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Multi-tasking Co Antrim mum on how her weight loss journey led to ‘a new lease on life’ – Belfast Live

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:13 am

As a mum-of-three and a childminder, the ability to multitask is essential for Co Antrim woman Lesley Wilson.

Lesley, 34, from Randalstown has shed 2st 7lbs since taking the plunge and joining her local Slimming World group two years ago.

And since then, for Lesley, Slimming World has become "a way of life" and has given her "a new lease on life"!

Read more: Co Antrim grandmother on her journey to freedom and shedding four stone

After having her third child, Lesley had gained weight to the point where she no longer felt good about herself.

"I was unhappy and feeling low," she admitted. "I hated seeing myself in pictures and one day I finally decided I wanted to do something for myself.

"I knew I would have to be organised and put some effort into losing weight, but I also knew I couldnt do it on my own. I reached out to the local Slimming World Group, and joined up.

"At no point did I realise just what I was letting myself in for. I thought I would get weighed and that would be about it.

"Instead, the consultant Elizabeth (Cooke) explained the plan to me, encouraged me to stay in the group, and has helped me to change my whole approach to food.

"I had heard people say, 'it isnt a diet, it's a lifestyle'. I never really grasped the concept but now I have! I have learnt about myself as a slimmer, what my triggers are and how to avoid them."

She added: "I have learnt which foods fill me up, which foods take longer to digest, which foods lead down the rabbit hole and I have learnt how to protect myself and make changes to my behaviour and habits that mean for me."

For Lesley, Slimming World has become "a way of life".

"I love being organised, I prep a lot of meals and fill up my freezer. My whole family is eating healthier, so in the long run, all our lives have improved. We still eat spaghetti bolognese, cottage pie, roast dinners, stir fry, quiche and so much more.

"One of the most important things I learnt by staying in the group is how to adapt the plan around my life. I can still go out for a meal, attend a wedding, socialise with friends and enjoy a slice of birthday cake without guilt and struggling to get back on track.

"I have more energy now and feel better in general. My job looking after children is an active one, which is easier and I enjoy it more now I have a new lease on life!

"I wouldnt miss the group for the world. I have made friends and got support and motivation by the bucketful. To be in a room filled with people who understand how you feel is priceless.

"My journey won't stop when I get to my target either, because once I do, I will swap over to an amended plan that will help me to keep off the weight I have lost. Slimming World is now my lifestyle."


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See the article here:
Multi-tasking Co Antrim mum on how her weight loss journey led to 'a new lease on life' - Belfast Live

How peanuts may help with weight loss, blood pressure and move How peanuts may help with weight loss, blood pressure and move – WDJT

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:13 am

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MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Tuesday, Sept. 13 is National Peanut day! It comes as new research finds consumption of peanuts supports weight loss, lowers blood pressure and improves glucose levels. CBS 58 was joined by Doctor Samara Sterling, who is a nutrition scientist at the Peanut Institute, to tell us more.

For more information, CLICK HERE.

Go here to read the rest:
How peanuts may help with weight loss, blood pressure and move How peanuts may help with weight loss, blood pressure and move - WDJT

Everything Jenna Bush Hager Has Said About Her Weight Loss and Fitness Journey Over the Years – Closer Weekly

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:13 am

Today host Jenna Bush Hager is always completely honest with viewers. The mom of three got real about her fitness journey in January 2022 during an episode of the program. She also revealed some of her biggest workout secrets with her fans.

Longtime viewers of the NBC program first began pointing out Jennas noticeable transformation in early 2022. Twitter flooded with comments about the television stars gorgeous appearance and fashion looks.

Can I tell you something that Ive noticed, and our viewers have noticed over the past few weeks? Hoda Kotb asked Jenna during an episode of Today With Hoda & Jenna. People have noticed that theres like a transformation thats been happening with you. You are they are just saying, Jen is looking amazing. Shes never looked this good.

Hoda, who has gone through an incredible weight loss transformation of her own, was nothing but supportive of her cohosts new wellness journey.

Something is happening, the I Really Needed This Today author continued. I think for someone like you and me who is constantly berating and belittling, I think one of the things we should do in January is celebrate when something good happens. Celebrate it!

Jenna made it clear that her transformation did not happen right away. The Texas native tries to set aside time in her busy schedule for working out regularly. In addition to her work on Today and being a New York Times bestselling author, Jenna shares kids Mila, Poppy and Hal with her husband, Henry Hager.

