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Weight loss options: Why you shouldn’t give up dieting – TODAY

Posted: August 30, 2020 at 2:53 am

Nearly half of American adults try to lose weight in a given year, yet up to 80 percent of those who do will put at least some of it back on. Lately, theres been an anti-diet movement among healthcare professionals that promotes the idea that people should stop trying to pursue weight loss.

There are valid reasons for this stance. While a high BMI may be linked to a higher risk for diseases, like insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, studies have found that body size alone isnt the best marker of health. Plus, some studies suggest that setting aside your weight-loss goals can lead to improvements in your self esteem, mood and eating behaviors (like portion control). So, should you stop trying to lose weight? In nutshell: Not necessarily.

Dr. Robert Kushner, the medical director of the Center for Lifestyle Medicine at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago, a professor of medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and author of the book, Six Factors to Fit: Weight Loss that Works for You!, told TODAY that while a higher body weight isnt always linked to poorer health outcomes, excessive body fat does present a health risk to many people. He explained that decades of science demonstrate that a very high body weight is linked to poorer health outcomes, including dying prematurely.

One study that modeled the death rates of 4,000 people with heart disease or diabetes found that as weight crept up, lifespan appeared to shorten. Compared to those defined as having a healthy body weight, people who were overweight could lose about three years from their lifespan; obese individuals could die up to six years sooner; and very obese individuals could lose up to eight years from their lives, according to researchers.

Even people who are very overweight and healthy at the moment may be at increased risk for more serious problems over time. One study that looked at the health records of 3.5 million people, 15% of whom were categorized as obese and healthy (meaning they didnt have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes) found that over five years, these people were 49% more likely to develop heart disease and 96% more likely to develop heart failure compared with their healthier-weight counterparts.

Dr. Kushner emphasized that there are a lot of similarities between body weight regulation and blood sugar or blood pressure regulation in the sense that there are biological, social, behavioral and economic factors that contribute to dysregulation. When there is a health risk, whether thats due to excessively high body weight or blood pressure, available treatment options should be discussed, he said. A balanced, calorie-controlled diet is one such option and that medications and surgery may be useful when needed, he said.

But what about weight re-gain? Dr. Kushner pointing to the landmark Diabetes Prevent Program explained that even if youve lost weight and then regained some of it back, you may still be better off. The study found that healthy eating and exercise could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by at least 58% among people with prediabetes and 10 years later, even despite some weight regain, people in the lifestyle intervention program reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 34%.

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If you want to pursue weight loss, here are four things you can do:

The rate and amount of weight you lose is highly individual and there are no guarantees youll reach the weight you want. But losing just 5% of your weight or 8 pounds for the average 170-pound woman can lead to health improvements.

Rather than focusing on a goal weight, focus on eating habits within your control. For example, swap less healthy packaged foods for healthier versions, make it a goal to eat veggie-filled meals, kick your soda habit, drink more water, trade your refined grains for whole grains, develop an awareness of healthy portion sizes and aim to eat a balanced mix of food groups (mostly veggies, with some protein, fat and carbs) at meals. These types of eating behaviors can promote weight loss without you having to fixate on it.

Whether you fall into the anti-diet camp or not, fad and restrictive diets arent helpful. These plans are hard to follow and they dont help you develop long-term, balanced eating habits or the skills you need to address issues within your food environment things like meal planning or dinner with friends. They also dont teach you how to manage stress and emotional eating in a healthy way.

In his book, Dr. Kushner explains that managing weight involves a mix of strategies like these, along with gaining an appreciation for how your body works, for example, by becoming more aware of the types of foods that are more filling, like high-fiber veggies and whole grains as well as lean proteins.

Clearly, health isnt just about your weight or what you consume. Along with balanced eating, its important to build other key habits into your life. These practices can have a positive impact on your weight and well-being.

Healthy habits include:

A review study published in 2019 that analyzed 67 studies on people who had successfully maintained weight loss found some commonalities among the pool of people.

Their maintenance habits included:

Many people can healthfully pursue weight loss, but for some people weight-loss efforts can be destructive.

Signs to watch out for include:

If pursuing weight loss triggers these or any other signs of disordered eating or exercise, seek support from a mental health professional or registered dietitian who specializes in intuitive eating or eating disorders.

