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I Tried Paleo And The Whole30 Diet And Lost 120 Pounds After My Pregnancy – Women’s Health

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm


I'm Caitlin L. (@thekindredginger), 36. I live in Northern California and am a mom. After giving birth to my daughter in 2014, I struggled with my post-pregnancy weight loss. At 260 pounds, I decided to make some major lifestyle changes and try the paleo and Whole30 diets. It was a marathon getting here, but I've lost 120 pounds and *never* felt better.

In December of 2014, I weighed around 260 pounds after my pregnancy. I thought shaking the baby weight would be easythat maybe, at least some of it, would just melt away. But instead, my weight was constantly yo-yoing. I knew I was worthy of more when it came to my mental and physical health.

At around six months postpartum, I got realistic and decided to come up with a plan of major lifestyle changes that would help me lose weight for good. I was determined this time. I owed it to my daughter to show her what a strong and healthy woman looked and acted like.

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After years of attempting diets and fasting, then failing and gaining back weight Id lost, I knew I needed to find a healthy way of eating to last a lifetime.

I began by eating paleo and had success with that. I was able to maintain eating that way most of the time for about a year, ultimately losing 110 pounds. Then I switched to the Whole30 dietand doing it changed my life.

While doing Whole30, I discovered food intolerances I didnt know existed, I learned how to cook with foods and ingredients that were delicious and ultra-nutritious, and I had so many other non-scale victories. I also lost 10 more pounds, making my weight loss a total of 120 pounds in two years.

Most days, I eat three meals a day that are comprised of half a plate of non-starchy (mostly green) vegetables, a quarter plate of potatoes, and quarter plate of protein. All I have to do is swap out the proteins.

Sometimes I add in bit of fat to my meals in the form of dressings, oils, and sauces. But my motto is: everything in moderation. So when the opportunity comes up for a pizza or burger and fries, I eat it and enjoy it! But I don't indulge all the time, and I make it worth it when I do.

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The issue was, I did little physical activity during my pregnancy, and it was hard to get back into it after giving birth. So once I committed to getting healthy, I began by just walking for weight loss. My goal was to make one change at a time and to maintain it for set period. I knew that if I changed too much at one time, the stress and pressure to maintain it all would be overwhelming.

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So I started by walking three times a week and had a goal to maintain that for one month. By the end of the month I had added two additional days. From there I continued to add in body weight exercising and eventually shifted to weight training and running.

Now, I workout four or five times a week with a blend of running, HITT, and weightlifting. My workouts are about an hour long. On average, I burn about 600 calories.

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Starting with the fact that maintaining weight loss is a lifelong journey of staying healthy and not a sprint. It takes discipline and hard work. And once you've lost the weight, the journey continues with a mix of balance, lots of self-care, grace, and motivation.

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Plus, a change in mindset helps too. My tip? Focus on being strong and capable. When I shifted my mindset away from the scale and from being "skinny" to being strong and capable, my outlook on weight loss shifted from achieving a certain appearance to achieving something so much more. Every workout and every meal contributes to a greater sense of empowerment and confidence when the end goal is to feel strong and capable of any challenge you're faced with.

Eat to nourish your body 90 percent of the time and for pleasure 10 percent of the time. Try to move around most of the day and when you workout, work out as hard as you can. Know youre capable of so much more than you think, and you are worthy of feeling your best self. That may take some time and it may feel impossible at time, but trust me, its worth it!

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Original post:
I Tried Paleo And The Whole30 Diet And Lost 120 Pounds After My Pregnancy - Women's Health

Health Research reveals a stunning phenomenon: Normal-weight individuals who acquire weight usually acquire again to the previous Many ought to…

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

Although Increasingly, the public weight loss debate is recommending lifestyle changes aimed at weight management instead of miracle diets, with many still looking for quick solutions to their weight problems.

Especially for normal weight people, it is rarely worthwhile, says the recent Doctoral Research of the University of Helsinki.

According to it, weight loss companies of normal weight increase the risk of gaining weight in the long run. In an 11-year follow-up study, those who had reported losing weight at the start of the study in the previous year were more likely to gain weight than those who had not lost weight.

Weight loss during the previous year was also associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The risk of diabetes was highlighted in dieters with unhealthy lifestyles.

If dieting is implemented with unfavorable lifestyles, permanent weight management can be difficult, says the Master of Food Science Laura Sares-Jske.

Laura Sares-Jske. Picture: Marko Mkinen

In her dissertation, which will be reviewed on Thursday, she examined the link between dieting and several background factors, as well as the long-term link between obesity and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Sares-Jskes research is based on the nationally representative Health 2000 survey and the follow-up Health 2011 follow-up survey. The study sample included more than eight thousand respondents over the age of 30.

follow-up study initially, it was mapped who had tried to lose weight the previous year and how the weight of participants had changed over the past year.

Of the Sares-Jske data, 39 per cent of women and 24 per cent of men had tried to lose weight, and 15 per cent of all women and 10 per cent of men had succeeded.

