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Kind is the first food brand to commit to ‘bee-friendly’ almonds – Fast Company

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:58 am

Almond suppliers working with Kind are making two major changes. Theyve stopped using two types of pesticidesneonicotinoids and chlorpyrifosthat can kill bees. They will also convert between 3% to 5% of their orchards to a habitat that supports bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. (This habitat also supports insects that naturally manage pests, like ladybugs, reducing the need for pesticides.) As you know, theres been an enormous strain on bee colonies, says founder and executive chairman Daniel Lubetzky. And given that almonds are the most important input into Kind products, we wanted to find a way to have a positive impact on bees.

[Photo: Kind]Some growers were already beginning to make changes, but pressure from the brand can accelerate that work. Of the 1.5 million-plus acres of almonds grown in California, only around 20,000 acres are currently bee-friendly. Were making this commitment to help catalyze and crystallize the movement towards these changes, says Jenny Stanley, who manages sustainability at Kind. The company worked closely with academic experts and growers to find solutions that would have a meaningful impact while being economically feasible for the industry.

[Photo: Kind]Changing agricultural practices on a large scale is extremely difficult, says Daniel Kaiser, director of western conservation strategies at Environmental Defense Fund, which is advising the company. It takes thorough research into alternatives, incentives to overcome the cost of adoption, and a clear signal from the market that consumers are demanding change. Pressure from brands like Kind, he says, can help drive that change.

Almond growers rely on honeybees to pollinate orchards every spring, with beekeepers from around the country trucking in the 2 million bees used in the California almond industry. Since the early 2000s, those beekeepers have been struggling with the loss of an unusually high number of colony. (The numbers fluctuate from year to year; the winter of 2019 saw record-high losses, followed by more record losses in the summer, though the die-off was lower than average last winter.) The problem is complex, and its likely that bees are dying from a variety of causes rather than a single factor. Toxic pesticides are one issue. Diet is another, which is why planting wildflowers next to almonds can help give the bees access to multiple kinds of pollen. When you create environments where [bees] are only able to pollinate one single crop, one monoculture, you can actually then potentially weaken them by not giving them enough diversity in their diet, says Lubetzky.

The company is hoping that as more growers implement bee-friendly practices, the entire industry can follow. Five years from now, were hoping itll become the standard, and then well continue evolving and improving, he says.

See the rest here:
Kind is the first food brand to commit to 'bee-friendly' almonds - Fast Company

Meet your SA president: Anna Margaret Clyburn is here to listen – The Rice Thresher

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:58 am

By Ella Feldman 8/25/20 6:56pm

Every time Anna Margaret Clyburn gets a Slack notification, her computer plays the monotone sound of a British woman saying hummus. Its fitting Clyburn, a senior at Martel College, is a vegan, and gets very excited about hummus, as well as sweet potatoes and peanut butter. She enjoys eating the latter two together after coating the sweet potatoes in ginger, cayenne pepper, curry powder, cinnamon and salt, then baking them for 30 to 40 minutes at 400 degrees F.

Now that the servery is not serving their very reliable sweet potatoes, I'm like, a little devastated, Clyburn said. If anyone wants to get together, bake a bunch of sweet potatoes, Im down.

As Student Association president, Clyburn said shes always looking for opportunities to talk to more students whether that means baking sweet potatoes with them, going on a run together, or just emailing back and forth.

It truly makes my day if someone reaches out. Even if it's a piece of feedback, even negative feedback, if someone reaches out to me, I'm like, Today is a winning day! she said. When it comes down to it, truly what I derive the most joy from is just getting to connect with others.

Being SA president also means Clyburn gets a lot of hummus notifications.

I'll be in admin meetings with important people. And then all of a sudden, it will be like, hummus. she laughed. Im like, that was not me.

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Clyburns diet drove her earliest involvement in the SA. As a freshman she was elected as one of Martel new student representatives, and began to work on sustainability projects and improving vegan and vegetarianism options in the serveries. She worked with Grace Wickerson on those projects and developed a strong friendship with them a friendship that lasted through Wickersons term as SA president last academic year and continues today. Her sophomore year, Clyburn became Martels SA senator, and her junior year, she was elected Martel College president. Throughout her time in the SA, Clyburn has worked on projects related to financial accessibility, equity and inclusion and intimate partner violence.

Now, shes preparing for her senior year and the bulk of her term as president, which lies ahead of her. Succeeding Wickerson, she said, is both exciting and intimidating.

We have really similar values, and so in many ways I want to retain the focus that [Wickerson] placed on truly understanding and cultivating a stronger culture of care on campus, Clyburn says. In terms of where I'd like to depart [from their presidency], Id really like to take more of a lead from students and allow students to let me know what they'd like from Senate.

