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Debunking the soy-estrogen problem and other soy myths – ZME Science

Posted: September 4, 2020 at 4:53 am

Soy is a unique food that can have both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects on the body. Studies sometimes present unclear or conflicting evidence, but the evidence suggests that in healthy individuals, soy provides significant benefits, especially as an alternative to red meat.

Soy has been consumed in Asian countries for thousands of years theres evidence that it has been consumed since 9,000 BC. In recent decades, soyfoods have also become increasingly popular in non-Asian countries, largely because they are versatile and rich in protein. Soy protein is better than many other sources of protein as it contains all the essential amino acids.

At the same time, soy is often shunned for fear that it interferes with hormones. While some small-scale studies have cast some doubt on soys beneficial properties, recent large-scale studies have helped us understand soys effects on the body much better.

There have been several large-scale studies on the health effects of soy. These results suggest that soy has either a beneficial or at worst, a neutral effect on various health conditions.

Soy is a nutrient-rich food that can be safely consumed multiple times a week and is likely to provide health benefits, especially when consumed as an alternative to red meat. While the extent of its benefit remains a matter of scientific debate, soy scaremongering has no scientific basis to stand on. Studies have shown that in moderate or even high quantities (an average of 1-2 servings per day), there is no relevant adverse effect in healthy individuals.

The macronutrient composition of the soybean is different from other legumes, which is also why its so sought after. Soy is very rich in protein (comparable with meat in that regard but without the saturated fat and cholesterol). Soybean is also a good source of essential fatty acids and soy compounds that lower cholesterol levels. Studies have consistently found that reducing the animal protein and replacing it with plant protein from soy reduces cardiovascular risk, which is one of the main reasons for soys increasing popularity.

The soybean is also a good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as potassium (which is notable because intake of this mineral is often suboptimal) and iron.

Its hard to isolate the effects of soy from other parts of the diet, particularly as soy can be cooked and processed in multiple ways, and not all are similar.

Soyfoods have long been recognized for their high-protein and low-saturated fat content, but over the past 20 years an impressive amount of soy-related research has evaluated the role of these foods in reducing chronic disease risk. Much of this research has been undertaken because the soybean is essentially a unique dietary source of isoflavones, a group of chemicals classified as phytoestrogens. The estrogen-like properties of isoflavones have also raised concern, however, that soyfoods might exert adverse effects in some individuals, a recent study noted.

However, the concerns stem primarily from studies on animals, whereas human research supports the safety and benefits of soyfoods on healthy individuals.

Even in the most vulnerable categories, soy consumption seems safe. Approximately 2025% of U.S. infants receive at least some soy-based formula (not soy milk) in their first year, and several studies documenting this have reported no negative health issues associated with this practice in babies or in adults who consumed soy-based formula as babies. Studies have found little to no differences between babies fed soy or cows-milk-based formula.

However, soy can be consumed in different forms, and some are not as healthy as others. Processed burgers generally tend to be far less healthy than things like tofu, for instance.

The bottom line on is soy healthy: Soy is an excellent source of nutrients, although processed forms may be far less healthy. The benefits of soy may depend on the form in which it is consumed.

The effect of soy on womens bodies has been often questioned. The reason is that soy contains phytoestrogens, plant hormones somewhat similar to estrogens. These are mainly two isoflavones (genistein and daidzein), and soy is far from the only plant to contain these hormones studies have shown that a wide variety of fruits and nuts contain the same hormones. However, plant estrogens typically make a low percentage of the total ingested estrogens, especially in the Western world. Most of the estrogens we eat come from milk and dairy products; compared to that, soy only plays a minor part.

The controversy stems from the fact that the two isoflavones can act like estrogen (the female sex hormone) and estrogen plays a role in many biological processes from breast cancer to reproduction. However, these phytoestrogens have a much weaker effect than human estrogen and while they share similarities to human hormones, they are structurally different. Furthermore, in some instances, phytoestrogens may even block the action of estrogen, which further complicates the issue.

Basically, while high levels of estrogen have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, soy foods dont contain high enough levels of isoflavones to increase the risk of breast cancer.

Soy has a relatively high concentration of certain hormones that are similar to human hormones and people got freaked out about that, says Isaac Emery, a food sustainability consultant, for The Guardian. But the reality is you would have to consume an impossibly large amount of soy milk and tofu for that to ever be a problem.

Several studies have looked for this but failed to establish a connection and furthermore, some studies suggest that soy might actually reduce the incidence of some types of cancer (though that evidence is still unclear).

High soya intake among women in Asian countries has been linked to a 30% lower risk of developing breast cancer compared to US women, who eat much less soya. For example, the average intake of isoflavones in Japan is 30-50 mg per day, compared to 3mg in Europe and the US.

At any rate, the best existing science at the moment suggests no reason to associate soy consumption with cancer risk. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), while our understanding of estrogen is still improving, soy does not seem to pose any cancer risk.

Across the ocean, similar studies have come to similar conclusions. A recent review of the European Food Safety Authority found that isoflavones do not adversely affect the breast, thyroid, or uterus of postmenopausal women. No effect was found on endometrial thickness or the histopathology of the uterus after 30 months of supplementation with 150 mg/day of soy isoflavones.