Overall, it seemed that those of normal weight who have tried to lose weight gained more weight during the 11-year follow-up than those who had not tried to lose weight.

Obesity was reflected in both an increase in their body mass index and an increase in their waist circumference. A similar difference in weight gain between those who lost weight and those who did not lose weight was not observed in those who were obese according to their body mass index at the start of the study. Initially, weight gain during follow-up of obese dieters appeared to be the most moderate of the groups examined.

Women lose weight more often than men, even at normal weights.

The study foundthat women lose weight more often than men, even at normal weights. According to Sares-Jsken, it would appear that men do not lose weight until they have actually become overweight or have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis or other diseases.

Men may lose weight only when there is a reason, women do it on a lower threshold.

Weight loss was more common among the higher educated. Sares-Jske thinks that those with higher education may, on average, have better health knowledge and a stronger should lose weight mindset than those with less education.

Dieters had a weaker sense of life control and more health concerns than those who did not lose weight.

Sares-Jsken according to dieters in the survey section of the study reported on average healthier lifestyles than those who did not lose weight. Dieters, on the other hand, also had less favorable blood fat values, a weaker sense of life control, and more appearance and health concerns than those who did not lose weight.

In the study, 417 people developed type 2 diabetes during 15 years of registry follow-up. The risk of developing the disease was higher in those who had lost weight in the previous year compared to those who had not lost weight. The risk was particularly pronounced if the dieters lifestyle was unhealthy.

The subjects usual food and nutrition choices were determined by a validated diet questionnaire. Based on the data obtained, an index describing the healthiness of the diet was formed, according to which the subjects were divided into five groups.

Dieters in the unhealthy diet category had the highest risk of developing type 2 diabetes during follow-up. The results also showed an indicative increase in the risk of diabetes in dieters who moved or slept the least.

The bodys biological mechanisms work to prevent weight loss and promote weight gain.

Where from Could it be that dieters gain weight more than those who did not lose weight?

The bodys biological mechanisms tend to prevent weight loss and promote re-gaining weight, even above baseline.

At the population level, independent dieting may not work very long-term, and especially those on strict or very restrictive diets are often more prone to bursting, says Sares-Jske.

Previous studies have shown that often those who fail to lose weight tend to lose weight again and again, i.e. they can become so-called yo-yo dieters. Therefore, moderate weight loss based on a healthy lifestyle and aiming for permanent weight management is preferable to immediate courses.

Especially during fast weight loss regimens, there is a tendency to strike muscle tissue. If a dieter regains weight, the muscle mass lost through weight loss may be effectively replaced by adipose tissue. Therefore, to regain weight, the fat percentage may be higher than at the start of a weight loss regimen after the fat has replaced the lost muscle mass.

According to Sares-Jske, it is also possible that re-weighted dieters are initially at higher risk of gaining weight and becoming ill due to other factors, such as heredity. They may have sought to lose weight to combat the existing risk.

Instead of losing weight, you could take a weight-neutral approach to living a healthy life.

There was obesity whatever the underlying reason, Sares-Jske points out that living a particularly restrictive diet is very difficult to live long.

Few can live the rest of their lives that way, it requires an inhumanly strong character.

Normal-weight people should try to focus on adopting a healthy lifestyle instead of losing weight so that they remain at a normal weight in the future.

When you stick to a healthy, protein-rich diet and strength training with slow weight loss, your muscles dont lose that fast either.

Lifestyle changes dont always have to think about losing weight. Instead, one could take a weight-neutral approach aimed at living a healthy life.

When losing weight slowly and moderately, there is also room in the diet for occasional delicacies.

However, if there is a medical reason for dieting, it should be implemented with healthy lifestyle changes, ie investing in healthy health, increased exercise and adequate sleep, according to Sares-Jske. It would be essential to aim for permanent weight management.

Still, losing weight doesnt have to be boring and miserable. Sares-Jske emphasizes that when dieting slowly and moderately, there is room in the diet for ones own preferences and also for occasional delicacies.

Finding a lifestyle change, or preferably more, that also brings joy in addition to health benefits will also help in lifestyle change.

Original post:
Health Research reveals a stunning phenomenon: Normal-weight individuals who acquire weight usually acquire again to the previous Many ought to...

Is water fasting effective? Here are the benefits and side effects of this diet – PINKVILLA

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

Water fasting is a type of fast that restricts everything except water. Is it safe for you? Heres what you need to know.

If youre someone trying to lose weight, then you must have come across hundreds of diets. Of late, it seems impossible to keep tabs on the latest diet that come in and out every month. All these diets make it nearly impossible for a person to decide which one is healthy for them. Another diet you must have heard about is water fasting.

Water fasting is a popular diet in the fitness world. It is a type of fasting during which you cannot consume anything else besides water no coffee, no zero-calorie drinks, and no food. While water is an integral part of our lives and it is crucial to drink an optimum amount every day, is it okay to give up other foods?