Due to this years events namely, the COVID-19 pandemic and the national movement against anti-Blackness brought on by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvins killing of George Floyd the year Clyburn is preparing for is nothing like the one Wickerson led, or any other year in Rices history. Already, the SA Senate has weathered an untraditional summer, and was much more active than it normally is in summer months, according to Clyburn.

"You come together and you bond with each other when things are kind of going crazy when shit hits the fan, for lack of a better word. And I think I found that as a team, our people have come together, Clyburn said. I have not seen a team work as long or as hard as this one has over the summer.

Much of that work has been related to the pandemic, which led Rice to cancel classes just over one week after Clyburn was confirmed president. In April, the SA Senate passed a resolution asking the Office of Admissions to suspend standardized testing requirements for applicants for Fall 2021 matriculation. The ask was ultimately heeded by the administration. Clyburn and other SA Senate members also advocated for academic accommodations such as a Double A policy, which the Faculty Senate rejected. The Faculty Senate did, however, adopt an optional pass/fail policy for every class, which SA Internal Vice President Kendall Vining told the Thresher was in large part a result of the SAs work.

According to Clyburn, the SA was also actively in conversation with the administration throughout the summer about what reopening Rice would look like.

We've had the opportunity to be in the room for a lot of the conversations about what plans Rice will take to ensure that people are safe, she said. Although I'm not in the room when those decisions are being made about whether we will or whether we won't [reopen], I am in the room for those decisions about, you know, if we are in person, or if we are remote, here's how we're going to do this.

In those conversations, Clyburn said she has tried to be a voice for students who are concerned about what reopening could mean for the health of the Rice community.

Being both someone who is more risk averse and representing people who are more risk averse, I am really intentional about bringing up the necessity of keeping people safe, she said. I'm also really intentional about bringing up, you know, we do have students who cannot return to their homes. We do have students who face really unsafe situations with their families So whatever we do, we need to be sure that Rice is open to provide support for those students.

The SA Senate has also spent a good part of the summer in conversation with students, administrators and Students Transforming Rice Into a Violence-free Environment leaders about the Title IX changes that went into effect on August 14, according to Clyburn. Those conversations have largely been led by Izzie Karohl, Will Rice College junior and director of the SAs Committee for Interpersonal Violence Policy, and Maddy Scannell, Martel College senior and executive director of STRIVE, Clyburn says. In collaboration with STRIVE, the SA Senate has pushed for policies such as a preponderance of evidence standard and amnesty for reporting sexual misconduct, even if the survivor was violating rules such as the Culture of Care agreement. Some of their goals, such as those two policies, were adopted in the new changes. Others were not.

We're fully committed to continuing to advocate for more compassionate policies for survivors, because this conversation isn't over, Clyburn says. These policies aren't perfect, and they'll need to continue to be revised.

Clyburn hopes the successes the SA Senate saw in their advocacy for Title IX policies and survivors of intimate partner violence can serve as a guide for advocacy on behalf of other students, populations who tend to be marginalized from campus conversations.

I really do think there's a difference in the way that we advocate across campus between issues, Clyburn said. Up until recently, I haven't seen the same kind of advocacy for Black students, Latinx students, our LGBTQ+ students, as I've seen for survivors of intimate partner violence and the way that we have addressed assault on campus.

This summer, an anonymous group of Black students published a list of demands titled Tangible Ways to Improve the Black Experience, as Demanded by Black Students: Inaction is Not an Option, which contained a variety of demands for Rice, including that they investment monetarily in Houstons Third Ward and remove the Founders Memorial, known as Willys statue, from the Academic Quad. Clyburn said the list was incredibly beneficial for the SA Senate.

A lot of times we operate on, Oh, this seems like itd be helpful! But that implies an assumption, Clyburn said. This really gave us a very clear list of things, where it's like, this is something that people are saying would be helpful. These are things that we really can work on.

The list, Clyburn said, contained many demands the SA Senate was already working on, such as formally fighting hateful and discriminatory speech on campus and implementing more racial sensitivity trainings for staff and faculty. It also contained many demands that they hadnt considered before, Clyburn said, and she is excited to see how they can organize around that work. However, its important to her that the anti-racism work the SA Senate engages in this fall prioritizes the voices of Black students.

I dont think it should be up to me to decide whether or not something does or doesnt happen, be that the removal of Willys statue or otherwise, Clyburn said. Being someone who doesnt believe in harming others, if Willys statue is inflicting harm on Black students which were learning it is then something must be done. And those being harmed should be the ones directing that change ... As a white person, much of Rice was created to be comfortable for me. At this point, we need to listen to and trust those for whom this campus is not comfortable.

Concerns over the SAs lack of active anti-racism have come up before. Back in February, former Rice student and then-Jones College SA Senator Drew Carter cited SA Senates lack of action against racism and xenophobia as one of the reasons he withdrew from the race for SA president against Clyburn, leaving her uncontested. That the race for president was uncontested was concerning to many across campus, including the Threshers editorial board and Clyburn herself. Just 27.2 percent of students cast a ballot in February, and Clyburn received 91.2 percent of those votes.