I will say I think I have figured out what works for me, she explained. And I think the hard thing is I think we expect things to happen overnight. This has actually been almost six months.

While Jenna has been very open about health and fitness with Today viewers, she revealed that her mom, Laura Bush, never talked about weight loss to her and her twin sister, Barbara Bush, while they were growing up.

She never said things like, Gosh, my hair looks terrible. Or I look terrible. Or This dress looks bad on me,' Jenna shared during a March 2022 episode. And somebody [once] said, Well I cant believe she never had that talk to herself. And I said, No, Im sure she said it to herself, but she never said it out loud in front of her girls.

Keep scrolling to see everything Jenna has said about her fitness routine and weight loss journey.

Everything Jenna Bush Hager Has Said About Her Weight Loss and Fitness Journey Over the Years - Closer Weekly

The Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is expected to grow by $ 402.87 mn during 2022-2026, accelerating at a CAGR of 3.1% during the…

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:12 am


Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2022-2026 The analyst has been monitoring the testosterone replacement therapy market and it is poised to grow by $ 402. 87 mn during 2022-2026, accelerating at a CAGR of 3.

New York, Sept. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2022-2026" - 1% during the forecast period. Our report on the testosterone replacement therapy market provides a holistic analysis, market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, and challenges, as well as vendor analysis covering around 25 vendors.The report offers an up-to-date analysis of the current global market scenario, the latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment. The market is driven by initiatives to increase awareness about hypogonadism among population, rise in chronic diseases, and untapped potential in developing countries.The testosterone replacement therapy market analysis includes the product segment and geographic landscape.

The testosterone replacement therapy market is segmented as below:By Product Injectables Topicals Others

By Geographic North America Europe Asia Rest of World (ROW)

This study identifies the rise in novel therapeutic approaches as one of the prime reasons driving the testosterone replacement therapy market growth during the next few years. Also, patient assistance programs and the development of new therapies will lead to sizable demand in the market.

The analyst presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources by an analysis of key parameters. Our report on the testosterone replacement therapy market covers the following areas: Testosterone replacement therapy market sizing Testosterone replacement therapy market forecast Testosterone replacement therapy market industry analysis

This robust vendor analysis is designed to help clients improve their market position, and in line with this, this report provides a detailed analysis of several leading testosterone replacement therapy market vendors that include AbbVie Inc., Acerus Pharmaceuticals Corp., Acrux Ltd., Actiza Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd., Antares Pharma Inc., Aytu BioPharma Inc., Bausch Health Co. Inc., Bayer AG, BIOTE MEDICAL LLC, Cipla Ltd., Clarus Therapeutics Inc., Eli Lilly and Co., Endo International Plc, Novartis AG, Pfizer Inc., Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., The Simple Pharma Co. UK Ltd., Upsher Smith Laboratories LLC, and Viatris Inc. Also, the testosterone replacement therapy market analysis report includes information on upcoming trends and challenges that will influence market growth. This is to help companies strategize and leverage all forthcoming growth opportunities.The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to an analysis of the key vendors.

The analyst presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources by an analysis of key parameters such as profit, pricing, competition, and promotions. It presents various market facets by identifying the key industry influencers. The data presented is comprehensive, reliable, and a result of extensive research - both primary and secondary. Technavios market research reports provide a complete competitive landscape and an in-depth vendor selection methodology and analysis using qualitative and quantitative research to forecast accurate market growth.Read the full report:

About ReportlinkerReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.


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The Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is expected to grow by $ 402.87 mn during 2022-2026, accelerating at a CAGR of 3.1% during the...

Hormone Replacement Therapy Market to Hit Value of $29.65 Billion by 2028 | Looming Shortage HRT Products to be a Key Challenge – GlobeNewswire

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:12 am

Westford, USA, Sept. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Growth of global hormone replacement therapy market is on the rise, as women seek to treat symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and decreased fertility. While HRT has been around for decades, the recent increase in popularity can be attributed to a variety of factors, including the increasing awareness of hormone-related health conditions and the increasing availability of treatments like testosterone therapy.

HRT can be helpful in treating many conditions related to women's hormones, such as hot flashes, menopause symptoms, and low estrogen levels. As per recent data from National Health Interview Survey, 18% of American women over 40 use HRT. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, HRT use has increased among postmenopausal women by 66% since 2001.

