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High-Risk Players and the Pressures of the Pandemic Season – Sports Illustrated

Posted: August 19, 2020 at 10:55 pm

Kyle Peko is 27 years old, listed at 6' 1" and 305 pounds. He is the father of two young kids and his wife, Giuliana, is a survivor of stage 3 Hodgkins lymphoma who finished chemotherapy and entered remission in late 2019. He is moderately to severely asthmatic, dutifully puffing on his inhaler once a day to keep his breathing under control, as he has done for the majority of his life.

Shelby Harris is 29 years old, listed at 6' 2" and 290 pounds. He is a father of three young kids and his wife, Stephanie, is pregnant, due in January. He is moderately to severely asthmatic, using a daily inhaler and occasionally needing to fortify his lungs before games with medicine from a nebulizer machine. He also suffers from sleep apnea, wearing a CPAP mask to bed every night, and carries the sickle cell trait.

Last month, as the NFL and NFLPA headed toward an agreement allowing players to opt out of the 2020 season due to health concerns amid the coronavirus pandemic, these two Broncos defensive linemen were forced to tackle the same Hamletian dilemma regarding their football futures: To play, or not to play, that is the question.

Neither option was without risk. On the one hand, medical experts say that no other sports league is more likely to host an outbreak than the NFL, between its squadrons of sideline personnel, full-contact collisions on every snap, and decision to eschew a bubble approach. And if a breakout does happen, the number of individuals at risk of severe illness due to COVID-19from 65-and-older coaches on the sidelines to in-their-prime athletes with underlying health conditionswill no doubt be high.

On the other, no league offers its players a smaller window of time to secure life-changing money. The average NFL career lasts roughly three years and is mined with plenty of non-viral hazards, from broken bones to torn ligaments to battered brains; it only seems natural that players would make similar calculations about playing through a pandemic. After all, theres no guarantee that a roster spot will be waiting for them when they return in 2021. And while the stipend for players opting out is nothing to scoff athigh-risk players will receive $350,000, while voluntary opt-outs only get $150,000 as a salary advance toward next seasonits hardly a nest egg.

Harris (left) and Peko.

USA Today Sports (2)

Harris spent days wrestling with his choice. Chief among his concerns was the toll that contracting COVID-19 could take on his body given his asthma, one of 15 conditions on the NFL/NFLPAs high-risk list. It affects the respiratory system, he says. That worried the hell out of me. But when he weighed the professional benefits against the personal risks, like so many other workers in so many other fields today, he opted against opting out.

Im getting older, so every year I can get in the league, Ive got to take, says Harris, who became a full-time starter for the first time last season, his sixth in the league, and now will make a little more than $3 million in 2020. Its a scary thought: If you dont play this year, theres going to be another draft, another free agency [class] regardless, and theres a good chance you could get replaced. The league waits for no one.

Peko struggled too. After toggling between the practice squads and active rosters of the Bills and Colts last season, and then latching on with the Broncos in mid December, he was set to make $675,000, more than half of what he earned over his first four years combined, in 2020. Pretty tough decision, he says. Football is what Ive been doing for so long. But when he weighed the personal benefits against the professional risks, like so many other football players, his asthma and Giulianas recent cancer bout overruled all of the pros and cons, he says. With these trying times, I had to make the best decision for me, my health, and the health of my family.

I sent an email to Mr. Elway and the team, and told them that Im a high-risk opt-out, wished them best of luck, and said that I look forward to having an opportunity to be back in 2021.

Similar ages, similar body types, similar family situations, same job responsibilities, same chronic respiratory disease and divergent paths. Their choices were deeply personal, but as this seemingly unstoppable football season inches closer to reality, they were far from the only players who had to make them.

* * *

Until Cole Wick learned about the opt-out agreement after it was finalized on July 26, he was fully prepared to attend training camp. The 26-year-old tight end was comfortable enough with the health-and-safety protocol put in place by the Saints, whose practice squad he had joined last December. In fact, he was already halfway through an eight-hour road trip to New Orleans when he received the union memo, driving a car packed with clothes, recovery gear and, of course, his daily inhaler, nebulizer, and vials of liquid medication.

Upon arriving, Wick checked into a hotel and stayed up pretty much all night making phone callsto his wife, to his agent, to his parentsas he weighed his options. The next morning, he reported to the Saints practice facility and received a nasal swab COVID-19 test, still somewhat on the fence. I was so torn, says Wick, whose first four NFL seasons were spent across five franchises and primarily on practice squads, with only 11 regular-season games under his belt. I wasnt sure how I wanted to proceed. Theres safety, and then theres making a living, like we do on the field.

But he thought more about his wife, Kristinthe couple had only just learned that she was pregnant with their first child. He thought more about his asthma, which had made practicing with the Niners amid the California wildfires in 2018 a big struggle, and which labored his breathing so badly when a wave of Saharan dust recently rolled through Texas that Wick was initially convinced that hed caught the coronavirus. He also thought about the outbreak that was, at the time, hitting the Miami Marlins and MLB. And so Wick promptly turned around and drove back home to San Antonio, emailing Saints officials of his decision to sit out under the high-risk clause.

Im not entirely sure how the virus affects the lungs, but I know that it does affect the lungs, Wick says. And I know Ive been living with asthma for a long time. Its just the risk factor, know what I mean?