I get the feeling that people are still thinking about the fact that I ran uncontested. I just want people to know that, like, I'm not happy that that happened either, Clyburn said. Its kind of damning. Like people must just not, theyre not caring, or we're doing something wrong.

However, Clyburn said that shortly after the election, as the SA Senate began to work with the administration to handle COVID-19s impact on campus, she found surprisingly high engagement from students in the work of the SA.

If anything comes out of [COVID-19], I hope its a reminder to us in this organization that we really do have a voice and that we need to be very intentional about the way that we use it, Clyburn said. And then hopefully it's a reminder to students that like, we really, we really need your engagement and we really need you to help guide us.

Clyburn said she intends to let student voices continue to lead her work on coronavirus policies, Title IX, anti-racism, the November election and anything else that comes up as SA president this academic year. Shell be balancing the demanding job with her personal endeavors as a history and French studies major with a minor in politics, law and social thought which this year, include pursuing a history thesis on the intersection of First Amendment case law and revenge pornography.

I definitely am not someone who feels the need to define every checkpoint, and be the person coming up with each idea, but rather the person that makes those spaces where those ideas can come up and people feel comfortable taking the lead, Clyburn said. I would love to just be a strong, excited supporter, and that's really where I feel most comfortable.

Continued here:
Meet your SA president: Anna Margaret Clyburn is here to listen - The Rice Thresher

Opinion | COVID-19 exemplifies irony in wellness culture – University of Pittsburgh The Pitt News

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:58 am

Joy Cao | Senior Staff Photographer

Especially in the time of COVID-19, as many people find themselves with more time on their hands, social media has become saturated with wellness influencers, food bloggers and workout junkies.

Im not sure anyone can clearly define wellness culture which is what many of these influencers promote. On the surface level, its presented as a way of prioritizing health with semi-rigid exercise routines and juice cleanses. But its rooted in capitalist ideas that promise if you work hard, youll be rewarded. If you do more, if youre more disciplined and committed, youll get ahead. Wellness culture has left people waking at 3 a.m. to lift at the gym before work and buying gluten-free flour in the name of health. Both of which are OK if thats how someone chooses to live, but wellness culture is often marketed as a way of maintaining a holistic lifestyle. Too often it focuses on weight maintenance, weight loss and appearance and neglects equally important factors of wellness like sleep, energy levels, rest and flexibility. The problem isnt wellness itself, but the way culturally we seem to define wellness.

Wellness culture was roiled with irony and hypocrisy for years before the COVID-19 pandemic, where influencers gloated about their early morning workouts without addressing lack of sleep, or promoted exercise as a cure-all for stress relief, even though it sometimes has the opposite effect. Nonprofessionals offer eating and workout plans, though all bodies have completely different needs. But the narrow definition of wellness has become clearer within the past six months, as gyms reopen and many folks rush back, even as COVID-19 remains uncontrolled in the United States.

Scientists are generally unsure about how big a risk returning to the gym is. A small study of gyms in Norway, which concluded that there wasnt higher transmission after visiting a gym, provided justification for many people itching to go back to the gym. But the problem is, Norway had about 9,000 confirmed cases at the time, whereas the United States was edging toward 2 million. Scientists said its nearly impossible to make a direct comparison between the two countries.

Like most activities, gym safety depends on the number of cases in your specific area, your gyms cleaning policy and how many people are allowed to enter at once. But in general, we know that its much safer to be outside, and that the virus can likely be spread through air particles. This is to say, talking face to face with someone is a risk factor, let alone breathing heavily during exercise. Even if gyms space out cardio equipment and rigorously sanitize, the World Health Organization announced in July that the virus can still linger in the air and infect people.

One of the defining characteristics of wellness culture is choosing not to engage in something even if the opportunity is presented. For example, if someone serves cake at a party, have only one slice, or eat none at all. Take your coffee black instead of adding cream, and though it might be tempting to sleep until noon, forgo the sleep to get your run in. All, of course, in the name of wellness. This raises the question, then, of why people who claim to be invested in wellness would rush back into fitness facilities when its so obvious there are safer ways to exercise even if the workout wont be exactly the same. It raises the question, too, of whether or not the cultural obsession with wellness is actually about holistic health at all.

I understand that some people have carefully assessed the risks of returning to the gym and other fitness facilities. If youve done so, and you honestly feel like its an acceptable choice to return, if youre not putting your pod members at an extreme risk, then return to the gym. But it also might be worth looking at other options. Ask yourself if you want to return to the gym because you feel that you can do so safely, or because you feel like your self worth is tied to the way your body looks and whether or not you have a good workout.