Soy has also been sometimes regarded as a risk to the endometrial tissue. However, studies suggest otherwise. A review of 25 clinical studies found that isoflavones do not adversely affect the endometrium. Furthermore, a recent meta-analysis of 10 observational studies found that soy intake was inversely associated with endometrial cancer risk. Regarding endometriosis, studies have found either a neutral or a positive effect associated with soy milk.

Its sometimes claimed that while soy is a healthy option for most women, it can be dangerous for women right before or during menopause. However, this has been disproven. A study in which women ingested 900 mg of soy isoflavones per day found no significant changes in mean values for estrogenic effects or other laboratory measurements and 900 mg is essentially impossible to get through diet, no matter how much soy you eat.

In fact, some studies have found that soy isoflavones can help with menopause. Asian women who consume soy regularly have much lower rates of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, although the studies are contradictory and its still unclear if soy is responsible for this protective effect. The average blood concentration of the isoflavone genistein in Asian women is about 12 times higher than that of US because of higher soy consumption, although the possible benefits of soy remain uncertain.

Another study on obese postmenopausal women found that replacing at least some of the consumed animal protein with soy offers clears advantages in terms of regulating insulin and cholesterol.

However, very large quantities of soy consumption (more than 15 servings/week) might disrupt ovarian function, one study found.

Although the levels of phytoestrogens typically found in soy foods pose minimal risk in the adult female, the female reproductive system is dependent on hormones for proper function and phytoestrogens at very high levels can interfere with this process.

The bottom line on soy and female hormones: studies have found no reason for concern unless soy is consumed in extremely large quantities. Soy is linked to positive outcomes for women, though the extent of these effects is still being researched.

The idea that soy is not good for men, that it will alter their hormone levels or make them grow man boobs is owed to advertising more than real science. The alleged evidence for this comes from two isolated case reports of elder Japanese men whose caloric intake came almost exclusively from soy. Yes, if all you eat is soy, youre bound to have health problems but that can be said for everything, if you just eat one food, youre bound to get in trouble. A thorough review found that that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men at intake levels equal to and even considerably higher than are typical for Asian males.

Concerns that the consumption of phytoestrogens might exert adverse effects on mens fertility (such as lowered testosterone levels and semen quality) have been addressed in several studies.

The controversy was fueled by one highly circulated 2008 study quoted by the Daily Mail which found that in men with a low sperm count, soy was associated with an even lower sperm count (though not leading to infertility). However, the study had important limitations: its limited to only 99 men, the majority of participants 72%) were overweight or obese, and other dietary and lifestyle parameters were not factored in (for instance, red meat or junk food are also suspected of reducing sperm count, as is a sedentary lifestyle).

The study was contradicted by more recent research that found no such association. As it so often happens, this small study was misinterpreted as soy kills your sperm, although evidence suggesting otherwise is much more robust. Asian populations have regularly consumed soy for generations without exhibiting any fertility disorders and primate studies also found no connection between soy and the quality, quantity, or motility of sperm.

In one University of Minnesota study from 2009, fifteen placebo-controlled treatment groups were compared with a baseline. In addition, 32 reports involving 36 treatment groups were assessed in simpler models to ascertain the results.

The researchers found no indication of a hormone alteration, regardless of the type of soy that was consumed.

No significant effects of soy protein or isoflavone intake on testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, free testosterone, or free androgen index were detected regardless of the statistical model, the researchers wrote. The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable testosterone concentrations in men.

In a 2010review of the medical evidence,researchers wrote that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men, while a study on babies who were fed soy milk found no estrogen-like hormonal effects in the soy drinkers.

Another interesting study on patients with prostate cancer assessed how much phytoestrogens would need to be ingested to alter testosterone and estrogen levels in men it would be almost impossible to consume that much. No effects on estrogen levels have been noted in numerous clinical studies in which men were exposed to as much as 150 mg/day isoflavones (which is already a huge quantity). Even when a study analyzed a dose of 450 900 mg of phytoestrogens per day for 3 months, it found only a small detectable change in testosterone levels and no feminizing effects.

The intervention data indicate that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men at intake levels equal to and even considerably higher than are typical for Asian males, the study concluded.

To put that into perspective, 450 mg of phytoestrogen is a huge amount. The average consumption of isoflavones in Asian society is 15-50 mg per day, while in Western countries only about 2 mg per day. You could have yourself a soy feast every day and you still wouldnt reach it:

Overall, the impact of soy on male hormones is nonexistent or negligible and it is strongly overshadowed by the positive nutritional advantages of soy compared to equivalent foods.

These data do not support concerns about effects on reproductive hormones and semen quality, one review concluded.

If youre worried about your hormone levels and feminization, youd be better off reducing the amount of alcohol you consume. Alcohol has been repeatedly linked to hormone disorders, and ethanol is essentially a testicular toxin known to disrupt testosterone and reduce fertility.

The bottom line on soy and male hormones: The weight of evidence suggests no association between soy and feminization or hormonal issues. If your calories dont come exclusively from soy, you should be alright.

Soy has been found to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, although its still debatable to what extent this effect is owed to the soy itself or to the fact that soy is often replacing more harmful foods like red meat.

The first major study to support this was a 1995 meta-analysis of 38 controlled clinical trials, which found that eating 50 grams of soy protein per day (over a pound of tofu) reduces cholesterol by 12.9%. Other studies have found a similar but weaker effect, and the problems stem from how soy is consumed not all soy foods are alike, and some processed foods may be less healthy than others.