For players with underlying medical issues such as Wick, Peko and Harris, there were mainly two layers of risk. Specific and most serious to them is the increased likelihood that, because of their conditions, they could develop a severe illness as a result of contracting COVID-19. Peko and Harriss teammate Von Miller experienced a spate of symptomsweight loss, no sense of taste or smell, breathing issues exacerbated by his asthmafor several weeks after his initial diagnosis in April but believes he has escaped lasting, long-term impact. Others arent so lucky; for instance, myocarditis (heart inflammation) has cropped up among coronavirus patients in college football and shelved Red Sox pitcher Eduardo Rodriguez for the season.

We know there are some people who feel sick for a very long time, says Dr. Gretchen Snoeyenbos Newman, assistant professor of infectious disease at Wayne State University. We know some people have lung damage that continues on past when the virus has gone, though we havent been around COVID long enough to know how long that lasts. When we talk about young athletes, death is not the only bad outcome. Even if it doesnt require them to be intubated, even if they dont die from it, getting sick can have profound, career-altering effects.

Its hard to estimate exactly how many players could be in the viruss invisible crosshairs. Early on in the pandemic, an internal NFLPA study determined that more than 70% of union membership were considered high-risk. But that was based on well-documented medical data showing that Black populations are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, as well as CDC guidelines that included obesity, which is defined as a body mass index over 30. (In other words: virtually every lineman and then some.) When we talk about obesity, we dont fully know what that means for elite athletes with high BMI, Snoeyenbos Newman says. People who are mostly muscle definitely have some risk with high BMI, but we dont have data that breaks things down for COVID.

Sixty-nine players opted out in the end, according to the NFLPA, a third of whom (23) were offensive and defensive linemen. Asked how many were high-risk opt-outs and what the most commonly cited high-risk conditions were, a union spokesman declined comment, citing medical confidentiality. In addition to asthma, the NFL/NFLPA list contained, among others, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes (but not Type 1), sickle cell disease (but not the trait) and cancer. But it is safe to assume that far more high-risk players will be taking the field than not come September. I know a number of guys who are high-risk and playing, Peko says. Some dont have obligations off the field. Some dont have a wife or kids and theyre willing to risk their own health to play for their future. And I dont blame them. I get it.

The other layer of risk is all but baked into the sport. Rosters alone are big enough to make sideline social distancing virtually impossible, and thats without considering the dozens of coaches, trainers, doctors, officiating crews, chain crews and camera crews needed to stage an NFL game. Most plays are preceded by huddles and end with pileups. Quarterbacks incessantly lick their fingers. Everyone spits and sweats, and hardly anyone drinks their own water. When we think about coronavirus spread, we think about proximity, droplet generation, and duration, Snoeyenbos Newman says. All football players are professional droplet generators.

It stands to reason, then, that those players charged with clashing in the trenches, snap after snap, are most vulnerable by simple virtue of their position. The CDC talks about 10 to 15 minutes of exposure as being high-risk, and they dont define whether thats at one go or accumulated, says Snoeyenbos Newman. The several minutes that your linemen are in contact with each other, multiplied by however many downs of a game, does give you this cumulative exposure risk. It isnt zero for anybody, but its the highest for linemen.

As he was making his decision, Peko called a handful of teammates and other friends around the league to see what they were thinking. Many of the linemen he spoke to expressed a similar sort of concern about their basic job duties. I believe that the NFL and the teams are doing the best they can to prevent any exposure, or containing the problem if there is an exposure, Peko says. But no matter what, every play, were getting gritty and hands-on, were transferring our breath, our sweat, our blood constantly. Baseball, theyre not full contact, and theyre getting these cases. Footballs going to get a number of them. Its just inevitable.

Even while they watch from home on Sundays, safely ensconced on their couches, Wick, Peko and other players who opted out wont have a worry-free year. There is the dice roll that everyone casts in this country when they so much as go to the grocery store these days. There is the much more football-specific challenge of keeping themselves from falling out of shape in the fall and winter months, when they would otherwise have access to an NFL franchises gaudy resources. And, even though the contracts of every opt-out, medical or voluntary, will toll until 2021, for many there is the looming uncertainty of their employment status that awaits their return.

Ill still be with the Saints, unless they cut me, and thats my fear, Wick says. The risk is there.

* * *

By now, the unfamiliar has become routine. Each morning, as soon as he wakes up, Harris fills out a survey on his phone that, among other questions, asks whether hes developed a fever or come into contact with anyone with COVID-19. Answering no to them all, he says, he is given a barcode that is later scanned upon arrival at the Broncos facility. Before he can enter, though, he must first receive a nasal swab test, a thermal temperature scan, and a tracking device that blinks red if he comes within six feet of another person. Then when were walking in, our phones are sanitized, he says.

Inside the building, where arrows on the floor have made each hallway a one-way street for Harris and his teammates, masks are mandatory. Tall dividers separate locker stalls. Meals are served in to-go packaging and eaten at socially distanced tables. Constantly washing, sanitizing your hands, Harris says. Everyone gets their own water bottle, its not just a free-for-all. The same is true for the workout area, where each player must lift on a weight rack by himself and wipe down the equipment when hes done. D-line meetings were moved to a more spacious room so everyone can spread out. By the time Harris returns his tracker and heads home around 5:30, not a moment has passed without the presence of the virus.