Lately, when I make decisions about my health and coronavirus, Ive been thinking of a friend of mine who owns a yoga studio, which she has decided not to reopen in the middle of the pandemic. As she said, she doesnt know how she can reopen while simultaneously claiming to be part of the wellness industry.

Americans rushing back into gyms is problematic. Theyre often unsafe, and its quite obvious that a single persons actions put everyone they interact with at risk. But this also gives us a chance to look squarely at the way we define wellness. To realize that we do, in fact, live at the mercy of a wellness industry that is only sometimes actually about wellness.

Leah writes primarily about literature, houseplants and the spices of the world. Write to Leah at [emailprotected].

Here is the original post:
Opinion | COVID-19 exemplifies irony in wellness culture - University of Pittsburgh The Pitt News

Tia Mowry lost 68 pounds since giving birth and has a message for moms – TODAY

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:57 am

Tia Mowry is proud that she took her time losing extra weight from her pregnancy.

The former "Sister, Sister" star shared a photo of her slim new look Tuesday on Instagram and in her caption, she revealed she lost 68 pounds since welcoming baby daughter Cairo, 2, in May 2018.

"I've lost to date 68 pounds since giving birth to my daughter. Im very proud that I did it my way and in my time. I didnt feel rushed to snap back. I enjoyed breast feeding and spending quality time with #cairo and my son #cree," wrote Mowry, who posed in denim short shorts and a gray turtleneck.

The 42-year-old actor, who also rocked a few gray curls in her pic, went on to remind new moms to ignore the pressure to lose pregnancy weight quickly.

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"To all the women who are feeling pressured after birth. Do YOU! Do what makes YOU proud and do it in YOUR time. Not anyone elses," she wrote.

Mowry's fans commented to tell her she looked fabulous and to thank her for sharing her post-pregnancy wisdom.

"Exactly, people don't understand it took 9 months to gain the weight gonna take much longer to lose it. You are looking great keep it up!," one wrote.

"You go Tia! Love that you did it for you and on your time!," gushed another.

The "Family Reunion" alum, who also shares a son, Cree, 9, with husband Cory Hardrict, 40, revealed in October 2019 that she was dropping pregnancy pounds on a timeline that worked for her.

"Checking in. #17months post pregnant. I did it my way and in my time. Many women feel the need to #snapback right away after they deliver. That was never the goal for me, she wrote alongside a Instagram photo of herself in a blue unitard.

She also candidly revealed that she was fat-shamed during and after her pregnancy with Cairo.

"I was called #fat during my #pregnancy and I was called #fat after my #pregnancy. Why do we do this to each other? Instead of #love one another other? I will never understand that. I intentionally documented my journey and became vulnerable to show #women that its okay to go at your own pace, it is okay to love yourself no matter where you are in your journey," she wrote.

"Do not fold to societal pressures," she advised mothers everywhere. Mowry ended her post by saying she embraced her body just as it was.

"After hard work with just diet and exercise, today Im closer to my goal," she wrote. "Do I have loose skin and stretch marks? YES. Guess what?? I LOVE all me and I want you to love all of you too."

See more here:
Tia Mowry lost 68 pounds since giving birth and has a message for moms - TODAY

The Top 5 Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight – YouBeauty

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:57 am

Thousands of books, thousands of seminars, thousands of programs, thousands of blog posts, lectures, and gurus. What kind of problem would cause so much of us to spend so much money on trying to find an answer? Weight loss.

We cant suggest what will work perfectly for you, as everybody is different. What we will do is look at a few mistakes more experts agree people make when dieting.

Not Enough CaloriesIt seems counter-intuitive, but severely decreasing the calories you eat all at once, isnt a great strategy for losing weight.

Youll drop pounds, but the problem is that youll lose weight in muscle mass. And muscle mass is what helps you burn calories throughout the day while at rest. Dont reduce your caloric intake too much, and dont try to lose too much weight too quickly.

Pumping IronA lot of people focus on aerobic exercise to help them burn calories. That makes sense. If you have an app that tracks calorie loss per exercise type, youll see that lifting weights doesnt burn that many calories.

The numbers can be deceiving. Lifting weights helps you can gain muscle. And what you want is a more significant proportion of muscle to fat, not just a body without fat. By building muscle, you make it easier for your body to burn calories while at rest.

Diet FoodTheres plenty of low-calorie food out there, but that doesnt mean its healthy. Try to eat whole foods, not processed foods. Whole foods have a system that keeps you from overeating its called fiber.

Have you ever overeaten ice cream? Weve been there. Have you ever overeaten spinach? A little less likely. This happens because you get full faster when eating unprocessed foods that are high in fiber.

Just because a food is low in calories doesnt mean its high in vitamins either. Rice cakes are super low in calories, but they have low amounts of vitamins too.