Overall, however, soy has beenlinked to a lower risk of heart diseasecompared to protein from animal sources. Even though soy protein may have little or even no direct effect on cholesterol or artery health, it is generally good for the heart and blood vessels if it replaces less healthful choices like red meat, especially as it comes with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and is low in saturated fats.

Its also noteworthy that cardiovascular protection was observed in women more than men. But, for both men and women, the discussion is about how and how much soy helps cardiovascular health, not about problems associated with consumption.

The bottom line on soy and cardiovascular health: some studies have reported positive effects associated with soy consumption. While the extent of that is being actively researched, soy is a healthier alternative to red meat.

In animal and cell studies, high dosages of isoflavones tend to stimulate cancer growth. But in real humans, its a completely different thing, and most studies suggest a protective effect rather than the opposite.

For instance, the Shanghai Womens Health Study (the largest and most detailed study of soy and breast cancer risk) followed 73,223 Chinese women for over 7 years. It found that women who ate the most soy had a 59% lower risk of premenopausal breast cancer compared to those who ate the lowest amount of soy. The Breast Cancer Family Registry, another prospective study following 6,235 women diagnosed with breast cancer in the US and Canada found higher survival rates in women who consumed more soya.

Another concern links soy and the risk of prostate cancer however, here too, the studies suggest the opposite: regular soya intake is associated with an almost 30% reduction in the risk of developing prostate cancer (though again, this is difficult to attribute directly to soya, it could be linked to the lower intake of red meat or more general lifestyle). The strongest evidence here comes from a meta-analysis of 30 case-control and cohort studies from the US, Europe, Japan, and China, which found that phytoestrogen is significantly associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

Curiously, its not clear how this happens. Soya intake doesnt affect testosterone levels in men, so it could simply be that a diet containing more soya is often healthier overall (although isoflavones have been found to inhibit metastasis).

The bottom line on soy and cancer: soy is associated with a reduction in the risk of breast and prostate cancer.

Its always challenging to study the health impacts of a particular food or ingredient. There have been hundreds of studies on the health impacts of soy, some bigger and more thorough, some a bit more shallow, all with their own limitations. Studies often show correlation without causation, but the weight of evidence strongly indicates health benefits from eating soya even if it just replaces unhealthier foods.

The phytoestrogens in soy play a complex role in the human body and the mechanism, but most studies find neutral or positive effects. However, in some niche situations, specialy attention must be paid to soy (for instance soy may interfere with thyroid hormone medication). Evidence indicates soyfoods can be safely consumed by all individuals except those who are allergic to soy protein, which is a rare allergy.

Aside from the phytoestrogens, soy contains plenty of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Soy can also be prepared in different types of foods and some are healthier than others.

As is always the case, soy is best consumed in a balanced diet. Any food consumed in extremes will likely lead to negative health outcomes.

Original post:
Debunking the soy-estrogen problem and other soy myths - ZME Science

How to Know If You’re Stress Eating (and What You Can Do to Stop) – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: September 4, 2020 at 4:53 am


I've always believed and encouraged people to include healthy oils in their diets. I mean, that's what all the experts say, right? Olive, coconut, avocado - you need these healthy fats in your diet. But after reading ]Eat to Live, a book by Joel Furman, MD, I felt compelled to give it a try. Dr. Furman does believe we need healthy fats in our diet, but he thinks we should get them in the form of whole foods like avocado, nuts, and seeds. When you eat healthy fats in whole-food form, you get the added benefit of fiber, protein, and other nutrients. He says cooking with oil adds extra unnecessary calories - 120 per tablespoon for some oils. It may not seem like much, but I was using it every day - a couple tablespoons in my salad dressing, a couple tablespoons to roast veggies or in stir-fries, and a generous smear on toast (vegan butter). I also found oil hidden in foods I bought like tomato sauce and vegan meats, and I also used it in my baking, which I realized, really adds up. Related: I Ate 4 Pieces of Fruit Every Day For 2 Weeks, and No, I Didn't Gain Weight I decided to give up oil for six weeks, as recommended in the Eat to Live Six-Week Plan. I always thought including oil in my diet made me feel better. But keep reading to learn about all the health benefits I experienced when I went oil-free that have made me want to cut down on my use of added oil as much as I can.

Go here to see the original:
How to Know If You're Stress Eating (and What You Can Do to Stop) - Yahoo Lifestyle

The Foods 5 Famous Chefs Never Leave the Grocery Store Without – Yahoo! Voices

Posted: September 4, 2020 at 4:53 am

The Foods 5 Famous Chefs Never Leave the Grocery Store Without

Giada De Laurentiis, Valerie Bertinelli, and other top chefs share the everyday essentials and just-in-case goodies they always grab on grocery store runs.

If planning and executing a big grocery store run was a chore before, now it can seem like a downright feat. Navigating the aisles while social distancing and wearing a mask, adjusting your shopping list to accommodate whats actually in stock, prepping for three meals a day at homeits overwhelming for even the most experienced home cooks. But not everyone has access to grocery store alternatives, such as delivery services or boutique options, so a trip to the local supermarket remains a necessary to-do. The good news is that, once its over with, a smart grocery run always makes the week feel more manageableand (dare I say it?) a bit more enjoyable.