What is water fasting?

It is a type of fast during which all foods and drinks except water are restricted. That means youre not allowed to have anything but water. According to Healthline, it typically lasts 24 to 72 hours and it should not last longer than this without medical supervision.

However, waster fasting is not endorsed by medical experts as it is linked to health diseases like chronic kidney disease, diabetes, eating disorders, heartburn, and more. Lets look at the health benefits first.

Health benefits of water fasting

1- Some studies have shown that water fasting may help you manage blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.

2- It may help reduce blood sugar levels. Research shows that fasting of any type may help to improve insulin sensitivity, which is the main factor in the development of type 2 diabetes.

3- It may promote autophagy a process in which old parts of your cells are broken down and recycled. This could help prevent the onset of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimers and cardiovascular disease.

Dangers of water fasting

1- Drinking only water means youre restricting the intake of some essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, et al. This can lead to a nutrient deficiency.

2- You may see some weight loss after water fasting. But thatd probably is water weight, not actual fat loss. Your body takes a few days before it actually starts burning stored fat so you might gain that weight back.

3- Your daily water intake includes water and the foods you eat. Not eating enough foods can make you feel dehydrated, symptoms of which may include dizziness, nausea, headaches, low blood pressure, etc.

4- You may experience a sudden drop in blood pressure, which is also known as orthostatic hypotension. You might feel dizzy or lightheaded when that happens.

5- People suffering from diabetes and eating disorder should refrain from this type of diet as it can aggravate the problem.

Note: Consult a doctor before incorporating this diet in your daily routine. The best way to lose weight is to eat a balanced diet and exercise.

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Original post:
Is water fasting effective? Here are the benefits and side effects of this diet - PINKVILLA

Juice detox diet: How to lose half a stone in a week – and keep it off – Express

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

For three to five days before a juice cleanse it is recommended to start eliminating certain foods like sugar, meat, dairy and alcohol to lower the risk of withdrawal symptoms.

Cutting these food groups out of your diet can also help improve your mood.

It is also advised to increase your fluid intake before the cleanse begins.

You can easily make your own juices at home and should be drinking around three a day, just like you would usually eat meals.

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Watermelon contains lots of water and is one fruit that has almost no calories in it at all. 100 grams of this juicy fruit contains just 30 calories which will help keep you hydrated.

It is also rich in something called amino acids which can help burn fat when consumed daily in your juice.

Cucumber is one of the best foods that has a high water content and many nutrients.

It is packed with fibre and when juiced, can be refreshing and keep you full for a long time.

It is recommended to stay clear of fruits that are high in sugars as this can actually cause weight gain and high blood sugar.

One great benefit from a juice cleanse is that your body will be getting all of the vitamins and nutrients that it needs.

Healthline says: If you struggle to eat enough fruits and vegetables each day, juicing is a convenient way to get a wide range of important nutrients.

One study showed that a group of overweight men lost 20lbs in just two weeks following a simple juice diet cleanse.

After your juice cleanse it is important to stick to whole foods like legumes and fruits and continue to avoid foods with added sugar or preservatives.

However it isnt recommended to stay on juice diets for a long period of time as they can have many side effects including headaches.

Your body also enters fasting mode for many hours of the day and you can end up putting all the weight back on when returning to normal eating.

Although if you only do a juice diet for around 3 days at a time then you should be able to keep the weight lost off.

You may see weight loss results quickly and are suitable for a quick fix, but long-term, a healthy balanced diet with exercise is recommended to lose weight.

Read the original here:
Juice detox diet: How to lose half a stone in a week - and keep it off - Express

This Is The Worst Thing To Order At Burger King If You Want To Lose WeightIts Over 1,000 Calories! – SheFinds

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

Burger King is known for its burgers, and the fast food chain is a great spot to stop if you want to indulge in a cheeseburger and fries. However, some of Burger Kings menu items are so bad for you, you might want to avoid them at all costs (even on a cheat day).

One burger in particular packs in the calories, saturated fat, and sodium, which could wreak havoc on your diet and lead to other more serious health problems if you arent careful (or order this on the regular).

With that in mind, keep reading for the worst thing to order at Burger King!

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According to Eat This, Not That!, the one Burger King menu item you should definitely steer clear of is the triple whopper with cheese. This burger has 1,220 calories, 82 g fat, and 1,470 mg sodium--all of which means trouble for your diet and your overall health.

If we compare these stats to your recommended daily intake, it becomes evident that you should never be ordering this burger. According to Healthline, the average woman should be eating 2,000 calories per day while the average man should be eating 2,500 calories per day. (Note, these numbers are to maintain your weight, weight loss would require a calorie deficit.)

That means that this burger would account for over half of your daily calorie intake for women, and a little less than half for men. Either way, it's a lot of calories to consume in one menu item.


The sodium in this burger is also an issue.Eat This explains, "The American Heart Association recommendsa healthy person should consumeno more than 2,300 milligrams a day of sodium, with hopes of moving toward an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 milligrams per day."

