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Get in to wedding shape by avoiding mistakes – Mayo Advertiser

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:56 am

One of the most frustrating things with trying to look great when getting ready for a wedding is to put a lot of effort into your fitness to try to lose weight and not see any results.

This can be frustrating but it can also because of things we are doing in association with our training that is not helping.

Here is a list of some of the most common faults I see. For more tips and advice email [emailprotected] with subject wedding and I can send more information to you.

You are overcompensating

Whether a hard session at the gym or a long week of having great willpower avoiding unhealthy foods, we all have a tendency to reward ourselves for hard work. However, treating yourself too much for work done can be counterproductive and even undo the hard work you are supposed to be rewarding. We frequently overestimate the calories we burn in exercise and underestimate those in our healthy diets, and rewarding yourself for this can increase the net calorie intake, halting your progress. It is important to carefully monitor what you are eating and burning to ensure that you do not unpick the hard work already done.

No lucozade or sports drinks or protein bars are needed after a training session. If you are trying to lose weight, then water and maybe a banana is your answer. A good tip is to exercise before a meal you normally have. That way you can exercise, have water afterwards, and have your meal as your food like normal.

You are not getting enough sleep

You may think that cutting back on sleep to make time for a workout is great for your health and fitness. However not getting enough sleep could actually minimise the benefits of exercise and cause you to gain weight. Not only can sleep deprivation affect exercise performance and endurance but it slows down your metabolism, increases appetite, and makes you more likely to give into cravings. Not getting enough sleep can cause an increase in ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, encouraging you to reach for the cupboards more, while decreasing the hormone leptin that stimulates fullness.

Sleep also provides the needed recovery from both exercise and day-to-day life, and without muscle and mind recovery, your willpower and motivation will decrease. Stress is also a significant factor in the progress of weight loss. When stressed the body is in a constant state of fight or flight, increasing the levels of cortisol, an appetite stimulant. Getting adequate rest and recuperation through sleep, advised around eight hours, will reduce stress and help you control appetite.

You are drinking too many sugary drinks

I alluded to this with the first point but when working hard to keep up your exercise regime and eat cleanly, you can sometimes forget that fluids have an impact on calories. Picking up a tasty coffee on the way to work or embracing a weekend with a few alcoholic drinks can add greatly to your calorie intake without even realising it. Sugary drinks, particularly carbonated drinks, are the enemy to any diet as we generally do not associate fluids with calories.

While we all know the main calorie culprit when it comes to our drinks is alcohol, you should also consider the calories in fruit juice, smoothies, soft drinks, and many hot drinks. Substituting these devious devils can be easily accomplished; fruit juices for no-sugar cordials, putting sweetener and fat-free milk in hot drinks, and sticking to lower calorie spirits such as gin and vodka, can all help when trying to avoid drinking your calories. It is worth remembering however, carbonated drinks, even diet ones, are detrimental to diets. Even sugar free or diet sodas will affect your bodys reaction and cravings for sugar, and so it is worth remembering that despite the zero calorie label, carbonated drinks are generally harmful to your waistline and should be given a wide berth.

You are eating too little or skipping meals

While eating too much food is the most obvious cause of weight gain, eating too little can also hinder your ability to shift the pounds. Your body has a natural instinct to protect itself, so when it is not given an adequate amount of food and nutrients it will automatically go into starvation mode when deprived of such nutrition, causing the metabolism to slow down and the body to hoard food as fat. As a result, it will become much more difficult for you to lose weight.

Think of your body as an animal preparing for hibernation; when deprived of nutrients, the body will prepare for this shortage of food by storing any food eaten as fat. This is because when exhausted of its carbohydrate stores, its next option is to burn fat and protein. The body needs to reserve its muscle store and so will choose fat over protein as fuel.

When in starvation mode, the metabolism will slow and will store any food eaten as fats to ensure that more fats are available for fuel instead of muscle. It is therefore important to keep your metabolism high and provide your system with fuel to ensure the aversion of this starvation mode. I recommend big dinners with loads of vegetables and meat. Have two dinners a day and you will see weight fall off.

Your diet is too limited

Restricting yourself to fad diets or extreme dieting can be worse for the waistline that eating too much or too little, cutting out certain foods altogether or not sticking to a healthy diet regime can affect the rate of weight loss. The body performs most efficiently on a balanced diet, receiving all the needed nutrients and minerals it requires and so completely cutting certain areas from your diet will only hinder your progress as the body needs a variety of foods.

Cutting fatty foods and typically unhealthy foods are key to weight loss but totally elimination areas of diets are counterproductive. Fad diets and overly restrictive diets are also unsustainable over an extended period of time. Completely cutting carbs or fat may work for a short period of time but is essentially unfeasible as you can start craving certain foods which even those with unbreakable willpower will eventually give into.

You do not vary your workouts

If you have fallen into a rut with your exercise routine, you may no longer be getting the most out of your workouts. Doing the same workouts day after day can not only affect your motivation and excitement with exercise but can put your body into a sedentary regime, not producing the benefits exercise should be giving. When you workout your body will improve in its fitness and ability of whatever you are training but if you do not push yourself, increase your intensity or change workouts, your bodys effort and improvement will plateau. Exercise will become ineffective and the results will slowly begin to dissolve.

Both mentally and physically, increasing intensity and mixing up your routines can significantly change your results, particularly the combination of cardio and weight training can encourage the reduction of your waistline quicker. Weight training can not only increase muscle mass but increase metabolic rate encouraging weight loss, studies have shown that people who combine cardio and resistance training lose weight quicker than cardio alone.