Ever wondered what A-list chefs like Giada De Laurentiis or Ann Burrell pick up for everyday snacking, meal prep, and feeding last-minute guests? Before the craziness of coronavirus, I chatted with a few famous chefs at the 2020 South Beach Wine and Food Festival in Miami, Fla. earlier this year. They shared which items they always reach for along the aisles of their local supermarkets. Some of them are tiny, others are indulgent, and some are just plain necessary.

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I happen to love grocery shopping, but sometimes you just dont have time to do it,said Valerie Bertinelli, chef, cookbook author, and the host of the Food Networks two-time Emmy Awardwinning show Valeries Home Cooking. For busy moms or women trying to eat healthy, grocery shopping can take so much time.

To lessen the blow, Bertinelli suggests getting the entire weeks meal prep out of the way in one fell swoop, if possible. Cut all your veggies so theyre ready to go, she told Real Simple. I have glass containers in my fridge so when Im hungry, or when I need to make dinner, everything is already there.

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In addition to being prepared for weeknight dinners, its important to Bertinelli to be prepared for drop-in guests and sudden hunger cravings. I always have cheese and crackers on hand in case anybody just stops by, the Valeries Home Cooking author said. Miltons brand has these gluten-free crackers that I absolutely love.

Her final shopping cart must-have is small, but mighty. Philly cream cheese, the chive and onion, Bertinelli added. It goes with everythingincluding those crackers!

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Chef Anne Burrell, host of Food Networks Secrets of a Restaurant Chef, co-host of Worst Cooks in America, Iron Chef America sous chef, and cookbook author, is always prepared to satisfy snack cravings or to feed potential impromptu guests with healthy, crowd-pleasing combos like cheese and crackers or veggies and dip.

I always have hummus, cherry tomatoes, and little Persian cucumbers because I like to snack on those, Burrell said. I always have a few varieties of cheeseI love Boars Head cheese. My number one cracker is Triscuits, I do the reduced-fat [kind], but the original flavor.

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De Laurentiis is a best-selling cookbook author and veteran Food Network chef and host, including her shows Giada at Home and Winner Cake All. The items she always grabs on a grocery store run? Chocolate chips, cotton swabs, and lemons. Enough said.

Molly Yeh has made quite an impact on the food scene with her stunning cakes, cookbook, and Food Network show Girl Meets Farm. Despite her penchant for decadent desserts, shes in the habit of stocking up on fresh produce, and kale in particular.

I get the big bags of kale that are pre-washed. I force myself to go through them before the expiration date by putting them into smoothies and making kale chips, Yeh told Real Simple, adding that shes much more likely to incorporate these dark, leafy greens into her diet if she can see it in her refrigerator. Its how I feel less bad about eating so much cake all the time.

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Chloe Coscarelli knows a thing or two about vegan cooking and dining. In addition to creating the fast-casual vegan restaurant by Chloe, shes also written four vegan cookbooks with delicious plant-based recipes even the biggest carnivore will love. She shared with Real Simple some of her favorite vegan items to pick up at nearly every local grocery store.

The first and most versatile is cashews. I blend them to make everything, like cheese, cream sauce, dessert creamsits my go-to for everything, Coscarelli said. Sometimes Ill buy [cashews] in bulk.

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Speaking of items that can be used to make vegan cheese, Coscarelli also makes sure to pick up nutritional yeast. If you havent tried this, it looks like a seasoning salt and its absolutely delicious. Plus, it has several health benefits. I put nutritional yeast on everything, she said. She sprinkles it on popcorn, transforms it into vegan cheese, uses it to add umami to sauces, and so much more. Vegan or not, its an amazing flavor booster to pick up at the grocery store next time youre shopping. You can put it on popcorn, you can make cheese with it, you can make sauces.

RELATED: 6 Delicious Dinner Ideas from a Grocery List So Compact, It Fits on a Post-It Note

Read the rest here:
The Foods 5 Famous Chefs Never Leave the Grocery Store Without - Yahoo! Voices

Vegetarians suffer from iron deficiency anaemia and other myths about the micronutrient deficiency busted – Times Now

Posted: September 4, 2020 at 4:53 am

Vegetarians suffer from iron deficiency anaemia and other myths about the micronutrient deficiency busted  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: Micronutrients and minerals are one of the most important components of our body, as they ensure various body processes essential for our survival. While some of these nutrients and minerals are produced by the body itself to an extent, most of them are provided for through the food we eat. Deficiency in any nutrient can cause inefficiency in the body function it assists, and lead to health issues.

One of the most common deficiencies reported from around the world, especially in India, is that of iron. Iron is one of the most important minerals required by the body, as it plays a very vital role in the transmission of blood from the heart to all other body parts and organs. However, according to research, iron deficiency affects about 2 billion people around the world and about 40 per cent of the global population. In India, iron deficiency anaemia is most widespread among children under the age of 3, and women.

With already less access to healthcare services due to lack of money and poverty and increased risk of deficiency due to malnutrition, myths about such conditions can make it difficult for people to get a diagnosis, and treatment for the same. According to Medscape, physician education is needed to ensure greater awareness of iron deficiency and the testing is needed to establish the diagnosis properly. Physician education also is needed to investigate the aetiology of iron deficiency.

Myth 1: Iron deficiency and anaemia are synonymous terms

One of the most common myths that surround iron deficiency anaemia is that they are fundamentally the same thing. However, it is important to understand that anaemia is a condition that can be caused due to several factors including iron deficiency. While a deficiency in the nutrient is one of the most common causes of anaemia, it can be caused by other factors as well such as sickle-cell anaemia. Anaemia, therefore, is a condition that can be caused by iron deficiency, among other factors.