Its very different, Harris says, but its also a welcome sense of security given his health conditions. I really didnt know necessarily what it would take to feel comfortable to go back. It was just like, O.K., wow me. So when I saw the measures the Broncos have been taking, it definitely made me feel comfortable.

In a way, it was confirmation of a stone-cold, if not sobering, sort of logic that had helped persuade Harris to play when he was considering opting out. As he says, Itd look really bad if someone died because of the NFL, so theyve got to go through everything possible to make sure everyones safe.

Since the NFL isnt housing team employees in bubbles for the 2020 season, mitigation starts with individual accountability on common-sense protocols while away from the facility, such as social distancing, avoiding large indoor gatherings, and wearing masks. (And not, say, sneaking friends into hotels disguised as players.) Everyone has to come together as an NFL family and be like, if we want to have a full season, guys are going to have to not be selfish and do what theyre asking us to do, says Buccaneers center Ryan Jensen, who has obstructive sleep apnea, a respiratory condition that, while on neither the CDC nor NFL/NFLPA high-risk lists, is still associated with issues such as heart attacks and high blood pressure. Guys got to keep themselves accountable, and not be going out and putting themselves at risk and in turn putting everyone else at risk.

Its why the NFLPA established a confidential whistleblower hotline for players to report potential violations of protocol. (A union spokesperson declined comment when asked if the hotline had been used yet.) And its why shedding the classic athlete-warrior, grind-through-the-pain mentality in favor of a culture of self-reporting symptoms might be the key to keeping the virus under raps. Weve trained these players to play through the pain, and to want to play, says Snoeyenbos Newman, herself a former college rugby captain. Now, in order to be a productive and helpful member of your team, were asking players to do the exact opposite,

Of course, its unrealistic to expect zero slip-ups. (As of Aug. 12, according to the NFLPA, 64 players had tested positive since they began reporting to training camp.) Thats why its such a big deal that everyone is tested, Harris says. Once you finally do start hitting each other, theres going to be spit, theres going to be all sorts of stuff all over the place. We need to have the comfort knowing everyone is COVID-negative.

On this front, a recent NFL/NFLPA agreement extended daily testing through Sept. 5, five days before the Chiefs and Texans are to kick off the season. Its not hard to speculate why owners mightve balked at committing to the full season just yet (the answer rhymes with honey). Regardless, last weeks emergency FDA authorization of a cheap, rapid-response saliva test was a promising development for sports leagues and society in general.

Perhaps even more critical than catching cases at the door, though, is having strict protocol to limit the ripple effects if the virus gets inside. It is very, very challenging to think about when someone tests positive, Snoeyenbos Newman says. Lets say your center tests positive. Well, are you going to isolate your whole line for several days? What about your tight end? What about your quarterback? What the Marlins have shown us, you can have spread even with very aggressive testing. And most of those people [were] asymptomatic.

For those who have returned to work, nothing is the same. Its crazy, every morning, showing up to the facility, having to get a Q-tip shoved up your nose, Jensen says. But as training camps around the league have plodded on, progressing to a full-contact stage this week, some measure of normalcy has taken hold. Besides the little things, the masks, the social distancing in the locker room, Jensen says, everyones back to that normal vibe of guys just hanging out and talking ball and excited for the season.

Another step closer toward Week 1, in the league that waits for no one.

High-Risk Players and the Pressures of the Pandemic Season - Sports Illustrated

Mercury in Virgo’s Productive Vibes Are Turning You Into the Employee of the Century – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: August 19, 2020 at 10:55 pm

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Buckleitner

From Cosmopolitan

Ever since Mercury Retrograde ended last month, the planet of communication has been in pretty decent shapeyou've probably been thinking more clearly and (hopefully) staying on top of your sh*t. On August 19, Mercury enters its all-time favorite sign, Virgo, where it'll stay until September 5. During this transit, all things Mercury rules (like communication, transportation, and technology) are running even more efficientlywhich also means that youre starting to get way busier! Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are enjoying Mercury in Virgos time the most, while the mutable signs Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces might struggle to keep up with the pace.

Just a heads up: this isnt the most exciting transit. There are still a few days left in Leo season (AKA the biggest party of the year, from an astrological standpoint), but Mercury in Virgo is giving you a little sample of this upcoming Virgo seasons vibe. Meaning: youre staying busy, busy, busy. Virgo is one of the hardest-working signs, and since Mercury rules communication, you can expect more talks with your boss, more interaction between you and your coworkers, and tons of messages re: your careerwhich might mean the opportunity for a promotion/raise/new job! Youre more focused, and your critical-thinking and problem-solving abilities are higher, too. Basically, you're killing it at work.

But Mercury in Virgos benefits arent limited to your 9-to-5. You can apply your sharper mind and stronger sense of focus to your home and clean up all your sh*t. You can take that one personal goal youve had for a while (like learning a new language or starting your own Etsy shop) and actually work towards it. Virgo, as the sign of servitude, loves to help othersand you can use these vibes to offer support to a friend or S.O. who's dealing with drama, or to come up with some kickass plans to safely celebrate your Virgo friends bday.