This burger will almost completely meet that 1,500 mg goal.


As for the 82 grams of fat in this burger (with 32 grams of saturated fat), this can also lead to issues.

According to Mayo Clinic, "[I]f you're following a 2,000-calorie-a-daydiet, your target range for totalfatis 44 to 78 grams aday. Of that, saturatedfat should make up no more than 22 grams."


Plus, these stats do not even factor in fries or a drink, which will put these numbers even higher, and could potentially lead to more problems.

With this in mind, avoiding this burger is a good idea--especially if you want to order a side of fried. Next time, if you want to indulge in a burger, try to stick to a single patty option and keep an eye on its nutrition facts.

Excerpt from:
This Is The Worst Thing To Order At Burger King If You Want To Lose WeightIts Over 1,000 Calories! - SheFinds

Combating Coronavirus Through Reversing Diabetes – PMLiVE

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

The Diabetes Reversal Company has developed a pioneering programme based on sustainable weight loss, evidence-based lifestyle change and one-to-one clinical support to reduce and reverse the effects of Type 2 diabetes.

The Diabetes Reversal Company has developed a pioneering programme based on weight loss, lifestyle change and one-to-one clinical support to reduce and reverse the effects of Type 2 diabetes, helping deliver the goals in the Governments newly published National Obesity Strategy.

The strategy aspires to help people lose weight to beat coronavirus and protect the NHS, which is particularly important for people with serious underlying health conditions like Type 2 diabetes who are more at risk. Obesity is a public health time bomb in the UK, over one in four (28.1%) of UK adults are obese, which increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 80%. The figures show that patients with diabetes make up a third of COVID related deaths in England, with Type 2 diabetes patients two times more likely at risk of dying in hospital.

The Diabetes Reversal Company has developed the worlds first GP led weight loss programme to improve and reverse the effects of Type 2 Diabetes and is accelerating its roll out through a pilot programme with London GP practices. This comes at a time when the Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said the NHS could save 100m over 5 years if everyone lost five pounds.

Company founder Dr Rabbani was inspired by the success of the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) to devise a lifestyle programme to help people improve their diabetes care. The three-phase programme of weight loss and lifestyle change has been created in collaboration with specialist NHS doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists, with app-based technology for ongoing monitoring.

Phase one involves fast evidence-based weight loss with an 800 calorie a day diet for eight to twelve weeks, using specially formulated total diet replacements in the form of shakes and soups developed by experts at the Diabetes Reversal Company. The second phase reintegrates healthier versions of the patients preferred foods back into their diet with the support of a qualified registered nutritionist. The final phase is based on the Diabetes Reversal Company's Golden 5 Plan focusing on nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management and environmental change to help patients stay healthier for longer.

This innovative work has already delivered proven results. Based on a study of 56 patients over eight to twelve weeks by a qualified nutritionist, patients experienced an average weight loss of 22.6 pounds (10.3 kg) which is over 10% of initial body weight lost and an average BMI decrease of -3.60.

Medical Director and company founder Dr Farhan Rabbani explains the importance on tackling Type 2 diabetes, he said:

The publication of the Governments National Obesity Strategy marks an important step forward in tackling the surge of Type 2 diabetes collectively as a nation. The causal link between the risk and severity of COVID-19 and obesity related conditions like Type 2 diabetes means tackling the two go hand in hand.

Our programme offers clinically led solutions that can deliver long term lasting change to peoples weight and feeling of well-being. We want to move away from traditional reliance on medication and start implementing more evidence-based lifestyle changes to help reduce and reverse the effects of Type 2 diabetes.

Read more from the original source:
Combating Coronavirus Through Reversing Diabetes - PMLiVE

How to boost your metabolism naturally: seven workout and diet tips from HIIT and better sleep to spicy food – T3 (US)

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

If youre aiming to boost your metabolism in order to lose weight and keep it off, exercise is definitely one of the best ways to do it, as well explain here. But there are other ways to speed up metabolism and lose weight in the process. Weve collected seven tips to help boost your metabolism and to kick-start your weightloss journey today. Although please note that while these ways to speed up your metabolism are easy to understand, they do require some effort to carry out.

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A slow metabolism can cause a lot of trouble over time but luckily, you don't have to put yourself through the horrors of intermittent fasting or the keto diet in order to boost metabolism although both those diets have been researched thoroughly and shown to aid weight loss, with the right application.

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An improved rate of metabolism can help you keep weight off, and generally turn you into a healthier and leaner individual. As usual, there's no instant fix to be had here, but being fit and having a faster metabolism quickly become a virtuous circle.

If you want to lose weight, you should consider applying some of the tips below to your daily routine. Who knows, they might help you lose belly fat sooner rather than later.

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Why should you try HIIT workouts? For one, it improves metabolism and burns calories long after you finished with your daily HIIT session, making you a fat-torching machine that's on 24/7. The best thing about HIIT workouts is that they can be done anywhere using any sort of equipment: you can do a full body HIIT workout in the park or even follow the ultimate HIIT workout that uses your bodyweight only (and a skipping rope).