Myth 2: Vegans and vegetarians suffer from iron deficiency anaemia

While non-vegetarian food is a rich source of iron, it is not essential that anyone who does not eat non-vegetarian or animal-based food will suffer from iron deficiency anaemia at least once in their lifetime. While the fewer plant-based sources of iron do increase such risk, a healthy, balanced diet, in consultation with a nutritionist or a doctor, and use of dietary supplements if needed can help tackle the problem quickly and safely.

Myth 3: Women diagnosed with iron-deficiency anaemia cannot breastfeed

While pregnant and nursing women should take even more care than usual when it comes to their diet, it in no way means that if they have been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anaemia, they should, or can not breastfeed their babies. Consult your doctor or nutritionist to follow a diet rich in iron.

Myth 4: Vigorous exercise, play is not fit for people with iron deficiency anaemia

While people with iron deficiency may face trouble initially when it comes to vigorous exercise, as lack of iron can affect the blood flow in their body, it is important to include some form of physical activity in your routine to stay healthy. Consult with a doctor, listen to your body, and increase the intensity of exercise gradually.

Myth 5: If women have iron supplements during pregnancy, their child will not suffer from a deficiency

According to research, the iron requirement during pregnancy is increased gradually through gestation from 0.8 mg/day in the first trimester to 7.5 mg/day in the third trimester. During the entire gestation period, the average demand for absorbed iron is approximately 4.4 mg/day. During pregnancy, the absorbed iron is predominantly used to expand the womans erythrocyte mass, fulfil the foetus'iron requirements and compensate for iron losses (i.e. blood losses) at delivery. Therefore, iron supplements consumed during the pregnancy are usually used up by the body during the process.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter.

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Vegetarians suffer from iron deficiency anaemia and other myths about the micronutrient deficiency busted - Times Now

Why choosing whole grains instead of processed ones can make a big difference in your diet – LA Daily News

Posted: September 2, 2020 at 6:57 pm

As the popularity of low-carb and gluten-free diets has soared, grains and foods made from grains have gotten a bad rap. Not all grain-based foods are equal. Whats important is knowing how to cut through the confusion and choose the grains that are best for you.

Many folks who are trying to eat healthfully believe they need to cut back on foods like bread, pasta, rice and tortillas. This is evident by the craze for trendy food products like cauliflower pizza crust, zucchini noodles and vegetable rice. Luckily, we dont have to swap out all of our grains for vegetables to be healthy.

Choosing whole grains instead of refined processed grains more often will help improve the overall quality of your eating plan. When we consume whole grains we are getting all parts of the grain including the bran, germ and endosperm. Flour used to make foods like white pasta and bread go through a refining process, which removes the bran and germ, stripping the flour of essential nutrients and fiber.

In fact, over 40 percent of Americans daily calories come from low-quality carbohydrates. Having the ability to easily decipher healthier whole grain products can help us benefit from more nutritious energy sources.

Whole grains contain fiber, B vitamins, iron, selenium and potassium among other nutrients. Beta glucan is a form of soluble dietary fiber found in oats, wheat and barley thats highly linked to improved cholesterol levels and heart health. Most people can benefit from eating whole grains. Those who must avoid gluten can choose gluten-free whole grains like quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice, millet and amaranth.

So how do we choose foods that contain whole grains? A recent study published in Public Health Nutrition found that consumers have difficulty using whole grains labels and Nutrition Facts labels to identify healthier whole-grain options. In fact, food manufacturers use marketing terms like multigrain, honey wheat and contains whole grains that can be misleading and even deceptive. These labels can make grain foods appear more nutritious than they truly are.

Choose 100% Whole Grains

If a product is labeled 100% whole grain on the front of the package, you can count on it being a whole grain food and, thus, a good choice. Many other terms are used on food packaging to describe grains that do not include the word whole such as wheat, seven-grain and sprouted grain. These terms often make the item sound healthy without offering a whole-grain product.

Look at the Ingredients List

A product that is labeled made with whole grains may contain a refined processed flour as the primary ingredient, therefore the whole grain ingredient would not be significant enough to boost the nutritional value of the product. Check out the ingredients list and look for a whole grain like whole wheat, whole oats or brown rice as the first ingredient. Beware of products that list enriched wheat flour as one of the top three ingredients as this is another term for refined, processed white flour.

Seek Out Fiber on the Nutrition Facts Label

In addition to the front of package labels and the ingredients list, the nutrition facts label on food packaging is another tool to help choose better grain products. Fiber content is a required line item on the nutrition facts food label and can be an indicator of whole grains. While whole grains contain fiber, processed and refined grains are typically not a good source of fiber. Choosing foods made with whole-grain flour can help you meet your daily fiber needs of 25 to 30 grams.

Look for products that are a good fiber source with 3 grams of fiber per serving. Products that are excellent sources of fiber contain 5 grams of fiber or more per serving. Breads, pastas, cereals, tortillas and other grain-based foods that contain less than 3 grams of fiber per serving are likely not whole grain products.