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You are not drinking enough water

Water can affect weight for a number of reasons; firstly water is an effective tool in suppressing your appetite. Too often do our bodies misconstrue hunger for dehydration and so drinking a glass of water before a meal, snack or even when you feel hungry will help your body identify when it is actually hungry and dehydrated. Cold water can even speed up the metabolism and help curb the cravings for sugar and fizzy beverages, typical issues in many peoples diets. Water also ensures the proper functioning of the kidneys and digestive system, as without enough water the body uses the liver as additional support, resulting in the storing instead of burning of fat.

You do not eat breakfast

As the first meal of the day, breakfast is considered as an important part of your diet, restoring the fuel and nutrients burnt through the night. Breakfast is an important way to prepare your body for the day ahead. Although dragging yourself out of bed 15 minutes earlier to ensure you eat may sound uninviting, breakfast should be an essential part of your day. Eating a hearty meal after sleep is an efficient way to control hunger and ensure fatigue or temporary starvation does not occur, helping you resist overeating or eating fatty foods at lunch time. But breakfast also has physiological benefits; keeping your blood sugar at a healthy level, lowering cholesterol, and keeping saturated fat low.

For more advice email [emailprotected] with subject line wedding.

Here is the original post:
Get in to wedding shape by avoiding mistakes - Mayo Advertiser

Everything you need to know about intermittent fasting – The Standard

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:55 am

Lolita Bunde

Losing weight can be one of the most daunting tasks especially when you have to forego all the sweet foods by changing to an all-healthy diet. More often than not, keeping up with strict diets and intense exercises can be frustrating all in the name of losing weight.

However, intermittent fasting (IF) can come in handy as an alternative to help you lose weight. Imagine not having to give up your favourite meals or enroll yourself to a gym and still manage to lose weight.

Here is what you need to know about intermittent fasting:

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is all about creating time periods between when you eat and when you abstain from food.

It involves creating a cycle between periods of fasting and eating. Unlike the conventional method of watching what you eat, intermittent fasting is more concerned with when you eat and not what you eat.

The human body is made in a way that it can adopt to staying without food for extended periods of time.

It is important to note that should put a time frame for when you decide to fast, you cannot practice intermittent fasting every day for the rest of your life.

You can decide to go for up to two weeks of one month, until you accomplish your goal.

Methods of intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting can be done in several ways, depending on what suits you best. All the methods will involve splitting your day or week into periods of eating and fasting, so long as you eat very little or nothing at all when on the fasting phase.

The most common methods of intermittent fasting are divided into three:

All these methods, depending on what you choose can only work if you are committed. After breaking your fast dont go raiding your food trying to make up for the lost time.

The whole point of the fast is trying to help your body adopt to the change, so you reduce some weight.

Intermittent fasting will change your hormone level in order to facilitate weight loss, this is because it will help you eat less and burn more calories, it changes both sides of the equation. Also with time you will notice your calorie intake will start to decrease.

Why you should try intermittent fasting

Unlike other conventional methods of losing weight, intermittent fasting doesnt need you to break a sweat or go to extreme lengths to change your lifestyle.

Dieting can be hard especially when you have to change your lifestyle from what you cook to what you are allowed to eat. You also factor in all the planning that is entailed in cooking healthy meals, not to mention how expensive some of these foods can be.

Intermittent fasting, however, is easier and more pocket friendly. This is because you will not need to cook as much meals or eat as much during the day.

IF is an important life hack because it will improve your health and simplify your lifestyle all at the same time.

Who is eligible for intermittent fasting?

Of course intermittent fasting is not for everyone. IF is all about missing meals at certain periods of the day or week, if you are underweight or you have eating disorders it can be downright harmful to your health.

If you are pregnant, intermittent fasting may not be a good idea. You will be depriving yourself of nutrients that you need through this period. Also, when you are breastfeeding, changing your eating patterns might interfere with your milk production, which can be harmful to your baby.

If you also have conditions like: Diabetes, low blood pressure or taking any medication or any other underlying condition, you will need to consult your doctor first before trying intermittent fasting.

Other than hunger being the main side effect of intermittent fasting before your body adopts to your new meal schedule, there is nothing wrong or dangerous with intermittent fasting if you are healthy and properly nurtured.

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Everything you need to know about intermittent fasting - The Standard

Eat Out to Lose Weight? The Mixed Messages And Other Issues Of The Government’s New Weight Loss Plan – Impact Magazine – Impact Magazine

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:55 am

Gemma Cockrell

Since the government announced its weight loss plan, including the decision to display calories on restaurant menus, there have been a lot of differing opinions on whether this is a good idea, and whether it may cause more harm than good, especially for people suffering with eating disorders.

There have also been many people raising the question of how this plan coincides with the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, as they appear to contradict each other. The Eat Out to Help Out scheme means that on Monday-Wednesday, you can get 50% off your meal during August, for up to 10 off per person. Both schemes were announced by the government within days of each other.

Putting calories on menus encourages people to eat fewer calories when they are eating out, opting for healthy options on the menu rather high calorie ones.

However, the Eat Out to Help Out scheme seems to be encouraging people to go out to eat more often, and it potentially encourages diners to buy the more expensive options on the menu, as they know they will be getting 50% off. The more expensive options are likely to be bigger portions and higher in calories.