Virgo is known as the zodiacs biggest perfectionist. With Mercury in Virgo, your attention to detail is spot-on, youre able to organize everything better (whether its your schedule, your work desk, or your entire home), and you can be a bit, well, critical of everything and everyone around you. Mercury is the brainiest planet, and when it's in Virgo, youre feeling more intellectual than emotional. Combined with Virgos sharp eye for detail, you risk coming off as nit-picky or judgmental. Be sensitive when youre dealing with other people, and youll do just fine.

Story continues

Whether you're already on top of your to-do list or you desperately need to find a way to reorganize your whole entire life, Mercury in Virgo is here to help you get sh*t done and stay productive. The world feels pretty, uh, chaotic right now, but thanks to Mercury in Virgos help, you can clean up the mess and work through any challenges that come your waybasically, youre starting to feel like youre in control of your sh*t again!

Mercury in Virgo is activating your charts zone of work and responsibilities, which in English means youre working your entire ass off. If youre feeling totally swamped, ask yourself, Where can I be more organized? Mercury in Virgo is going to help you find solutions and figure out how to live your best, most productive life.

Love is in the air! Mercury in Virgo is activating your charts fifth house of good fortune, which governs romance, sex, and fun Youre matching every right-swipe on the dating apps, tons of hotties are sliding into your DMs, and the potential to find love (or just a hot fling) is sky-high.

Since you and Virgo are (somewhat) incompatible signs, things might be a lil tough. Youre focusing way, way more on life at home, and youre connecting with your family or roommates, too. If you're on good terms, this can be great, but if it's a little, uh, tense, then things might get crazy! Try to see this as an opportunity to get closer, and you cant go wrong.

Mercury, planet of communication, is currently zooming through your charts zone of communicationand you can expect new, exciting connections to start pouring in soon. Youre connecting with friends and family more, meeting new people, and staying pretty busy (in a fun way) for the next few weeks. Enjoy!

As Mercury exits your sign and enters Virgo, youre finding that your focus is shifting towards work. You can complete any long-term projects youve been working on forev, as long as you keep pushing yourself to achieve. And if you keep working hard, this transit suggests that a potential raise (or a fat bonus) can come your way.

Your favorite planet is in your sign, Virgo! This is a transit worth celebrating, because it makes you able to think more clearly, communicate more effectively, and get sh*t done, especially at work. Youre probs feeling a little wonky since its still Leo season, but your time of year is right around the corner. Think of this as the cosmos way of giving you an early bday gift!

Even though Mercury in Virgo sounds like a super busy transit, your sign is finding that life is starting to slow down. Mercury in Virgo (and the upcoming Virgo season) is activating your charts twelfth house, which governs isolation, loneliness, and the completion of cycles. Any people or projects that youve been investing tons of time in without any results are getting to a point where you can cut them off, for good. PS: you might get a few exes or ex-friends coming back around soonuse this transit to find closure and end things nicely.

Mercury is in spectacular condition now that its in its fav sign, and for you in particular, Scorpio, this is a great transit. Mercury is activating your charts eleventh house, the house of good spirit. It governs social circles, so expect to start spending way more time with your squad, whether it's in your group chat or from a safe distance IRL. You can also expect way more new connections to start coming your way. They're probs not dates or hookups, thoughinstead, this is a time where you can find a new friend around every corner, and give your social life a major glow up!

You want to do your thing, your way, on your own terms 100% of the timebut Mercurys journey through Virgo is pushing you to pull it together and get serious, especially about your career. Life on the job is really picking up the pace, and its all eyes on you, Sagittarius. Work hard and meet your deadlines, and this transit can bring a potential raise or bonus. But if youre lazy, then your higher-ups will def notice!

With Mercury in a fellow earth sign, youre finding that all things Mercurialcommunication, transportation, and anything related to technologyare running much more smoothly. Youre being given freedom to express yourself and work towards your goals. If youre lucky, Mercury in Virgo might bring a safe travel opportuity your way!

Your charts eighth house, which governs intimacy, is being activated. You and your S.O. are getting way, way closer, both physically and emotionally, and sex is becoming a much more sensual, erotic experience. Since Mercury governs communication, why not throw a little dirty talk in the next time you and bae get down and dirty? Send a few sexy pics to your boo, or try sexting! The eighth house also governs other peoples money, so you can expect a letter or email to come your way regarding some sort of inheritance...or outstanding debt. Eek!

Now that Mercury is in your opposite sign, youre becoming less focused on yourself and paying more attention to others in your life. Relationships are a big theme of Mercury in Virgo for your sign, Pisces. This transit, plus the upcoming Virgo season, can mark a time where you can upgrade an existing relationship, start a new romance with someone youre super into, get super close to your BFF, or even squash beef with someone youre on less-than-great terms with!

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Mercury in Virgo's Productive Vibes Are Turning You Into the Employee of the Century - Yahoo Lifestyle

Restrictions introduced on sales of laxatives to counter risks from overuse – NursingNotes

Posted: August 19, 2020 at 10:55 pm

The MHRA has warned that stimulant laxatives do not help with weight loss.

People who take stimulant laxatives for constipation are being advised that these will now be sold in smaller packs, with on-pack warnings.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has taken action to reduce abuse and overuse of these products; Additional label warnings make clear that stimulant laxatives do not help with weight loss.