There are a variety of medications currently available in global hormone replacement therapy market. These include natural hormones like estradiol and progesterone, synthetic hormones like Climacteric HRT (testosterone), pre-mixed formulations like Prempro (etoposide, etomidate, and propranolol), the transdermal patch Igel, and the injectable Depo-Provera. Some patients choose to self-administer hormones by administering topical creams or gels or by taking oral tablets.

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The demand for HRT is growing due to the aging population and increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as Alzheimers and heart disease. SkyQuest study has shown that HRT can reduce the risk of developing these diseases by up to 50%. Additionally, HRT has been shown to improve overall sexual function and quality of life in women.

SkyQuest report on global hormone replacement therapy market provides insights on demand and supply gap, current products available in the market, top players and their market share, revenue, production capacity, and key catering regions, market dynamics, trends, opportunities, revenue pockets, pricing analysis, and consumer behavior.

Over 60 million Women are Taking HRT and the number is expanding at a CAGR of 4.3%

The total number of people opting for hormone replacement therapy has been on the rise for the last few decades. This trend has only been exacerbated by the increasing awareness of the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy. There are a number of factors that have contributed to this increase in the growth of hormone replacement therapy market, including an increased understanding of the role hormones play in our health, as well as an increased availability of treatments.

In 2016, approximately 44 million women globally were using hormone replacement therapy. This number has continued to grow; with an estimated more than 60 million women were using hormone replacement therapy in 2021. As of August 2022, the total number of HRT prescription in the UK has almost doubled in the last few years and reached 500,00 a month.

Among those women who are using hormone replacement therapy, most are taking estrogen and progesterone together. This combination is often prescribed to help ease associated symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, anxiety, and decreased sex drive.

SkyQuest has done a thorough research and prepared a report on global hormone replacement therapy market. The report provides valuable insights on consumer base, consumer behavior, preference, end-use, demography analysis, and consumers by country and region, among others.

Browse summary of the report and Complete Table of Contents (ToC):

Looming Shortage of HRT

Global hormone replacement therapy market is witnessing a strong shortage of products, as manufacturers of the medication struggle to keep up with the increasing demand. The shortage could last for months or years, depending on how long it takes manufacturers to restart production.

The hormone replacement therapy products are used to treat conditions such as menopause, obesity, and post-menopausal symptoms. These conditions can cause a decrease in the body's estrogen and testosterone levels, which can lead to a host of problems including heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and memory problems.

It has also been observed that the shortage of these products in the global hormone replacement therapy market may be that manufacturers are not able to produce them profitably. If profit margins are too low, companies may not be willing to invest in new production lines or to buy existing supplies of these drugs. This could lead to shortages and higher prices for these medications. This would provide women a temporary access to HRT products.

In early 2022, the UK faced immense shortage of HRT products. In fact, some of the pharmacist said that they were left with only 10 products, whereas it was 70 products before the shortage started observing. As a result, the health ministry in the UK allowed the pharmacists, for short term, to swap HRT prescription products

The global hormone replacement therapy market facing shortage of several products, including Ovestin cream (Aspen), Oestrogel (Besins Healthcare), and Premique Low Dose (Pfizer), as well as reported shortages of fertility treatment Glycerol suppositories, Clomifene, and and Piriteze and antihistamines Piriton.

SkyQuest has published a report on global hormone replacement therapy market. It offers insights on current market situation, key players, demand and supply gap, value chain analysis, pricing analysis, market share analysis, and competitive landscape.

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Major Manufacturers in Global Hormone Replacement Therapy Market

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See the original post:
Hormone Replacement Therapy Market to Hit Value of $29.65 Billion by 2028 | Looming Shortage HRT Products to be a Key Challenge - GlobeNewswire

‘We Need This Here’: Exeter Practice Offering LGBTQ+ Healthcare Services –

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:12 am

EXETER Members of the LGBTQ+ community have specific health care concerns and often find it difficult to access a provider to meet their needs on the Seacoast.

Many patients, particularly teenagers and their parents, have needed to travel to large hospitals in urban areas like Boston to get the care they need.

This shortage of care became painfully obvious during the coronavirus pandemic, and a local medical group recently began to take on the challenge of serving this underserved community.

Dr. Robert Kelly, of Core Physicians, and several colleagues are addressing this with a more accessible practice at 21 Hampton Road.

Kelly said he took a look at area primary care practices and saw there was hesitation, or an unwillingness to become involved in treating the needs of LGBTQ patients. So he began to offer services and to bring in medical consultants as needed for his patients needs.

