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Diet with the highest number of global searches was actually Keto: Research | FNB News –

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:43 pm

Research released from Supplement Place analyses diet trends around the world revealing every countrys favourite diet, the most popular diets, those which have seen the biggest growth in popularity and those which we are falling out of love with.

The Worlds Favourite Diets

The Worlds Top 10 Favourite DietsRank Diet Global Searches1 Keto diet 2,100,0002 Weight Watchers 1,600,0003 Intermittent fasting 1,100,0004 Slimming World 629,0005 Dukan diet 535,0006 Veganism 511,0007 Mediterranean diet 440,0008 Paleo diet 301,0009 Pescetarianism 294,00010 Vegetarianism 279,000

The Diets Gaining Popularity

The report also looks deeper into the diets which have seen the biggest increase in searches in the last five years and which have declined in popularity the most. Right at the top of the list, it was little surprise to see the Dubrow and Mind diets, as these diets were only introduced in the last five years. Behind these, we see that the Keto diet has seen an increase of over 1,300 per cent in the last five years, which outlines just how quickly it has risen to become the worlds favourite diet.

Top 10 Diets With The Biggest Five-Year Search IncreaseRank Diet Five-Year Change in Search Interest1 Dubrow Diet 2646%2 MIND diet 2393%3 Ketogenic diet 1302%4 Whole30 501%5 Plant-based diet 467%6 SIBO diet 379%7 Kangatarianism 375%8 Intermittent fasting 374%9 Pollo pescetarian 244%10 Bulletproof diet 240%

The Diets Falling In Popularity

As for the diets which weve fallen out of love with, these were almost exclusively diets which have been criticised as fads, with many actually proven to do more harm than good, so its perhaps a good thing that our interest seems to have switched away from these and more towards healthier plant and medical-based diets.

Top 5 Dieting Falling in PopularityRank Diet Five-Year Change in Search Interest1 The Eat-Clean Diet -92%2 Kimkins -87%3 Sonoma diet -84%4 The Shangri-La Diet -82%5 Dukan Diet -81%

Each Countrys Favourite Diet

The research also looks at search volume from each country around the world to reveal each ones preferred diet.

The results showed that the keto diet was certainly the worlds favourite, being the preferred diet in 105 of the 149 nations for which data was available.

Intermittent fasting proved to be the diet of choice in 28 countries, including many in central and eastern Europe, while programmes such as Slimming World were preferred in the UK and Ireland and Weight Watchers in much of western Europe.

Jessica Shand, naturopathic nutrition coach, comments on dieting and the dangers of following a fad diet, The best advice for people wanting to lose weight is not to start restrictive diets or get sucked into the fads were bombarded with online and are sometimes impossible to avoid. Instead my advice would be to set clear and realistic intentions on what it is you want to achieve long term and that you will be able to enjoy (nobody wants something they dread doing, it's no way to live). And remember, it's how you choose to fuel your body that counts, how you decide to nourish your body with the foods it needs to thrive and make your wellbeing your top priority - they go hand in hand.

See the rest here:
Diet with the highest number of global searches was actually Keto: Research | FNB News -

Princess Beatrice and Meghan Markle wedding nutritionist’s top weight loss method to slim – Express

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:43 pm

Nutritionist Gabriela Peacock, a friend of the royal as well as her guru for all things nutrition, was unable to be at her social distanced wedding just a few weeks ago. However, she was there in spirit after helping Beatrice out as a client before the day.

Gabriela is said to have helped not only Beatrice, but her sister Eugenie ahead of her wedding to Jack Brooksbank.

In fact, Gabriela posted a picture of herself at a Eugenie's wedding on the day, October 12, 2018.

Meghan Markle is also said to have worked with the health expert before her May 2018 wedding.

The nutritionist, who lives in France with her husband and two children, espouses a number of health and weight loss rules.

READ MORE: Princess Beatrice engagement and wedding ring valued - worth more than Meghan and Kate's?

She doesn't believe in fad diets. Instead she advocates big breakfasts and avoiding carbs at dinner.

For those who want to lose weight quickly, she advocates a certain type of method.

The expert told People: "I love intermittent fasting, which does not mean not eating!

"Its a really healthy weight loss method.

"Its also been known to reduce the way our cells age, just by giving your body a bit of a break, you create this resilience and by day six or seven, you start feeling really great."

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She advises eating 500 calories on alternating days, with one blow out day a week.

The nutritionist runs her own line of supplements and is coaching via video calls during the coronavirus.

Meghan Markle's diet philosophy is said to help her keep slim after having her son Archie Harrison.

Meghan enjoys a green juice, she has previously revealed.

Meghan told Delish magazine in an interview before she was linked to Prince Harry: "Green juice is a food-as-medicine philosophy for me.

"I think trying to go for coffee or things like that only end up hurting you in the end."

Kate Middleton's diet plan is also the subject of much speculation.

The Duchess of Cambridge has maintained a lithe figure all her life.

She is reportedly a size six and boasts wash board abs. So how does she do it?

The Duchess of Cambridge is a keen runner. In fact, while at St Andrew's university she took part in a daily morning running club.

The Daily Mail quote an insider who said Kate runs as often as possible "sometimes with Charlotte in her buggy and their dog Lupo at her side.

She also enjoys hockey, a sport demanding a high level of cardiovascular fitness.

Running is the exercise credited with burning the most calories. Burning calories is key for keeping body fat low, especially in the stomach area.

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Princess Beatrice and Meghan Markle wedding nutritionist's top weight loss method to slim - Express

What happens when we sweat and does sweating help in Detoxification? – MENAFN.COM

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:43 pm

(MENAFN - Punit)

Only humans and camels can sustain themselves in a hot climate for a long period as they have a common ability to sweat. But have you ever wondered what happens when we sweat as humans?

For us, sweating is a natural process and its primary purpose is to regulate the temperature of your body. The hypothalamus, being headquarter of your brain, regulates your temperature at 37 degrees Celsius and gets inputs from two parts of our body in two parts. E.g. First part being the heat receptors in the brain, the second part is in the skin.

Now that we know why we sweat, let''s understand why we smell when we sweat. Usually your sweat does not smell unless it comes in contact with the bacteria on your skin. As an example, for some people, their feet smell after they have taken off their socks.