Weight loss options: Why you shouldn't give up dieting - TODAY

Fans Criticize Those That Mocked Chadwick Bosemans Weight Loss In Light Of His Tragic Death – TheThings

Posted: August 30, 2020 at 2:53 am

One Twitter user cited the language one article used describing Boseman as "deathly skinny," not realizing that he was facing a fatal disease.

Today, the world mourns the loss of one of Hollywood's mostadmired and successful actors, Chadwick Boseman. He was a part of many critically-acclaimed films, including Black Panther, Avengers: Endgame, 42, and more.

As celebrities and fans share fond memories of Boseman, heartfelt messages, prayers, and more, someexpress disappointment and disgust overpast comments that made fun of Chadwick's weight loss as he - unbeknownst to the public - battled with cancer.

Images like the one shown above began circulating the Internet, as fans realized the probable reason that Boseman appeared to have lost so much weight. This image was taken from a video shot by the actor earlier in the year, which he eventually deleted.

Related:Chadwick Boseman Was Always Skinny, But Now He's Scary Skinny

Some fans believed he took downthat video post because ofusers' comments on howthin he looked; theybelieve that he didn't want the video to reveal his sickness to the world. On top of their sadness about his passing,fans were devastated that he was mistreated in any way because of his physical appearance.

Related:This Is How Skinny Joe Manganiello Used To Be

Another Twitter user cited the specific language one article used in describingBosemanas "deathly skinny," not realizing thathe was facing a fatal disease.

While thewriter was likely unaware that Chadwick had cancer, as most of the world only found out yesterday, after his death, itreminded fans of howdesensitized and ignorant both the media andpublic can be to individuals facingpersonal adversity - especially when it comes to body weight.

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Especially offensive now are those 'jokes' that insinuated Boseman was doing drugs. A few Twitter users reminded everyone that people claimed "he was on crack" or "he was on drugs" when looking at pictures of Chadwick Boseman over the past few years.

While fans continued to defend Boseman, others commended his resiliency in shooting movies with this diagnosis.During the making of these movies, Chadwick Boseman was constantly transforming his body and putting it on the line for his craft, in spite of the unique and harrowing challenges he faced.

As more stories come out about Boseman, we send our condolences to his family and friends.

Thank you, Chadwick Boseman, for everything you did for your movies, and your fans. You will not be forgotten.

Next:WATCH: Chadwick Boseman Surprises Black Panther Fans

'Frozen' Actor Josh Gad Releases the Last Text He Received From Chadwick Boseman

Kunwar Ishan is an avid writer in multiple genres, including sports, entertainment news, music, and more. He also writes for "The Garnette Report" and "Pet Lifestyles Magazine." In his free time, he loves watching puppy videos, taking naps, and drinking coffee.

Read the original here:
Fans Criticize Those That Mocked Chadwick Bosemans Weight Loss In Light Of His Tragic Death - TheThings

The best way to consume onions for weight loss – Times of India

Posted: August 30, 2020 at 2:53 am

The lockdown has made most of us gain weight. Sitting all day and staring at the computer and with nowhere to go, we all have gained some belly fat.

Not only the old clothes have stopped fitting, but the laziness has increased too due to the extra weight. If you are also someone who has gained weight during this lockdown, here's some help.

While trying to lose that belly fat, you have to be very vigilant about what to eat and what not to eat. And talking about eating, did you know there is a food item in every household that we all consume on most days and it can help us lose weight.

Onions it is. We all eat onions every day but don't see any change in our weight, this is because we are not consuming them the right way.

Onions are rich in soluble fibre that helps in keeping your gut healthy and helps in effective weight loss. Onions act like strong probiotic food, that can aid quick weight loss when eaten raw.

Here are two ideal ways to consume onions to lose weight.

Continued here:
The best way to consume onions for weight loss - Times of India

Guava: How to use it for weight loss and easy recipes – Times of India

Posted: August 30, 2020 at 2:53 am

Fruits are very essential to remain healthy and maintain a disease-free life. It is a proven fact that people who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body. Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories and none have cholesterol. Furthermore, fruits are sources of many essential nutrients including potassium, dietary fibre, vitamin C, and folate.