How come we are being encouraged to eat healthier, but we are also being offered half price burgers and chips?

The fact that fast food restaurants such as McDonalds and KFC are participating in the scheme also seems to contradict with the governments weight loss plan how come we are being encouraged to eat healthier, but we are also being offered half price burgers and chips?

The Eat Out to Help Out scheme is only running during the month of August to try and encourage people who are wary to leave their houses after lockdown to go to restaurants and support the economy. The government could claim that running this scheme for only 4 weeks means that it will not affect their weight loss plans, and that right now the priority is the economy rather than weight loss.

For people suffering with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, putting calories on menus may cause more harm than good

It is not only the mixed messages that the government are sending out that are the problem people are also raising problems with the weight loss scheme itself. For people suffering with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, putting calories on menus may cause more harm than good.

Calorie counting is often a symptom of eating disorders, as people suffering with eating disorders often strictly limit their calorie intake per day. Seeing how many calories are in the food they are eating at all times will therefore be destructive. It may mean they dont feel comfortable enough to go to restaurants at all especially as going to restaurants is something many already struggle with.

It may also cause people to develop eating disorders as they become hyperaware of how many calories they are eating. This scheme could lead to people who are a healthy weight feeling as if they are eating too many calories and they may start to limit themselves, creating a destructive cycle of behaviour which may lead to an eating disorder.

Going to restaurants is a special treat for many people. It may be for a special occasion such as a birthday or a celebration. Therefore, surely those people should be allowed to treat themselves without feeling guilty over how many calories is in what they have ordered?

Research suggests that if people eat out, they consume 200 calories more than they would if they had eaten at home but these people may eat healthily for the rest of the week when they are eating at home. Going out for food should be an occasion where it is okay to treat yourself without feeling guilty, as long as you eat healthily otherwise.

The scheme may be very helpful for people who are trying to lose weight, helping them to choose an option which has lower calories. However, it will not just affect those who need to lose weight. It will also affect those who are already a healthy weight or underweight. It may lead them to think that they need to lose weight themselves.

63% of adults are obese or overweight. It costs the NHS 6 billion a year.

There is obviously also a chance that some people who are overweight the ones who the scheme is aimed at may ignore the calories displayed on the menu and continue to choose the high calorie options. If someone is overweight, they may not realise, or they may not care. Therefore, the scheme will not help them.

Obesity is obviously an issue which needs tackling 63% of adults are obese or overweight. It costs the NHS 6 billion a year. But is encouraging calorie counting the best way to tackle it? Im not so sure.

Calories also dont determine how healthy a food is it is common knowledge that brown bread is better for you than white bread, but they both have the 77 calories in one slice.

Calories alone cannot be used to determine how healthy food is

The reason brown bread is healthier for you is because it contains wholegrains which provide more vitamins, minerals and fibre. However, this cannot be determined from calories. Therefore, calories alone cannot be used to determine how healthy food is.

Despite my issues with displaying calories on restaurant menus, I do support other parts of the campaign. Banning unhealthy food adverts before 9pm will mean that people see unhealthy food less often and are therefore less likely to become tempted by it, especially children.

60% of adverts for food between 6pm and 9pm are for unhealthy food according to Cancer Research UK this is the main time of day that children watch TV as it is when they are home from school.

43% of food and drinks in prominent areas of the supermarket are unhealthy

I also agree that ending buy one get one free offers on unhealthy foods will help to encourage people not to buy more unhealthy food than they need. Avoiding placing them near checkouts or entrances will also help.

If the offer didnt exist or if people didnt see the unhealthy food in obvious places, they would be much less likely to buy it. 43% of food and drinks in prominent areas of the supermarket are unhealthy!

This means that if people wish to treat themselves, they can choose to go into the shop and go to the sweet aisle, rather than going into the supermarket to buy healthy food, and being tempted by the unhealthy food last minute.

There is nothing wrong with treating yourself, but this means you can choose to treat yourself, instead of only doing it because its being placed right in front of you in a convenient place where it is easy to pick up!

I also agree that educating people on the calorie content of alcohol may help, because 80% of people are unaware of how many calories are in a large glass of wine. Educating people and making the information more obvious therefore means that they are aware of it, and then can make the decision whether to reduce their consumption.

Overall, I do support the governments plans to help weight loss, except for the introduction of calorie counting in restaurants. I think the risk of it causing more harm than good is too great.

I agree that the information should be available in some form for those who are trying to lose weight, but that this could be done more subtly, for example on the restaurants website, as it means that those who are actively trying to lose weight can search it for themselves.

In this way, it wouldnt encourage people who are not actively trying to lose weight to start calorie counting, and it wont be potentially triggering for those who are suffering from or recovering from eating disorders. I do not know if this would work effectively, but I think it would be less likely to cause harm rather than the information being inescapable when on menus.

Gemma Cockrell

Featured image courtesy of Dan Gold on Unsplash. Image license foundhere.No changes were made to this image.

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Continued here:
Eat Out to Lose Weight? The Mixed Messages And Other Issues Of The Government's New Weight Loss Plan - Impact Magazine - Impact Magazine

Are YOU getting enough nutrients? The 5 diets that could be leaving you malnourished – Express

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:55 am

A 2016 survey by Mintel reported two thirds of Brits are on a diet most of the time. The problem with these diets is that they tend to be quite to personalised healthcare serviceBioniq.coms in-house nutritionist, Clarissa Lenherr, to find out what you could be missing out on in your diet.