Sometimes the sweat can also smell due to the type of food you eat. E.g., if you take a lot of garlic or onion or fish, your sweat may give an odour. However, it doesn''t mean that you should stop taking these food items.

The best way to avoid having sweat odour is by simply maintaining good personal hygiene and using anti-bacterial soaps when required. Bathe regularly by keeping your body clean and using anti-fungal powders for your feet but avoid using deodorants.

If you are on any sort of medication, their by-products can also secrete via your sweat. This being the reason, under dope testing the sweat of sports personnel is also checked.

Epidermis, which is the top layer of our skin, contains sweat glands and we sweat close to 500-750 ml daily. The amount of sweat your sweat glands produce can depend on factors such as the size of the sweat glands, their sensitivity, and their overall activity.

Men do not secrete sweat different from women. Sweating completely depends on the genes and not gender. So, what happens when we sweat as different people?

Fat people sweat more and thin people less is only a myth not fact. It only depends on their sweat glands. In fact some thin people can also over sweat. However, the sweat production in children is a bit lesser than in the adults.

Some women tend to produce less sweat primarily because that their sweat output is a bit lesser than the others. However, during physical activities men can produce more sweat than women.

There are a lot of myths and confusions about the connection of exercises with sweating. Many people are simply misusing and exploiting this to market their products and gain more profits.

What you need to know is that you cannot control sweating and it also not advisable to do so. You will not be able get anything by inducing more sweat from your body. However, there are some items like different types of clothing or belts which are sold in the market to help in weight loss or detoxification of your body. Remember that none of these are true.

As per a study, your body starts sweating within 8 minutes of engaging in a physical activity, as the body tends to disseminate the heat and maintain the body temperature. Of course it also depends on the environment where you are exercising as mentioned earlier. So for e.g. if you are working out in an air-conditioned environment, it will not be so hot and your body will not need to disseminate much heat. Hence you will sweat less.

When you are sweating a lot in a very hot environment, it is surely not a natural way to sweat. E.g., If you are in North of India, and you are working out in a 45 degree Celsius environment, you will surely sweat a lot, but it is not going to be of much help and it will also not provide you any additional benefits. The reason is what you are sweating out is water and not fat and hence, your body is also not getting detoxified. You are losing many salts while excessively sweating as well. You are on the other hand also cutting short your entire workout regime.

Our body can produce a lot of sweat and it can even go up to 3 litres of sweat per hour. But if you are exercising up to say 4-6 hours continuously your brain will automatically reduce the amount of sweat to avoid excessive fluid loss. You may have noticed that when the armed forces personnel exercise for prolonged periods, they sweat a lot. But if they do not replenish their fluids, their body can get dehydrated (loose water) which is not good for them as their blood can get thicker and it can even affect their heart as it has to pump more blood.

Dehydration can affect your physical as well as mental capabilities and if this goes on for a long time, it could be dangerous for your health. A workout or physical activity for around 10 hours in a hot environment can excrete close to 5-6 grams of sodium from a body and if it not replenished with fluids, the performance of the individual can decline having an adverse effect on their health.

In a general nutrition review of 2015, if you exercise in a very hot environment and even if your dehydration sets in close to 2-4%, there is no major affect in your power or strength, however there is an affect in your endurance. This does have a detrimental result in sports. Hence it is important to replenish your fluids and salts, if you are in any sort of sports.

Many sports drinks in the market are great to quench your thirst while you are exercising in a very hot environment or excessively sweating. They help in replenishing all kinds of salts like potassium, chloride, carbohydrates as well as sugars in your body with the right quantity. They also get quickly absorbed in your body and are perfect to help you enhance and sustain your exercise or workout performance.

There is another myth about sweating and weight loss and their connection. Since a long time,and even today, many people wear heavy clothing in hot environment to do various kinds of exercises or even for running. If you ask them the reason for doing this, and how is it helping them? They will say that it helps them in weight loss. This is a rather silly answer and if you further question them how it is going to help them, they will tell you that as they are sweating more and it means it will help them in weight loss or detoxifying. These are definitely not right concepts. These are all learnt from the internet and don''t have any validity.

Now days you also see the word ''detox'' everywhere including celebrities promoting products like apple cider vinegar to have in the morning or have more water for detoxification! There are similar myths about excessive sweating as well.

Another type of a myth has developed where people feel that sweating reduces their attraction or style. Quite shockingly, many girls come to gym with makeup to look good and also reduce sweat. Using such makeup is not only advisable as it is stopping the skin to sweat naturally, but it can also result in acne and cause scars over time. If you wish to know more about how makeup during a workout is actually harming your skin more, please read my Book

Normal level of sweating is a middle path between the two extremes of either excessively sweating for weight loss and detoxification or not sweating at all. It is a natural process and you have no benefit by increasing it. The commonly known fitness myth - ''the more you sweat the more calories you burn'' is not a fact.

Sweating will only regulate your body temperature or cool it down. If you are sweating, it will only ensure that your body will bring its temperature to 37 degree Celsius. It doesn''t work any other way. So, using all kinds of heavy clothing or running in a hot climate will be of no use as you will only be losing water. '' If you weigh yourself after the exercise or workout, you may have lost two kilograms but that is only water . '' You will gain this weight after you drink water or fluids. So, you are not losing fat at all.

There are many slimming centers and dietitians out there who are cheating you as they know that you are not much aware of the difference between fat loss and water loss and don''t know what happens when you sweat actually.

Please understand that water loss can happen by many ways. When you go on a low carbohydrate diet, your body will start secreting water through urination. So, it becomes easy for your dietitian to show that you are losing weight. Sometimes the dietitians will also give you completely wrong advice of reducing salt in your diet which in effect will also reduce the water in your body as salt contains water. This can even leave you completely dehydrated.

So, you will not be burning fat here, but losing water. Although your weighing machine will show a reduction in your weight, you will believe that you are losing weight and not just losing water.