I began to move into gender-affirming care because we need this here, Kelly said.

He added he felt ready to take on the work that needed to happen, including work revolving around education.

I started doing consulting work, and the practice just evolved from there, he said.

How important is it for the medical community to offer care specific to this population?

New Hampshire hospitals and their providers play a critical role in advancing the health and equity of all patients, said Steve Ahnen, president of the New Hampshire Hospital Association. The New Hampshire Hospital Association is very proud of the safe and supportive environments that our providers have created in support of the health and well-being of all people and stands in absolute support of LGBTQ+ community and the clinicians providing their care.

People in the LGBTQ+ community say it is very important to find a provider who understands their needs.

I was lucky to find a primary care physician who is excellent with trans patients, but that was by word of mouth, and he does nothing to advertise himself as such, said Palana Belkin, a Rochester resident who is very active in her community. I got lucky. It is not uncommon for me to hear about folks traveling two or three hours from New Hampshire to access trans-competent health care in Boston. Clinics like Planned Parenthood, Equality Health Center, and Lovering Health all do a fantastic job providing hormone replacement therapy and sexual health services but LGBTQ folks also deserve compassionate primary care.

Gerri Cannon is a state representative from Somersworth and serves on the Somersworth School Board. She recently had gender confirmation surgery.

The best thing is having a medical practice that understands the needs of transgender people, she said. I have many specialists near me in Dover and they can care for me. But, Ive had to make sure they know my medical history and my future plans, like surgery.

Cannon said finding surgeons who can perform gender confirmation surgery procedures remains a challenge locally.

I had to travel to Boston, said Cannon. Ive had friends travel to Dartmouth Hitchcock. Working with transgender-knowledgeable surgeons and staff is incredibly uplifting. I constantly hear about transgender female to male people looking for top surgery or bottom surgery knowledgeable surgeons. Male to female people are looking for vaginoplasty surgical teams. We dont have any in our corner of New Hampshire yet.

Services offered in gender-affirming care

What is gender-affirming care?

As defined by the World Health Organization, Gender-affirmative health care can include any single or combination of a number of social, psychological, behavioral or medical (including hormonal treatment or surgery) interventions designed to support and affirm an individuals gender identity.

Dr. Kelly treats adults, not children, in his gender affirming practice. As a family physician, Kelly said he treats people from birth to death, and that includes all populations.

Kelly said, in the past, the focus on gender care was mainly in prevention.

HIV? Take a pill to help prevent it, he said. Anything more and patients are being referred to infectious disease doctors or other specialists, which carries a much higher price tag, higher co-pays. Thats simply because there is not a lot of care available.

Kelly said a percentage of gay men simply want peace of mind and to know they can have safe sex.

One treatment for gay men is PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis). It is the use of antiretroviral medication to prevent HIV infection. PrEP is used by people without HIV who may be exposed to HIV through sex or injection drug use.

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved three medications for use as PrEP. Two consist of a combination of drugs in a single oral tablet taken daily. The third medication is a medicine given by injection every two months.

Kelly also sees patients with gender dysphoria, a condition where a person is conflicted about their gender identity and the gender their body inhabits. He said counseling is used to help the patient come to a better understanding of the condition.

Physical traits are something treating gender affirming patients entails.

I have consulting colleagues who treat top and bottom, he said. We do hormone therapy and integrated behavioral health therapy. We do gender diverse care and referrals for surgery. We work closely with local providers.

Top and bottom can be defined as top dealing with breast removal or augmentation as needed. Bottom involves the genitalia that a patient feels is inappropriate for the person they identify as.

One colleague, Dr. Kimberly Marble, a plastic surgeon who does a lot of work with breast cancer patients, does top surgery for Kellys patients.

She does removal of breast tissue, or adding it, as the case calls for, said Kelly.

Marble, of the Kimberly Marble, MD Plastic Surgery, a Core Physicians practice, said she offers several services for the LGBTQ+ population.

I do all forms of top surgery, including FTM (female to male), MTF (male to female) and non-binary, said Dr. Marble. I also offer laser hair removal, as well as free makeup consultations and skin care consultations for general skin health, anti-aging, and treatment of acne that can occur when taking testosterone.

Dr. Evelyne Caron of Core Obstetrics and Gynecology does bottom surgery.

Shes skilled in transgender medicine, said Kelly. She does gender-affirming hysterectomies if desired. Many of the patients I see do not ultimately elect to do surgery.