Guava is one such fruit that has a large number of health benefits. A common tropical fruit, guava is native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America. The entire fruit is a key ingredient in punch, and the juice is often used in culinary sauces, candies, dried snacks, fruit bars, and desserts. Guava is rich in vitamin C, dietary fibre, and folic acid. Also, it is beneficial for losing weight. Here is a look at how guava helps you in shedding those extra kilos.

See the article here:
Guava: How to use it for weight loss and easy recipes - Times of India

Do Babies Lose Weight When They Start Crawling? | BabyGaga – BabyGaga

Posted: August 30, 2020 at 2:53 am

While there is an uptick in metabolism that occurs when babies learn to crawl, there should not be sudden weight loss as a result of crawling.

Learning to crawl is one of the first large milestones that a baby hits. It officially begins the transition from being stationary to being mobile. It also shows the strength that a little one has gained in the first six months to a year of his life to be able to go from helpless, and incapable of controlling arm and leg movements to moving around under his own control.

Going from being immobile to constantly moving around also makes it so that the baby's metabolism rises. As such, many parents wonder if their little one should be experiencing weight loss as a result of burning more calories. And while there may be more calories being burned, going from the stage before crawling to crawling should not result in a large weight loss. If it does, there are likely other issues at play other than learning to crawl alone.

When a baby begins to crawl, he has been practicing for a few weeks to get himself into the right position to take off, which has meant he has been exerting extra calories. This is likely a great deal more than what he was doing when he was younger and immobile. As such, if the little one is still being fed the same amount of calories, his weight may likely drop a little.

RELATED: The Biggest Household Hazards For A Crawling Baby

Because most babies start to learn to crawl between six and 12 months, according to healthline, they have already been introduced to solid foods. The solid food in conjunction with breast milk or formula should make it so that the little one's weight stays stable when learning to crawl. However, if the weight loss is apparent, feeding the baby nutrient-rich, calorie-dense foods, such as cheese and avocado are great ways to provide more calories to keep the baby's energy up and weight loss down, according to babycenter. The goal over the first year of life is to be consistently going in an upward motion on the growth chart in both height and weight, and the addition of more food as the little one grows and becomes more active is a key factor in making that happen.

Growth spurts happen quite frequently during the baby's first year of life. Some of the most common times for a growth spurt are at three, six, and nine months of life, according to what to expect. And for some, those growth months may coincide with the time that they learn to crawl. When this happens, the appearance of the baby is that he is losing weight, when in reality, he is just getting taller.

Likely during this time, the baby has been requesting larger meals or more frequent snacks to help give him the energy to grow. And he especially might be doing this if he is crawling at the same time. Therefore, while the appearance is that the little one looks leaner, as long as he is following the upward trend on the growth chart and looks proportionate, all is well.

If the baby learns to crawl around the time that he has an illness, there is likely to be some weight loss. This is because fluid intake, especially with a fever, is lower than what it would be were the baby healthy, and likely food intake is less as well. When that is coupled with a higher activity rate, it would make sense that a little bit of weight might be lost.

However, once the baby begins to feel better, his lost weight should begin to come back on fairly rapidly. If the weight loss continues, there may be some underlying issues that need to be examined, and a visit to the doctor would be recommended.

Even though a baby does begin to expend more energy once he begins his foray into crawling, weight loss is not something that should be a side-effect of the newly learned skill. While the weight gain may slow during this time, it should not stall or decline. As such, if there is rapid weight loss noticed despite the addition of extra calories, it might be worth a visit to the pediatrician to determine what is causing the weight loss and what steps can be taken to reverse it.

Source: babycenter, firstcry parenting, the Bump, healthline, what to expect

NEXT: Ear Infections In Babies & Toddlers: Symptoms And How To Prevent Them

Is Your Baby Starving? Looking Out For These Important Signs

Jessica is a freelance writer based out of California. She is a mom to two fiercely independent, fun-loving girls and wife to a man who helps her find balance in life. Jessica is an avid runner, consumer of really great cups of coffee, and enjoys adventuring off the beaten path whenever possible. Family is number one to Jessica and is what makes living this crazy, hectic, beautiful life worthwhile.