The new guidelines have been introduced following a review into the safety of these medicines, by the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM), prompted by concerns regarding the overuse and misuse of stimulant laxatives by patients with eating disorders, overuse in the elderly and use in children without medical supervision.

The new guidelines restrict the use of stimulant laxatives such as senna, sodium picosulfate, and bisacodylsold in retail outlets to patients over the age of 18.

Pharmacists will have more flexibility but will recommend those requiring regular use or those younger than 12 years old to see their GP.

MHRA advises that the long overuse of stimulant laxatives can result in damage to the digestive system, including chronic constipation and damage to the nerves and muscles of the colon.

Dr Sarah Branch, Director of MHRAs Vigilance and Risk Management of Medicines Division, said: Stimulant laxatives can provide short-term relief to some people with occasional constipation, and most people use these medicines safely. However, there is evidence of misuse by people with eating disorders, and of long-term use by the elderly, as well as inappropriate use in children.

Patient safety is our highest priority. We believe these new measures are necessary to address the risks associated with misuse, while continuing to allow safe and appropriate access to these medicines without prescription to treat short-term constipation.

Rebecca Willgress, Beat Eating Disorders Charity Head of Communications, added: Laxatives can prove attractive for people affected by eating disorders, but also have the potential to cause serious health problems. Our own 2014 survey on sufferers who abused laxatives found that nearly all had bought laxatives over the counter, and 66.7% said they had developed a dependency on them.

We hope that these new regulations will make it more difficult for people who are unwell to obtain laxatives, as well as help to educate the wider public on the dangers of abusing them.

Original post:
Restrictions introduced on sales of laxatives to counter risks from overuse - NursingNotes

Super slimmer lost 9 stone so she could skydive in memory of nan – Clacton and Frinton Gazette

Posted: August 18, 2020 at 11:59 am

A DETERMINED granddaughter who has battled weight issues her entire life is hoping to lose nearly nine stone so she can do a skydive in memory of her beloved grandmother.

Kayleigh Cross, from Holland-on-Sea, was diagnosed with having polycystic ovaries at the age of 15, before being told she had an underactive thyroid ten years later.

As a result, the 31-year-old has always struggled to shift the pounds, and when she has, be it through dieting or slimming clubs, the weight has quickly piled back on.

Back in March, however, 21-stone Kayleigh decided to have gastric bypass surgery, and since then she has already shed a staggering 98 pounds.

As well as embarking on the weight loss for her own health benefits, Kayleigh is also doing it so she can do a skydive to honour her grandmother, Hilda Cross, who died in 2017.

The 93-year-old suffered with Alzheimers, so Kayleigh wants to use the daring jump to raise money for the Alzheimers Society.

But she first needs to hit the 13 stone mark in order to be legally allowed to do the skydive, which is now booked to take place next month.

The surgery has completely changed my life and I have a whole new mindset now, said Kayleigh.

I feel amazing for losing the weight and the amount my confidence has grown in this short time is really great too.

But I still have about one stone and nine pounds to lose to be able to jump, so I am doing a lot of exercise and bike rides to lose the extra weight.

I feel like this will be as close I will get to waving up to my nan, which I am thrilled about, and I am nervous and excited, but it will be amazing if I can do it in September.

Kayleighs initial aim was to raise just 250 for the Alzheimers Society, but her target has already been smashed by more than 100, and it continues to increase each day.

She now hopes her nerve-wracking venture through the sky will generate further awareness of what patients and their loved ones go through when fighting the devastating disease.

This charity is so important to me because I have worked as a carer with people who have Alzheimers, she added.

And obviously watching my nan live with it was not nice and there is a feeling that you grieve for them twice.

You grieve for the memory of how they used to be before the diagnosis, until the end, when you actually grieve when you lose them.

There is this torment of watching someone you love so dearly fade away before you.

To sponsor Kayleighs skydive, visit

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Super slimmer lost 9 stone so she could skydive in memory of nan - Clacton and Frinton Gazette

6 ways to get the most from your corn silage – Wisconsin State Farmer

Posted: August 18, 2020 at 11:59 am

Michelle Chang-Der Bedrosian Published 7:31 p.m. CT Aug. 17, 2020

It's almost time to chop silage. Use these tips to get the optimum value our of your crop.(Photo: Colleen Kottke/Wisconsin State Farmer)

Much of the Midwest will be chopping corn silage in the next couple of weeks.These six steps can help you put up high-quality feed while limiting your potential for shrink and spoilage.

1. Cut at the right maturity and moisture.The ideal moisture content for corn silage is 65% to 68% (32% to 35% dry matter (DM)).

2. Keep tabs on the chop length.The ideal chop length is largely dependent on moisture, and is critical to adequate particle length in the TMR. A good rule of thumb is a theoretical length of cut (TLOC) between 16 and 20 mm (5/8 to 3/4 inch). Evaluate chop length several times during harvest and adjust as needed.

3. Process well.Good corn kernel processing means breaking it into at least four separate pieces. Drier corn silages will require a higher corn silage processing score (CSPS).

4. Use a proven inoculant.A high-quality and proven inoculant is an essential component of a solid forage program. Vita PlusCrop-N-Richforage inoculant with MTD/1 technology promotes a more efficient fermentation and improves DM recovery. Research has also shown improved DM intakes and milk production with Crop-N-Rich-treated forages. If spoilage and heating are concerns, consider using an inoculant containingL. buchneri40788, such asCrop-N-Rich Stage 2.