Vegans are quite likely to become deficient in a few nutrients, such as vitamin B12.

Clarissa explains how to do veganism properly, without leaving yourself starved of the nutrients you need.

She said: The vegan diet, which excludes all animal foods and animal by-products, has been linked to numerous health claims including weight loss, cardiovascular health benefits, digestive function and more.

However, like all dietary concepts, there are positive and negatives.

Firstly, for the vegan diet to be beneficial, it is important that the diet is filled with vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, nuts, seeds and vegan protein sources such as tofu and beans.

If the diet is filled with vegan donuts and vegan fast food meals, then it wont provide the same health benefits.

And yet, even a well-balanced and nutritious vegan diet can still miss out on quite a few nutrients.

READ MORE-Veganism benefits: Should I go vegan? Will I lose weight?

So how can you be a healthy vegan? You may need to take supplements.

Clarissa explained: B12, vitamin D, calcium, iodine, Omega3, zinc and iron can all be fairly difficult to obtain adequate amounts when following vegan dietary principles.

Whilst focusing on plant foods rich in these foods can be helpful, it might not be enough to hit your recommended daily intake or to fix a deficiency.

For those who follow a vegan diet, it is worth getting a blood test which checks parameters such as vitamin D, calcium, zinc, ferritin and B12 in order to check for any nutritional deficiencies.

Keto is one of the most popular diets in the world, but was initially invented to treat epileptic children.

Clarissa said: The ketogenic 'keto' diet is focused on high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate consumption.

With this high protein consumption, the diet has the ability to provide good amounts of iron, B12 and zinc.

However, the benefits of the keto diet dont come without a few negatives.

Clarissa pointed out: The diet restricts carbohydrates, this means that many fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and legumes are significantly reduced or eliminated.

These foods offer an abundance of nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin C and certain B vitamins, which all contribute to many aspects of health.

Dieters may also lose excess sodium and potassium when following a ketogenic diet, which can lead to symptoms commonly associated with the diet such as headaches, cramping and diarrhoea.

If diarrhoea persists, then this can also leave people at risk of dehydration.

A calcium deficiency may also occur due to the high intake of animal foods, and there is also a risk of putting added stress on the kidneys.

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Pescatarians dont eat meat, but they do eat seafood.

Clarissa said this diet offers wonderful benefits, and pescatarians are less likely to be deficient in nutrients than vegetarians.

However, she also stated: There is still a risk of low B12 on a pescatarian diet, as the richest source of B12 come from meat.

B12 is a key micronutrient that is important for energy metabolism, red blood cell formation and nervous system health.

Meat-free foods high in B12 include seafood, eggs, dairy products and some fortified foods.

Fat is always assumed to cause weight gain and be bad for the body, but this isnt the case.

Clarissa said: A popular dietary concept since the 80s, the low-fat diet is focused on foods that are reduced or low in fat, such as low-fat dairy, lean meat and fat-free dressings.

Whilst this diet might seem appealing for those wanting to lose weight, it can put people at risk of nutritional deficiencies.

Fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K require fat to be absorbed, so when you remove fat out of the equation, the uptake of these nutrients may be compromised.

Clarissa recommends supplementing a low-fat diet with bioniqs IMMUNE.

This is a Swiss micronutrient complex containing all of these fat-soluble vitamins in a granulated formula to help increase absorption and bioavailability.

We all know someone who has tried intermittent fasting, from the 5:2 diet to the 16:8 diet. But are these good for you?

Clarissa said: Intermittent fasting has gained a great deal of popularity over the past few years, starting with the trend in the 5:2 diet to time-restricted-eating, otherwise known as 16:8 (sixteen hour fast, eight out window of eating).

Of all the dietary concepts, those who follow intermittent fasting are probably least at risk of obtaining nutritional deficiencies, as there are no foods that are reduced or eliminated, and the focus is simply on the fast.

However, this doesnt mean the diet is totally risk-free when used alongside the diets mentioned above.

She explained: If someone chooses to eat any of the diets mentioned above when following intermittent fasting or eats a poor diet during their window of opportunity, then they may be at risk of nutritional deficiencies.

If calorie restriction is significantly reduced, then the individual may also be at risk of low intake of both macro and micronutrients.

Visit link:
Are YOU getting enough nutrients? The 5 diets that could be leaving you malnourished - Express

Jamaree Salyer explains why its so important to him to play for UGA this season – DawgNation

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:55 am

Like many during the months where COVID-19 has affected the country, Georgia offensive lineman Jamaree Salyer wanted to take the time to lose some weight and better himself. He was hardly the only one to do so, as his own head coach even had a publicized weight loss completion.

But few had a more noticeable weight drop as Salyer. The junior offensive lineman, who weighed as much as 345 pounds during parts of the 2019 season, got all the way down to 309 pounds.

Beyond just wanting to be healthier, there was another reason Salyer made such an effort to slim down.

For me, I just knew that the weight thing was going to be a big contributor to where I could be, Salyer said. It would raise my potential and that was kind of my goal going into quarantine. To raise my potential, to raise the bar for myself. Knowing that I can play guard, that I can play tackle, that I can play anything.

I knew that I could play all of those positions at a much higher level if I lost the weight.

Related:Jamaree Salyer has been one of the big winners of Georgias offseason

Salyer estimates he lost around 20 pounds since March, with him now entering fall practices at 315 pounds. That lower weight should enable him to display more athleticism at whatever position Georgia lines him up at.

