level of protein in each meal this could be animal protein, including chicken, red meat, fish, eggs or dairy, but can also include vegetarian protein such as beans, lentils and soy products like tofu.

This is especially helpful if you are exercising regularly, as a diet higher in protein will help to facilitate muscle maintenance and muscle growth.

Today's best protein powder deals

Read the original here:
7 dietitian-approved weight loss hacks that actually work - Fit and Well

If your weight-loss diet is giving you a recurring headache, turn to these 12 tips for relief – Health shots

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

Losing weight is not an easy process! While it is well known that being overweight or obese increases the chance of developing persistent headaches, sometimes it can these can also develop as a result of weight loss plans. Yes, thats true, ladies! You may be eating fewer calories than your body or needs or maybe youre not hydrating yourself adequately. But you must avoid weight loss headaches. Lets find out how!

Sometimes having a headache doesnt cause any serious suffering and can be managed with the use of some natural cures. The issue arises, though, if it becomes an everyday occurrence! Additionally, those who are trying to lose weight frequently get headaches.

HealthShot s spoke to Dr Brahm Datt Pathak, Director general Surgery, Fortis Escorts Hospital, Faridabad, to find out how to relieve headache while dieting and losing weight. Before that, lets read why it happens!

Headaches are a common condition that many people deal with on a daily basis. But those who are trying to reduce weight are more likely to go through it. Dr Pathak says, Headaches can be a painful side-effect of your efforts to slim down. It can occur for a variety of reasons, including vitamin deficiencies due to dieting, calories deficit diet, skipping meals, stress, lack of hydration or even an irregular sleep pattern. As a result, sticking to a healthy weight loss plan is crucial. No matter the cause, there are numerous ways to ease headache symptoms.

1. Exercise before dieting: Start dieting at least a week after you start exercising to let your body get adjusted with the routine

2. Do not skip breakfast: Well, first of all, skipping meals is not the right way to lose weight. This can result in lower metabolism, less energy in your body and headache due to the lack of calories in your body.

3. Limit alcohol: If youre prone to headache and migraine attacks, you shouldnt drink alcohol. Alcohol is known to either exacerbate or cause pain. So, limit the consumption.

Also, read: Headache due to gas? Try these 5 home remedies

4. Increase fibre food intake: According to a small 2014 study published in the Journal of Headache and Pain, participants had migraine symptoms relief from a low-fat, high-fiber diet consisting solely of plant foods.

5. Never compromise on protein: Although the benefits of protein in managing headaches have not yet been proven, a diet deficient in protein may make them worse. Therefore, be sure to get enough protein.

6. Foods and drinks: Green leafy vegetables, nuts, fatty fish, fruits, and seeds are the most frequently consumed meals and beverages that can ease headaches. Foods high in salt, such as potato chips, processed foods, aged cheeses, smoked or dried salmon, cultured dairy products, and foods high in carbohydrates and sugar should be avoided.

7. Drink water: Drinking enough water is essential for greater overall health. Inadequate hydration leads to headaches and many other health issues. Fatigue, a feeling of unease, and a very dry mouth are other signs of dehydration.

8. Relax and relieve stress: Headaches are more likely to occur when youre stressed. You should seek medical help if youre dealing with severe headaches, along with fever and vision issues.

9. Stop over-restricting your caloric intake: You go into calorie deficit mode when you eat less calories. A research article published in PubMed Central claims that having a calorie deficit can help you lose weight. But it can also lead to a number of problems, such as headaches.

10. Avoid foods high in histamine: Histamine present in foods such as tuna, spinach, wine, cheese, fermented foods and eggplant. This compound is known to cause a vascular type headache.

11. Relax with yoga/meditation: Practicing yoga and meditation are known to relieve stress and calm the mind. Therefore, it can help manage headaches.

12. Chew on basil leaves: Chewing 7-8 basil leaves will ease a headache and relax your muscles because they have analgesic, calming effects.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also essential for managing headaches. For relief, you shouldnt just rely on prescription drugs. Address the stressors in your life as they are a common source of headaches. Eat a balanced, healthy diet, avoid skipping meals, drink plenty of water every day, get regular, sound sleep, and exercise frequently. These actions can be taken by everyone and will help to prevent headaches and/or lessen their discomfort.

See the article here:
If your weight-loss diet is giving you a recurring headache, turn to these 12 tips for relief - Health shots

4 Simple, Healthy Slow-Cooker Recipes You Should Try This Fall For Weight Loss – SheFinds

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

With fall officially in full swing, you may be craving some warm, hearty meals like stews and roasts. As the weather gets colder, theres nothing quite like preparing a simple but filling dinner that can warm you upand takes minimal effort to whip up. Thats where slow-cookers come in! Whats better than throwing all your ingredients into one pot and letting it cook while you relax? Luckily, there are tons of slow-cooker recipes out there that are simple as ever to makeandwont pack in the calories. That means you can enjoy a whole range of soups, stews, curries, and more without having to worry about gaining weight this fall.

If youre looking for some new healthy, low-calorie slow-cooker recipes to try out this year, weve got you covered. Below are some of our favorite options that will keep both your tastebuds and your waistline happy!

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These slow-cooker pork carnitas are a great way to bring a healthy twist to Taco Tuesday. Unlike red meat, which can lead to serious health complications (including weight gain) over time, pork is a fantastic lean protein that can help you slim down while still enjoying some delicious Mexican food. Throw in some simple toppings like cilantro, lime, and pickled onions, and you've got yourself a super-simple, super-tasty weeknight dinnernot to mention guilt-free. Yum!