Nutrition LabelsYes, you need to read them. Knowing how many calories are in a serving takes time unless you happen to be a cyborg and can perfectly gauge what a half-cup serving looks like with your cyborg eyesight. If youre human like the rest of us, sorry, but youll have to take the time to know how much youre eating. Youd be surprised how small one serving of pasta is or a serving of almost any dessert food.

YouIts hard to lose weight, so dont underestimate the struggle. Somewhere around 50 million Americans try to diet every year. A giant proportion, some say about 95 percent, dont keep off the weight they lose. Dont get down on yourself and dont give up, though. Know that you are undertaking a challenging task before you start, but everything important isnt easy.

Dont lose hope, and dont quit. Many have succeeded, and you can too. Remember that the physical self is just as important as the psychological self, so dont neglect that side of your weight loss journey.

View original post here:
The Top 5 Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight - YouBeauty

The 7 best foods to help you sleep AND lose weight at the same time – The Sun

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:57 am

MANY people have been struggling to sleep during the coronavirus pandemic due to increased levels of stress.

Around six in 10 Brits struggle to hit the hay successfully, according to a recent study from King's College London.


It also found that 63 per cent of people say their sleep has gotten worse since March.

As well as this a recent report also suggested that a third of Brits have put weight on during lockdown, as gyms closed their doors due to the virus.

But could your diet be the key to a good night's sleep, and are there foods that can help you nod off and lose weight?

Speaking to The Sun experts have revealed the seven foods that can help you drift off without piling on the pounds.

Foods that help calm and relax the body and don't disturb the gut are great for people who are struggling to sleep, Karl Kristian founder and health and wellbeing expert at New Nordic told The Sun.

He said: "Nuts such as walnuts and almonds that are also a source of melatonin that is a hormone that helps regulate your sleep."

Despite the fact that nuts are high in fat and in calories, various studies have shown that they are not linked to weight gain.

One study found that people who ate two or more portions of nuts a week were 31 per cent more likely to keep the weight off than those who consumed no nuts at all.


Most of us are used to tucking into a hot chocolate before bed or even a chilled glass of wine in the evening, but Karl says that the best way to get a good night's sleep is to drink a herbal tea before bed.

He said: "Chamomile tea contains antioxidants that help relieve stress and anxiety by reducing inflammation and soothing your muscles which is why it is often recommended for those that struggle with insomnia."

Karl added that green tea, ginger, coffee and yerba mate are all great beverages that can help with your metabolism and therefore can help you maintain a healthy weight.

"As well as this, apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries becoming popular as a supplement to help weight management and digestion.

"Science is now reinforcing these concepts with studies showing that it may play a role in helping to maintain a healthy blood sugar balance, as well as helping you feel full more quickly", he added.


Nutritionist Susan Alexander, who works alongside Unbeelievable Health said a diet in magnesium rich foods can help if you're struggling to sleep.

She said: "Magnesium has been shown to help you relax, so try eatingrichsources ofmagnesiumsuch as greens, dry beans, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.

"Tryptophanis an amino acid that's believed to inducesleep, as it isa precursor to thesleep-inducing chemicals serotonin and melatonin.

"Tryptophancan be found in yoghurt, milk, oats, bananas, dates, poultry, eggs and peanuts."

Foods such as greens help you stay fuller for longer and also contribute to your five-a-day.

Low fat dairy products can also help if you're trying to lose weight as their calorie and fat count are lower than the "full fat" versions.

Nutritionist Donia Hilal added: "Foods rich in magnesium are another way to relax your muscles and mind before bed.

"You can find magnesium in leafy green vegetables such as spinach, nuts and avocado."


We have heard many times that the Mediterranean diet is good for your health - but it could also help you sleep, according to Dr Michael Mosely, who devised the Fast800 diet plan.

He said: "A traditional Mediterranean diet is rich in oily fish, veg, legumes and olive oil and little in the way of sugary snacks.

"Eating this way will help improve both your mood and your weight, something we will all need to consider as we become increasing sedentary during self-isolation."

Four top tips to get a good night's sleep

Nutritionist Lisa Borg said there are four things everyone can do to help them get forty winks.

He said that focusing on a diet included legumes will help you stop craving sugary snacks which is turn leads to poor sleep and high levels of sleep deprivation.

Dr Mosely added: "You should stop eating altogether at least three hours before bed.

"Experts think this helps us keep our body temperatures down. As we get to our bedtimes, our body temperature starts to drop which helps trigger sleep.

"When a late-night snack hits your stomach, your body starts breaking it down and absorbing it.

"This increases gut activity and your core temperature will stay high, so dont bother with the pre-bed hot chocolate or glass of milk. These are common myths.

Oily fish is a great source of vitamin D, protein, some B vitamins and selenium.

It's also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which come with a whole host of health benefits.

The main benefit of oily fish is that it's been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases.

Speaking to The Sun Lisa Borg, nutritionist atPulseLight Clinic said you should aim to consume around three pieces of oily fish a day to help your weight loss efforts and said that keeping a balanced diet will also help you drift off easier each night.