Theres a strong feeling that it could be left tackle, as Georgia needs to replace Andrew Thomas, who was taken with the No. 4 overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft. Georgia also must replace Isaiah Wilson, who the Tennessee Titans took with the No. 29 overall pick.

Salyer spent the offseason training with Thomas, as the two have a close relationship dating back to their time as teammates at Pace Academy in Atlanta. As a member of the 2018 signing class, Salyer came from Pace Academy as a 5-star prospect, rated higher than both Wilson and Thomas as a recruit.

But because of the talent on the Georgia offensive line, Salyer couldnt find a starting spot. When Thomas and Wilson sat out the Sugar Bowl against Baylor, it gave Salyer his first chance to start.

He played well at right tackle in the Georgia win, and it offered a potential glimpse of what he could do while taking on a more prominent role.

Salyer now pretty clearly has that opportunity on a full-time basis, which is why he so badly wants a chance to play this season and show off his talents.

I put a lot into this season and for me, I feel like you guys and everybody else deserves to see the work that I put in, Salyer said. Because I know what I can do and Im excited for this season.

Its the opportunity that Ive been waiting for and being a guy who was here for two years and sitting behind two great players, two first-rounders, this is the season for me to go out and prove myself and do a lot of things people say I cant do.

Salyer has already emerged as a leader on both the new-look offensive line and on the team in general. Teammate Trey Hill recognized Salyer as a hard worker and add that Salyers own weight loss inspired him as well.

It actually drove me a lot, Hill said. During the offseason, seeing him working hard, me and talking to each during the quarantine. Just basically having a weight loss competition.

Georgia will be running a new offense this year with Todd Monken as the offensive coordinator. They also have a new offensive line coach in Matt Luke, as Sam Pittman is now the head coach at Arkansas.

Hill acknowledged that one of the reasons for losing weight 10 to 15 pounds in Hills case was so that he could play faster. Under Pittman, Georgias offensive linemen were known for being able to overpower other teams, as opposed to trying to beat them with athleticism.

As for the process of losing the weight, Salyer shared his secrets. It involved a lot of working and cutting out unhealthy foods, such as sugary drinks, fast food and perhaps most challenging of all fried foods.

When I did eat fast food, it was mostly a salad from Chick-fil-A. I pretty much lived off those for a while. Their grilled salad and then the occasional fried salad, Salyer said. It was tough but the hardest thing was the fried food. And when youre a college student the fast food is hard as well.

When youre a college student, cutting burgers, fried chicken and other culinary delights out of your diet seem like a tough challenge. And if Salyer can conquer that, then manning one of the starting spots for Georgia shouldnt be significantly more difficult. Especially when you factor in Salyers talent and drive.

Excerpt from:
Jamaree Salyer explains why its so important to him to play for UGA this season - DawgNation

Quinnen Williams puts in work to be ‘unstoppable’ – 247Sports

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:55 am

Former Alabama star Quinnen Williams rookie year didnt quite go according to plan. So the New York Jets defensive end went into the offseason determined to make sure that his second season better reflected his ability.

And after losing weight and changing his body, Williams could be ready to remind the Jets why they made him the third overall pick in the 2019 NFL Draft. According to ESPNs Rich Cimini, Williams dropped six pounds from last years weight of 303, but more than that, he changed his entire mentality.

"I feel like I'm tapped into that zone, tapped into that level that I'm going to be unstoppable," Williams said Wednesday during a Zoom call with reporters.

Changes included cutting out fast food, chowing on seafood and protein and training night and day.

"This year, I'm feeling it, man," Williams said. "I got my body right this offseason. I got my confidence back this offseason. I got a trainer who I've been training my butt off with. ... I just feel it, man. I'm in great shape, great condition. I got my body fat down.

"I'm rocking and rolling. I feel myself being that person that they drafted me to be. I feel like I'm coming into that person -- a dominant defensive tackle in the NFL."

Williams had 28 tackles and 2.5 sacks in his rookie season, and with Jamal Adams traded to the Seattle Seahawks and CJ Mosley opting out of the season, the Jets needed more.

"I reconstructed every aspect of my life around playing football this year, being on the field this year and not making the same mistakes I made last year," Williams said.

The No. 17 defensive tackle and No. 155 overall player in the 2016 247Sports Composite, Williams redshirted his first season in Tuscaloosa, then played in all 14 games as a redshirt freshman, making 20 tackles, 6.5 tackles for loss and 2.0 sacks. But that was simply an appetizer for what came in his redshirt sophomore year, when Williams became the most dominant defensive player in college football and finished eighth for the Heisman Trophy.

A unanimous All-American pick, Williams won the Outland Trophy as the best lineman in college football and finished with 71 tackles, 19.5 tackles for loss and 8.0 sacks.

That force is what inspired the Jets to take him right after Kyler Murray and Nick Bosa, players who finished their first seasons as the Offensive and Defensive Players of the Year, respectively. Williams was in that discussion coming into the draft; now hell try to show that hes capable of becoming a foundational defensive piece.

"The biggest thing I keep looking for with him is, how disruptive can you be?" Jets coach Adam Gase said. "[It has to be] within the system, doing your job, but at the same time, making the offensive linemen think about you pre-snap."

More here:
Quinnen Williams puts in work to be 'unstoppable' - 247Sports

What Ive heard and learned from the first week of Georgia preseason practice – The Athletic

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:55 am

ATHENS, Ga. Those seeking a sense of normalcy in life can find it here: Georgia football players are back to dodging questions about the quarterback competition.