Please note that your body undergoes weight fluctuation daily for about 1-2 kilograms from morning to evening. It is not a major thing; rather it is a normal method of your body to regulate your weight and water. So, it is not really showing anything to you. ''Hence, the concept offered by some misguiding slimming centers for encouraging low salt or low carbohydrate diet along with other dehydration methods is a very bad indication of the health and fitness industry and it should be banned.''

But they are operating even today as many people are not even aware of the basic things they should do with their bodies. Read my on Amazon Kindle about All that you would want to Know about Sweating and It''s Myths to gain the information that is not available to others to break the pattern of making wrong choices.

It is common that most people are running behind the word ''weight loss''. It is important to remember that if you wish to be fit and not just thin, then you must focus on fat loss and not water loss. The difference between fitness and thinning down is that when you are chasing the word ''weight loss'' you are chasing to become thin which is not going to benefit your body as it is a temporary water loss.

This takes a lot of hard work, dedication, pain tolerance, patience and time which maximum people don''t have.

But people want overnight results. Think about it that if you are a student, do you think you can get good marks simply by giving excuses, taking tuitions, using guides, taking short cuts or cheating? You will surely need to put in the hard work to learn the subjects well to get good scores, right? The entire world needs to do hard work and in every aspect of life. You can get the right result from something simple and difficult, yet you keep running away from it and you don''t ever get any good results.

This is the reason, many people in this world are waiting to take advantage of you and sell false things to you e.g. the dietitians who are there to give you stupid fat diets and also the slimming centers who know that you will not do that one simple thing called hard work.

'' Given above understanding, please note that if you are excessively sweating, you are only losing water but also not losing any fat . It is only exhaust you and nothing else will happen to you.''

There is however a need at times to lose fat quickly for a special reason. E.g., where boxers, body builders or sports personnel need to attain a certain weight category temporarily

Some people at times undertake extreme methods to lose water and lose weight in a short run like wearing heavy clothing, low carb or low salt based diets. But these are to achieve a small goal. However, in the long term, it is very harmful. So, you must get back to normal as soon as you can if you are taking these measures for a shorter duration. Some candidates are also advised to go for water loss to get selected in the defense.

But for normal people in normal life these kinds of weight loss procedures have no relevance. If you are steaming yourself and believing that you are detoxifying your body or losing fat, please note that it is nothing but water loss.

Many media companies along with the slimming centers and dietitians are involved in spreading some misguided concepts about weight loss and detoxification. You may see on the television some instances where these companies are selling some sort of belts to aid excessive sweating and lose fat. So you must ask these people what is the link between fat burn and sweating and why we sweat.

They usually ask you to sweat more by using these belts, oils, gels which will aid in sweating. When you will check your weight, you will see a half a kilogram of weight loss as you have mainly lost water and not fat.

These companies are very smart, and they are taking advantage of your fears and your lack of right information to harm your bodies in this process besides wasting your money. They don''t have any ethics but only want to earn money. That''s all. They only want daily customers who see their products and those who don''t know about these products, buy these products and they are happy with it. By chance if some people get to know and it is exposed, by then they would have got another stupid fad product in the market.

Hence, please understand there is no connection or comparison between sweating and weight loss. Sweating does not lead to weight loss. If you spend some time in understanding more about why we sweat, you will know that sweating is a natural process to cool your body and that is it!

There are also many fitness equipment and supplement companies that are promoting the concept of detoxifying and losing weight by excessive sweating . They use words like ''detoxifying'' or ''weight loss'' which has no connection with sweating.

Another concept that was introduced many years back was ''Hot Yoga'', where you are asked to do yoga in a closed and hot environment so that your body sweats more and the reason given is that it will help you to detoxify your body more. If you have understood why we sweat and what happens when we sweat, you will also understand easily that there no link between this and the concept of yoga. It is rather stupid to link detoxification and hot yoga. If you are getting any benefits, you are getting it from yoga. ''So, there is no relevance to doing yoga in a hot environment and detoxification.''

Yoga is an ancient and deep science and if someone is misusing yoga in such a way, he is using it as a criminal. They are exploiting this beautiful science and many people now days have started using it the way they want. When people give 3-4 fancy names along with yoga like power yoga or hot yoga, these are nothing. Yoga is yoga and that is it. Various forms of yoga have been developed over centuries but there is a very strong science behind them. In the past 10-15 years, the names that have been developed are all self-made names and they do not have any scientific connection.

The purpose of sweating is to cool the body while your body parts liver and kidneys manage the detoxification process. The studies below disprove the myth that there is a connection between sweating and detoxification.

Study 1: In 2018, a journal in environmental international, some Canadian researchers did a study, as earlier seen that when you sweat, you not only secrete water, but also a lot of electrolytes, salts, amino acids, metabolites like pyruvate, lactate, and nitrates along with many other elements and minerals. Using this concept and many older ones, many people say that this process is detoxification.

Study 2: However as per another research, the real toxins are POPs or Persistent organic pollutants. The environmental toxins that come under POPs are insecticides and pesticides. These go inside your body and store themselves in your fat. This means that they are lipophilic or they bind easily with fat. According to this fact, whenever you are losing fat, you tend to detoxify more than when you are losing water. ''Hence this proves that detoxification has no link to sweating.''

Even after sweating excessively by doing either hot yoga or steam or sauna, you are only able to excrete 0.024% of the toxins from your body. So, however much you will do, it will not help as by simply going out once again, you will inhale more toxins. Hence, you are just wasting your time by exposing your body to extreme environments, and thinking that you are going to detoxify your body by doing so. Hope this brings clarity of what happens when we sweat excessively and how it affects detoxification.

Using many strange therapies for detoxification has come in to light recently. A few extreme cases even lead to death. A similar case came out in the year 2011 when a 35 year old Canadian woman died during this process. They had her wrapped in mud and plastic to help her sweat intensively. She had gone through this therapy in a spa in Quebec. You will be surprised to know that the reporters found her body wrapped in mud, blanket and plastic wrap inside of a cardboard box. She stayed there for around 9 hours so that she can undergo excessive sweating. So, by now you would have found out that such kind of practices can be extremely harmful for your body and you must surely hesitate from undergoing these without an approval from your health practitioner or refer to Punit Dhawan''s book for such instances that you must avoid.

We hope these facts have helped clarify what happens when we sweat and that sweating does not lead to detoxification.