5. Pack well and cover.Packing densities less than 15 pounds per cubic foot are subject to a DM loss of greater than 15%. Know your packing tractor weight and fill rate to help you achieve adequate density. Quickly cover bunkers or piles with an oxygen barrier plastic, such asSilostop, to help protect all the work and money you invested in the crop.

6. Allow for adequate storage time.Ideally, corn silage should sit in the silo untouched for at least three months before feeding to get the most milk per ton. This makes starch more available to rumen micro-organisms.

Finally, remember to work safely throughout all of harvest.I wish you all success as you begin this year's harvest!

Michelle Der Bedrosian(Photo: VitaPlus)

Dr. Michelle Chang-Der Bedrosian is a Vita Plus forage products and dairy technical service specialist.

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6 ways to get the most from your corn silage - Wisconsin State Farmer

Ayesha Curry Talks Health and Weight Loss Here Are Some Diets She Recommends – AmoMama

Posted: August 18, 2020 at 11:58 am

Ayesha Curry recently stunned fans with her dramatic weight loss when she appeared on the cover of Shape magazine. The TV chef has since divulged some of the secrets which helped her shed thirty-five pounds.

As the world reels from the effects of COVID-19-enforced lockdowns, more and more celebrities are revealing how they spent their time in isolation.

Canadian-American actress, cookbook author, and TV personality, Ayesha Curry has also come out with a stunning revelation she devoted the time to her body.

Curry recentlyappearedon Shape magazine's "Women Run The World" issue. Fans were pleasantlysurprisedto see that the actress had lost over thirty pounds and looked quite fit.

While many know Curry to be an industrious entrepreneur, the 31-year-old is also a confessed food enthusiast and recently admitted to inheriting food and "hustle" as love languages from her mother. Shesaid:

"Food is my passion. It's my love language: It's how I make people happy. It's what I think about every second"

As many are well aware, being a "foodie" can come with its challenges, not least of which is controlling one's weight gain.

To help others on their fitness journeys, Curry teamed up with Fitbit Premium on July 7 to share recipes and four workout videos for their app subscribers.

Curry explained that she was very cautious of her diet and used the Fitbit app to monitor her calories and ensure that she met her daily goals.

However, she admitted that shestill indulged in 'chicken parm night,' which is a favorite of her children, Riley Elizabeth, 8,Ryan Carson, 5,and Canon W. Jack, 2.

Curry alsorevealedthat she was very "into portion control" and consumed a lot of green vegetables. Sheadded that she and her husband, NBA star Steph Curry, often synctheir workout schedules and make food traditions to involve the whole family.

The most challenging part of Curry's fitness training, however, was toning her arms. The "Family Food Fight" host expressed that she had to create a Fitbit Premium workout specifically for toning her arms andhas since been getting positive results.

When she isn't running one of her numerous business ventures, or taking care of her family, Curry is a vocaladvocate of the "Black Lives Matter" movement.

The actress stated that althoughdiscussingadvocacy with her childrencan sometimes be emotional, she draws strength from seeing "people from all walks of life stand up for justice and fight for what's right."

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We at AmoMama do our best to give you the most updated news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, but the situation is constantly changing. We encourage readers to refer to the online updates from CD, WHO, or Local Health Departments to stay updated. Take care!

Ayesha Curry Talks Health and Weight Loss Here Are Some Diets She Recommends - AmoMama

Homemade Dal: Can it help in weight loss? – Times of India

Posted: August 18, 2020 at 11:58 am

Dal forms an important part of the daily diet of the majority of Indians. A bowl of dal, along with rice, roti, and some vegetables on the side is a basic yet nutritious lunch for many of us. The meal serves as a balanced diet and is high in nutritional value. Among all the mentioned lunch items, Dal is very nutritious and high in protein content. Various types of Dal serve different nutritional requirements. For example, Urad Dal helps improve digestion, is a good source of protein, and controls cholesterol. On the other hand, Masoor dal is a good source of protein, contains essential amino acids, potassium, iron, fibre and vitamin B1. Similarly, other pulses also have health benefits of their own.

Interestingly, there are a few pulses that may help in weight loss. Increase in weight is a problem for many of us and we want to control or reduce it. Along with regular exercise, a good diet is also essential to achieve a flat tummy. To achieve your target, including homemade Dal in your daily diet is a good option. However, the question that pops up, again and again, is that can homemade Dal help in weight loss? Before answering this question, here is a look at a few Dal which could help in losing weight.

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Homemade Dal: Can it help in weight loss? - Times of India

Woman loses 151 pounds with exercise and Weight Watchers – TODAY

Posted: August 18, 2020 at 11:58 am

Lindy Cellucci, 60, remembers the exact moment she decided it was time to do something about her weight. It was 2014, and the Toronto native and three of her friends took a girls trip to Canadas east coast.

I was having a hard time keeping up with them, she told TODAY. We were doing a lot of walking and I was finding it harder each day. I had dizzy spells, and I was afraid something might happen to me.

Their trip included a stop at Hopewell Rocks, a natural formation where you can walk on the ocean floor when the tide goes out, surrounded by sandstone structures that look like flowerpots. One thing I really wanted to do was go to the Rocks. It was on my bucket list, she said.