Hooray! You know you missed these canned, insincere answers to questions about how the quarterbacks looked, in this years case mainly Jamie Newman and JT Daniels, the two transfers looking to step into the vacant starting role.

All of our quarterbacks are really good, guard Warren Ericson said after Wednesdays practice. Theyre all leaders, and they all have really good skill sets. Personally, I havent had a chance to evaluate either of them. Im just trying to keep them off their back.

Ericson used the keep them off their back phrase in an answer to another quarterback question. Whether he was told to dodge any quarterback questions we will leave up to you.

Then there was receiver Kearis Jackson, who briefly...

Follow this link:
What Ive heard and learned from the first week of Georgia preseason practice - The Athletic

Knowing your body type could help you hit your weight loss goals so what shape are you? – The Sun

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:54 am

HAVE you ever tried the same diet as a friend, but ended up with completely different results?

If you've answered yes, the chances are you both have totally different body types too.

Well, guess what? People come in a variety of shapes and sizes - and it's uniqueness that makes us special.

But it also means that things like diets or fitness regimes might work for one person and not for the other.

Personal trainer and nutritionist Rachael Attard says successful weight loss comes down to knowing our own body shapes.

Generally, we fall in to one of three different types:ectomorph, mesomorph andendomorph.

Rachael says that identifying what shape you are will help you get results, whether it's becoming stronger or shedding the pounds.

She explained: "In a nutshell, endomorph body types are generally shorter and curvier, ectomorph body types are usually tall and slim and mesomorph body types are typically characterised as naturally muscular, with a medium size bone structure, broad shoulders and narrow waists.

"But, unlike body shapes, your body type focuses on how you gain weight and muscle."

Rachael, who has created a quiz to find out what body type you are, said that an ectomorphs generally find it quite difficult to gain weight or muscle but are naturally low in body fat.

Ectomorphs usually look lean and athletic and are usually the envy of their friends as they can eat large amounts of food seemingly without gaining weight.


What exercises should an ectomorph do?

Rachael said that ectomorphs should take part in resistance training around three times a week.

"Since ectomorphs find it quite hard to gain muscle and they lose weight easily they should focus on heavy lifting, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and other resistance training workouts."

She said that cardio isn't needed unless you are trying to lose weight - and added that endomorphs should have one rest day a week.

What should ectomorphs eat?

According to Rachael, ectomorphs do better on a high carb diet, she also highlighted that ectomorphs should try and add proteins to every meal.

"Not all carbs are created equal. A few treats here and there are OK.

"But try to avoid sugar and focus on healthy carbs such as fruit, brown rice, whole grain pasta, quinoa and veggies", she added.

Mesomorphs tend to gain muscle easier than others and usually have large bone structures and muscles.

Rachael said people with this body type can often lose and gain weight quickly and often see results from exercise quickly too.

What exercises should a mesomorph do?

Rachael said that mesomorphs should stick to a regular cardio schedule and said weights should be monitored.

"If your goal is to lose weight, stick to body weight or lighter weight (higher rep) workouts.

"High-intensity cardio, such as running on a flat surface and at a steady pace, works best for fat loss. To challenge yourself, make one of your cardio days high intensity", she added.

What should mesomorphs eat?

When it comes to your food, Rachael said mesomorphs should aim for a balance between carbs, proteins, and fats - she said you should try and add these to all of your meals and snacks.

She added that you should watch the calories and focus on whole foods.

"If your body fat is being stubborn or you just need a little kick start, try a low carb and high protein diet for 4 weeks.

"Then switch it back".

According to Rachael, endomorphs can gain muscle very quickly, have great strength and endurance but may find weight loss a little more challenging.

She also said they may have a higher level of body fat.

What exercises should an endomorph do?

Rachael said that endomorphs should run more and should also power walk.

She said you should aim to power walk at least five times a week.

She added that you should also focus on lighter weights.

What should endomorphs eat?

When it comes to what an endomorph should be munching on, Rachael said a low carb diet it best.

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She added that you should also have a diet that is high in fat and proteins.

"Both of them will keep you feeling fuller for longer and will help you burn more calories.

"Think lean meats, oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocado", she added.

Read this article:
Knowing your body type could help you hit your weight loss goals so what shape are you? - The Sun

Josh Gates On Losing Weight During Quarantine And Fitness In The Field – Forbes

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:54 am

One of the worlds most frequent fliers reveals how he lost more than 30 pounds while staying at home.

Discovery Channel host Josh Gates has lost more than 30 pounds while readjusting to life away from ... [+] the road.

Josh Gates has scaled the planets most remote mountains, trekked through its densest jungles and ventured to the depths of its darkest caves. Pre-pandemic, Gates was spending the majority of his year overseas while filming the hit Discovery Channel series Expedition Unknown. It was a lifestyle that made the 43-year-old adventurer an expert at sleeping on airport floors and grabbing mealsany kind of mealson the go.

The result was a lack of regular exercise and healthy diet that Gates says made a healthy lifestyle difficult. But recently, the everymans adventurer has changed his routine, dropping more than 30 pounds since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic while inadvertently documenting the results onscreen. This week, I connected with Gates to see how one of the worlds most frequent fliers views fitness in the field.

Joe Sills: What is your typical travel schedule like?