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What happens when we sweat and does sweating help in Detoxification? - MENAFN.COM

DJ Neil Fox says coronavirus ‘inspired’ him to overhaul lifestyle in bid to beat diabetes – Mirror Online

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:43 pm

Celebrity DJ Neil Dr Fox often burnt the candle at both ends during his days as a breakfast show presenter.

But the early starts and lack of sleep combined with the stress of a high profile court case in 2015 took their toll on his health.

Then, three years ago, he found himself with Type-2 diabetes.

Now Neil is determined to reverse the condition by following a strict diet and increasing his exercise levels and is hopeful that he will be rid of it by Christmas.

You can reverse it, but it takes hard work, because you need to address a lot of issues, he says.

He continues: Its a mixture of lifestyle, exercise and diet. Im 59 and Ive got three beautiful kids and I want to be around a long time.

I had to accept I decided what went into my mouth. Its easy to pretend its not that big a deal. It is, and Ive got to sort it out.

Neil, once a judge on Pop Idol with Simon Cowell, was diagnosed in 2017 and given Metformin, which treats Type-2 by reducing the sugar the liver releases into the blood.

But Neil and wife Vicky began to research other ways of tackling the condition. Shes a yoga teacher and good with health and nutrition, Neil says. Metformin doesnt cure your diabetes it hides it.

Type-2, which raises sugar in the blood, is often linked to obesity, inactivity or a family history.

Many people with it have extra fat around their middle, affecting liver and pancreas function. In recent years several studies have shown sufferers can send the condition into remission by losing lots of weight quickly, typically around 15kg in three to five months.

Diabetes UK ran a series of successful trials which inspired the NHS to pilot a remission programme last year.

Others have achieved remission through the Mediterranean diet or a low-carb one. Up to 60% of people who have had weight loss surgery have gone into remission too.

Neil had unsuccessfully tried a reversal diet before, but in lockdown when diabetes sufferers were listed as being at particular risk he decided to cut both calories and carbohydrates.

He says: I looked at things I was eating as normal and began to have them as treats. I cut out white rice, and bread, white pasta, potatoes, pizza and chips. Ive also cut booze. Ill have an occasional beer, but not two or three.

Ive been on the diet three weeks and feel much better. If you cut all white carbs, your tummy immediately goes flatter.

Neil, who lives in South West London with Vicky and children, Scarlet, 19, Jack, 17 and Martha, 13, has also taken up meditation, walked more than 300 kilometres in lockdown and has been cycling most days.

He was 86kg when he began the reversal diet and in three weeks has already lost 3kg. His goal is to reach 79kg by Christmas.

His blood sugar levels have dropped too, from 65mmol/mol to 53. People with levels under 48 are not considered Type-2.

Under the nickname Dr Fox, Neil was one of the nations most famous DJs throughout the 90s. He left Capital Radio in 2005 to join Magic as their breakfast show host.

He now believes several factors contributed to his diagnosis. Sadly its slightly in the family my mothers got Type-2 and both my elder brothers, although one of them has reversed it, he says.

Id presented a breakfast show for a long time, burning the candle at both ends. You get up at 4.30am, tending not to have got eight hours sleep. No breakfast before you leave home, then you get the munchies at 8am. And whats open at that time? McDonalds or sandwich shops, so Id have a sausage and egg sandwich.

Neil thinks the stress of his court case had a negative impact too. In 2014 he faced historical sex offences charges and was found not guilty on all charges a year later.

Obviously stress doesnt help and I went through a very difficult time, he recalls. From the moment it starts you have a huge weight on your shoulders. Theres never a day when its not there. Weirdly I actually lost nine kilos through stress 10% of my weight.

His diabetes diagnosis came as a bolt from the blue as he had none of the common symptoms, such as thirst, tiredness and a need to pee more frequently.

Neil says: Id gone for my annual medical. They said I was on the cusp of diabetes. It was worrying, but probably, like a lot of men, I thought, Ill get that sorted, no problem.

Neil, who left Magic in 2016, is now back on air, hosting the Heritage Chart countdown on Mike Reads United DJs radio station.

Its a new start for his career and he is hopeful the remission diet will prove a new start for his health.

He says: Not being Type-2 by Christmas would be a great present to me and the family.

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Read more here:
DJ Neil Fox says coronavirus 'inspired' him to overhaul lifestyle in bid to beat diabetes - Mirror Online

Self-Hypnosis Might be the Key to Self-Care During the Pandemic – SWAAY

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:43 pm

The abrupt appearance of the novel coronavirus in late 2019 brought with it a health crisis that quickly swept across the globe. Millions were confined to their homes in an attempt to flatten the curve, but the virus continued to spread quickly, sickening millions and killing hundreds of thousands. The physical toll has been stunning, but the effects on our mental health have been insidious and no less serious. In these days of social distancing and Zoom meetings, self-hypnosis offers a creative solution to stress management and holistic healing.

Whether you live in a heavily affected area or not, COVID-19 has likely touched your life in some way. From health fears and work stress to financial worries and increased social isolation, the pressures are almost unbearable at times. When the pressure to simply survive is intense, self-care may seem utterly self-indulgent. However, taking a few moments to do a mental health checkup can keep you calm and centered in this scary new world.

Whether you need to sweep out the mental clutter that is causing you stress or tackle more serious anxiety issues, online hypnosis offers you a highly effective way to do it.

During times of overwhelming stress, the limbic system becomes hyperactive. You might find it hard to control your emotions. Your anxiety might be off-the-charts. You may feel irritable and snappy. You might find yourself losing your temper easily.

In other words, if you feel more out-of-control and out-of-sorts lately, it is not all in your imagination. It is your reality. Online hypnosis can help you step into a happier, healthier frame of mind, alleviate your stress, and find your happiness.

Recognized first by the British Medical Association in 1955, hypnotherapy was quickly adopted by the American Medical Association in 1958. In the 1960s, the American Psychiatric Association was actively encouraging research into hypnotherapy and how it could be incorporated into the various fields of medicine. Since then, scientists have found extensive applications for hypnosis. Today, people use self-hypnosis downloads for everything from alleviating chronic pain and cancer-related pain to promoting healthier sleeping habits.