You can also have a HIIT sessions on a treadmill, elliptical trainer or rowing machine but even if you haven't got the best home gym setup, you can do HIIT with cheap fitness equipment still available to buy online. Try to do HIIT workouts in the morning: research reveals what is the best time for exercising for weight loss.

Theragun Elite Percussion Massager | Buy it for 375 at TheragunTheragun deep tissue massagers have an ergonomic handle that lets you apply pressure to all areas of your body with ease. The Elite is also Bluetooth enabled, has an OLED screen and customisable speed range, with a 2 hour battery life. Trust me, if you're just taking up HIIT, you will be glad you bought one.View Deal

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Eating moderately spicy food has lots of benefits and including spicier dishes in your diet can help boost metabolism too. Capsaicin, the chemical that gives chilli peppers their 'hot' taste, is said to help burn more calories and reduce the risk of obesity too. As a 2017 research cites, "epidemiological data revealed that the consumption of foods containing capsaicin was associated with a lower prevalence of obesity" and "dietary red pepper can suppress energy intake and modify macronutrient intake through appetite and satiety regulation".

In another study about capsaicinoids, "it was observed that consumption of capsaicinoids increases energy expenditure by approximately 50 kcal/day, and that this would produce clinically significant levels of weight loss in 1-2 years."

What does this all mean? Spicy food will help regulate your food intake by making you less hungry ("satiety regulation") and it will also help you burn more calories without any exercise. Granted, not many calories, but applying this small change alongside all the other lifestyle tweaks, you can effectively supercharge your metabolism in a sustainable way.

However, don't try to overdo the heat by eating spicy food all the time. As they say, "the dose makes the poison", and eating too much hot food can have an adverse effect on your digestive system.

(Image credit: Puriton)

According to research cited by Healthline, "proteincauses the largest rise in TEF (thermic effect of food). It increases your metabolic rate by 1530%, compared to 510% for carbs and 03% for fats." As Healthline explains, the "thermic effect of food caused by the extra calories required to digest, absorb and process the nutrients in your meal."

Since digesting protein takes more effort from your body, by eating more of it you will basically work out using your metabolic system (we might be exaggerating here). Protein is also essential for muscle repair and recovery, so if you are actively working out, it is recommended to take between 1.6-2 grams of protein per body kilogram per day.

You should source protein from a variety of food stuff like lean meat, nuts, green veg and eggs. Supplementing protein is also popular among athletes: protein powder shakes are probably the most convenient way to get your protein fix on the go but you can also have protein bars or jerky as well as post workout snack.

Fitbit Ionic Fitness Smartwatch | On sale for 181 | Was 249.99 | You save 68.99 at AmazonThe Ionic is Fitbit's most competent fitness smartwatch, or at least the one that's aimed at people who have an active lifestyle. The Ionic has built-in GPS and storage for music, continuous heart rate tracking feature and is compatible with the Fitbit App (of course).View Deal

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As well as increasing your protein intake and reducing bad fats and carbs in your diet, you should also keep an eye out for a good balance of micronutrients, minerals and vitamins. as in the case protein, these micronutrients should be sourced from vegetables, fish, lean meat etc as the natural sources contain other beneficial substances as well, not just synthesised vitamins found in food supplements.

Probiotics can also help improve metabolism and maintain a healthy gut microbiome, essential for well-functioning digestion. In a research paper published in 2013, the researchers concluded that "Probiotics may restore the composition of the gut microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to gut microbial communities, resulting in amelioration or prevention of gut inflammation and other intestinal or systemic disease phenotypes."

B vitamins have also been said to improve metabolism as they play an essential role in metabolising macronutrients efficiently. Good sources of B vitamins include legumes, eggs, lean meat and bananas

Promixx MiiXR X7 Performance Blender | Buy it for 99.99 at AmazonFor the premium price tag, you get a sturdy base with a powerful motor (700w) that blends and shakes everything you add to the mix in seconds. This is a performance blender, after all, and the blades are rotating at an astonishing 20,000 times per minute. You also get two blade attachments, one for blending and the X-Blade for shake mixing as well as two dishwasher-safe Tritan bottles and two leak-proof lids.View Deal

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Everyone likes to sleep in every now and then and we are not suggesting you should wake up super early every day for no reason. Waking up and going to bed roughly at the same time can help your body build a routine which in turn will have a positive effect on your metabolism too. This is especially beneficial for people who otherwise like to hit the snooze button 20 times each morning until they can roll out of bed.

Instead on going cold turkey and wake up much earlier on day one, try moving the wake up time a little bit earlier each day/week until you reached the preferred wake up time. Once you used to the new wake up time, your body will wake up automatically, even without setting an alarm.