Josh Gates: Pre-pandemic, it was being overseas 200-plus days a year. We have a really aggressive travel schedule at Expedition Unknown. We spend a lot of time out of the country and we spend most of the time that we are back either preparing for the next expedition or writing, editing and getting shows ready to air. It really is a year-round lifestyle.

Joe Sills: It sounds more like a lifestyle than a job.

Josh Gates: Yes. It is. When you are out there on the road, everything you do is servicing the show. We are not really in tourist destinations usually. We are out there in the middle of the jungle, out in the desert somewhere, or at an archaeological site. Everything you are doing is about trying to tell the story of whatever legend or mystery or artifact we are studying that week.

Joe Sills: When did you make the conscious decision to lose weight while you were at home?

Josh Gates: I think everybody during the pandemic has gone one of two ways: either you havent paid attention to your fitness at all and youre at home and stuffing your face. Or, like a lot of people, you have become goal-oriented because you can focus on different things.

I spent a few weeks sitting at home not doing much, and it kind of hit meI have this time and it is important to use this time. Theres so much about this current situation that is tragic, but it is also a real shakeup for most of us from this routine that we are in. For me, the pandemic was an opportunity to craft a new routine.

Joe Sills: At last check, you said youve lost about 35 pounds since March. Describe your journey with weight.

Josh Gates: I am kind of a lifelong lose weight, gain weight kind of guy. Im a big guy; Ive always been a big guy. I go through phases where I am being really disciplined and lose weight. Then, I go through phases where I am super stressed out and stuck in an editing bay all day or unable to find healthy food, or Im eating chips on the side of the road on the other side of the world somewhere.

It really depends, I kind of go up and down like most people.

Joe Sills: How easy is it to just order takeout when youre in the editing bay?

Josh Gates: I think thats where most of us get into troublewith prepacked, processed food. A lot of our weight struggles in general have to do with that. Sometimes, the easiest food to get your hands on is the stuff thats the worst for you. Its the most high in saturated fat. Its the most calorie dense, and its really the least nutritiously beneficial stuff.

Theres a reason fast food is popular: its cheap and easy to get.

I have a mindless diet and a conscious diet. My mindless diet is pizza and carbs. I love carbs. I could go forever without eating ice cream and sweets, but for me the pizza and bread are weak spots. I have to moderate that. If you want to lose weight, limiting carb intake and eating a lot of fresh vegetables while being conscious of your sugar intake works.

Joe Sills: Have you ever felt limited in the field because you were riding that rollercoaster and maybe weighed a little more than you wanted to at the time?

Josh Gates: Yeah, I think that and age. Adventuring around the world is a young mans game. I am not in my 20s anymore. But a lot of it isnt so much that I am out of breath. I actually have pretty good endurance still. I can go hike up a mountain and carry a heavy pack for a long time. Its my knees that are not as strong as they used to be and my flexibility. Its my core strength.

If you havent worked out in a while, the first week or two can be miserable. But, once you start getting into it again and being active, its amazing how incredibly quick you gain back a lot of that muscle memory and that strength.

Joe Sills: Tell me about your workout routine. What are you doing now to stay fit?

Josh Gates: I think a lot of people are intimidated by figuring out their perfect workout routine. For me, its a much more simple philosophy. Its about moving. Its about being active. I am not trying to get into a specific kind of shape or train for a specific thing. I am at my best when I am being active every day and making time in my schedule every single day to go jogging or hiking or go for a walk. Even a simple 30-minute walk can do wonders for your day. My routine is a combination of that and monitoring what I eat.

I am a big believer in calorie tracking. Its not for everyonebecause it requires a lot of attentionbut for a lot of us who kind of mindlessly eat, it works. I am kind of a stress eater, and a fitness tracking app can do wonders for that. It is so instructional to see what you think you eat in a day compared to what you really eat in a day.

A lot of the things that we mindlessly eat, like a bag of chips or a snack, are not even a satisfying experience to eat. They are just a quick carb load or sugar rush. For me, its about being mindful. I have a great relationship with my Apple Watch and my calorie tracking app. I use it everyday and just let that keep me honest.

Gates transformed his office space into a set for his at-home talk show "Josh Gates Tonight."

Joe Sills: Your new show, Josh Gates Tonight started right when the pandemic hit, and its interesting to literally watch your weight loss journey unfold weekly onscreen. How did that show come about?

Josh Gates: It was something of a weird miracle. We were well-positioned to film something when the pandemic hit, because we make a lot of after shows for Expedition Unknown that are kind of in the wheelhouse of a talk show already. We also had lights and cameras laying around, and because I am very involved in the show already, I have some facility to set that stuff up.

Really quickly, we threw Josh Gates Tonight together in a spare bedroom in my house, which had bookcases in it that looked sort of adventurous and had some of my artifacts on them. Then, we started having conversations with people over Zoom. At the time, we didnt know how that was going to translate onscreen but it has become the norm.

Its been a fascinating adventure for me. Its a different muscle to flex and I am having such a blast talking to celebrities and really interesting people, while giving folks a break every week that lets them have some fun.

Joe Sills: As someone whose career is based onscreen, people might assume you are always comfortable in your own skin. Do you ever find yourself looking back at old footage and not loving the way you look?

Josh Gates: No. I think you cant get too caught up in that or you are chasing the wrong thing. I have just always been a big guy. Ive never been some buff adventure dude. But the thing about me is I am authentically this guy. I travel the world. I climb up mountains. I go to really distant, exotic and far away places. I know that I walk the walk. I am that guy.