LeeAnn Weintraub, MPH, RD is a registered dietitian, providingnutritioncounseling and consulting to individuals, families and organizations. She can be reached by email

Go here to read the rest:
Why choosing whole grains instead of processed ones can make a big difference in your diet - LA Daily News

6 Expert Tips for Reducing Added Sugar in Your Diet – Everyday Health

Posted: September 2, 2020 at 6:57 pm

Sugar is all around you. Its in your cabinets. In your fridge. And, of course, given the pint of Ben & Jerrys, in your freezer too.

But consuming excessive added sugars is detrimental to your health. In a study published in April 2014 in JAMA Internal Medicine, adults who consumed 10 to 24 percent of their calories from added sugar (between 200 and 480 calories in a 2,000-calorie diet) had a 30 percent higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared with those who keep their consumption to less than 10 percent. Eat 25 percent or more of your calories from added sugar (500 calories) and that number jumps to nearly three times the risk.

Confusingly, the recommended limit of added sugars differs among organizations. I focus on the American Heart Associations (AHA) number because theyre the strictest, says Lauren Harris-Pincus, RDN, of Nutrition Starring You in Green Brook Township, New Jersey. TheAHA advises that women limit their consumption to six teaspoons per day (25 grams [g]) and men cap themselves at 9 teaspoons per day (36 g). Recently released 2020 recommendations from the U.S. Dietary Guidelines note that in total, added sugars should make up no more than 6 percent of calories for any person age 2 years and up.

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Remember, added sugar is sugar that has been added to foods to enhance their taste. Foods with added sugar include cookies and most dry breakfast cereals and granola bars, as well as condiments such as ketchup and barbecue sauce, along with yogurt and sugar-sweetened drinks, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Natural sugars, on the other hand, reside in plain dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. These foods come with a variety of nutrients your body needs for optimal health, including calcium and vitamin D (from dairy, as the National Institutes of Health points out), and fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (from fruit and veggies, notes past research) which is why experts recommend continuing to consume them.

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Even if you wouldn't call yourself a dessert lover, you may still find that sticking to this limit is tough. I dont have a sweet tooth, writes Jennifer Ashton, MD, the chief medical correspondent of ABC News, in her bookThe Self-Care Solution: A Year of Becoming Happier, Healthier, and Fitter One Month at a Time. I rarely eat sugar, mostly because I avoid nearly all the processed carbs that contain it, she says.

Before Dr. Ashton really examined how much she was eating, she gave herself a B+ for her sweet consumption. But she wanted to get an A+, so she committed to reducing her added sugar intake as much as possible over the course of a month, and she was shocked by how difficult this task was. Ashton found that her desire for sweets increased when she deprived herself of them, and she ate several cookies through the month. (In other words, if youre also trying to cut back on the sweet stuff, she understands the struggle.)

You can learn from Ashton and other experts to finally get your inner sugar demons under control. Follow these steps to kick or at least cut back on sugar for good:

Im always a fan of adding versus taking away, says Harris-Pincus. Approaching a challenge from a mindset of abundance or can have, makes it feel less punishing than when you say you cant have x, y, or z. Practically speaking, in the context of reducing sugar, this means adding in nutrient-rich foods, like fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lean protein.

The more food you eat thats nutrient-rich, the less hungry you are for things like sugary foods because you dont have enough room for them, she says. For instance, rather than eating a sandwich with chips (and then a cookie) for lunch, serve the sandwich with a side salad or sliced veggies dipped in hummus, plus a whole piece of fruit.

RELATED: 7 Foods With More Sugar Than You Think

Peer into your pantry or freezer. Are there trays of cookies, boxes of sweetened cereal, bars of granola, and the like? If sugary foods such as these are hanging around, youre more likely to eat them, says Ashton. She recommends doing a sweep of your home to remove those items. Tell your family they can eat sweets outside the home this month.

Though sugar is added to many products (including savory foods you wouldnt expect, like salad dressings), you can make the most profound, immediate impact,saysLisa Moskovitz, RD, founder of the New York Nutrition Group in New York City, by taking out a high-ticket item: sweetened beverages.

Can the soda, sweetened teas, and caffeinated beverages, she says. Not only is it a good sugar category to cut, but youll also benefit in particular ways by removing sugary liquids. When you drink your sugar, versus eating it, it usually breaks down a lot quicker, causing sky-high blood glucose levels and then quick crashes soon after, she explains, and research supports her. Moskovitz says these glucose spikes send your energy levels way up and down, and you may experience cravings for even more sugar.

Kicking this source of added sugar can have whole-body perks. As a standalone item, sweetened beverages including soda and fruit drinks are independently associated with a higher risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, gout (a form of arthritis), nonalcoholic liver disease, and dental issues, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Instead of sugary beverages, try upping your water intake, Ashton recommends in her book. Add a fresh slice of fruit to your H2O, or opt for an unsweetened sparkling beverage if youre craving something with carbonation.

RELATED: Thirsty? Try One of These Refreshing Alternatives to Soda

Next place to tackle, says Moskovitz, is desserts. (This doesnt mean no desserts ever! See below.) Reducing the amount of foods that have a lot of sugar but not many nutrients is a good next step. That includes candy, desserts, and snack foods. Considering youre not getting a whole lot of nutritional value from them, your body wont miss them, she says. Your head might and thats where a moderate approach comes in handy.

Its tough to know where sugar hides if you arent on the up with all the names sugar hides under. Added sugar is in nearly three-quarters of packaged foods and goes by 61 names, according to SugarScience from the University of California in San Francisco. That includes: agave, honey, beet sugar, coconut sugar, fruit juice, syrup (of any kind), sweet sorghum, and ingredients with words ending in -ose. The latter includes high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, and dextrose.