It's also beneficial to have food roughly at the same time throughout the day so your metabolic system is at the ready when the food is on its way. Food will be digested more efficiently and quicker too if you stick to an eating schedule. Again, no need to have breakfast 8AM on the dot every morning, but having it around that time will definitely improve metabolism.

Needless to say, eating healthier food stuff can also boost metabolism significantly: fibrous food and plenty of water is key to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Withings Sleep Analyzer | Buy it for 119.95 at AmazonIf the idea of wearing a wrist strap all night is unappealing, the Withings Sleep Analyzer is the best sleep tracker solution for you. You slip it under your mattress and plug it in, leaving it to do all the hard work while you sleep unencumbered. Thanks to that, it offers far more advanced sleep tracking than its competitors with an in-depth analysis of your sleep cycles, durations, and any interruptions.View Deal

(Image credit: Getty Images)

This technique may have a very complicated-sounding name Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis and a vaguely annoying acronym NEAT but it's actually very simple. NEAT means adjusting how you live your day-to-day life, in order to be more active. You know when exercise experts say, 'Take the stairs, not the lift' and you think, 'Oh yes, good idea,' but then you don't do it? Well NEAT is actually doing things like that.

Like a lot of great ways to get fit, NEAT is perfectly straightforward in principle, but it does require some effort on your part. However the great thing about NEAT for many people is that it specifically does not involve going to the gym or setting aside time for exercise. Although of course, it can also be used as one component of a healthy lifestyle, alongside gym, running, cycling, watching Joe Wicks, etc.

Learn about using NEAT to speed up your metabolism

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Caffeine found in coffee and teas can boost metabolism significantly. Not everyone reacts to caffeine the same way and it is also recommended not to drink too many cups of coffee/caffeinated beverages in a day. Green tea has a lower caffeine content so combining coffee and green tea consumption can have better results.

Drinking more water can also improve metabolism: combine increased water consumption with more fibrous food for the best results.

Read this article:
How to boost your metabolism naturally: seven workout and diet tips from HIIT and better sleep to spicy food - T3 (US)

Midnight Mania! Daniel Cormier before-and-after video reveals dramatic weight loss ahead of UFC 252 – MMA Mania

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

Welcome to Midnight Mania!

By all accounts, Daniel Cormier is working extremely hard to regain his Heavyweight title from Stipe Miocic on Saturday night (Aug. 15, 2020) at UFC 252 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The former double-champ has spoken repeatedly about his commitment and intensity to prove himself the better man, and were just a few days away from that contest.

Also by all accounts including his own! Cormier loves to eat. After all, this is the man who earned himself a Carls Jr. sponsorship after complaining that Derrick Lewis stole his Popeyes opportunity. As a result of such questionable food habits, its not uncommon for the 511 Heavyweight to balloon up in weight in the off-season.

As it turns out, such was the case after his loss to Miocic. Cormier posted the following video earlier today, giving a bit of behind-the-scenes info on his fitness.

Quick peek into my journey from April to now, Cormier wrote. I was on that big boy diet, but today I feel ready to go. It was tough but we got back into shape and ready to fight.

Admittedly, we didnt get side-by-side body comparisons, but the difference is clear. Cormier doesnt look healthy in the April flashback, let alone ready to fight for five rounds. Fast-forward to the modern day, and DC looks about as fit as hes ever been at as a Heavyweight.

For absolute top-tier analysis, look to Cormiers team mate Khabib Nurmagomedov, who replied to the post simply, My Fat Friend.

The feud between Yair Rodriguez and Zabit Magomedsharipov continues, but will it ever result in a fight?

I try not to judge tattoos, but ... if this bird is intentional, its hilarious. If not, its unfortunate.

The story behind Beneil Dariushs incredible spinning back fist knockout over Scott Holtzman (watch it!) is awesome.

Derrick Lewis bowel movements have been a recurring story throughout his career, which cannot be said for most athletes.

Happy Shark Week!

Since Michael Chandler just knocked out Benson Henderson (from Southpaw?!?), so perhaps hes a good man to listen to regarding building explosive power.

Punching through a kick works out well or terribly. There is rarely a middle ground.


Haraguchi pulled his weight backwards really well, creating a really strong lead hook.

If you dont find this funny or cute or at least vaguely interesting, kindly remove yourself from my column.

Midnight Music: Blood On The Tracks is fantastic as a whole, but Ill admit this track simply popped up while I had music on shuffle.

Sleep well Maniacs! More martial arts madness is always on the way.