I work with transgender woman-to-man patients, she said. I provide gender-affirming surgery. As part of my day-to-day practice, I do hysterectomies, for different reasons, painful periods, bleeding and cancer. A man trapped in a womans body can desire removal of the uterus and ovaries. Some patients who consider themselves gender neutral dont mind keeping their ovaries, but we will remove the fallopian tubes so they do not get pregnant. We can suppress menstruation.

Caron said she will require a person wanting the surgery to have been living as a man for about 12 months to be sure it is the right decision for them. During that time, they will work with a therapist.

I am the last step, said Caron. They will have worked with Dr. Marble for top surgery first. We work through the hormones. These are people who are uncomfortable with the body they are in.

Caron said she sees this type of patient a lot more than she used to. She does not yet give testosterone to women, but she said it is done through the practice by another provider.

This is more accepted now, she said. The more acceptance there is, the more services will follow.

Education ongoing in serving LGBTQ+ community

Tracie Baird is the clinical supervisor for the four Core practices located at Hampton Road. She said she loves the work done at Kellys office and is proud to be a part of it.

I do a lot of training with staff, Baird said. I also help with gender-affirming therapy like hormone injections. Some of those we can teach and the patient does at home. Others must be done in the office.

Baird said she works a lot with parents of younger adults. And she helps with insurance billing and serves as a liaison with practices who refer patients to Kelly.

I talk with parents, for whom this might be difficult, said Baird. We talk about the pronouns their person might prefer, about the name they want to be referred to as. We help foster a better understanding between family members. Sometimes parents ask, What did I do wrong? They did nothing wrong. I tell them this is who your child is.

Kelly works with all patient concerns.

Right now, I am fielding a lot of questions about monkeypox, said Kelly. Currently cases in gay men are in a higher percentage group, even though it is not a gay disease. I have had a few dozen patients asking me about the vaccine. There is a vaccine available but New Hampshire is in a state of flux as to how to administer it because there is not enough, and no mechanism to distribute it. The FDA is looking to authorize emergency use authority, as they did with COVID vaccines, using a smaller dose to make it go further.

Primarily now I see patients one day a week and they are ages 11-80, he said. This is just part of my practice, but I am happy to be able to provide the care.

In 2019, The NH Foundation for Healthy Communities bestowed its Noah Lord Patient & Family Engagement Award on Exeter Health Resources to honor the work done by their LGBTQ+ Advisory Council to improve the design and delivery of care for patients in the LGBTQ+ community.

Over the past several months, the Advisory Council has been instrumental in promoting a welcoming, gender-inclusive culture throughout the health system. They have worked to update the organizations websites to include information about these service offerings and to reflect gender-inclusive language and photos.

Other significant achievements include removing the words male and female from Hospital patient wristbands, changing all single stall bathrooms at Exeter Hospital to be gender neutral, and providing ongoing education to staff.

Kelly recently did a podcast with Sg2 Perspectives about his practice. To learn more visit

In addition to treating LGBTQ patients, Kelly offers addiction services including medically assisted treatment, another area he feels there are not enough practitioners of in New Hampshire.

These articles are being shared by partners in The Granite State News Collaborative. For more information visit

Here is the original post:
'We Need This Here': Exeter Practice Offering LGBTQ+ Healthcare Services -

How can we safely meet the growing appetite for alternative proteins? – Food Dive

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:11 am

Since the 1980s, there has been a steady rise in the number of consumers following a vegetarian, vegan or flexitarian diet, often due to regard for animal welfare. More recently, concerns about the environmental impact of a traditional protein-based diet have spurred even more interest in alternative protein sources.

Methane, which is largely emitted from livestock and manure,has contributed to nearly a third of global warmingsince the onset of the industrial revolution and has been shown to be 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.

At COP26 last year, the US and European Union launched the Global Methane Pledgeto reduce methane emissions by at least 30% in 2030 compared to 2020 levels. Consequently, the development of more alternative proteins to reduce a reliance on animal proteins is a key factor in driving down methane emissions.

Additionally, as the worlds population continues to grow with estimates that we will reach 9.7 billion by 2050 issues of food security and the availability of nutritional products are set to increase. There is an urgent need to source and scale up the processing of alternative proteins from sustainable sources, to complement traditional meat production.

The use of alternative proteins presents an opportunity to add value to the wider food production market, not only in their function of providing much-needed macronutrients to consumer diets, but also in their versatility as a core ingredient.