When it comes to mental health, self-hypnosis downloads are a powerful tool for taking control. Self-hypnosis induces a deeply calm and relaxed yet highly focused state. Whether you need to sweep out the mental clutter that is causing you stress or tackle more serious anxiety issues, online hypnosis offers you a highly effective way to do it.

When we are mentally healthy, we are more resilient and able to function more productively. We can cope with life's stresses, we can feel good about ourselves, and we can care for ourselves appropriately. We can contribute to our families and communities and realize our full potential.

Good mental health exists on a spectrum. Just as there are some days where we enjoy good physical health and other where we might feel under the weather, we can have mentally good and bad days. Some days, you might feel ready to take on the world and on others, you might struggle. During a public health crisis, even the strongest among us are likely to find those days of struggle a little more frequently.

While some people are naturally resilient, for most of us, it is a skill that can be nurtured and developed throughout our lives.

How we manage those struggles can ultimately determine whether we emerge from a crisis demoralized or victorious. Self-hypnosis downloads can give you a chance to regroup, refocus, and relax even on the toughest days. With hypnosis, you can develop the resilience you need to nurture and grow during times of difficulty and beyond. The power of healing is in your hands.

Long used to deal with anxiety and depression, hypnotherapy is highly effective for managing stress, calming worries, easing fears, and quieting emotional turmoil. During self-hypnosis, you learn to relax your entire body and calm your mind, developing new pathways and emotional responses to various triggers. You are not sleeping, and you are able to put aside emotional and physical distractions as you explore the issues that keep you in an emotionally charged state.

Research shows that hypnotherapy can help you sleep better, feel more refreshed, and reduce your stress. With hypnosis, you can learn to transform negative thinking and change your behavior as you move into a healthier frame of mind.

In other words, if you feel more out-of-control and out-of-sorts lately, it is not all in your imagination. It is your reality.

Self-hypnosis downloads are easy to use in the privacy of your home, and you can tap into that quiet state whenever you need to calm your spirit. When using online hypnosis for emotional health, you can learn to maintain your emotional equilibrium during stressful events. You can develop enhanced self-control and decrease your reliance on unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as stress-eating or smoking. You can even develop a more positive self-image and worldview.

Resilient people can maintain psychological stability in the face of traumatic events. While some people are naturally resilient, for most of us, it is a skill that can be nurtured and developed throughout our lives. With online hypnosis, you can develop your own resilience. With self-hypnosis, you can learn to protect your mental health and strengthen your resilience by stimulating your creative growth, enhancing and developing your strength, and promoting positive change.

I discovered the benefits of hypnosis through sports. Athletes are under a lot of stress, and they need to master their mindsets. Through a combination of visualization and relaxation techniques, my ability to adapt increased as I was able to make better and faster decisions when playing sports. I experienced the state of flow thanks to a self-hypnosis routine that I perfected over time. And I have been using it ever since to develop more creativity and more resilience and to learn new skills faster.

If you are dealing with a lack of social support, rocky finances, health problems, information overload, or isolation, self-care through self-hypnosis downloads could be exactly what you need. There are so many great reasons to try online hypnosis. What is yours?

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Self-Hypnosis Might be the Key to Self-Care During the Pandemic - SWAAY

5 takeaways as Wizards fall to 0-6 in restart – NBC Sports Washington

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:43 pm

The Washington Wizards lost to the Oklahoma City Thunder 121-103on Sunday afternoon in Orlando. Here are five takeaways from what went down...

The losing continues

Disney World is said to be the place 'Where Dreams Come True,' but after nine total games in the restartthe Wizards are still dreaming oftheir first win.

Okay, that was corny. But there are only so many ways to say the same thing over and over. The Wizards are getting what they wanted in terms of player developmentbut have done nothing to dispute the fact they were the worst team in the standings invited to Orlando.

On Sunday against the Thunder, they never once looked like a team capable of the upset. They went down 10-0 early and never recovered, ultimately losing by 18 points.

The more the Wizards lose, the stranger things could get in the standings. They now have to win their final two games to avoid the bizarre situation of having a worse record, but also worse lottery odds, than the Charlotte Hornets. And if they lose their final two, they will also pass the Chicago Bulls in that regard.

We are close to being ensured of total draft lottery chaos. It seems obvious one of the three teams is going to get really unlucky thanks to the NBA's lottery rule change.

No offense

The Wizards were predicted by many to have some trouble offensively in the bubble without Bradley Beal and Davis Bertans and their combined 45.9 points per game. That has gone according to expectations, as their scoring has dropped off a cliff through six games now.

The Wizards entered Sunday's game with a 102.7 offensive rating, which is third-worst among the 22 teams in Orlando and nearly eight points below their season average (110.5). And they struggled yet again, only scoring 103points against the Thunder. They had only 48 points at halftime.

The Wizards shot just 41.3percent from the field. They went 9-for-36(25%) from three in what was just a dreadful day from the perimeter.

It didn't help their cause that Shabazz Napier was out with an ankle injury. He is one of the most gifted scorers and best shooters remaining on the roster.

It might be tough for the Wizards to reverse this trend before they head home. Their two remaining opponents -- the Celtics and Bucks -- each rank top-four in defensive rating.


Bonga played well

The biggest bright spot for the Wizards in this game was arguably Isaac Bonga, who came through with a solid game of 14 points and eight rebounds. He had some rough moments defensively guarding some really good players like Chris Paul and Danilo Gallinari, but overall he played well and showed flashes of what he could provide the Wizards next season if he sticks around.

Bonga is in an interesting category of the Wizards' roster where it is difficult to project whether he will be a part of the rotation next season, without knowing the makeup of their roster. Other young guys like Rui Hachimura, Thomas Bryant and Troy Brown Jr. are pretty much certain to play key roles, barring something unforeseen. But Bonga is right on the line because he plays a position the Wizards could stand to upgrade in the offseason.


There is value in what he does due to his versatility and length. But the Wizards may also be able to find someone who gives them more at the three-spot. His best role next season is probably as a glue guy for the second unit.