Read more from the original source:
Midnight Mania! Daniel Cormier before-and-after video reveals dramatic weight loss ahead of UFC 252 - MMA Mania

Coconut Products Market Forecast to 2027 – COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis by Type ; Application ; Distribution Channel ; and Geography -…

Posted: August 11, 2020 at 3:42 pm

New York, Aug. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Coconut Products Market Forecast to 2027 - COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis by Type ; Application ; Distribution Channel ; and Geography" -

Coconuts are highly nutritious as they are high on fibers; vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5, and B6; and minerals such as sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and selenium. Coconut products, i.e., products extracted or derived from coconuts, improve cardiovascular health, promote blood sugar control, aid in weight loss, and boost brain function in Alzheimers disease. Coconut water boosts kidney health, provides a cardio-protective effect, offers rehydrating effect post-exercise, aids in maintaining blood pressure levels, and aids in diabetes management. Additionally, increase in demand for coconut products such as coconut milk, coconut water, and desiccated coconut in the food & beverages industry is one of the major factors driving the market. Food and beverage manufacturers worldwide have invested heavily in research and development to utilize coconut products to enhance the characteristics, taste, or nutritional value of their products. Consumers in developed countries are focused on fitness and health. Active and health-conscious consumers have shifted their preference toward natural alternatives to caffeinated and sugar-based energy drinks. Thus, the demand for coconut water as a natural energy drink is growing rapidly due to its nutritional properties, such as electrolytes and nutrients. Therefore, increasing health awareness, coupled with the advantages of coconut products, is driving the growth of the global coconut products market.

Based on type, global coconut products market is segmented into coconut cream, coconut milk, coconut water, coconut sugar, coconut oil, coconut grated/shredded, coconut desiccated, and others.The coconut oil segment accounted for the major share in 2018 and is expected to continue this supremacy in the coming years.

Coconut oil is a colorless and tasteless product, which is extracted from the kernel of mature coconuts.Based on extraction, it is divided into two types, unrefined and refined or virgin coconut oil.

According to the report published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), coconut oil has been reported to have positive impact on people suffering from Alzheimers disease as it reduces the cognitive deficiencies related to the disorder.Further, a study by the University of Cambridge revealed that coconut oil lessens the risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases.

Coconut oil increases the high-density lipoproteins (HDL), i.e., good cholesterol, levels, reducing the risk of heart diseases. Moreover, the fatty acids present in coconut oil facilitate burning of harmful body fats, thereby providing energy for brain and body functioning.

Geographically, the global coconut products market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and Middle East and Africa.The Asia Pacific contributed to the largest share in the global coconut products market in 2018.

This growth is primarily attributed to the wide utilization of coconut products such as coconut cream, coconut milk, coconut water, coconut sugar, coconut oil, and grated/shredded coconut, and desiccated in various regional cuisines and recipes.The growing production of coconut in Southeastern parts of Asia, along with the easy availability of coconuts as a raw material, further propels the growth of the market in Asia Pacific.

The Philippines, Indonesia, India, Thailand, and Malaysia, among others, are the leading producers of coconut and coconut products.Indonesia and the Philippines are the major global exporters of coconut products.

Additionally, Asia Pacific is leading the market in terms of consumption owing to the increasing demand for coconut products as an ingredient in the food & beverages industry. Also, the enhanced distribution systems, with the increasing demand for coconut chips, candy, biscuits, and barfi, among others, is another reason driving the growth of the coconut products market in this region.

COVID-19 outbreak first began in Wuhan (China) during December 2019 and since then it has spread at a fast pace across the world.As of March 2020, China, Italy, Iran, Spain, Republic of Korea, France, Germany, and the US are among the worst affected countries in terms confirmed cases and reported deaths.

According to the latest WHO figures, there are ~14,872,722 confirmed cases and 613,680 deaths globally.The COVID-19 outbreak has been affecting economies and industries in various countries due to lockdowns, travel bans, and business shutdowns.

The global food & beverage industry is one of the major industries that is facing serious disruptions such as supply chain breaks, technology events cancellations, and office shutdowns as a result of this outbreak.The lockdown of various plants and factories in leading regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America and Middle East and Africa is affecting the global supply chains and negatively impacting the manufacturing, delivery schedules, and sales of various goods.

Additionally, the global travel bans imposed by countries in Europe, Asia, and North America are affecting the business collaborations and partnership opportunities. All these factors are anticipated to affect the food & beverage industry, which is negatively impacting the growth of various markets related to this industry in the coming months.

Marico, PepsiCo Inc., The Coca-Cola Company, The Coconut Company, Nexpo Conversion, Danone S.A, Nestle S.A, Sambu Group, Thai Agri Food PLC, and Thai coconut are among the major players in the global coconut products market.

Overall size of the global coconut products market has been derived using primary and secondary sources.The research process begins with exhaustive secondary research using internal and external sources to obtain qualitative and quantitative information related to the global coconut products market.

Also, multiple primary interviews were conducted with industry participants and commentators in order to validate and analyze the data. The participants who take part in such a process include industry expert such as VPs, business development managers, market intelligence managers, national sales managers, and external consultants such as valuation experts, research analysts, and key opinion leaders specializing in the global coconut products market.Read the full report:

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Coconut Products Market Forecast to 2027 - COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis by Type ; Application ; Distribution Channel ; and Geography -...

UB study finds testosterone therapy can lead to remission in men with Type 2 diabetes – UB Now: News and views for UB faculty and staff – University…

Posted: August 10, 2020 at 7:48 pm

The findings from a recent study by a UB researcher and others could prove to be a game-changer for men with Type 2 diabetes.