For example, barley protein can be used in a variety of products from plant-based milks and smoothies to veggie burgers, bread, pasta and more. However, to produce an alternative protein that carries a high nutritional value and provides a commercially viable yield, producers need to consider several aspects in respect of overall functionality. The ability of the protein to act as a beneficial additive ingredient must be combined with binding and cooking properties, the ability to be stored and to withstand variances in temperature as well as the ability to achieve specific taste and aroma profiles.

Potential for degradation and microbial contamination must be examined as proteins can create gels, waxes and other organic materials that must be removed for the functional properties to be preserved. It is imperative that processing includes high quality purification measures to mitigate these risks.

As an example, technology that is used in milk production can also be used in clarifying alternative proteins. In this respect, ceramic multi-channel membranes with an asymmetric structure are ideal for filtering out organic material while withstanding high processing temperatures. For manufacturers, the membranes ability to work at high volume without absorbing biological material ensures efficiency and equipment durability.

As we continue to see more alternative protein products take their place on the shelf next to traditional animal-protein food, there will be an increased need for commercial-scale manufacturing facilities. Recently Pall Corporation and sustainable ingredient company, EverGrain partnered in creating the first commercial-scale facility dedicated to upcycling barley grains into alternative proteins. The production plant transforms barley used in the brewing process into a high-quality, nutritious, and sustainable protein ingredient for use in other food and beverage products.

EverGrain's new facility utilizes the Pall Membralox Microfiltration System, which can also be used for other food and beverage production lines, as well as for other industrial sectors.

Partnerships will play a significant role in creating a sustainable supply of plant protein to fill growing consumer demand. As people look to find alternatives to meat and fish proteins, manufacturers will need to invest in technology that ensures that products will be tasty, of highest quality and nutritionally valuable.

By investing in technology to maintain consistent product quality and process reliability in beverage and food production, manufacturers will also benefit from consumer loyalty, waste minimization and a reduction of operating costs.

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How can we safely meet the growing appetite for alternative proteins? - Food Dive

USDA approves new, genetically modified purple tomato to be sole in American stores next year – WLS-TV

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:11 am

It tastes like a tomato, smells like a tomato, and even looks (mostly) like a tomato. There's just one catch: It's purple.

The USDA has approved a genetically modified purple tomato, clearing the path for the unique fruit to be sold in American stores next year.

"From a plant pest risk perspective, this plant may be safely grown and used in breeding," the agency said in a September 7 news release.

The video above is ABC7's 24/7 livestream.

The approval moves the purple tomato one step closer to widespread distribution. In addition to its unique color, the purple tomato also has health benefits and a longer shelf life than garden variety red tomatoes, scientists say.

The tomato was developed by a team of scientists, including British biochemist Cathie Martin, who is a professor at the University of East Anglia and a project leader at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, England.

Martin worked on pigment production in flowers for over 20 years, she told CNN. "I wanted to start projects where we could look and see whether there were health benefits for this particular group of pigments," she said.

The pigments that drew Martin's interest are anthocyanins, which give blueberries, blackberries and eggplants their rich blue-purple hues. With funding from a German consortium, she decided to engineer tomatoes that were rich in anthocyanins, hoping to "increase the antioxidant capacity" of the fruits.

By comparing regular tomatoes to the engineered purple tomatoes, she would be able to easily identify whether the anthocyanins were linked to any specific health benefits.

To engineer the purple tomatoes, the scientists used transcription factors from snapdragons to trigger the tomatoes to produce more anthocyanin, creating a vibrant purple color.

Martin and her colleagues published the first results of their research in 2008 in an article in Nature Biotechnology.

The results were "stunning," she said. Cancer-prone mice that ate the purple tomatoes lived around 30% longer than those that ate normal tomatoes, according to the study.

Martin said there are "many explanations" as to why anthocyanin-rich tomatoes may have health benefits. There are "probably multiple mechanisms involved," she said. "It's not like a drug, where there's a single target. It's about them having antioxidant capacity. It also may influence the composition of the microbiome, so it's better able to deal with digestion of other nutrients."

And in 2013, Martin and colleagues released a study that found the purple tomatoes had double the shelf life of their red cousins.

Martin established a spinout company, Norfolk Plant Sciences, to bring the purple tomatoes to market. Nathan Pumplin, the CEO of Norfolk's US-based commercial business, told CNN that the purple tomato "strikes a cord with people in this very basic way."