Though his numbers were boosted by garbage time, Jerome Robinson also had himself a day in what was a bounceback performance. He had 19 points and shot 4-for-9 from three.

A model for Schofield

There is no getting around the fact that Admiral Schofield has not had the best showing in the restart. He lost a bunch of weight and came into camp by all accounts in great shape, but it just hasn't translated to the floor.

Schofield continues to look like a player who doesn't have a defined role or a good idea of what his niche will ultimately be. But that's okay, he is still a rookie and was a second round pick. Overnight success was never expected for him.

The role that could lead to long-term success for Schofield may have been on display in this game with Thunder wing Luguentz Dort. He went undrafted last summer, but has quickly become a reliable piece for OKC as a physical defensive disruptor. He is built a bit like Schofield, just a few inches shorter. And he uses his strength and quickness to wreak havoc on players of all positions.

Schofield could bring some of the same attributes to the table, but in watching the two play you can see a big difference in their approach. Dort is relentlessly aggressive, initiating contact all over the place, likely knowing that no one can match his strength. Schofield has that type of force, he just hasn't found a way to use it yet.

Napier should be careful

Napier's injury was just the latest negative development for him in what has not been a great stay at Disney World. In five games, he's averaging just 10.2 points on 41.9 percent shooting. It is a small sample size, but he just hasn't taken off as one of the team's primary scorers as it seemed he likely would.

Now that he's injured, it would make sense if Napier playsthings very safely in the final two games. He is set to hit free agency at the end of the season and, with less money set to go around due to the coronavirus' effect on league finances, he can't afford to hurt his stock any further. He definitely can't risk a serious injury.

The other side of that coin would be that maybe Napier sees an opportunity to finish strong. If he doesn't do that, it will be fair to wonder if he should have opted out of the restart like Bertans did.

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Read this article:
5 takeaways as Wizards fall to 0-6 in restart - NBC Sports Washington

Family of NY nursing home residents lost to COVID testify to woe – New York Post

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:43 pm

Relatives of New York nursing home residents Monday blasted the conditions that drove the facilities coronavirus hell including Gov. Andrew Cuomos directive barring the refusal of COVID-positive patients.

The COVID crisis in New Yorks nursing homes was a preventable crisis, Jerry Maldonado testified before a joint hearing of state lawmakers via video-conference.

It was fueled by poor public policy decisions, like the Department of Healths March 25 directive.

That order barred nursing homes from turning away COVID-positive patients, even as Cuomo in press briefings repeatedly likened the bugs effect on the elderly to fire in dry grass.

In a cruel twist of fate, while healthy families like mine were locked out of nursing homes and forced to stay away from our loved ones, my mom was locked into a facility with COVID-positive patients released from a hospital, testified Maldonado, a Newburgh resident whose 81-year-old mother, Maria, was living in a Rockland County home when the pandemic hit.

Maldonado said that his family and others like it were kept in the dark about the policy, as he reached out to workers at his mothers facility, Northern Metropolitan Residential Healthcare Facility, in late March asking whether the coronavirus had reached the home.

For nearly two weeks, we got no response, he testified. It was only after my mom developed her first COVID symptoms that I confronted the director of nursing and he finally admitted to me that, in his words, he had been forced to admit COVID patients into the facility by the state, and that he could not guarantee that my mom had not been exposed to COVID.

Cuomo has defended and continues to defend the policy by saying that nursing homes always had not just a right, but a responsibility to turn away patients they couldnt care for.

But the state did not proactively verify that nursing homes had the ability to safely care for COVID patients before releasing them into these facilities, knowing full well that many of them are understaffed and overcrowded, even on their best day, Maldonado said.

On April 11, Maldonados mother died from complications related to the coronavirus, Maldonado said, becoming one of the more than 6,400 nursing home residents statewide lost in confirmed or presumed cases of the bug.

Virginia Wilson-Butler testified that her aunt, Eva Johnson, received years of substandard care in Bushwick, Brooklyns Buena Vida Continuing Care and Rehabilitation Center a level that hardly improved once the coronavirus hit.

Finally, from March 2020 to May 4, 2020 the day she died Miss Johnson lost 15 pounds, received oxygen on April 21, and an IV fluid with antibiotics, Wilson-Butler told the panel. She was diagnosed presumed COVID.

X-rays showed pneumonia, Wilson-Butler continued. She never had a fever, she never had a cough. In that timeframe, they stated at first, everything with her was normal: Her weight, her eating, her therapy her bedsore.

Until all of a sudden, shes not eating the bedsore got bigger, it doesnt look good.

Throughout the ordeal, Wilson-Butler testified that she had great difficulty getting up-to-date information from her aunts caretakers.

Wilson-Butler said she was speaking up that anothers loved one wont have to suffer through the same hardship.

I cant help my aunt anymore rest in peace but I can help someone else, she said.

Mikko Cook testifying about her father.

Apparently you dont talk ill of Ramon Laureanos mother. The...

Testifying from her home in California, Mikko Cook recounted the horror of her family being out of touch with her father a resident of Albanys Hudson Park Rehabilitation and Nursing Center as the virus raged.

Frequent visits to see him helped my family see whether or not he was eating well, getting decent sleep and still smiling, she said. More importantly, it gave dad time in a world quickly disappearing to him, surrounded by people he loved, holding his hand and making him laugh. For dad, in those fleeting moments, he was safe and his life made sense.

And then, one day, we just never returned.

Since, Cooks father, Ron, was injured in an alleged assault by another resident, Cook said, with her family only able to be connected to a video call with him after five days of calls to facility management.

We need to see dad, and not through a glass with a telephone, Cook said. My father has not breathed fresh air or felt the sun on his face since March 9.

A spokesman for Northern Metropolitan said that the facility diligently adhered to state and federal health guidelines throughout the pandemic, and made sure residents and their families could stay in touch.

Northern Metropolitan never kept the residents or staff in the dark with this pandemic, said Jeff Jacomowitz in a statement in part, noting that the facility gave family members regular updates via phone, letters and email.

We would also like to express our condolences to the Maldonado family for the loss of Maria, the statement continued. Every resident becomes part of our family and when something like this occurs, the staff is deeply affected.

Spokespeople for Buena Vida and Hudson Park could not be reached for comment Monday afternoon.