"If one wakes up feeling really tired after a good nights sleep it suggests hormonal imbalances may be present.

"Follow a diet to balance blood glucose levels and make sure you exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday."

By opting for oily fishes you can reduce the sugar levels in meals as oily fish already has a lot of flavour so doesn't usually require further seasonings which some times contain added sugars.


She added: "Sleep is essential in controlling appetite and food choices. The tired individual will crave sugary foods for a quick energy fix.

"Insufficient sleep results in a higher production of the hunger hormone Ghrelin and subsequently an excess intake of calories.

"Balance meals and snacks ensuring they provide a carbohydrate, a protein and a healthy fat. This helps to slow down the release of glucose and therefore reduces insulin release and keeps one satisfied for longer."

If you have become dependent on a sweet treat in the evening opting for products with no added sugars are a good alternative.

Yogurts won't upset the stomach and products such as Perfect World Ice Cream and Halo which are under 400 calories a tub are great if you want to have a treat without piling on the pounds.

Supermarkets such as Asda, Sainsbury's and Waitrose also do their own low calorie ice creams.

Some of these products - many of which contain nuts, are also high in fibre which Lisa recommends.

Donia Hilal, nutritionist said while Turkey may not be at the top of everyone's shopping list - it's a great food for sleep and weight loss.

Speaking to The Sun she said: "It is rich in an amino acid called tryptophan which is used by the body to increase melatonin levels - our sleep hormone.

"You can incorporate turkey breast into your dinner to help naturally boost melatonin levels in the body."

Turkey is also high in protein and is great to add to salads and pastas.


Emily Rollason, nutritionist for Holland & Barrett added: "Protein is whats known as a macronutrient, meaning the body requires a lot of it to stay healthy.Protein is a not-so-secret weapon when it comes to weight loss.

"The main reason for this is protein is satiating which means it makes you fuller for longer.

"For adults, the general daily requirement is 0.6g of protein per kilogram bodyweight."

For people who aren't big fans of turkey and for those who are vegetarian or vegan she suggested a protein shake with almond or other nut milk.

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While Donia said there are no specific foods that will help with weight loss - the most important thing is to make sure that you are consuming less calories than you are burning throughout the day.

She did however say that cherries could be a great addition to your diet.

"Cherries are naturally rich in melatonin, the hormone which helps regulate your sleep.

"Try opting for overnight oats with cherries before bed to help you doze of naturally", she added.

Emily added: "Cherry-tart cherries such as Montmorency Cherries have naturally high levels of a hormone that regulate the bodys circadian rhythm (the sleep/ wake cycle) and induces sleep - melatonin.

"Some studies have shown that those taking cherry juice had improved sleep and slept for longer that those not taking this."

Here is the original post:
The 7 best foods to help you sleep AND lose weight at the same time - The Sun

7 Mistakes You May Be Making While Trying to Lose Belly Fat – News18

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:57 am

It doesnt matter whether youre a man, a woman, a 30-year-old or a 50-year-old, that accumulation of fat on your abdomen isnt exactly ideal. Not only does a muffin top hinder your movement and flexibility, but visceral fat (also known as belly fat) is also a huge risk factor for metabolic syndrome, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer and Alzheimers. So, losing excess belly fat is of the utmost importance, although doing that may be easier said than done.

This is primarily because while you may pick up a fad diet to lose belly fat, the key to this particular problem lies with your lifestyle. Sure, genetics, age and underlying health conditions may have a role to play in the accumulation but, in most cases, its how you live your life that dictates why you have belly fat. The following are some of the main reasons why you have belly fat and arent able to lose it as quickly as you probably gained it.

1. You love the wrong foods too much

Fried, junk, processed, sugary, cheesy and rich - if thats how you like your food, then thats the primary reason behind your visceral fat. All of these foods are packed with sugar, salt, trans fats and other unhealthy compounds your body finds difficult to metabolize and therefore stores as fat over your abdomen. Your diet should instead have fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts and seeds.

2. You smoke

If you think lighting up gives you better control over your appetite and helps you lose weight, heres some news. Heavy tobacco use has been linked to an increase in visceral adiposity and abdominal obesity by almost all recent studies from around the world. Smoking may reduce your cravings, but it pushes all the fat deposits into the belly, leading to pot bellies.

3. You dont drink enough water

Drinking sufficient amount of water throughout the day is very important for your metabolism. Not only does increased water intake burn calories, but it also flushes out all the toxins in your system. If you have belly fat and dont drink enough water, its likely you wont lose that weight unless you change this habit.

4. You are too stressed

For a lot of people, stress induces overeating - which is a top reason behind a pot belly as well as overall obesity. Increased stress can shoot up the cortisol levels in the body, which in turn can increase abdominal fat deposits. This increase in cortisol and belly fat is especially observed in the case of women.