The single-site study, conducted over 11 years in Bremerhaven, Germany, found that testosterone therapy reversed Type 2 diabetes in one-third of the study participants.

The occurrence of this syndrome is common, and with appropriate testosterone replacement, obesity insulin resistance and diabetes may be reversible, says Paresh Dandona, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Medicine in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB. He co-authored the study, titled Remission of type 2 diabetes following long-term treatment with injectable testosterone undecanoate in patients with hypogonadism and type 2 diabetes: 11-year data from a real-world registry study.

The prospective, registry-based study was published in June in the online journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. Dandona also presented the data at the Annual Mohan Diabetes Foundation Symposium in Chennai, India, on July 25, where he was given the organizations Lifetime Achievement Award.

Type 2 diabetes, also known as Type 2 diabetes mellitus, results from a combination of insulin resistance and insufficient production of insulin, causing high blood sugar. The condition is common, with more than 3 million new cases per year in the United States. Reduced testosterone concentrations are found in 33% of men with Type 2 diabetes.

The discovery of this syndrome of hypogonadism in Type 2 diabetes was made by Dandonas group at UB in 2004. This group then extended the prevalence of this syndrome to include 25% of non-diabetic obese men in 2010. Thus, diabetes and obesity became the main cause of male hypogonadism. The group went on to demonstrate that such patients have additional insulin resistance that reverses with testosterone treatment in 2016.

Testosterone deficiency, which is also called male hypogonadism, contributes to reduced response of insulin to glucose, increased insulin resistance and eventually the onset of Type 2 diabetes.

The objective of the researchers study was to determine if men with Type 2 diabetes who also exhibit hypogonadism, when treated with testosterone in addition to their regular diabetes treatment, would demonstrate improved glycemic control and insulin sensitivity, and possibly eventually experience remission of Type 2 diabetes.

The investigators observed 356 men in a single urology practice clinic over 11 years. All patients received standard diabetes treatment, which included mandatory educational courses and materials. In addition, 178 men with a mean age of 62 years received 1,000 milligrams of subcutaneously injected, slow-release testosterone every 12 weeks after an initial six-week interval. The 178 subjects, mean age 64 years, who opted out of the testosterone therapy served as the control group.

The researchers took numerous measurements, including height, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, hemoglobin, fasting glucose, HbA1c (the average amount of glucose in blood over a six- or 12-week period), insulin, heart rate, lipids, highly sensitive C-reactive protein and total testosterone, among others. They also assessed quality of life using the Aging Males Symptoms scale. Erectile function was also assessed, using the International Index of Erectile Function. Assessment of these clinical metrics was performed at least twice a year, and data over 11 years were analyzed.

The results showed that the men treated with testosterone had significant progressive and sustained reductions in their body weight, fasting glucose, HbA1c and fasting insulin over the treatment period, the authors wrote. In the control group, fasting glucose, HbA1c and fasting insulin increased.

One-third (34.3%) of men treated with testosterone saw remission of their diabetes; almost half (46.6%) achieved normal glucose regulation with antidiabetic treatment and a vast majority (83.1%) reached their target level of HbA1c.

Patients in the control group saw no remission of diabetes or reduction in glucose or HbA1c levels.

In addition, there were fewer deaths, myocardial infarctions, strokes and diabetic complications in the group treated with testosterone.

The research indicates that long-term treatment with testosterone is potentially a novel additional therapy for men with Type 2 diabetes and hypogonadism, the authors wrote.

The clinical significance of these results is further enhanced by the fact that one-third of men with Type 2 diabetes have hypogonadism. Hence, physicians encounter men with hypogonadism and diabetes very frequently. It is remarkable that while Type 2 diabetes mellitus leads to hypogonadism, treatment of hypogonadism results in remission of diabetes itself, the authors wrote.

Going forward, prospective randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm the data. One such trial is currently in progress.

Dandona is one of the worlds leading experts in the treatment of diabetes and vascular disease. He is also the ex-chief of endocrinology at UB and founder of the Diabetes and Endocrinology Center of Western New York, which is sponsored by the Jacobs School and Kaleida Heath. He sees patients at UBMD Internal Medicine.

Dandonas co-authors on the study include Karim Sultan Haider and Ahmad Haider, urologists in Bremerhaven, Germany; Farid Saad, a consultant to Medical Affairs Andrology at Bayer AG in Berlin; Gheorghe Doros from the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Boston University School of Public Health; Markolf Hanefeld from GWT-TU Dresden GmbH and Medizinische Klinik, Universittsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, in Dresden; Sandeep Dhindsa from the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Saint Louis University; and Abdulmaged Traish from the Department of Urology at the Boston University School of Medicine.

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UB study finds testosterone therapy can lead to remission in men with Type 2 diabetes - UB Now: News and views for UB faculty and staff - University...

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