But it was a hot day, and reaching the ocean floor meant a steep walk down and back up. I just knew I couldnt do it, she said.

Her friends felt terrible, but Cellucci encouraged them to go on without her. I watched them go. I could see them way, way down, running around on the ocean floor, taking selfies, laughing and joking. I was up top with the great-grandmothers. I thought, This is stupid. Youre missing out, she said.

I said out loud, Its time. Im stopping everything right now and Im going to fix this.

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And she did. With five days left in her vacation, she stopped eating junk food and started making healthier food choices.

When she got home she stepped on the scale for the first time in years. The scale only went to 300, she said. I had no idea my weight was starting with a 3. It was mortifying.

She joined Weight Watchers (now WW) and followed its healthy eating plan. Right away I started to lose some weight and feel better, she said.

This was the first time in all the weight-loss programs I tried where I realized it was not just a quick fix this was going to be forever. I wasnt starving myself or eating just bananas or just potatoes. I was cooking wonderful food and creating wonderful recipes that were healthy and delicious, she said.

To avoid temptation, she keeps trigger foods out of her house. Im a food addict. That hasnt changed, she said. I can say no once in the store, or 400 times in the house.

Exercise was a challenge. Because I was a very big woman it was hard to start exercising. I didnt do that for about three months, she said. For Christmas, her sister bought her a Fitbit and she started walking one block, which was about 1,000 steps. My back would hurt and my knees would hurt, she said. But she enjoyed competing with other Fitbit users. I liked the feeling of getting ahead, she said.

As the weight came off, I could add an extra lap, and more weight came off, she said. I kept walking, and I started to go to yoga, Zumba, boot camp and swimming. I was feeling so stoked. She worked her way up to 25,000 to 30,000 steps a day and was halfway to her goal weight by the end of 2015.

Cellucci hit a serious stumbling block breast cancer. In December 2015 after a cold walk, she tucked her hands up under her arms to warm them. And she felt a lump. From then, everything happened quickly ultrasound, mammogram, biopsy and surgery. She needed months of chemotherapy and radiation and medication through a port in her chest.

The worst part of having breast cancer was not losing my hair, not feeling physically ill, not being afraid to die. The worst part for me was I put every last pound back on.

The steroids she had to take led to weight gain, and chemotherapy made most foods taste lousy, so she said she lived on fried foods and salt. The worst part of having breast cancer was not losing my hair, not feeling physically ill, not being afraid to die. The worst part for me was I put every last pound back on, she said.

Cellucci still wore her Fitbit, and she rejoined WW around the time of her second all-clear mammogram. Slowly, the pounds came off again. After 20 months of losing pretty much every single week, in September 2019 I reached my goal I lost half of me, she said. I look better at 60 than I did at 40. She now weighs 149 pounds and has gone from a size 22 to a size 9.

She was even featured on the cover of People magazines Half Their Size issue. For a whole week I hung out at the grocery store where the magazine was on the rack telling strangers, Thats me! she said.

And as for her trip to Hopewell Rocks? Shes planning a visit once the pandemic eases. As soon as I can travel, Im going to run up and down those stairs, she said.

Read more:
Woman loses 151 pounds with exercise and Weight Watchers - TODAY

Get in shape during the pandemic –

Posted: August 18, 2020 at 11:56 am

With the stress of a pandemic along with social and political upheaval, its understandable if youve slipped into some unhealthy habits, such as eating more and exercising less than youd like.

Fortunately, its not too late to make a change. No matter if you want to bulk up, slim down, or both, you can get in shape and stay safe, with a few adjustments to your daily activities.

Move your body

Whether you lift weights at home or jog around your neighborhood, its important to move every day. Sedentary living has many health risks, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and an increased chance of depression and anxiety, according to MedlinePlus.

Even though options are limited, as long as you have space to move, any corner of your house or yard or garage, if you have one can be your home gym. Pick a consistent time, play some music, and turn your space into a weight room, cycling studio, boxing club or whatever motivates you. Every day might look a little different, so get creative and break a sweat.

Do what you enjoy

Pandemic or not, you are more likely to consistently exercise if you choose something you enjoy. While running on a treadmill will do in a pinch for some, it may not motivate you, so mix in new activities. Whether youre doing a structured workout or dancing along to music videos, as long as it makes you happy, youll keep at it.

For motivation, online instruction can help. Free classes on the web or in apps make strength training, cycling, yoga and so on accessible. Additionally, many paid subscriptions offer a free trial, so test a few options to see what you like.

Wear a fitness tracker

Fitness trackers count your steps, measure your heart rate, track your water intake, and more. Do some research to find a tracker that will help you meet your goals.

Along with a tracker, you can get personalized help from a trainer. Even if you cant or dont want to visit a gym, you can find a trainer who creates customized workouts, live streams group sessions, or meets online for one-on-one training.

Add healthy foods to your diet

Nutrition is essential to fitness. In fact, if one of your goals has to do with your weight, what you consume is more important than how you work out.

Eating food that meets your daily nutrient needs will not only help you stay in shape but boost your mood. Whole grains, lean proteins and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables are the building blocks to healthiness.

If you want to take it a step further, ask a dietitian to create a customized eating plan for you.