5. You live without movement

Theres no healthy weight or fat loss without exercise. Its simply not possible to lead a wholly sedentary lifestyle with minimal mobility and not gain a fair amount of fat around the abdomen. If youre inactive then severe abdominal obesity is probably never going to resolve itself.

6. You love drinking beer and sugary drinks

Simple carbs are harmful and can lead to fat gain in the body - you might have heard this basic nutrition mantra, but do you know what it means? It means that excessive beer or sugary drink consumption (including fructose-packed energy drinks or diet soda) will inevitably lead to excess belly fat because these drinks are basically nothing more than simple carbs.

7. You dont get enough sleep

Not only can sleeping less than five hours a day lead to weight gain, but it can also cause lethargy, excess appetite and other causes of visceral fat gain. Untreated sleep disorders are also linked to abdominal fat gain, so get enough sleep every night and consult a doctor if required.

For more information, read our article on How to reduce belly fat and get a flat tummy.

Health articles on News18 are written by, Indias first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.

Read the rest here:
7 Mistakes You May Be Making While Trying to Lose Belly Fat - News18

How to make fudge with just 4 ingredients – Express

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:57 am

Fudge is an indulgent sweet treat, and can be found around the world in various forms. The delicious sugar-based sweet originated in the United States in the late 18th century, and has evolved to include a wealth of toppings, flavours and recipes today.

To make fudge, you only need four ingredients - milk, caster sugar, unsalted butter and vanilla extract.

The crystallisation process when these ingredients are heated is what creates the buttery and crumbly texture of the fudge we know and love.

You can add chocolate, mint, peanut butter and more to create your own variation of the achingly sweet dessert.

For those wanting to have a go, below is an easy recipe which takes just four ingredients.

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First, line an 18cm square tin with greaseproof paper.

Then put the milk, sugar and butter in a heavy-based saucepan. Heat slowly, stirring all the time, until the sugar has dissolved and the butter has melted.

Bring to the boil for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring all the time.

When the mixture rises dramatically take it off the heat, stirring all the time until the mixture goes back down.

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When the mixture reaches the soft-ball stage (this is 115C on a temperature probe) remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract. Leave to cool for five minutes.

Beat the mixture with a spoon for a few minutes until it starts to thicken and the gloss disappears.

Pour the mixture immediately into the tin and leave to set at room temperature.

Once set, cut the fudge into small pieces and store in a sealed container.

For a fun alternative, you can give this chocolate variation a go below.



First, line an 18cm square tin with greaseproof paper.

Put the milk, sugar and butter in a heavy-based saucepan. Heat gently, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon, until the sugar has dissolved and the butter has melted.

Bring to the boil for 15 to 20 mins, still stirring all the time.

The mixture will bubble up when it does, take it off the heat and keep stirring it until it sinks back down. Then return it to the heat.

Start to take the temperature after about 15 mins (continuing to stir or it will burn on the bottom). The time it takes to come up to temperature may vary, particularly in a cold kitchen.

Once it reaches 115C on a temperature probe, remove it from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract and a good pinch of sea salt. Leave to cool for five mins.

Stir in the chopped chocolate and the mixture and keep stirring until the chocolate has melted.

Quickly pour the mixture into your prepared tin and leave to set at room temperature.

Before the fudge has completely set, you can add rows of different toppings like nuts, toffees or mini chocolate buttons just scatter them over the surface and gently press into the fudge until they stick.

Make sure the fudge is only slightly warm when you do this if its too hot the toppings can melt.

Once set, cut the fudge into small pieces and store in a sealed container.

Go here to read the rest:
How to make fudge with just 4 ingredients - Express

Type 2 diabetes symptoms: The sign when peeing that may signal a ‘serious’ problem – Express

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:57 am

The number of people with type 2 diabetes is expected to exceed the five million mark by 2030. The number of people that officially have diabetes is estimated to be one million off the actual figure. Both this discrepancy and rise can be attributed in part to the way we prioritise imminent danger.

Human evolution has hardwired us to process pain and find ways to avoid it.

This instinct is invaluable for survival but it proves to be a bug when it comes to chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

Diabetes symptoms do not usually cause pain or make you unwell so it is easy to be blindsided to its damaging effects.

The symptoms, however subtle, should not be ignored because they usually signal something serious is up.

READ MORE:Diabetes type 2 warning - the six 'less well-recognised' symptoms of high blood sugar

According to Doctor Aragona Giuseppe, GP and medical advisor at Prescription Doctor, one subtle symptom that may spell serious problems is needing to urinate more than usual, particularly at night.

According to Dr Giuseppe, the reason for increased urination is because when you have diabetes the excess glucose builds up in your blood and your kidneys are made to work overtime to filter and absorb the excess glucose, hence the need to wee more often.