Good news, though: New labeling laws require companies to list the amount of added sugar in food (previously, natural and added sugars were all lumped together in the sugar category). This transparency for consumers will help prevent more than 350,000 cases of heart disease and about 600,000 cases of type 2 diabetes, according to the authors of an April 2019 study published in Circulation.

RELATED: 10 Healthy (and Easy) Quarantine Dessert Recipes

Sugar in your diet really doesnt need to be all or nothing. But make those times you eat a sugary food entirely worth it. I encourage patients, even those who want to lose weight, to indulge in the occasional treat when and if it presents itself otherwise you can feel deprived and set yourself up for failure, says Ashton. If buying an entire pint of Hagen-Dazs is too tempting, opt for a lower-sugar ice cream varieties in moderation. Moskovitz suggests one cup serving of vanilla bean Halo Top ice cream, which has 4 g of added sugar. In comparison, a cup serving of Hagen-Dazs vanilla bean ice cream packs 24 grams of added sugar! Whichever sweet you pick, enjoy it to the fullest, with intention and no guilt.

6 Expert Tips for Reducing Added Sugar in Your Diet - Everyday Health

Diets high in ultra-processed foods linked to premature aging, study finds – National Post

Posted: September 2, 2020 at 6:57 pm

Diets high in processed foods such as chips, chocolate bars, soft drinks, instant noodles, and packaged bread and buns are more likely to result in the chromosomal changes associated with aging, a new study suggests.

Researchers from the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain presented their findings on Tuesday as part of the online European and International Conference on Obesity. The study was also published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Clinical Nutrition earlier this year, AFP reports. Researchers found that people who ate more than three servings of ultra-processed foods per day were twice as likely to have shortened telomeres, the protein structures capping each end of a chromosome, which act as protection for the chromosome and can be used as an indicator of aging.

While the telomeres do not contain genetic information themselves, they are vital for preserving the stability and integrity of chromosomes, and by extension, the DNA that every cell in our body relies on to function, the conference said in a statementpublicizing the finding.As we get older, our telomeres get shorter since each time a cell divides, part of the telomere is lost, thus telomere length is considered to be a marker of biological age.

Original post:
Diets high in ultra-processed foods linked to premature aging, study finds - National Post

Grain-Free Diets Have Been Linked to Serious Heart Problems in Dogs – Discover Magazine

Posted: September 2, 2020 at 6:57 pm

For the past two years, the FDA has been investigating a strange development in dog health. The agency started hearing reports that more pups than usual were developing a condition called dilated cardiomyopathy, which causes the heart to weaken and grow larger.

Typically, veterinarians see this issue in large dogs. Some breeds, such as Doberman pinschers, Great Danes and others, are genetically predisposed to the condition, which slowly saps the heart of its ability to efficiently pump blood. This can lead to fainting, weakness or death. But recently, dogs that arent considered at risk of the heart disease, like golden retrievers, started showing up to veterinarian offices with enlarged hearts. Veterinarian providers began talking amongst themselves and observed that some of these dogs were eating grain-free food kibble and soft canned food formulated without corn, wheat and soy. It begs the question: Could these heart troubles stem from a dogs diet?

That's what prompted the FDA and other research groups to investigate the health effects of grain-free dog food. For the most part, researchers have a lot to learn about this supposed relationship, which is a familiar situation for the profession. All of us that are in this from an academic standpoint are the first to admit that nutrition of dogs and cats is woefully behind that of other animal species and humans, says Greg Aldrich, a pet nutritionist at Kansas State University. The more investigators learn, the closer they come to gaining broader understandings about what keeps our pets healthy.

A stroll through the ever-expanding pet care aisle could leave any owner confused about what food to buy. A few decades ago, this might not have been the case. Thats when grain-free varieties first emerged, and the products took up little shelf space. This type of dog food appeared, in part, because some breeders and owners concluded that commodity foods like soy and other grains must somehow be lower quality, Aldrich says. The science doesnt back up that idea. But that didn't stop the product from taking off. It emerged from nothing to a prominent part of the marketplace, Aldrich says.

To replace starches in grain-free kibble, companies introduced substitutions like sweet potatoes, lentils and legumes. But these "new" ingredients could leave dogs with low levels of an essential protein building block called taurine. Legumes might not be an adequate source of two precursor nutrients that dogs' bodies rely on to make taurine. To add to that, it's also possible that these alternative starches can ferment in dogs' intestines and may foster taurine-degrading microbes creating a one-two punch of nutrient deprivation. Several grain-free formulas also throw in more unusual or exotic protein sources, like lamb, duck and kangaroo all of which might provide less taurine, or make the precursor nutrients less effective.

These possibilities are just that possibilities, Aldrich says. Researchers have yet to conclusively prove whether or not these ingredients cause enough taurine deficiency to create heart problems in dogs. In one study, dogs on grain-free diets had some heart measurements that were larger than those of dogs on traditional kibble, but they didnt show any taurine deficiency. When seven of the dogs that had heart abnormalities switched to traditional diets, the researchers saw their condition improve. Other research looking at beagles found that when the pups ate grain-free diets that supplemented with taurine, their taurine levels were comparable to those of dogs on normal food.