Go here to see the original:
Family of NY nursing home residents lost to COVID testify to woe - New York Post

Reds bullpen struggles continue in a loss to the Brewers –

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:43 pm

The game was going well until the 6th inning. The Reds held a 2-1 lead when the bottom of the 6th began, but Sonny Gray, Michael Lorenzen, and Cody Reed combined for six earned runs, five hits allowed, and four walks in the inning that saw the Milwaukee Brewers (6-7) put the game away against the Cincinnati Reds (7-9) on Sunday afternoon. Painful game to watch, but the Reds won the series against an divisional foe and thats better than the alternative.

Cincinnati didnt take much time to get on the scoreboard on Sunday. Nick Castellanos and Eugenio Suarez both drew walks, setting up Jesse Winker with an RBI opportunity in the 1st and he came through with a single through the opened up side of the infield as the Brewers put the shift on him and paid for it. Castellanos came home to score on the single and the Reds grabbed a 1-0 lead.

After the Brewers tied the game up in the bottom of the 3rd inning, Jesse Winker untied it with a quickness. After working a 1-1 count, Winker took an 87 MPH change up from Brandon Woodruff and deposited it 431-feet away near the back of the stadium in right-center field to make it 2-1.

In the top of the 6th inning Eugenio Suarez and Christian Colon both had singles to put runners on the corners with one out, but a double play ended the threat. And that would be the final threat that the Reds mustered on the day, too. The offense went 1-2-3 in the 7th inning, and they did the same in the 8th with the heart of the lineup coming through. Jesse Winker doubled to lead off the 9th inning and hed score on a Freddy Galvis single with two outs to make it 9-3. Phillip Ervin came off the bench to pinch hit and worked a full count before walking. Shogo Akiyama was then hit by a pitch to load the bases for Nick Castellanos and put some real pressure on Alex Claudio and the Brewers despite a 6-run lead. It wasnt to be on the day as a weak grounder to third ended the game.

Much like his counterpart, Sonny Gray struggled with some control in the 1st inning as he walked two Milwaukee Brewers. Unlike his counterpart, he got through the inning without allowing a run, striking out Avisail Garcia to strand two runners. The 2nd inning went quicker and more smoothly for Gray as he picked up two strikeouts in a 1-2-3 inning.

After getting two quick outs to start the 3rd inning, the Brewers got their first hit a single by Keston Hiura. Christian Yelich took an 0-1 fastball and laced it into the right field corner for an RBI double to tie the game up. A 9-pitch at-bat against Logan Morrison ended on a called 3rd strike as Gray escaped the jam with a runner on third (Yelich advanced on the throw to the plate on his double), but his pitch count was piling up he had 64 through three innings.

The 4th inning began with a strikeout on four pitches, but Justin Smoak lined a single on the first pitch of his at-bat to put a runner on. Brock Holt followed up with a fly out for the second out of the frame, but then things started to move in the wrong direction for Sonny Gray. After falling behind 3-0 to Mark Mathias, he grounded the ball to third base only to have Eugenio Suarez bobble the ball and extend the inning. Then Gray fell behind 0-2 to Manny Pina before hitting him with a pitch to load the bases and bring pitching coach Derek Johnson to the mound. Whatever he said worked. Eric Sogard grounded the first pitch of the at-bat to second base to end the threat and preserve a 2-1 lead for Cincinnati.

With the bottom of the order coming up the Reds stuck with Sonny Gray to begin the 6th, but things didnt go as hoped as the Cincinnati right-hander gave up a double to lead off the inning. After a fly out to left, the Brewers put together back-to-back singles to tie the game up and run Gray from the game.

Michael Lorenzen came into the game and walked the first batter he faced on four pitches to load the bases. Keston Hiura singled on the first pitch he saw to put Milwaukee on top 3-2. The struggles for Lorenzen continued as he walked in another run after a full count worked by Christian Yelich. That was followed up by another bases loaded walk, making it 5-2 and ending the day for Lorenzen.

Cody Reed came on and got a ground ball to Suarez at third, who came home for a force out. But the next hitter lined a 2-run single into left and extended the lead to 7-2 as the 6th inning continued to spiral out of control. A line out to shortstop would mercifully end the inning after six runs came across the plate.

Joel Kuhnel came in for the 7th and things didnt get any better as he gave up back-to-back blasts to Keston Hiura and Christian Yelich, with that latter one hitting roughly 75 feet up the batters eye in center field to make it 9-2. Nate Jones came out for the bottom of the 8th and got started quickly, inducing a ground out on the 1st pitch of the inning. After a few pitches to the next hitter there was another ground out.

About an hour prior to the game the Cincinnati Reds announced that they had placed second baseman Mike Moustakas on the 10-day injured list retroactive to Thursday and had recalled right-handed pitcher Tejay Antone.

The Reds have now homered in 11 straight games at Miller Park.

Sonny Gray extended his Major League record of consecutive starts without allowing more than six hits to 37 games. The last time he gave up more than six hits in a game was August 1st, 2018 when he was still pitching for the New York Yankees.

Kansas City Royals vs Cincinnati Reds

Tuesday August 11th, 6:40pm ET

TBA vs Luis Castillo (0-2, 4.76 ERA)

See the original post:
Reds bullpen struggles continue in a loss to the Brewers -

48-hour fast: Benefits, how-to, and tips – Medical News Today

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

A 48-hour fast is a form of intermittent fasting that involves taking a 2-day pause on eating while drinking only calorie-free fluids. A 48-hour fast may not be suitable for everyone, as it carries certain risks for some groups of people.

Intermittent fasting as a whole has gained popularity recently due to the potential health benefits of the practice. A 48-hour fast is one of the longest fasting durations, with shorter fasting periods being more common.

In this article, we discuss how to perform a 48-hour fast and the potential risks and benefits. We also provide some tips that may help make the fasting period a smoother experience.

Intermittent fasting involves rotating between periods of eating and fasting to give the body in particular, the digestive system a rest.

During this time, the body creates energy from stored fuel sources.

A 48-hour fast is an extended form of intermittent fasting. It involves not consuming any calories for a full 2 days.