The distinctive purple color means that "it takes no imagination to see that it's different," Pumplin said. "It really allows people to make a choice."

In the past, forays into genetically modified foods have often focused on engineering crops that are more sustainable to produce, he added. But for consumers, the benefits of eating a genetically modified food are murky.

"It's very abstract, hard to understand," Pumplin said. "But a purple tomato -- you either choose or choose not to consume." The difference between the GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) product and the non-modified tomato are stark -- and the possible health benefits for consumers are also clear.

Pumplin says that consumers are "warming up" to genetically modified foods across the world.

"We look at the problems facing our society as far as sustainability, climate change, health tied to diet and nutrition, and what's clear from the response from our announcement is that it's a really important topic to a lot of people," he said. "I'm encouraged that a lot of people are starting to relook at biotechnology in light of the important challenges."

At the same time, "GMOs are not a silver bullet," he said. "It's one tool in our toolbox as plant scientists, as scientists, agronomists, to improve the food production system."

The next steps for the purple tomato are FDA approval and commercialization, Pumplin said. "We need to breed excellent, delicious purple tomatoes. We need to work with producers to produce them and distribute them."

Norfolk will begin to launch limited test markets in 2023 to identify which consumers are most interested in purple tomatoes.

As for the taste? The purple tomato is indistinguishable from your standard red tomato, Pumplin said.

"It tastes like a great tomato," he said.

(The-CNN-Wire & 2022 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.)

Read the rest here:
USDA approves new, genetically modified purple tomato to be sole in American stores next year - WLS-TV

What are the risks of home canning fruits and vegetables? – Squamish Chief

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:11 am

Please look online or get out a good canning instructional book from the library to learn safe canning practices before you start with this amazing food preparation and storage method.

Tis the season for canning and it is important to understand how to can safely. There are several canning methods, and family canning recipes are often handed down multi-generations, but many people dont know about the importance of Ph levels when canning and how dangerous improper canning practices can be. All foods fall somewhere on the Ph scale of alkaline or acidic (or somewhere in between called neutral). The Ph level of the food is what makes it safe or potentially hazardous or even fatal when canned. I had to learn about safe canning methods when I wanted to ensure my turmeric ginger tonics had a stable shelf life. I first had to have them tested for their Ph level to make sure it was in the safe zone (lower than 4.6). Knowing the Ph value of the food you are canning is a very important safety measure.

Even though many people believe eating an alkaline diet is healthier than an acidic diet, this is not the case when it comes to home canned goods. If your canned food is too alkaline (higher Ph than 4.6), botulism could grow in it if the botulism spores are present on the surfaces of fruits and vegetables you are using. The spores themselves are relatively harmless but given the right environment (in a canned product with low acid levels), they can grow into active bacteria and produce neurotoxins. Unfortunately, contaminated food can look, smell, and taste perfectly normal.

According to the CDC and US Food Safety & Inspection Services, food-borne botulism contains a nerve toxin that can cause serious paralytic illness and even death after the ingestion of canned foods where the Clostridium botulinumis present. With better canning practices than 50 years ago, it is relatively rare these days, but botulism can still be fatal. If you suspect that some of your canning may not be safe, place jars in a canning pot on their side, bring to a boil for 5 minutes and discard when cooled without opening them.

To be safe, check the Ph of your food before canning it. Some alkaline veggies include cucumbers, peppers, beans, corn, garlic, onions, asparagus, beets, potatoes, and root vegetables. Alkaline veggies need to be canned in a salt and/or vinegar brine to create a safe environment and prevent botulism spores growing into the deadly toxin. Alkaline fruits like melons, blueberries, pears, peaches, apricots and many others need lemon juice to lower the Ph. Even though lemon juice is acidic, it becomes alkaline in our digestive tract and wont contribute to a build up of acid in our system. Canning low acid foods in a pressure cooker is definitely safer than in a water bath.

Please look online or get out a good canning instructional book from the library to learn safe canning practices before you start with this amazing food preparation and storage method. In a future article I will discuss the health benefits of eating an alkaline diet.

Claire Nielsen is a health coach, author, public speaker and founder of The information provided in the above article is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional health and medical advice. Please consult a doctor or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses and/or treatment.

See original here:
What are the risks of home canning fruits and vegetables? - Squamish Chief

9 reasons Mila Kunis is fitter than ever at 39 + everything we know about her diet and exercise routine – Women’s Health UK

Posted: September 18, 2022 at 2:11 am

Mila Kunis is notoriously private. She doesnt even have her own Instagram account (sigh), but she does occasionally open up about her private life in interviews, including, case in point, her health and wellness routine.