This is also the reason why people become more thirsty with type 2 diabetes - another telltale sign something serious is up, she explained.

"When your kidneys cant keep up this excess glucose is excreted into your urine which takes fluids from your bodily tissues which then leaves you dehydrated, meaning you are constantly thirsty," said Dr Giuseppe.

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Other serious warning signs include:

As Dr Giuseppe explained, the reason people with type 2 diabetes lose weight more rapidly is because the low levels of insulin prevents the body from getting glucose from the blood and into the bodys cells to use as energy, this means that the body starts burning fat and muscle for energy which means rapid weight-loss.

According to the NHS, see a GP if:

"You'll need a blood test, which you may have to go to your local health centre for if it cannot be done at your GP surgery," explains the health body.

As it points out, the earlier diabetes is diagnosed and treatment started, the better.

If you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you are usually recommended to make lifestyle changes to control your blood sugar levels.

High blood sugar levels are a constant threat if you have type 2 diabetes but you can stabilise your blood sugar by making healthy dietary decisions.

There's technically nothing you cannot eat if you have type 2 diabetes, but you'll have to limit certain foods.

Generally you should avoid starchy items, such as white pasta and bread because these foods can send blood sugar levels soaring.

That's because simple carbohydrates are broken down into glucose (blood sugar) relatively quickly.

In addition, physical exercise helps lower your blood sugar level.

"You should aim for 2.5 hours of activity a week," advises the NHS.

Visit link:
Type 2 diabetes symptoms: The sign when peeing that may signal a 'serious' problem - Express

Experimental study links Western diet to decreased hippocampal function and reduced appetitive control – PsyPost

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:56 am

A new study suggests that a Western-style diet can impair hippocampal function and lead to a decreased ability to control ones appetite. The findings were published in Royal Society Open Science.

A wealth of animal studies have found that animals fed a Western-style diet a diet characterized by high intake of saturated fats and added sugars display impaired hippocampal function and decreased appetitive control. Study authors Richard J. Stevenson and his team wanted to explore whether a similar effect would be found in humans.

As the researchers explain, while the hippocampus plays a major role in learning and memory, it is also associated with the regulation of appetite. Exactly how it controls appetite is unclear, but one theory suggests that the hippocampus makes use of internal bodily state (e.g., feeling sated) to modulate the difference between liking a food item and wanting a food item.

The authors explain how the hippocampus might react when faced with an excitatory food cue when feeling full. Under such conditions, the hippocampus could either inhibit retrieval of associative networks connected with that food and/or dampen activation of brain areas mediating reward. If the hippocampus becomes impaired, then such regulation should become less efficient.

An experimental study was conducted, involving a sample of healthy students who were currently following a nutritious diet (a diet scoring low on a validated measure of Western diet). On Day 1 of the study, the students, aged between 17 and 35, were assigned to one of two conditions that they would follow for the course of one week. The Western diet group was instructed to eat two Belgium waffles as a breakfast or dessert on four days, and to eat a main meal from a fast food chain (including a drink and dessert) on two other days. The control group was assigned to maintain their normal diet throughout the week.

Additionally, on Days 1 and 8 of the study, students were given breakfast in the lab. As a measure of appetitive control, all students completed a wanting and liking test, both before and after consuming breakfast. The test presented subjects with various snack foods and asks them to rate how much they liked and wanted the food items. By administering the test both before and after breakfast, researchers wanted to see whether subjects fullness would reduce their wanting ratings (indicating appetitive control). On Days 1 and 8, students also completed a verbal learning test, known to address hippocampal-dependent learning and memory (HDLM).

Results showed that, among those who followed the Western diet, wanting and liking ratings taken before breakfast were more similar to ratings taken after breakfast, on Day 8 compared to Day 1. In other words, on Day 8, these subjects showed a decreased ability to control their appetites when full, after a week of following a Western diet. Furthermore, the Western diet group performed worse on the verbal learning test than the control group.

Finally, researchers gave each participant an overall appetitive control score, based on their performances on the wanting and liking tests. Researchers then compared these scores to the learning test scores. It was found that a larger drop in test score was associated with a decrease in appetitive control. Importantly, this effect was only found amongst individuals in the Western diet group, and not the control group.

This finding suggests that a Western diet may influence appetitive control by impairing hippocampal function. The authors conclude, More broadly, this experiment, alongside those from the other animal and human studies cited here, suggests that a WS-diet causes neurocognitive impairments following short-term exposure.

The study, Hippocampal-dependent appetitive control is impaired by experimental exposure to a Western-style diet, was authored by Richard J. Stevenson, Heather M. Francis, Tuki Attuquayefio, Dolly Gupta, Martin R. Yeomans, Megan J. Oaten, and Terry Davidson.

See more here:
Experimental study links Western diet to decreased hippocampal function and reduced appetitive control - PsyPost

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