When it comes to golden retrievers, diets that cut out grains but include legumes might be especially troublesome. A 2020 study linked this type of diet with taurine deficiency and heart abnormalities in goldens that were consistent with dilated cardiomyopathy. The researchers also found that goldens with heart problems were more likely to be fed dog food produced by smaller companies.

In fact, of all the dogs with this particular heart issue reported to the FDA recently, golden retrievers are the most represented breed. The agency thinks this is because of a reporting bias, as social media pages dedicated to the breed might have encouraged owners to bring their pets to the vet, but its also possible that some breeds are more sensitive to taurine deficiencies.

In fact, its likely that a range of other life factors beyond diet influence whether or not dogs develop this heart problem. Researchers dont know if obesity, diabetes or other health conditions make a dog more likely to develop dilated cardiomyopathy, Aldrich says. The influence of household chemicals or pesticides is similarly unclear.

If dietary factors are to blame for dilated cardiomyopathy, it's also possible that the problem might be related to overall recipe formulations used by some brands rather than single ingredients. What seems to be consistent is that it does appear to be more likely to occur in dogs eating boutique, grain-free, or exotic ingredient diets, writes Lisa Freeman, a veterinarian at Tufts University, in a Cummings Veterinary Medical Center blog post. A quality, nutritious dog food needs a range of considerations, including rigorous quality control and extensive testing, she writes. Not every manufacturer can do this.

When it comes to selecting dog food, the consumer is often making an educated guess at best. Though there are basic requirements each manufacturer is supposed to meet, theres no Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, Aldrich says. If youre unsure, aiming for a middle of the road dog food variety is a safe bet.

Like with humans, the standard dietary recommendations dont work for every dog, Aldrich points out. It might be the case that nutrition recommendations should be tailored to each breed, as theres so much variance from tiny Yorkies to mastiffs the size of adult men. We want to be there, but we're just not, he says.

The rest is here:
Grain-Free Diets Have Been Linked to Serious Heart Problems in Dogs - Discover Magazine

These are the foods you need to introduce into your diet now to kickstart healthier eating habits – 9Coach

Posted: September 2, 2020 at 6:57 pm

Righto! Spring time is the perfect time for a spring clean.

If you've been in isolation and feeling a bit sluggish or like you're holding onto a little bit of unwanted weight, here are some easy ways to slowly stimulate your body into a mini detox without changing your lifestyle too much...

Now I know this one is a no-brainer but it actually works, lemon juice stimulates bile secretion and is a great way to give your liver a kick start. The liver is like the trash-can of your body so it has to detoxify all the junk that comes in. Lemon juice in warm water will stimulate the liver. TRY: half a lemon in about 1/3 cup of warm water, then straight down the hatch!

If you ever want to go on a health kick, the best way to do it is to up the greens. Broccoli is a goodie because it also stimulates the liver, it works on phase-two liver detoxification.

Steam it, roast it, toss it through some yummy pasta, add it to some soup It's so versatile. My personal fave is just to simple roast it in some olive oil, salt and pepper.

These guys are super high in antioxidants and they're anti-aging. You can eat a whole punnet after dinner for a healthy sweet treat. Replace your milk chocolate with berries and a few squares of dark chocolate.

This guy is great, because it helps with the sweet cravings, it's high in fibre and it's a slow release carbohydrate.

TRY: Veggie chippies.

These are great way to add more flavour and nutrients to your eating. It's as simple as finely cutting up a sweet potato, laying the slices out on a baking tray and roasting them which your favourite spices I love to use chilli, lime juice, coriander seeds and sometimes I'm in the mood for fennel seeds, but it's totally up to you.

You can also just go for a simple rock salt and pepper combo. With the oil, because you're roasting, I'd got for a fry safe extra virgin coconut oil. The cooking time depends on the size of your batch and the thickness of your chippies. I cut them super fine and they only take 10-15 mins.

Give them a whirl, they made a great addition to dips, a side to meals and even add that little bit of extra crunch to a salad!You can also try this with beetroot, carrot, eggplant and kale.

As the Spring days warm up, you can start to bring smoothies back into your life. Think about adding a handful of baby spinach to your fave smoothie creation, baby spinach wont impart flavor like kale or silverbeet. So it will look green, you'll have the health benefits but it wont taste gross.

21 exercise essentials to help kickstart your workout routine

See the rest here:
These are the foods you need to introduce into your diet now to kickstart healthier eating habits - 9Coach

Researchers share praiseand concernsabout how the keto diet and intermittent fasting affect cardiovascular health – Cardiovascular Business

Posted: September 2, 2020 at 6:57 pm

With diets like keto and intermittent fasting, social and popular media has been flooded with claims, promises and warnings that are at best unverified and at worst harmful to your health, co-author Andrew Freeman, MD, director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness for National Jewish Health, said in a statement. Diets recommended by health experts, such as plant-based and Mediterranean diets, have been extensively studied for safety and efficacy, and demonstrated conclusively to improve cardiovascular health.

Freeman added that it is particularly important for diabetes to speak with a physician before beginning intermittent fasting.

Until larger studies have been carried out on the long-term impact of these dietary approaches, Freeman and colleagues note that neither diet is recommended as a tool for preventing cardiovascular disease.

The full review from Freeman et al. can be read here.

Originally posted here:
Researchers share praiseand concernsabout how the keto diet and intermittent fasting affect cardiovascular health - Cardiovascular Business

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