We first heard about it when she transformed her body for her role in the Black Swan in 2010, but there are plenty more tips and tricks weve picked up on since then, and judging by how fit and strong she looks in the trailer for her new film Luckiest Girl Alive, shes reaping the rewards. From the six exercises she swears by to what she eats on a regular day, heres everything she does that you could take on, too.

If youre a loyal WH reader, youll know that consistency is key to seeing results (or just feeling your best, if you dont have a physical/performance-based goal, like lifting a certain weight, in mind), and Mila previously shared with Harpers Bazaar that she trains three times a week. In another interview, she added that this increased to seven days a week, five hours per day, in prep for embodying the Black Swan.

Now, were not suggesting you train anywhere near as often as this (its Milas job to do so), rather that you find a routine that you can feasibly stick to. First think about how often you can realistically fit in a workout per week, then consider how long those workouts should be. FYI, its not necessary to do 60-90 min long sessions. A 20-30 min sesh may well do the trick, depending on your goal(s).

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

When it comes to food, Mila likes to make her own meals. I can make anything out of leftovers. I want to be a judge on Top Chef, she told Harpers Bazaar, adding, My glass of wine and I are besties.

This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Mila dropped to a weight of just 95 pounds when training for the Black Swan, but she was well aware this wasnt healthy. Speaking to E! News, she explained: I would literally look at myself in the mirror and I was like, Oh my God!

I had no shape, no boobs, no assAll you saw was bone. I was like, This looks gross.

As weve mentioned, its Milas job to lose (or gain) weight to embody certain roles for filming, but for you and us, the emphasis should be less on aesthetics and more on how you feel inside. Start by switching out aesthetic goals for those with a skill focus they come with a much greater sense of accomplishment. Take our word for it.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Once filming for Black Swan wrapped up, Milas mission was to gain the weight shed lost. First stop? Fast food.

The first thing I did was go and get Panda Express at the Virgin America airport terminal at JFK. Then I landed in L.A. and I got in my car and I drove to In-N-Out (Burger) and I had a Double Double Animal Style with a root-beer float. It was fantastic, she told the Boston Herald. A girl after our own hearts.

A personal trainer can be an invaluable investment for someone with the time and money (not always possible, we know cheers, cost of living crisis), and Mila knows the deal. She worked out with Brian Abercrombie in prep for her role in the Black Swan, who helped her train as safely and sustainably as possible, albeit with such an extreme aesthetic goal to achieve.

PT not an option? Our guides on everything from technique and form for strength training, weightlifting and cardio can be a useful resource. Alternatively, try following one of our many training plans, like this 7-day workout plan for beginners with Kayla Itsines, or this 14-day kettlebell workout plan with Cass Olholm.

Whether with a specific workout split, push-pull workout plan or training method, achieving your goals will be a ton easier if you decipher a clear-cut way of getting there. When Mila trained with PT Brian, he used a technique called P.A.S.E. (Power, Agility, Strength and Endurance). Why? For one, its an efficient form of workout for someone tight for time like Mila, since it incorporates the whole body rather than one part, but it also ticks off four major elements of fitness: power, agility, strength and endurance.

The traditional P.A.S.E. workout is formed of six exercises, done in circuits for 40 minutes with no rest:

TRX Move Suspension Trainer

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Mila values her downtime as much as the next gal, and her fave way to switch off is by spending time with her friends. Well hang out by the pool, have mai tais, and roll around in the grass with my dogs, she told WH US. Since the time of WH's interview, shes become a mother to two and is married to Ashton Kutcher (follow his IG for a look at their home life), so she undoubtedly now spends time with her family, too.

For anyone with a busy lifestyle like Mila, a routine can be an easy way to maintain a clear head without getting overwhelmed. Speaking to Harpers Bazaar, Mila said shes always been a creature of habit.

During her first pregnancy with son Wyatt, Mila was photographed outside a yoga studio with her bump in full bloom, and shes not the only celeb who practices yoga on the reg. Kate Hudson, Halle Berry and Jennifer Aniston are also big fans, and have spoken about the effect it has on both their physical and mental health.

Check out the best yoga studios in London, as well as the best yoga stretches to practice daily.

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9 reasons Mila Kunis is fitter than ever at 39 + everything we know about her diet and exercise routine - Women's Health UK

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