More here:
Do Babies Lose Weight When They Start Crawling? | BabyGaga - BabyGaga

Weight loss: Expert reveals the diet myths that are sabotaging your weight loss goals – Express

Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:58 pm

Anyone who is trying to lose weight will no doubt have all kinds of information running through their mind each time they cook their dinner or plan a workout. With so many diet plans out there, it can be hard to keep up with the best way to lose weight, especially as so much of the advice seems to contradict itself depending on which method you choose. But what if some of the most common weight loss beliefs were actually stopping you from shedding the pounds?

From counting up your calories to avoiding carbs and taking up high intensity training, there are all kinds of diet tips that promise to help you to lose weight.

However, many of the promoted diet rules are designed to help you lose weight fast - which isnt necessarily the best way to go about it.

Rhiannon Lambert, a registered nutritionist, founder of Rhitrition and author of the new ebook, A Simple Way To Fuel Fitness, often sees this in her clinic, where she specialises in weight management, disordered eating, and pre- and postnatal nutrition.

At the Rhitrition clinic I see clients hoping for quick transformations and short term plans, Rhiannon explained. These may sound exciting, but all they tend to do is give you just a glimpse of those dreams until suddenly they dont.

READ MORE:Weight loss: The Hollywood superfood that could help you lose weight

The expert advised that fast weight loss can be hard to keep up long term, with the immediate weight loss results being hard to maintain.

Instead you need a more sustainable plan that will work day in, day out, with foods that will give you the energy you need to keep up a healthy lifestyle - and stop you from reaching for the snack cupboard.

When it comes to your diet, think about the quality of your nutrition and a balanced plate at meal times to help your overall health for mind and body, Rhiannon warned.

Having worked in sports nutrition for years, Rhiannon has shared her food philosophy for how to eat well in a way that will boost your energy levels and fuel your workouts in her latest book - and debunks plenty of food and fitness myths along the way.

Exclusively for the Express, Rhiannon has revealed the top three diet myths that may be affecting your weight loss goals, and what you really need to focus on if youre trying to slim down.

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Exercise is often associated with weight loss, but its fat loss that should be the goal, explained Rhiannon.

The expert revealed that dieters often celebrate that theyve lost weight, when actually its their muscles that they have lost.

When you lose weight, you want to maximise fat loss, while minimising muscle loss, said Rhiannon. This is why exercise is so important for any diet plan.

If you simply reduce your calorie intake to lose weight, without exercising, you will probably lose muscle as well as fat.

When you cut back on calories, your body is forced to find other sources of fuel. In fact, its been estimated that when people lose weight, about a quarter of the weight they lose is muscle.

However, the nutritionist explained that you cant always tell by whats on the scales either, as if you do lose fat rather than muscle, the numbers may not drop too much - so dont be disheartened if youre not seeing a dramatic change and go by how you feel instead.

If you spend your gym sessions aiming to get into the so-called fat burning zone, you might actually be reducing your chances of losing weight.

A term that can be frequently used is the fat burning zone when relating to weight loss, and is usually indicated on the cardio machines heart rate chart, commented Rhiannon.

Working out in the fat-burning zone means youre keeping your intensity and heart rate relatively low.

This means that of the calories you use, a greater proportion will come from fat.

While this might sound good, youll actually burn more calories overall from working at a higher intensity.

Most diets focus on calorie intake - and burning off more than you eat. But what if its not that simple?

Being aware of the calorie content in food has long been drummed into us, and those who try to lose weight often use a total daily calorie intake as a guide, admitted Rhiannon, who doesnt believe it is the best way to hit your goal weight.

Calories really arent much more than a number and we shouldnt be relying on calorie content alone to dictate what constitutes a healthy diet, as they can be deceptive and very damaging when used inappropriately, the expert warned.

Calories dont tell you anything about the quality of your diet! Think about eating food, not calories and try as hard as you can to look at your diet as a whole instead of the sum of its parts.

That means focusing on healthy items like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein, and it also means eating mindfully - slowing down, eating until you're satisfied, and giving restriction a miss.