Check your hormone levels

If you eat healthy and work out but still arent seeing results, your hormones could be to blame. Fatigue, weight gain, loss of muscle, and trouble sleeping are just a few symptoms of low testosterone.

Beginning in our 30s, our bodies start to become fatigued more easily, viTal4men says. You lose muscle mass, mental sharpness and libido (sex drive) begins to decline.

Fortunately, theres an easy way to check and adjust your levels.

At the viTal4men clinic, we treat low testosterone levels with testosterone replacement therapy to get you back to your optimum level, viTal4men says. We are a complete mens wellness center.

Visit for more information and to schedule your free consultation.

Get in shape during the pandemic -

Bench press: how to do it, what muscles it works and the most effective bench press alternatives – T3 (US)

Posted: August 18, 2020 at 11:55 am

For men, mastering bench press means mastering how to build muscle on your upper body. In this article, we'll discuss the basics of how to bench press correctly, what muscles bench press works and what are the best bench press alternatives and variations.

Bench press is an amazing compound exercise that mainly works your pecs a.k.a. chest muscle and your triceps, but it also utilises a range of other muscles on your upper body too, including the delts (shoulders), forearms, core and more.

Better still, bench press can be performed with a variety of the best home gym equipment, including the best barbell, best dumbbells, best kettlebells but even the best resistance bands. Heck, you can even use the best gym bag filled with whatever heavy objects you can find at home to do bench presses.

As effective as the bench press is, doing it incorrectly can hinder your muscle building progress in the gym or at home. Holding your arms in the wrong position, not establishing the correct muscle-mind connection and holding the weight incorrectly can all result in injuries and not sweet, sweet gains.

The bench press is one of the BIG 5 exercises that can give you a full body workout and is an essential upper body compound exercise that work your arms, shoulders and of course your chest muscles or pecs if we're getting scientific.

You think you know how to bench correctly? After reading through this article, you sure will.

Get someone to spot you when you bench press

(Image credit: Getty Images)

You can't be careful enough when working with big weights. During barbell bench press, you place your body (head, neck, etc.) under a bar loaded with heavy plates. If it slips or falls, you can seriously injure yourself.

Best way to avoid injury is to get a training buddy who can spot you when you perform bench presses. Second best thing is to set the bench up so even if you can't lift the bar up, you can safely slide out from under it. Check that the fasteners are on and the weights are secured properly on both ends.

And always, always warm up before exercising and make sure you don't push your muscles too much. Rest is equally as important as the exercise itself.

Needless to say, you can also focus on each of the areas individually the bench press works: we have the golden rule to follow to get bigger shoulders as well as the secret to get bigger arms. And, you know, you can always just concentrate on building big biceps too.

To perform a barbell bench press, load the bar up with the weight plates you would like to use and secure both sides with the spring collars. Both sides of the bar have the same amount of weight on it.

Lay down on the weight bench with your head resting under the bar, feet on the ground. Place your hands on the bar, a bit further than shoulder width apart. Use an overhand grip (palms facing towards the feet) and engage your core. You want your feet to dig into the floor a bit, make sure they are firmly pressed down before you lift.

As you exhale, push the bar up off the rack and extend your arm fully. Inhale as you lower the bar down to your chest, tucking your elbows in slightly. Come close to the chest as you lower the bar, then as you exhale, pressing the bar up again.

The best way to activate your pecs is to lower the bar slowly (roughly 3 seconds) and then press it up hard. This method will increase the 'muscle-under-tension' time, activating the pecs and the triceps more efficiently.

Be careful how you hold the bar in your hands: your fist should be pointing upwards and be in line with your forearm, also pointing right up. If you let it fall back, the weight will put a lot of pressure on your wrists.

As always, form is more important than the amount of plates on the bar and you will see results sooner by applying good technique than if you tried to up the weights for every session.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

This bench press variation activates the triceps more than the standard bench press, much like how the diamond push up works the triceps more than standard push ups.

Bomb the upper chest more effectively by pressing the weights up on a weight bench set in an incline position. This bench press variation puts more pressure on the shoulder so make sure you adjust the weight plates accordingly (lose a few).

This bench press variation takes the pressure off the shoulder and zeros on the pecs.

Push ups are hands down pun intended the best bodyweight bench press alternative that works equally as well in building pecs definition as bench press. A standard push up and its variations also work, to varying degrees, your delts (deltoids; shoulders), core, biceps and more.However, there are so many push up variations, you could create a best upper body workout using nothing but push ups.

Mainly recommended for total beginners, the hammer strength chest press is performed on the chest press machine and therefore limits the full range of motion. It can be useful for people with very little pecs strength to get used to the movement, however.

To avoid any injuries and to help recovery, stretch after every strength training session. Foam rollers can be found in most gyms and you can buy them on Amazon too, a quick and inexpensive way to massage the tired muscles.

Also, keep an eye out on your protein intake. If you are doing strength training, try taking in around 2 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight per day. So, if you weigh 70 kg, you'll need to eat 140 grams of protein per day. Humans haven't got protein reserves, so you have to continuously take protein in throughout the day.

And make sure you drink plenty of water as well. A decent gym water bottle doesn't cost all that much.

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Bench press: how to do it, what muscles it works and the most effective bench press alternatives - T3 (US)

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