I have never felt pressured by any network I have ever worked for or anybody to change the way that I look.

I think all of us would love to snap our fingers and be Chris Pratt, but in the real world, as long as I am able to get out there and move around and have adventures and go to all of the places that the show takes us, I feel great about it.

Making Expedition Unknown is such a challenge. Just to get access to the places we go and investigate these stories, following them to the places that those tales take us around the world is a challenge. Thats where my focus really is, and I try to be as healthy as I can be along the way.

Joe Sills: I feel like you are a normal guy and youre inspirational to other normal guys who want to do great things.

Josh Gates: I think thats a big part of the appeal of the show. When people watch Expedition Unknown, the impression I want to give them is that they are along for the journey. In order to invite somebody on a trip and take them with you around the world, you have to have authenticity. What we are not trying to do is present this overly heroic version of things.

We go, we have these adventures; but we also want to show all of the flat tires and bad food and the things that go wrong that go along with it. Part of the mission of the show is keeping it real, in that sense.

Joe Sills: Is Josh Gates Tonight going to continue until youre able to film Expedition Unknown again?

Josh Gates: Like all things right now, that is a bit of a mystery. The show has been really well received. It is rating really well, so I think we are all really happy to keep making it for now.

We are having great conversations with great guests every week. We have had on famous athletes like Shaq. We have had famous actors and archaeologists and explorers. Neil deGrasse Tyson is coming on soon. Its an awesome way to see the world and hang out and have a cocktail with interesting people every week.

That said, I am excited to travel. Thats my thing. It has been supremely weird for me to not get on an airplane. That has been my life. I lived on airlines and lived on airport floors. My whole life was based on the weird ecosystem of airports, so thats been a huge adjustment for me. I miss that world. Its what I love to do, so I am hopeful to get back out to adventuring the world soon, but I am also really happy that fans love Josh Gates Tonight.

Gates, seen here atop Mayan ruins in Belize, built a life around flights and fast-tracking around ... [+] the globe.

Joe Sills: As a new talk show host, is there a guest you would find intimidating to interview. Say, David Letterman?

Josh Gates: I would be terrified to talk to David Letterman. Terrified.

There are definitely guests who I sat down and fired up the Zoom for, and I was nervous with sweaty palms. But the longer I do the show, the more I am able to sit down and realize that all of the folks are going through the same thing the rest of us are. All of the red carpet glitz and glamour they are usually framed in has been stripped away. They are just hanging out. Their kids are in the background, and they are just down-to-earth, interesting people with amazing life stories that want to chat.

Joe Sills: Can you give the readers a detailed artifact to spot in the background of your set? Something that has a cool story behind it?

Josh Gates: I have to tell you that my office on the show is actually my office. It is not a fake set. It really is the room I work out of. We redesigned it a bit during the pandemic. It has a lot more detail behind me, because we took a lot of my items out of storage and dressed the back of the room nicely. But almost everything behind me is real.

There are masks from countries I have been to. There is an architectural piece from a beautiful Indonesian traditional house that was gifted to me. There are a bunch of spears I have collected. We did an episode on Nefertiti and theres a 3D print of her face behind me. I have hidden many Easter eggs on the set that I like to see if people can see or call out. So if youre an eagle-eyed viewer, you can spot those.

Josh Gates Tonight airs weekly on Wednesdays at 9ET on Discovery Channel and is streamable anytime via the Discovery Channel app. Follow Josh Gates on Twitter (@joshuagates) and on Instagram (@gatesygram) to follow his weight loss journey and interact with him on the show.

Josh Gates On Losing Weight During Quarantine And Fitness In The Field - Forbes

Onions For Weight Loss: Most Effective Ways to Have This Food to Get Body of Your Dreams –

Posted: August 21, 2020 at 5:54 am

Do you have excess belly fat? Are you struggling to shed the visceral fat around your mid-section? If yes, this piece of writing is for you. Getting rid of belly fat is not easy and takes time. You need to be vigilant about what to eat and what not to when you are trying to shed those extra kilos. Also Read - Truth vs. Falsehood: Role of Baking Soda in Weight Loss

Did you know that onion, a food item which is used in almost every household on a daily basis can help you lose weight? Yes, you read it right. You must be eating onions daily but not experiencing any change in your overall weight. It is because you are not having them the right way. Also Read - Best Weight Loss Food For Vegetarians: Eat These Homemade Lentils And Bid Adieu to Excess Body Fat

Onions are rich in soluble fibre and that helps in keeping your gut healthy, which is important for effective weight loss. Onions are strong probiotic food that can aid in losing fat quickly if eaten raw. You can also have them by squeezing out its juice. Here we tell you the ideal way to consume onion if you are looking to lose weight. Also Read - Here is How Raw Paneer Helps in Weight Loss

You need 1 bulb of onion and 3 cups of water to prepare onion juice. All you need to do is to boil the water and put onions. Then grind it in a mixer. And, drink the juice.

To make onion soup, you need to chop 6 large onions. Then, heat olive oil in a soup pot and add ginger and garlic to it. Saute them for 2 minutes. Next, add onions and chopped tomatoes, some other vegetables, black pepper, and salt. Stir and cook for 15 minutes. Transfer the prepared soup to a serving bowl and have it.

Go here to read the rest:
Onions For Weight Loss: Most Effective Ways to Have This Food to Get Body of Your Dreams -

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