See the rest here:
Weight loss: Expert reveals the diet myths that are sabotaging your weight loss goals - Express

Dear Boris, if you want to shape up and finally lose some weight, here are a few tips from me… – Evening Standard

Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:58 pm

When you realise your extra fat weighs the same as your three-year-old, you know somethings got to change. I had that revelation two years ago, standing on a set of scales at my parents house on a sunny Saturday. I knew how heavy my child felt to lift, and realising I was carrying that weight around was the kick-start I needed. I started on a personal uphill climb, which will be familiar to anyone our Prime Minister included who has tried to lose weight.

If this story was a movie, the next scene would be a montage. Our hero, resolute, ties his laces and goes for a run, sweating and jiggling in his new sportswear fast cut to a boxing ring, a gym, chin-ups on a bar, maybe even some sunrise tai chi before finally a slimmed-down character runs up some steps and pumps his fists in triumph.

Well, thanks Rocky, but we all know it doesnt really work like that.

My own weight loss started well counting calories and eating healthily did the trick for a bit, and the pounds started to fall off. Then life happened. Or rather, illness, stress and upheaval, coupled with the daily pressures of a busy job and life with kids. A few months became a year and the needle started to creep back up, but eventually I managed to hop back on the wagon. The montage restarts. The protagonist, with renewed focus, tries again until he gets hit in the face by Christmas. Just a little break turns into a further few months hiatus and then a pandemic sweeps the globe and normal life stops.

I was ready to give up on the whole thing. People were dying, the economy was imploding, and working from home meant the fridge was only ever a few paces away. The elusive target was still in the distance, but I was lighter than I started. Couldnt I just count that as a win and move on?

Then an unusual thing happened. Like Londoners across the city, I found myself with time on my hands. A three-hour daily commute became three hours at home with the family. I was able to do more around the house and play with the children. We achieved a little more balance in our lives. It gave us an opportunity make some positive decisions about what we ate.

Boris Johnson and his personal trainer, hired to help him lose weight (Evening Standard / eyevine)

Technology helped us stay connected to family, friends and colleagues through the past six months, and technology helped me stay on track with weight loss. I had the encouragement of strangers on Reddit forums (hi, r/loseit!) and the MyFitnessPal app which helps to track your nutrition.

I took up running. It was comforting to see equally out-of-shape neighbours puffing in the park, and dawn jogs were far preferable to grinding away on treadmills at lunchtime, which I had been doing.

Being isolated from others meant the journey became entirely private, and social temptations were eliminated. No work snacks, no restaurants, and no after-work beers. I missed all those things, but being forced to go without sure saved me some calories. I lost two and a half stone.

Losing weight is a long slog. The gains happen so slowly you dont notice them, and the frustration is real. After six months of isolation, though, any change in others becomes more striking so it was gratifying to return to work and receive positive comments from surprised colleagues, and even more so to realise how much better I felt about myself after losing the weight. I guess lockdown gave me my own little movie montage, after all.

View original post here:
Dear Boris, if you want to shape up and finally lose some weight, here are a few tips from me... - Evening Standard

This Morning viewers furious at professor who says breakfast makes you gain weight, fast for 14 hours and – The Sun

Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:58 pm

THIS Morning viewers raged at a professor who for giving "damaging" advice about how to lose weight.

Tim Spector claimed breakfast makes you gain weight and told viewers they should fast for 14 hours and avoid healthy snacks.


He's written a book called Why everything you know about dieting is wrong to "correct the falsehoods" that have been pushed onto people for years.

Tim told viewers: "It's important people know the truth about what we're eating and correct the myths that face us every day when we go to the supermarket.

"I love breakfast, but for many people it actually makes them put on weight.

"About half the population would probably do very well if they skipped breakfast.



"It's been told it's the most important meal of the day for the last 100 years by breakfast manufactorers. It simply isn't true.

"If you have the same amount of food broken down into two meals, not three, most people will be better off and healthier."

It enfuriated viewers, with one asking: "STOP WITH UNHEALTHY DAMAGING PIECES ABOUT FOOD. Please. Restrictive eating = breakfast is bad should not be glorified on television. Stop it."

Another said: "Utter rubbish. Send children to school hungry? It depends WHAT you eat for breakfast (as well as other meals)."