Ingredients:pork roast, oranges, onion, lime juice, taco seasoning, queso fresco, pickled onions, limes, cilantro, tortillas

Full recipe


The Mediterranean Diet is a popular diet for weight loss that prioritizes lean proteins, legumes, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Whether or not you're following the diet, this slow-cooker stew is one low-calorie recipe you'll want to add into your weeknight rotation ASAP. It packs in tons of healthy veggies and hearty beans to keep you full without putting your weight loss goals at risk. Plus, all you have to do is throw all of the ingredients into a slow-cooker, and you're good to go!

Ingredients:diced tomatoes, vegetable broth, onion, carrot, garlic, oregano, salt, crushed red pepper, ground pepper, chickpeas, kale, lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, basil leaves, lemon

Full recipe


Craving Italian but don't want to load up on carbs with pasta and bread? Look no further than this spicy Italian chicken and fennel stew. It's packed with fiber, protein, and all those veggies you need to stay satiated and energized as you crush your weight loss goals. Not to mention, this recipe is packed with flavorso you won't have to sacrifice the taste you love just to keep your belly flat. At just under 500 calories, it's the perfect slow-cooker meal!

Ingredients:olive oil, fennel, chicken thigh, flour, garlic, long red chili, white wine, diced tomatoes

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Here's another low-calorie, protein-loaded recipe that prioritizes killer flavor. No need to order greasy takeout to enjoy teriyaki chicken; this slow-cooker meal allows you to make it right from the comfort of your own homewithout overloading your calorie count. The best part is that you can serve it with any veggies your heart desires, and it's so simple to make.

Ingredients:chicken breast, garlic, low sodium soy sauce, maple syrup, rice wine vinegar, ginger, sriracha, scallions, sesame seeds

Full recipe

4 Simple, Healthy Slow-Cooker Recipes You Should Try This Fall For Weight Loss - SheFinds

Weight-Loss: Chicken And Oats Soup For A Healthy Meal – Slurrp

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

We discovered the best recipe for chicken soup for a weight loss programme that is not at all dull. In fact, it's creamy, flavorful, and filling. A nutritious diet can help you lose weight, and protein-rich chicken soup is an excellent addition to your diet. It is advisable to carefully plan your weight loss diet, including plenty of protein-rich and light meals. Soups and salads are always excellent choices. If you use the correct ingredients, a warm bowl of soup may be both comforting and filling. We found the best recipe for chicken soup that is not at all boring for your weight reduction programme. In fact, it's creamy, flavorful, and filling. Chicken stock, milk, and oat flour contribute to the rich and creamy texture. Make this chicken and oats soup for a high-protein, high-fibre lunch that will keep you satisfied on your weight-loss quest.

Simple Recipe For The Soup

If any of your family members are vegetarians, you can still make the delicious soup by substituting mushrooms for the chicken pieces and chicken stock for veggie stock.

Benefits Of Chicken

Chicken is rich in many key elements and can be a wonderful addition to a diet that is well-balanced. If losing weight is your goal, chicken may be especially helpful because it is low in calories but high in protein. Protein consumption may improve sensations of fullness, increase weight loss, and help preserve lean body mass, according to research. Protein can help build muscle when combined with weightlifting. Furthermore, protein is involved in calcium metabolism and is essential for bone health.

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Weight-Loss: Chicken And Oats Soup For A Healthy Meal - Slurrp

The One Underrated Fruit Health Experts Swear By For Better Digestion And Weight Loss – SheFinds

Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:04 am

Gut health and weight loss go hand in hand. That means if you want to slim down, its important to prioritize healthy digestionand a big part of that comes down to your daily diet. There are tons of foods out there that could wreak havoc on your gut microbiome, but luckily, there are also so many gut-healthy options that can have your body feeling better than ever when eaten regularly. In fact, theres one tasty, unexpected fruit that can do wonders for both your digestion and your waistline: apricots.

To learn more about why apricots are such an underrated snack when it comes to weight loss and digestive health, we spoke to nutritionist Lisa Richards, creator of The Candida Diet. She broke down all the benefits of this fibrous fruit and even gave us her best tips and tricks for working it into your diet. Find all of her expert insight below!

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When you think of the best snacks for weight loss, apricots likely don't pop into your head right away. As Richards notes, these fruits don't frequently get credit for their waist-slimming benefitsbut she calls them a "powerhouse fruit," because not only are they low-calorie, but they're also high in protein. What more could you want from a healthy snack that can aid your weight loss?!

"The protein [apricots] provide will aid satiety while the low caloric density helps to prevent overeating on calories," Richards explains. That means you can satisfy your sweet tooth without having to worry about chowing down too much, because you'll get full quite quickly from all the protein, and stay fuller for longer as well.


In addition to protein, this fruit a packs in a great amount of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, which is great for digestionand for boosting your metabolism for even faster weight loss. Score! All that fiber comes from both the skin and the flesh of apricots; it's really loaded with the stuff, and your gut will love it.

Luckily, fitting this food into your diet is easy as pie, thanks to the fact that apricots are so versatile. Richards says they can be "easily added to most meals and snacks. They can increase the protein and fiber in a snack, such as yogurt, which is an excellent low calorie option." Yum!

There's one more important thing to keep in mind, though: whenever possible, choose fresh apricot over a dried variety. This is because dried apricots have more calories in them, so, as Richards notes, "If your goal is weight loss then fresh apricots would be a better option." Got it!

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The One Underrated Fruit Health Experts Swear By For Better Digestion And Weight Loss - SheFinds

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