While the fast involves eliminating foods that contain calories, it is still important to drink plenty of noncaloric fluids, such as water, throughout the fast to keep the body hydrated.

Some people may use a 48-hour fast to reduce their calorie intake and help them lose weight. Others may use the fast to support digestive health.

While taking a 2-day break from eating seems daunting at first, this method typically makes use of the bodys natural rhythms to make the fast more manageable.

A simple 48-hour fast will use the bodys sleep schedule to cut into that time.

As an example, for a fast starting on Monday, the person would stop eating in the evening on that day. They would then start eating again in the evening on Wednesday.

Using this method, the person will give their body time to digest their last meal on Monday before they sleep. By the time they wake up on Tuesday, about 1012 hours of their fast has already passed.

The person then spends Tuesday and Wednesday drinking only calorie-free fluids, such as water, herbal tea, and black coffee.

When Wednesday evening comes, the person has a light, simple dinner. From Thursday onward, they can gradually reintroduce their regular diet.

Hydration is one of the most important aspects of any fast. Fluids keep the body and cells hydrated, as well as helping eliminate waste. It is important that people avoid dehydration during a fast by ensuring that they drink plenty of fluids.

It may also be advisable for people to try other, less extreme versions of intermittent fasting before attempting the 48-hour fast. One such version is the 16:8 method, which involves consuming all food within an 8-hour window and then consuming only calorie-free beverages for the next 16 hours.

Starting with shorter fasts will help a person prepare for longer ones and get an idea of how their body will respond.

A 48-hour fast can serve as a reset for the body, allowing it to take a break from digestion to focus on other tasks. This break may allow it to focus energy elsewhere, such as on repairing the body.

According to the authors of a 2014 article, fasting may reduce obesity, hypertension, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.

A study featuring in Obesity notes that regular intermittent fasting offers many benefits for the body, including:

The researchers suggest that many of these benefits are due to the influence of weight loss.

The concept of autophagy is also popular with proponents of intermittent fasting. In the simplest terms, this is the process of the body removing parts of cells that are no longer functioning as they should.

By recycling or disposing of damaged cell material, autophagy allows the tissues to regenerate. The depletion of energy stores, which occurs during extended fasting, activates certain pathways that trigger autophagy.

A 2018 review states that fasting and calorie restriction are both ways to trigger autophagy in the cells of the body. Slowing down the digestive process allows the cells to focus on self-regeneration.

A 48-hour fast represents a large chunk of calorie deficiency in the diet, which can aid long-term weight loss in some people. However, a person should not perform 48-hour fasts too often.

A review article in Behavioral Sciences reports that intermittent fasting produces similar short-term weight loss results as traditional continuous calorie restriction in people with overweight and obesity. Therefore, cutting excess calories from the diet may be just as effective as fasting for weight loss.

As part of a regular intermittent fasting program or healthful weight loss regimen, a 48-hour fast may help a person reach their long-term weight loss goals, as long as they do it in a safe way.

With that said, no fast will replace diet and lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise and a balanced, nutritious diet, to support a moderate weight.

Learn more about intermittent fasting and exercise.

Side effects are common with longer fasts, such as a 48-hour fast, which is why it is important to try a smaller fast first to see how the body responds. If a person feels unwell, they should stop fasting.

Common side effects during longer fasts may include:

Additionally, it is important to reintroduce foods slowly. Overstimulating the digestive system by eating a big or heavy meal after a fast may cause its own side effects, such as:

Fasting may also affect people with underlying conditions differently. People with diabetes who take insulin or are on blood sugar-lowering medications will need to check with their doctor before engaging in any type of fasting, as fasting can drastically change how some medicines and insulin work.

Additionally, some people should avoid fasting altogether. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and people who have underweight or an eating disorder should not fast.

People who take certain medications alongside food may also need to avoid fasting. These medications include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), blood pressure medications, and blood thinners.

There are some general safety tips to keep in mind while fasting:

Intermittent fasting may provide the body with some benefits, such as giving the cells more time to repair and reducing inflammation. However, a 48-hour fast is a rather long fasting period, and it is not for everyone.

People who work long hours or have underlying conditions may have trouble with a 48-hour fasting period and should talk to a doctor before attempting it.

48-hour fast: Benefits, how-to, and tips - Medical News Today

800 calorie diet: Is it healthy to lose a stone in 21 days? – Express

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

Dr Michael Mosley's Fast 800 diet markets itself as a 'lifestyle plan' that can allegedly make you lose a stone in 21 days.

The doctor, who created the popular 5:2 diet, and his wife Dr Claire Bailey are behind the show which was made in lockdown.

The Fast 800 diet is explained on its official website, which says the diet works by 'flipping the metabolic switch'.

The site explains: "Your body is like a hybrid car; it runs on two different fuels sugar and fat.

"When your body needs a quick burst of energy, the first fuel source it turns to is the glucose in your blood.

"Next it will draw on the sugar stored in your liver and muscle. Only when this starts to run low does the body turn to its fat stores.

"Your body cant just burn fat. Instead it turns some of your fat stores into ketone bodies, which its uses as energy. The buildup of ketones in your blood is called ketosis.

"When you are on a low calorie diet (800 calories a day) you will begin to rapidly use up your fat stores.

"The first fat to go will be that around your gut, the visceral fat. This is also the most unhealthy fat.

"Because The Very Fast 800 plan is also moderately low in carbohydrates, this will add to the fat burning."

The Very Fast 800 plan uses Mediterranean-style ingredients to keep you feeling fuller for longer, but also recommends using multivitamins to ensure you are staying healthy - which may ring alarm bells for some.

While the evidence suggests that an intermittent fasting diet may be an effective way to lose weight, it is unlikely to be more effective for weight loss than traditional methods of dieting.

The NHS website stipulates that very low-calorie diets should only be used on those who are obese or severely obese and need to lose weight rapidly.

The website reads: "Very low calorie diets should only be followed under medical supervision for a maximum of 12 weeks.

"Do not follow a very low calorie diet unless a GP has suggested it to you.

"They are not the first option to manage obesity and should not be routinely used."

Excerpt from:
800 calorie diet: Is it healthy to lose a stone in 21 days? - Express

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