Someone else said: "Hi @thismorning, me again. You've currently got an apparently qualified doctor on your show saying that "half the nation could do with skipping breakfast to lose some weight".

"Do you know how dangerous this advice is? Please stop broadcasting this harmful rubbish #ThisMorning."

Tim also discussed the idea of "restrictive time eating" to "give your gut a rest".

He encouraged people not to eat for 14 hours.

"This goes against what the food companies want," said Tim.

"They want us to eat all of the time, but the scientific evidence shows the opposite it true.

"We should be compressing our eating time, so starting later and finishing earlier."

Tim went on to describe calorie counting as "the biggest oversell in history".


"No calorie-controlled diets have ever worked long-term," he claimed.

"You can't measure it accurately.

"Calories in doesn't equal calories out. It doesn't add up."

Ruth Langsford argued that the less calories consumed will help to lose weight.

Tim added: "The idea that women only have 2,000 calories is complete nonsense. Everyone is different and unique.

"Chips have more calories than spinach, but choosing different foods because of calories is nonsense.


"If we eat better and at the right time then we can all be much healthier and lose weight."

Tim added that there are more obese people now because of "continual snacking", adding: "You should wait, like in southern Europe, for main meals and eat those properly."

Another viewer said: "So what do you expect us to eat dust."

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One added: "If you listened to every expert on food, you just wouldnt eat anything at all because it all seems wrong/poisonous/fattening."

Someone else said: "Sorry, but this man is talking utter nonsense. Consuming too many calories lead to fat gain.

"Consuming fewer calories lead to fat loss. It is very much to do with calories in vs calories out. Yes, fat loss is that simple. #ThisMorning."

This Morning viewers furious at professor who says breakfast makes you gain weight, fast for 14 hours and - The Sun

Gain Weight by Eating these Dried Fruits – Foreign Policy 2018

Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:58 pm

People struggle with the issues of weight gain and loss. Both processes are complicated in their way. Most people want to lose weight because obesity is a widespread issue these days. But gaining weight after one has become skinny is also a complicated process. It cannot be done in days just by eating more and more. A person has to take proper measures that can ensure weight gain.

For weight gain, people often look for supplements such as artificially prepared proteins in protein powder. Some people also take injections for this purpose. People also join different gyms and also tend to change their whole diet plans. Gaining weight can be as demanding as losing it because one has to be mindful of gaining weight, which is even a very distressing condition.

Dried fruits are the fruits that have almost all of their water content removed. That is why they are small condensed fruits that are heaped with energy. They are energy-rich food, which is why it can be used for weight gain purposes. Some of them are also high in calories compared to fresh fruits, which are needed to gain weight. Besides weight gain, dry fruits can also help increase essential nutrients for your body working and maintenance. Here are some dried fruits that can be consumed for weight gain purposes.

Dates are small in size. They can vary in size, but they are fully packed with nutrients. They are also commonly used in the diet. They are used to open fast because of their quick energy providing property. That is why they are typically sold dried in many countries.

In this way, they can give you all the needed calories. They can also help you with maintaining weight during your pregnancy.

Prunes are dried plums that are packed with high nutrition.Prunes can help you effortlessly gain weight. They are delicious and can be added to meals for weight gain purposes. Prunes are readily available in the market. Prune also has fibers that can help to soothe your constipation.

A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of prunes provides the following nutrients

They are another kind of meal which can help with weight gain issues. They are small-sized, and they are rich in fiber content, which very essential for providing energy to the body. They will help you prevent extra fat by keeping your calories in balance. They are also essential for the eyes. They have the following number of calories and fats. One ounce contains

They help in maintaining a balanced amount of calories. Dried apricots also help in relieving liver issues, thus preventing weight loss due to those issues.

Cashew nuts are tasty and are very rich in calories, so they can help you to gain weight fast. The dietary fiber in the nuts makes your digestive system function properly. High-calorie content and high fiber content help you a lot in weight balancing. You would barely find any better source of protein, fiber, and good fats. All of them are necessary for increasing body weight. The fiber in cashews is vital for digestion, thus helping in the absorption of fats and nutrients. They also prevent the reasons for weight loss. They have the following nutritional value

Besides having proteins and vitamins, almonds also contain monosaturated fat compounds. You will need an intake to an ounce to get all the nutrients and add calories to your weight. Almonds also have minerals in them. They contain 576 calories per 100 grams. Almonds are also well known for the proper functioning of the brain and eyes. They make your brain functioning strong, helping you with mental issues, which are also a factor in weight loss. Almonds provide you with the following nutrition.

They are the type of dried grapes that are available in different sizes. It has large varieties. Raisins are rich in carbs and sugars, thus serving your body with an instant boost of energy and a significant addition in your weight. They are also well-known for eye health. You can use them in different ways according to your liking. Raisins serve following nutritional purposes

Pistachios are high in calories. So they provide you with weight and at the same time energy. They are a kind of storehouse for essential nutrients. They have fiber, monosaturated fatty acids, and carotenoids. All of them help in the management of weight, and at the same time, they act as antioxidants, thus delay aging. Those who are into gaining weight should opt for these. They have the following nutritional value

Walnuts are a bit bitter. That is why they are least preferred. They are also rich in nutrients that are essential for weight gains, such as fiber and fats, thus helping you with weight gain. Their continuous use for months can have a significant addition to the health and weight of the body. They are also known for a healthy brain as they enhance brain capacity.

They have the following nutritional values

In conclusion, we can say that dried fruits are proper food. They not only help with weight gain but also help to prevent various diseases. They are easy to use in every way. They also have a very delicious taste. Whether you are using them for gaining weight or use them for losing weight, they will help you without doing any bad for your nutrition. They help in the maintenance of the body as well as mind. So, they can help to fight in mental diseases which are very common these days. One should include them in the diet daily. Proper and adequate use will always show the desired results. is always thinking about your health.

Read the original post:
Gain Weight by Eating these Dried Fruits - Foreign Policy 2018

Portion size vs Serving size: Whats the difference? Heres what your healthy, balanced plate should look like – Times Now

Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:58 pm

Portion size vs Serving size: Whats the difference? Heres what your healthy, balanced plate should look like  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: You may have been told to watch out for your portion size, especially if youre trying to shed those few extra kilos. Perhaps, whenyou meet any nutritionist with any of your healthy eating concerns, you may be asked to take care of your portion size and serving size. Including appropriate amounts of healthful foods in your diet is a key part of healthy eating. However, the terms serving size and portion size are often used interchangeably - although they aren't the same thing - when it comes to deciding how much to eat.

So, to help you better understand these two phrases that youll often hear in relation to weight loss diet or mindful eating, we talked to an expert who explains the real difference between portion size and serving size. Having a clear view of these terms and knowing how much to put on your plate to help control how much you consume without compromising on taste nutrients can help you stay healthy or maintain weight loss.

Maybe, if youve started reading the nutrition labels and following a few small things, you are already halfway to eating healthy. Read on as Nisha, nutritionist, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Gurgaon, tells us how is a portion size or serving size determined.

Portion size is the amount of any food we choose to eat, which could be more or less than a serving. In fact, a portion is 100 per cent under your control.

For instance, the nutrition fact of oats is labeled as 1 cup dalia/wheat porridge for one serving, but if you decide to have half cup of it only, that would be referred to as portion size.

Serving size is a standardised amount of food. It may be used to quantify recommended amounts, as is the case with the healthy plate diagram, MyPlate food groups, or represent quantities that people typically consume on a food label or nutrition facts label.

Extra-large burger, Extra-large pizza, a bit more cheesy topping, extra fried rice on takeaway, big large size cola free!!! All of these are more fascinating to all of us and none of us never fail to grab this opportunity to have 'thoda' extra or 'little more'on our plate, that is where and how we actually affect our healthy eating concept and patterns.So, you must be thinking about what should be the ideal balance of your plate.

Have a look at how your plate should be, how you can determine the portion of any food, and what small steps you can take to control the portion size. Ideally, it should be in the ratio of 50 per cent, 25 per cent and 25 per cent.

And here are a few tips to measure food portions:

You can use your hand for better understanding of portions.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

See the original post here:
Portion size vs Serving size: Whats the difference? Heres what your healthy, balanced plate should look like - Times Now

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